Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Republican Jesus.

I sometimes wonder if Republicans, especially those who seem to take all of their lessons from the Old Testament, have ever even heard of Jesus?  Or if in fact ANY of them have actually read the Bible?

If they were to truly embrace the teachings of the man they all claim to so admire, just imagine how much better this country could be.


  1. Have you heard Buddy Tabor's song, "Brand new Jesus"?

  2. melissa3:33 AM

    I would like to point out that in addition to preparing for his State of the Union address President Obama also found the time to authorize a US military raid in Somalia to free two hostages held by pirates. Our President is a remarkable man!

  3. Absolutely. Great cartoon. It's so disturbing how, politically at least, Christianity has been co-opted to advocate for policies all radically at odds with what Jesus taught. We should make those WWJD bracelets for the Christian right that say: What would Jesus do? The opposite of everything you're doing!

  4. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Jesus is the opposite of the Christian Right.
    The Christian Right are like satan.

  5. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Actually, what Republican Jesus would say is, "I worked hard for my money, and I'm not just handing it out in any attempt to share the wealth. Get up off the pavement, you freeloading socialist, and get a job."

  6. Anonymous5:33 AM

    The "Christian Right" is the Pharisees wing of Christianity -- The Pharisees perhaps meant to obey God, but eventually they became so devoted and extremist in very limited parts of The Law (plus all that they themselves added to it), that they became blind to The Messiah when He was in their very midst. They saw His miracles, they heard His Words, but instead of receiving it with joy, they did all that they could to stop Him - eventually to the point of getting Him killed because He truthfully claimed to be the Son of God.

  7. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I knew a family who impressed people with their church involvement and lip service of disdain of character and moral defects. In reality the parents volunteered which was a guise for stealing. Volunteering at a health clinic was purposeful to take blood pressure medications for themselves boasting of "I am no fool, I don't do something for nothing!". "Why spend my money when I can get it for free?". They volunteered to load their cars up taking from the church charity collections and preying on elderly to gain POA to get their money and posessions.

    The son grew up to be a master liar who would say anything to even con his coworker to pay tolls to "get it for free" i.e. Rip people off con games. Despite great wealth he only felt powerful deceiving people amd lying to take things away or sabbotage others. She would slander the poor and needy to justify stealing medicines intended for the indigent.

    The world is full of christians who are takers and charity, donations, good works is not in their world.

  8. I often wonder the very same thing...

  9. Not What You Want to Hear5:51 AM

    As I have said dozens of times in the past and will continue to keep saying: if they'd actually lived back in Biblical times, they would have been part of the mob demanding Jesus's crucifixtion.

  10. Anonymous6:31 AM

    So true, G.

    In fact, the message the Republicans are giving out is that anyone who is sick, in need, jobless, and begging is a big lazy no good-for-nothing who have no right to ask government for help.

    It's sickening that they, the conservative right-wing who boast of their christian heritage are the ones that would try to block any method to help out citizens, and they are in denial if they actually believe that neighbors, friends, family and community can voluntarily financially give out of their pockets for all the hundreds, thousands of homeless, jobless, mentally ill, physically unhealthy to live in a dignified manner. It's not that Americans aren't generous, they really are, but there's not enough to go around by way of charity and donations for the surplus need.

    Some Republicans say those in need should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, shake off the misery and smile and look for work, any work. People with arthritis, heart disease, stroke, cancer, pain from past accidental injuries, etc., should just pretend their conditions don't exist and work those $8.00 Mcjobs standing on their feet all day so they can bring home a measly sum that might get them room and board in a basement.

    Many of these people didn't ask for these conditions to happen. Schmuck happens to everyone at some time, and a nation who calls itself the best on earth has an obligation to hold up to that name by setting an example to the rest of the world. How a nation treats it's citizens will set a good example for others.

