Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Greta Van Susteren tries to excite viewers about Todd Palin's barely coherent mumbled endorsement of Newt Gingrich. Better put a new battery in that pacemaker and get another oxygen tank ready folks!

Breaking News!

Breaking News! That actually broke over twelve hours ago, but Greta has no choice but to pretend is still exciting!

By the way is ANYBODY surprised that this interview was conducted on the phone?

I mean they have that Fox studio right in their own house, but apparently THAT is just for the queen!

Or possibly she could not figure out how to turn on the doohickey next to the thingamabob, that started the whatchamacallit.

Though in my opinion Sarah refused to let Todd put on one of her super special Fox News interview wigs, and how could he be expected to go on camera without one of those?

Right off the bat Todd comes out strong. Reading his answers off his palm in that high pitched halting voice that simply screams manliness and robust intelligence.

Todd clearly has his bullet points ready and starts to mumble them one at a time, right up until Greta does that thing she always does to screw up the Palins.

She starts to ask a question.

"What i...." then she realizes what she is doing and tries to hand it back to Todd. "Go ahead I'm sorry."

This totally fucks up the Toad's rhythm, and results in long spans of dead air as Todd tries to get Greta to talk while she is attempting to allow him to finish.

But Greta is a professional so she gets the barely coherent dipshit back on topic.

Apparently the man most famous for being the husband of perhaps the most ignorant VP candidate in American history was able to get a call through to Gingrich. Who I am sure received the phone with a "Wait, WHICH Plain wants to endorse me? Todd? Is that one of the kids? It's not the handicapped one is it? Well where's the one with the tits?"

Todd expresses how impressed he was that Gingrich got his polls up "the old fashioned way. Brainpower."

So let's think about that for a second.

Todd, who I think we can all agree is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, and the man married to a woman who believes that Paul Revere rode through Boston ringing his bells to warn the British, is enamored of Newt Gingrich because of his "brainpower." I wonder how impressed he would be once he saw that Newt could tie his shoes without referring to a How-To manual?

Greta then asks Todd if it is true that his wife said that Mitt Romney was the weakest candidate that the Republicans could put up.

Todd says he is not sure she said that or not. Which is surprising since we have long been told that he is the one working the cameras (and teleprompter) during her "interviews." (Maybe like most Americans he simply doesn't pay any attention to her incoherent rants.)

Toad refuses to say who the Grizzled Mama might endorse, or even if she might endorse somebody, but he does say that "for now there's at least one Palin behind Newt." Apparently believing that his endorsement is just as important to a candidate as his wife's.

That's just sad.

And speaking of sad, Greta goes on to ask the professional handbag carrier if he misses the race or whether he is content to watch it from the sidelines.

He responds by saying that he is "glad that she decided to sit this one out."

Ooh Palin-bots, that has to sting!

Gee do you think THAT might finally be enough to convince the Sea O'Pee that she is really not running? Highly doubtful I know.

Next up I understand that Greta will continue destroying her journalistic credibility by interviewing Donald Trump's hair, and asking it how it feels to be sitting atop a baboon's ass.


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Todd and Newt both have no problem with cheating on their wife and kids. Seems like a match made in heaven to me.

  2. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The most interesting part of the interview? The 1-800-PetMeds ad right before it...

    Both Greta and Todd have irritating, reedy voices.

  3. laprofesora7:30 AM

    I cannot imagine what kind of crazy shit is going on in the Paylin asylum: did Scarah put him up to it? is it some crazy plot to get the Paylin name in the news cycle? did Tawd actually form a thought on his own? did Piper dare him to do it? The whole family is like a bunch of crazed rodents running in circles trying to figure out their next move. Gotta hand it to them, they're still good for a laugh!

  4. Sarah is so desperate to stay relevant that she decided to use Todd as a trial balloon. Last week, it was Bristol, interspersed with Sarah cameos on questionable "new shows."

    Once Newty hits bottom, she'll endorse Mitt, once he has the nomination sewn up. Then she'll patiently wait until Romney asks her to go on the stump for him. Like Norma Desmond, she'll be waiting for her close-up. If Mitt does use her in his campaign, we will all know that he is in serious trouble - or completely out of his mind.

    Good times ahead.

  5. Jelly Belly7:30 AM

    To Newt's defense, he is intelligent. He's just Newt Gingrich. All you need to know.

    "Todd, who I think we can all agree is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed"

    ^ I think he's a sharp tool so to speak. Just because someone doesn't fit in with the PhD crowd doesn't make them dumb. We have got to let that go. Some of the most well-rounded people don't have college degrees. These are also some of the most openminded. Likewise, some of the most academically accomplished folks I consider ignorant because, outside what they got their PhD in, they simply know nothing. The comparisons of the two are what is ruining this country. Todd is one of many who feels comfortable as a backwoods, blue collar man content with his family and small, unglamorous joys. If that makes him a dull tool, you just offended and insulted about half of the country's population. But that's never stopped you from writing your biased posts before so by all means, continue being you.

    And no, I am not surprised the interview was by phone. Have you seen video of Todd speaking? AWKwwwaaaardddd. He's done what, like 5 public speaking engagements/rallies. At least he knows his weaknesses.

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    That was SO painful. Ouch. I honestly have never heard Toad speak. He is just....not bright, is he?
    Some of the most unhinged Pee'ers will say this is another tactic by Scarah.
    Meanwhile, the Pee'ers that are clinging to a thread of sanity will cut loose. You can bet Mr. Brianus will post some revolting piece of garbage and keep carrying the flag. I did notice that my favorite Sea O Pee trolls showed up over there last night to attempt to keep the troups rallied for Scarah. 2 of them are completely fake! I laughed, but at the same time, think it cruel. If some of them are ready to hop off of her tour-bus and stop donating, jokesters should stop trying to get them to keep on giving there money. It is inhumane.

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM

    It's obvious that Greta's greatest dream is a Palin sandwich with her in the middle.

  8. Anonymous7:39 AM

    On New Years eve a guy rode a snow machine off a ramp and jumped over 400 feet in the air.

    Todd is a wimp dick if he does not break this record.

    Todd, show us how manly you are.

    Jump, Todd, Jump!

  9. Anonymous7:41 AM

    So let's see. Chris Chrsitie is not running. Who is his wife endorsing? Huckster is not running. Who is his wife endorsing? Bachmann quit. Who is Marcus endorsing? I tell you, the GOP is entirely nuts. No one cares who Toad thinks is smart. He married Sarah, for God's sake. he wouldn't know a smart person if they stood in front of his English class, which he skipped, obviously. Fox is down to the dregs.

