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"I'm sorry, this character I'm playing didn't know what?" |
Some of the film's plot points will be familiar to those who read "Game Change," though some revelations will be new. Potentially more upsetting to Palin and her supporters is the way the film depicts the candidate's outbursts and periods of nonresponsiveness that lead aides to describe her as "catatonic" and possibly mentally unstable.
She and her followers already have begun denouncing the film, based on promotional trailers and accounts they have heard from others. Tim Crawford, treasurer of Palin's political action committee, had not seen the movie but on Friday released a statement saying HBO should label it a "fiction."
"I haven't seen HBO's latest effort at manipulating history," Crawford said. "However, based upon the description and reports from people who have viewed the film 'Game Change,' HBO has distorted, twisted and invented facts to create a false narrative and attract viewers. They call it a docu-drama, there is little 'docu' in it. HBO must add a disclaimer that this movie is fiction."
Yes, well of course Crawford has a financial stake in HBO NOT showing the truth about Sarah Palin. Plus he is a money launderer for SarahPAC, so his opinion means nothing.
HBO noted the depth of research behind the movie and said in a statement: "HBO has a long track record of producing fact-based dramas, and our mantra has always been, 'get the story right.' We hope that people will withhold any judgment until they have viewed the film."
The Palin camp's response and a photo gallery of positive images from the campaign were posted Friday on the Sarah PAC website under the headline "Here They Go Again." Palin said on "Fox News Sunday" that she did not intend to see the movie and hoped others would not "waste their time" with the film. She also said "Game Change" was based on a "false narrative."
"This was a surreal experience for me," Schmidt said of the movie, in which he is played by actor Woody Harrelson. "Ten weeks of the campaign are condensed into a two-hour movie. But it tells the truth of the campaign. That is the story of what happened."
I assume it is scenes like this next one that have the pro-Palin forces agitated enough to go after HBO using their favored method of attack, thousands of poorly spelled, all capitalized e-mails.
One jarring revelation in which the movie reaches beyond the book comes when Schmidt makes a query to assess nominee Palin's awareness of foreign affairs, asking McCain's VP pick how she would respond in the White House to news of waning British support for the war in Iraq.
The Palin character, sitting opposite Schmidt in a campaign bus, says McCain would "continue to have an open dialogue" with the queen of England on the subject. Flabbergasted, the Schmidt character informs her the queen is not the head of government. Palin asks who is. He informs her that the country has a prime minister.
And it is scenes like this that make me fervently hope that people watching do not assume that ALL Alaskans are ignorant backwoods living hillbillies like the Palins.
Strong said he uncovered that additional episode during the 25 interviews he conducted with principals from Team McCain. Schmidt confirmed the account.
However it appears there will also be scenes that will not make those of us who already know the truth about Palin very happy either.
More than a few scenes depict her sympathetically. They show a deeply religious family matriarch who also feels intense loyalty to McCain. Another emotional wallop comes in the movie's re-creation of Palin's warm communion with families of special-needs children. The families flocked to Palin because of her devotion to her youngest son, who has Down syndrome.
Of course for those of us who know that Sister Sarah's religion was mostly egocentric based, and that Trig was really nothing more than a prop, these scenes will undoubtedly cause some reflex shouts of frustration and groans of disappointment.
However I think that the film, for the most part, really WILL show the truth about Sarah Palin on the 2008 campaign trail. And as we know the truth is NEVER the Grizzled Mama's friend.
I do have one question that is nagging me right now.
After my post yesterday, I am kind of wondering how HBO will handle scenes which contain Bristol at the convention.
And by that I mean will they show the Bristol character in her all her over padded glory?
Or will they simply pretend it never happened ?
Bristol is pictured in one of the trailers at the RNC. They cast an actress who is shorter than the Willow actress so Bristol looks smaller all around than WIllow.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of casting, Julianne Moore is a dead ringer but what happened with the rest of the family? The man playing Todd appears to be porky, despite his headshot. They cast older it seems for Piper, taller for Willow. Bristol's actress isn't a bad match at all though. Because the film it appears doesn't focus on anyone but Schmidt et al and Sarah, I bet you theyll just have a generic baby bump and far away shots of the family.
