Thursday, January 12, 2012

Meryl Streep reveals information about Margaret Thatcher that is going to make conservatives rethink their mindless idolatry.

God I would LOVE to be in the same room with Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin when they hear this!

Ronald Reagan raised taxes, and Margaret Thatcher is a pro-choice, government health care advocate.  Just WHO can a low information Teabagger believe in anymore?


  1. Anonymous5:10 AM

    And Sarah thinks that Mitt should be held accountable for his job creation claim. Can this woman be any more hypocritical?

    I'm actually afraid the answer is yes she can.

  2. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Don't worry - teabaggers specialize in cognitive dissonance. If reality conflicts with their belief system, they simply double down on the belief system. Reality be damned.

    Eric Cantor demonstrates here.

    In that respect, sadly, they are no different from the idiot "progressives" who are now embracing the repulsive Ron Paul.

    PS You might want to change "pro-life" to "pro-choice" on the home page.

  3. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Early believer in global warming and accepted homosexuality...

    “There were things that surprised me when I did the research, because I had my blanket opinions. Given where she came from, just to get into Oxford at that time was very unusual. To take a chemistry degree was unusual. She appointed Jews to her cabinet, which was unusual. There were homosexual scandals, and pressure to fire the people. She said, ‘I don’t care what people do.’ ”

    Streep points out that Thatcher’s conservatism belongs to a very different breed than the current U.S. versions. “She was pro-choice, she was an early believer in global warming, she would not disassemble the national health system. All that would make you unelectable as a conservative in the United States.”

  4. The level of ignorance of the TPers about the world around them cannot be overestimated. They hear the word "Conservative" and automatically assume that it means the same thing at all times and in all places.

  5. A. J. Billings5:50 AM

    Information like this just isn't parsible by the likes of Granny Grifter, Michelle Bachmann, Jim Demint, or Rick Santorum

    They can't process it because critical thinking, and reconciling conflicts with ultra right-Teabag party line pablum might cause critical thinking and analysis

    Such information must be immediately rejected and lied about, or buried deep, and never discuessed again.

    Good example:

    In the film Media Malpractice, John Ziegler is interviewing $ister $arah at one point, and he directly asks her whether there was any effort of banning books in the Wasilla library.

    She looks right at the camera and lies perfectly about it; no "tell", no indication that this is anything but fabrication. $arah, you can lie about everything, but eventually one of those lies covering up the crimes is going to seek you out and take you down.

    Even the Sainted and Holy Ronald Reagan would be vilified and spat upon by the Teabaggers these days,
    never mind someone as traitorous as Maggie Thatcher!!

    How dare she advocate letting 13 year old rape victims having abortions?

  6. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Well, no one should be IDOLIZED. We're all human, all have the same value. But this won't stop people from innately being drawn to someone, a feeling or reason no one can explain. Obama is an idol figure. Sarah is an idol figure. B Clinton is an idol figure. None of those people are to be criticized for that. They can't control it.

  7. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Well, considering how ignorant you seem to be with your information on democrats and Obama, I'd say you're a low information progressive.

    Reagan was a good leader and man, as was Bush Sr. Clinton was a good President. That's 3 people within30 years who, I would call re-electable leaders.

  8. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Anon 5:10, you have got to stop comparing actual candidates to Sarah when discussing pros and cons. She is not running, they are. Romney is a self-made man who has lots of work experience. That's already a change from what we have in DC.

  9. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Totally O/T, but did anyone else notice that once again Exodus over at the cee of pee was once again absent while Sarah was on Hannity? I know a couple people have wondered if Exodus is actually Sarah. I have noticed a pattern of Exodus being absent every time Sarah is on tv.....

  10. Anonymous6:00 AM

    All tea partiers want is Govt out of people's business. The over regulation is killing us. Why do you really think people outsource and open businesses abroad? That is NOT a first choice. Right now and in the recent past, govt has made it hard to make a business thrive.

    Look at what THE GOVT did to housing and auto industry? Banks are not firstly responsible. The Govts started the 'everyone deserves a home' BULLSHIT meme.

    When there's sh*t hitting the fan, the Govt is behind it pulling strings.


  11. The right wing continue to try to rewrite history to make their talking points sound respectable. Reagan and Thatcher were NOT the saints the their mindless and dumbed down followers would have them be. Reagan raised taxes and he added more to the national debt as did Bush jr. than the present administration.
    The Corp. powers are behind Mitt. They are the ones who are afraid. Some troll left a comment with a link claiming the banks are backing our President. First let me congratulate the troll for at least using a link, but the poor troll was O/T and the link was a photo of candidates Paul & Romney and President Obama and under the photo was a picture of the corp. who sponsor them. Let me help the troll get a better perspective on campaign contributions.
    All the candidates will get money from the banksters! Yes, that's right. Some will get a lot more than others. The GOP get the largest sum from the Ins. co. & banksters and always have.
    The troll actually proved they know how to link and now that's what I would expect when they come here to comment with all their knowledge.

