Sunday, January 29, 2012

Did just the suggestion that he might give Sarah Palin a "major role" in his administration doom Newt Gingrich's chances of securing the GOP nomination? What do you think?

I found this little nugget included as one of the factors that might have caused Gingrich's campaign to lose steam.

Courtesy of he Huffington Post:

The Palin Factor. Some D.C.-based establishment types were preparing to reconcile themselves to former House Speaker Gingrich, if not outright endorse him, before or after the South Carolina primary last week. But according to one such insider, who asked not to be identified because of her prominent corporate lobbying role, Gingrich fatally said on Jan. 18 -- three days before the primary -- that he would offer former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a "major role in the next administration if I'm president." That one statement scared the accept-Newt, Republican-establishment types. "That sure did it for me, and I think for a lot of other people in town," the lobbyist said. 

There are a number of factors listed, and I am sure that many of them hurt Gingrich quite a bit as well. But as most of US well know, once you invite the devil into your campaign you can just NEVER get that smell of brimstone out of your clothes.

Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, that the Grizzled Mama touches ultimately turns to a steaming pile of moose nuggets. And by the way, she still has her hands all over his campaign.

Newt is an imperfect vessel for Tea Party support, but in South Carolina the Tea Party chose to get behind him instead of the old guard’s choice. In response, the GOP establishment voices denounced South Carolinian voters with the same vitriol we usually see from the left when they spew hatred at everyday Americans “bitterly clinging” to their faith and their Second Amendment rights. The Tea Party was once again told to sit down and shut up and listen to the “wisdom” of their betters. We were reminded of the litany of Tea Party endorsed candidates in 2010 who didn’t win. Well, here’s a little newsflash to the establishment: without the Tea Party there would have been no historic 2010 victory at all. 

Oh yeah, she's helping alright. Helping him to lose support even faster than he sheds ailing wives.


  1. Techgnome4:12 AM

    Someone should remind Newt what happened to the last guy who gave Palin a major role in his administration, and I'm not talking about John McCain, who didn't end up with an administration that could hand out political plums.

  2. Anonymous4:20 AM

    All I can say is "Let's hope so." This is also a grand opportunity to inform those who are still agnostic about all of Palin's shenanigans and get them to come to the light!

  3. Anonymous4:25 AM

    absolutely positively baby

  4. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Virtually ALL the senior Republican leadership and most of the Newt's former colleagues had already been dissin' the fool. After all, they've had first hand experience in dealing with his pompous ineptitude. Invoking Palin only sealed the deal.

    Best Gingrich observation so far: "He's what a stupid person thinks a smart person sounds like."

  5. Tom Joad4:40 AM

    1) Will someone tell Satah to lose the Wilma Flintstone necklace. It looks foolish and cheap.
    2) will someone fix her wig, it shifted halfway through her interview on Judge Pirro (or whatever that botox 'judge's name is)
    3)Sarah has been moved back in the line-up, weekends and the business channel.
    4)Backing Newt will prove to be a mistake for Gov Baldy, he can't win. So let's fast forward to the day after Super Tuesday. What relevance will Gov Dirty Wig have after Newt is toast. Yet again, she has painted herself into corner.

  6. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Well, that facebook piece wasn't written by Sarah, that's for sure. Too much clarity. I can believe it was endorsed by her!

  7. Anonymous4:48 AM

    And without that 'historic' novel populist 2010 Midterm election to make the Tea Party feel relevant, we wouldn't have a record of miserable, obdurate and abject failure of electing Joe-Six-Packs and Sarah Palin types in Congress.

    The Uppers and Betters, that's Sarah all over, sneering at people she judges to judge her, cause she is such a grasping ignoramus.

    She doesn't lift a finger to earn her million from Fox News as some sort of 'expert' on subject matters, just coasts by as she has throughout her 'decades' in politics.

    I'll say it again, I wouldn't trust that woman to volunteer to the car pool, and even that didn't work out well for Track's teammates.

    What a loser, and she can take that impudent Newt with her. Two losers with vastly different backgrounds uniting them, but their politics of personal destruction rings the same like Sarah's Paul Revere in the night. Thin skinned, stone-chucking, callous assholes.

  8. jadez4:52 AM

    palin the old ho doesnt support newt.
    she sees this as another opportunity to "pay back" the republican party for not supporting her enough.
    this womans dillusions should never be underestimated.

    but this is what she is, a destructive force around anything she touches because she is a negative energy out to destroy whatever she touches.
    everyone understands her insanity and thats why people run from her.

    fox must live with what they created and eventually she will be let go. i doubt anyone outside of poor greta wants palin on their show anyways.

  9. Anonymous4:59 AM

    I clicked the connection "hands all over his campaign" -- Sarah Palin wrote that. Is this the same SP who can't properly construct a sentence?

