Monday, January 02, 2012

This should start your day off right. The Boston Gay Men's Chorus sings "Every Sperm is Sacred."

I LOVE it when the woman doing sign language walks over to protest, and gets shooed back over to her spot on stage.

Absolutely brilliant.!


  1. angela3:04 AM

    THAT is some funny shit!

  2. We love our Gay Men's Chorus up here in Boston! They always look so nice and presentable in their tuxedos... but you should see them when they get all costume-y! One of my brothers was a member for years.

  3. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Super! I didn't know these Monty Python lyrics. You can google them.

  4. Anonymous5:27 AM

    I'm glad it looks like she was in on it. It wouldn't have been fair for her to be punked like that. But she is signing for a gay choir, indication that she supports their culture and humor.

  5. A great laugh to start my day.

  6. Anonymous6:53 AM

    My favorite Monty Python movie of all!

  7. Maple6:57 AM

    @5:11 -- Do rent "The Meaning of Life", IMO the best of all the Monty Python movies. The production values of this song alone in the movie are well worth the rental cost!

    Gryphen -- Happy New Year! I came to your site only this past year, and am so glad I found it!

  8. Anonymous7:49 AM

    As someone who works in the field, I can guarantee that the interpreter knew exactly what was going on and her 'protest' was planned ahead of time.

    A good friend of mine is the interpreter for the Gay Men's Choir in my city. I can just imagine her doing something similar and I'm sure she'd have a blast with this song!

    You have to have a good sense of humor, a complete lack of shyness and be prepared for anything when you interpret for that kind of group.

  9. I suspect the signer added a little impromptu "comments" in there to add to the comedic value.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

    Huge Monty Python fan, these guys are good! The flags did me in - too funny!


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