Monday, January 16, 2012

Another one bites the dust, as Jon Huntsman bows out.

Courtesy of the New York Times:

Mr. Huntsman, who had hoped to use the South Carolina primary this week to revive his flagging candidacy, informed his advisers on Sunday that he was bowing to political reality and would back Mr. Romney, whom he accused a week ago of putting party ahead of country. 

Mr. Huntsman, who had struggled to live up to the early expectations of his candidacy, was to deliver a speech Monday morning in Myrtle Beach, where the five remaining major Republican candidates will gather hours later for a debate. His endorsement of Mr. Romney is indication of the party establishment getting behind Mr. Romney and trying to focus the party on defeating President Obama. 

“The governor and his family, at this point in the race, decided it was time for Republicans to rally around a candidate who could beat Barack Obama and turn around the economy,” Matt David, Mr. Huntsman’s campaign manager, said in an interview Sunday evening. “That candidate is Gov. Mitt Romney.”

I have been hearing a lot of grumbling about Huntman's decision to endorse Romney, but what choice did he really have?

After all Romney is the closest to Huntsman's moderate ideology, not to mention they are both Mormons. It was the LDS thing to do.

Besides who else was he going to endorse?




Not hardly.

Update: Interesting possibility to consider. Did Huntsman's abrupt decision to leave the race have anything to do with fear that he would place behind comedian Stephen Colbert in the South Carolina primary?

If true, that would be AWESOME!


  1. Anonymous6:59 AM

    It's just another manic Monday...

    The Governor of Alaska was as ignorant of the world as a four-year-old. Except of course, voters were being asked to put this ludicrously uninformed person, in the proverbial phrase, “a heartbeat away from the presidency.”

    from a review of "Game Change"

  2. WakeUpAmerica7:02 AM

    The dimwit Rethuglicans have lost their best candidate.

  3. Wolfbitch7:04 AM

    Huntsman is one of the few Republicans I'd ever consider voting for. He stated IN PUBLIC that he believed in evolution, and has not been campaigning on his Republican-approved religious beliefs. He seems to be a Republican moderate, which at the moment makes him the only one in the world, I think.

  4. Whew. He just might have beat Obama.

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I think Huntsman/Rommeny were doing the mormon tango...whoever leads was going to carry on.

    In 2008Romney realised this was a negative,2012 it was hard to zap 2 Mormons...don't think for a moment that the Mormon church is not cordnating for Romney...the dark waters swirl beneath the Romney wave.

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Oh well Jon,
    Tomorrow is a Latter Day.

  7. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Mitt Romney looks like a game show host leading the losing contestant to the consolation prizes.

    I wonder which GOP presidential hopeful is next to take the walk of shame? I'm placing a lowly one dollar bet on Rick Perry.

    Obama 2012!

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    LOL everybody is not afraid to endorse a candidate except for Sarah Palin. She is afraid of another loosing endorsement fiasco!

    She Devil is waiting for at least a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

    Even Tawd Palin is mavericky enough to throw out his dumb ass unsolicted "who gives a fuck endorsement"!

    We all know that Looser Miss Retard Alaska Sarah Palin is no king maker...

  9. hedgewytch7:29 AM

    Well, an Uncle of mine will be very disappointed this morning. He's very much a Huntsman fan.

    The GOP can rally around Romney all they want, and Romney better enjoy it while he can, but he still won't win.

    Too many real Republicans won't vote for him. I expect many of these types will either vote right out for Obama, or not vote at all.

  10. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I never believed Huntsman was trustworthy. He was my governor. I actually voted for him once. But I quickly discovered he is just another politician.

    Huntsman is actually a quitter like Palin. Huntsman dropped out of high school. He quit being governor to be Ambassador to China, he quit being Ambassador to run against the President who honored him in that role.

    He turned against President Obama, it's only fitting he shows his true disloyalty by endorsing the man he has criticized (not just in this campaign, but also in 2008).

    Huntsman didn't even have the decency to tell his head SC campaign guy of his decision in advance. The poor man learned about Huntsman decision after the media contacted the campaign advisor for a comment, then he also learns from the media that Huntsman was endorsing Romney.

