Monday, January 16, 2012

Let's see what our friends in Canada think of the movie "Game Change."

Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin in Game Change.
Courtesy of the Globe and Mail:

The movie dramatizes only one section – the John McCain campaign in 2008 from the choice of Sarah Palin as candidate for vice-president to the night McCain lost. The movie, like the book, is not speculative or based on hearsay. Much of it is based on an account of the McCain campaign by Steve Schmidt, a Republican Party campaign strategist, who is played by Woody Harrelson in the movie, with multiple eyewitness corroborations. 

Watching it with the American journalists was an education. At first, as the movie opened with McCain (Ed Harris) and his advisers discussing potential running mates, there was a jaunty satirical tone. There was laughter in the room. Even as the Palin character (Julianne Moore plays her with aplomb) entered the picture, all gee-whiz enthusiasm, there was lots of laughter. 

Then the laughing stopped. There was silence. Then there were groans of embarrassment. Not because the movie is mediocre. It’s actually thrillingly good. But because the depth of Palin’s ignorance of the world became clear. 

It is a devastating portrait of Palin. And a searing indictment of the McCain camp for selecting her. As the movie tells it, Palin was vetted quickly and became the running mate in order to swiftly boost McCain’s chances against a soaring Barack Obama. Then, after Palin’s unveiling as the running mate, the team, especially Schmidt, set about preparing her for media interviews and a vice-presidential candidates debate. 

It was around that period in the movie that many reporters in the room sighed. Some cursed. Others slumped in their chairs. It is made crystal clear that Palin didn’t really understand why there was a North Korea and a South Korea. She clearly thought that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks. She needed to have Germany’s role in the Second World War explained to her. She thought “the Fed” referred to the federal government, not the Federal Reserve. The Governor of Alaska was as ignorant of the world as a four-year-old. Except of course, voters were being asked to put this ludicrously uninformed person, in the proverbial phrase, “a heartbeat away from the presidency.” 

Under pressure, but with a profound sense of her own importance, Palin crumbles. In one scene, she is catatonic, curled up, immobile in a fetal position because she’s been dieting. In another she screams at a McCain staffer on her cellphone and then smashes the phone against a wall. She is depicted as someone who could be taught to memorize generic replies to questions from journalists, but could not recognize her own ignorance. As the movie shows it, after every appearance before cheering crowds her ego swelled and she simply declined to listen to any advice about anything. 

A key scene, memorably surreal, shows Julianne Moore as Palin watching Tina Fey play Palin on TV. Palin’s face is rigid with mystification.

Yeah I doubt that anybody can really point to this as a favorable depiction of Palin.

Of course if HBO was going to remain true to the book, and honest about who Palin really is, then how could it be?

I imagine that it is also going to be almost as difficult for many journalists to watch, as indicated above, since they will be confronted with the fact that they seriously let down the American people by not doing their jobs in the first place. The Alaska bloggers did their best, but it seemed like it took forever for them to REALLY start listening to us.

And for our resident Palin fairy tale trolls who constantly bitch that nobody can really judge her without speaking with her and getting her side of her story, remember she had her chance:

At today’s TCA panel on HBO’s movie Game Change, director/executive producer Jay Roach said he tried to get Sarah Palin’s cooperation for the film about the 2008 presidential election, which is based on the book by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. “On behalf of the (film), I wrote a long letter explaining that I thought it would ‑‑ we would just do better at getting the story right if she would talk to us,” said Roach, also the director of HBO’s Recount, about the 2000 presidential race. “And I got a very quick email back from her attorney saying, ‘I checked. She declines.’ So I took that as, you know, the final answer.” Still, Game Change writer Danny Strong (who also penned Recount) said he was able to interview 25 people connected with the 2008 campaign. He did not get John McCain or his speechwriter Mark Salter but said, “I got everybody else, including people who are not portrayed in the film.”

And of course that is the same result that almost ANYBODY who has ever tried to give Palin the chance to tell her side of the story has run into. She flatly refuses to cooperate and then claims that people are spreading lies about her.

Which as we know in Palin-speak is another word for "telling the unvarnished truth."


  1. lilly lily12:14 PM

    The fairy tale trolls are at work over in the comment section of the newspaper that has this review.

    Perhaps someone should go over there and put them straight.

  2. Video of Mama Grizzly doing cocaine off of a 55 gallon oil drum have emerged:

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Roh roh, let the trolling begin!

  4. Karen in SoCal12:28 PM

    See Sarah, the WORLD knows you are an uneducated dimwit who has no business being in any kind of authority. Despite your (rapidly diminishing) legion of mouth-breathing idiots that can't face reality, you will never be anything more than a half-term quitter. You're over.

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Sounds exactly the impression I have had of Sarah since the first day she became part of the team. Her interviews with Katie and Charlie sealed it for me. She is stupid. And even worse, her ego doesn't let her see how stupid she is.

    And now we read that horny old John McCain thinks she was the best decision he has ever made. He clearly is as stupid as she is if he still thinks that. If he had been elected, does he really think she would have been able to govern when (not if, since her AIP friends would have taken care of him quickly). She would have likely have had the shortest term ever, as there are smart people in DC who would have impeached her.

    PS..dear are right..I have never met her, yet I am judging her. I never met Hitler either, yet I recognize that he was evil. Step back and really look at your mother. Quit defending her and get her help.

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Waiting for Meghan McCain, John McCain, and Sarah Palin to pooh-pooh the movie in 3-2-1.

    Every journalist in America who contributed to this should be forced to watch the movie and be questioned rigorously as to why they refused to do any journalistic vetting (you know: asking the SERIOUS who, what, where, when, why, and how questions, LOL).

  7. Anonymous12:33 PM

    And her 'hero' that gets trotted out whenever possible wouldn't measure up to today's stringent rules of the GOP:

    It's no secret who the most popular Republican is in this year's GOP presidential race. In just one single debate last year, GOP candidates mentioned the former President Ronald Reagan 24 times.

    Right now, each candidate is vying for the mantle of Reagan conservatism. Yet some historians, and even some of the folks who worked for Ronald Reagan, are now wondering whether Reagan himself was enough of a Reagan conservative — at least the way it is defined today.

    So what exactly is a Reagan conservative anyway? If he were alive, could Reagan get the GOP nod?

  8. Anonymous12:35 PM

    August 31, 2008 08:45 AM

    John Kerry: Palin Choice Proves McCain's a "Prisoner of the Right Wing"

  9. lilly lily12:37 PM

    Oh my. the fairy tale trolls are on the attack at the NY Daily news comment section. Attacking the reviewer, attacking the producers, attacking Schmidt or any on else who provided details of her behavior during the campaign of ought8.

  10. The bitch is so stupid she doesn't realize she is being made fun of for being stupid. Fuckin love it! Rum for everyone!

  11. lilly lily12:39 PM

    Prepare yourselves for some very wordy attacks here by the fairy tale trolls.

    It should be fun and games. Will check in later.

    This is going to be a firestorm.

  12. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I am looking forward to the film. I hope one or two of the American reporters who watched with the Canadians will come home and take a first look at the fake pregnancy. It's about time that the truth is told about that one.

  13. Maybe this will be final rock that sinks her ship. Along with the bots.

  14. Of course, Palin thinks that lightning will strike twice for her; that is why she's sitting out the primaries, hoping that the others will fail so miserably that she will be swept to the nomination on a swell of public adulation. Thanks everyone, for the books and movies, especially Game Change which will be main stream and will be watched by millions, many of whom do not know what we have known about Palin for years.

    The endorsement by her husband, whom some wag described as "a snow machine driving secessionist," for Newt was her half-assed attempt to bring her name in through the back door. (Perhaps, she would have had more success with that tactic with Santorum.LOL.) She probably thinks that Newty will tap her for VP or a cabinet post. After all, it worked for her in 2008 with an adulterous old man.

  15. SNAP!
    that made my day

  16. Just in case she didn't read it the first time:
    "Then the laughing stopped. There was silence. Then there were groans of embarrassment. Not because the movie is mediocre. It’s actually thrillingly good. But because the depth of Palin’s ignorance of the world became clear.

    It is a devastating portrait of Palin."

    Between that and the upcoming lawsuit and book by Shailey Tripp outlining how Todd Palin first used her as a prostitute, then felt entitled enough to stop paying her for sex, then started pimping for her ... I'd say Sarah is gonna be a sight to see in the next couple months when Fox News lets her out of her cage and puts her in front of the camera. Oh happy day!!

  17. Anonymous12:55 PM

    OK, I have to say THIS blew me away! If it's for real, it gives me hope.

    Our Beliefs

    We manned up and realised that the problem is that the recession began during the previous administration. And while it certainly worsened for the first year of Obama’s term, there are now signs that the economy is slowly improving. Unemployment is reducing and we are more secure not that bin Laden is no longer walking the earth.

    We’re tired of getting criticised for not having a plan to back up our boisterous protests, we’re tired of being called racists, we’re tired of being called nutjobs.

    So we looked at the situation with clear heads and realised that barring any true, qualified leader on the right, Obama is the only choice for 2012.

    The Tea Party for Obama is a group of fellow citizens like yourself, that have come to the conclusion that the conservatives in our land are incompetent and weak, and therefore, our only alternative is it back our President and embrace he hope and change he plans for our great nation.

    Barack H. Obama
    • Reduced government size
    • Largest tax cut ever
    • Provided health care for everyone
    • Protected medicare
    • Saved country from the worst recession ever
    • Saved the US auto industry
    • Took out bin Laden

  18. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I think this highlights the real and profoundly scary thing about Palin and others like her. They are 'unconscious incompetents' who truly see no difference between their level of ability and, say, Barack Obama's. She was mystified by being portrayed as an idiot because believes she has the same knowledge base and skill set as the truly able. Honest self-assessment is beyond her.

    You cannot get through to these people why they are unsuitable because it is beyond their cognitive ability to grasp and if they should achieve high status roles, which they will inevitably fail at, they truly believe it is due to circumstances beyond their control (a 'lamestream media,' for example) rather than their own shortcomings.

    We are so, so, so lucky and John McCain and the American media will never live down this shame.

  19. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I'm a proud Canadian.

  20. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Did you know this, Gryphen?

    All Current Creationism Bills Originate From An Amendment Drafted And Proposed By Rick Santorum In 2001

    ...We probably should have known all along that Rick Santorum had a hand in creating these creationism bills, which have been proposed in Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Florida, Indiana, New Hampshire, Maryland, Alabama, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Michigan, and actually passed in Louisiana. Collectively, these bills are called “Academic Freedom” bills which is a clever way to get support from those who fail to find out what is in such bills. The problem is that religion does not belong in school. It belongs solely in church. The religious extremists on the right-wing want to force religion down our throats, and down the throats of our children whether we like it or not. It is a fundamental violation of religious freedom that all Americans enjoy. I’m absolutely certain that the Christian Right would whine if creation from a Muslim point of view were to be presented as well.

    It is clear that they only want the Christian view to be presented which would alienate students of other religions or those who practice no religion at all. Teaching creationism would be a major distraction at school that would create conflict in the classroom. Such conflicts makes learning a hassle. How are students supposed to focus on actual science when they are force-fed unsupported unscientific theories? In short, they can’t and because they can’t, science scores will drop, making our ranking in science among other nations in the world even lower. Religious theories are prohibited in schools for a reason and should remain that way.