  12. lostinmn6:03 AM

    Conservative wasn't always the definition of a dominionist here in the US. And it remains a real term in other parts of the world where it's used appropriately. How the fundamentalists hijacked the term conservative and got the GOP to go along with it remains a mystery. I suppose it all started back in the 90's with the Christian Coalition. Since then conservative has increasingly been linked to christianity, as seen by the "conservatives" who regularly attack liberal thinkers as godless sinners. That's the battle. Some of the most profound conservative thinkers of the past would be horrified and disgusted by today's conservative thoughts.

  13. Anonymous6:05 AM

    "$arah, you can lie about everything, but eventually one of those lies covering up the crimes is going to seek you out and take you down."

    5:50 AM

    Which is why she can't run. She knows it, shit-for-brains "husband" knows it, FOX knows it...and the pee pond is going to have a mighty hard fall when they realize how they've been duped.

  14. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I doubt Bachmann or Palin know anything about Thatcher except her nickname.

  15. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Can we all all agree to call the current G.O.P. front runner, Willard "The Mutt" Romney? Nice ring to it, and it is descriptive. No animals were harmed in devising "The Mutt's"
    new monicker.

    London Bridges

  16. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Interesting that both Reagan and Thatcher had/have Alzheimer's.

  17. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Hi Anon-
    "Well, considering how ignorant you seem to be with your information on democrats and Obama, I'd say you're a low information progressive. "

    Could you please give a specific example or few? Please don't include anything the president was trying to do and was stonewalled by Congress. And please fact check before posting.

  18. Anonymous6:59 AM

    ""Anon 5:10, you have got to stop comparing actual candidates to Sarah when discussing pros and cons. She is not running, they are. Romney is a self-made man who has lots of work experience. That's already a change from what we have in DC.

    5:57 AM"""

    I thin kyou need to look up the meaning of "self made man"

  19. Anonymous7:01 AM

    5:57 am. I don't think that anyone could say that Romney was a "self-made" man or that his "work experience" was worthy. He came from a very wealthy family and he made money by doing in businesses and guaranteeing that people lost jobs. Now both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama are "self-made" men because neither of them came from wealthy families.

  20. Anonymous7:06 AM

    6:00 am. So what's this about "PROVEN"? When banks and investment firms are Unregulated, they do what happened during the Bush Administration: make tons of money for themselves and destroy everything and everyone else. The bailout of the auto industry succeeded; it saved Michigan and the other auto-producing states and it added 170,000 jobs.

    Government regulations are needed because people, left to their own devices, are greedy. Proof of that is what led to the Wall Street collapse in 2008 and the mortgage disaster that went along with it.

    If we had no EPA, air quality or water standards, we'd all be suffocating today. Remember back when rivers were so polluted that they spontaneously combusted? Government regulations are needed because people and their corporations are greedy.

    And that, my friend, is proven!

  21. Anonymous said...
    ...But this won't stop people from innately being drawn to someone, a feeling or reason no one can explain. Obama is an idol figure. ...
    5:54 AM
    You have made this same incredibly stupid claim before.

    I do not "idolize" President Obama. I know exactly why I supported him in 2008, and why I will support him in 2012, and which of his actions and policies I agree with, and which I disagree with. Because I think, and educate myself. There is nothing "innate" about it.

    Just because you don't think, or face facts, or educate yourself, but instead "innately" "idolize" people, doesn't mean that the same is true of everyone.

    By the way, there is no comparison between President Obama and the ignorant, un-American, corrupt, incompetent, hateful Palin.

  22. Olivia7:19 AM

    Reagan had Alzheimer's before he was elected president. He was a willingly manipulated puppet who slept through half his presidency. The only reason his worshipers think he was a good president is because he was an actor and would say whatever he was told to say. He acted the part of president very well and the idiots who voted for him couldn't tell the difference.

  23. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Anonymous @6:00 a.m.

    I repeatedly hear RW'ers complaining about regulations hurting small businesses. Would you please tell me which regulations you're speaking about? You must have specific ones in mind or you wouldn't be mentioning this line that is such an overused RW talking point.

    As far as businesses going overseas, they do so because the labor is dirt cheap and they can make far more money taking advantage of poor foreign workers. Please stop with the nonsense about how they just can't function here as there are far too many small businesses that are succeeding and prospering that put that lie to shame.

  24. hedgewytch7:59 AM

    "....when they hear this"

    Well Gryph, that's just it - people like Palin & Bachman (ideological radicals) only hear what they want to hear and they believe what they want to believe. They'll spin this info around some how, or deny that it is true.

  25. hedgewytch8:05 AM

    Olivia at 7:19 - You got that right!