    I can guarentee that Huntsman's endorsement came as a price. Huntsman wants something from Romney. Only thing is that he made a deal with someone who is less trustworthy than himself. Romney can promise anything, but will renege on his word.

    Seriously, quitting your campaign on the same day the largest SC newspaper endorsed you? He should have remained in the contest until the primary (Saturday) before quitting, or he should have quit after New Hampshire. But quitting midstream just before the state primary is like being a sore loser. He owed it to his supporters and all the people who worked tirelessly for him.

  11. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Huntsman is so too-faced. This is the guy who just last week was talking about how Romney's rhetoric is what keeps our country divided.

  12. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Well, his Daddy must have pulled the plug on the donations. Daddy is a billionaire. Huntsman made his feelings about Romney clear, now he does a turnaround? What a bunch of losers these repubs. are. Romney wants to be president to show his Daddy how successful he is. Daddy probably thinks (like the majority of others do) that his "boy" could never make anything of himself without Daddy's money and influence. Much like another president we know and loathe. Am I imagining it, but does Mrs. Romney look like she would rather be anywhere, doing anything rather than campaigning with this tailor's dummy?

  13. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Barbara Carlson said...

    Whew. He just might have beat Obama.

    7:08 AM


  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    7:14 Toad endorsed Gingrich after he said he would coinsider Palin as VP or at least a cabinet post. That is when $carah screeched "Toad, Toad, quick endorse Gingrich just in case. I'll hold my endorsement to be sure I pick the winner." Gingrich does not appeal to even gold-diggers anymore. He is a bloated, pompous, narcissistic repulsive person.

  15. Maple7:42 AM

    What do you bet the candidates' reps have all emailed her to say "Please, please, please DO NOT Endorse my guy"?

  16. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Maybe he's planning on the Vice President spot on the Republican ticket.

  17. Anonymous7:55 AM

    WAY o/t -- but looking at and listening to Elizabeth Warren, who's fifteen years older than Mizz Palin, but is intelligent, funny, informed, patient and quick -- that's the kind of woman candidate the GOP would need to have half a chance against Obama.

    Scary Sarah has none of Warren's attributes (which include working her way through college and law school. That's called "work ethic."

    I never bought the "I had to work so I had to drop out of college and then go back to a different one" autobiography by Palin.
    Someone in Idaho -- could you go to the University and see its list of graduates for the year/s Palin said she got a degree? And what it was in?

  18. Anonymous8:05 AM

    This picture looks like Romney walking with his victims.

    Huntsman was the only conservative I'd vote for and I was considering it.

  19. Anonymous8:09 AM

    "Another one bites the dust, as Jon Huntsman bows out."


  20. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Well, since the moderators never asked him any questions anyway, I don't think he'll be missed. He was, however, the smartest guy in the race, and the most likely to give Obama a run. Looks like the GOP is marking time for 2016. I certainly hope liberals have learned that we must vote, we must run progressives and get them into office, and we must stop accepting the lies told about the President, his policies, and the progressive, pro-people agenda. We cannot let Fox ruin another election.

  21. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Mitt Romney is winning the GOP nomination the same way he made his millions at Bain Capital.

    This article tells how he would high bid at auctions - eliminating his competition, then when given the exclusive tour of the company he would submit a binding low bid offer.

    Romney spent a crazy amount of money to flood Iowa with all the negative ads to eliminate Gingrich. Then he was off to his "homestate" advantage in New Hampshire. He basically bought himself the GOP nod by outspending everyone early on to be the front runner. Now he won't have to spend any money in the other states campaigning because he eliminated his competition.

    This is really bad for democracy. His opponents really haven't had the opportunity to showcase themselves.

    Romney hasn't been fully vetted - and that will hurt the GOP in the Fall.

  22. He can't be the VP pick - two Mormons?

    I go with the theory that daddy pulled the plug and there was no money left.

  23. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Huntsman is too intelligent and polite for the Republicans.

    And he would have been the hardest candidate for President Obama to beat.

    Obama 2012

  24. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Mitt Romney looks like a game show host leading the losing contestant to the consolation prizes.

    7:13 AM

    Chuck Woolery 2012! LOL

  25. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Anonymous said...

