Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sarah Palin goes from a fake Minnesota accent to using British slang. Can you say "dumbarses?"

Apparently Palin was on the Sean "Got the short straw again" Hannity, angrily defending her new open marriage buddy Newt Gingrich from his second wife's explosive interview tonight on ABC. (Gee don't women whose husbands have cheated on them usually stick together?)

Here is the transcript courtesy of Think Progress:

PALIN: I call them dumbarses. They, thinking that by trotting out this old Gingrich divorce interview that’s old news — and it does feature a disgruntled ex, claiming that it would destroy his campaign — all it does, Sean, is incentive conservatives and independents who are so sick of the politics of personal destruction, because it’s played so selectively by media, that their target, in this case Newt, he’s now going to soar even more. Because we know the game now, and we just won’t put up with it. 

So, good call media! Way to go to covertly hype this, even Gingrich opponents, for being so brilliant they sure are dumb.

And here you can hear it for yourself on You Tube:

Okay first off, what the hell is a "dumbarse?" (Okay well I looked it up and it is British slang, for "dumbass,"

Obviously this is just her chickenshit way of saying "dumbass, " and trying play the demure Christian gal card by using a more television friendly replacement instead. Though from her it just sounds idiotic.

You know Sarah I happen to know that you can curse with the best of them, and have heard many examples from your vast vocabulary, so don't think anybody is fooled here.

And as for this helping Gingrich "soar," I don't believe there is an updraft in the world that could lift Newt's flabby carcass off the ground, even with a running start and a pound of pixie dust shoved up his ass.

And I also believe that there is really only so much that REAL Christians can stand, and a man who cheated on two wives, and then tried to start some kind of home based swingers club, is pushing the envelope a little too far for most family values voters to bear.

Of course Palin does not get that because she, like Gingrich, is a complete phony all the way from her road kill fright wig, to her completely unnecessary glasses, right down to her water filled fun bags.

By the way,  I would just like to point out to any family values voters who accidentally find themselves here that our President, or as YOU refer to him, Barack Hussein Obama, is happily married to his FIRST wife, and attended his church in Chicago religiously for TWENTY YEARS!

I just thought you should keep that in mind.


  1. Dang I can't believe you've never heard the word "arse" before! It's the British/Irish equivalent of "ass".

  2. ibwilliamsi4:46 PM

    On the NBC piece on this interview, they spoke to voters in SC who said that Newt's past marriage problems didn't matter to them. Not even the "open marriage" claim. They said, "Everyone has a past. Everyone made mistakes."

    OK, just to clarify, Newt had a SIX YEAR affair with Calista. There's no argument about that. So, are these people now ok with Obama having belonged to the Rev. Wright's church, and his having served on the same volunteer board as Bill Ayers?

    Pot, meet Kettle. Kettle, meet Pot.

  3. Anonymous4:46 PM

    You would think that as a woman she might could, at the very least, try to be empathetic to the ex's side of the story. But no, old "boys will be boys" idiot Palin has no such empathy. If she's a Christian I'll kiss her dumbarse!

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Gosh, somehow it's both reassuring and depressing to see that Sarah can only spout word salad. You'd think all these years of public speaking would have given her a little clue as to how to organize her thoughts.

    Sadly, no. Sarah never learns - anything. Probably because (1) she doesn't think she needs to learn, and (2) she is incapable of learning either due to ego or to an undiagnosed learning disability.

  5. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Well, we know the old 'boys will be boys' attitude that Sarah has...

    Speaking on Sean Hannity’s radio show this afternoon, Palin played her typical game of conflating the “dumbarses” in the “lamestream media” and the political left, assuming that ABC News is airing the embarrassing interview in an attempt to derail Gingrich’s campaign. This will backfire, she argued, because voters don’t care about the fact that fact that Gingrich carried on an affair for six years while married, or that he asked his wife for an open marriage so he could continue the affair, or that he subsequently left his wife after she was diagnosed with a terminal disease...

    ...In fact, the interview is not “old” but Marianne Gingrich’s first TV interview since her divorce from the former Speaker in 1999, and it does make news about how Gingrich — who often defends “traditional” marriage on the campaign trail — treated his wife of 18 years.

    But Palin,who calls herself a feminist, completely ignores the substance of Gingrich’s actions to portray him as a victim of just another tawdry lamestream media smear. “I have a degree” in journalism, she reminded Hannity.

  6. She has an open marriage, what's the big deal?

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Sarah Palin is never content to formulate a simple sentence that is to-the-point. Instead, she rolls her eyes and froths at the mouth in her vain attempt to weave polysyllabic words and completely unrelated language constructs into coherent ideas. My father has a great name for it: "verbal diarrhea."

    Cathy Rodriguez · Seattle, Washington

  8. Anonymous4:50 PM

    "...all it does is incentivize...Conservatives and Independents..."

    From the Urban Dictionary:

    1. Incentivize
    A corporate-jargon non-word meaning "motivate," coined in 1968. Some 10 years later, it was shortened to the equally annoying verb "incent." Unfortunately, both are recognized by both Merriam-Webster and the OED.

    The only respectable form of the word is the noun "incentive."

    - I would like to motivate him to never say "incentivize" again by telling him I will rip his windpipe out of his throat the next time I hear him say it.

    - I hope everyone who says "incentivize" in earnest knows they come across as a jargon-spewing ahole.

  9. Anonymous4:51 PM

    If a democrat were in exactly the same position as Newt, Palin would be all over them with her bible. If these sociopathic republicons ever stop blaming everyone else for their problems long enough to take a look at themselves they will see that it is their own corruption and foulness that has reduced them to being the punch line of a bad joke.

  10. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Actually the Palin woman is shrewd. She's already figured out the fact that Gingrich is already "soaring" in South Carolina due to his 21st century Willie Horton/Welfare Queen strategy. So she can make an outrageous statement like this and make herself look like a real life pundit thus making herself temporarily relevant again.

  11. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Gingrich lists his “primary mission” as follows: “Advocate of civilization … definer of civilization … Teacher of the rules of civilization … arouser of those who form civilization … Organizer of the pro-civilization activists … leader (possibly) of the civilizing forces.”

    Anyone who sets himself as a definer of civilization should have a better moral compass than the one that Newt has.

    Teacher of the rules of civilization: I don't think that being dishonest and dishonorable are qualities of a good, stable civilization. Yet, Newt presumes to teach us the rules without having to follow them himself.

    Newt is a hypocrite, and Sarah is being paid to parrot the Republican talking points of blaming the media instead of the guy who is getting the media attention for cheating, lying and being an all around hypocrite. Defense of Marriage, right!

  12. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Are we sure, I mean absopositively certain that Sarah Palin is NOT Sacha Baron Cohen in drag? Because every time she speaks she sounds more and more like a Borat-eque parody.

  13. Does the Idiot Quitter even know that Newt was having an affair with Marianne while he was married to Jackie? And that he was having an affair with Callista while being married to Marianne?
    Those are FACTS silly little $arah. The media has nothing to do with it.
    And Newt's girls who spoke on his behalf are the daughters of Jackie/Newt. Of course they are going to blame Marianne for the break up.They forget that it was daddy who couldn't keep it in his pants.
    Of course $arah is going to defend Newt. She and Todd have had extra marital affairs.

  14. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Sarah Palin anagrams:

    Sharia Plan, Anal Parish, Las Piranha

    Curious, eh?

  15. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Newt Gingrich’s Second Wife Dishes Hard To Esquire: His Money Woes, His Philandering, His Meltdown

    In 1999, after refusing to take the seat he won in the 1998 elections, Newt Gingrich left his second wife, Marianne, for a much-younger staffer with whom he’d been having an almost-ignored affair. As in his first marriage, he did so shortly after Marianne was diagnosed with a serious illness; as in his first divorce, he fought Marianne tooth and nail over any financial settlement. And then he had the Atlanta archdiocese inform Marianne that their marriage was invalid in the eyes of his fiancée’s faith; 9 years later, he completed his conversion to Catholicism.

    Given his popularity among Republicans, one would think there is little left to say about Gingrich’s personal foibles that could hurt his political career. But sandwiched in between snippets from his campaign to return to popularity in yesterday’s Esquire profile are tidbits from the still-supportive Marianne that portray Gingrich in a far-from-pleasant light — and hints that his personal foibles took quite a toll on his political fortunes behind the scenes.