  10. Anonymous5:03 AM

    First Governor of the Moon?

  11. Anonymous5:04 AM

    This is the brightest thing from the GOP in ages. Don't forget, too, McCain has already made up his mind and gone against Sarah's "endorsement by association".

  12. Gryph,

    Found this interesting article, Guess who tops this guy's 'I don't give a s#!+' list?

    Re Sarah being on Newt's staff (why does that sound apropos?), don't they quit regularly? Heck, Sarah would be over-qualified for any job that requires quitting.

  13. nswfm5:11 AM

    It called into question Newt's sense and of course everything she touched turns to shit. Now everyone knows he's an ass. Plus, the Todd endorsement -- who cares what Todd thinks?

    KISS OF DEATH. Newt brought it all on his own self.

  14. SALLY in MI5:18 AM

    Her best reason for voting for Newt? She said to do it to "annoy a liberal." This is not a game, Snookie. This is not 8th grade snickering in the bathroom. This is America, and we refuse to let you and your loose cannon buddy ruin this nation. You had your turn, and you did a bangup job in Wasilla and your state...leave the rest of us alone! Or did you not understand the message of 2008? We don't like you, we don't trust you, and we will NEVER vote for you. So go away, and take your teabagging hate with you.

  15. I forced myself to watch the interview with Judge Pirro. The usual blah blah blah from Sarah. And the usual ugly hair. But what made me mad is that she has singled out cowboy poetry again as her straw man. Yes, the government does throw a few dollars at arts and humanities in this country, and I'm glad. Why Sarah hates cowboy poetry so much, as compared to, say, nude paintings, I don't know. I suspect it's because Harry Reid supports it (his state is where the cowboy poetry festival is held) and Harry is a Mormon. Back door backstabbing. Mostly it's just because she's a stupid ass. Remember the fruit flies?

  16. It's going to be a long year. At least January is almost over.

  17. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I have seen this info on several sites - so it is getting out there and hopefully she has read it by now. Yes, of course, it doomed him. I knew that when he opened his mouth and offered her a major role. He prides himself in his intelligence - yeah right.
    Palin can color this any way she wants and she can blame anyone she wants - but it is she the establishment does not want. Yes, Sarah the establishment. You will always be a little with your nose pressed against a window looking in.
    Pat Padrnos

  18. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Just watch her last two interviews on Fox....with a friend like that, Newt should be running for cover, if there's anything big enough to hide behind.
    Sarah will rail about "the elites, the GOP establishment, the MSM, the lamestream media, the so-called polls" all she wants to, but reality is reality.
    Newt's got $17 million of the Adelsons' money behind him and he's still sinking.
    True or not, here's a story from the '90s: Newt to Bob Dole: "Why do people take such an instant dislike to me."
    Dole: "It saves them time."

  19. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."
    - Frank Leahy

  20. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."
    - Frank Leahy

  21. Anonymous5:34 AM

    "There was a stark gender gap between Romney and Gingrich. Women said they preferred Romney by 47-26 percent over Gingrich"

    It seems a large majority of women don't agree with Mrs Palin. Most women saw right through her the first time she read that prepared speech on stage at the convention.

    She sure isn't helping ol' Newt.


    I still think she will enter the race. She will not win, but she has nothing to lose now. If Gingrich loses the Florida and the next primary, she will do it as a symbolic gesture against the 'establishment'. She will gain the support she has lost.

    Or, if newt wins the next couple of primaries, I think she will be his VP candidate. He is strong enough to control her. He thinks!!!! It will give him the Evangelical votes.

  23. AJ Billings5:42 AM

    Newt showed his true colors by pandering shamelessly to the Wicked Witch of Wasilla.

    Any rational person aspiring to high office must know that savagely ignorant and narcissistic assholes like Palin, Allen West, and Joe Walsh are the kiss of death to any success.

    Sarah, your appearance lately as a haggard crone on TV is nothing short of karma biting you in the ass.

  24. Anonymous5:42 AM

    That item was my favorite development of all of last week. Priceless. I only wish someone would say it to her face.

  25. Technically, Newt's claim that he will give Sarah a major role in his administration, may be what is preventing Sarah from announcing an official endorsement of Newt...

    TITLE 18 of the United States Code> PART I > CHAPTER 29 > § 599
    § 599. Promise of appointment by candidate

    Whoever, being a candidate, directly or indirectly promises or pledges the appointment, or the use of his influence or support for the appointment of any person to any public or private position or employment, for the purpose of procuring support in his candidacy shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

    Good job, Newt! What a bunch of idiots!!

