Thursday, January 05, 2012

Governor's office gets ANOTHER extension to further delay the release of Sarah Palin's e-mails. WTF?

"Okay look, I'm gonna give you the governorship. But you have to promise to never, and I mean NEVER, release those e-mails! Got it?"
Courtesy of ADN:

Alaska's attorney general has given the governor's office more time to release the last of Sarah Palin's emails from her time as governor. 

An extension, until at least Feb. 20, was requested by Randy Ruaro, deputy chief of staff to Gov. Sean Parnell, in October. Ruaro maintained that without an extension, responding to requests for the emails would "substantially impair" the other functions of the governor's office, as well as the ability to properly and thoroughly review the messages. 

Outgoing Attorney General John Burns, in a letter dated Tuesday and in one of his last acts in office, said the length of time that's already elapsed is "troubling" but alone doesn't show that an extension is unreasonable or unnecessary to avoid impairing other agency functions. 

"This is especially the case given that just six months earlier the governor's office released almost 25,000 pages of Governor Palin's pre-October 1, 2008 emails," he wrote. 

If future extensions are sought, beyond Feb. 20, Burns said, they must include details on the progress made in responding to the request and a schedule for and resources committed to fulfilling the response.

"If future extensions are sought?" I think at this point that is probably a given.

This is SO far beyond acceptable that it should now be blatantly obvious to EVERYONE that Parnell is purposefully trying to keep these e-mails out of the hands of reporters for as long as humanly possible.

I have little doubt that he is being reminded by "those who have much at risk" that if these e-mails are not carefully redacted, that not only will Palin be exposed as the criminal fraud that Alaskans know her to be, but that others, possibly even including important figures within the GOP, could suffer fairly serious blowback.

After all of this time any reasonable person HAS to assume that whatever is in those e-mails is something that neither Palin NOR those associated with her during the McCain campaign, and afterward, want to ever see the light of day.

Which if course is EXACTLY why they must.


  1. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Can I get another extension on the release of Trigs Birth Certificate?

    ...yeah, i thought so...

  2. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Is there something in the water up there? Honestly I've never seen anything like this before.

    Alaska don't you know the whole country's watching? Have some pride and stop letting the Palin's make fools of you! Jeesh!

  3. Anonymous2:54 AM

    It's OK Gryph. I watched the Pat Tilman Story over the holidays. The paperwork they were dealing with was also redacted, but agreeable probably NOT as heavily as Palin's emails. Anyway, they were able to fill in all the blanks.
    It' almost a moot point now. She is guilty of so much shit, it is quite obvious. But it will all be revealed, in god's time lol!!

  4. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Imagine all the screeching that would go on of President Obama did this? He is too intelligent to do what she did and conduct official business on a private e-mail account. Isn't it time for someone with an ethical bone in their body, to expose this fraud? This is now reflecting on Parnell, is he involved in the dirty business?

  5. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Why aren't people protesting this matter? Surely, this effort should have been contracted out to contractors who could have had this issues completed years ago. There must really be some good stuff in those emails.

  6. Anonymous3:46 AM

    What a waste of time and resources. After the last time, it's a no-brainer they're redacting that which will destroy her and others. There's plenty more to bring her down than these e-mails. Don't believe me, Queen Esther? Declare your candidacy. I DARE YOU. You'll be smacked down so hard and fast, you'll never get out of bed again and only have yourself to blame.

  7. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Again, your hypocrisy is astounding. You bitch for weeks about who Palin hired and appointed and supported, all the while refusing to address important, radical national appointment who are subsequently given national power.

    This is an Alaskan issue, for Alaskans. Sarah is no longer a national candidate. She's never been considered one by mainstream American, hence people's defense of her during the first email release.

    When are YOU all going to start questioning the right people? Palin is inconsequential and has not/will not make real waves. Without her throughout the last couple years, the country would still be in the same place, albeit less funny.

    You're giving this and her too much power, which Im sure she loves.

  8. Anonymous4:28 AM

    No wonder Sarah is so busy, she has to stay on top of keeping leaks plugged. I think that her contract with FOX has bought her time through this year before FOX will break any stories but once that's up and the election is over, their vested interest in her will be over and the time will be ripe for fresh stories. The clock is ticking.