    So the next time you read a headline about a new creationism bill being introduced in a state, you’ll know exactly where the bill came from and who is responsible for trying to force religion upon our children.

    Missouri GOP Introduces Second Creationism Bill In State Legislature

    As if one creationism bill wasn't enough already, Missouri Republicans have introduced a second one in an attempt to force Christianity on schools one way or another.

  21. Baldy is not going to like this movie AT ALL! YIPPEEE!!! It's going to bring back all the memories...especially the ones when she was stealing clothes and meeting her "fans" without washing her hands...EWWWWWWW!

    Oh, how the mighty has fallen! Now she can't even get a small crowd to show up for her ass...even if you paid the people to come and provided the transportation! Of course the "Crazies4Palin" crowd...all 15 of them...will show up to see Baldy pick her nose and dig a wedgie out of her flat ass as long as she waved at them at the same time!

    Awww...Gryphen, you forgot old Baldy did cooperate with her spurned lover John Ziegler...the fool who made that craptastic "Media Malpractice" movie....she said some stupid ass shit in that movie...AND she was wearing the RNC stolen clothes while she did it too...which of course was a "Fuck You" to the RNC!

    I watched the other snippet of the movie that was on the "Deadline" article...Julianne Moore doesn't sound like Baldy at first listen...I didn't hear the screechiness that only animals can hear when she I am interested in seeing the whole thing and see how Julianne BECOMES Baldy Palin!

    Oh and "Crazies4Palin" have a hilarious article slamming Steve Schmidt and they have lost it so badly that the only complaint that they could muster up is saying that Baldy not giving her concession speech was because "no other VP candidate had done that in American History"...well they call that a lie and posted a link to JOHN EDWARDS concession speech that he had done in 2004! Yep...that's the best the patients could do...JOHN EDWARDS! LOL!!

    I finished "Game Change" and am on the last few pages of Megan Mccain's book. Megan had some interesting antidotes about the Hillbilly family that's for sure...

    Megan of course is a spoiled rich brat...which is why Beefalo and Wallow hated her on sight! Oh and Megan also LOVES TO EAT! She talked about food....ALOT and DRINIKING ALCOHOL!

    Which is why I don't understand why Beefy had a problem with her...they have so much in COMMON!

    Megan does have some class about herself...even though the title of the book was "Dirty Sexy Politics"...she made no mention of her own sex life!

    *giving the hard stare to Beefy and her pamphlet titled "Not Afraid to Lie: My Journey to Paying Back all the Haters"*

  22. angela1:01 PM

    "but could not recognize her own ignorance."

    That is Sarah Palin to a tee. When her ignorance is brought to fore she juts out that botoxed jaw and doubles down on the stupidity. I love when she's called out occasionally on FAUX. Its fun to capture the shock on her crazy shut-in-lady face.

    I guess I'll stay in the night it premiers on HBO.
    Ahhhhh, memories . . . .

  23. Anonymous1:07 PM

    So what possessed McCain to call Palin the "best decision he's ever made" just now, with this film coming out?

  24. i can't wait to see it

  25. Anonymous1:13 PM

    heh heh

  26. Anonymous1:15 PM

    One thing I'm now really curious to see... we know Palin has burned Roger Ailes in the past, especially when she ignored his wise advice with her ridiculous "blood libel" video.

    We've seen her slowly slide down the Fox ladder on her way to the bottom (I figure, once she's appearing on Fox & Friends, it's all over).

    So what remains to be seen is just how much Ailes wants to humiliate her before her contract runs out. If he puts her on some high profile shows to publicly respond to questions about the accuracy of Game Change, then we'll know he has it in for her! >:))

  27. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Is Palin any worse than the inbred royals of Europe who had severe mental issues? Put this into historical perspective! It's always the staffers that run the show!

    (insert sarcasm emoticons here)

  28. Anonymous1:20 PM

    ".... ANYBODY who has ever tried to give Palin the chance to tell her side of the story has run into. She flatly refuses to cooperate and then claims that people are spreading lies about her..."

    When Sarah Palin addressed the accusations of Glen Rice, the only thing Sarah said is that she didn't have an affair!

    No shit sherlock, nobody is saying you had an affair with Glen Rice and Glen Rice didn't say he had an affair with you. Glen Rice said he had sex with you (fucked you) in your sister's dorm room!

    What Sarah never did was call Glen Rice a liar!!!!

    Again Sarah only said she never had had an affair which is totally different than a one night fuck! Sarah is trying to pull a Bill Clinton "I did not have sex with that woman!"

    Clinton didn't consider a blow job as sex and Sarah is saying she didn't have an affair with Glen but never said she didn't fuck / made love / porked Glen Rice!

    So what is it Sarah? Did Glen Rice get into panties.... screw you ... had sex with you?

    Tawd said just ask Sarah!

  29. carrieoki1:26 PM

    Instead of plowing through doors, Palin continues to circle the drain. Her "earthquake" in Iowa was a spit in the wind. Then President Obama got Republican votes in New Hampshire (200+), while Palin got ZERO votes. Sweet. The "Game Change" film is just icing on the cake. Her rump must be getting sore from all those doors hitting it.

  30. Anonymous1:26 PM

    The journalists who watch this should hang their heads in shame for allowing this incompetent, uneducated, ignorant, vindictive, mentally ill woman to get that close to the White House without exposing her for what she was.

    The prospect of her becoming VP under a 71-year-old man with such a poor health history still gives me nightmares.

  31. Anon @ 12:55PM

    I agree 1000% with every word you wrote.

    "unconscious incompetents" has a lovely ring to it but very very scary, as you noted. We DID dodge a major bullet in the 2008 election.

  32. Anonymous1:31 PM

    How's that fetal position thingy workin' out for ya Sarah??? Hahahahaha

  33. lilly lily1:33 PM

    She will send in her attack dogs to scream bloody murder about the film, but I doubt that she will have the guts to deny the details.

    They are true after all.

    Her bots will be sent in to do any dirty work.

    They are out there already.

    Palin is all flash in the pan, appearance, id and an enormous ego that needs feeding.

    Brains? Very little there.She is cunning, which doesn't take brains.

  34. OMG ... what a review. And yet, you Gryphen, myself, our blogger friends, not to mention AKM, Syrin and others simply sigh, we don't even gasp anymore because we have known all of this for over 3 years. And we know more that may never be divulged (e.g., babygate). I wish it would all come out. I hate McCain, the press, all the enablers who by promoting this now dryed-up, wrinkled, soured old hag with foul mouth, did our political process and our world image a complete disservice. May McCain, and his staff, the RNC members who okayed dressing her up, and any reporter who failed to report the truth of her rot in HELL!

    See, I cannot rejoice in finally having some of the unvarnished truths exposed; it makes me mad and sad.

  35. Anonymous1:38 PM

    It doesn't matter what the fairytale troll says. Anyone with half a brain knows this is an accurate portrayal of Sarah Palin. It rings true because it is true.

    Some of us realized it the first time the GOP trotter her out. Others realized it in subsequent appearances (culminating in her embarrassing "I'm not going to answer that, Gwen" debate).

    There were some holdouts, but one by one, most of them turned away from Sarah Palin each time she advertised her ignorance.

    At this point, Sarah Palin's fan base consists of a handful of pathetic, codependent, religious zealots (take a look at her Facebook pages if you don't believe it).

    The Fairytale Bot is a special kind of rambling zealot, as evidenced by her now-defunct blog. She's the type of super fan the Palins probably have on their watch list.

  36. Smirnonn1:39 PM

    Anon @12:55 said:

    "I think this highlights the real and profoundly scary thing about Palin and others like her. They are 'unconscious incompetents' who truly see no difference between their level of ability and, say, Barack Obama's."

    Exactly. Paylump's ego trumped her intellect a long time ago. She's been a moron hiding in plain sight behind a bunch of memorized, nonsensical sound bytes and a thin veil of faux-folksy bullchit. And I love it when her bot-tards try and explain her erratic M.O. by saying that she's playing 3-tiered chess against everybody, including Obama. The chess analogy is close but in reality it's more like Obama is playing chess while completely ignoring her and paylump is playing Chutes and Ladders - and is just about to land on that damned huge chute towards the end of the board :)

  37. Is $he melting down yet?


  38. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Yet McCain STILL insists that choosing her was "The best decision I ever made" I wonder just WHAT she has on him??

  39. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Full creds to the Alaska Bloggers and for the enter-nats.

    I followed a link to AKM a couple of weeks after the nomination then to half a dozen other Alaska bloggers. I and hundreds of non Alaskans were able to help spread the news and the links.


    It just dawned on me why God opened the door for Sarah to become a national figure.

    He knew that there would be a devastating fuel and food shortage in many Alaskan villages the following winter, so he used Sarah to lead tens of thousands of Americans to make personal enternats connections with you guys up there so that we would be on tap to send money, food and clothes just exactly when it was needed.

    Come on Gryph, now can you believe in a God just a little?

    And to the Alaskan bloggers who took a lot of shit to get the word out.
    God bless you every one, you may have saved the United States of America from a fate worse than military defeat.

    Seriously, that's not snark.

  40. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Karen in SoCal said...

    See Sarah, the WORLD knows you are an uneducated dimwit who has no business being in any kind of authority. Despite your (rapidly diminishing) legion of mouth-breathing idiots that can't face reality, you will never be anything more than a half-term quitter. You're over.

    12:28 PM

    What evidence supports Palin's claim that she is an energy expert?

    What college did Palin attend and study energy?

    What energy classes did Palin take?

    What college did Sarah Palin teach classes on energy?

    I'm fucking serious what makes Sarah Palin an energy expert!

    Does Palin have 20 years in the energy field? 10 years in this field? What?

    Did Sarah Palin work 8 hrs a day / 5 days a week for several years in this field or did she just attend meetings every once in a while?

    Somebody tell me besides being on a board and being governor of Alaska what qualifies Sarah Palin as an energy expert?

    Would the University of Alaska or whatever is the name of the college in Alaska have Sarah teach a class on energy?

    Does BP consider Palin an energy expert?

    Does Sarah Palin have or filed any energy patents? All we know is that she trademarked her name.

    Nobody in the field of energy has said that Palin is an energy expert or what she has done that qualifies her to be one.

    We only hear it from Sarah and her cronies!

    I wish Gryphen would write about this scam. What did Sarah Palin do and how many hours / days / weeks / months or years qualifies Palin to be an energy expert.

    Time to put an end to this bullshit and scam!

  41. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Dinty...hilarious!! Wonder if she shares with the "Grizzly Dud".

  42. Anonymous1:54 PM

    no more need to be said.

    The Governor of Alaska was as ignorant of the world as a four-year-old.

    The Governor of Alaska was as ignorant of the world as a four-year-old.

    The Governor of Alaska was as ignorant of the world as a four-year-old.

    The Governor of Alaska was as ignorant of the world as a four-year-old.

  43. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

    Two leading experts studied a group of stupid people and found that the less one knows, the more likely one is to be STUBBORN AND INSIST THAT HE/SHE IS RIGHT.

    Google it. Sarah Palin is the Dunning-Kruger Effect in terrifying action.

  44. Anonymous1:57 PM

    She has to be the stupidest governor in America's history. Did she graduate from high school?

  45. WakeUpAmerica2:00 PM

    You realize that you just made the trolls do the fat ladies' 440 to that site where the mama grizzley is clearly not only snorting "snow" but also bathing in it.