  10. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Watching Rachel Maddow last night, she commented about Toad endorsing Newt. She even made the reference to 'the First Dude'.

    You could tell by the sound of her voice that it took everything she had to not bust her gut falling down laughing

  11. imnofred7:47 AM

    Just a couple of thoughts:

    Sarah doesn't have the balls to endorse anyone herself right now. If she does, she will eliminate all of the hope that the bots still have that she may still run and donations will slow down. She may also be fishing for a VP pick so she doesn't want to piss anyone off. If she does endorse someone, it will be late enough in the process where it will pretty much be decided and she can claim a victory.

    As for Tawd, I doubt that many really care who he or endorses or what he has to say. He strikes me as someone that acts like a tough guy when he has an entourage around him but is probably quite different without the goons around.

  12. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Sarah has often referenced the "24" hour news cycle and she made sure the Palins got back in the news - if only for 24 hours.

  13. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I am absolutely disgusted.

    Haley Barbour leaves office today as Mississippi Gov but on his way out the door - he pardoned 4 people -- KILLERS - MURDERERS.

    One of these people was a man who in 1993 entered a trailer and shot his wife in the head while she was holding her two month old baby.

  14. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Judging from the reaction this has received nationally, Little Dick is the only one who thinks his endorsement is of any value.

  15. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Ha, he really got thrown when Greta interrupted him, completely lost his place on his notes! I bet sp was next to him, slappin' him upside the head and pointing her scrawly finger to the right place on the paper.

  16. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I laughed when I read, actually misread that Todd said Gingrich got his "poles" up the old-fashioned way...I thought: blowjob by someone other than your current wife! LMFAO Yes, I've lost my mind in hysterical Palinology. I now hear crap coming from either of them in a totally different way! Too funny.

  17. Tell me Todd is not addicted to the limelight? I get a kick out of the comments I have read referencing his exploits in the massage with benefits area and others requesting his help in getting Shailey's belongings back to her from the cops. These comments by the way are on mainstream threads.
    Alaska...people have paid attention.

  18. Anonymous8:01 AM

    In a stump speech this morning, Newt spoke of Toad calling him with his endorsement knowing full well it would get 'air time'.

    That's what you call pandering to the Bot Baggers.

  19. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Troll at 7:30.

    It's not just here at IM. The other half of the country thinks the Palins are idiots, too. I'm with them.

  20. Anonymous8:04 AM

    If anything puts an exclamation point to the fact that the media bears huge responsibility in the dumbing down of American politics, this does. The fact that it was 'reported' on news sites boggles the mind. I can imagine across that country people saying, as I did, "Whut? Who cares?" (My actual thought was "Jesus, who gives a s__t?" but I cleaned it up.)

  21. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Granny Grifter can't throw her eggs into anyone's basket yet, no one has promised her a VP slot, and she can't risk endorsing because SOMEONE might tap her. Someone, anyone, whoever is put in front of her.

    I think she dreams of the moment she was introduced at the gop convention, the adulation and cheers. She wants that again. Knowing the issues, learning the facts? Work? Effort?

    No. Hell no.

  22. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Newt will now suffer the "Palin Curse"

  23. Jelly Belly @7:30 Jelly's post is interesting and revealing. The attributes noted of Todd Palin as backwoods, blue collar and content with family and unglamorous explains the driving appeal to their supporters. Jelly's choice to contrast PHD is extreme. The country has citizens that fall in between those extremes.

    Jelly, neither of my parents had college degrees. However both of them were self educated and knoweledgeable on many subjects. Like it or not, the majority of America shares reasonable expectations that persons seeking high or top office prepare themselves to haveastery of facts and be capable of applying them.

    The value and place family has in lives is not limited to backwoods blue collar folk.

    It is clear to me now that Palin adopted the folksy talk to broaden her appeal to uneducated and simple people working the family first angle. SP was found out by the McCain staff she was uninformed, unfit for VP and the public discovered that also.

    Frankly, Jelly, it is the broad spectrum of citizens that make up the country. High school drop outs, mentality of 'I don't need to know nuthin but huntin and fishin for rill can't have a job of high office.

    Sad to say the Wasilla Hillbilly act baited and lured people. I know blue collar people who were stunned by Sarah Palin's ignorance.

  24. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Who really gives a flying fuck who this asshat endorses? He's even more of a nobody than his skanky wife.

  25. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Hmmm, I wonder what THIS distraction is all about? Bristol or Willow prego? Sarah's finally committed? Something is up and it ain't Todd.

  26. Anonymous8:17 AM

    For the last three years the Palins chose to not strengthen their position to qualify for office instead feigning they are poor, deceiving their followers, painting divisive us against them mindsets including they are for life lying that everyone else wants to kill imperfect babies and elders.

    I pity those who fell for the conniving, intentional deceptions in denial the Palin's used them laughing to the bank.

    I'd say Todd is shrewd, calculating, and does not blink for the lies and deceipt nor neglect of offsprings needs.

  27. Anonymous 7:41--Thanks for mentioning Chris Christie! I've been dying to comment on him today. Have you watched his "infinite pie" speech? It's priceless. I watch it every hour to cheer myself up.

  28. Anonymous8:20 AM

    JellyBelly @ 7:30:

    I don't think anyone is implying that Toad is a dull tool because he is a blue collar kind of guy without a college education. I think it's more about the fact that he's a fucking moron. And a complete tool. And FWIW I don't even think he does the blue collar thing very well. Look at that shitty fence he built.

  29. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Seriously? I mean could GVS excite anybody about anything? She's like a double-dose of Seconal.

  30. Irishgirl8:28 AM

    They're not too impressed with the endorsement over at Fox. Check out the comments. Hahaha...the Palins are finally nonentities.


  31. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Jelly Belly:
    Lovely support for Todd Palin and thanks so much for telling us what's wrong with this country.

    The truth is that I know many, many PhDs who, despite being extremely well-educated, well-read, and intellectually curious, love to spend time in the woods or on the water. They camp and hike and chop their own wood (some of them even fish and hunt).

    And the vast majority of PhDs have a far less glamorous life than Todd Palin.

    Furthermore, I can guarantee I know more PhDs than you. I literally know 100s of them.

    I know PhDs in bio sciences, music, engineering, chemistry, psychology, sociology, political science, construction management, criminal justice, and, well, every single discipline there is. And I can also guarantee that 99% of them know a hell of a lot about stuff outside their field.

    This has nothing to do with "people who aren't PhDs." This is about one man who, not only is ignorant, but a man who obviously doesn't care about the education of his children.

    And, just for fun, let me repeat what I wrote above...

    The vast majority of PhDs have a less glamorous life than Todd Palin.

