Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Just to clear up any mythology about the Founding Fathers having created a perfect country, THIS was still considered okay to give to school children a hundred years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

(Just in case you are not horrified enough by the cover, you can see the contents by clicking here.)

You know whenever I hear the Republicans talking about taking this country back to the days when it better reflected the image of the Founding Fathers, this is the kind of ugliness it conjures up in my mind.

This book was printed in 1876, exactly one hundred years after this country, the land of the free and home of the brave, was founded, and only ten years after slavery was finally abolished.

This was a time when the white male citizens had ALL of the rights, blacks knew their place, women were little more than property, and the Bible was an accepted textbook in the American classroom.

These are the "good old days" that the GOP waxes poetic over in their speeches to the American people. A time when only those of a certain ethnicity, or gender, were allowed to control the direction in which this country is headed. If they had their way, there would certainly NOT be some uppity, oddly named, Hawaiian born Socialist occupying the Oval Office.

Essentially everything they say is code for taking this country back to a time when the idea of "white makes right" was accepted with little or no challenge.  And while I am well aware that President Lincoln was a proud Republican, this is NOT his party anymore.

Today's Republican presidential candidates seem for all the world like hood-less KKK members rather than agents for societal progress in the United States.

From Ron "racist newsletter" Paul, to "Rick "Niggerhead ranch" Perry, on to Newt "have poor students (i.e. black students) clean school bathrooms" Gingrich, and Rick "I don't want bla..people's lives better by giving them somebody's else's money" Santorum, right up to Mitt "My church would not allow black priests until 1976" Romney, the field seems to be only one giant cross, a can of gasoline, and a match away from admitting to African American voters exactly what they think of them.

Personally I would like to look to a future where people who love each other can marry, regardless of their gender, ALL people's religious beliefs are recognized and respected equally, and children are raised seeing a person's character before they notice the color of their skin. 

And that is definitely NOT the future that will be available to us if one of these arrogant, racist, backward thinking pricks get into the White House.

Despite any residual disappointment I might feel, for me the choice was never in question:

Barack Obama for President in 2012!


  1. Hear hear! I've been rereading the Little House series for nostalgia's sake this week, and am struck by the ways that the parents' generation talk about Native Americans (Laura, bless her heart, is a little more enlightened).

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    If you see dust in NH, it's Santorum running away.

    The Terry Schiavo debate is rearing its head in New Hampshire -- square between the eyes of Santorum.

    "In 2005, Santorum repeatedly demanded that Schiavo be kept alive against the wishes of her husband. "We need to do something to stop this unconscionable act on the part of the Florida Court," he said. "Terri Schiavo is a daughter, a sister, and most importantly, a person. We cannot allow an innocent person to be put to death." Santorum even used his position as a US senator to get Congress to subpoena the judge in the case. (The judge ignored Congress.) And most memorably, Santorum paid a visit Schiavo in the hospital when all the nation was watching—a visit, it turned out, made possible by Walmart's private jet and coinciding with a fundraiser of Santorum's."


    This sounds like a case of government getting inbetween the patient and doctor -- what the Rethugs blame the Dems of doing yet clearly the hypocrite Santorum is guilty.

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Obama 2012! The only sane choice...

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Saw the Book of Mormon on Broadway over the weekend. It is a totally absolutely fantastic show. We are going again and taking our kids!!
    Anyway, every line is priceless, but this post made me think of a line from "I BELIEVE" :
    "I Believe in 1976 god changed his mind about black people! I am a Mormon, and Mormon's just believe!!"
    I want to comment on the commaraderie of the audience. I felt more comfortable with the strangers in that room than I do within my entire community. Everyone there seemed like tolerant freethinking/critically thinking humans...with wicked senses of humor.

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Sarah will buy the book to help Piper learn math and bigotry at the same time.

  6. Tyroanee12:50 PM

    Broken Link /8

  7. President Barack Obama is our Best. President. Ever!!!!!

    Let's give him the landslide he deserves. Remember, remember, the sixth of November!

    Oh, and racist/bigot/bully/coward/traitor Todd Palin with his lame endorsement can suck it.

  8. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Horrible!!! This type thing needs to be put in the national news media....so many people don't have a clue what our past history was like.

    Screw the Republicans spouting the crap they are today. I hope the majority of them are vote out of our Congress this next go around.

  9. Gasman1:02 PM

    Sadly, too many in the GOP would like to go back to that curriculum.

  10. Hoken1:03 PM

    Apparently that Confederate flag over the Georgian capitol is there to remind Georgians not to neglect their Social Studies lessons:

    “Each tree had 56 oranges. If 8 slaves pick them equally, then how much (sic) would each slave pick?”

