Saturday, January 14, 2012

The next time you hear Sarah Palin, or Michele Bachmann, or any of the current GOP Presidential candidates vilifying Iran, keep this in mind.

Now ask yourselves this, how much hate would YOU have for a country that did to us what we did to Iran?

I'm sorry, what we are STILL doing to Iran.


  1. (ahem)2:09 AM

    Good morning, Gryphen. Here I am, compulsively, boringly, and idiotically commenting as soon as I see you post something about Sarah Palin.

    I'm a little tired this morning, so I apologize for having to list out my usual talking posts:

    1. I don't know
    2. You are immature
    3. Todd Palin is better than anyone with a college education
    4. Everyone who meets or who has ever known the Palins EVER! love and adore them.
    5. This is true
    6. This is proven
    7. Not, not, not, NOT
    8. Bristol seldom wears makeup, is a smart businesswoman, and loves hanging out with her friends in Juneau
    9. Sarah Palin, like all other women, only wears wigs when she's between salon appointments.
    10. blah, blah, blah
    11. Some random dig at Obama
    12. I don't know.

    Now, I'm off to post the same crap at some other blogs as per usual.

  2. Anonymous3:54 AM

    And what we've done to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan...WE are the usurpers. WE are the invaders. WE are the bad guys in this part of the world. And I don't care if we WERE a Christain nation, we act like the biggest bullies on the planet. And these GOP morons want more? They are urging another war. I think they want the end to come, so they can get their jsut rewards. I hope they are ready for that...'cause I don;t think they are going where they think they are going.

  3. Anonymous5:24 AM

    A cogent urination critique:

  4. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Reagan. Iran Contra. Reagan put arms in Iran's hands to harm any of 'em, all of 'em that comes their way.

  5. Is bullying in the human genome? Seems like it. Isn't that what all this christianity was supposed to mitigate? Turn the other cheek, etc.?

    When Christiansists are the bullies, what chance does humanity have?

  6. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I swear, Gryphen, the education you've attempted to give Bitch Queen through this blog is admirable. Problem is, she cannot process nor retain ANYTHING except the very simplest things.

    I can't WAIT to see what she FUCKS UP tonight on Pirro! Bitch can't help it. Comedy GOLD.

  7. sharon6:18 AM

    This is the kind of real knowledge of our history that scares the krap out of you...I know it does me. I knew these facts, but this video really ties it all together for even the knuckle draggers. We both know those 2 morons dont have a clue of our history with any countries and how we created so many of the problems. We need Obama safe and sound for as long as possible....this new crisis with the scientists being killed and the blockade threat, its flying below the radar because of the media but its real. I need drugs, lol.

  8. Anonymous6:34 AM

    So... what exactly is it that makes us so "exceptional" again? I guess Hitler must've been "exceptional" also too.

    Remember back when Bush used to tell us that Al Qaeda hated us "for our freedoms"? When he'd say that garbage RIGHT TO OUR FACES?

    Harvey Dent was right.... live long enough and you'll see yourself become the villain...

  9. Anonymous6:35 AM

    What's up with the fake (Ahem) today?

  10. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Listen to my song about Bullying:

    "This Bullying"

    Go to #392 and click in it.

    positions change every Monday.

  11. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Thanks for sharing this, Gryphen. So few Americans are aware of this history.

    It's a complicated situation, for sure, but I would bet most of the GOP is completely clueless about this historical context of American-Iranian relations.

    They just want their bogeyman.

  12. Anonymous6:52 AM

    It looks like the real ahem to me.

  13. Anonymous7:09 AM

    You have GOT to read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. We've been doing this all over the world. Iran was just the first time. They need to make a video about how we treated Panama over 'our' canal. Most Americans don't know any of this, and can't understand why some people in other countries don't like us. Here's a clue: they're not jealous.

  14. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Speaking of hypocrisy: we refused to return our pal the Shah to Iran but were scandalized when the Taliban didn't extradite Bin Ladin to us.

    PS- Iran's nuclear ambitions began with the Shah.

  15. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Dear ahem,

    You forgot #13: You're just jealous; and #14: FACT.

  16. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I don't think you really understand the history of Iran. You are smart but sometimes don't research subjects enough before giving very strong opinions. Going back to 1953?
    What about the current regime?
    Please be a bit more responsible. You are very naive about certain issues. You have grown up in an extremely sheltered situation. Sorry!! I like your blog and read it regularly but it's easy to be an armchair observer. Visit these countries. You would have a very different opinion about many issues.