  26. Anonymous6:02 AM

    ...and $aint $arah's BFF in SC, Queen Nicki (Haley) happened to endorsed Mittens with open arms. The SC TP Governor, Haley, must have not gotten the memo from thee old enlightened one and went rogue on her mentor! Miss Irrelevant of Alaska isn't good at arm chair quarterbacking either.

  27. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Oh the Peebots are NOT happy today. They think that Judge Jeannie was disrespectful and mocking of Sarah and they are throwing fits over it. How DARE the Judge cut her off, mock their skanky queen! LOL! They are just fit to be tied and hissy fitting themselves all over the place.

  28. I think he was lying, I'm sure he's too smart to actually do that, but it hurt him anyway.

    It was pandering to her supporters; Gingrich famously shoots from the lip. Then he has to go back and clean it up.

    He doesn't seem to learn self control...

  29. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Another awful photo of her w/a horrid wig! She was one of kisses of death to Gingrich! Figured it would be so as soon as Toad endorsed him and she 'kinda' did! She's an idiot as has been proven time and time again throughout the past years. Her mouth needs to be sewn shut or she should be escorted on a long hike into the mountains of Alaska never to be heard from again.

  30. Anonymous6:09 AM

    The shine on Sarah Palin's star appears to be fading. Does this mean that the politician turned celebrity author is losing her voice as a champion of a fading conservative movement?

    Three networks have rejected a pitch by Sarah Palin for a new show featuring her husband Todd and his snowmobile adventures.

    ...However, no matter how much shock and awe rhetoric Palin has tried to interject into the 2012 presidential race, the media has turned their sights away from the former beauty queen and taken a piece of Palin's celebrity with it.

    Perhaps Palin's brand of conservatism is no longer striking a cord with the fringe and the Tea Party is on its way out. Since taking more than 60 seats in 2008 and giving the GOP a majority in the House, Congress has earned one of the worst approval ratings in history.

    The Sarah Palin wave may also be sinking because of a loss of credibility. Many of Palin's fiery claims have proven to be false. The most well known may be Palin's insistence during the 2009 health care reform debate, that the Obama Administration legislation included "death panels," as a form or rationing. Facts in the New York Times revealed nothing could be farther from the truth.

    The rise and fall of the Sarah Palin star may be a sign of the times. With so many of the country's problems unresolved under the republican rule in congress, what sounded like a good idea three years ago, has not turned out to be what many voters expected when they gave the nod to the Tea Party.

    Why watch a TV show about the husband of a woman who personifies a tarnished political platform?

    When all is said and done, Sarah Palin's best claim to fame may be the Tina Fey portrayal of her on Saturday Night Live. If Fey revived the character, Palin might have a better chance of selling her new TV show. SNL may not carry the weight of polling data, but it does fire-up a news cycle for politicians they are worthy of the attention.

    For die hard Palin fans, there will always be her books and YouTube. For the rest, Palin may just be another celebrity the public has lost interest in.

  31. Anonymous6:13 AM

    This is quintessential Newt Gingrich — thin-skinned, self-absorbed, destructive and, yes, “petty.” He excels in converting his own missteps into tales of martyrdom. All of this has manifested itself in the campaign in big ways and small.

    ...When Gingrich experiences the normal rough and tumble of a campaign, Sarah Palin (another perpetual mainstream media exploiter) claims that the attacks are “Stalinesque.” From her house she might see Russia, but her understanding of Stalin is nonexistent; Stalin, of course, prevented free elections and the robust expression of free speech.

    ...So, you see that nothing about Gingrich is new at all. He remains the same erratic and undisciplined character he has always been, employing exaggerated outrage and baseless accusations to distract from his own failures (e.g., a truly rotten debate performance) and flaws (e.g., opportunism on a grand scale).

  32. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Even Sarah's Facebook comments on her "Cannibal" post are running heavily against Newt, calling him a "sleaze."
    But at least she still has loyal loonies like this one:

    --Sharon "Unbelievable how RUDE that Judge Jenine was last night to Governor Palin - her shuffling papers, rolling her eyes and cutting the governor off was sickeningly disrespectful. I've just about had it with Fox news and their Elitest attitudes (execptions of Hannity and Greta) I'll never watch that show again, that's for sure. My husband said "that womans plastic cake face makes me sick anyway""

    Unclear to which cake face the hubby was referring to...but darn that mean old lamestream Fox News!

  33. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I'll tell you one thing! Judge Pirro sure has her figured out and, when she's called on it, does she ever flinch. She's as transparent as the day is long.

    Thin-skinned much, Queenie? Told you the big fly swatter's out and ready!

  34. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Newt Gingrich only wants the free exposure on national television that the debates give him. That kind of publicity is horribly expensive so Newt is getting all the free air time he can get. Newt knows he'll never get the nomination, and he could care less.