    “If Frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in 1 week?”


    No. January 2012, in an elementary school in Norcross, GA. A school district spokesman tried to explain it away, saying to angry parents, "The teachers were trying to add Social Studies to the Math problems as a cross-curricular activity."

    [Apparently the teachers' English skills are as challenged as their Soc Studies skills.]

    The parents didn't buy it, either.

    No word on whether said teachers were listening to Rush Limbaugh while they wrote the worksheet, or if they may have been under the influence of Pat Buchanan.


  11. WOW! I was so startled to see the title! It's interesting that you posted this today Gryphen...I just read a story on HP about the school in Georgia that had third graders doing a worksheet with these questions...

    "Each tree had 56 oranges. If 8 slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?" and

    "If Frederick got two beatings per day, how many beatings did he get in 1 week?"
    Their reasoning was that they were combining Social Studies with Math?? What kind of shit is this?

    The District Spokesperson had this to say in response to complaints from parents....

    "This is simply a case of creating a bad question," Roach told the station.

    Again....WTF!! I lived in Atlanta for 11 months and had two children in the school system....I left that state because my child who was in third grade was 1 out of three children who knew how to READ! Yes I said READ in her whole class! The class had 35 students...my child's teacher TOLD me to get my child out of that school...I did her one better I left that backwards ass state completely!

    *spits on the ground in disgust*

    Here's the link to the HP story...


  12. Anonymous1:07 PM

    The more you look into history or religion the more you see at some point you were lied to..

  13. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Jesus H. Christ on crutches...

  14. My grandfather had a basal reader from the early 1900's that included a "myth" explaining why people have different skin colors.

    In a nutshell, it explained that all people were dark in the beginning. When God called all his people to the river to wash, the lazy people were sleeping under a tree. By the time they got to the river, there was only enough water to wash the palms of their hands and soles of their feet. That's why black people have lighter skin on their palms and soles.

    In case you wonder where some earlier generations got their stereotypes.

  15. Anonymous1:30 PM

    This makes we weep.

  16. Anonymous1:39 PM

    President Barack Obama, 2012! Lets make it happen, Democrats!

    He is doing a fantastic job!

  17. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I'm just thinking - a slight memory is coming back to me of when I was in gradeschool...I'm pushing 70 now. We had a book that was entitled "Little Black Sambo", but I don't recall the exact story, but a black boy was on the cover. (I was in Escondido, CA at the time.)

    So, these type things (as displayed by IM) were still around in the late 40's! I have limited memory of a song we would all sing too that I've not heard in years and years.

    Do any of you remember things like this in your early childhood?

  18. Hannah1:56 PM

    I wonder just how vicious the republican primary process needs to get before they pull back the curtains on how racist they really are. There has to be SOME reason so many people hate Obama so much, it can't just be his policies. The question is, which candidate is willing to actually talk about it. It doesn't help that Barack Obama is incredibly more intelligent that most GOP voters. Obama 2012!

  19. Olivia2:01 PM

    I think this is exactly what they want to take our country back to and they are incensed that anyone would think differently,

  20. Anonymous2:03 PM

    The irony about Gingrnich's comment is that his own child from the first marriage would have been in the bathroom cleaning crew when Newt refused to pay child support.

  21. Anonymous2:08 PM

    This crap doesn't need the added circulation.

  22. Anonymous2:16 PM

    And let's not forget the Bitch Queen in '08: "So Sambo beat the bitch."

    Or TAWD and HS buddies beating the black boy to a pulp just because they could.


  23. lostinmn2:22 PM

    For any of you wanting to get another view of the history of racism and it's ugly side I suggest you read Howard Zinn's People History of the United States. It's quite a read and will chill you in many ways.

  24. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I feel the Republicans have very little for which they can go after President Obama as he is being successful in spite of their trying to stop him every step of the way.

    The economy is improving even though he admits it has much further to go.

    The ending of the war w/Iraq as was also the intent of President Bush.

    Passed the Affordable Care Act that is already having some good consequences for American citizens. All the candidates in the primary (Repub) vow to get rid of "Obama Care" though!

    Plus, he stood up to the Repubs trying to roll back a woman's right to choose and defund Planned Parenthood.

    President Obama has my vote AGAIN and I wish he and his family well.

  25. Teutonic132:31 PM

    Very poor taste Gryph

    That was a shock

  26. Anonymous2:32 PM

    My 12-year-old daughter and I watched MLK Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech today, and it is chilling just how relevant and needed his words are today.

    We are a work in progress, working toward a more perfect union. Republicans would like to deny us that right.