    Before marrying Marianne, Gingrich presented his first wife, Jackie Battley, with the terms of their divorce as she lay in a hospital bed recovering from surgery for uterine cancer. Gingrich had pursued Marianne from nearly the moment they met at a January 1980 fundraiser:

  16. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Newt's actions are to be ignored. "Boys will be boys." Sarah's learned to sweep traditional family values under her carpet so it should be ok for everyone. Ain't no big thing for her to be scum and live with scum so it's fine to elect scum. It's only the US Presidency.

  17. Anonymous4:59 PM

    First off, what is "incentive the conservatives", Sarah?
    Second, don't those fundies define marriage as between ONE woman and ONE man, NOT between two women and one man?! Wooo! I can't wait to see what cabinet position President Newt will appoint Sarah to!
    Two gas bags! They deserve each other.

  18. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Now doesn't she sound SO presidential with that language?

    And what's with "all it does, Sean, is incentive conservatives"?

    Can someone PLEASE explain to her the difference between a noun and verb, for heaven's sake!

  19. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Hey don’t attack my next meal ticket!

    What’s wrong with what Newt did with his ex-wives? It just “Boys Being Boys“!

    Did it bother me that bloggers tried to break up my marriage by parading my husband’s love affair with one of his prostitutes? No!

    I don’t care if Todd screws all of Wasilla!

    It’s just “Boys Being Boys“!

  20. Anonymous5:03 PM

    'Arse' is the British variant of ass.

    Maybe she's thinking it will broaden her foreign policy credentials?

  21. Not What You Want to Hear5:05 PM

    What is dumb...actually, beyond dumb, just flatout to nominate another petulant old man with a blonde trophy wife that he acquired after dumping his previous wife to be the GOP nominee.

    But, that is the Tea Party effect on Republican elections these days, the damn fools. Support the most virulent candidate who can communicate the Tea Party's incoherent rage, no matter how deeply sordid the past of that individual, no matter how much that individual makes millions of voters recoil. And this time, that block of voters won't be staying home on Election Day.

  22. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  23. carollt5:08 PM

    Romney is going to win South Carolina on Saturday by at least 10points.

    Never mind the second wife, who would vote for someone who impeached a President for having an affair while having an affair. I don't think the values voters will get over that.

    But aside from everything he says and everything he does, Newt seems like a likeable guy. I cannot say that for Sarah - she is full of hatred and it is eating her alive.

    It's funny that Jesus always talks about love, but all Sarah does is hate.

  24. Nancy In New York5:10 PM

    But Sarah, I thought you said it was fine and dandafukkenrooni to bring up past associations like with Obama and Ailes. You member right? The luncheon they attended together and you just couldn't bring it up enough at your klan er I mean your pep rallies?

    Wouldn't an ex wife who knows Newtie (in the biblical sense) be considered a "past association" who can speak personally and intimately about the subject of Newt and his blazing pants and infidelities?

    Sarah, your two faces are showing. And neither one of them are too pretty.

  25. Anonymous5:12 PM

    She forgets that she dug into Obama's past to dig up the "paling around with terrorist"... She has absolutely no self-awareness, no understanding of what it means to have double standards. What an arse, a really, really dumbarse.

  26. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Please, oh, please go read this article, look at the slideshow at the end of it and read those captions carefully.

    No wonder Sarah endorsed Newt. They have similar problems with mental and emotional stability and share the same narcissistic tendencies.

  27. Anonymous5:18 PM

    From the article: Okay first off, what the hell is a "dumbarse?"

    It's the non-euphemistic version of "dumbass".

    "Ass" has been used as a euphemism for "arse" for so long that many people don't remember the original word, which is centuries older.

  28. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Sarah must listen to the Jim Rome show on radio, he always uses "ARSE"
    in place of "ASS". Even though we know what THE TUNDRA TURD means, DUMB
    means can't speak. Too bad she doesn't follow that Mantra. The World would be a better place without
    Sarah's IDIOTIC RANTS.

  29. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Dumb-ARSE??? Oh, my, my... how very posh of her. Who knows, maybe mastery of words ending in "g" will be next, followed by grammar, syntax, logic, reasoning... she has a journalism degree you know

  30. Hate to sat this Jesse, but arse (even dumb arse)) isn't invented: it's British (or in my case Irish). I can't tell you how many times my grandfather used these words, usually describing politicians he didn't like. If it wasn't arse it was amadan (idiot).

    Can't believe she is trying to let him off on the cheating scumbag charges though. Thou shalt not commit adultery is one of the top 10 still, right?

  31. It has been reported that Newty got a standing ovation when he was asked about his "open marriage" and he blamed the backlash on the media. Tore a page right out of Palin's play book.

    And now he's ahead in South Carolina. What a bunch of dumbarses are the Repubs in South Carolina.

  32. In places like Oz where we speak real English and don't use Websters half arsed dictionary - was he scared by the letter U ? but that's another story - it is usual to say arse instead of ass.

  33. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sounds like something Creepy Chuckie would say.

  34. angela5:26 PM

    Oh Poor skank "arse" Sarah.
    So no one is supposed to pay attention to
    nasty Newt wanting to do his wife AND mistress?

    C'mon Sarah fess up--you'd have to be a serious ho
    to actually believe what you belched out of your pie-hole.

    Makes you wonder when and what Sarah really knew about Shailey being pimped out by Todd and how much she was involved in it.

  35. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question,
    Where's Your College Diploma showing a degree in Journalism?

  36. Nancy In New York5:32 PM

    From the article: Okay first off, what the hell is a "dumbarse?"

    It's the non-euphemistic version of "dumbass".

    "Ass" has been used as a euphemism for "arse" for so long that many people don't remember the original word, which is centuries older.

    5:18 PM
    Yes, but Sarah doesn't know any of that book learnin' stuff. She knew of of the word arse from when she was trying to crawl up Margaret Thatcher's arse last summer. So to be cute, (and not too vulgar wink, wink) she decided to pair up the word dumb + arse so as not to offend the delicate sensibilities of her brain dead zombies, um, I mean her fans.

    I can assure you, Sarah does not do Old English. She is however fully fluent in word salads and vowel movements.

  37. Anonymous5:32 PM

    "BARK! BARK!" says the Palin.

  38. I don't believe there is an updraft in the world that could lift Newt's flabby carcass off the ground, even with a running start and a pound of pixie dust shoved up his ass.

    Best sentence I've read all week! ROFLMAO!

  39. Anonymous5:38 PM

    What a total dumb ass. How does she even know his ex is revengeful like her? For all we knows she is speaking up to inform the public what Newt is in real life. I'd also say it does matter, and anyone to ask his wife to have an open marriage doesn't represent high moral values. Why does FOX even put her on. Don't they know she just cheapens their station, and does she really bring in that many viewers?

  40. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Can't these people vet themselves? I know people who'd be great in politics but won't even run for local offices because they have skeletons that they don't want promenaded outside their closets. Then when someone is national and they get light shown on topics that become national interest because it reflects on them, they are disappointed in the public for looking that close at them.

    Whether or not Newton asked his wife for an open marriage is not important-- what is important is that he has had a series of affairs, ending two marriages for a younger wife each time, and poo-poo-ing his own private actions in public. Mrs. Newt2 has to step out and remind us that this IS serious. How has he gotten this far to the Oval Office?

    His daughters will defend his actions because they benefit from Papa Gingrich's ride and rise. They may want to be the next Kardashians and will be his other baggage.

  41. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:39 PM

    Numbskull x Dumbarse = SarahPalin™

  42. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Strange, the grifter wasn't this understanding and/or forgiving when the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted to having an affair and fathering a son from that affair.

    I can't wait until the Romney Campaign starts to leak some really juicy tidbits on this two-bit fraud, and put her "dumbarse" on notice.

  43. Sunny5:44 PM

    But Gryphen, boys will be boys, dont'cha know?

  44. Anonymous5:44 PM

    WTF? That dumbarse is suppose to have one degree in journalism from 5 colleges and on top of that, the wonky eye pig breeder is suppose to be a FOX news commentator and she was the quitter governor of a state but for some fucking reason she talks like she never made it past the 3rd grade!

    We do not understand what Palin is saying, but shit.... a transcript showing what she said is more confusing!

