Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I could not agree more! Wait, what?

Uhh, somehow I don't think they meant this the way I am taking it.

But hey agreement is agreement, right?


  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    You're on quite the tear. Slow news day? Wrong side of the bed?

  2. angela4:46 AM

    Yes they did.

  3. Anonymous4:46 AM

    The fastest way to become an atheist is to actually read the bible.

  4. Anonymous4:53 AM

    The sad part of this idiom is that there are people who really do try to "beat the Devil" out of their children.

  5. Anonymous4:53 AM

    True that. Not many Christians have actually read the bible from cover to cover. They would be horrified and embarrassed to call this work "holy" if they actually knew the kind of god the bible endorses.

  6. KatieAnnieOakley5:06 AM

    LOVE IT!! A pastor with a sense of humor!


  7. Anonymous5:16 AM

    With so much killing in the name of God, who needs the Devil!

  8. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Speaking of evil, ...

    Willard is more despicable than W! Has all the arrogance, but at least W was a phony while Willard is sincere, evil arrogance!

  9. Happens to me too Gryph, every time!

    Establish fact it is that atheists are generally best versed on religions and traditions.

  10. Anonymous6:05 AM

    +1 to Anon4:46am

  11. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Yes, Gryphen, seems a lot of people have high-jacked the true meaning of christianity. But it doesn't mean that what Jesus is and taught is wrong, all it means it that men who've lost the love and need to justify themselves, making themselves look good, are incorrect.

    It's not by "works" not by "scaring the hell out of people" not by "force". You mock a thing that many good folks have turned their lives around and don't act methodically self-righteous. It's not in them to be so. It upsets me too that right now the bugs are coming out of the woodwork. But it says they will be revealed for who they really are, and this could be the time.

    You pick out every negative thing, but don't take the time to look at some christians who aren't hypocritical. I'm sure there are good and bad in every establishment where men gather. It's the wheat and the weeds. Don't throw out the wheat with the weeds.

  12. Hoken6:38 AM

    Given past experiences, Pastor Mike Schwartz is more likely to scare the hell out of me than is the Bible.

  13. Anonymous7:20 AM

    That is how so many of them operate - by fear.

    That's all the Bible is to them - scare tactics.

    Not to defend the Bible, I think it's a pile of crap myself. I just think it's telling how un-aware they are of what they're actually revealing about themselves when they trot out the the "Holy" Bible to try to control people with.

  14. Anonymous7:40 AM

    It will scare the hell out of you....only if you read it....lol

  15. Some time ago, HuffPo had a fun slide show of these. My favorite one was from Nails Creek Baptist (No, I am not making this up!), and read something like "Easter comes once a year, how often to you?"

  16. Anonymous8:51 AM

    To help some of them recover -


  17. Anonymous5:07 PM

    My Bible says that God is love and Christ taught forgiveness.

    Guess its all in the translation.

  18. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    True that. Not many Christians have actually read the bible from cover to cover. They would be horrified and embarrassed to call this work "holy" if they actually knew the kind of god the bible endorses.
    4:53 AM

    If you stick to the four Gospels it paints a very different picture.

  19. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Joshua 10:40 - "And Joshua killed everybody in the land, and left nothing alive, as God had commanded"


  20. Anonymous6:48 PM

    HA HA HA Pastor Scwartz was a dead give-away.
    Clever sign. though.

    The story that I always wondered about was Adam and Eve had two sons - one got killed.... the other was fruitful and multiplied... oh never mind, mysteries either turn my stomach or make my head hurt.


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