  46. Anonymous2:03 PM

    dinty at 12:15...

    rolling on the floor with tears in my eyes

  47. Anonymous2:03 PM

    None of youse know Sarah and youse only embarrasses yourselves.

    PS She is running. Just listen to her talk to the judge. Sarahs the only answer for our country and the only one who cam bit Osama. Cut her down all you will. It doesn't matter to her one little bit.

  48. Anonymous2:05 PM

    that picture of the grizzley going ape over the white stuff on the drum is hysterically funny.

    It deserves to be spread far and wide.

  49. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Is there a Sears near Wasilla?

    The Palins will be needing a new refrigerator within a few weeks!

  50. Anonymous2:08 PM

    The American reporters fell silent because they know people are laughing at the abysmal job done by the media in failing to vet that sorry excuse for a VEEP candidate.

    Game Change as a book had little impact. The reporters felt safe, not enough people would wade through all that political stuff in long book. But Game Change as a movie will hurt these reporters badly. Their neighbors, families, friends, co-workers and employers will KNOW they were jerks that let their little heads do their thinking.

    I think these reporters will work even harder to bury the truth of Palin's faked pregnancy. That was the first and biggest mess the media allowed to happen.

    I might actually poll my friends for an invite to watch this. The North/South Korea scene sounds extremely tempting even for a determined no-Palin ever person like myself.

  51. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "So what possessed McCain to call Palin the "best decision he's ever made" just now, with this film coming out?"

    Senility plus she has some shit on him to spew if he pops off.
    I put off reading Joe McG's book until this year. It is amazing to read it after what we all know now about her. I am glad I did.
    One thing that he says that I disagree about is her world view. She doesn't see God as calling her to the world stage, she sees God calling the world stage to her. Everything she does, says, or even thinks about is directly related to only her. She is not wired the same as most of humanity. She is the "other", so different from the rest of us that we cannot relate to her and, at times, don't know what to do. We laugh at her, scorn her, and are scared all at the same time. She is truly like a rabid animal no one has had the courage to do anything about.
    Fortunately for all of us, her disease has progressed too far and she is rapidly losing whatever support she built up over the years. People have been and are still learning what it is was done to them by this less than human creature.
    I don't know whether she was born the way she is or was created by her life circumstances and choices, but I sincerely hope her behavior and deeds are studied for making sure we vet other candidates against her.

  52. Julianne Moore is one of my favorite actresses and a heartthrob of mine. I cant wait to see her in this movie although she is playing a person that I detest. She looks just like the Wasilla Hillbilly in the clip that I have seen. The See o Pee will have a fit

  53. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I hope Faux enablers like Hannity, Greta etc choke on outpouring of disgust for them and Murdochs puppet of choice, that will come from this HBO masterpiece.

    Yeah she was hot for a lot of crazy old men. So what. That is why her head is on Lynda Carters, Raquel Welches body, and all the chesty hotties they placed as their darling with her head attatched to her real scrawny self. Her real body. Look at the Hawaii pictures without her Belmont boobies.

  54. Anonymous2:14 PM

    The Governor of Alaska was as ignorant of the world as a four-year-old.

    Ignorant AND malicious! Sarah Palin's inclination to pursue people she's decided are enemies is legendary. Couple that viciousness with a belief in God's plan for Sarah Palin, makes Sarah Palin truly a disaster.

  55. It absolutely should be an indictment of the media who let the American people down but not vetting this Klondike Yahoo when McCain first announced her. Having to change VPs in midstream would not have been damaging to McCain's campaign as continuing with Palin after she repeatedly made it clear to the country that she was not ready, would never be ready and didn't have the mental capacity to ever be ready. Yes. Professional Journalists have a lot of explaining to do right after they apologize to us. Sincerely and repeatedly.

    I am disappointed this is an HBO movie and not a theatrical release. I don't get HBO so it's likely I'll never see it. But if it was released in theaters, *this* Palin movie I would buy a ticket for. (Discount matinee)

  56. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I can't believe that she was so f*cking stupid that she was mystified at Tina Fey's portrayal of her. She is even dumber than I imagined. And don't get me started on her hubris. That washed-up old hag should have blinked. She hasn't stopped blinking on Fox for years.

    To not know Germany's role in WW2 is just beyond belief.

    McCain and his staff should have dumped her immediately. They should all be tried for treason.

  57. Anonymous2:18 PM

    YES!! At last Quittypants revealed in all her abysmal ignorance!

    Actually it sounds like the television version of "Game Change" went easy on her. They probably did not highlight how vile her KKK rallies got, and the brazen LIE she told about the Branchflower abuse of power story.

    May John McCain hang his head in shame.

  58. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Yet McCain STILL insists that choosing her was "The best decision I ever made" I wonder just WHAT she has on him??

    1:44 PM

    McCain was and is afraid of Palin turning on him!

    What's interesting is that Meghan McCain said that she will not say anything bad about Palin.

    Meghan has remained silent about Palin!

    Meghan hasn't said anything good about Palin!

    Why is that Sarah?

  59. Anonymous2:32 PM

    1:49 I would love to hear what Perry from TX thinks of Palin's being an expert in the 'energy' business since they had meetings w/the oil people in TX together. From what I've read, he didn't like her! Notice she doesn't mention him at all regarding his run for president...but, then he looks like an idiot too.

    Trust me - Palin is NOT an expert on energy...ask anyone in Alaska!

  60. I don't think Palin understands the concept of being qualified or prepared. She expects God to just make things work out so she can save the world.

    When criticisms of her first surfaced after the election, she accused the McCain campaign staff of using her as a scapegoat for their incompetence. Now she seems to be adding the idea that she occasionally became 'overwrought' because she wasn't prepared for the big, bad 'Obama machine'.

    I'm excited about the movie. I hope it helps get support for Schmidt's admonition that we need a new way to pick VP nominees. But didn't most of the media and politicians already read the book and still continued to prop her up as a commodity?

  61. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Extremely interesting article in Washington Post about a book that has just been published about Romney and his 'bait and switch' policies at Bain -- as to how he/Bain would buy companies buy auction in an underhanded manner and when they won, they would then screw the seller even further -- never paying what they actually bid.

    Romney should be the next door companion of Bernie Madoff.

    Link is to Huff "His word not his bond" which contains link to Washington Post article.

  62. Anonymous2:42 PM

    It doesn't mean there aren't lies told about her, because there most certainly are. Even you cannot deny that.

  63. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Any campaign has high drama. Tempers flair. A great deal of money and time goes into such things. Of course the movie will be entertaining. A movie about the other parts of the book would be EQUALLY entertaining for the same reasons. I really hope one day a fairminded producer and director captures the other side of the campaign. That too was quite a story.

  64. Anonymous2:46 PM

    The one good thing that I've come to the conclusion about is, it appears Julianne is a smart, good woman, smart enough NOT to believe all the ridiculous bloglike rumors and stick to what matters. I think the movie will be pretty fair because of this.

  65. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I hope I'm right in assuming the movie will be focuses on Schmidt and his ineptitude as a campaign manager and shallowness of the McCain staff. It appears that it does. I so feel for McCain. A candidate only has trust for his/her staff.

    I wonder if the movie will depict all the fun times and lightheartedness within the campaign. Up until the debate prep, there weren't really bad times, were there? DIdn't Sarah throw a staffer a bday party and crap like that?

    I am still amazed at Palin's ability to have been on public view every single day for 2 months. There wasn't a time she wasn't in out view. I don't know how many people could do that and retain sanity. Shoot, Im shocked she never really had a major meltdown. There's wasn't a person/candidate more attacked than her EVER, in recent history. Maybe Hillary, but not even.

    Strong woman, she is.

  66. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Of course these details are true about her. She proved it over and over in her ill-fated interviews at the time and again with the Paul Revere faux paux. Also, too she continues to get names and facts wrong. She almost said O' Romney last week on one of her gab fests. Sheesh...what a dumb ass.

  67. Anonymous3:02 PM

    None of youse know Sarah and youse only embarrasses yourselves.

    PS She is running. Just listen to her talk to the judge. Sarahs the only answer for our country and the only one who cam bit Osama. Cut her down all you will. It doesn't matter to her one little bit.

    Are you drunk? High? What? Also, too, if she's the "answer," what, pray tell, is the question?

  68. Anonymous3:04 PM

    CHILLING! We soooooo dodged a bullet.

  69. McCain really, really wanted to be president but he wasn't expecting the financial collapse. Sarah Palin saved him from becoming president and inheriting the biggest, messiest economic meltdown since the Great Depression and she also gave the campaign a bump in the polls for awhile. She is, therefore, his 'best decision'.

    Some truth from him would be cathartic but I think he'd be in some heck of a lot of trouble if he admitted to knowing the full extent of her mental condition.

  70. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Recommended reading, in addition to Game Change, The Rogue, etc.:

    The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout. Here are two review excerpts:

    “A chilling portrait of human beings who lack scruples the way someone born blind lacks eyesight…Stout describes respected professionals who tell outrageous lies simply to confuse colleagues… authority figures who deceive, seduce and even murder just to relieve the boredom that is the usual state of the sociopathic mind. A useful—if appalling—guide to help you recognize conscienceless individuals.. [and] a heartening affirmation of the empathic mindset that comes naturally to the vast majority of humans.”
    —Martha Beck, O Magazine

    “The Sociopath Next Door is a chillingly accurate portrayal of evil–the decent person’s guide to indecency. Martha Stout draws upon sound scientific data and clinical experience and her writing is graceful and compelling.”
    —Jonathan Kellerman, author of Therapy, When the Bough Breaks, and Monster.

  71. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Let's not forget:

  72. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I don't a damn about what the trolls have to say. There's evidence to back up all that's been told and their stupid "blind allegiance" shows just how ignorant they are. Has any ONE of them backed up their claims with provable facta? NOPE. We're all just jealous.

    AND 1:49 PM, as far as energy goes, her only energy expertise is in drinking Red Bulls.

  73. Dinty3:12 PM


    That was my intention - to rattle the cage, and to give everyone a well-needed Monday chuckle. Thank you for your appreciation.

  74. Anonymous3:19 PM

    The trouble with this movie is that, no matter how great an actress Julianne Moore is, she cannot disguise her intelligence: her eyes give her away.
    She can do the walk, the clothes, the accent, but she can't make herself look dumb.Tina Fey has the same problem.

  75. Anonymous3:20 PM

    a political disaster of monumental scale is prevented.

  76. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    None of youse know Sarah and youse only embarrasses yourselves.

    PS She is running. Just listen to her talk to the judge. Sarahs the only answer for our country and the only one who cam bit Osama. Cut her down all you will. It doesn't matter to her one little bit.

    Run along now Sarah, get on outta here, shoo, shoo.

  77. When one steps away from this abyss of lunacy it is truly dumbfounding to think the number of alleged sentient humans in our midst that actually believe Palin represented / represents someone or something that could be part of our country's government. This has got to be some kind of mass mental breakdown. People, generally, don't en-masse jump off a cliff, or set themselves on fire, or drink Drain-O....

    Now you've got the trolls attacking the trolls.... What's up with that?

  78. AJ Billings3:43 PM

    Here's a "game change" for you,
    to which I say, right on!

    An absolutely unique view for a palin bot, who had a real epiphany just before Christmas.