    ...She Devil is waiting for at least a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

    Even Tawd Palin is mavericky enough to throw out his dumb ass unsolicted "who gives a fuck endorsement"!

    We all know that Looser Miss Retard Alaska Sarah Palin is no king maker...

    7:14 AM

    Bristol Palin's book signing fiasco!

    That shit was too funny!

    Wonky eyed bitch thought her coat tails was long enough to drag Bristol's lazy good for nothing but screwing fat ass. But it turned out that Sarah is not a queen maker! Brisket's book signing was a big plop in the toilet like all of Sarah's kids.

    But I betcha this.... Sarah is probably paying a tutor to work Piper's little diva disrespectful ass off because Sarah does not want to be ridiculed by another Palin child fuck up!

    Sarah wants to be able to go to one graduation and have one child get a real diploma instead of a GED or get another empty diploma folder with a note that reads,

    "Your mama aint governor no mo... your diploma will be sent at the completion of Alaska's graduation requirements... Thats if you choose to complete your requirements!"

  26. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I never bought the "I had to work so I had to drop out of college and then go back to a different one" autobiography by Palin.
    Someone in Idaho -- could you go to the University and see its list of graduates for the year/s Palin said she got a degree? And what it was in?

    7:55 AM

    I grew up in Pullman, eight miles from Moscow, ID. TRUST ME....a degree from the University Of Idaho, if she even HAS one (which I doubt), is nothing to boast about.

  27. Anonymous8:31 AM

    That's a shame because he was the most rational and sane one of the bunch. He coulda been a contender! If only the Republicans were capable of getting their heads out of their arses and realized it. Too bad for them!

  28. lostinmn8:41 AM

    I am sure I read that the Palin endorsement was the most sought after of them all. And yet no one except Sanitarium seems to be looking her way. At least Mitt isn't. Maybe Gingrich but I'm sure his poll numbers didn't even flinch when Toad came out for him so I can't imagine her endorsement is going to be a positive thing. I'm sure whoever she backs will publicly be pleased and privately trying to distance himself from her.

  29. When a comedian is ahead of you in the polls, it's time to get out.

  30. Anonymous9:12 AM

    He probably dropped because no one knows who he is, which isn't a bad thing considering his opponents and current party leaders.

  31. Anonymous9:16 AM

    "Beat Barack Obama and turn the economy around"?

    As a corporate raider, Romney has been destroying jobs, not creating them. What a bunch of morons.


  32. Anonymous9:18 AM

    lostinmn, I'm sure where you read that is a quote from the pee pond. She's not sought after, she's a death knell.

  33. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Jon is supporting someone who met a woman at a hospital and tried to talk her out of an abortion even though continuing with the pregnancy would kill her? He is supporting someone who told an unwed single mom to adopt her baby out or excommunicated?

    Something smells rotten.

    He looks like he's being led to the gallows in this picture. Has Jon Huntsman sold his soul?

  34. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I think we might see him pop back up in 2016. He wasn't as batshit crazy as the others, but that isn't saying much.

  35. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Nice pic - talk about March of the .001% Corporate Clones, eh?

  36. WakeUpAmerica9:50 AM

    Look at Romney's shit-eating grin in that picture. It's a sad day when Romney is the best the GOP has to offer. They should change their acronym to OGOP, Once Grand Old Party.

    It is good for the country to have two good candidates and a rigorous competition. This is pathetic.

  37. Anonymous9:50 AM

    His dad is a business person and understands you DO NOT back a loser with money.

    No money... no run.

  38. WakeUpAmerica9:54 AM

    Hey, now! The evangelical churches are coelescing behind their favorite, and the Catholic church is behind Santorum. So what else is new? It's what "values voters" do. BTW, God, please save us from "values voters."

  39. WakeUpAmerica9:55 AM


  40. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Huh? Are you talking about Romney or Huntsman? You seem to switch in the middle.

  41. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Someone mentioned that maybe Huntsman withdrew in hopes of being Mitty's VP.

    I don't think so. The VP vetting has been going strong under the horizon of news headlines.

    I've read a couple of articles that proclaim that the Gov. of VA will be the pick - that anti-LGTB, anti-woman, scum-sucking SOB.