  9. The voters of Alaska need to demand an updated computer system. They've been using the excuse of cost and manpower because of their extremely outdated system. Alaska has the money. Make them spend it. You Alaskans know there will be another asshole coming down the pike to run your state. You apparently breed them up there (don't jump on me. I lived there and my mother was born there and I have a ton of family there). If there's one thing a Palin governorship should have taught you, it is to plug the loopholes that block transparency. Fix it. Get off your asses and FIX IT.

  10. Anonymous4:38 AM


  11. Anonymous4:48 AM

    This just goes to show that our Executive staff are barely competent, and aren't the best and the brightest of Alaska's workforce.

    That's what happens when you appoint only your fellow parishioners and HS BFF's that barely graduated high school or dropped out after only one year of college.

    That's how visionary our Executive (and Legislative) branch is, only investing in Oil & Gas jobs and development rather than investing in other, diversified sectors.

  12. Anonymous4:49 AM

    We already know Captain Zero (Parnell) is useless, hey Rauro, we already know Palin is mean, crass and stupid. What are you guys protecting?

    The Executive is not an august body, it's a clown car.

  13. Anonymous4:52 AM

    She can't release the emails because they prove she did not give birth to Trig. Too bad no one in Alaska is brave enough to leak them.

  14. Smirnonn4:58 AM

    WTF indeed. The wig-ged skank has been living on borrowed time for years now. Funny thing is that the truth sometimes has a nasty habit of coming to the surface.

  15. telah5:07 AM

    Love how the event in this picture is dressy enough that the new governor is wearing a boutonniere but Todd has on his fleece. Idjits! Rednecks, also too.

  16. Did I hear that Mitt Romney "shredded" all his emails from when he left his goverorship?

  17. A J. BIllings5:14 AM

    It is a testament to the corruption in the Parnell administration that they continue to withhold emails that are in the public domain.

    On top of the redaction, who is looking into the multiple accounts that $arah and her minions kept on Yahoo and Google to avoid scrutiny?

    Having just seen Ziegler's "Media Malpractice" move, I am more convinced of Paylin's duplicity than ever.

    During the movie, Ziegler actually asks her about banning books at the Wasilla library.
    Palin lies about it without the silghtest trace, or with no facial "tells"

    He also asks her about praying ON CAMERA in her church and saying the Iraq war is "from God"

    She lies about that in the same breath, just dismissing it like she ran over someone's dog, and didn't stop.

    Jesse, we all take our hat off to you in your unceasing efforts to expose the lies, they crimes, and the hypocrisy that is Paylin.

    Ziegler's most recent blog entry blasts Paylin with a scathing takedown, and you can bet he's now on the "enemies" list.

    $ister $arah, you know damn well that one of these days, either your kids, Todd, or someone you trusted is going to blow the lid off of your lies, and you will have to sit down and shut up forever.

  18. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Is it just me or is Palin's face starting to look more and more like those lame rubber Halloween masks? It's like she is literally turning into a parody of herself (even more than she already was)

  19. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Exposing Palin's possibly criminal activities and her faked pregnancy is still very important. Palin is mentally unstable. McCain knew that. GOP staffers knew it. The media knew that. Yet she was permitted to run for Vice President along side an elderly person with a frightening record of ill health.

    Until the America voters are shown that they were deliberately misled in the Palin candidacy, there is the possibility that another major political party will commit similar treason.

    Palin was NOT vetted. It must not happen again.

  20. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Could Sarah Palin be stupid enough to have detailed in those e-mails where she acquired Trig?

    Hope so!

  21. Anonymous5:53 AM

    The GOP could be paying Parnell to delay release of emails and to make sure all incriminating evidence on Sarah is redacted.

    I also believe the GOP paid Levi, Mercede and her mom big money to never tell what they know about Sarah and Trig.

    Please think about where Levi, Mercede and mom get money to live on.. and buy cars and houses, etc.

    Someone bought their silence... and someone is paying to delay the emails.

  22. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Fox News Viewers Breathlessly Await Instructions From Sarah Palin’s Hair

    Do NOT miss the comments on this article, they are hysterical and not a one of them is a Palinbot. So funny! Sarah really is a laughingstock.