    Palin is being used by Gringrich. She's a sucker for old men that make her feel sexy and loved. She'll never learn.

  35. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Potentially frightening as these are in the wrong hands, the prospect of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as a possible Secretary of Energy in a Republican administration scares me the most.

    The Department of Energy is responsible, among other things, for the country's nuclear weapons program, the Navy's nuclear reactor production and radioactive waste disposal.

    Newt Gingrich has said that he would like Sarah Palin to be part of his administration, suggesting Secretary of Energy.

  36. Anonymous6:48 AM

    She's trying to shore up his Tea Party support, and position herself as a kingmaker. And I hope she's successful. She's right in stating that the old-school establishment Republicans have it in for Newt, and are trying to give the nomination to Romney. They despise the Tea Party and have used them in a cynical, strictly utilitarian way. It's come back to bite them. She's wrong, however, to think that the Republican party/ticket would be stronger as a Tea Party party/ticket.

    I doubt Newt can win the nomination, but I hope he can at least continue to cause damage. There's still a chance he might win Florida, or at least come in strong there. By the time of the convention, I hope for both Newt and Romney to be thoroughly bloodied. And, in the long run, it might be better for Newt to be their candidate. They would go down in flames, losing the House, and possibly many governorships and state legislations. The Tea Party would be thoroughly discredited, and maybe the Republicans can return to a reality. The current state of the GOP makes me sad and scared.

    Oh, and that Facebook posting made me laugh. No way was it written by a woman who speaks the way she does! Especially obvious after her recent problem with "subscribe" vs. "ascribe"! She is an idiot, but she's also a cunning bitch looking for a position from which to continue her exploitation.

  37. Anonymous6:54 AM

    He'll never be fool enough to give her anything more than a platform from which she can spout her points of view. NO real power or authority.

    Of course, he'll never get the nomination, and Sarah, as a consolation prize, will receive a nice Tiffany pin for her efforts. Maybe in the form of her favorite "North Star." But not a big pin, mind you. Just a little bling, to say thank you.

  38. Anonymous6:57 AM

  39. Smirnonn7:00 AM

    Oh, yeah. He's toast. The "black widow" strikes again :)

    I love this quote from earlier today:

    Anonymous said...
    "Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."
    - Frank Leahy

    5:31 AM

    That's both gingrich and paylump in a nutshell.

  40. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Newt is seriously tanking in Florida, so Sarah's gonna be spitting' nails pretty soon:

    Florida GOP Primary: Romney 44%, Gingrich 28%

  41. Anonymous7:07 AM

    What's amazing is how her loyal bots fall in line, swearing their devotion to Newt, calling him a real American, a patriot, the only one (since Sarah, won't run) who can save us. "Who cares about his past? The ethics violations were unfounded and fueled by his enemies to destroy him. And now they are attacking hus family" (sound familiar?)

    When a Palin supporter dares to suggest he is morally bankrupt, the others come down on the infidel like a hammer.

    They are literally begging her to endorse Newt in Florida. I'm sure she is getting off on her power over them and her own delusions of being a king maker. What must it be like in that diseased brain of her? (shudder)

  42. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Why won't Sarah Palin endorse Newt Gingrich?

    She's pleased as punch that Cain endorsed Gingrich, and she has asked voters to vote for him, but she won't come out and endorse him herself.

    Does she think that once she endorses Newt Gingrich, she will be let go by Fox News?

  43. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I enjoy watching Palin getting pwned every time she opens her mouth to speak lately. Just desserts.

  44. laprofesora7:13 AM

    To answer your question, "Hell yeah!"

  45. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Most of the C for P people are convinced Sarah will jump into the race to save the day- if Newt loses Florida. The delusional are claiming that they will even quit their jobs to be in Sarahs army. Apparently Sarah compared Mitt to Stalin. The pee- ers think he is worse than Obama

    So will she eventually endorse Mitt over Obama, endorse no one or jump into the race?

    Poor gal is pulling out all the stops (and wigs) to try to be relavent in this election. It's fun to watch her try to destroy the GOP.

  46. Anonymous7:24 AM

    The only position Newt would give Sarah is under the Oval Office desk White House intern.

  47. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Notice how her eyes are getting bigger and bigger? That's a sign of haggardness and ill health. One has to wonder just how medicated she is.

    Extreme narcissism when no one wants or cares about you. It's a killer.

  48. Smirnonn7:28 AM

    Just suffered through the Pirro "2 wonky eyed contards" interview. Serror said, "Rage against the machine, annoy a liberal. Vote gingrich."

    First of all, If the wig is at all referring to the band "Rage Against the Machine," she'd better check out what the band stands for. Just go their site. On the homepage there's a poem dedicated to the occupy movement. And, I have no doubt that guitarist Tom Morello would have serious reservations about his band's name being co-opted by a has-been political hack.