  17. Anita Winecooler8:11 AM

    Thanks for this, it should go viral. How soon we forget!

    Amerikan exceptionalism at it's best, now tell me again, why these idgits ignore Bush's eight years and polish Saint Ronald Raygun's halo again? Iran Contra was pivotal in what's happened these past 12 or so years.

    This can has been kicked down the road too many times, it's got to stop somewhere.

  18. ghostwriter8:39 AM

    My guess is that the majority of those who think that the Middle East is full of America-hating terrorists have never asked themselves why these people would feel this way about us. Maybe they think these folks hate us because they are "jealous." You are right, Gryphen--we have had atrocious crimes committed in our name for the sake of the oil companies and their enablers. Most of us are ignorant of this history. It's funny how the world becomes a little less puzzling when you have some context.

  19. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Anon at 7:53 wrote:

    I don't think you really understand the history of Iran.


    Same back at ya, Anon. The roots of most of the anti-West sentiment in the Middle East in modern times can be traced back to the aftermath of World War I and the League of Nations. The rise of the automobile also played a role as it made petroleum a commodity not a curiosity and suddenly all those worthless paths of desert were worth something. The people of the Middle East became pawns in the power games of the western nations. And they resented it. Do some research of your own instead of poking at Gryphen.

  20. Anonymous10:03 AM

    It is amazing how these ass wipes retarded do nothing shit for brain Palins make asinine comments to stay in the news! I would of thought they would be too embarrass to stick their pie holes out of the house their dumbass followers paid for!

    Then I remembered what no skilled dumb ass untalented "legs in the air" Jay Leno look a like Bristol Palin said

    "People hate them because they are famous"

    And then I tried to figure out what did Brisket do that was famous?

    Famous for ....
    her several pregnancies.
    For missing a lot of school because she had 9 months of mono.
    For scamming DWTS by just dry humping on the floor instead of dancing.
    For having a book signing in the big Minnesota mall sitting next to her mom with several dozens of security guards and police officers and only 20 people showed up.
    For abandoning her son Tri-G.
    For naming her son after her father's prostitute.
    For walking the streets of LA trying to pimp and use her high school dropout skanky sister to get a reality show.
    For putting her name on a piece of shit "get even mean girl" book that failed.
    For her bogus Sarah Palin money laundering LLC.
    For sleeping in beds and tents belonging to Levi, Ben, Gino, Masey brothers and whoever would give her wine coolers or buy her a Big Mac.
    For her underage bar hopping mechanical bull riding and falling on her fat ass.
    For getting paid for putting bendy straws into her mother's water bottles.
    For her illegal free trips paid for by Alaskan tax payers.
    For keeping her pacifier sucking son away from his grandmother, if Grandma Johnston really is Tripp's grandma?
    For her sex moaning sounds.
    For her cancelled reality shows.
    For her and her homophobic sisters rants.
    For giving motivational speeches and she couldn't even motivate herself, her siblings or father into getting an education or jobs.
    For giving abstinence speeches while bed hopping.
    For her ever growing baby bump on DWTS.
    For her giant TO GO Cheesecake Factory late night snacks in Los Angeles.
    For quitting everything she ever started.
    For telling everybody she lost only 5 pounds and realigned her mouth which resulted in her new big ass Jay Leno chin.
    For wearing scarves to hide her new fetus or fat belly.
    For getting a truck from her mother in lieu of building a relationship with her baby's daddy.
    For telling everybody she was going to college in Arizona only to return to Wasilla with dreams of giving $9 haircuts.
    For being the daughter of a sportscaster who got interviews by screwing black athletes in her sister's dorm room while her boyfriend Todd was out cheating on her.
    For being an office manager who is now a receptionist.
    For being the daughter of a pimp...
    For being the auntie of her brother's unmarried pastor's daughter baby.
    For telling the world several years ago that her mom already made up her mind about her POTUS scam...
    For telling the world she got raped by her baby's daddy only to walk that lie back after getting called on it.
    For ransacking the Red Cross room in Los Angeles and taking multiple gifts, earphones, perfumes and everything else not bolted down.
    For moving in with her aunt during her Tri-G pregnancy.
    For going to several high school either for getting kicked out or to hide her pregnancy.
    For being the sex addicted daughter of the quitter governor of the state of Alaska.
    For stealing the GOP campaign clothes paid for by the GOP.
    For living in a house built with the same material used in building the Wasilla hockey rink that put the town in debt for several 100 years.
    For her alcoholic binges.
    For her use, purchase and distribution of meth.
    For disrespecting elderly Alaskan school teachers.
    Famous for ......