    This is an astounding dose of reality; light shining in a dark place.
    An avowed worshiper of Granny Grifter realizes that after showing people the "Defeated" movie,
    and months of intense effort,
    even his conservative friends and neighbors won't write in Paylin's name or, even consider her as a candidate.

    And this is in Iowa.
    You know Iowa? Where real God rules the churches, nearly everyone is white,
    and the "rill Amuricuns" of Paylin's xenophobic erotic dreams live?

    Utterly amazing:

    Phil Arnold, writing in comments at C4Pee on 12/23/2011, writes

    "There was a time when I believed as you believe, but after spending nearly three months trying to recruit people to support Sarah in the town where I live, I came to the conclusion that the opposition to Sarah is much more intense and ingrained than most of us Palinistas would like to believe.

    There is nothing like spending some quality "boots on the ground" time to force me to rethink my dreams of what I thought was possible and bring me back to reality.

  79. Virginia Voter3:44 PM

    Ooh, look, y'all Sarah and Bristol are back posting in succession at 2:42, 2:44, 2:46, AND 2:52.

    These bitches just can't help themselves can they? A little late to the party girls. Sarah, word of advice, try not to write like you speak. It's a dead giveaway.

    Why don't you tell us about the birthday parties and lighthearted happy, happy fum you had on the campaign trail, cause in both your and Bristol's books you made it sound like a nightmare.

  80. Anonymous3:48 PM

    The TROLLS are out defending their RUSTY, DUSTY, CRUSTY, and BATSH1T CRAZY PHONY IDOL. The MONEY TRAIN has reached the final stop. Time for the GRIFTERS to get off and fade away. Sarah won't withstand any information hitting the MSM about her FAKE COLLEGE DEGREE or THE FAKE BIRTH of TRIGG. FETAL POSITION stand by.

  81. Anonymous3:48 PM

    The bots are in a tizzy because Rush Limbaugh is apparently talking up Sarah for president. They're clinging to hope and their last dying wish that with Rush promoting her, she will have NO CHOICE but to jump in and 'save the country' because 'no one but Sarah' can do that.

    They HATE Romney with a passion and are lukewarm about anyone but Sarah and now Rush has apparently given his bloviated 'blessing'.

    I feel so utterly sorry for those people, their day rises and falls on the next false hope that their Queen will 'crush Obama' (but first it's sarah vs mitt for the takedown.)

  82. telah3:51 PM

    Anon 2:46
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The one good thing that I've come to the conclusion about is, it appears Julianne is a smart, good woman, smart enough NOT to believe all the ridiculous bloglike rumors and stick to what matters. I think the movie will be pretty fair because of this.

    2:46 PM

    See, the thing is this is going to be a very fair portrayal of Sarah Palin; however, at the same time, it is going to be a "devastating portrayal of Sarah Palin" at the same time. How can that be, you ask? Well, in all fairness: Sarah Palin is an ignoramus nasty mean girl from the sixth grade who has so little grasp on the history of this nation that she didn't know we went to war with Fucking Germany, didn't know why there is a North and South Korea, didn't know that Africa is a continent and not a country, is no kind of expert on anything other than how to make treasonous lies about our president. Is a hypocritical fake evangelical asshole. It's fair to say all of that because sadly it's entirely accurate. So I'm glad you're feeling confident about this portrayal of Sarah Palin while the rest of us will be laughing our asses off. Cheers!

  83. Anonymous said...

    Any campaign has high drama. Tempers flair. A great deal of money and time goes into such things. Of course the movie will be entertaining. A movie about the other parts of the book would be EQUALLY entertaining for the same reasons. I really hope one day a fairminded producer and director captures the other side of the campaign. That too was quite a story.

    2:44 PM

    What took you so long troll? Hope you're getting Holiday Pay for your contributions to Gryphen's blog hits! Oh and troll if you had bothered to read the links that Gryphen had provided...your "hope one day a fairminded producer and director captures the other side of the campaign" would be answered...but since you're too lazy (typical Palin trait)...


  84. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Anon @2:52: "There's wasn't a person/candidate more attacked than her EVER, in recent history."

    This simply is not true.

  85. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The one good thing that I've come to the conclusion about is, it appears Julianne is a smart, good woman, smart enough NOT to believe all the ridiculous bloglike rumors and stick to what matters. I think the movie will be pretty fair because of this.

    2:46 PM

    Actors and Actresses do what their director tells them to. It doesn't matter what Julianne Moore as a person feels about Palin; Julianne the actress will portray her as directed to by her director, warts and all, it sounds like.

    You are correct, the movie will be fair. It will finally show the true Palin, the one McCain tried to hide; the one that was not prepared for the national office that she was running for; the one that was not prepared to hold the office of Governor of Alaska nor the office of Mayor of Wasilla. This is the Palin that we all know in Alaska and finally the rest of the world will get to see her too! Yippy!

  86. Dinty...what in the hell was that on the barrel? That was so funny I couldn't stop laughing.

  87. Anonymous said...

    The one good thing that I've come to the conclusion about is, it appears Julianne is a smart, good woman, smart enough NOT to believe all the ridiculous bloglike rumors and stick to what matters. I think the movie will be pretty fair because of this.

    2:46 PM

    Yes...Julianne doesn't have to read the blogs to portray Baldy as the "unintelligent, egomaniac, clueless, inept, cunning, backstabbing, no nothing, full of shit", worse VP pick in the history of politics!

  88. Anonymous4:08 PM

    LMAO at "anon" 2:52. Hi Sarah! I am so excited to see this movie about you!

    Yes, even though I have read the book and frequented the blogs and followed the entire saga from (practically) start to finish, I am thrilled that HBO is trotting out a story that to us, seems kind of old.

    It's because most people have forgotten. Or maybe never fully absorbed the horror that was the 2008 GOP campaign.

    I still can't believe that so many Americans think the GOP deserves to have power back! Good God! They have never owned up to the nightmare of Sarah Palin, not really. I give Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace a little bit of credit, but I think the rest of them -- and the media -- need to be reminded what they almost did to this country.

    I cannot WAIT to see this one.

  89. Anonymous said...

    I hope I'm right in assuming the movie will be focuses on Schmidt and his ineptitude as a campaign manager and shallowness of the McCain staff. It appears that it does. I so feel for McCain. A candidate only has trust for his/her staff.

    I wonder if the movie will depict all the fun times and lightheartedness within the campaign. Up until the debate prep, there weren't really bad times, were there? DIdn't Sarah throw a staffer a bday party and crap like that?

    I am still amazed at Palin's ability to have been on public view every single day for 2 months. There wasn't a time she wasn't in out view. I don't know how many people could do that and retain sanity. Shoot, Im shocked she never really had a major meltdown. There's wasn't a person/candidate more attacked than her EVER, in recent history. Maybe Hillary, but not even.

    Strong woman, she is.

    2:52 PM

    "Strong woman, she is."

    LOL! Love this Yoda comment!

    What's up with Baldy hating on Steve Schmidt? Is it because he was the first person to realize how CRAZY Baldy was/is? At least he's taken responsibility for his mistake....personally I don't think Schmidt had anything to do with the picking of the Crazy from Wasilla...her pick is from the Religous Nutjobs from Family Focus.

    But Steve is willing to be the scapegoat because he can handle the shit flung his way!

    *Waves at the Wasilla Thug Troll Gang*

    And for the record troll....telling the TRUTH about Baldy is not the same as being "attacked"!

  90. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Anonymous at 2:42 said...

    "It doesn't mean there aren't lies told about her, because there most certainly are. Even you cannot deny that."

    Who's denying it?

    Lies told about Sarah Palin:

    --she was pregnant with and gave birth to Trig
    --she's an energy expert
    --she knows how to handle a gun
    --she's the second coming of Queen Esther
    --she's a good mom
    --she's a good wife
    --she was a good Governor
    --she was a good mayor
    --she has any substantial knowledge whatsoever about national and international issues.
    --etc, etc.

  91. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I just watched First Lady Michelle Obama guesting as herself promoting her cause of caring for military families on one of the top-rated cable shows, iCarly, the kids' show about Carly and Sam, the teenagers with their own hit internet show produced by their friend Freddie.

    She was fabulous, natural, unself-conscious, and humorous.

    And the best part? When he met Mrs. Obama, Freddie mentioned that his mom had voted for her husband!

    Put that in your pipes and smoke it, you poisonous bots.

  92. Anonymous4:23 PM

    OT, but Colbert's Super Pac story takes a few hits at Palin's PAC. LMAO

  93. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Trygve means "brave victory" in old Norse.
    Tri-G means Trisomy G, Trisomy 21, Down Syndrome.
    Journalists, when the move comes out and you start to get heat about not vetting Sarah, you may get some heat over not investigating the name of Sarah's precious gift from god. Saree named "her" child with Down Syndrome another name for Down Syndrome.
    All you journalists saw the movie Precious a few years ago, didn't ya? The movie in which the young poor mother from Harlem named her child with Down Syndrome "Little Mongo" (mongoloid)...yeah...well our VP candidate of 2008 did the same thing. Pretty politically incorrect and insulting to the DS community to name a child with DS after his DS, dontcha think? Dontcha think she should be questioned about this? Dontcha think she should make a statement and perhaps apologize to those she offended?
    Oh, and then there is the whole fact that she didn't even birth TRi-G in the first place.
    You might want to do some investigating into how it is impossible that Cathy Baldwin Johnson, a family practice physician, would be the obstetrician to a high risk pregnancy like Palins (if she was really pregnant that is). Do some investigating into the Fact that MatSu regional should be shut down if Dr CBJ was allowed to induce birth of a high rik pregnancy at that has no NICU or neonatal specialists on duty. CBJ did not have the requaite experience to induce a high risk pregnancy. When was the last time she did an emergency C-section?
    Listen, the bloggers and interested commenters have pretty much done ALL the investigative work for ya. The story is already written, ya lazy lazy journalists.

  94. Uh oh...I think there's an earthquake happening at "Crazies4Palin" but not the one that they are expecting!

    It seems that a few more of the patients are quietly checking themselves out of the Asylum and leaving a few messages scrawled on the wall in the Day Room!

    Here's a regular who posted on the Steve Schmidt thread....FYI..."Stacy" is Stacy Drake who wrote the first Schmidt article....

    "Quiet_Righty Today 01:16 PM
    Stacy did an excellent job of deconstructing the sourcing and motivations of the film’s producers here.

    Oh, please. Stacy's article was an angry spew of assumptions, based on viewing not one minute of the film.

    As Palin supporters, I understand that (cue hypnosis session) We... must... hate... this... movie... it... is...evil (end hypnosis). Folks need to grasp that a book is not a movie and vice versa. The people making Game Change claim that they were trying to be balanced, that they even tried contacting the Governor herself. Odd that Stacy never revealed this. Now it doesn't mean that we're going to like the movie. But who is more guilty of pre-judging? The makers of the movie, or Stacy? I think the latter."

    LMAO...opps I guess they forgot to "flag" that one! And this next commenter sounds strangely familiar...I just can't quite put my finger on why?

    HoldDEMSAccountableToo Yesterday 10:29 PM
    Gah. The lack of intelligence on the interwebs hurts my head. This is just ONE reason I do not visit more liberal parts of the internet. Gross generalizations and sheer ignorance on even mundane topics let alone fundamental principles would make anyone weep for our country.

    Hmmmmm....well I'm sure it will come to me!