    Also, "annoy a liberal, vote gingrich??" WTFF?? That is such a ridiculously childish sentiment. Kinda similar to "annoy your racist family, fuck a black man??"

  49. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I think Newt is craftier than he appears. I don't think he has any real interest in the nomination or the Presidency - he just wants to re-establish controversy, re-new national attention, thus recharge interest in him as a speaker, long after the primaries are done. He was the one who famously said (and supposedly advised Palin) "You can make more money pretending to run for the Presidency. . ."

    It wouldn't surprise me, either, if there wasn't some sort of quid pro quo going on here between Newt and Palin - he knows she would be an albatross, he has trashed her in the past. This is just a way to jack up their speaking fees, book sales and increase the flow of money into their "leadership" PAC coffers.

    Tim Crawford, treasurer of SarahPAC, and Newt go back a long way - to the early 90s. Little Timmy Crawford was Newt's treasurer of the Gingrich Monday Morning PAC. The one that Jack Abramoff was infamously part of.

    Newt won't make it to the finish line. He'll quit or "be persuaded" by the GOP Mafia to step down. After which he will laugh all the way to the bank.


  50. The Pirro interview was entertaining, especially the ending, but Palin was seriously hilarious in the Sullivan interview.

  51. Anonymous7:33 AM

    On the basis of how it turned out for McCain's election I decided Newt is weak in the decision making department.

    Granted Palin can deliver a speech written by someone else dynamicly, spew fear and made up facts ginning up controversey, she quit her job as governor for fame fortune as a celebrity. She can whip people into frothing anger but in the long run is divisive and destructive.

    What has Palin accomplished, manifested or changed for the better? Certainly not her reputation nor even Paul Revere's nor even public education about DS.

    The abstinence only gig was epic fail when another offspring ends up preggars. True, they have accumulated alot of money which evidently was the Palin family mission.

    Overall people recognized Palin must have slept through evem elementary school. Kudos for their monetary gains but money does not even buy taste in wigs.

  52. Anonymous7:34 AM

    She gets stupider and uglier ever time I see her - and she reeks of desperation.

    It's hard out here for a pimp...which is pretty much what Sarah is doing for Newt Gingrich. Wow! She and Todd now have the same job description.

    Karma baby karma.

  53. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Palin and the teabaggers do have a point: they've been had by the unholy alliance between bankers and preachers who don't give a damn about the average hillbilly.

  54. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I think Sarah wants Rove and the GOP "establishment" to pay her to shut up.

    She will keep being a rogue.. until she gets a few million.

    The grifter may just be shaking down the GOP

  55. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Gryphen...I'm dying to hear what you think about the Pirro interview.

  56. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Newt and Sarah have something in common. They are both angry that the Republican Establishment disowned them. Sarah still feels that if the Republicans had worked harder for her, she would have won. She still can't admit that her own poor performance is what helped sink her.

    Newt was kicked out of Congress in disgrace and had to pay a $300,000. fine. Members of his own party voted against him. They still remember how difficult he was to work with. Newt must blame them in the same way that Sarah does.

    Fox's role in all of this is to keep the feuding alive. If it's a done deal and Romney wins, TV will be boring. They thrive on controversy, and they are happy to let Sarah run out her contract because when she spits out that word salad, they still do get ratings. The people who have to feed Sarah the set up questions have gotten tired of the charade. Pirro showed her impatience with Palin not answering the questions and sticking to the Fox talking points. That Sarah is always a rogue; she is her own worst enemy.

    As long as Newt stays in the race, there will be debates with Romney. The TV networks love that. The Republican Establishment already knows which candidate has the best chance against Obama. They may not be happy with Romney. But, the very thought of Sarah jumping into the race will spell sure fire disaster. Sarah is good for ratings, and she brings along the extreme fringe, the Tea Party, so Fox has to keep her on the air to keep those voters in the fold. They really have made a pact with the Devil.

  57. o/t: cbs and Bob Schieffer this AM:

    Interview with Newt Gingrich that is LAUGH OUT LOUD, ridiculous.

    At one point, Newt actually said that he KNEW that mitt was lying re: one of his big applause lines,

    and Gingrich ACTUALLY SAYS to Schieffer:

    "I didn't want to get into a big fight there (DURING the FLORIDA debate where Newt was getting SLAUGHTERED??). I wanted to give the voters time to sort out the facts".

    Oh, dear lord.

    and THEN, Schieffer has on...

    MICHELLE BACHMANN for her "brilliant" opinion. Ready?

    Schieffer to Bachmann:

    That's a serious charge, Newt is making vs. Romney. He's saying he has a serious character issue. Do you believe Romney has a character issue?