  27. Every time I hear a politicia say they want to take "their" country back back to the way it was I am instantly reminded why I was born in another country. It was illegal for my black father and white other to marry in Virginia. I am only 40 yet they act as this was hundreds of years ago. I have come back to the land of my father and hos forefathers( mY mother is Canadian) and i can't help but think. Sure you can have the country back but you are going to have to pry here from my dead hands because I and many like me what to make her great again and that means keeping them out of office.

  28. Anonymous2:40 PM

    snowlady... in my country the myth told to the children was that white people are the descendants of people who were afflicted with leprosy.

  29. You said it all. And they call people "sensitive" if they dare complain about it.

    racism is clear and here because the MAJORITY voted in the First African-America, Black, Person of Color PRESIDENT of the USA and these assholes can't stand it.

    The low information group of about 20% can't play stupid (are they acting) anymore.

    President Obama Lifts us while the clown show is doing exacting what G said.

  30. Yikes.

    o/t http://socyberty.com/history/what-it-takes-to-be-a-barack-obama-supporter/

    Obama 2012

  31. Anonymous3:03 PM

    teutonic.......yes, the truth quite often is offensive, just as your comment is.

  32. A shock?

    Good, that was the point.

    Find this in bad taste, I sure as hell hope so.

    Is it necessary to use such techniques to help people to understand exactly what the Republicans, and their radical teabagger wing, would like to bring this country back to?

    Yes I do believe that it is.

    With this group being too politically correct, or carefully making sure not to ruffle anyone's feathers, puts progressives at a disadvantage.

    Time to get tough.

  33. telah3:06 PM

    Wow. Holy shit! I had no idea that it was so recent that interracial marriage was illegal in the South. Amazing.

  34. Cue Todd Palin and the gravel pit ...

    Bless our amazing President.
    Bless our beautiful/talented first family.
    Bless Bo the dog.

    And KARMA will take care of the Teabagger Racists, eh Todd? How's that screechy, loveless, demeaning, harpy marriage thingy workin' for ya?

  35. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Are there any words for this horror:

    John McCain has no regrets about the biggest and most controversial decision of his unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign. Speaking to Sean Hannity on Tuesday evening in New Hampshire, McCain said naming Sarah Palin his running mate was "still the best decision I've ever made."


  36. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Anon. @ 1:56- Escondido in the house!

    Your memory is correct. "Little Black Sambo" was a story written by a British supporter of India's colonization. The little boy was chased up a tree by tigers, who ran round and round the tree in frustration until they turned into a puddle of melted butter.

    Naturally this detail made it the perfect theme for a chain of pancake houses. Each Sambo's had murals of the story, and the little boy was certainly dark enough to accommodate American-style racism.

    Eventually the pancake houses changed their name and logo- about the same time that the head elder of the Mormon church "had a vision" that blacks no longer bore the mark of Cain...surely a mere coincidence that the church was facing charges in federal court for refusing to permit young black boy scouts to make "Eagle" rank, since scouts in Utah had to be in the church.

    Wildly Disgusted Pancake Tortoise

  37. Ailsa4:03 PM

    Anonymous 1:56 said...

    I'm just thinking - a slight memory is coming back to me of when I was in gradeschool...I'm pushing 70 now. We had a book that was entitled "Little Black Sambo", but I don't recall the exact story...

    Do any of you remember things like this in your early childhood?

    I'm the same age, but a Brit. I remember reading Epaminondas as a very young child. It's still sold.

  38. Ailsa4:18 PM

    Also many little children in the UK through the 60s had golliwogs.


    It's horrifying, I know.

  39. Marleycat4:40 PM

    Thank you so much for this post, Gryph - I wish the leaders of this country would add to the social progress of this country rather than try to one up each other in trying to have the most regressive, cruelest, and dehumanizing campaign platform of all of them, like - let's see who can be the meanest.

    It's as each is trying to be the biggest bully on the block against American citizens - and what's most bizarre - the arrogance and disrespect they display with each of their latest, greatest plan to stab us in the back seems to be a source of pride to them.

    I don't even recognize my country anymore - we've always had problems to work on in this country, but at least it seemed to me that progress towards making America better for everyone was the goal. Education, technology, literacy, medical advances, eliminating poverty, infrastructure, caring for our citizens - you know - advancement!

    That we now live in a time that some backwoods, right wing racist feels proud to actually send an email to his legislative colleagues that contains a prayer wishing the President was dead - and that his wife and children be destitute? How did we get to this place?