    Bristol tell us again what you and your no good Valley Trash Grifting Wasilla Hill Billy inbred family are famous for?

  21. Anonymous10:13 AM

    anon 7:54 AM
    who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?
    Oh yes its a crime to "learn" something according to bot followers...
    Fuck off.
    Thanks Gryphen for posting this.
    I wish we as a country and the world would look for Green Energy and stop the wars.
    Of course there would be religion to war about again.
    Sad we are so De-evolved as a species.

  22. Anonymous10:19 AM

    @ 7:54, so you're saying you've visited Iran? Do tell.

    My family, many Iranian, could probably tell you a thing or two about the Iranian peoples' attitudes toward Israel and the rest of the West. For one thing, they - in their well-educated and very sophisticated way - are able to distinguish a nation's government from its people. And, in addition, a nation's leaders from a nation's policies. They feel it doesn't matter who is President here; American policy is the issue. Entrenched positions that have prevailed over decades.

    You may see agitated protests over there, with inflammatory rhetoric and scary signs, etc, but the vast majority of Iranians love America and also have enough sense to understand the big picture, geo-politically. They also deeply love their own country and while a huge portion are not practicing Muslims - contrary to what you see on TV - they do feel strongly about their culture and their way of life. They are extremely family-oriented, they believe in higher education, and they are some of the most gracious and generous people you are ever going to encounter, anywhere in the world.

    Btw, Iran may perhaps be seeking the bomb, who knows - but if they are, it is simply because they see that America and its allies leave nuclear-armed nations alone. It's pretty simple, really.

    I do not believe it is with the intention of being aggressive, as the GOP and Israel would insist. That's all excuses for continued increased military budgets and activities around the world.

    Iran is the perfect focus for the Neo-Conservative agenda. So frustrating Iran controls the Straits of Hormuz! Darn them! Get them out of our way, let us at our God-given oil reserves....

    Scary to see the GOP exploit the issue. And all a big game. The fact that goofy, loud-mouthed Ahmedinejad plays right into the hands of the Neo-Cons and Big Oil is really beside the point.

  23. Anonymous10:41 AM

    At the end of the video the narrator says we have to do something to stop this progression or turn it around. So in the interest of Iran, outside of electing Ron Paul, the only candidate who seems to understand the history and consequences of interfering with governments of other countries, what CAN we do?

    I do think electing Ron Paul would be a mistake for our country. So that's not an option. What are we as individuals to do?

  24. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Thanks for this excellent video, and I hope that it will help your readers to better understand the good and the bad of the US. I'm always amaized at the lack of knowledge of international history by a majority of US citizens who were pounded with the American exceptionalism enough to never question their leaders' involvement in dirty politics around the planet.
    While I mourne the 9/11 victims of the WTC, that date to me represents the US backed military coup in Chile in 1973, with Allende's death on 9/11 of that year.

    Do I have a certain grudge against the US ? Yes. My parents had to leave the States in 1953 because of McCartyism. I do also recognise the wonderful stuff this country can create, and I really have my hopes up with Prez Obama. Keep your eyes open to reality and go vote

  25. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Hey Bristol

    "People hate them because they are famous"

    LOL... Your book signing... that shit was too funny!

    Your mother thought her shit doesn't stink and that she is a queen or king maker so she had a book signing with you in the big Minnesota mall. They had miles of rope to guide and corral your book signers with several dozen police officers there to control the giant mob. Then Sarah appeared in the empty mall with her manly chin and retarded grin to an astounding couple of dozen people! LOL that was too funny seeing you two sitting next to each having to smile while being totally embarrassed because nobody showed up. That was the last time your mom offered her services to you to sell your books.

  26. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Good video, although it's produced by a group supporting Ron Paul...

  27. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I do think electing Ron Paul would be a mistake for our country. So that's not an option. What are we as individuals to do?
    10:41 AM
    We Don't elect Ron Paul and when POTUS gets reelected we send a clear message: No more war for Oil!
    No dirty tricks.
    We do not pander to Israel, let them fight their own battles.
    we want America to work on GREEN energy. Make dependence on Oil a thing of the past. It has been done before ages ago and so be it again.


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