  26. Anonymous9:03 AM

    AKRNHSNC, they don't have an answer for you. It's some nebulous idea about the big bad government.

    Sure, if business owners were allowed to pay their employees $.50 an hour, they'd be able to hire a lot more people (and buy a couple more vacation homes to boot). Maybe we could also let them just dump their waste products into the nearest river or chop down every tree in sight or cut corners in safety for their employees. That sure would save them a lot of money to pump back into the economy (and also buy them a couple more vacation homes). As an added bonus, the more employees who get maimed or killed at work, the more new people those businesses can hire. Everyone wins!!!

    Bottom line, the "proven" troll is a Palin-loving, pea-brained, troglodyt.

  27. I saw the trailer for this and at first I had no interest in watching, but they did a good job of getting your attention and I may just see it when it comes out on DVD. I loved "The Queen" with Helen that was GOOD!

    5:27AM...thanks for that link to Eric "The Weasel" Cantor interview...the comments to that article were BRUTAL but hilarious!

  28. Anonymous said...

    Well, considering how ignorant you seem to be with your information on democrats and Obama, I'd say you're a low information progressive.

    Reagan was a good leader and man, as was Bush Sr. Clinton was a good President. That's 3 people within30 years who, I would call re-electable leaders.

    5:56 AM

    Uh oh...Baldy is fantasizing about the President...AGAIN! I see you "can't control it" but it's still sad that you are on TV trying to pick a fight with the man's wife hoping he'll say something to YOU in her defense...but guess what Baldy...

    The Obama's don't have a clue that you exist and if they are forced to comment on your pitiful antics...they always get that sly smile on their know the one that tells us that they KNOW all your SECRETS!

    So keep on lusting after the man...maybe if you give Glen "Baby Oil" Rice a call he can squeeze you in for old time sakes...of course I would lose all respect for the man if he found any type of interest in your old bag of bones!

  29. Anonymous said...

    All tea partiers want is Govt out of people's business. The over regulation is killing us. Why do you really think people outsource and open businesses abroad? That is NOT a first choice. Right now and in the recent past, govt has made it hard to make a business thrive.

    Look at what THE GOVT did to housing and auto industry? Banks are not firstly responsible. The Govts started the 'everyone deserves a home' BULLSHIT meme.

    When there's sh*t hitting the fan, the Govt is behind it pulling strings.


    6:00 AM

    "PROVEN"....uh by WHO?? Not you...because all you seem to do is repeat over and over again the same old rantings...other commenters have asked you to PROVE what you are saying with facts and all we get from you is...CRICKETS!

    If you don't provide something to back up your rantings....then with all due respect...S T F U! Otherwise we just keep on believing you are a know nothing Teabagger who watches FAKE News all day long and repeat the shit they tell you instead of getting off your fat ass and looking up shit your damn self! Educate yourself...a mind is a terrible thing to waste...stop wasting yours!

  30. Tap Duncan11:54 AM

    Um, as far as regulations go, I guess we should a certain manufacturer go back to marketing LYSOL as a feminine hygiene product. has all the links, and, no, I don't work for them...

  31. Anonymous12:32 PM

    All tea partiers want is Govt out of people's business. The over regulation is killing us. Why do you really think people outsource and open businesses abroad? That is NOT a first choice. Right now and in the recent past, govt has made it hard to make a business thrive.

    Look at what THE GOVT did to housing and auto industry? Banks are not firstly responsible. The Govts started the 'everyone deserves a home' BULLSHIT meme.

    When there's sh*t hitting the fan, the Govt is behind it pulling strings.


    6:00 AM
    You have no idea what you're talking about SARAH! and you've proven it with this comment. Good job!

    PS- Where's TRIG??? Did you abort him from your life?

  32. Olivia2:08 PM

    PROVEN??? Show the proof...or STFU!

  33. Anita Winecooler7:16 PM

    All tea partiers want is Govt out of people's business. The over regulation is killing us. Why do you really think people outsource and open businesses abroad? That is NOT a first choice. Right now and in the recent past, govt has made it hard to make a business thrive.

    Look at what THE GOVT did to housing and auto industry? Banks are not firstly responsible. The Govts started the 'everyone deserves a home' BULLSHIT meme.

    When there's sh*t hitting the fan, the Govt is behind it pulling strings.


    6:00 AM


    Hi Crusty Critter Teabag Dipper!

    Quit making stuff up!
    So many trolls, so little time.

    Merryl Streep is my Idol. She's got the Iron Lady pinned in this movie! Almost as good as Julienne Moore did for the rusty crusty lady!

    Thanks, 5:27 for the chickenshit Cantor interview link.

    He couldn't finesse a softball interview with Leslie Stahl, can you imagine him with one of those rill journalists like Katie Couric? ;o)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.