Saturday, January 21, 2012

The word of God wants to grope your wife. I think that's what this means.

Is anybody a little creeped out by this?

I wonder what happens if she reads Penthouse Letters?


  1. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Not creeped out at all, I think it's very clever. There's a Chinese artist artist who paints himself to merge into the background. You have to look closely to find him standing somewhere in his pictures. If this pic isn't him it will be someone influenced by him.

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    I can't sleep so I came over here-- so now I get to be scared of my books!

  3. Anonymous3:53 AM

    That is definitely creepy. Now I want to see one where the "Word of God" reaches out and grabs a white male...preferably Newt or one of the Rickies. Or Toad!

  4. Sharon4:08 AM

    whoa....creeped out is an understatement. Bill Mahr has it right when it comes to religion and atheists are growing in numbers. BTW....I finally heard the comment I've been thinking all along by Joy on the View. How in the hell is Newt getting all this action? He is soooo gross, must be the Tiffany bling thing, that and a bag over your head. There is a squash bad guy in the video game Plants and Zombies (which I play alot)and I swear his face is exactly the same. I am still laughing at your comment about him yesterday.

  5. A J. BIllings5:29 AM

    Want to know what the hard core, ultra right religious types are up to?

    Read the stories at this website, and I guarantee you will be shocked.

  6. Penthouse letters? Wouldn't take that. Think romance novels.

  7. Old or New Testament?
    The God of the Old didn't think much of woman.

  8. Randall6:27 AM

    Whomever made that graphic apparently has not read the whole bible.

    Or, if they have, they've forgotten what most of it really says...

  9. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I think the ad is weird and dumb, and I dislike fundamentalism, but it's clearly supposed to be a comforting hug, not a sexual one. I'm tired of seeing every physical contact between humans sexualized.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Since we're speaking of wingnuttery...

    Wingnuts ‘Uniting Behind Santorum,’ Obviously

    What are the Christian wingnut conservative Republicans doing about 2012 now? Uniting behind Santorum, of course! Because when you’re stuck with a slate of candidates including a liberal billionaire foreigner who loves the wrong Jesus and a repulsive kidney-shaped punching bag who is so venal and amoral he makes Bill Clinton look like a family man, what are you going to do, support the principled libertarian Texan family man with three decades of campaign success? No, of course not. You’re going to support the corrupt airhead dipshit who believes abortions are okay for his wife but a FELONY for everyone else in America. Rick Santorum, truly the conservative wingnut base is uniting behind you!

    How much do GOP primary voters hate themselves, these days? A lot, we bet! Now that their front-runner can’t even claim an Iowa victory and the “oh I guess we’ll support him” sleazeball Newt has again exploded in a frothy ejaculate of Tiffany whore diamonds and bile, full-time loser Rick Santorum is getting another round of desperate attention.

    We just want to remind everyone, again, that beyond all the Santorum fecal spooge jokes and his creepy/convenient abortion policies and his stupid sweater vest and his insane obsession with gay men having gay sex, Rick Santorum was a two-term senator who got his frothy ass handed to him in 2006 and hasn’t won anything but scorn since that day...

  11. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Be warned: Scott Conroy is a HUGE Palin Panty Sniffer and has been for awhile now.

    Gingrich hoping for boost from Sarah Palin

  12. Anonymous8:18 AM

    That's groping?

  13. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Grypen, would you please explain what's "creepy" about a comforting hug?

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Gryphen is simply creeped out by religion. 'Nuff said.

    Bill Maher is an idiot. Not sure why he is held up as some sort of breath of fresh air, or paragon of anything.

    He's about as creepy as it gets when we're talking about attitudes toward sex and women, anyway.

    He's Mr. Grey Area, taking convenient and incoherent views on just about everything. He pretends to have integrity, but I think he's a bit of a fame whore as much as anything else. He just panders to increase his audience, imo.

    And what's up with that friendship with one of the nastiest individuals anywhere, Ann Coulter?

    Doubt he's the best poster child for Atheism. Far from it. I'm sure there are better models out there.

  15. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I think I've seen that graphic somewhere else and it has NOTHING to do with religion. That has been photoshopped with the text dropped in, but I haven't been able to find the original photo. Talk about a manipulative use of imagery.

  16. Anonymous11:39 AM

    After a good dose of demeaning patriarchy and spiritual terrorism, I'm not surprised she needs a hug.

  17. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yes indeed, it is a rip-off from an advertisement from Australia Post:

  18. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Well, better that than groping alter boys.

    Just sayin'.


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