    More innocent people will be killed because of what these kinds of vicious christianist KKK thugs publicly advocate - day in and day out. You are right, meet the new Ku Klux Klan masquerading as "good" conservative Christians.

  40. Beldar J Conehead4:56 PM

    A wise man - or wise guy - recently (like 5 minutes ago) said of Ultra Conservative Republicans "they're ALL horrible human beings".

    Obama2012, indeed!

  41. Anonymous6:09 PM

    One of the best history books you can find for a quick read is called "The Good Old Days: They were Terrible!" by the Bettman Archive. Buy a copy through an online source or ask for it on interlibrary loan. It's richly illustrated with archival photos and engravings of such topics as contaminated food, slums, pollution, crime and corruption, factory machinery that maimed workers, and other hallmarks of "the good old days."

    Buy a copy for any kids you know ages 13-18, if they're at all intersted in history or social studies, or, if you want them to get interested.

  42. Anonymous6:31 PM

    My 11-year-old is studying the Roman Empire and today we talked about the brutality of many of the emperors and the horrible way disputes were often settled. I told him once again why this is such a great country - we are the fairest society ever - not perfect, certainly muddled at times, but always striving collectively for better laws and equality within a very diverse group of people.

    I told him that Obama's favorite quote was something MLK said often: "the arc of moral history is long, but it bends toward justice." His eyes got big as he told me excitedly that he'd heard it before. While we have many shameful things in our history, I truly believe we are always trying to become more just and fair, and to learn. My son's generation surely will be no different.

    No doubt which candidate will help get us there - the man who is always trying to learn, to do better, to be more fair and just. One more term and I believe he will finish as one of our greatest presidents and statesmen ever. Obama 2012!

  43. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Today I was in a courthouse in the midwest, waiting for my husband to finish meeting with a client. I noticed that the walls were covered with rolls of the citizens who had served their country in various wars. It was so disgusting to see that the WWI listing was segregated, and that the list still had the designation "colored" to this day.

    BTW, I was born in 1971, and I remember the tale of Little Black Sambo and I had the Br'er Rabbit album from Disney. All of these things are in such a recent past.

  44. Anonymous7:14 PM

    The SCORE moment about this IS The Queen Bitxh knows she can't run, as well as TAWD but they keep the dream alive for IDIOTS to bring in that money from the TRULY ignorant.

    Notice the absence of TROLL posts just like the Gabby Giffords tribute? They HATE it when Gryph hits the nerve.

    COME ON Queen Bitch and Purse Carrying Minion. You just can't help yourself, can you? C'mon out and get bitch slapped. 3012. 2016. 2020....we'll be here, FRAUDS!

  45. lwtjb7:29 PM

    Wow. Holy shit! I had no idea that it was so recent that interracial marriage was illegal in the South. Amazing.

    3:06 PM

    Some places in Oregon had sundown laws up until that same era. If you were black you must be out of town before sundown. Even during the daytime businesses would not serve blacks in those places. I heard about a man who refused to get in a swimming pool because there was a 4 year old black child in the pool. I heard a lot of horror stories then because I was arranging adoptions for black children. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I can no longer remember many of those stories.

    The reactions to President Obama's election and presidency sure have that same flavor as I saw then. It seems so familiar.

    Seems like it has become OK to be openly and viciously racist. Hopefully these reactions to the election of a black man bring more awareness and thereby changes. I hope so. Racism is certainly alive and well in this country.

  46. Anonymous7:39 PM

    3:31 Thank you as to helping me remember "Little Black Sambo" - what stood out was the chase and turning into butter! I do recall that!!!

  47. Isn'T that a depiction of Toad?

  48. Isn'T that a depiction of Toad?

  49. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

    As disgusting as it is, I'm glad you shared this with your readers. I've seen some books in this genre and era, and I always used them as "teachable moments" when my kids were growing up.

  50. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Great topic and discussion, Gryphen. People's stories, too.

    Yes, teutonic, This subject IS shocking, and it's about high time people started discussing it, as we are here now. Racism is out there whether you choose to see it or not.

  51. This is a children's book and BTW, was not a textbook used in schools. Other than its use of the n-word, which was pretty common at the time, it's pretty tame stuff.

    Anyone who really wants to witness the seamy underbelly of what some in the GOP want to take us back to, should get a copy of Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America.

    For those who are interested, you can also visit the website withoutsanctuary.org. I will warn everyone in advance that this site contains very graphic images. I don't think anyone with an ounce of humanity can visit this site without being very deeply moved and resolved to make this country a better place for all its citizens.

    Thank God most of us have come a long way since then, but as the treatment of our President so often sadly demonstrates, as a country, we all still have a long way to go.


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