  45. Anonymous5:46 PM

    What a total dumb ass. How does she even know his ex is revengeful like her? For all we knows she is speaking up to inform the public what Newt is in real life. I'd also say it does matter, and anyone to ask his wife to have an open marriage doesn't represent high moral values. Why does FOX even put her on. Don't they know she just cheapens their station, and does she really bring in that many viewers?

  46. Newt discards women casually.

    His daughters had better watch their backs.

  47. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Is she projecting again with the "journalism degree"?

  48. Anonymous5:49 PM

    So curious. How come conservatives can trot out their pregnant teens and philandering ways? So I guess it is up to we “libruls” to make sure our children are prepared for their adulthood and buoy the children from derelict conservative marriages.

  49. Anonymous5:52 PM

    This is just like bristol's gaffe at the bar with the "homosexual". You just know those aren't the normal words they use. Poor awkward Palin speak.

  50. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I guess "incentive" is a verb in Alaska.

    Tom, in FL

  51. Yes I now know that "dumbarses" is indeed an British slang for dumbasses. I had heard "arse" used, but never "dumbarse" so I believed that Palin had made it up. Which of course her habit.

    But apparently instead of making up words, Palin is now going through her own Madonna phase where she takes on a fake British accent for some inconceivable reason.

    Sadly neither she, or apparently anybody else in her family, will be able to sing "Like a Virgin" to complete the homage.

  52. Cracklin' Charlie5:59 PM

    You know,

    The first time that I ever posted my hypothesis about the origin of Sarah's grandchildren here (the first 2), within an hour someone called me a dumbass. I hadn't been called that since 10th grade. Wonder if it was the old "word salad shooter" herself?

    And Gryphen,

    Great description of the Newt soaring! I can almost see it!

  53. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Newt Gingrich is playing Sarah Palin, and she is too much of a dumbarse to realize it.

    He just floated the idea that she would have a "position" in a Gingrich Administration, and that was all that she needed to hear.

    She quickly ordered Todd to endorse the cheater, and now she is doing the old 2008 pit bull with lipstick routine.

  54. Anonymous6:02 PM

    To see Callista Gingrich smile, I feel like I'm looking at the Joker from Batman.

  55. telah6:02 PM

    What word with Fred?


  56. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I listened to Palin today on Hannity. She said she was a janitor at a church on Sun night in high school, saved her money and paid her college tuition. I've never heard that. Is this a new story or another lie?

  57. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I really don't care if SC votes for Newt the cheater. I don't care how often Sarah calls into Hannity's radio show and berates everyone from the Pope to the bloggers to the pols in DC. She is insane; Newt is a serial cheater and lair, and both of them deserve what's coming to them: nada. They will not be installed in DC next January. By then, Newt will back to ahwking his books and his madeup history videos, and Sarah will still be whining about the President, his lovely family, and pretendig to be relevant. Life goes on. Obama will will reelection. Snyder will be recalled, along with his sleazy Lt. governor. With any luck, Snyder will follow, and Kasich too.
    I do wonder why Sarah the uber-Christian is endorsing Newt and not Santorum though. Since she shows no signs of being able to forgive anyone for any slight, why on Earth is she so sold on the only man in the race with an ego bigger than hers? Because he said he will find a place for her should he win? He is not allowed to make statements like that until he wins...just saying.

  58. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Ya know, every time I hear that she has a degree I wonder if it's Fahrenheit or Celsius? Of course with her, it could be either.

  59. Anonymous6:13 PM

    She is the biggest SKANK in "politics" I have ever been forced to hear or see in Alaska or elsewhere!

    I am glad our POTUS never even acknowledged her existence!

  60. lwtjb6:14 PM

    The queen of the politics of personal destruction wants to complain about the politics of personal destruction???

  61. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Methinks that Palin blundered across BBC America one day and heard the term dumbarse or arse and thought it would make her sound so sophisticated to use it. Of course it sounds as phony as anything else she says.
    M. from MD

  62. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Talking like a Brit? Isn't that sort of elitist, Sarah? I don't think people in the heartland do that. You're just so confused, aren't you? Bless your heart.

  63. Anonymous6:18 PM

    To her credit, her hair's real.

  64. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Are you sure she doesn't need glasses for anything? She wears them daily. Even if she had lasik or something, that doesn't last forever. She is middle age.

  65. Atheists for jesus6:19 PM

    Box of Rocks, IQ 95. Sarah Payme, IQ 83 Any questions?

  66. WakeUpAmerica6:21 PM

    "And as for this helping Gingrich "soar," I don't believe there is an updraft in the world that could lift Newt's flabby carcass off the ground, even with a running start and a pound of pixie dust shoved up his ass."


  67. Anonymous6:24 PM

    interesting........after the post re: willow's engagement, i checked her twitter page-first time and saw her words about being engaged.
    Just went to her twitter page a second ago and it says the account isn't public and you have to register to read the tweets.
    smoke and mirrors? hmmmmm...

  68. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I listened to Palin today on Hannity. She said she was a janitor at a church on Sun night in high school, saved her money and paid her college tuition. I've never heard that. Is this a new story or another lie?

    6:05 PM

    Knowing the sexual appetites of Sarah, Bristol, Willow and Sally Heath, I wouldn't doubt it if Sarah was screwing the alter boys in the confession booth on Sunday nights!

  69. Anonymous6:28 PM

    She continues to use nouns as verbs mangling the english language: "is incentive conservative..." Incentive conservatives to progress the govmint. Too bad Perry dropped out. she would have been a better vp for him. Their two brains together wouldn't equal W's. As a person of Irish descent who grew up hearing 'arse' as well as 'bum', I resent her co-opting it.

  70. lilli6:31 PM

    She IS the "Dumbarse"!!!!!

  71. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Haven't read through all the comments so don't know if this has been mentioned, but maybe it was a dig at Andrew Sullivan?

  72. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Sarah uses Joe M as a battering ram:

    Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin lit into the media for their coverage of Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife’s claims that the former Speaker of the House asked for an “open marriage,” telling Sean Hannity on his radio show, they “overplayed their hand.”

    “The American public could really care less about being Joe McGinniss’d, not when there are real issues,” Palin exclaimed. “Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife is getting ready to reveal all, again — she has already done that, it seems, like a few times.”

  73. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Yeah, dumbarse, Newt will soar just like Cain.

  74. Anonymous6:41 PM

    If she really does have a degree in journalism, or even took Reporting 101, then why isn't she vetting those candidates she thinks are hiding something and writing a book or a blog about her investigative efforts?
    After all these years of yacking about the "lamestream media," why doesn't she use her vast journalism knowledge to improve the media?
    Come on, Sarah! Show us how it's done.

  75. Anonymous6:41 PM

    We all know about the Heath/Palin family out of control sex traditions of getting pregnant before marriage... Easy Sally did it... Sarah did it... Yada yada they all did it... And with Todd and Sarah screwing everybody with their "Boys Will Be Boys attitude and the rest of them Palin retards doing it with there "friends with benefits" attitude do you think Sarah would be bothered by what "Herb" Cain, McCain or Newt did to their wives?

    The only thing I have to say is that whole bunch of low life cheaters has a fucked outlook on family and Christian values!

    Especially that crossed eyed forked tongue devil!

  76. Anonymous6:42 PM

    So if I have this right, Newt is the victim and his wife is the bad cop. Sure, now these asshats are picking on dumped spouses with multiple sclerosis.

  77. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Let's put the shoe on the other foot. Let's just say that Todd wants to see other women and call it an open marriage. People know about it, so what? How long do you think that Sarah would nod and say, "Sure, honey, you go right ahead." Sarah does not want to be treated badly anymore than Marianne wanted to be treated badly.

  78. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Wow, Palin; a drop out governor is angry that moral character is being looked out. What happened to getting to the truth on everyone, or maybe that was just Mitt.

    It's very important that the next President has moral and values that portray the Republican party as conservative if in fact this party is about the value voter. Maybe it's just that Gingrich and Palin aren't to keen on values.


  79. Anonymous6:48 PM

    When Newt went after Clinton for a bj in the office, they said it made him vulnerable to blackmail. What the hell doesn't Newt think he is?