ReplyDeleteIt appears they are being fair and not referencing Palin the woman/mother and just commenting on her as a VP candidate. Everything else would cheese and kill come credibility.
We heard reports of advisors thinking she was postpartem and begged for her baby. We saw that happen earlier in the summer to a degree.
I think the film will vindicate everyone, with the exception of advisors.
Shoot, I copied the wrong link. Just ignore Anonymous 6:26 as it doesn't relate to this post. However, it is interesting.
ReplyDeleteWhen asked how she would handle her "virginal" daughter having a retarded baby, Sarah Palin responded by telling everybody that it was she herself who was having her daughter's baby, and proceeded to strap on a pillow to show everybody just how pregnant she was. When it became time to discharge said baby from the hospital, Sarah Palin responded by telling everybody that her water broke, and commenced an 2500 mile trek back to Alaska so that she could pick up, no birth that baby at MATSU regional doctor's offece, and get back to the Governor's ofice in time for her coffee break. She knows what she's doing, she's just has a few problems with reality.
ReplyDeleteWhen asked how she would handle her "virginal" daughter having a retarded baby, Sarah Palin responded by telling everybody that it was she herself who was having her daughter's baby, and proceeded to strap on a pillow to show everybody just how pregnant she was. When it became time to discharge said baby from the hospital, Sarah Palin responded by telling everybody that her water broke, and commenced an 2500 mile trek back to Alaska so that she could pick up, no birth that baby at MATSU regional doctor's offece, and get back to the Governor's ofice in time for her coffee break. She knows what she's doing, she's just has a few problems with reality.
ReplyDeleteOT, but Holy Shit! Rick Santorum is on Face the Nation, and the man is doubling down on the crazy.
ReplyDeleteHow is there still a "Palin camp"? She has not held any office for years now. What exactly is she now? Why would a Fox News commenter have a "camp"?
ReplyDeleteWhy does Palin care so much about her portrayal in the Game Change movie unless she thinks she still has a shot at a career in politics? Ever since CPAC, Palin and everyone else has been acting like she is still a viable candidate.
I really wonder if the truth will ever come out about her. People who claim to have damaging information about her have stated they will come forward if it looks like she will run for President. IMHO it is looking more and more like she is going for it.
O/T, but this is hilarious!!!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin for the World Bank?
In respect of the candidacy of Hillary Clinton to be president of the World Bank, let us just say that it’s a terrible idea. This is not a quarrel with Mrs. Clinton per se; had we been endorsing in the Democratic primary for president in 2008, we’d have put in a word for her, even if by our lights Barack Obama has a more presidential personality. It happens, though, that we’ve followed the World Bank for decades, and the key feature of the whole World Bank system is the conditionality it imposes on its lending. Its presidency is a pulpit in which a tribune of free markets, sound money, limited taxation, and growth could help the banks’ shareholders and borrowers. Whatever it is that Mrs. Clinton is for, these are not the causes that come to mind.
Sarah Palin would make a more credible president of the World Bank than Mrs. Clinton. Laugh not. We understand that no one (leastwise, President Obama) is going to nominate her and she wouldn’t take the job, anyhow. But she’s a radical, pro-growth politician. She understands natural resources policy, she is a leader on energy policy, she knows fishing down to the ground (so to speak), and she came up through a fight against corruption. She is prepared to lead on sound money, as her demarche against the quantitative easing of the Federal Reserve — made before the other politicians woke up to the issue — shows. And feature the rock-star receptions she got in such places as Hong Kong and India. Sarah Palin is exactly the kind of spark-plug one would need at the World Bank — if one needed the World Bank at all.
more here........
February 19, 2012
ReplyDeletePalin aide on ‘Game Change’ film: ‘HBO has distorted, twisted and invented facts’ [VIDEO]
An aide to Sarah Palin is blasting HBO for its upcoming film on the former Alaska governor, saying the producers of the movie “Game Change” use “distorted, twisted and invented facts.”
SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford said in a statement that HBO is “manipulating history” to “create a false narrative and attract viewers.”
“They call it a docu-drama, [but] there is little ‘docu’ in it,” Crawford said. “HBO must add a disclaimer that this movie is fiction.”
Previews for the film show that it focuses almost entirely on Palin’s role in the 2008 election, even though the book on which the movie is based only discusses her briefly. The trailer portrays Palin as unable to handle the rigors of the campaign — to the horror of her staff.
A statement on the SarahPAC website accuses HBO of “sensationalizing 40 pages of a three-year-old book about the 2008 presidential election.”
“The real 2008 Election was an incredible, moving experience that brought together the nation to celebrate our democracy,” the statement reads. “HBO has taken that experience and twisted it into tabloid drama for its own profit.”
Pre-empting the release of the film, Palin’s organization says it “sifted through over 2,000 behind-the-scenes photos of actual events, people and moments” to give an inside look at the real 2008 campaign — and posted these photos online.
“This is the Game Change you can believe in, because it actually happened,” she said.
What struck me watching the RNC and rallies was how at ease the Palins appeared. Then I read Meghan's book and saw that she noticed how at ease and naive they were about what was inevitably to come. I was shocked that Bristol, already outed as pregnant, was pretty laid back at the RNC, smiling. Contrast that with Levi who looked as if he might crap himself at anyminute. I'm sure it helped that lots of family were around her but I would have thought a pregnant teenager would have been more timid and begrudged by the attention. It speaks volumes that she wasn't.
ReplyDeleteI think the Queen of England answer beats the Africa is a country one, LOL.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Fuck John McCain, Nicolle Wallace, and even Steve Schmidt for unleashing the Sarah Palin cancer on our country.
I marveled at how at ease the Palins were, which complement Meghan's thoughts on Palin's selection as VP. These were people who had no idea what to expect, how grueling a campaign is at the national level. It isn't passing out buttons and chatting up Alaskans as all the kids and family were used to and enjoyed. Levi was more wary it seemed. He looked like he might crap his pants at any moment. I would have thought Bristol would have been timid and trying to hide, but she seemed happy go lucky and unashamed, which to me speaks volumes about them in general. I guess having lots of family around her and them helped ease pressure but still...
ReplyDeleteScenes of people with DS children flocking to the WGE would seem accurate. It's not like many knew early in the game what a fraud she was. Their hopes for an advocate are understandable. And, as we now know, thoroughly disappointed.
ReplyDeleteI wish we had cable so we could see this movie, am trying to figure out a way.
AKRNHSNC said...
ReplyDeleteHey Willow,
I used to wear my hair like that to keep it out of my face when I was doing heavy-duty house cleaning. However, I wouldn't even think about going out of the house like that. Someone from the PeeZoo complimenting you tells you all you need to know because they're all batshit crazy-like your Mom!
4:02 AM
I used to wear that rat's nest hairstyle while having steamy sex or after having it.
But you are right, I also wore that style while scrubbing toilets.
The icing on the cake will be whatever position Mcain takes on the credibility and veracity of the film. A Neutral or hands off- is the same as a guilty verdict.
ReplyDeleteKnowing him- he might just be totally blunt and vet the damn thing- saying it's pretty close to the truth, but I seriously doubt he will go out of his way to vindicate Palin.
I don't see him coming out saying it's a pack of lies.
As Mcain goes- goes the public acceptance of the movie in terms of accurately depicting this craven woman for what she is.
Julianne Moore is so much prettier than SP. She doesn't have the mannish features and the head that seems too large for her neck that is unique to SP.
ReplyDeleteMs. Moore was interviewed after the movie was released and she appears embarrassed of SP.
Oh, Palin is TERRIFIED of the truth of her mentally ill behavior coming out. Palin IS SO LUCKY someone who will play for emotional honesty (and who has serious dramatic chops) is cast in the role. Imagine if a parody artist were in the role! Look, the Palin-bots are mentally off as well, and they have low IQs.