    Another strong possibility is Marko Rubio, a young Cuban-American who is a Tea Party darling from FL. A radical in his own right and a liar as well - fits right in, doesn't he?

    The last strong possibility is the boot-licking T-Paw who has been part of the Romney campaign almost since he caved like Huntsman. At least Huntsman gave it a go.

    I wish, if Huntsman felt he had to pull out, that he had not endorsed Romney. That just takes his integrity down several notches and taints his chances for later in as far I am concerned.

    Yeah, he was the best of the bunch, but what a putrid bunch of candidates on the GOP side it is.

  42. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Consider that Gingrich has been waffling a bit in the last few days. Won't be long before he also joins the Romney flock.

    I wonder if Ron Paul retreated to his home on the strong suggestion of the Romney camp.

    I think we have a lot to fear from the Romney machine. He is a ruthless, manipulator. Read the latest Bain expose to discover how they would double-cross the companies they were trying to buy after elbowing out the competition.

    I will say it again - Romney is ruthless. It will take time to find out what is happening behind the scenes, but I bet it isn't pretty (or ethical/moral).

  43. PalinsHoax10:15 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:29am said...

    "Something smells rotten.

    He looks like he's being led to the gallows in this picture. Has Jon Huntsman sold his soul?"


    I totally agree. That photo is definitely a "Bain Moment" - Romney's grin looks like the cat who swallowed the canary who has just been "bained".

  44. lilly lily10:33 AM

    Not a surprise. His father wouldn't pour any more money into his campaign, period, end of report.

    He'll try again in 2012, though I doubt if President Obama is going to give him any more jobs in his administration.

  45. onething10:36 AM

    How about the guy who is coming in second and third in the primaries?

  46. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Well, with THIS in the news, Google Santorum could be the next one on the Evangelical chopping block:

    Before Karen Met Rick

    Karen Santorum, the ultra-pro-life wife and mother of seven home-schooled children, has been the perfect complement to her husband, Rick, as he chases the Republican presidential nomination. On the campaign trail, the candidate often refers to her book, Letters to Gabriel, the story of the devoutly Catholic couple’s traumatic late-term 1997 miscarriage (the 20-week-old fetus lived two hours outside the womb). The couple opposes birth control as well as abortion, even in cases of rape.

    But Mrs. Santorum, 51, apparently wasn’t always committed to the cause. In fact, her live-in partner through most of her 20s was Tom Allen, a Pittsburgh obstetrician and abortion provider 40 years older than she, who remains an outspoken crusader for reproductive rights and liberal ideals. Dr. Allen has known Mrs. Santorum, born Karen Garver, her entire life: he delivered her in 1960.

  47. Anonymous11:08 AM

    The Bots are convinced that now that Sarah is going to step in and win. They are sending out messages everywhere telling people to ask Palin to get in to "serve". How delusional can they be!!! They are also trying to get people to write in Palin's name.

  48. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Moderates cannot vote for Romney. That is allowing a reactionary base to tell us for whom we should vote. I want a President who is crazy who back's science, who builds rather than destroys in his wake.

    I'll be disappointed if Huntsman runs with Romney, aa he'll have to sell out even more. For his sake, I hope he accepts a job in Greenland or Iceland, where his effectiveness will be appreciated.

    We need a cap on how much candidates can spend and make it even. The US has lost with Huntsman dropping out. I don't mind President Obama, and if he stays in I won't be upset. I think he needed a better opponent than what the OGOP is going to give him.

    Onward Santorum, 2012 for the OGOP.

  49. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Andrew Sullivan speaks some sanity in the sea of spin. Interesting article!

    ...If I sound biased, that’s because I am. Biased toward the actual record, not the spin; biased toward a president who has conducted himself with grace and calm under incredible pressure, who has had to manage crises not seen since the Second World War and the Depression, and who as yet has not had a single significant scandal to his name. “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle,” George Orwell once wrote. What I see in front of my nose is a president whose character, record, and promise remain as grotesquely underappreciated now as they were absurdly hyped in 2008. And I feel confident that sooner rather than later, the American people will come to see his first term from the same calm, sane perspective. And decide to finish what they started.