    1. Anonymous12:12 AM

      And yet you sign on as ANONYMOUS...

  32. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Hahahaha...Gryphen you were in rare form when you wrote this post! Funny stuff!

  33. Jelly Belly said...

    To Newt's defense, he is intelligent. He's just Newt Gingrich. All you need to know.

    "Todd, who I think we can all agree is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed"

    ^ I think he's a sharp tool so to speak. Just because someone doesn't fit in with the PhD crowd doesn't make them dumb. We have got to let that go. Some of the most well-rounded people don't have college degrees. These are also some of the most openminded. Likewise, some of the most academically accomplished folks I consider ignorant because, outside what they got their PhD in, they simply know nothing. The comparisons of the two are what is ruining this country. Todd is one of many who feels comfortable as a backwoods, blue collar man content with his family and small, unglamorous joys. If that makes him a dull tool, you just offended and insulted about half of the country's population. But that's never stopped you from writing your biased posts before so by all means, continue being you.

    And no, I am not surprised the interview was by phone. Have you seen video of Todd speaking? AWKwwwaaaardddd. He's done what, like 5 public speaking engagements/rallies. At least he knows his weaknesses.

    7:30 AM

    Newt is about as intelligent as the fish he's named after! Newt just SOUNDS smart saying stupid ass shit! There is a difference!

    And you are right, the "Toad" is a "tool"...yes, a tool for his crazed bald headed wife that is! And again you are correct....the Toad is "backwoods" a place he needs to stay in...making his moonshine and being on the lookout for the "Febs" trying to take his "likker"! Toad and "PhD" shouldn't be in the same sentence, much less the same paragraph...can the Toad even spell "PhD"??

    And again I have to agree with you that the Toad doing the interview "by phone" was best....HAVE YOU SEE TAWWWDDD!
    Yes ,we have and it ain't a pretty sight...pock marks and pubic hair as a goatee is not a good look! And don't get me started on that voice! Are you sure the Toad isn't a 13 year old boy going through puberty and he's still waiting for his voice to change! And finally...

    "At least he knows his weaknesses."

    His weakness is laying in the bed next to him...her name is Baldy Louise Heath Palin!

    The preceding comment analysis was provided by "Breaking the Hillbilly Code" by "Ima Troll"...you can order your copy from Amazon today...for only 13.95 plus shipping & handling!

  34. I'm holding my breath waiting until Levi comes out with his earth-shaking endorsement :)

    Maybe he'll cancel out Todd.

  35. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I figured the reason they did not put Todd on camera was that he was obviously reading his "interview" -- and poorly at that.

    Interesting that Todd confessed (?) that he had indeed talked to Newt's "people" and confirmed that Newt acknowledged his endorsement.

    I wonder what the "rill dill" is. The Paylins don't give endorsements - they sell them.

  36. mitchethekid8:34 AM

    The c4p folks are convinced that this is further evidence of a scripted cryptic plan for Sarah to suddenly announce that she is running as a form of self-sacrifice to save America.
    These people are beyond help. It is full blown psychopathic delusion. They need professional psychiatric help.

  37. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I saw on national news last night where Newt publicly said he had Todd Palin's endorsement and appreciated receiving it. All that was said - he was at a podium - appeared to be in a hotel dining room setting w/the audience all seated at circular tables.

    Doubt Todd Palin's endorsement of ANYONE would be of assistance. Amazing!

  38. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Bristol learned her lie of "I didn't want to do it, but he got me drunk" from her mom. Sarah wants the world to come knocking on her door saying, "We know you don't want to run, but you're our savior, our only hope. We're drafting you to run."

    Until that happens, she's playing coy and shy by saying, "Oh, no, not little ol' me. I don't say 'pick me, pick me'; I just want to live my life quietly." So, she ordered Todd to support someone (anyone!).

    When she's "drafted," she will PRETEND to be reluctant and unwilling about giving in to popular demand and agreeing to run. Moreover, she can point to Todd's endorsement of Newt to "prove" the lie that she really had NO intention at all of running -- just like Bristol supposedly had no intention at all of sleeping with Levi.

  39. Anonymous8:42 AM

    After listening to TP's phone call I think Todd is jumping in to double down on hammering "Obama machine" and fight the "machine". This sounds like a set up to establish the Obama "machine" was what put the Palin's under scruitiny...doncha know all those les and "attacks" on their family. Enter Tawd...super hero connecting Newt's endurance of attacks to Palin's.

    Palin was a catch-22 using her kids to promote her self to fire up the ebangelicals parading them like prize ponies unprecedented. Their entitlement is sickening disabling them to comprehend cause amd effect. I bet the two are launching their first shots Obama orchestrated their strife like death panels to kill Trig, public opinion about sleazy Bristol and Levi, knocked up teen going on Oprah declaring abstinence. The nation does not need to be privy to a teen's sexual choices!

    I further wager it is revenge time at Casa de Palin doing what they seek others to believe Obama did.

    Todd and Sarah have longstanding patterns of these machinations. They seek to destroy him and punish him for Palin losing in '08. That is their nature.

  40. Not What You Want to Hear8:45 AM

    Guys, I think you're being unfair. I'm sure he really does support Newt, and in fact, would sincerely love to stump for him on the campaign trail. Admit it, if the last time you'd campaigned with an old white man and his bleached blonde trophy wife you were able to loot Neiman Marcus from coast to coast, well by golly, you'd want to repeat that experience, too! It's been almost four years, he's probably really, really low on fancy silk boxers by now.

  41. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Todd's chat with Newt went like this...

    "Newt, Sarah's endorsement will cost $500,000, or I will endorse you for $25,000."

  42. Oh Goodness...I took another field trip to the Insane Asylum AKA Crazies4Palin and it looks like they have rounded up some of the patients who had scaled the wall last night after hearing the Toad say that Baldy is going "to sit this one out"!

    You will be happy to know that "BrianBootyhole", "SusieKKKPuma", and Jasmine"Whereishermother?Clark" are all accounted for and injected with enough Xanax to put down two horses!

    Unfortunately there have been no sightings of "Section 8 housing" or "TechNONothing"! If anyone has seen these two....DO NOT APPROACH! They are ARMED with stupidity and full of shit! Please call the authorities (RAM) and we will pick them up!

  43. O/T, but Chris Christie is a f***ing pig.


  44. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I'm suspicious....

    Sarah has one more year left in her contract with Fox. How many "appearances" does hes contract call for?

    She seems to be "on" quite a bit these days - so I am wondering -- Is she using up her contractual obligations early in the year so that .... if she should change up her mind and declare, she still gets her million dollars from Fox for 2012 with plenty of time to throw her wig in the ring.

