Thursday, January 26, 2012

Elizabeth Warren makes one of the most genuinely heartfelt "It Gets Better" videos that I have ever seen.

Here is the text courtesy of Livewire:

I'm Elizabeth Warren. And you may be wondering what I have to you? After all, I haven't lived your life. But when I graduated from college, I was a schoolteacher. And I watched what happens in hallways, on sidewalks, out in the schoolyard. I watched kids who pushed, who bullied. I saw how much pain some kids could inflict on other kids. But you know what happens? It does get better. It gets better, because you're not alone. There are people who care about you, people who love you. Reach out, find friends. And if it feels too hard, call the Trevor Project — 866-4U-TREVOR. Because here's what you'll find: There are a lot of different people out there in this world, and a lot of people who celebrate those differences. That's what makes us strong, that's what makes us exciting. So hang in there — it gets better. 

You know I have seen a lot of these, and they're all very touching, but Warren's compassion seems so genuine here that it felt as if she were talking directly to me.  I cannot help but imagine how great it would feel to the children of Massachusetts to have their new Senator speaking to them with such kindness and understanding.

Warren in 2012!


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    She is one remarkable woman! If the people of Massachusetts fail to elect her to the Senate, then the people of Massachusetts are not very smart.

  2. Anonymous6:24 AM

    I love her, almost as much as I love Obama. Her compassion is what we so desperately need in this country.

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Contrast this intelligent, compassionate, servant leader with Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin. The contrast is startling.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    What a good woman she is. I am not surprised she is a Dem.

  5. Anonymous6:56 AM

    She is a wonderful good woman. The antithesis of Brewer and Palin.

  6. She is just awesome.

    I truly hope this helps some tortured kids find a lifeline they desperately need!

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    She is so genuine-- Warren accomplishes what Palin tried to do, that hate stopped her from doing.

  8. Anonymous7:16 AM

    THIS is the kind of woman I would be proud to see as the first woman President!

  9. Anonymous7:17 AM

    From what I've seen of and read about Elizabeth Warren, she's a rare gem. Even though I don't live in MA, I've contributed to her campaign because her presence in the Senate will benefit us all.

    6:24, I have a question for you. How can you love a president so much who failed to nominate Elizabeth Warren to lead the Consumer Protection Agency that SHE created?

    I'll sit back and await your excuses but the bottom line is, it demonstrated cowardice on several levels on Obama's part.

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I LOVE this woman! Who can't imagine her as the first female POTUS! And we know for sure we'd never hear her on national television or anywhere for that matter saying something as crude as "getting your panties in a wad". Pure class. See Sarah? That's actually how its done. I know its hard for you to understand but try.

  11. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Warren will be our first woman president.

    You heard it here first.

  12. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Elizabeth Warren is such a better person than Sarah Palin. People actually like Elizabeth. Sarah's own family hates her and makes fun of her. You figure it out.

  13. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Ms. Warren will get my vote. I will be working the polls on primary day, Tues., March 6, and hope the unenrolled* voters pick up a Democrat ballot and vote for Ms. Warren.

    *In Massachusetts we have an open primary. If you are a declared Republican or Democrat you cannot vote outside your party. Unenrolled (Independent) can ask for either ballot.

    Let's hope the voters in the Bay State turn out in record numbers for Elizabeth Warren!


  14. She'd have my vote for President, yes ma'am!

    OT I heard a Romney ad on NPR today, he actually said he has lived on MAIN STREET!

    OMFG how stooopid does he really think we all are?

    I read a headline earlier that stated he gifted his children
    $100 MILLION dollars and paid NO gift tax, anyone know if that's true?

  15. Randall6:26 PM

    Liz Warren is one smart, classy lady.

    Kind of... the anti-Sarah Palin, I guess.

  16. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

    I see a long career in politics ahead for this woman. She explains things in a way that everyone can understand, she's even keeled, smart and has all the qualities that would make a great President.

    This video is especially touching. She sincely relates to and cares for the people she speaks to, as someone else said, I hope some kid who needs to hear it, gets a lifeline from this video.

  17. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Elizabeth Warren is awesome - such a kind and compassionate person.

  18. Anonymous7:50 AM

    This is why, as a gay, 1st-time voter in MA, I will be voting for Obama and Warren come November


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