    It's so obvious that these greedy repubs don't give a damn about their struggling neighbor. They are the perfect example of the story of the Good Samaritan; they are the first two men who ignored the beaten man in the ditch who had been robbed. The Samaritan (who was considered to be the least religious) was the one who had compassion that the first two (religious) didn't have. He cleaned the man's wounds, sent him to an inn and paid for several night's worth until the man was well again. No mention of universal health care, but if there had been, a lot of victims would have received treatment right away and survived.

    It's the liberal left that has taken on the cause here and show themselves to be the Good Samaritan.

    Shame on spokesmen like Franklin Graham, James Dobson foundation, and Family Values foundations for turning a blind eye to this obvious neglect of their neighbor. They would prefer to defend the super-wealthy than defend the poor. If Jesus came back today, he'd might say to the political christian right, "Depart from me, I never knew you.

  11. Anonymous6:39 AM

    The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy... the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. --anon

  12. Randall7:18 AM

    For a time, many years ago, I worked for a company owned and partly staffed by Jehovah's Witnesses.

    They lied; flat-out, bald-face lied - to us several times. The final lie was that we wouldn't be laid off - that that was nothing more than a rumor.

    The next Monday we (the non-witnesses) WERE all laid off.

    I was told later, by one of the Witnesses whom I was kind of friends with, that it "wasn't lying, since [WE] weren't Jehovah's Witnesses."

    All true. That's what I was told: lying, cheating... doesn't matter if you're not of their church.

    Weird, hunh? I've wondered many times since then, if ALL Jehovah's Witnesses are that way, or only that one little church?

    ...but! I've noticed that MANY Christians feel that way: that if you're not of their church, they'll lie to you and cheat you and have no misgivings what so ever.

    Any one else ever notice that?

    -- that Christians are only trustworthy IF you belong to their specific little congregation?

  13. Sally in MI10:00 AM

    I have another quote from this month's "Messenger," a publication of Brethren Press.

    Jerry Falwell, Jr. on Newt:
    "The woman at the well was fortunate she encountered Jesus that day instead of some of our evangelical brethren." Falwell was asked if Newt should be forgiven for past moral failings.
    The woman at the well would have been robbed of her last penny, raped, and forced to bear the child, then had to raise it in poverty and uneducated, ensuring more homeless, unemployable people. Way to go, GOP.

  14. Anonymous10:06 AM

    And as to the claim that America is and was always "a Christian nation?" There are 2.18 billion Christians in more than 200 countries around the world, accroding to the Pew Research Forum. They go on "Christians are geographically so widespread that no single continent or region can indisputably claim to be the center of global Christianity." Well, we KNEW it wasn't Arizona, Alaska, Texas or Minnesota, didn't we? And it sure isn't South Carolina.

  15. Anonymous @5:33: I think that you have it nailed it.

  16. Anonymous12:11 PM

    5:38....isn't that what Cindy McCain did....volunteered at a free clinic and stole their drugs? Do a google search.

    7:18...that is the mindset of many denominations. Here in my little town there are 2 churches. I belong to neither. It is quite interesting watching how the good members of each church treat people who are not part of their cult different than they do their fellow members.

  17. lwtjb2:27 PM

    Our local paper has been running a column by a man who identifies himself as pastor of the Cornerstone Baptist. His last column claimed that those who believe Jesus called for love are wrong, wrong. He also says those who want to use the new testament in favor of the old are also wrong, wrong. He says Jesus is the fulfillment of old testament prophecies. Therefore his purpose was to enforce old testament laws, and specifically not to endorse love. Cornerstone Baptist appears to be some sort of separate denomination. I assume this man speaks their theology. Sure seems backwards to me.

  18. I recently saw a story about a man, a millionaire, who gives money to those who need it.

    That's it.

    Let's say he's made $8 million dollars in his career...

    he has given $7.5 million AWAY TO OTHER PEOPLE!

    So much so, his own wife actually worries about their bills!

    But this man grew up in poverty, is scarred from the memories, and has used his intense hard-work and good fortune to pass along his "wealth" to those less fortunate.

    And he can't stop. It "feeds" him; he really needs to help others.

    I think he was Jewish, but that man was living like Christ, for sure.

    Quite humbling, really.


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