    The Paylins are up to something - they always are. It's the way grifters roll.

  45. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Who cares who Todd Palin endorses for POTUS? This is very weird. Really? Todd Palin?

    Was this Todd's debut as a Faux Snooze "pundant" (sic)?

    I'm sure they paired Todd with Greta knowing she would handle him with kid gloves and finesse his awkwardness. Geez... why?

  46. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Instead of calling ABC to tell them he endorsed Newt, instead of calling Newt to kiss his ass, instead of having a phone interview with FOX, Toad should of been teaching his dumbass retarded criminal daughter Willow her 123s and ABCs so she will be able to get a job in the prison commissary instead of being somebody's bitch hoe in the klinker!

    I don't know, maybe Willow wants to be a prison hair stylist?

  47. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The Gingrich banana or the Santorum banana?


  48. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Todd's chat with Newt went like this...

    "Newt, Sarah's endorsement will cost $500,000, or I will endorse you for $25,000."

    8:46 AM

    "and I can get you a fresh 18 year old Alaskan girl for $100 or a homemade video of a used wrinkly flat chested cocaine snorting 50 year old looser Miss Alaska doing black guys for 20 bucks?

  49. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Been waiting all day to hear who Joe the fake Plumber will endorse.

  50. Anonymous9:21 AM

    @7:30 Jelly Belly - why the Ph.D. baiting? One of the smartest people I've ever known was my paternal grandfather who had no college degree but read EVERYTHING. Recently, a 12 year-old asked me how/why I was so smart (her words) and I replied: "reading. Read everything!" Todd and Sarah are not "readers." Sarah has to write notes on her hand to get through a rehearsed speech and has trouble reading her own writing. On Greta's show, Todd could barely get through the script he had in front of him (on the phone)--which was why it was phoned in, so that we wouldn't see him reading a slip of paper on camera.

  51. bill in belize9:21 AM

    who in thee hell gives one dead stinkin squirrels ass what this a-hole says????????

  52. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Fox clearly prefer their own "stars" (Gingrich and Santorum) to Wall Street Willard. They've probably been in a panic since the McCain endorsement.

  53. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Glad to "sit this one out?" Wait, what?

    Is Greta pretending that Sarah Palin campaigned for president in this same time frame of the 2008 presidential election cycle?

    Is Todd confusing his wife's campaign activities for Lt. Governor and Governor - driving around on Alaska's road system, down to Valdez, walking the docks in fishing towns, attending church?

    Does Todd understand that his wife's efforts to attain national office were limited to McCain selecting her, providing her every need, staff, money, and then dragging her along on his program with his resources?
    Does he get it that that was MCCAIN'S campaign, not Sarah's? Does he get it that that's not how people run for presidential office?
    Greta, you understand, don't you, that Sarah Palin's career experience with national office amounts to a couple of months of campaigning leading up to the election?

    Dude, ya "sat" them _all_ out!
    Look, Todd, the best thing you can do is to put your head down, you and the wife close the doors and start studying _everything_, stay out of the media, act like nice people, quit doing stuff that makes you look stupid, and be ready for that phone call from Newt Gingrich's staff next August.

    Greta, aren't you over it yet? You should maybe think about your own job security. Quit pushing this irrelevant crap on American viewers.

  54. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Very strange that Todd endorsed Newt.

    Not strange that he chooses a candidate but that he thinks that his endorsement has any clout. It would be like Mrs. Cain stating that she endorsed a certain candidate. Or Marcus Bachmann, or Gary Johnson's wife endorsing and it and making pretense that hers is so important. And why only Todd getting media attention to the extent that he'd get an interview spot on Greta and that it was important to Fox viewers?

  55. Anonymous9:33 AM


    Todd is a wimpy jerk. Sarah is a stupid bitch.

    Who would follow their lead?

    Sarahs bots?

    Does Todd have some bots besides Greta?

  56. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Gryphen, this is OT but I wanted to mention it.

    Yet _another_ instance where a major media outlet seems not to know how to sort out the Trig/Tripp chaos. On the Tyra Banks show, we are shown a photo of Levi cradling TRIG but it's identified as Tripp. In Levi's book, he displays a photo of what is unarguably he and TRIPP, but he identifies the newborn as Trig. In Sadie's playboy interview, she is shown holding Trig but the caption says Tripp.

    And this which I've just noticed
    "In a February interview with Fox News' Greta Susteren, [Bristol] Palin talked about how much her life had changed since the birth of then-two month old Trig and how teenage abstinence was "unrealistic.""

    Seriously, HOW many times can they screw this up?

  57. Anonymous9:44 AM

    They had to counter the Tucson shooting news coverage by getting "Palin" into some headline or interview. Sarah wisely stayed out of it, and sent in her alto-voiced, bearded spouse to do the deed.

  58. telah9:48 AM

    This maneuver was definitely part of Sarah Palin's campaign to pretend to not want to run for president while she is rilly itching to be on the podium waving to her adoring fans. I could only stand to listen to about 30 seconds, but he got in the "media bias" talking point, the "reformer" talking point and the "Obama Machine" talking point before he and Greta tripped all over each other's feet and I had to shut it off due to the absolutely uncomfortable back and forth of "After you." "What? No, after you..."
    The other reason he did this is to drive search engine optimization. If you Google "News" Todd Palin, you get more than 80 hits today and another 14,000 hits yesterday with his "endorsement" included in all the New Hampshire Primary preview articles. If you Google "News" Todd Palin Shailey Tripp you get absolutely no results.
    Just in time for the 1 year anniversary of the National Enquirer article on Shailey's arrest and alleged affair with Todd Palin, which ran the third week of January.

  59. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "Tad" says to GVS Is really commercialized now, $$$$ mumble, mumble really glad she decided to sit this one out.....
    Does that mean that with all eyes on her & him we would be watching them grift more than ever so he's glad she is sitting "this one out"?
    Oh and for the pbots that are saying 2016, lol! She will be in full meno and 52 and she already looks like hell Imagine what that will be like? They will have moved on to a "new shiny toy" by then, even Briananus....!

  60. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Birds of a feathger flock together. Newt and Todd Cheaters club

  61. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Anon @ 8:46

    You nailed it - Toad was all they could afford.