  80. Anonymous6:50 PM

    The only reason Gingrich is ahead in South Carolina is he's from the south. Romney & Santorum aren't and Paul is not worth discussing. Paul's alien planet issued an Amber Alert searching for him.

  81. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Sarah Palin played in a cesspool and fell in now she can't get out.

    she rails against crony capitalism and endorses mr Freddie Mac she trumpets capitalism and endorsed mr attack capitalism she crows about social conservatism and endorses mr lets be one big polygamist family.

    now she is swimming in crap and full of it. that interview was of a desperate woman trying to hold on to relevancy . In the end the left did not take her down she took down herself .

    I used to be one of her biggest fans. Dumb me.

  82. lostinmn6:53 PM

    Channeling Maggie Thatcher just like she channeled her MN accent from Fargo.

    Haha. She's on the prowl for VP. I knew she couldn't resist. I suspect she's making her move for at least VP. Watching the other dumbarses fall to the wayside one by one and can spew forth at the eleventh hour to take on Mittens.

    Look how much press she still gathers. Look at the way the MSM can't resist her siren screech. She's gold for clicks and ratings and they'll come begging for her to take them back. She is sitting on the throne of supremacy right now and she gains power every day. No one dare speak against her because she's "not a candidate". She can sit back, hurl her vitriol and if someone tries to smack her she can sit back and plead ignorance and innocence.

    She is playing it perfectly with the media. The sea of pee must be tingling in pre-orgasmic fury thinking that Sara is ready to pounce, ready to emerge from the fog.

    Her teflon continues because the cowards in AK won't speak, the MSM won't admit how badly they screwed up vetting, or not vetting her.

    Time for someone to come forward and smack her back down where she belongs.

  83. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I was one of her biggest fans and I'm black. I think she is very angry with ABC. She believes they destroyed her career and she will do anything to "pay them back". In this instance she is making a mockery of her beliefs. Newt does not line up with any of her issues,e.g he is a crony capitalist with his money connection to Freddie and Fannie, he is a hypocrite, a serial liar and adulterer, etc. By endorsing him she belittles her issues. In my opinion any woman who belittles and attacks another woman who has gone through (health wise) what Newt's second wife went through is a traitor.

  84. Anonymous said...

    To her credit, her hair's real.

    6:18 PM

    Who's hair? Calista "Helmet Head" Gingrich or Baldy Palin?

    Because every one knows....thanks Jessica Beehive lady...for letting us know that Baldy is down to a few strands...which is why she insist on gracing us with one crazy looking wig after please all knowing troll...who exactly are you referring to?

  85. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Hey Sarah! I used to support you, have even given money to SarahPAC, but what the heck? You said to let the vetting process continue. And while we're vetting, what does it say about you that you support this vain, self-absorbed, immature man named Newt Gingrich? Newt is for Newt, not for America. I have lost respect for you now, as well.

  86. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Can you imagine the painted doll, adulterer and home wrecker Calista as first lady? What a God awful thought.

  87. Nancy In New York6:57 PM

    Don't sweat it Gryph. So what if you didn't know 'dumbarse' was an actual word.

    SideShow Sarah has made up so many words of her own, it's hard to keep up. She doesn't exactly have the best track record for coherent speech, so you were justified in your assumption.

    And we all know, by your writing and wit that you are intelligent. Sarah, on the other hand, has proven herself to be a witless twit.

  88. Anonymous said...

    Are you sure she doesn't need glasses for anything? She wears them daily. Even if she had lasik or something, that doesn't last forever. She is middle age.

    6:19 PM who's being a "dumbarse" here! Everybody knows that Baldy has that wonky wandering eye and that's why she HAS to wear glasses...otherwise when she talks folks would be distracted!

  89. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Palin once again proves that she's nothing more than a political show pony. Furthermore, Hannity is a coward for having her on every day to tow the line that he refuses to tow himself.

    This political punditry class is just as morally bankrupt as the masters they serve.

  90. Anonymous6:59 PM

    The Margaret Thatcher movie is out. So Palin has to suddenly sound "Thatcherish" with her British accent. Palin-the true dumbass.

  91. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Not to be blunt, but Anthony Weiner resigned for tweeting his dick photo. This guy had his dick in Calista's mouth for 6 years and nada, zip, zilch!

  92. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I have heard Canadians use the word "dumbarse".

  93. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Gingrich has the evidence on the faked pregnancy. Sarah Palin is too much of a sociopath to conceive of exposure. Gingrich will wring every last vote out of Sarah Palin's aging hide then toss her to the wolves. But it will be fun watching him toy with her mentally unstable brain first.

  94. Arrgghhh! She just loves finding a noun that she can turn into a 'verb' in an attempt to make herself look 'wordsmithyish' or 'sofisicated'. I cringe when she tosses a couple 'to progress the nation' or 'to grow the economy' into her word salad daily specials but did she have to bastardize 'incentive' too??

    Oh I forgot, this is the self described bard-ess of the common era. Sorry Mr Shakespeare, you have now been replaced by a dumbarse. I could almost tolerate the hubris of the various candidates if I didn't have to put up with this phony, ignorant broad too!

  95. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I'm from the UK and I have never heard anyone say "dumbarse".

    I guess it's possible that some people do, but I have never heard it.

  96. Anonymous7:19 PM

    "To her credit, her hair's real."

    6:18 PM

    Oh, you poor soul. It's really not unusual for a woman to have her "real" hair. Also, it's not normal for women to wear wigs when they haven't been to the hair salon in awhile or have been "busy". Not since 1965, anyway. LOL.

  97. WakeUpAmerica7:22 PM

    @6;13 Good one!!!

  98. Anonymous7:26 PM

    I wonder what Sarah would do if she walked into one of the rooms in her house and seen Bristol sweating up a storm on her knees while getting her head banged into the headboard with Newt behind her about to pass out with his eyes all wonky and his tongue sticking out while giving Bristol the old heave ho… what would Sarah do?

    Laugh it off as Boys Will Be Boys?

    Or would the Grizzly Mama come out?

    I’m guessing Sarah would be pissed if Bristol was getting porked by Newt... but Sarah has made it crystal clear that it would okay if was Newt doing it to his intern while his wife was at home…. You know Boys Will Be Boys!

    Gotta love that GOP / Palin family Christian values!

  99. Anita Winecooler7:30 PM

    What a sanctimonious pos that woman is! Newt left his first wife in the hospital with cancer for wife number 2, left wife number 2 for Catholica Callista, and Sarah Palin sees nothing wrong with this behavior pattern?

    Why was she hellbent on getting Wooten(sp?) fired? She called out Arnold Schwartzenneggar(sp?) for the same thing, yet she's fine with Shailey Tripp polishing Todd's knob and fine with Gingriche's cheating (she can't honestly believe he wasn't boinking the mistresses while married). So I guess the conservative definition of a marriage is One man, one woman, a concubine, a divorce, one marriage, one concubine, one divorce and one marriage?

    And what the hell is wrong with his Daughters? They defend their dad's actions and write letters to cbs blasting them for doing this story.

    I just watched the debate, if that's what you want to call it, South Carolina is one screwed up place. They're applauding Newt for blaming CNN and the moderator for bringing it up. "That dang lamestream left media".

    If Newt was sooooo offended, why didn't he walk off stage?


  100. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Rushbo calls in the dogs:

    The hoopla surrounding the ABC News interview with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s second ex-wife, Marianne Gingrich, has raised a question for conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh: How come journalists aren’t held to the same standard they hold those they investigate to?

    On his Thursday show, Limbaugh asked that question and said that it was appropriate to do so since the media is no longer just reporting, but passing judgment as well.

    “That’s another thing, this always gets me — are journalists monogamous?” Limbaugh asked. “Are journalists faithful? Are they as clean and pure as the wind-driven snow? This is what has always fascinated me. These people — the sportswriter guys, the news media guys — they all get to sit in judgment as though they live perfect lives. And then when you try to turn the focus on them, ‘Oh no, no, no, no, no. I’m just a reporter. It doesn’t matter.’ It certainly does because you’re not reporting. You’re passing judgment.”

    Limbaugh suggested an investigation into ABC News’ Brian Ross, the reporter who interviewed Marianne Gingrich for the segment that is set to air tonight.

    “But there’s never been an investigation of say Brian Ross and who he is, how did he get his grades, where did he go to school, how did he get the job at ABC, who does he, whatever. We never get that about journalists,” he said. “And when you try, they have a conniption fit.”