  50. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I was thinking the same thing! Huntsman did not want to be bested by a fake candidate.

  51. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Sarah is waiting until there are only two Rep. candidates left...and then she'll endorse the one that pays the most.

  52. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Maybe he's planning on the Vice President spot on the Republican ticket.


    Nah. They would never have two Mormon crash-test dummies on the same ticket.

  53. Everything I know about Mormons I learned from watching Big Love.

  54. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Love this statement. Fascinating article from Andrew Sullivan:

    < What liberals have never understood about Obama is that he practices a show-don’t-tell, long-game form of domestic politics. What matters to him is what he can get done, not what he can immediately take credit for. And so I railed against him for the better part of two years for dragging his feet on gay issues. But what he was doing was getting his Republican defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs to move before he did. The man who made the case for repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” was, in the end, Adm. Mike Mullen. This took time—as did his painstaking change in the rule barring HIV-positive immigrants and tourists—but the slow and deliberate and unprovocative manner in which it was accomplished made the changes more durable.

    **Not for the first time, I realized that to understand Obama, you have to take the long view. Because he does.**

    This has to be apparent to anyone who has gone back and listened to and read Obama's work for 20 years. He thinks very expansively and people who are looking for 'instant gratification' are often frustrated with how he envisions and acts upon his beliefs. I have total faith in him without agreeing with everything he says or does, I trust him the more I see the results of his 'long game' point of view. It's shown itself over and over again, now, as I look back, as Andrew has also done in the article.

    I dislike the labels in politics, liberal, conservative, right, left...because I believe that people can be liberal in some areas of their lives, conservative in other areas of their lives. That said, I find myself in agreement with much of Andrew's take of things.

  55. Anonymous11:40 AM

    "He probably dropped because no one knows who he is, which isn't a bad thing considering his opponents and current party leaders."

    And he might not have been able to pass the scrutiny of a lead in the GOP. We know Mitt, Gingrich, Santorum, and Perry. We don't "know" Huntsman and maybe he just wants to keep it that way.

  56. Anonymous11:43 AM


    Be sure there is no liquid in the vicinity or your mouth or keyboard when you view this:

    2012 Campaign Speech: Interview with Judge Jeanine

  57. Anonymous12:13 PM

    As expected, Jon Huntsman left the race for the Republican presidential nomination this morning, but as he “suspended” his campaign, the former governor took some time to decry candidate “attacks.”

    ...He has, after all, spent month running plenty of negative ads — many of which, incidentally, Huntsman is now trying to hide from public view.

    The Salt Lake Tribune published a DNC oppo dump this morning, noting months of rhetorical Huntsman shots at Mitt Romney, including attacks on the frontrunner’s flip-flops, accusations that Romney is “unelectable” and lacking a “core,” questions about whether voters can trust Romney to keep his word, and calling Romney’s record on job creation “abysmal.”

    Maybe Huntsman isn’t the ideal spokesperson for condemning “negative attacks”?

    As for why Huntsman would endorse Romney after levying so many attacks at him — some as recently as a few days ago — Kevin Drum’s take sounds right to me: “[A]fter the savaging he’s given Romney, turning around so quickly sure does make him look like a guy who was just throwing lots of anti-Romney crap against the wall whether he believed it or not.”

  58. Gawd, why would anyone with common sense think that weirdo huntsman could beat President Obama? This proves you weren't going to vote for President Obama in the first place.

    Any spark of intelligence from the nutjob side quickly fades when they elaborate on details.

    Not ONE person on the repugbagger ticket can light a match to President Obama intelligence and achievements.

    huntsman is a joke, he bashed President Obama for offering him his job.

  59. Anonymous12:54 PM

    WakeUpAmerica said...

    Look at Romney's shit-eating grin in that picture. It's a sad day when Romney is the best the GOP has to offer....
    9:50 AM

    Haha It's a sad day when Romney is the best the GOP has to offer?

    That doesn't say much Sarah Palin if Romney is the best the GOP has to offer and he is better than Palin.

  60. Anon 11:04 - Karen Santorum's past won't be a negative factor for evangelicals but one of inspiration and praise. They'll see the changes in her life as a testimony of Jesus' grace.