    MB: I'm not going to weigh in on veracity of such claims. That is between those two candidates.

    BS: Is it your opinion Romney has substantial character flaws?

    MB: I'm not going to weigh in. It has nothing to do with me.

    BS (agitated): So you won't give your opinion?

    MB: I'm for whover is our nominee. Whoever is the nominee, I'm for them.


    I had to shut it off there, I was yelling at the tv.

    I'm tempted to write CBS and ask them why in god's name they have such a ridiculous, vacuous waste of time on their show?

    I tend to eyeroll over the 75 yr. old, white, male Schieffer trying to serve as the "mainstream" media's answer to balanced tv.

    He's not sharp, he's not combative and he's not interesting. He NEVER nails anyone's ass to the wall cuz it's like he feels he's hosting them at his house and doesn't want to offend them so they'll return.

    Dude, you're not Oprah. You're "supposed" to be a political pundit.

    I feel the same about George Stephenopoulosudlss.

    Dude- you can't serve time on a morning show discussing the freaking KARDASHIANS AS IF THEY WERE REAL NEWS and then expect me to take you seriously when you interview the President?

    Your political clout flew out the window when you signed on with Good Morning America, buddy!


    Phew! Rant over... ;)

    I'm gonna go get me a Mimosa!

    Happy Sunday Morning, y'all!

  58. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Newt doesn't want to win.

  59. Thanks Anon 6:03 for the link to Judge Jeanine and Sarah Palin. That has to be the first time I have actually enjoyed an interview on Fox. In fact, I think I like Judge Jeanine very much.

  60. Anonymous8:01 AM

    John Boehner Gets Choked Up Talking About Gabrielle Giffords' Resignation (VIDEO)

  61. quills8:05 AM

    Oh yes, I wrote a couple of days ago:
    Tonight on MSNBC I heard that not only are the establishment suits angling for Newt, but also too, more so since he revealed that SP would play an important role in his administration. Sorry Sarah, they're just not that into you. (either)

    6:01 PM

  62. Anonymous8:06 AM

    She will still remain in the political primary mix for another month , regardless of how Newt fairs next week. Remember she is the caboose of the CPAC train on Feb. 11.

  63. Anonymous8:27 AM

    She and Gingrich have such over inflated egos and grandiose verbosity, they should write a book together from a colony on the moon!

  64. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The poor Idiot Queen, Sarah.
    Isn't it kind of obvious from her recent interviews?

    I believe she is ramping back up into a manic phase. Just Newt's statement that she might still be in the game...dangled that carrot...and now she is re-energized by the idea that her grift might continue.

    Cue manic highs and would actually be very sad, if there were not a bunch of mindless bots doing things like praying and fasting in response to her absolute nonsense monologues.


  65. Anonymous8:31 AM

    O/T This guy is such a damn bully. He can dream abut impeachment, but it ain't gonna happen, as much as they like to fantasize about it.

    Norquist: Republicans Will Impeach Obama If He Doesn’t Extend Bush Tax Cuts

    Anti-tax activist Grover Norquist has long held a tight grip on the marionette strings of the GOP. Wielding undue influence as the head of the Americans for Tax Reform, Norquist ensures that Republican lawmakers sign his anti-tax pledge and threatens them with electoral defeat should they even think of deviating from it. Norquist has marked a successful few years, killing the deficit super committee agreement, batting down a tax increase on millionaires, and, of course, ensuring the extension of the Bush tax cuts.

    Pleased with his headway, Norquist is now mapping out how he can ensure further anti-tax victories by securing Republican majorities. In an interview with the National Journal, he mused that a GOP mandate would obviously enact an extension of the Bush tax cuts, work to maintain a repatriation holiday for corporate profits, and even pass House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) plan that jeopardizes Medicare. But when asked what Republicans should do if faced with a Democratic majority that won’t keep the tax cuts, Norquist had a simple answer: “impeach” Obama.

    NJ: What if the Democrats still have control? What’s your scenario then?

    NORQUIST: Obama can sit there and let all the tax [cuts] lapse, and then the Republicans will have enough votes in the Senate in 2014 to impeach. The last year, he’s gone into this huddle where he does everything by executive order. He’s made no effort to work with Congress.

    Norquist certainly revels in his power, but suggesting Republicans impeach the president over tax cuts is wildly outlandish. According to the constitution, the president, vice president, or public officials can only be impeached for “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Preserving a tax cut that gives more to the top 1 percent than the average income of the 99 percent hardly qualifies. But if Norquist’s only goal is to “crush the other team,” it seems he’ll stop at nothing to do so.

  66. Anonymous8:35 AM

    6:28..Hell yea that scares the shit out of me, I live near the Hanford clean up and the NW Nuclear power plant...Having that idiot in charge of that should scare the hell out of the whole country! Who ever would put her in charge of anything nuclear should be put in a straight jacket and have their head examined!