    Limbaugh predicted that the Gingrich story, along with other stories that have damaged the Republican Party presidential field, will cause a backlash.

    “At some point — and we’ve seen it before — at some point there is going to be a mainstream media backlash,” he said. “Now I don’t know whether this is enough to cause it. But at some point, if this keeps up, there will be a huge backlash against the media. Do not let them clear our field. We’ll see. We’ll see how it manifests itself.”

    Read more:

  101. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Americans don't say "arse". She was speaking British. That proves she's a Socialist. Should we set her on fire?

  102. Anonymous7:32 PM

    6:01..I think Newt said he wanted Sarah in a position in the closet..I'm sure that's what he meant.

  103. Anonymous7:33 PM

    O/T Isn't it funny that old Rick Perry is heading home with his tail tucked between his legs like old Sarah did 3 years ago. He will be washed up in TX also too. Karma huh? Christian...not so much. God's call for them fell short..LOL

    Don't let that open door kick you in your dumbarse losers!!

  104. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Ms. Palin is a fucking dumbass. There.

    She has suspended her notion of "vetting" the candidates to give Newt a big pass on being a no good cheater and accusing our media, who are actually vetting this guy. of personal attacks. Wow. Projection much?

    Sarah, you either want the media to "vet" these guys or you don't. Is your definition of "vet" equal to your approval of how the media looks at someone? Seriously. You are totally demented.

  105. "But focusing on the divorce makes it easy to dismiss Marianne as just a bitter ex-wife — the marital version of "disgruntled employee." This would be really unfortunate."

    "The real story is that Newt Gingrich is so deeply conflicted and strange, so erratic and unreliable, so scheming and secretive, that he's way too much like a character out of Dostoevsky than a politician should ever be." --John H. Richardson, Esquire

    Fingers crossed that ABC's interview rivals Esquire for uncovering serious concerns about Newt's mental health and incompetence for the presidency.

  106. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Now he's denying it. This guy is such a whiner, it's pathetic. He blusters and bloviates and carries on like a little child trying to deflect when he's called out. He and Sarah are two peas in a pod.

    Newt Gingrich Tears Into CNN For Asking About Ex-Wife's Interview

  107. Anonymous7:37 PM

    She is a dumbass defending Newt! Where is her compassion for the ex-wife? She wants to be VP i guess. Blinded by her ambition. I know she hates Mitt but she thinks Newt is not unfit to be president? thought character is important for Sarah, apparently, she is getting played by Newt as having a "position" in his administration. Well since Calista is open to "Open Marriage", they can have a threesome or they could swing too with Todd!

  108. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Atlanta, GA -- Today, Newt and Callista Gingrich released their 2010 federal income tax return, which they filed jointly with the Internal Revenue Service.

    The income tax return shows that for 2010, Speaker and Mrs. Gingrich owed federal taxes of $994,708 on an adjusted gross income of $3,142,066. $613,517 of the tax amount owed had been previously withheld or otherwise paid, and the couple paid the remaining balance due of $382,734 (which included an estimated $1,543 tax penalty) with their filing.

    Included in the wage and salary income reported on Speaker and Mrs. Gingrich’s tax return is $450,245 in combined wages; $41,625 in income from speaking and board of directors fees; $6,853 in rental income from real estate holdings; $11,892 in ordinary dividends; $5,990 in qualified dividends; and $2,525,683 in income from partnerships and S corporations, including the Lubbers Agency Inc. and Gingrich Holdings, Inc.

    For the year 2010, the Speaker and Mrs. Gingrich reported $4,184 in net short-term capital gains and $32,541 in net long-term capital losses. Over the course of the year, the couple also contributed $81,133 to various charities, including the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

  109. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Mitt Romney Booed For Waffling On Releasing Tax Returns (VIDEO)

  110. I knew that turkeys could fly, but I've never seen one soar. Actually, now that I think of it, Newt was sore.

  111. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Hmm, I somehow think that Gryphen knows exactly what "arse" means but in classic commenter fashion, many of you are taking this comedic rant at face value and taking the time to school the blog owner on the etymology of the word "arse".

    I gotta say, you guys have provided me with more hilarity than I've experienced on this blog in many moons.

  112. Anonymous7:50 PM

    If Sarah Palin likes Newt Gingrich that much, she should be his 4th wife. They do have a lot in common, as megalomani­acal self-absor­bed completely hypocritic­al nitwits who constantly spout off nonsense based on their ill-inform­ed opinions as failed former politician­s who are unelectabl­e even in their own party.

  113. What I'm trying to figure out is...if Newt picks Baldy as his will they fit BOTH of their GIANT heads on a poster!

  114. Teutonic137:53 PM

    Callista looks like that puffed up 50's looking chick that attacked the White House in "Mars Attacks"

    The robot chick chewing gum

  115. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Yes, Jon, yes. Newt is a toxic being and he infects everyone around him...sort of like, damn, what's her name...oh yeah, Sarah.


    Jon Stewart Dissects The Gingrich ‘Open Marriage’ Scandal: Open Your Legs, America

    “First wife cancer, second wife multiple sclerosis, can Newt Gingrich be reclassified as a pollutant?” Stewart snarked. “Of course, the guy is like the dioxin of husbands!”

    “I think i’m going to be sick…and then Newt will leave me!” he jokingly added.

    Watch Stewart tackle Gingrich’s “open marriage” controversy below via Comedy Central:

  116. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I guess Sarah Palin was pandering for women’s votes when she said the statement below.
    But I think we all know where Sarah’s deviant heart lies…

    I’m just shocked that a female mayor with daughters of her own charged poor women in Wasilla, Alaska for rape kits. They were just raped and now Sarah Palin has her hands out demanding money for a rape kit and if you don‘t pay… oh well!

    Mayor Sarah Palin will pay a city photographer for her photo ops but she is not interested in paying for a rape kit or helping another female in distress. How low can Sarah go?

    Now we just listened to Sarah Palin publicly condone men cheating on their wives in order for Sarah to get a job in their administration… possible VP job!

    Sarah Palin has no scruples about walking on women if it means making money for herself or getting closer to the oval office!

    From the Huffington Post:
    “….At a rally on Saturday in California, Sarah Palin offered up a rather jarring argument for supporting the Republican ticket. "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women," the Alaska Governor said, claiming she was quoting former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright….”

    "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women,"


    Sarah can look women in the eye and she has no problems lying or pandering to them!

  117. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Jenny Sanford On Newt Gingrich: ‘Open Marriage’ Calls Into Question His Character

    ...Sanford opined. “I don’t know how much of an impact because people, for the most part, already knew that Gingrich, you know, was on his third wife. But I think that actually seeing one of his wives speaking about him in an unflattering manner, it has got have an impact in some respect. It does call into question his character certainly on the personal side. And, you know, as a voter, I encourage people to look at both sides, the personal side. And if you’re going to overcome somebody’s moral failings or infidelities, you have to also look at where they stand ideologically and how much does their rhetoric match their reality. In my mind, Gingrich falls short on both fronts. So, he wouldn’t get my vote.”

    Sanford was previously married to South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford who disappeared in June 2009 to have an affair with a woman from Argentina.

  118. Rev. Beldar Conehead8:04 PM

    "attended his church in Chicago religiously"

    heh heh heh....

    Gryphen, you just dont get it. You see, Satan only tempts the TRULY righteous. That's why the saintly Gingrich has been married three times (but only because that BITCH he was married to wouldnt accept an open marriage...) By contrast, your precious Barack HUSSAIN Obama has only been married once thus proving he's the Auntie Christ. Religion is very simple if you just take the time to learn a few facts.

    Anyway, Newt's serial infidelity is an obvious plot by the librul lamestream media to deprive America of the leadership and hypocrisy of one of the biggest douchebags in recent memory. Oh, if only he werent so gosh darned irresistible to the chicks. And babes, also, too.

  119. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Jon Stewart is pulverizing the Newt tonight. Take a listen.

  120. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Another horrible photo of that bitch! She and Gingrich go together hook, line and sinker! And, Gingrich will sink if he gets into a run against President Obama.

    Amazing that supposed christians back either one of these people. They are both racists and liars.

  121. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Gryph, never mind the stupid one from Wasilla. Check out our President singing Al Green, Let's Stay Together..