  95. Anonymous4:39 PM

    ENOUGH of this crap, Bitch Queen, and your idiotic trolls. Either announce your candidacy or shut the FUCK up, you coward!

    Let's just see who REAL America supports, shall we? You don't want to find out, DO YOU?

  96. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sarah can blame anyone she wants-- McCain, Schmidt, Wallace, the lamestram media for starters. In the end, Sarah is always her own worst enemy. She is not smart, in the sense of studying and applying knowledge to current situations. She is smart in knowing how to manipulate people, capitalize on her looks and develop a folksy persona which connected with some voters.

    But that's not enough when it is the office of president of the United States, or the VP, who would replace the 72 year old president with a history of recurring cancer. Sarah's interview with Charlie Gibson showed her woeful lack of knowledge of anything that happened in the preceding 8 years. "The Bush Doctrine? In what regard, Charlie?" It was Bush's excuse to invade Iraq when they had not attacked us.

    Sarah's interview with Katie Couric sealed the deal. She couldn't answer questions without looking at index cards in her lap. She lapsed into word salad, parroted perfectly as a comedy bit on SNL by Tina Fey. It wasn't that Sarah couldn't think of anything that she read. It was the fact that she couldn't answer anything that was asked. Do I believe that Wallace tried to prepare Palin for the interview, and Palin said that it was a piece of fluff? You betcha.

    If Sarah had appeared half way intelligent, her good looks and ability to connect with the crowds would have been a tough match for Obama and Biden. She was dumb, she looked dumb, and in the past four years, she hasn't grown at all. The movie will be a reminder of how we really dodged the dangerous presidency if McCain/Palin had won.

  97. Anonymous5:05 PM

    It doesn't mean there aren't lies told about her, because there most certainly are. Even you cannot deny that.

    @2:42 PM

    I have no sympathy for $arah Palin. $arah Palin tells lies about others, too. But she’ll deny it. Lies, or no lies, she’s still an ignorant, psychotic bitch.

  98. Dinty5:07 PM


    I'm not sure, my guess is it's some kind of bear bait, I can't imagine powdered sugar, salt or snow driving bears crazy like that.

    Unless it's real cocaine, which is crazy because that's ALOT of cocaine.

  99. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Any campaign has high drama. Tempers flair. A great deal of money and time goes into such things. Of course the movie will be entertaining. A movie about the other parts of the book would be EQUALLY entertaining for the same reasons. I really hope one day a fairminded producer and director captures the other side of the campaign. That too was quite a story.

    @2:44 PM

    Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You said that the other day. This film will be more interesting than any film made about the other part of the book. I doubt either Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama were ever in shock, and curled up in the fetal position.

  100. "I can't believe that she was so f*cking stupid that she was mystified at Tina Fey's portrayal of her."

    You know, I find that easy to believe, that she didn't understand what was funny. Because Tina Fey was quoting Sarah's exact words, and she made no sense at all. Sarah is so stupid, she didn't understand why her own words were so funny. That is why I believe she never graduated from college. I think she has a language processing disorder.

  101. Anonymous5:18 PM

    The one good thing that I've come to the conclusion about is, it appears Julianne is a smart, good woman, smart enough NOT to believe all the ridiculous bloglike rumors and stick to what matters. I think the movie will be pretty fair because of this.

    @2:46 PM

    So, send her a fruit basket. You seem to be focused only on what Julianne Moore said, and are conveniently blocking what has been said by people who have already seen the movie. It’s interesting you don’t seem to mind that Julianne Moore still believes that $arah Palin was unqualified fraud, and a dolt, who was in over her head. FACT. This movie is not as flattering as you think it is. Hahahahaha.

  102. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Is this movie coming out in the theatres or only on HBO TV?

  103. Anonymous5:29 PM

    @2:52 PM

    “I hope I'm right in assuming the movie will be focuses on Schmidt and his ineptitude as a campaign manager and shallowness of the McCain staff. It appears that it does. I so feel for McCain. A candidate only has trust for his/her staff.

    Steve Schmidt is an asshole for trying to fool America. But, it wasn’t Steve Schmidt’s fault $arah Palin is/was a fucking moron.

    “I wonder if the movie will depict all the fun times and lightheartedness within the campaign. Up until the debate prep, there weren't really bad times, were there? DIdn't Sarah throw a staffer a bday party and crap like that?”

    Who gives a shit? John McCain had no business picking such a dangerous idiot as a running mate. Crap about allegedly throwing a birthday for a staffer, won’t change the perception.

    “I am still amazed at Palin's ability to have been on public view every single day for 2 months. There wasn't a time she wasn't in out view. I don't know how many people could do that and retain sanity. Shoot, Im shocked she never really had a major meltdown. There's wasn't a person/candidate more attacked than her EVER, in recent history. Maybe Hillary, but not even.”

    Give me a break! $arah Palin is whining about TWO freaking months! If $arah Palin were running at top of the ticket, for months, or had run in the primary, would have had a meltdown. But lucky her, she came in later, and was in the #2 spot, and sheltered by the McCain campaign. ME! ME! ME! $arah Palin is such an egotisical bitch! She think’s she’s the most victimized person on the fucking planet! Compared to both Clintons, and Barack Obama, Micheal Jackson, etc. $arah Palin has had it easy!

    “Strong woman, she is.”

    Strong women don’t whine. She’s WIMP!

  104. Anonymous5:33 PM

    There is NO possible way that was Cocaine in the bear video, no one blows their coke like that, but I'm really curious what it is. I'm wondering if it is mostly snow with something mixed into it. NO WAY it is 100% coke. It could be mixed with some sort of stimulant, or it could be the video is speeded up to make it look like the bear is going crazy, either way, it's hysterical in reference to Mama Grizzly.

  105. Andrea5:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    None of youse know Sarah and youse only embarrasses yourselves.

    PS She is running. Just listen to her talk to the judge. Sarahs the only answer for our country and the only one who cam bit Osama. Cut her down all you will. It doesn't matter to her one little bit.

    Awww, some of my IM friends are losing their sense of humour.... this is obviously a satiric post, and one to be laughed at, not attacked as if we were invaded by C4Peepees!!

    Chill out peoples!!!

  106. PalinsHoax5:52 PM

    To Anonymous @ 4:17pm.

    I loved your response to 2:42 so much that I'm copying it here so that we can read it again.

    THANK YOU 4:17pm

    Anonymous at 2:42 said...

    "It doesn't mean there aren't lies told about her, because there most certainly are. Even you cannot deny that."

    Who's denying it?

    Lies told about Sarah Palin:

    --she was pregnant with and gave birth to Trig
    --she's an energy expert
    --she knows how to handle a gun
    --she's the second coming of Queen Esther
    --she's a good mom
    --she's a good wife
    --she was a good Governor
    --she was a good mayor
    --she has any substantial knowledge whatsoever about national and international issues.
    --etc, etc.

  107. The msm was complicit in not vetting this whackadoodle. They thought by not vetting the obvious idiot (giving her a free pass) in hopes of beating the brown guy.

    Think about how judith miller involvement in the war to Iraq, same thing. They want to control the narrative of our society.

    The only way to have a blackout (no vetting) be successful is that the msm has to be controlled by a few. A murdoch configuration, if you will.

    I believe murdoch was/is involved with our political system just as much as he was in the UK.

  108. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Hey, GinaM, I saw Stacy's article, too. However, the Sea of Pee seems to have deleted it. I've never seen them do that before.

    Do you have a copy? If so, would you please post it here? Seems like there might be something in it that caused them to delete it.

  109. Anonymous6:22 PM


    I know, right?
    I enjoy IM comments but sometimes I get frustrated at some people's inability to distinguish satire from rill troll poop.

  110. Anonymous6:24 PM

    physicsmom, it is only coming out on HBO TV.

    Personally, I think I'll add HBO to my cable movie package that month!

  111. DobieTracker6:34 PM


    Part 1

    She is a maliginant narcissist among other Personality Disorders (their symptoms usually overlap.) Please google "maligant narcissict" and also the psychological terms "Idea of Reference" and "Delusion of Reference"and "Cognitive Distortions."

    In a nutshell, Palin LITERALLY AND I MEAN "LITERALLY" does NOT see the same reality that those who do not suffer from these disorders see.

    It is hard to wrap one's head around, but she LITERALLY believes that she is right and all the rest of the world is wrong.

    This ability to lie to oneself DESPITE THE LOGIC seen by the rest of the world is part of this kind of mental instability.

    Example: I have a friend, not narcissistic but still very "self focused" who suffers from "Ideas of Reference" and occasionally "Delusions of Reference." Her cat and my dog dies of the same heart problem a few months apart. When she learned of my dog's death, I gave her a written note( tho she was at my house at the time--we were both to upset to discuss the topics of the note at that time) naming a charity that helps abused and/or homeless dogs as well as the online url of a segment by noted journalist Bob Woodward about his and other near death experiences. My friend put it in her pocket and said she would research these items later.

    A week later I call her and she sounds angry, hard, cold, pissed off. I dont know about what but I just ask how things are going in her new house etc and she starts in on how she worked hard for over 40 years for her money and no body is going to tell her how to spend it and then seques into how she is not going to give out her email address to people cause they keep sending her articles they think she may be interested in. She is really hot under the collar now but before I can ask who sent what and why she is so pissed just because someone recommended an article to her, she states she has not been on her computer for 2 months !

    Now I am thinking, it has to be at least 2 months ago since someone pissed her off by suggesting she read some article, so why is she so pissed still and why venting to me!

    But now she goes into how she has a college degree, has traveled the world and doesnt need anyone telling her what she has to read. Then she launches back into how she worked hard for her money, will spend it anyway she wants and etc etc etc.

  112. DobieTracker6:34 PM

    PART 2


    Two days later I realize she was referring to the note I gave her which apparently she had finally taken out of her pocket and read.

    My naming a charity that I contributed to (her cat was abused and homeless when she found him) that I though of because she was retelling how she came to adopt her now deceased cat--and my telling her about the solace I had found from this "Nightline" eposiode with a respected journalist and people who presented themselves as educated, clear thinking, respectable people describing their documented Near Death Experiences, --well, that was what had pissed her off.

    She LITERALLY felt that I was telling her how to spend her money and that I thought she was so stupid that she needed me to suggest this may be something she would enjoy.

    This is only the latest of the many instances where this woman's sense of reality is totally screwed.

    SARAH PALIN IS MENTALLY ILL AND THAT IS WHY SHE VIEWS THE WORLD THE WAY SHE DOES. She is not stupid---though still not the sharpest pencil in the box--just manipulative, paranoid and LITERALLY has an unreal perception of reality.

    And the fact that someone so LITERALLY this mentally ill, and in such a totally obvious fashion to anyone who deals with her, is what we should all be afraid of!

    Please understand that when I say Palin LITERALLY sees the world a certain way, I LITERALLy mean that by the dictionary definition of the world.

    This is a simple point but one that people seem to miss.

    SARAH PALIN IS LITERALLY MENTALLY ILL ! The same way a psychopath is literally mentally ill.

    Personality Disorders are not cureable and not something you can medicate away either.

    Because of their need to deal with a reality so terribly different from others, they are VERY GOOD at manipulating other, at conning them, at being devious etc. There is a certain intelligence involved there as well as ---and Hitler very much and very consciously understood this---an instinctive insight into human nature and how to tell people what they want to hear.