  67. Anonymous8:45 AM

    While President Obama and America leads the way into the twenty-first century, Newt and Sarah are struggling to keep up with the twentieth century.

    A colony on the moon is not feasible.

    There is no water on the moon.

  68. Hee. I know it's wrong, but for one brief shining moment (h/t The Right Stuff) the first sentence of Palin's Wikipedia entry says:

    "Sarah Louise Heath Palin is an American politician, commentator and retard."

  69. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Gingrich definitely lost my vote for even thinking about giving Tundra Turd a position.

    Dumbass didn't learn from McCain's mistake!

  70. Dinty9:01 AM

    He wasn't going to get the nomination anyway. Her input on his candidacy had little effect, as did Newt's talk of giving her a place in an administration that would never be.

  71. Anonymous9:01 AM

    If Newt's truthfulness, or more precisely his lack of it, had come into play before the South Carolina GOP primary, I suspect that the outcome would have been different and Romney would have won. But the facts weren't available, and Gingrich won by a wide margin.

    Unless something unusual happens before Floridians go to the polls on Tuesday, it looks as though Gingrich will lose handily. Interestingly, the same debate performance that gave Gingrich a South Carolina victory will most likely cost him a Florida win. Although GOP voters admire Newt's ability to speak quickly and authoritatively on just about any subject under the sun, they now wonder if he is prone to make things up when he thinks the need arises.

    The most important lesson that GOP candidates can learn from the Gingrich freefall is that honesty counts. Newt Gingrich wasn't honest, and it will probably cost him the Florida primary and the GOP nomination.

  72. Anonymous9:04 AM

    First Governor of the Moon?
    How horrible!! What has the moon ever done to us t deserve THAT?

  73. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Here'e how it works, folks: Others who endorse, see Haley,Nikki or Christie, Chris, have governorships they didn't QUIT, so they aren't selling their endorsements or paying gigs.

    What employment skills does $carah have?

    Critical thinking skills? ROFL
    Eloquence? ROFL
    Beauty? fading fast
    Consensus builder? just the opposite, she's a flame throwing divider.
    Executive? Didn't she have to hire someone to do the actual WORK of running tiny Wasilla?

    Somehow, besides the GOP, I don't think snarking and dissing and wordsalading are actually what employers are seeking.

    $carah, you might want to practice "like some fries with that?"

  74. What was Fig Newton smoking when he came up with the wonderful idea to offer Baldy "a place in his administration"!! First the fat fart doesn't have an "administration"...and the fact that Baldy thinks that Fig has a chance shows how truly INSANE she really is...but then we already know that!

    Hey...maybe Fig does plan on sending Baldy to the Moon as the First Gov and the Toad as the First Dude of the moon!

    Lord, can you imagine what their Space station will look like? A bunch of broke down moon cars with piles of alien bones (thanks Chuck!) piled high in the front!

    Now watching Baldy on Judge "Help!-My-face-doesn't-move-even-when-I-talk" Pirro was a RIOT!
    I see Baldy was wearing a wig that she thought looked like the Judge's but instead she ended up getting her wig from the Mary Tyler Moore collection!

    I thought she was going to break out singing...ala...President Obama....♪ "You're going to make it after ALLLLLLLLLLLL!

    I feel bad for Judge many angry emails and phone calls did she get from Baldy's crazy fans! The Asylum was in such a snit last of them showed up last night in the Gov "Burntface" thread and sharted out so much nonsense in a short period of time it just had to be Baldy losing her marbles over getting dissed by the older Judge (her betters!) who looks 20 years YOUNGER than Baldy! LOL!!

    I suspect Baldy will "NO LONGER BE AVAILABLE" to go on the Judge's show since she wasn't shown the "proper deference" *SNORT*

    Judge Jeanine was tired of having a headache after interviewing's hard listening to the babble and trying to make sense of what the fool is saying...that's why the Judge had those pauses after Baldy would answer a question...her Baldy translator had to tell her wtf Baldy was saying!

    But of course at the end when the Judge was actually LAUGHING and the camera showed her doing it was hilarious...and when the Judge cut her off literally in mid sentence...and said..."okay, well we have a hard break coming up Governor" and Baldy's mouth damn near disappeared into her face!

    Now that is a face of a toddler who was swatted on the butt and told to "sit down and STFU!!


    One final thing...WTF was that shit piled up in the background?? I saw weeds, and I thought I saw a flag...but not sure...the mess is so damn distracting! At least she turned down the "flames of hell" to a reasonable level.