  122. Anonymous8:10 PM

    She was speaking British. That proves she’s a Socialist.

  123. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Either she really can't stand the thought of a Mormon President, or she thinks that she's got a real shot at becoming Newt's V.P., Secretary of State, next Supreme Court Justice nominee, etc., etc., etc.

    Truly delusional.

  124. Anonymous8:19 PM

    It's too sad that Newt treated his first 2 wives that way, and sad that media loves to spin people's sins for ratings, and sad that Newt loves God's forgiveness, yet can't forgive those who struggle and need government help.

    What's even sadder is when people like Sarah Palin slams a sick (multiple sclerosis) woman whose husband was unfaithful to her. When personal pain becomes fodder for the media, the politicians, and the "pundents" like Sarah for brownie points, it's a sad day for society. Sarah will use anything, any sad tale to market herself, to make herself look like some winner.

    Sarah standing for Newt in this manner tells on her true nature. She's a very unhappy individual who thrives, feeds off of negativity of others for monetary gain.

  125. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Gingrich is also in the 1% category which no one is even talking about. He is no different than Romeny other than the fact that Romney is taxed lower (legally) because of investment income.

    Personally think Gingrich is a much more evil and unethical man than is Romney!

    Thank God we have President Obama leading us and I'm 100% sure he'll be reelected - especially up against this crazy and out of step Republican group.

  126. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Newt is far too carnal.

  127. Anonymous8:27 PM

    7:37 Doubt Newt can even get it up and doubt Todd can even find his!

  128. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Stay classy, Sarah, keep that British accent. One day you WILL meet Margaret Thatcher.

  129. Enlightened8:40 PM

    Oh, for the love of God. Sarah, you and a liar, a fraud, and a hypocrite. Emphasis on hypocrite. The most shameful thing is that we all know you don't really believe this crap. You have sold your soul. Plain and simple. You claim to be a Christian woman of faith. Pretty sure the Bible is very clear with its commandments, Sarah, and adultery is right up there. No where in faith does it say "boys will be boys". Take a good look at yourself, Sarah. You know in your heart you do not believe the words you are spewing.

    On another note, can we start a national petition to force this nasty, vile, hateful witch to finally sit down and shut the hell up? I am an Alaskan, an American, and a woman. Sarah is a hideous embarrassment to all three. Vile. Stupid. Lying. Fraud.

  130. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Oh squeee I just love our President. That is all.

  131. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Anonymous at 7:31 PM quoted a Daily Caller article about Rush Limbaugh calling for journalists to be vetted now! He wants to know about the private life of Brian Ross, the reporter who interviewed Marianne Gingrich.

    Limbaugh is on what, wife #3? And how many times has he been to rehab for Oxy addiction? Pot, meet kettle.

    Every time I think the Rethugs and their media lapdogs can't be more asinine and hypocritic, they prove me wrong.

  132. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Her front teeth are so huge! This is what happens when you get veneers from a backwoods dentist.

  133. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Here is the full 15 minute clip of Sarah on Hannity radio show Jan 19, 2012. Don't miss her using the new verb McGinnissed to describe the airing of Newt's dirty divorce laundry by the media. Also, too the particularily hypoctritical criticism of the media for not rppoerting John Edwards affair during the campiagn.

    at about 11:30

    Hannity: Now they are trying to claim over at NBC News, supposedly a news organization, they have people on, the coordinator for the Child Labor Coalition talking about Newt's comments that a 13 year old could have a janitorial job and that Newt might have been breaking child labor laws by supporting this.

    Palin: Oh dear god. You know I love these examples that I've heard you give about your past work. You know how I made it through college?

    Hannity: No.

    Palin: I was a janitor through my high school days every Sunday night I would walk over to a local business office and I would clean that office by myself Sunday nights and I made enough money, socked it away, in order to pay tuition bills, and I got through college."

    Undoubtedly her ability to come up with a newly reported personal experience for the Fox News controversy of the day is why she gets paid the big bucks.

    Oh. I call B.S. on this office cleaning paying for college story, also, too.

  134. I'm not surprised that baggers have this warped mentality.

  135. Anonymous9:10 PM

    (she can't honestly believe he wasn't boinking the mistresses while married).

    @7:30. There's no question that he was boinking mistresses while married. The Reptile himself admits it. He also fucked his teacher while 16, and she was 23 which is technically stat rape on the part of the teacher.

    And, there have been quite a few others besides the. Newtie was a bad, busy boy. ones he married coming out, now

  136. Hey you insufferable turd, why is it wrong for cain but ok for newt?

    It's ok to screw around on two wives like its ok for toad to get quickies from tripp.

  137. Anonymous9:18 PM

    At least now if something comes out about a Todd affair she has painted herself in a corner.

    "It's history".

  138. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Oh, it is really the coincidence of the week; the newly revealed Sarah Palin teen janitor socking her money away paying for college and the Newt Gingrich 13 year old daughter's church janitor job.

    See the church lady clip from SNL.
    Isn't that speeeeecial?

    By Eve Tahmincioglu

    During the Republican presidential debate this week, Newt Gingrich shared a story about how his daughter worked as a church janitor when she was only 13.

    “I was actually proud of my clean bathrooms,” Jackie Gingrich Cushman said in an telephone interview Tuesday, referring to the janitorial job she held at the First Baptist Church in Carrollton, Ga., in the early 1980s. “I learned work has value.”

    She was born in 1966 I think, so was she a janitor before divorce#1? Or when, according to some reports, Newt wasn't paying the bills or supporting his family while taking up with wife to be #2?

  139. Anonymous9:19 PM

    She is a dumbarse fooling dumbarses. Some of these dumbarses cluster at C4P and some of them post here. Brisdull, Willer, Toad, and of course the biggest dumbarse, Sarah, visit this site. They are proud of being uneducated, mean spirited, and dishonest Valley Trash. It is all they know. And they all seem to have such a sense of self entitlement. They wear their ignorance like a tiara. They are proud of being stupid and ignorant. It makes them feel special.

  140. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Dumb fucking slag.

    There ya go, Palin, you wannabe Brit.

  141. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Anonymous 7:55 PM said...

    Mayor Sarah Palin will pay a city photographer for her photo ops but she is not interested in paying for a rape kit or helping another female in distress. How low can Sarah go?


    How low can Sarah Palin go?

    Mayor Sarah Palin won’t pay for a rape kit but she felt fine putting the town into so much debt that the town’s next 5 generations and more will have to pay for it.

    Incompetent Mayor Sarah Palin had a hockey rink built on private land and ended up in court having to pay an extreme amount of money for the private property. Way more money than if the town would of bought the land before building the rink on someone else’s property.

    No problem, funny though, the Palins ended up with a new house the same time the town hockey rink was built and I guess it was just a coincidence that Sarah’s house was built with the same material used in building the hockey rink. Of course being the mayor’s house, no records were kept about the construction of the two story house that Sarah claims her husband and a couple of no name beer buddies built by their lonesome over the weekend.

    Funny, Todd can’t seem to build a simple fence without it falling over with the first wind, but he can sure build a dandy two story home that holds up in the harsh cold freezing unforgiving Alaskan winter weather.

    It is still a mystery who built the Palin house, a mystery where the money came from and a mystery how the materials used in the Palin house is similar to the materials used to build the town over priced over budget hockey rink.

    I guess we will never know until the builders decides to share their story with us…..

    Really sad that the women and little girls of Wasilla had to pay for their own rape kits under Mayor Sarah Palin's watch. If they didn't pay for a rape kit, I guess Sarah Palin didn’t consider it rape?

    Really sad that the town went into so much debt under Mayor Sarah Palin’s watch.

    But luckily for Mayor Sarah, she was able to find resources, money and materials to build and live in a beautiful warm two story home over looking a lake!

    “Sarah Palin has no scruples about walking on women if it means making money for herself or getting closer to the oval office!”

  142. Anonymous9:29 PM

    5:03 PM, funny and probably true!

  143. Anonymous9:30 PM

    The grifter Queen and the slimy Newt falling over themselves in their own little mutual admiration society...does it get any more entertaining than this. Pass the popcorn please.

  144. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Hear, hear, Nancy in New York @5:10 PM.