ReplyDeleteI expect that Gryphen will have lots of troll visitors defending Sarah on this thread. Their problem is that they tend to be low information people who do not read (much like their hero, Sarah). Watching a movie is easier than reading, and this time they will really get the message. What they really fear is that other people will see that their idol has feet of clay. They have created such an ideal in their own minds that the reality of seeing Sarah portrayed as a flawed person is going to hurt, really hurt.
ReplyDeleteWe all have flaws. No one would relish having a movie made of their life, or even two months of their life. That's the price that one pays when they run for Vice President. They get vetted and tested, interviewed and quoted. Sarah was clearly unqualified to hold that high office. Her lack of knowledge must have inspired "Are you smarter than a fifth grader?"
Sarah has other major flaws. She may not have known that Africa was a continent, why there were two Koreas, or who was the actual head of government in England, but she also could not learn. The evidence of that was Sarah ringing those bells and firing those warning shots immediately after hearing a history lesson about Paul Revere. She cannot learn. She cannot process information.
The other flaw is something that we have either seen or heard reports of- mental instability. I do believe Levi when he said that following the 2008 election, she holed up in her bedroom, wearing her pajamas, eating crunch wraps and watching TV instead of governing the state of Alaska. We have seen her manic performances on Fox where she screams hate filled slogans against Obama, not making much sense at all.
When Richard Nixon resigned his office as President and was boarding the helicopter, waving his hands in that "V" for Victory gesture, there still were 15% of the population who thought that he was hounded from office. Sarah will be lucky if 15% of the population still believes in her magical political powers after "Game Change."
Strong even turned up details the authors have since confirmed (Palin thinking the queen, not the prime minister, would negotiate British involvement in Iraq).
"paylin thinking"...there's yer problem right there.
I doubt the campaign team knew the depths of Palin's ignorance nor that she would become withdrawn or moody expected to learn basic knowledge. I read in the LA Times article Schmidt said he has regrets. I can believe they assumed a governor with higher ambitions would posess basic knoweledge of geography and personal awareness of her limitations.
ReplyDeleteWho can ever forget her claims of foreign policy experiemce citing AK proximity of Canada and Russia? Palin got far BSing people. In her mind she would have won doing her thing...her sole skill of lying about her self and other people. The winking, flirting debate Palin oozed with charm and hookey dialect to distract she did not know jack shit.
I look forward to the recreation of behind closed doors strategizing discovering the real Palin.
It is reassuring to know some people have a conscience. McCain will go to his grave lying for her due to his huberis.
Whaddya bet there are NO scenes showing any Palin family member or staff giving Trig Palin the intensive daily therapy a Down Syndrome baby needs to develop to their full potential.
ReplyDeleteWhaddya bet there is NO scene showing Sarah Palin strutting her stuff wrapped only in a bath towel for the edification of campaign staffers.
Whaddya bet there is NO scene showing Sarah Palin stunning her staff with her intelligence or compassion.
Whaddya bet there is NO scene showing the academic education of Piper, Willow and Bristol Palin.
Whaddya bet there is NO scene showing Sarah Palin is clearly a mother breastfeeding a small infant.
It's what is NOT shown that tells the real story of this evil woman.
As the cousin of a Down Syndrome child in the 1960s, then known as 'mongoloid,' I witnessed how my aunt and uncle ignored the 'experts' who, at that time were so ignorant of it, suggested institutionalization. My aunt and uncle refused and raised him, as well as raise awareness in our family and in their community. This was long before it was became the 'right' thing to do.
ReplyDeleteWhat has Sarah done? Used her Pac money to hire nannies because she can't be bothered. Trig is nothing but a prop so she can trot him out when it is benefical to her politically.
How much does she care? After she raked in the $12M, she donated a whole $1K to the Down Syndrome Foundation right before her Pac reports were due. Yeah, she cares all right. FRAUD.
If she thinks people have forgotten about this, which is a mere drop in the bucket to other atrocities, let her run. What a bitch slap is headed her way!