  61. Anonymous1:59 PM

    He was offered or is hoping for the VP slot. He would give Romney foreign policy experience, like Biden did for Obama.

    I almost wish he would because having two none Christians running would make the Christianists brown shirt's heads explode.

    They would hate that so much some of them might not vote for the Republican ticket.

  62. Anonymous2:36 PM

    So he was against him before he was for him. What a two faced asshole.

  63. Anonymous3:04 PM

    In my opinion, Huntsman may have gotten the word from Mormon higher ups who let him know he had to take one for the team.

  64. Anonymous said...
    ...Sarah wants to be able to go to one graduation and have one child get a real diploma instead of a GED or get another empty diploma folder...
    8:24 AM
    Anonymous, you make good points but I really doubt that Palin gives a flying fart in a whirlwind whether any of her children ever acquire an education. She doesn't value education, and it is painfully evident that she has passed on that contempt for education to all of her children.

    Piper is too young to have decided whether or not to bother with that silly old diploma, but what we have seen so far is not promising.

  65. Anonymous3:52 PM

    That article someone linked to in the Washington Post about Bain's business practices when Romney was at the helm was very interesting. I would bet that the hidden factor in Romney's unethical dealings with the world have to do with his agenda--becoming the first Mormon president. So the ends justify the means to the max. I believe he's totally supported in all these actions by the Mormon Big Dogs. I began to understand the influence the Mormon church has over its members from reading the book, A Gathering of Saints" I had no idea that the Mormon church has leaders monitoring and making home visits to members. Romney himself has done this kind of behavior. I would find it hard to believe he doesn't get the same kind of visits himself from the highest leaders.

  66. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Huntsman undoubtedly dropped out at the direction of SLC. They've put far too much money into Romney's campaign. Their secondary goal has been met, getting Huntsman some national exposure for a future Presidential run. They are every bit as determined as the Dominionists are to run this country.

  67. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

    The sanest of the crew read the writing on the wall, Colbert was polling higher, and he's doing it for fun!
    What struck me was how fast he endorsed another candidate! Crazy eyes, nine nine nine pimp and Hucklebee all quit and still haven't endorsed another candidate.

    I do have to give the guy credit, he was the sharpest tool in the GOP field, and this speaks volumes of what smart means to them.

  68. hauksdottir6:45 PM

    Having TWO Mormons in the race actually helped them both: their beliefs could be seen as somewhat mainstream or common instead of further afield than the lunatic fringe.

    Huntsman is manipulative and pragmatic under that diplomat's veneer. If his campaign went broke months ago, as reported, and all the big money from the superPACs was and will be going to Romney, there might be no way to have donations cover his mounting debts.

    If there is blackmail-worthy dirt on him, Rove would certainly have the evidence ready to plant... however, I think the reason for Huntsman's withdrawal now is simpler. In exchange for stepping out of Romney's way, moneys would come to one of his enterprises, possibly even via their common church), enough to clear the debts and seed a campaign chest for other, later pursuits.

  69. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Nefer said...

    Anonymous said...
    ...Sarah wants to be able to go to one graduation and have one child get a real diploma instead of a GED or get another empty diploma folder...
    8:24 AM
    Anonymous, you make good points but I really doubt that Palin gives a flying fart in a whirlwind whether any of her children ever acquire an education. She doesn't value education, and it is painfully evident that she has passed on that contempt for education to all of her children.

    Piper is too young to have decided whether or not to bother with that silly old diploma, but what we have seen so far is not promising.

    3:29 PM

    Sarah is not interested in her retards education! It is just that Sarah is concerned how she will look like with 4 educationally challenged dysfunctional kids. Here Sarah Palin is on FOX giving advice and her opinions to the public and her 3 oldest adult children are uneducated with no college or professional ambitions and no jobs. All the Palins want to do is breed and be on reality tv. Same with unemployed uneducated dad, but he wants to have sex with prostitutes instead of breeding.

  70. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I would bet that orders came from LDS for Huntsman to back out. Romney was a senior in the church (I think a bishop). Huntsman was just there to deflect some of that anti-mormonism from Mitt anyway.


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