  23. Anonymous6:00 AM

    "I'm the mayor, I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't.'

  24. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Now I know where I've seen Sarah's hairstyle before...

  25. Anonymous6:06 AM

    womenwithsardinecan..boy did you hit the nail on the a former Alaskan, nobody in Alaska cares as long as it doesn't effect them personally and they receive their PFD. They sure no how to bitch about traffic circles, having guns in public, how much dog poop will be allowed (FNM) but Alaska's rich so who care if money is wasted on Sarah's e-mails, I guarantee you not a lot of people know about these e-mails or do they care, it doesn't effect them. SAD!!

  26. They're running out the statute of limitations. Duh.

  27. lostinmn6:23 AM

    So when is Parnell up for re-election? Is he hands down to win? How can the state continue to give a rats ass about taking granny down?

  28. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Gryphen... please do a post on Bristol being a deadbeat for not paying her property taxes on her AZ house.

    Sarah fails to pay taxes on her cabin and now Bristol.

  29. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Yeah, she's broke and taking whatever she can:

    Sarah Palin Will Give Closing Speech At CPAC

    The American Conservative Union announced Thursday that Sarah Palin will speak at CPAC. Palin had turned down previous offers to speak four years in a row, including a big to-do last year about her absence at the event despite being offered the keynote spot. This February, Palin will give the final address at the conference.

  30. anon@6:06, you nailed it too. A LOT would change in Alaska if people didn't get that free money every year. Nobody bothers to make things better because it might affect that check. The "Great Frontier" state is the biggest welfare state in the country, between the earmarks and the PFD. Frontier spirit my ass. Give me my money and don't tell me what to do.

  31. Marleycat6:55 AM

    Isn't there any legal recourse for Alaskan citizens, the press, etc. to force the State to release the emails? Seems to me a coalition of concerned citizens, the media, etc. could be formed to bring this issue to court. Perhaps Frank Bailey could be part of this OR be required to release the emails he has in his possession. This appears to some major illegal shenanigans/collusion between Palin and the State of Alaska.

    I suspect, as with the Anchorage Police Department in Shailey Tripp's case, they have destroyed information they had no right to destroy or are refusing to release the emails to not only cover for Palin and many others inside of the Administration - and outside the government. I'm sure there's a huge network of people who were and still are engaged in covering up many questionable and outright illegal activities (and NOT just with regards to the Alaska State government!).

    Really, this is why the people who do know of and have proof or information that will lead to that proof of the Palins corrupt activities should not wait to disclose that only if she decides to run for public office. This is a terrible precedent to set, and by remaining silent - the Palins and their cohorts will continue to damage not only Alaska, but the country, and any entity they wish to destroy. It also gives permission for future Administrations to also engage in similarly destructive activities.

    While I do understand the reasons for NOT speaking up - it is far more compelling to put an end to it now. The Palins and their partners in corruption should not be given the ability of controlling others' lives and wellbeing. Speak up! If you think keeping quiet will lessen the damage they can do to you, Alaska, and the nation, think again - it will come back to bite you in the end.

    Neutralize them now, and work on giving the power back to the people she threatens! Make sure other crooks know that they will be held legally responsible for their actions if they too engage in these kinds of things!

  32. Anonymous7:01 AM

    @ 5:53, I think you are right that there are very powerful people behind this stuff. Whether they are paying folks off or just scaring the crap out of them I don't know.

    I wish we could have something damaging enough come out about Ms. Sarah to just put a cork in it so we could be done minding her.

    It's drudgery at this point, but someone has to do it.

  33. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Whatcha hiding, Sarah? Nixon had to turn over the tape recordings made in the White House with tax payer money. I agree with 5:53; someone is paying someone to keep quiet.

    Maybe when Sarah saw Russia from her house, she saw something that would qualify as top level, high security information. For the sake of international relations, this secret spy information can never be made public.

  34. Anonymous8:21 AM

    womenwithsardinecan.."Give me the money and don't tell me what to do" IS the way (most) Alaskans think..Sarah was brought up this way also too. My father, who is a Dem doesn't think this way but my brother who is a Repub absolutely thinks this way and is also a racist, sad to say!