  145. DetroitSam9:39 PM

    Anonymous @7:42 PM

    Did Newt's tax form list the amount of money he paid to the Catholic Church to wipe his divorces of the records?

  146. Anonymous9:43 PM

    I just fell in love with Barack...again. A little bit of croonin'

  147. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Newt is a carnal knumbschool. Also, too he was crying the other day on TV. What was that about. Cheese.

  148. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Nancy In New York said...
    She is however fully fluent in word salads and vowel movements.
    Bwaahhh...vowel movements. That's a new one to me, LOVE it.

    LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn said...
    Numbskull x Dumbarse = SarahPalin™

    Did you guys hear Obama singing? He sounded good! I loved it. I think it was done on a bet.
    Also, I watched the debates tonight and I need to vent...I HATE those effing candidates, they are such assholes!! Thanks, I needed that.

    Thanks Gryphen for your keen wit.

  149. Anonymous10:13 PM

    You know, I think our president had a church wedding, even.

    Let's see. Church weddings:
    Bill and Hilary Clinton - yep
    The Clintons' daughter - yep
    Al and Tipper Gore - yep
    The Gores' daughter - yep
    The Kennedys - yep, all of 'em.
    Great Britain's royal family members - yep, all of 'em.
    Liza Minnelli - yep

    Sarah and Todd Palin? Nope
    The Palins' daughters? Nope
    Newt Gingrich? Nope
    Michelle and Marcus Bachman? Nope

    Interesting. Christian Evangelical-based folk seem to place less value in sacred ritual church stuff than the liberals do.

    Here's another interesting thing that makes you go 'hmmm': a lot of the good Christian politician-types had a baby in the next calendar year after the wedding year.
    Like Gingrich, for instance. Married in June 1962. His daughter was born in 1963. Rick and Anita Perry married in November 1982; their son was born in August 1983. Rick Santorum married Karen Garver in 1990 (they won't say what month, it's private!) and had a daughter in 1991.
    Do the math.

  150. Anonymous10:18 PM

    President Obama, New York, January 2012

  151. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Cracklin' Charlie said...
    The first time that I ever posted my hypothesis about the origin of Sarah's grandchildren here (the first 2), within an hour someone called me a dumbass. I hadn't been called that since 10th grade. Wonder if it was the old "word salad shooter" herself?

    It certainly could've been vowel movement (H/T NancyInNY) herself. What was your hypothesis? Just curious. TIA


  152. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Good grief. What language is this silly failed politician speaking? I highly doubt she ever made above a D grade in any english class. And she claims to have a journalism degree.

    I doubt that too.

  153. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Some folks think Gingrich converted to Catholicism when he married Bisek. Not so, it was fairly recent by comparison.

    His "position" for Palin in a Gingrich White House is "legs akimbo". After a long bath.

    His daughters probably welcome the opportunity to trash their wicked stepmother of 18 years, the woman whom they blame for their father leaving home and not paying child support.

  154. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Oh, this is rich.

  155. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Obama has only attended church 11 times since he was elected.

  156. Bristol's Real Chin10:57 PM

    I thought Sarah paid for college with "beauty" pageant money? How is this the first time we're hearing of her cleaning an office for money? Is the same kind of "job" that the Chin supposedly has?

  157. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Her bots are going to have to do a complete 180 to get on board with her on this one.

    Hey Sarah, do you really think it is ok to defend this asshole and bash his first mistress who became his second wife?


    I personally don't give a shit what Newt has done, but you profess to have family values. I guess your endorsement of Newt's values says a lot about your own values and your sham marriage. Peace and Karma to you!

  158. Anonymous11:44 PM

    He's not going to soar. Plummet maybe, but not soar.

  159. Anonymous12:13 AM

    To be real this is just sad. All of the current GOP candidates have some dirt on them.

    There should be no way Newt should get the nomination. No way Mitt should get the nomination and no way Santorum should get the nomination. the GOP is going to have to pick the lesser of 3 evils which I think is Santorum.

    Newt is just a dog.. mitt is a Morman and the Christians won't have it not to mention once the religion is disected the masses won't go for it.

    Now for Santorum his wife has issues and he just looks scared all the time. LOL..

    World wide they have to laughing about all of this.. Newt gets up there and says let he who is without sin cast the first stone and the Bible belt people bought it..

  160. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Great, as a native born Minnesotan, I'm totally now in favor of Sarah doing her phony folksy hooey with other accents.

  161. Anonymous12:56 AM

    She worked as a janitor one evening a week, presumably at minimum wage, and that's how she paid for college? Riiiiiiight. If it's true, she got what she paid for. Unless, of course, she was grifting even then.

    BTW, has anyone been able to see her college transcripts, any of them, all of them?

  162. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Well, I'm gobsmacked.

  163. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Hey Sarah if a boy goes to prison for guessing your email password, what does a boy get for guessing the password to your underage high school drop out's panties and gets her pregnant?

    I'm guessing the pregnant thingy of your underage dropout falls under Boys Will Be Boys?

  164. comeonpeople3:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Sarah Palin anagrams:

    Sharia Plan, Anal Parish, Las Piranha

    Curious, eh
    Yes. A few years ago on Palingates and Bree's blog we spent a weekend anagramming Palin name variations and some phrases like President Palin. It is a great thread to follow as the anagrams were really startling. The universe is funny...and scary.

  165. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Aren't the Palins the disgruntled "ex"s for the trooper? Why did they get so much attention with their axes to grind?

  166. Anonymous3:54 AM

    I think the fire in her belly is being stoked by Newt and she sees the Trig scam as her only obstacle. So in typical Sarah fashion, the best way to tackle that is by attacking with a tweet and thinking (wiping hands) "That ought to take care of it. Path cleared. Plow ahead."

    Now as some have pointed out, she left out 2 key words: "Trig" and "birth" so she wasn't up for saying an out-right lie, yet. But, if push comes to shove, most likely she will.

  167. Hey you insufferable bitch, why aren't boys will be boys when it comes to levi?

  168. Anonymous4:07 AM

    College DegreeGate

    Mainstream media really should check into Palin's educational background and see if she really did graduate from college with a degree in journalism or communications. I'm sure there has to be some record of this.

    I was so shocked to hear her spew word salad while she suffered from diarrhea of the mouth.

    Then I find she claims to have a degree in journalism????!!! What??? No fucking way.

    I wanted so bad to kick her in the chin to shut her up. What an embarassment.

  169. If you believe newt's current ho is 45 and not at least 60 then I have some sarah truth to sell ya.

  170. People on line have been using dumbarse for ages. I can't understand why G didn't know.

    That insufferable bitch doesn't know about dumbarse being used in other cultures, just like she doesn't know trig is Old Norse or some bullshit like that.

    she has no depth of culture or reality...I thought we knew this.

  171. Sarry uses "dumbass" and comes here to check on comments. She can't help herself. If there is a dumbass, it's her.
    I heard the interview of the former fist lady of N.C., and wow, big difference between this lady and scarry!!! In fact, the difference between scarry and other women is significant. It's only fair to just compare her to high school girls, as her behavior is not that of an accomplished women, but of a child who won't learn.
    The backlash these idiots want to believe is coming won't be the one they would like.
    Most Americans and people from all over the world can see right through the gop bs and they know sp is a world wide joke!
    This bully has shown herself to be a coward who hides behind her kids and stands on her phony religion.
    Calling the media lame while she never has had even a press conference where real journalists ask questions. Yes, scarry is a coward & a bully, and a knumskull dumbarse!


  172. If Palin could read, which we know she can't, she should really take a look at this wonderful Esquire article that came out BEFORE Newt was a potential candidate for president. It illustrates how not 'disgruntled' Marianne Gingrich is. She was married to the man for 18 years and kept her mouth shut about what a slime he is for 10 more, only breaking her silence when she felt she had a duty to her country to warn about him:

    She could have ruined him ten times over while he was building his fortune and his power base. She did not. She is not out to get Newt. She is out to protect the country from him. If only Caribou Barbie could read...

  173. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Thanks a lot Gryph...

    Now I have a mental image of Tinkerbell behind Newt telling him to bend over farther.

    Where's the bleach?

  174. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Watching Newt's response to being questioned about his infidelity choices I take note at how aggressive and inarticulate Palin is. Even Jenny Sanford clearly articulated her position.