  62. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Jelly Belly:
    Lovely support for Todd Palin and thanks so much for telling us what's wrong with this country.
    The truth is that I know many, many PhDs who, despite being extremely well-educated, well-read, and intellectually curious, love to spend time in the woods or on the water. They camp and hike and chop their own wood (some of them even fish and hunt).
    8:29 AM
    Thank you!!!
    Well said!
    The paylins made it "OK" to be dumb bunnies!
    Emuncation is Baaaaadddd! Elitist, socialist, not "ril murikan" etc.
    Not a PHD but everyday I try to learn something new.
    Reading, Learning is good.
    Being "not the sharpest tool in the shed" is not cool or even funny anymore. And its despicable how the paylins don't educate their kids, if they want to be dummies fine, but give the kids a chance out of Hillbilly hell!

  63. Got some CooCoo Puffs a rollin up there... Holy Moly...

    The thing that makes this one of the funniest things that's happened so far this year, is that Toad was NOT allowed in the Master Monkey Studio for an interview with Cluster-Fox ??? WTF?? THE STUDIO'S IN HIS HOUSE !!!

  64. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I love that they are "married," yet he has no idea what Sarah said or who she will endorse.

  65. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:29 AM

    Okay, I guess after all this political pole dancing by Sistah and The First Dood, we can assess that they're just really, truly addicted to the limelight. Nothing else. Nada. The fact that the Fundie Mafia may no longer view Queen Esther as the perfect puppet figurehead--and that she's being paid a fortune by Faux News for nothing more than to model decaying 1960s Barbie wigs--have done nothing to make this pair take the hint and retreat into the shadows from whence they slithered. I'm afraid they're here to stay, bobbing up and down like Whack-A-Moles when you least expect it.

    Therefore (and whatnot), I propose a brand new Reality Show Idea for the bubbly Palin Clan. Forget snowmachines, beauty school dropouts and scenic Alaska! The key here is to cram the happy family back in the bus that's rusting in the side yard, have Piper choose a destination by plopping her finger on a map, propel themselves into the good ol' Lower 48 and knock on the doors of random Palinbots! Just think of it! C4P mirth right there on the TV box, complete with the actual, for real people(?) who write that dreck! Imagine the fun when an unsuspecting Bot flings open the trailer door to see **SARAH** and the gang standing there! They could start with that C4P heartthrob, Brianus, (who could give a quick Latin lesson for the un-lernit among us) or what's-er-name, who videoed herself yelling back at a video while hacking up her larynx and blowing smoke rings. Good times! Of course, Sarah would have to suck it up, hold her nose and deal with being in close proximity with those who are as batshit insane as she is--but after awhile, the endless idol worship would just feed her ego (which is now probably the size of, oh, Mainland China).

    And I'd advise Uncle Rupie to take this concept up and run out the balance of Teflon Tessie's contract. With the wide range of true hilarity and human(?) interest at Sarah's Tiger Beat Fan Club, it could do just as well as Extreme Couponers, Toddlers & Tiaras, Dance Moms, Hoarders or My Strange Addiction. Come to think of it, this new show could simply "borrow" the last name, above, from TLC--and just run with it.

  66. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Well, "glad she decided to sit this one out" would imply that Sarah Palin thinks she might make a different decision another time, in another election, doesn't it? He speaks as if they believe she still has a political career, right?

    Well, our work is not done, people. She is just counting on the short attention spans and the short memories of the American public. She is also hoping people like us will get bored with scrutinizing her.

    No, Sarah, we won't. It's like instinct to us now. It doesn't even take that much of our time. WE WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO MEDDLE IN POLITICS OR RUN FOR OFFICE, UNIMPEDED, EVER AGAIN. I don't care if it's 5 or 10 years from now, even, we're not going to let you.

    It's actually not that hard to put pressure on you. You have so much freaking baggage!!!!!

    Those comments by Todd have not done you any favors. Now we're on to you again.

    Game on.

  67. Anonymous10:38 AM

    you have to think, this guy thinks it was a gas to have a hole drilled in a sauna to peek at breasts and bums in Dillingham.

    Great judgement Tawd.

  68. Anonymous10:38 AM

    you have to think, this guy thinks it was a gas to have a hole drilled in a sauna to peek at breasts and bums in Dillingham.

    Great judgement Tawd.

  69. Anonymous10:39 AM

    christie is a pig.

    Gingrich is a pig.

    Tawd is a pig.

    sarah is a pig in lipstick.

    Pigs stick together.

  70. PalinsHoax10:40 AM

    Jelly Belly @ 7:30am said...

    "Todd, who I think we can all agree is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed"

    ^ I think he's a sharp tool so to speak."


    Jelly Belly:

    1.) Any man who would let his pregnant wife fly from Texas to Anchorage, AFTER her amniotic fluid has started leaking, is Not a sharp tool.

    2.) Any man who deliberately does not take his wife, who's amniotic fluid has started leaking, take her immediately to hospitals with NICU's, but instead bypasses them all on this same air trip is NOT a sharp tool.

    3.) Any man who callously and recklessly subjects his wife, in her high-risk pregnancy, to the above two points - just so that "You can't have a fish picker born in Texas." (per Mr. Tawd Palin), is NOT a sharp tool.

    In my eyes Tawd, along with Mrs. Tawd, will always be guilty of the utmost contemptible behaviours regarding "My Little Puppy" Trig - behaviours orchestrated by the two dullest tools in the universe.

  71. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I don't know why people are surprised that Todd would want to announce his public endorsement of a political candidate. Todd has been very active in politics for quite a while.

    The first thing that comes to mind is that he was a member of the AIP, wanting Alaska to be independent from the US. The next thing that I learned about Todd was that he could really lean on someone in Alaska state government that didn't do what Governor Sarah Palin wanted. I am thinking of her trying to get Trooper Wooten fired because of the messy divorce her sister had been through. There are recorded telephone calls where Todd does a very good imitation of Tony Soprano, playing the role of enforcer.

    Todd acted as Sarah's body guard, menacing a school teacher from Homer who dared to express her first amendment rights. He intimidated a photographer in the Valdez airport while Sarah willingly posed for photos with airline staff. He saved Sarah from the embarrassment of having an author spy on her while she mowed the lawn in her tank top. Todd built a stunning fence. (Yes, he also built their house, with a couple of buddies on weekends. There are not limits to his carpentry, building and engineering skills). It is also hard work to carry Sarah's carry on bag for the airplane flight.

    Sarah said that Todd was her closest political adviser, and that he also did the scheduling. (No wonder there are mix ups that make Sarah cancel an event at the last minute.)It is also important to note Todd's skills behind the camera, setting everything up to make sure that Sarah always looks her best on Fox News.

    Todd must have enjoyed the riches that flowed through SarahPAC and benefited his family. With Sarah out of the news, this seems like a sad way to keep a Palin name in the headlines, even for a brief moment. Oh, Bristol is moving home. That attention lasted three seconds. I'm sorry, but Sarah is not the media star that she was last year. Having Todd keep the dream alive only showed how little he knows and how poorly he speaks. No wonder he can't even sell a snow mobile reality show concept.