    Baldy has an agenda to keep Fig Newton going...I'm not sure if it's because she wants to be his VP...this fool thinks she's going to be President! Fig Newton should be VERY AFRAID....Baldy already THINKS she's President...according to the patients at "Crazies4Palin"...she's the "President in Exile"...yeah insane!

  75. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I think Judge Jeanine, by her questioning, was actually saying to Palin "Don't bull&hit me,lie, be evasive or I'll call you on it." She's dealt with criminals and Palin doesn't fool her.

    Does Palin really think she looks like she is working when she is always sitting by the fire? Or is this her pseudo Presidential " fireside chat?"
    Also, in another interview last week, she hung onto a sharpie. Do you think Fox told her to do that so she'd keep her hands/fists from flailing?

  76. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Her followers over on Facebook aren't too happy with her support of Newt and I guess Wilow isn;t on the job deleting themall. Where's RAM when you need her?

    This is a woman who rails against the establishment and the "DC Elites" then backs a complete Washington Insider. He was the establishment. WTF is she thinking? I don't get it. Either he's paid her off, promised her a position in his administration or she hopes he gets the nomination and everyone hates him so much that they beg her to run instead (won't happen). or maybe she secretly wants Obama to win so that she can keep her job as the official president attack dog. If Obama loses she'll have nothing to rail about.

    Granny Palin -

    Why don't you man-up and put on her wadded granny panties and just endorse Newt? What are you afraid of?

  77. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Looks like she's getting ready to fist Gingrich in that picture, which, I guess, she kind of has!

  78. lilly lily9:30 AM

    Newt has his 17 million dollars from the casino kingpin who has his Israeli agenda.

    So with Newt we will have a moonbase, after the Nuclear winter after the 3rd world war.

    What a maroon. This woman is so off the wall that she makes Newt seem normal.

  79. Anonymous9:38 AM

    It is stunning that this unethical, lying piece of shit, can, with a straight face, question anyone's character. He lies, he cheats, and exaggerates, he denies, and he rewrites history and he acts as if he's above it all.

    NEITHER one of them has the character to be president, they lie with ease, but it's headshakingly stunning that Newt would even make a statement like this when he has the kind of sordid history he does.

    Gingrich Questions If Romney Has The Character To Be President

  80. Anonymous9:44 AM

    She says that she has been involved in rough and tumble primaries and attacked by the establishment. Another delusion - it appeared that when she ran for mayor she was the person conducting the smear campaign and employed the same nasty attack methods in subsequent campaigns including 2008 when McCain had to reign her in as people were recoiling from her poison words. She believes McCain wouldn't 'vet' Obama? Vet does not mean inventing lies about a person's birthplace or accusations about palling around with terrorists.
    She typically accuses others of doing what she does.

  81. Anonymous10:18 AM

    If Palin was truly anti establishment and wanted someone who would radically change Washington, she would be supporting Ron Paul. But of course, she would never rage against the war machine. She isn't bothered about the the old guard establishment GOP's lack of support and marginalization of Ron Paul, the only contender who does want change.

  82. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Gingrich must be related to the captain of the cruise ship.

    Both those dumb bastards beached their ships!

  83. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Gingrich invoking Sarah is purely political but he's not in touch enough to realize that any votes he may garner from Palinistas are more than cancelled by votes lost.

    I remember worrying 4 years ago that the competition betweenn Hillary and President Obama would hurt the chances for either of them in the election but I now see that was just a matter of which good candidate was better and either would be great. The GOP doesn't have that luxury. All their candidates are clowns and they are wiping off the facades during the primaries so that their nominee will emerge in the fall already beaten by his own party.

  84. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Has there been any Willow spottings in Wasilla?

    Is Sarah hiding Willow because she is ashamed of her 2nd underage pregnant bitch?

  85. John Boehner Gets Choked Up Talking About Gabrielle Giffords' Resignation (VIDEO)

    Sorry but did you see that awkward-ass "hug" between Giffords and Boehner when she handed him the last bill?

    Boehner is scum.

  86. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Here's a column for you Gryph, Newt says, VOTE FOR ME because I'm old ad this is my last chance!
    Santorum Young Enough To Show Up In 2016
    ArletteSaenz @ ArletteSaenz : Newt on Santorum: He's not going to win in Florida...Next time around is a good battle cry...he’s young enough he can show back up.

  87. Anita Winecooler7:18 PM

    The Buffoon was all over the place thanking, among others, Pizza Man, The Wonk Eyed Special Needs Ex Governor, and her purse carrying husband, Todd.

    Newtie needs a reality check, The President is poised to trounce any of em, all of em in a head to head campaign. Of Course, Sarah's endorsement is the kiss of death, if she gets any closer, Calista will have her claws out sooner than word salad from the forked tongueed Sarah. That's one "Grizz match" I would pay to see. ;o)


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