    Palin's MO using her role of motherhood and her offspring as means to obtain votes running formost as Hockey Mom was a unique precedence. No man has run for highest offices as a soccer dad or boy scout leader. When amy candidate bases his or her electability on parenthood brandishing offspring as proof of fitness for high office it is fair to vet the candidate's claims.

    In Palin world they are entitled to spout personal fiction and demand people believe even blatant lies or be damned as haters and attackers. It speaks volumes to me that Bristol had a lucrative job promoting abstinence while another sibling knocked up his girlfriend and Willow may be preggars too.

    There are familys who exist lying claiming extremes quite opposite of reality. The entitlement and dands to share the
    lies that exhault them above all others is pathalogical

  175. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Speaking of college-gate....

    I know that my college graduation program had a list of the candidates and their degree.

    Surely, someone has a program with HER name & degree....

    Why hasn't one of those puppies turned up?

  176. Anonymous5:35 AM

    I listened to Palin today on Hannity. She said she was a janitor at a church on Sun night in high school, saved her money and paid her college tuition. I've never heard that. Is this a new story or another lie?

    6:05 PM

    Probably what happened was that she was part of a group that caused some damage & trashed the church. To make amends (and to keep out of serious trouble), the group had to come & clean up the church ONE time. She went with the group but sat on her arse and complained. A

    h ha!! So...she was a janitor at a church.

  177. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Lets take a look at Calista's character...
    She new he was married...yet continued the affair...

    Now, if Michele Obama had been Barrack's mistress....oh could you imagine the headlines at Fox News???

  178. Irishgirl5:49 AM

    People don't like Newt. I don't think Sarah did herself any favours with that outburst.

    C4p comments are very low since she spewed that diatribe and I just found this comment on another site.

    "I have always defended Palin but no more. Another right wing hypocrite. She spouts off family values, traditional marriage etc yet she defend Gingrich. She lost my respect."

    She is losing some of her supporters.

  179. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Actually, I think her two scandals are gnawing at her, Trig being the biggest but Shailey a strong second. I think that's why she brought both of them up recently. She is really afraid either or both of these stories will be thoroughly investigated if she makes any moves toward getting involved with the 2012 election, which she would like to do.

  180. Anonymous said...

    Obama has only attended church 11 times since he was elected.

    10:49 PM
    That's probably 11 times more than Baldy has attended...since PRESIDENT OBAMA was elected.

  181. Anonymous6:03 AM

    If Newt lit kittens on fire Sarah would defend him.
    Cause Newt said he could see Sarah having a roll in his administration.
    Sarah, as we all know, has a large following...and Newt is trying to steal those followers by saying she would play a roll in his administration.

    Again, Sarah thinks she's important. She thinks she is relevant. Now she won't ever shut up.

  182. telah6:08 AM

    I can't find it now, but in another radio interview yesterday, Sarah complained that Newt was being "Joe McGinniss'd" by the media. Dumbass pathologically trots out all the skeletons in her closet. She was the first one to mention "Prostitution Ring" when speaking about Todd and the Shailey Tripp story, she brings up his "masseuse" again recently, brings up "TrigTruther" this week, complains of the lack of vetting during the 2008 elections, and now references "Joe McGinnis." The perfect list of words to google to learn more about all the Palin scandals.

  183. Olivia6:09 AM

    Sarah was euphemizing a euphemism. She was thinking "dumbarse" is the genteel way of saying "dumbass". God forbid, anyone should think she isn't genteel. Same as when she said "guarandarnteeya" instead of "guarandamnteeya" or "guarfuckingteeya". She is trying to show the bots how cultured she is. They have very sensitive ears,being such devout Christians.

  184. Anne In DC6:14 AM

    The folks who like Nasty Newt want him to take it to President Obama. They share with him not only a bunch of regressive ideas that would hurt them badly if he ever implemented them as president, but also an emotionally arrested idea that might makes right. I would be willing to bet that they had a lot to say about the foolish extramarital antics of Bill Clinton and John Edwards, because they are Democrats. But because their judgment is so clouded by their hatred of Barack Obama, they are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces by supporting an ethically challenged and bigoted fool like Gingrich. To this end, they are willing to disregard behavior in him that they found intolerable in Clinton and Edwards.

    As for Simple Sarah, she obviously lacks empathy for members of her own sex. She is one of those women who enable obnoxious behavior of some men by the excuse that "boys will be boys." People with that kind of mentality do not extend the same tolerance to women who commit the same transgressions.
    Just like Herman Cain is a throwback to the bad old days for me as an African-American, Sarah Palin is a throwback to the bad old days for me as a woman.

  185. Cracklin' Charlie6:14 AM


    My hypothesis is simple, and I will briefly outline:

    I believe Bristol had two children before the RNC in 2008. In my scheme, the two boys are about 8 months apart.

    After I posted a longer, more detailed version, a commentor came back at me and said "anyone who thinks these boys are 8 months apart in age is a dumbass".

    So I said, "okay, but even in the official story line, the boys are 8 months apart in age. Dumbass."

  186. Anonymous6:18 AM

    @ 6:05

    another lie. Stupid heard that Gingrich's daughter worked illegally as a church janitor when she was 13. She figured she could claim the same thing.

  187. Anonymous6:26 AM


    announcing that your daughter (willow) is pregnant at 17 will disburse the rumors that she had a baby last August.

    Same OP as Bristol's. She was announced as pregnant at 17 (she was only 16, but that's irrelevant) so she couldn't have been pregnant at 15 and given birth at 16.

  188. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Cause Newt said he could see Sarah having a roll in his administration.

    6:03 AM

    Although I understand "roll" here is a typographical error, it does have a hilarious double meaning given Newt's inclination for "open marriage".

  189. Olivia6:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Obama has only attended church 11 times since he was elected.


    Interviewer: Do you attend a church with your family?

    Bristol: You know, we do on and off in Alaska but our schedule is so hectic right now that we haven’t really been able to sit down at a church consistently every Sunday.


    I would bet that the President's life is waaaaay more hectic than the sanctimonious Palin's life is.

  190. Anonymous6:49 AM

    How do you "covertly hype" something?

    Buy that idiot a dictionary.

  191. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Dumb-ARSE??? Oh, my, my... how very posh of her.

    Yes, like Madonna, she's going to start aping a British accent!

  192. Anonymous6:57 AM

    $41,625 in income from speaking and board of directors fees

    Goodness me. I thought Gingrich said he earned $60K per speech?

  193. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Dum arse keeps talking about herself.

  194. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Sarah wants out of her cage. Which skeleton will she call attention to today? Spin the wheel and see which one will bubble up and out her mouth today.

  195. Anonymous7:03 AM

    6:14 Cracklin' Charlie said...

    "I believe Bristol had two children before the RNC in 2008. In my scheme, the two boys are about 8 months apart."

    I'm with you on that one. First there was Tripp, summer '07, then there was Trig. Same mom.

  196. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Journalist my arse! LIAR! She's a fecking idiot! She needs her skanky bum kicked. What the hell, does she want to shag the Newt?

    There, I used all the Irish words I've learned from our Irish friends that have been around here for as long as we have. Thanks Irish friends.

    mrs. toad, you are a lying coward! You are very cowardly. COWARD! Look it up you fecking dickhead, here's a clue, it doesn't have anything to do with cows. Yes, dickhead, that's very American and your picture is next to the definition.

  197. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Isn't this the SC that had that Argentinian and the Govenor with the open marriage?

  198. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Get it trolls, he doesn't even believe in marriage. The foundation of Christian life/lessons. What don't you get. He doen't believe in marriage. Why he even gets married is the question. Go, and have sx with anyone who cares?! Do it go have the time of your life Dum arse Newt. Go.... I won't vote for you.

  199. Irishgirl7:42 AM

    I wonder if she used the word "dumb" because she thought Andrew Sullivan was calling her dumb? She learnt a new word!

  200. Anonymous7:42 AM

    From Hannity:

    Palin: I was a janitor through my high school days every Sunday night I would walk over to a local business office and I would clean that office by myself Sunday nights and I made enough money, socked it away, in order to pay tuition bills, and I got through college."

    Anything about this in Going Rogue? Seems like she'd have mentioned it. And what happened to paying for college through pageant walkin'? I guess that one-evening-a-week janitor job didn't cover everything. Lying, stinking biotch.


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