  72. Good God! Todd says Newt's a "proven reformer"? WHAT? And that he's "not afraid to fight for the working man?"

    Is there somewhere a Mad Libs books where these fools just cobble together phrases from a list?

  73. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Gryphen, that last sentence about Trump's hair sitting atop a baboon's ass made me spew iced tea over my keyboard! For shame!

  74. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Anon 8:39
    "When she's drafted she will pretend to be reluctant.."
    Except, it ain't gonna happen!
    This "draft her" nonsense is a feverish delusion from a handful of drooling bigots peeing on her wig.
    IF in an alternate reality she were drafted, that lipsticked, thieving cheap conniving pig would never run, she CAN"T!
    She is a crooked wanna be politician who can't put together a coherent sentence and is so thin skinned she is transparent, so stop worrying about that scenario that you've posted about more than once.

  75. 1) Sarah would never allow Todd to steal her limelight.

    2) She is not going to endorse anyone now, she will wait until it is quite obvious who will win the GOP nomination.

    3) Todd went ROGUE.

    Why would Todd go ROGUE you ask? It's about the cash flow. Sarah failed to get his reality show deal done, Bristol is broke, they own more homes and vehicles than they can count. Big bills, big payouts to many to keep them quiet. Big trouble coming.

    Todd wants more money. SarahPAC is no longer supporting him to the degree he desires. He is trying, in his own stupid way to create a celebrity rush and get some cash flowing into his pocket.

  76. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Don't forget, Todd also is responsible for stalking and harassing his brother-in-law, Mike Wooten which led to Troopergate. Todd often acted as Sarah's "shadow Governor" and had his own office adjacent to hers in the Capitol Bldg. He is an uneducated oil field roughneck, but he is also a bully and isn't afraid to abuse any power given to him. Heck, he's even been accused of cheating to win the Iron Dog. He'll do whatever it takes to achieve his desired ends or to assist his wife in achieving hers; that's what makes him scary.

  77. Smirnonn the Magnificent11:05 AM

    Well, thank God tader todd has FINALLY endorsed one of the goptard clowns!! I was almost sick with anticipation!! Pins and needles, pins and needles - whew!! Nootie and the blow sniff (Nootie and the ho grift??). WHAT a team!!

    Even though we can all now thank God that we've heard from a paylump today I'll still have a hard time sleeping until we find out who Larry the Cable Guy, Joe the Plumber, the guys from that alligator hunting show, Chumley from "Pawn Stars," Victoria Jackson and that homeless guy I saw at Starbucks are endorsing. Game changing shit, I tell you. GAME CHANGING SHIT!!

    P.S. FUCK YOU, mccain.

  78. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Toad endorses Newt.

  79. Anonymous11:09 AM

    off topic.

    Crowd welcomes Santorum to his final campaign stop in Manchester N.H. yesterday.

    Loud chants of bigot welcome the candidate. Mr. sweatervest has to walk through the crowd.


  80. Honestly, does anyone outside the Sea of Pee (aka, the real world) really give a flying fuck about whose intelligence impresses Sarah's purse boy? I mean, ol' Toddyboy just ain't the sharpest crayon in the box. I wouldn't let that idiot check the air pressure in the tires on my car so I sure don't give a damn about his opinion on politics.

    The Palins appear to be another classic case of inbreeding, not uncommon in the dominionist crowd. Both Sarah and Todd obviously come from a long line of cousin-fuckers because the stupid they display is immense. If you doubt that the "stupid gene" can be passed on, look at their offspring. Seriously.

  81. lostinmn11:24 AM

    Kind of OT but HP is finally running the article about Brisket going back to AK and the comments there are running about 100-1 that it was about time. Even the lame attempts to defend her are being crushed. I didn't note any of the staunch defenders there btw - so Brisket and Willet must not be trying to shout down the abuse being heaped on her. But it does be the question of whether HP has to have something about the Palin mob every few days just to keep the clicks going.

  82. Anonymous11:29 AM

    OMG, where are the Todd trolls, Gino has trolls, Bristol and Willow have trolls and Sarah has her Trolls..where are the First Dude Toad's trolls? Your suppose to be telling us what a happy close family Toad has, how everyone loves him and what a great snowmachine driver he is, did he not pay you enough from the allowance Sarah gives him?

  83. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Todd the Wad Endorses Newt the Moot.

  84. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Sarah and Todd Palin do nothing for free. There has got to be something in it for them to endorse a candidate. Funny that you put "Breaking News" on your post...I'm sure with Toad endorsing Newt his numbers will surge (NOT).

  85. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I think it is FOX who decides when Sarah is scheduled. Maybe they want to get the year's worth over with and be done with her. Without knowing the wording of the contract, that's almost how it looks to me. Can't wait 'till her time is up.

  86. BAustin11:51 AM

    Dear Todd -

    Unless you are writing a tell-all book about Sister Sarah, I don't give a crap what you have to say or who you endorse for president.


  87. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Does Todd Palin realize he made a complete fool of himself? Unless he as "medicated" as Sarah Palin, it surely must occur to him that he really doesn't have the "stuff" to make public appearances.

  88. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    They had to counter the Tucson shooting news coverage by getting "Palin" into some headline or interview. Sarah wisely stayed out of it, and sent in her alto-voiced, bearded spouse to do the deed.

    9:44 AM

    Ding Ding we got a winner!

    We all know this is the reason why Toad crawled out of the septic tank with his girly voice!

  89. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Smirnonn the Magnificent said...
    Well, thank God tader todd has FINALLY endorsed one of the goptard clowns!! I was almost sick with anticipation!! Pins and needles, pins and needles - whew!! Nootie and the blow sniff (Nootie and the ho grift??). WHAT a team!!

    Even though we can all now thank God that we've heard from a paylump today I'll still have a hard time sleeping until we find out who Larry the Cable Guy, Joe the Plumber, the guys from that alligator hunting show, Chumley from "Pawn Stars," Victoria Jackson and that homeless guy I saw at Starbucks are endorsing. Game changing shit, I tell you. GAME CHANGING SHIT!!

    P.S. FUCK YOU, mccain.


    beautiful !


  90. Nancy In New York12:28 PM

    Wow, Mr. Sarah Palin is even more awkward, superficial and sketchy during interviews than Mrs. Sarah Palin, and that's saying something because she sets the gold standard for stupid.

    Does anyone give a shit who Mrs. Dan Quayle is endorsing? Clusterfox is not beating down her door
    for an interview, and her husband was an actual Vice President(e).