    The way to gain mastery over an adversaty is to KNOW that adversary.

    To know Palin is to recognize and understand the way in which she is mentally ill.

    Idea of Reference
    Delusion of Reference
    Cognitize Distortions
    Malignant Narcissist

  113. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I think the college degree for Palin is a myth! No proof she ever earned one on record. Sounds like McCain, et al covered this up for her somehow. Just as they did the birthin' of that poor little boy!

    Palin is and has always been nothing more than an ignorant fraud.

  114. Anonymous said...

    Hey, GinaM, I saw Stacy's article, too. However, the Sea of Pee seems to have deleted it. I've never seen them do that before.

    Do you have a copy? If so, would you please post it here? Seems like there might be something in it that caused them to delete it.

    6:19 PM

    The article is still's the link....

  115. sharon28537:10 PM

    the only reason McShame claims that palin was his best decision ever is because he is SO pissed at all of us for not electing him - more then once. It's his way of thumbing his nose at our country and if you watch his face when he talks about her, you can see it in his beady eyes.

    McShame is HAPPY that he left this awful legacy - make no mistake - this asshole is just as vindictive and angry as $arah...He feels a real sense of bitterness over this. He expected to be prez.

    That crusty old pos is a sick and cheating, lying waste of space.

  116. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I think the college degree for Palin is a myth! No proof she ever earned one on record. Sounds like McCain, et al covered this up for her somehow. Just as they did the birthin' of that poor little boy!

    Palin is and has always been nothing more than an ignorant fraud.

    6:41 PM

    How come nobody believes that Sarah Palin does not have a degree?

    Just because nobody from her 5 colleges acknowledge knowing or studying with her?

    No college graduation pictures?

    Or because Sarah is as ignorant as a retarded wonky eyed mule?

    I'm telling ya to check with the "College of Sarah Palin Fucks Black Guys For Interviews" and you will see that not only was Sarah Heath her class valedicktaker but she was number one in her class!

  117. Anita Winecooler7:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    None of youse know Sarah and youse only embarrasses yourselves.

    PS She is running. Just listen to her talk to the judge. Sarahs the only answer for our country and the only one who cam bit Osama. Cut her down all you will. It doesn't matter to her one little bit.

    2:03 PM

    That's really good sarcasm, you have the "palin panty sniffers" down to a tee. I love it, especially the "Osama" part, which shows how stupid they truly are.

    You're the rill dill, golly gosh darn it, bless you're white cotton socks!

  118. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Anon 2:52 PM

    There hasn't been -( I can't bring myself to incorporate your "there's wasn't)- a candidate/person so ignorant, narrow minded, narcissistic, in -your- face liar and money grubbing tight fisted hate monger who callously attacked the unfortunate dumbing down of America's poster children's wallets in all of history EVER.

    By all accounts, strong body odor, she has.

  119. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Dinty said...

    Video of Mama Grizzly doing cocaine off of a 55 gallon oil drum have emerged:
    12:15 PM
    OMFG! S0 funny!
    So what was the critter REALLY after?
    Funny as hell.
    thanks for that.

  120. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

    She's done. They actually gave her a chance to give her side of things, and she refused. The one who always wants to set the record straight, got a degree in six years in journalism.. he he he...

    Somewhere in Wasilla, a fridge is ducking for cover.

    Her lack of presence and dim itellect tells me the part of her watching Tina Fey had her mystified. Narcissists like to see themselves portrayed as they appear, not for the qulity of her speaches, etc.

    I can see Katie Couric and her young beau necking in the back of the showing, totally ignoring her.

  121. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I can only imagine Sarah Palin watching this movie in a dark cold room by herself grinding and cracking her K9 teeth together with her veiny claws balled up dripping blood as her adams apple rapidly goes up and down in a pool of sweat while Sarah is damning and cursing everybody who gave input into the movie Game Change.

    Don't cha just love it?

    Willow if you can get a picture of your mother's meltdown, you can sell the pictures and buy your own house and cars without having to embarrass yourself on DWTS or lower your self esteem in a piece of shit book that doesn't sell like your "failed at everything" tranny sister Bristol.

    Willow you do know that Tebow is not interested in you and you have to ask yourself do you really want to give $9 haircuts in Wasilla for tips while having to live at with mom critiquing everything and everybody you do?

  122. Anonymous7:59 PM

    sharon2853 said...
    "....McShame is HAPPY that he left this awful legacy - make no mistake - this asshole is just as vindictive and angry as $arah...He feels a real sense of bitterness over this. He expected to be prez.

    That crusty old pos is a sick and cheating, lying waste of space.

    7:10 PM

    Don't forget that Piece of Shit John "Country Last" McCain dumped his sick ailing wife who waited for his return from war and then Johnny left her ass for money... Similar to Sarah Palin quitting her commitment as governor to Alaska to make money.

    Two turds in a pot that Sarah and McCain are!

  123. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Did pretend Combat Vet Track ever marry his baby's mama?

    Last I heard was Britta Hanson was living in her pastor father's house begging for his forgiveness!

    Hey Sarah, how come we don't see family pictures of the Hansons and Palins together?

    And no I don't mean Sarah's lover Brad Hanson's family.

  124. Anonymous8:37 PM

    GinaM, thank you for the link. But, that's an older article. The one that you quoted from was more recent (written yesterday, maybe?). I am sure I read it, too.

  125. ThanksABunchJohn8:47 PM

    I guess I will shell out the $15.00 for a single month subscription. I just can't imagine you all talking about it and not seeing it for myself. Plus, although I love Showtime series (Weeds, Shameless, Homeland, Dexter, Nurse Jackie...) I have heard that HBO has better movies, which I will enjoy... for one month.

  126. 8:37PM

    Here's the's from yesterday...

  127. Andrea9:33 PM

    I've been an IM regular for over 4 years now. I don't have any horses in this race; I check in because I am terribly curious about the state of politics in my Neighbour's house. Oftentimes we in Canada feel the ripples of whatever you in the USA do!!

    I have one comment, for this thread (and it will extend to other threads as well)

    GinaM or whatever she calls herself has become a very vile troll, only she's the IM troll. If anyone posts a question to Gryphen, or even asks something about his posts, she is the one who immediately jumps down the throat of the poster.

    There is nothing sporting or intelligent about Gina's attacks. She has become a mirror image of Sarah's flying monkeys.

    So, while many of us come here for intelligent discourse, we find ourselves confronted with immediate and vitriolic hatred.

    We all know that the Sea 'O' Pee has plenty of sycophants ready to defend their Queen. I just haven't figured out why GinaM has elevated herself to the status of Jesse's "flying monkey".


  128. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Whoa there, 1:49 PM! Sarah is alsotoo one of the world's leading experts on energy.

    In her position as Soon-To-Quit-Window-Dressing on the Alaska Oil & Gas Commission, she spent what little time she allotted to it by spying on the other commissioners.

    Then, as Governor-In-Name-Only, she brought COOKIES to a meeting with the CEOs of Alaska's oil companies (and made 'em wait for her to show up - ha ha). COOKIES are good!

    And remember her immortal words: "Oil and coal? Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not." -- Well, that's a lotta words, there, that must mean somethin'.

    Hey, ya can't get more expert than that! So, please don't disparage her oil & gas credentials.

  129. Anonymous10:44 PM


    Groucho Marx said I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me for a member.

    That about sums up my IM experience.

    Yet there is something about this place. The odd flashes of comic brilliance. The angry and obsessive fixations. The sage political observations. The people clearly using the site as discount therapy. The people on fire for social justice. The people that just love wallowing in Palin misery. The hopeful, the naive, the bitter, the jealous, the repressed, the deluded.

    It's a big fucking tent!

    Be grateful.

  130. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Well said Andrea. I agree 100%, I usually just skip her posts, as they read like a ADD afflicted 10 year old. Gina is definitely the equivalent IM flying monkey.

  131. Bristol's Real Chin10:58 PM

    "Oil and coal? Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not."

    And since she believes the world is only 6000 years old, Baldy has no idea of the value of any natural resources. In what passes for her mind, it takes only a few decades or so for oil and coal to renew themselves.

  132. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Ever notice how that 4th of July video of people lighting cigarettes from a sparkler protruding from you ass didn't seem as funny the following morning, despite the 20 bucks you made? I imagine that is how the American press felt watching this film.

  133. Anonymous1:30 AM

    These movies are for people that didn't know palin is an ignorant sack of shit.For the rest of us informed types it's like ho-hum what else is new.By the way I lost all respect for Larry the cable guy not that I had much to start with.palin is his favorite politician? That's sheer ignorance.
    Maybe a match made in Heaven.

  134. Anonymous1:46 AM

    So Sarah Palin doesn't want to be embarrassed by another ignorant child so Sarah probably hired a tutor for Piper using SarahPac money and billed it as an consultant. Problem is Piper is not used to studying herself and knows that her siblings didn't study either so there might be a problem of her rebelling.

    By the way where is Piper? Did she get sent away to boarding or finishing school?

    Sarah or Todd does not have time for her....

    No recent reports of Piper spitting or shoving adults....

    Piper is too young to be pregnant...

    So where is she?

    Hope they did send Piper away. It would be the best thing for her and the Wasilla community!

  135. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Dinty @12:15

    That is hilarious!

  136. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Supposedly the "book" that the Heath men and Sarah are hawking this spring includes interviews with college roommates so Sarah must want to address questions about her diploma without having to show an actual degree. Of course, this may only draw attention to her college career and result in the disclosure that she hasn't actually graduated.

    BTW- Maybe I'm missing something but I didn't notice that there will actually be hard copies of this book. Maybe the publisher learned from her other books and doesn't want to invest in any publishing costs. After all, how many of more of these can the bargain bookshelf take?

  137. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Andrea 9:33. I have similar thoughts about Gina M's comments including C4P posters who lash out. I thought of not coming to IM anymore but chose to not read her posts. Often I find it kooky and beyond hostile how Gina M rants amd raves convinced Palin wrote all the posts that incite her ire. I would believe such extreme reactions have run people off.

    IMO the tone of comments has changed with many posters essentially raging in profanity limited to agression also reminding me of C4P. I don't think Gina M is funny, satiracal but has high level aggression.

  138. Olivia5:30 AM

    I love GinaM's posts, especially when she goes off on the trolls. There is room for everyone here. If you feel the need for more decorum, start your own blog.

  139. Anonymous5:35 AM

    I think GinaM is funny and I appreciate her taking the trolls on. I crack up when she calls Sarah "Baldy." I also give her credit for doing so under a consistent identity. Unlike her anonymous critics.

  140. I am curious to know how McCain's staff reacted discovering her ignorance. I doubt they intentionally chose a VP knowing the depths of her ignorance and unwillingness to learn. Palin has demonstrated for years now she is above that not bothering to learn fundamentals.

    My suspicion is they were shocked and stunned.

  141. Andrea said...

    I've been an IM regular for over 4 years now. I don't have any horses in this race; I check in because I am terribly curious about the state of politics in my Neighbour's house. Oftentimes we in Canada feel the ripples of whatever you in the USA do!!

    I have one comment, for this thread (and it will extend to other threads as well)

    GinaM or whatever she calls herself has become a very vile troll, only she's the IM troll. If anyone posts a question to Gryphen, or even asks something about his posts, she is the one who immediately jumps down the throat of the poster.

    There is nothing sporting or intelligent about Gina's attacks. She has become a mirror image of Sarah's flying monkeys.