  35. Hoken8:33 AM

    Wow, the conveniences for those with a stake in burying the "sensitive information" that are embodied in this process are stunning. First, some of Palin's potential co-defendants get to sift the evidence themselves and remove whatever they want to remove, and the Gov - a potential co-defendant himself - gets to request an extension from an AG he appointed (and who is leaving office and will never worry one wit about repercussions for aiding and abetting) to ensure the evidence sifters have ample time to be thorough in perpetrating the cover-up. IF, theoretically of course, that's what's happening;)
    OT - has there been an outcome in the lawsuit against Palin for giving $25K in State funds to her fellow fundy cultists in Juneau to operate their youth indoctrination center, or is that still being continued as well?

  36. Anonymous8:43 AM

    No surprise. Her legal team needs more time to go through them and anything that is is suspect will be deemed "executive privilege".

  37. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Sounds like Parnell is personally redacting the emails. That would explain the slow progress.

  38. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Someone should alert Anonymous to this, Wikileaks etc.

  39. FrostyAK10:11 AM

    It's not only unacceptable, it is most likely criminal.

  40. Gov Dirty Wig™ is down to speaking at CPAC...the event she has been shunning for the last 3 years because they wouldn't pay for her to go! HA! Oh how the mighty has fallen! She probably asked or begged them to speak...she is a QUITTER and now she's down and out...what else does she have going on!

    The Zoo fools are wetting themselves over there and it looks like you have to buy tickets to the event....I've only seen a couple of them say they are going to see the crazy woman!

  41. Anonymous11:54 AM

    they are crooked, crooked, crooked. All in cahoots and we know it, but they can get away with it so this is what they do.

    Don't care.

    That is why Faux will amp her up for the elections. No matter what stupidity comes out of her mouth they will smooth the way.

    Sickening isn't it?

    Too bad hell doesn't exist.

  42. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I wonder how many will wait until the end to hear Palin be their FINAL speaker? Haha! I've been to many conventions throughout the years and by the time she will be up - people will have left. Think they will find out she is NOT the draw she use to be.

    Anyone who would put her on the list of 'speakers' today is totally amiss.

  43. Anonymous said...
    I wonder how many will wait until the end to hear Palin be their FINAL speaker? Haha! I've been to many conventions throughout the years and by the time she will be up - people will have left. Think they will find out she is NOT the draw she use to be.

    Anyone who would put her on the list of 'speakers' today is totally amiss.
    1:35 PM
    Hmm, you raise an interesting point. She has been rude and dismissive of CPAC for years. Didn't she even blow off a commitment to speak one year?

    I wonder if this is CPAC's way of slapping her upside the head with the fact that she is yesterday's news, with a little bit of payback mixed in?

  44. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

    Someone, somewhere knows, and when they realize their palm isn't greased as much as Parnell's, the crap's gonna hit the fan. Greed does strange things to people.

    I'm sure Gryphen, Andree et al will stay on this like Palin on Rice. Go Get 'em!

    When I first glanced at that photo, it looked like Hawt Tawdy was looking lovingly into Parnel's eyes- looks like the ex governor presiding over a shotgun same sex wedding, wassilla style.

  45. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I might wager that Parnell will stall this until he is elected to his next term.

  46. Anonymous1:47 PM

    At nearly all conferences/conventions I've attended, folks are already on the way out by the time the official end of conference speaker speaks. Folks are eager to get home, beat the rush, they've already checked out of the hotel. Last minute drinks with friends, networking....

    To get people to stay through the end of the conference, the final speaker better be worth it, or the auditorium will be empty.

    If Sarah had the capacity to summarize the convention, list highlights, give some credible analysis.... but I venture that will not be the case. I would be surprised if she even attended the other speeches.

    She will give the same rootin tootin shootin smokin go get Obama speech... with some me me me thrown in on the side.... Sloppy seconds for these guys if she's not gittin money and lots of it.

    But, the conservative convention knows she still has a fanbase and to appease this fringe, she has been invited to speak. They can have the auditorium after closing hours.

  47. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Didn't she cancel on them twice before? Guess that's why they put her last. If she's a "no show" at least the schedule won't be messed up.

  48. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Clearly Parnell's administration is corrupt, incompetent, or both. The emails could and should have been released long ago.


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