  91. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Wonder who Piper's going to endorse...

  92. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Has Marilyn Quayle endorsed a candidate? It would carry as much weight as the First Dude's.
    Who the fuck cares about the opinion of a back woods high school graduate?

  93. Sunny in Albuquerque1:00 PM

    From the insane posse at c4p I bring you one of their cult members poignant comments..
    -...Pat Robertson said the Lord told him who was going to be the next president but he cannot say now. I wish he would tell us.
    Gee, we all wish he'd spill the beans, unfortunately there's a confidentiality clause the almighty's lawyers require St. Robertson abide by, so no, afraid he won't tell anytime soon.
    On to the rest of 'em soul stirring musings..
    -Is it we want Sarah to run so bad we are overlooking her not running??
    Sigh..do any of these poor souls have loved ones
    to check up on them once in a while?
    Someone please lock up their checkbooks, it's way past time for an intervention.

  94. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Hey Greta ask Tawd about his ties with the Alaskan Independence Party. If I ask him he won't answer.

    Why does the Palins hate America so much?

    How come Sarah spoke at a AIP meeting as governor and told them they are doing a great job?

    If Greta was a decent reporter with cajones she would ask these questions.

  95. Anonymous1:08 PM

    How absurd! When it comes down to Todd Palin endorsing a Republican candidate, then it looks pretty hopeless! Sarah has endorsed people (Christine O'Donnell and Joe Miller, just for a couple of examples, and look what they were all about!). Todd's endorsement is a joke and he really needs to just go and concentrate on trying to heal his dysfunctional family. Good luck to him in the Iron Dog, but there is more that needs to be done besides just winning an Alaskan race. If he truly wants to be a "winner," then maybe he ought to start with his family first - he has LOTS of work to do!!

  96. Wow, that was pathetic. Greta must be having a hard time of it these days.

    I admit to being fascinated with Calista in the video. I watched her and wondered what she used to look like when she was a real (not plastic) human. Otherwise, the whole thing was so dull I stopped it at 2:13.

  97. Anonymous1:16 PM

    The quitter Gov Palin said the AIP is doing a great job. What did she mean by that? What great job? Trying to secede from the union?

    Why does Sarah encourage this behavior?

  98. Anonymous2:00 PM

    More wisdom from the pee pee pond:
    jerseymark Today 09:24 AM in reply to BrianusBerkleianus
    Thanks BB. Sarah in the White House or bust! One way or other.

    exodus2011 has this to say:

    High Five!!

    * *


  99. Anonymous2:19 PM

    GinaM you are the best, your observations about the sea'o'pee are hilarious and right on, also too, love how you kick the trolls out with their brianuses handed to them! Lol.
    One of the inmates said, "just can't imagine her taking a lower position in any capacity, it would be such a step down, like the Queen of England stepping down to Duchess" OMG seriously 'bots? Don't know wether to laugh at them or cry for them.

  100. AKRNHSNC2:22 PM

    @Jelly Belly Do you always jump to conclusions like this? Nowhere in his post did Gryphen say that you're not intelligent unless you go to college. In fact, that's been proven repeatedly in many circumstances. All one has to do is look at our last President, not exactly known for intelligence or his ability to speak well.

    However, Todd Palin has been referenced by many people who worked around him during Sarah's reign of terror. He pretended to know what he was doing but when it came to politics, he didn't have a clue. This is what was being said by Republican and Democratic legislators who were expected to answer to Todd. In fact, if there's ever any doubt about his lack of intelligence, one only needs to look at his bullying of employees in Sarah's admin. He had zero authority but expected everyone to jump when he said so. Look at the ridiculous way he went after Wooten, not understanding why he couldn't be fired at Sarah and his insistence despite him already being punished by the union for the same grievances the Palin's brought up repeatedly. When he mentioned the moose that was shot, Todd said he only wanted Wooten punished and had a childish fit over the idea that other family members, including Chuck and Molly, would also be included in being penalized for participating in the shooting of a moose TWO YEARS prior to their divorce. If the Palin's considered this to be so atrocious, however did they manage to eat the damn meat that came from the animal Wooten shot? Hypocrites run in the Palin family.

    Yes, Todd is NOT very intelligent. I've seen his writing and it's atrocious. He makes mistakes in spelling and punctuation that a 4th grader shouldn't make. His big claim to fame is being Sarah's husband, nothing more since he cheated during the Iron Dog. His endorsement is irrelevant and to think he said Newt isn't a beltway type? Just keep talking, Todd, you sound less intelligent with every word uttered.

  101. Remember when the insufferable bitch and her bitch crash landed on Iowa State Fair? Remember when he thought out loud and said something like, "We can still pull the crowd. Look at them" (meaning look at the small crowd.)

    I bet she still thinks the Rolling Thunder crowd came to see her. (Another crash landing, hogging on other people's events. And ruining it.

  102. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Sarah is stupid.

    Todd Palin is stupid.

    Bristol Palin is stupid.

    What more can be said. All three of their opinions don't count for a hill of beans.

    Wasn't there a animal who predicted the outcomes of these thingees.

    Forgot if the octopus that did went and died on us all.

    God and Mr Robertson aren't telling us either.

  103. Wonder why Faux News would even take his call, seriously, who the hell cares what Todd thinks? I thought for sure that the Palin contract had to be up, at least majorly hoping it was, but maybe the sleazy one was supposed to be on but was too messed up to appear. Or her herpes sores had spread to her whole face. She is one big, hot mess.

    They just need to go away, never to be heard from again. Their 15 minutes has been up far too long.

  104. Irishgirl3:08 PM

    Ha ...this an Alaskan man?

  105. 2:19PM...it's best to just laugh at the idiots! They bring all of the ridicule on themselves...most of them are cowards...they would NEVER say half the shit they say online to us anti-Palin people!

    They just mumble to themselves and pat each other on the back with their nonsensical nonsense about Baldy!

    That's why they remind me of patients in a mental institution waiting for their medication! And I so enjoy making fun of the nuts!

  106. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I'm starting to wonder if the Palins are Masochists? All of them any of them...

    mas·och·ist  noun
    1. Psychiatry . a person who has masochism, the condition in which sexual or other gratification depends on one's suffering physical pain or humiliation.
    2. a person who is gratified by pain, degradation, etc., that is self-imposed or imposed by others.
    3. a person who finds pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc.

    The reason I ask is that it seems like the Palins love to get their backwoods trailer park idiotic actions and retarded comments bashed in by the public. It was mentioned before that the Palins are like the "Whack A Mole" game you see at pizza places. They stick their heads out, look around make a comment and "WHACK" right back into the hole they go.