    So, while many of us come here for intelligent discourse, we find ourselves confronted with immediate and vitriolic hatred.

    We all know that the Sea 'O' Pee has plenty of sycophants ready to defend their Queen. I just haven't figured out why GinaM has elevated herself to the status of Jesse's "flying monkey".


    9:33 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Well said Andrea. I agree 100%, I usually just skip her posts, as they read like a ADD afflicted 10 year old. Gina is definitely the equivalent IM flying monkey.

    10:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Andrea 9:33. I have similar thoughts about Gina M's comments including C4P posters who lash out. I thought of not coming to IM anymore but chose to not read her posts. Often I find it kooky and beyond hostile how Gina M rants amd raves convinced Palin wrote all the posts that incite her ire. I would believe such extreme reactions have run people off.

    IMO the tone of comments has changed with many posters essentially raging in profanity limited to agression also reminding me of C4P. I don't think Gina M is funny, satiracal but has high level aggression.

    4:59 AM

    All the same troll! LOL!! So pathetic that you have to co-sign your OWN post troll! You FLATTER me EVERYTIME you write your incoherent rants about ME! Makes me think that I am "living rent free" in your giant ass troll head...huh Baldy!

    And if you think you are insulting me by convincing yourself I am just like the "Crazies4Palin" it gives me great pleasure in telling you...FUCK OFF! You don't have to read my post but since you choose to...I will continue to tell you and any other trolls exactly what I think about that nasty fucking family that crawled out of the state of Alaska and decided to show their asses to any and everyone who will pay them a measly dollar! If you don't like it Baldy Palin...TOUGH TIT-TAY!

    And as far as "Andrea" I feel sorry for Gryphen...I can't imagine how many emails he must have received from ALL your different personalities...begging and pleading for him to ban me! And if I were you would be best if you put down the "crack" pipe when you comment on give yourself away EVERY ignorant fool!

  142. sardincanlady is a troll6:21 AM

    She already has a blog. It's about blow up dolls.

  143. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Jesus Gina, way to prove our point. Moron.

  144. Famous for ....
    her several pregnancies.
    For missing a lot of school because she had 9 months of mono.
    For scamming DWTS by just dry humping on the floor instead of dancing.
    For having a book signing in the big Minnesota mall sitting next to her mom with several dozens of security guards and police officers and only 20 people showed up.
    For abandoning her son Tri-G.
    For naming her son after her father's prostitute.
    For walking the streets of LA trying to pimp and use her high school dropout skanky sister to get a reality show.
    For putting her name on a piece of shit "get even mean girl" book that failed.
    For her bogus Sarah Palin money laundering LLC.
    For sleeping in beds and tents belonging to Levi, Ben, Gino, Masey brothers and whoever would give her wine coolers or buy her a Big Mac.
    For her underage bar hopping mechanical bull riding and falling on her fat ass.
    For getting paid for putting bendy straws into her mother's water bottles.
    For her illegal free trips paid for by Alaskan tax payers.
    For keeping her pacifier sucking son away from his grandmother, if Grandma Johnston really is Tripp's grandma?
    For her sex moaning sounds.
    For her cancelled reality shows.
    For her and her homophobic sisters rants.
    For giving motivational speeches and she couldn't even motivate herself, her siblings or father into getting an education or jobs.
    For giving abstinence speeches while bed hopping.
    For her ever growing baby bump on DWTS.
    For her giant TO GO Cheesecake Factory late night snacks in Los Angeles.
    For quitting everything she ever started.
    For telling everybody she lost only 5 pounds and realigned her mouth which resulted in her new big ass Jay Leno chin.
    For wearing scarves to hide her new fetus or fat belly.
    For getting a truck from her mother in lieu of building a relationship with her baby's daddy.
    For telling everybody she was going to college in Arizona only to return to Wasilla with dreams of giving $9 haircuts.
    For being the daughter of a sportscaster who got interviews by screwing black athletes in her sister's dorm room while her boyfriend Todd was out cheating on her.
    For being an office manager who is now a receptionist.
    For being the daughter of a pimp...
    For being the auntie of her brother's unmarried pastor's daughter baby.
    For telling the world several years ago that her mom already made up her mind about her POTUS scam...
    For telling the world she got raped by her baby's daddy only to walk that lie back after getting called on it.
    For ransacking the Red Cross room in Los Angeles and taking multiple gifts, earphones, perfumes and everything else not bolted down.
    For moving in with her aunt during her Tri-G pregnancy.
    For going to several high school either for getting kicked out or to hide her pregnancy.
    For being the sex addicted daughter of the quitter governor of the state of Alaska.
    For stealing the GOP campaign clothes paid for by the GOP.
    For living in a house built with the same material used in building the Wasilla hockey rink that put the town in debt for several 100 years.
    For her alcoholic binges.
    For her use, purchase and distribution of meth.
    For disrespecting elderly Alaskan school teachers.
    Famous for ......

    Bristol tell us again what you and your no good Valley Trash Grifting Wasilla Hill Billy inbred family are famous for?

    2:09 PM

    Enough said Beefalo! How's your baby girl doing Beefy? What's her name....Tiffany...right? HeHe!

  145. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Supposedly the "book" that the Heath men and Sarah are hawking this spring includes interviews with college roommates....


    Are you telling us that Sarah Palin interviewed Glen Rice again?

    If Sarah took dick-tation from Glen again is that considered an affair or is it a one night stand?

    Sarah said she doesnt do affairs but she never said that she doesn't do one nighters!

    You go girl!

    I'm not kidding Sarah.... get the fuck out of here!

  146. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Rene said...

    I am curious to know how McCain's staff reacted discovering her ignorance. I doubt they intentionally chose a VP knowing the depths of her ignorance and unwillingness to learn. Palin has demonstrated for years now she is above that not bothering to learn fundamentals.

    My suspicion is they were shocked and stunned.

    5:36 AM

    McCain said Sarah Palin is the best thing that ever happened to him. I'm sorry Cindy, I guess that makes you the second best thing?

    If Sarah was the best thing, how come "Country First" hasn't had Sarah testify for his causes in Congress or been publicly seen with her? Its been hands off Palin since she lost the election for him!

  147. Sunny8:44 AM

    Anon 5:35 AM
    "I think GinaM is funny and I appreciate her taking the trolls on. I crack up when she calls Sarah "Baldy".
    I also give her credit for doing so under a consistent identity. Unlike her anonymous critics."

    Thank you! Very well said.
    It takes some guts to post all your comments without the anonymous cover, of course she is an easy target for petty sourpusses to single her out.

    Lighten up Andrea and ilk, we are all guests here.

  148. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Anonymous said...

    So Sarah Palin doesn't want to be embarrassed by another ignorant child so Sarah probably hired a tutor for Piper using SarahPac money and billed it as an consultant. Problem is Piper is not used to studying herself and knows that her siblings didn't study either so there might be a problem of her rebelling.

    By the way where is Piper? Did she get sent away to boarding or finishing school?

    Sarah or Todd does not have time for her....

    No recent reports of Piper spitting or shoving adults....

    Piper is too young to be pregnant...

    So where is she?

    Hope they did send Piper away. It would be the best thing for her and the Wasilla community!

    1:46 AM

    I live in Wasilla and I hope they sent that Palin away! I have a boy her age and now I don't have to worry about him getting her pregnant or have to worry about Piper breaking and entering into my house or cutting my brake lines.

    The only problem is that they sent that one away but another Palin skanky hoe has returned and now I worry about my older son impregnating Bristol..

  149. ManxMamma8:45 AM

    Andrea, I agree with you about GinaM. I really don't get her 'humor' and her repetitive posts really bring nothing to the table.

  150. Anonymous8:46 AM

    GinaM, thank you for the link to the article at the Sea of Pee. I skipped over that one because the title and photo didn't look like they were about the movie. Sorry! Thank you for looking it up for me when I was being blind.

  151. Sunny8:55 AM

    Anon 7:18

    Crass. And a coward moron also too.
    Guess what? You can post under a name or nick, real or made up, Gina still won't find the rock you call home and kick your ass.
    Crass Ass.

  152. Anonymous8:57 AM

    illy lily said...

    The fairy tale trolls are at work over in the comment section of the newspaper that has this review.

    Perhaps someone should go over there and put them straight.

    12:14 PM

    After you! You're someone, right?

  153. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The people that just love wallowing in Palin misery. The hopeful, the naive, the bitter, the jealous, the repressed, the deluded.

    It's a big fucking tent!

    Be grateful.

    10:44 PM


    That's the problem with having a big canvas tent!

    Everybody screws and gets pregnant.

    Bristol should learn to close her flaps and close her thunder thighs!

  154. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I agree about Gina M.

    I am NOT one of the people who posted above.

    Gina's comments are aggressive and unhelpful. While I despise Sarah Palin as much as anyone here, I skip Gina's comments no matter what. The profanity, the shrill tone, the paranoia... Gina sounds like Sarah Palin, actually!!

    Gryphen, I hope you'll consider your start-of-year request for civility, and start limiting Gina's presence here. It's just too much.

  155. ManxMamma said...

    Andrea, I agree with you about GinaM. I really don't get her 'humor' and her repetitive posts really bring nothing to the table.

    8:45 AM

    Oh dear...stealing others identities is really not a good look...but if that's the best you can do...*SHRUGS*

  156. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Sarah, make all the money you can in any way you can, right now because the $&#* is about to hit the fan. After you are totally exposed as a liar, a cheat, a dimwit, a bigot, etc. etc. absolutely no one will ever care about you again. Okay, maybe the bots/trolls will... but will that be enough for Queen Esther? I think not.

  157. Anonymous said...

    I agree about Gina M.

    I am NOT one of the people who posted above.

    Gina's comments are aggressive and unhelpful. While I despise Sarah Palin as much as anyone here, I skip Gina's comments no matter what. The profanity, the shrill tone, the paranoia... Gina sounds like Sarah Palin, actually!!

    Gryphen, I hope you'll consider your start-of-year request for civility, and start limiting Gina's presence here. It's just too much.

    9:07 AM

    "I am NOT one of the people who posted above."

    Uh huh...sure you're not :)

    Whatever don't have to read my comments and I will CONTINUE to post here. Thanks for all the whining and crying that you just makes my day! LMAO!!

    Keep it coming...trolls!

  158. Anonymous said...

    GinaM, thank you for the link to the article at the Sea of Pee. I skipped over that one because the title and photo didn't look like they were about the movie. Sorry! Thank you for looking it up for me when I was being blind.

    8:46 AM

    No problem...I think the "Crazies4Palin" were trying to be funny photo shopping Steve Schmidt onto "Dr. Evil" from Austin Powers...boy if they knew that one of my favorites lines for Gov Baldy is "It's a MAN Baby!!

    Because...Baldy has to look in the mirror every day and see those mannish features staring back at her and wonder....what went wrong??

    That's what she gets for always talking about "cajones" and being "limp and impotent"!

  159. Anonymous11:31 AM

    sardincanlady is a troll said...

    She already has a blog. It's about blow up dolls.
    6:21 AM
    Yep, Blow up Fuck dolls!
    Who's the weirdo???
    Not Gina.

  160. Anonymous11:53 AM

    GinaM said...

    "....Enough said Beefalo! How's your baby girl doing Beefy? What's her name....Tiffany...right? HeHe!.."

    8:19 AM

    Bristol's baby girl we seen growing in her belly on DWTS is named

    "Dancing With The Wolves" or Little Baby DWTS for short.

  161. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Manxmamma, Andrea and everyone else who cringes when they see Giana's posts, I too have been quiet, and am not "the same palin troll" she thinks we all are.

    I have to wonder after Gryphen's call for civility, why she not only continues, but sounds as if she has his blessing in polluting the comments with her stupidity. Hmm.

    It's one thing to make a childish fool of yourself, but stop the attacks on the rest of us when we have a comment. We are invited to comment too, right?

  162. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Yes, I agree with you person about "energy expert" load of crap. And does she even meet (or will all these energy companies) with her on a weekly basis? What a laugh, they probably like this movie laugh at the thought. Listen up people, she is no energy expert. I don't even think she had one class dealing with energy. What are her grades in Chem 101. What a laugh you are scarah.

  163. It's one thing to make a childish fool of yourself, but stop the attacks on the rest of us when we have a comment. We are invited to comment too, right?

    12:10 PM

    Nobody is stopping you from just did. I really don't care if you are a Palin troll or not....I will still comment here and have a VERY GOOD TIME doing it too...enjoy yourself...just like I do :)

  164. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Gryph, you need to post about Sarah's latest flap with Newsweek. Huffington Post has been running this latest and the comments are delicious!

  165. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Gina is spamming.

  166. Anonymous2:20 PM

    It would be great if Newsweek writes about Sarah Palin’s claim that she is an energy expert.

    What exactly makes Sarah an energy expert?

    Did Sarah work in the oil industry for 20 or 15 or even 10 years that entitles her to proclaim herself as an energy expert?

    What college did Sarah Palin attend that taught her everything about oil and energy?

    I read that experts lectures in colleges. As of today, has Sarah ever lectured or given classes on energy in college?

    Did Sarah even work in an oil field?

    Has Sarah published any research papers about oil or energy? Has Sarah even read any research papers? If she did Sarah should of told that to Katie Couric.

    Has Sarah filed or hold any patents on oil and energy thingys?

    Does Sarah Palin even knows how to pump gas into a car?

    I’m hoping by just sitting on a board and just attending meetings once a month or just being governor for 1/2 a term before quitting isn’t
    all the credentials that Sarah Palin has that justifies her as an energy expert?

    How long has Perry been the governor of Texas, an oil producing state?

    If Sarah Palin’s very short time as governor makes her an energy expert, then Perry with his many years as governor must hold the title “God of All Energy”!

    Which brings up more questions. I wonder why John McCain didn’t tap the “God Of All Energy”, Perry, as his vp pick and only settled for short time governor “Energy Expert” Sarah Palin for his pick?

    I would of thought God would be a better logical choice than settling on a Short Term Expert?

    Oh Sarah, I’m hoping that Todd working on the North Slope in Alaska isn't your advisor that makes you an oil and energy expert?

    Sarah Palin, you need to bring more to the table than being married to a part time oil worker or attended short meetings once a month or just being a 1/2 term quitter governor who brought cookies to oil executives attending meetings to lay claim as an oil energy expert!

  167. Anonymous said...

    Gina is spamming.

    2:14 PM

    Isn't life grand! I'm still here....enjoying bout you?

  168. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Gina is spamming.
    2:14 PM
    Methinks someone needs to put on her big girl panties or STFU. :(

  169. Dominionist Escapee4:41 PM

    Okay, GinaM, chill out. Not everyone who disagrees with your style is a troll, let alone the same troll, let alone Ex-Gov Baldy.

    I find you funny and sharp when you're critiquing the trolls who are obviously Palins, when you're commenting on the latest insane appearances by She of the Bad Wig, and when you're excerpting gems from the Piss Pond.

    However, I also agree with those who think you're too quick to jump down the throats of anyone who questions or appears to disagree with Gryphen (or, obviously, you). If people ask honest questions, they ought to be answered with facts and civility, not with mockery. That's a tried and true RWNJ tactic for covering an absence of supporting evidence and facts.

    I say this having asked honest questions here and been on the receiving end of scorn and derision (not from you, but from others). People don't always know how to find information they need, and if readers have sincere questions and a desire to research for themselves, I think we need to welcome and encourage them. And I think this is absolutely in keeping with Gryphen's call to civility on New Years.

    Just my two cents.

  170. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I believe Sarah Palin's world is about to be turned upside down!

    The world is close to seeing how phony Sarah Palin really is!

    Sarah Palin is not an energy or a political expert or knowledgeable in anything!

    Sarah Palin could not even tell America what she reads!

    Sarah Palin didn't know if Africa is a country or a continent or knew the difference between North or South Korea!
    Sarah is definitely not Smarter Than A 3rd Grader!

    Sarah Palin could not name a Supreme Court case when Katie Couric asked her even though there was a giant oil spill off the coast of Alaska that went to the Supreme Court!

    Sarah Palin could not tell America what a vice president does!

    Sarah Palin can't even raise a family! Her kids are dumb as rocks with no college ambitions. They barely made it out of high school and she has one that was expelled from school!

    Sarah Palin told America that SarahPac donations would be given to GOP candidates and their causes.
    Very little was given to other GOP candidates with a lot going to Sarah Palin's personal causes. Just look at SarahPac's report and you will see a lot of donations went to consultants. Sarah took donations and paid consultants to educate Sarah's dumb ass. If you were able to trace it, money was also paid to her relative's and friend's LLCs. Wouldn't be surprise if members of the Anchorage Police Dept were paid through their personal LLCs!

    Bottom line is Sarah Palin is a loosing beauty pageant contender bull shit con artist who fleeced her followers!

  171. 4:41PM...

    "However, I also agree with those who think you're too quick to jump down the throats of anyone who questions or appears to disagree with Gryphen (or, obviously, you). If people ask honest questions, they ought to be answered with facts and civility, not with mockery. That's a tried and true RWNJ tactic for covering an absence of supporting evidence and facts."
    I have NO CLUE what you are talking about!

    If you don't like or wish to read my can click on my name once and my comments will disappear from your view.
    And that's my "two cents" :)

  172. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Brisket said she returned to Wasilla because of the bull riding confrontation but the link below shows that Brisket is a liar and had already made plans to return. She had bought a house prior to that incident using her LLC.

    Allllsssoo Todd and Sarah has been buying property under another secret LLC using the name IRON!

    Just think all those poor fuckers sent their mortgages to Sarah who quit her job as governor.... What was the reason for quitting? Oh yeh, for the good of Sarah... Oops I meant for the good of Alaska!

    Amazing how Sarah strung those fools along for her pretend POTUS run!

    "Send Sarah your best you dumb bastards!"

    Sad thing is Sarah never thanked you ass wipes for paying for her new properties!!!!!!

    LOL :D

    You can kiss Sarah's (_)x(_)... She is living large!!!!

  173. Anonymous7:41 PM

    SARAH!!! sarah!!!! SARAH!!!! She's running for president!!!!!

    Let's fly to Washington DC to hear her speak!!

    Sarah Palin is running for president!

    Can't afford dinner tonight... Gotta buy Sarah Palin's Alaska DVDs!!! Two sets!!!!

    Sarah Palin is running for president!

    Can't pay my credit card bills... Gotta drive all night and buy Sarah's books at full price and she will sign it!!!!

    Sarah Palin is running for president!

    Can't make it to your little league games this week!!! Gotta drive all night again and pay $250 to hear Sarah speak!!!!

    Sarah Palin is running for president!

    Send Sarah your best donations and convince her to run!!!!

    Ignore what Bristol said, Sarah did not make up her mind last year... She is running!!!!

    Sarah Palin is running for president!
    Sarah Palin is running for president!
    Sarah Palin is running for president!


    You telling me Sarah Palin has been secretly buying property under hidden LLCs instead of organizing her presidential campaign while we were led to believe she is running and I emptied my bank account paying full price for Sarah Palin shit that doesn't even sell at the dollar stores????

    Nawww I don't believe you.... Sarah Palin is a TEA Party leader.... She wouldn't do that low down trailer park shit to the poor people in America! Sarah quit her government job to over throw the elitist Obama!

    YIPPEE... Sarah Palin is running for president!

    SARAH ... SARAH.... SARAH!!!!!!

  174. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I know its nice to gloat but we told your ignorant dumb asses that anything associated with Palin is a scam and did you listen?


    Mayor Sarah Palin scammed the the town of Wasilla into building an ice rink and her house! Then she hired a town manager to run the town while she sun tanned.

    Governor Sarah Palin scammed the state for family trips, per diem for living at home, paying for Tri-G's phony birth, putting unqualified high school friends in high paying jobs and everything else.
    Governor Sarah Palin also created legislation that allowed her to collect tax money for filming Sarah Palin's Alaska then she quit and took over a million dollars in tax film money and now wants more for Todd's reality show.

    VP Candidate Sarah Palin scammed john McCain into thinking she was an energy expert and the whole time she didn't know her ass from a hole in the ground. Those poor dumb ass campaign workers had to school Sarah in 4th grade history and political events and had hide her ignorant ass from the media.

    Presidential Pretender Sarah Palin milked FOX and everybody else with her "Will She or Won't She Run" scam while she was secretly buying property. While FOX was paying her millions all this time did Sarah announced that she is not running on her employer's station? NOOOO!

    So you poor fools out there who gave Con Artist Sarah all your money, don't be too embarrassed.... Sarah conned an entire network.... Sarah outfoxxed FOX!

  175. Marleycat9:26 PM

    Sorry folks - just can't resist this one, and I acknowledge I'm being mean and cruel . . . BUT!!! Anonymous @2:03 - you seem to think we are all here interacting with each other in your "Twilight Zone"? Have you heard any cool, freaky music lately that most of us recognize is a strong indication you are no longer living in the REAL WORLD???

    OMG! Anonymous @ 2:03 PM said...
    "None of youse know Sarah and youse only embarrasses yourselves" and "Sarahs the only answer for our country and the only one who cam bit Osama". WHAT IN HELL does "and the only one who cam bit Osama" mean? Can such a statement as written even have meaning?

    WTF!!!- Did Archie Bunker escape from the "All In The Family" set, has someone been watching too many of those reruns? Did you get left behind by the time travel machine and don't know it's 2012? Do New Yawkers really talk like that still (and better yet - spell like that, too?).

    Oh, and FYI, listen carefully now - since you seem to have been out of the loop for quite some time - OSAMA the Terrorist is DEAD! Our President OBAMA killed OSAMA dead - unlike when President Bush and the Repub/GOPers failed at this!

    Yeah, I know, you Twilight Zone escapees try to diminish the President's taking our enemy out by claiming that Bush set up all that and therefore, it's really Georgie who is the hero. But we all know, the whole world knows that Bush failed over and over at taking out Osama the Terrorist! Here's the thing, Archie - George Bush was just plain too lazy to bother hunting him down, and, let's admit it - too stupid to get the job done like a real man woulda!

    Also, too, God Forbid - Americans might have learned about the close ties the Saudis/Bin Ladens/ and Bush Oil had - and wondered why the Bin Ladens in the US were whisked out of this country after 9/11 rather than be detained, tortured, and waterboarded to give up Osama - like some other poor suckers who were innocent of the charges! Only George Bush would attack Iraq because terrorists from Saudi Arabia killed over 3,000 American citizens - see what I mean when I say STUPID!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.