    We all know they are a sexually active addicted family and loves to be humiliated which leads one to believe that they maybe into masochism. Todd, Sarah, Brisket… well all of them are perverted sons of bitches. Then we see the battered shell of a man, alto voice Todd, submissively carrying Sarah's purse and we all know he loves to wear the silk panties he got from the McCain campaign and that he is into drilling holes to a peek at women's nipples.

    For a family who claims they want their privacy, WTF is a man who is barely educated sticking his 4 inch nose into grown folks business and thinks that his endorsement matters to anybody? Is it he just loves to get his 4 incher slapped?

    It is not just Todd and Sarah who are dumb ass retarded morons but their entire goober clan is!

    It is hysterical that uneducated untalented Brisket wanders out to the big city like a big wet lost dog to become a reality star and gets a Jay Leno chin implant only to get her fat ass knocked off of a mechanical bull in a bar to realize that cutting hair for tips in Wasilla is the place for her to go.

    Then there is Willow who just missed her chance at the grifiting circuit perfected by Brisket and Sarah. If only Willow would of quit school, get pregnant or got expelled from school maybe a year earlier she would of been able to run her scam as well. But as they say "A day late and a dollar short"... Willow missed her mark and looks like she too will be cutting hair in the “Silla” for tips as well.

    Poor Piper... Sarah must be working her ass off so that Sarah can prove that she can at least get one of her retards through school with a real diploma and not pregnant or arrested and maybe get her accepted into a trade school learning how to sell lemonade or build 14 ft fences?

    I not going to say anything about Sarah's combat vet war hero Track. Sarah has done enough to damage his self esteem. Track can't walk down the street without feeling the shame his mother bestowed on him. Only if his father was still alive to take him away from Sarah.

  107. Anonymous3:56 PM

    So far Perry has 1% of the votes in the New Hampshire Primary. We can expect Sarah Palin who went to 5 colleges to get one "B"ull "S"hit degree to surface and give her expert Palin opinion that Perry should drop out.

    Don't want to belittle Sarah's intelligence, but Tri-G could of figured that one out.

    Sarah tell us something we don’t know like who is Tri-G’s father, where is Tri-G’s birth certificate, how many kids does Brisket have, how many pregnancy scares has Willow has and is Track married to his baby‘s mama? Not the jumping over a broom Sally Heath type of white trash trailer park wedding…. a real legal wedding!

  108. telah4:03 PM

    John McCain Doubles Down on Stupid on Hannity:

    John McCain: Choosing Sarah Palin In 2008 'The Best Decision I've Ever Made' http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/10/mccain-palin-best-decision_n_1197772.html

  109. Anonymous4:09 PM

    "...It is hysterical that uneducated untalented Brisket wanders out to the big city like a big wet lost dog to become a reality star and gets a Jay Leno chin implant only to get her fat ass knocked off of a mechanical bull in a bar to realize that cutting hair for tips in Wasilla is the place for her to go...."

    The question is does Brisket have the aptitude to cut hair?

    She can't get her son to stop sucking on a pacifier!

    The show stopper... the big question is can Brisket get her oversized sausage fingers into the scissor handle to even cut hair?

  110. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Tebow is on his knees right now thanking God the "Palin Endorsement Curse" was lifted from him.

    And woe be the poor dumb bastard smuck who received the Palin Endorsement Curse.... and might that be Newt Gingrich who was recently cursed by Todd Palin?

    Let's see how Newt is doing in New Hampshire... ummm not to good... I wonder if he too will decide to suspend his candidacy?

  111. Anonymous4:30 PM

    The Palin Jinx strikes again, NEWT places 4th in New Hampshire. But Old NEWTIE won't Quit asking for MONEY. That's why the QUEEN GRIFTER'S Family likes Newt, he is a GRIFTER like they are.

  112. Anonymous4:47 PM

    anon @ 2:00

    no, no, no, it's *____*

    (mature, huh?)

    "High Five!!"

  113. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I see his endorsement really helped.

  114. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Wonder what it feels like to be supported by a pimp and a secessionist?

    Why did Fox do this? Where is RAM the word smith these days?

    Ohhhhhh. Now we know why Bristol is coming home. She will be Sarah's new speech writer.
    I mean she did get her GED, didn't she? And her writing portfolion includes hundreds of bon mot from twitter.

  115. Erick5:31 PM

    Anon 3:42 PM

    Well said!

  116. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Peeing for Palin is so fun tonight, they are in an uproar, seems Faux Noise was mean to Sawa..

    what is Fox's problem-if they r trying to get Gov Palin to quit-they r disrespecting a wonderful woman who should b President-Fox is so wrong.


  117. Anonymous6:14 PM

    4:47 PM:

    Thanks, my bad! :-)

    DEO VOLENTE..aah crap..

  118. Sunny in Albuquerque6:25 PM

    BrianusBerkleianus 5 minutes ago

    SARAH: She is waiting with 60-70% of the American People for a candidate TO BE REVEALED who will show a STARK CONTRAST to obama!!

    The "TO BE REVEALED" implies the person HAS YET TO BE REVEALED!!

    Wow! And here I thought this pee pond specimen was an aberrant imbecile.
    I stand corrected.

  119. Anonymous6:30 PM

    As always, the Palins are a day late & a dollar short. Gingrich is rapidly going down the drain, making the endorsement even more foolish than the idea of it being important that he's getting Toad's approval. WTF? Because Newtie at one time "suggested" he might want Scarah for VP? That would never have happened even if he was a top contender. Newt is smarter than that. They're really getting desperate.

  120. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

    Yep, Todd's definately a "Tucker"

    You forgot one possibility. Todd might not be at home, and is "phoneing" in that he's behind Newt, LITERALLY.

    Ok, off to read the comments and google Santorum.

  121. Anonymous7:23 PM

    That ENDORSEMENT sure worked out well, just like when SCARAH Endorsed TEBOW. The Palins had better be careful, NEWTIE gets Revenge.

  122. Randall7:02 AM

    ...and Newt said "who???"

  123. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Newt is a conniving nasty mo fo who does not give a rat's ass about our country. He wants power and money and will do whatever -- as he has shown when speaker of the house - to get what he wants.

    He is joining forces with Santorum and the Tea Party - that's where Todd and possibly Sarah come in - to bring down Romney. It's personal and it's nasty.

    The Gingrichs and the Palins are birds of a feather. Nasty and self-serving to the core.

  124. Anonymous8:18 AM

    LIke I even care to know what is on this losers mind. I want to know scarah's choice. Come on give it to us so they can fall.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.