As far as Julianne Moore goes, I am looking forward to this portrayal. Sarah only wishes she looked as good as this picture, and that's the CLEANEST "Sarah hair" we've seen in MONTHS.
If Sarah feels so strongly that HBO should have labeled Game Change as fiction, why hasn't she initiated a lawsuit?
ReplyDeleteThe C4P photos reinforce to me that the Palin family looked good during the campaign. In contrast, despite their financial opportunities, fast big bucks, they are uncultured, tasteless, uncouth, inappropriate, uneducated who are hostile and practiced liars. SP still thinks "hot" is her means to her end and their shenanigans.
ReplyDeleteI believe they are incapable of looking within and are delusional someone else is all the fault ...like Katie Couric.
Her prayer warriors may not care if she is ignorant but thankfully they are outnumbered.
If this is truly fictional, then the Palins will sue - right? Surely they want the TRUTH to be exposed, don't they? No lawsuit means the account is true as far as I am concerned. I truly doubt that she has many followers, just a motley crew of family, friends (with jobs to protect) and delusional "fans".
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm having a problem logging into WSJ. Re: the Ulsterman propaganda. Can anyone post this over there to illuminate Gottleib's bias?
Movie is proof that Glen Rice screwed her brains out..
ReplyDeleteand gave her a wonky eye, also too.
ReplyDeleteHave you been watching John McCain since the election? He'll come out on Palin's side in this, as he has done on every other occasion. He has to, because to not challenge it would be to admit he f**cked up royally. He won't do that. You can tell when McCain is lying because his lips are moving.
HBO Films: Game Change Featurette
Anon @7:01 and 7:05: Who said anything about Palin's daughter? What in the world does Levi have to do with any of this? What gives? Aren't the Palins living happy, successful lives, not giving him a second thought?
ReplyDeleteWhy not address something relevant to this discussion, like whether Sarah Palin really didn't know that the Queen doesn't actually "rule" England anymore?
anon at 6:26,6:31 is trolling on us early
ReplyDeleteMy favorite story to come out about Sarah during the 10 week campaign was the one where she kept insisting that something be done to squelch Todd's AIP connection.
ReplyDeleteFirst she lied about being asked about it at her appearances, in order to create a sense of urgency. Schmidt called her out on those lies.
Then she lied and characterized AIP's mission as something far less damaging. Schmidt called her out on that lie, quoting from their website and all but citing dictionary definitions to explain to her.
She kept lying and insisting. Schmidt kept calling her on her bullshit and telling her how it was going to be.... plainly, professionally, and with no give at all.
Best of all, he got the last laugh when he made sure that the sound system was shut down on stage at the concession speech, ensuring that Sarah would not have the chance to speak as she wanted.
I love that guy.
I now fear the BabyHoax will not be exposed before this next election. It seems to be common knowledge among those who choose to look at the data, esp the photos showing that pregnancy to have been an impossibility.
ReplyDeleteI think it will remain an open secret that nobody much talks about -- like JFK's "heroics" re his PT boat, which was a story manufactured by old Joe. The real story, another open secret, is that JFK was in charge of a PT boat that was idling in the path of the larger boat, no one was on duty, and the larger boat just crashed into it to the surprise of all. Dereliction of duty (resulting in loss of life) was turned into the heroics we believed at one time via the PR magic of old Joe. I'm just reading the Davis book on the Kennedys, but I have heard this account of the PT incident before, from another reliable source.
And so it will be with Palin's baby hoax: too many people would be too embarrassed if it came out officially. Better to put tinfoil hats on those of us who have researched it. I would have thought this movie would have the guts to do it.
anon @7:01: It speaks volumes that Sarah Palin claimed to have "not blinked" when tapped to be McCain's VP. Anyone who fully understood what she was agreeing to would have taken a moment to reflect and think about the impact it would have on her and her family. Such a person does not belong a heartbeat away from the Presidency. "Naive" is not a good quality for a Vice-Presidential candidate.
ReplyDeleteCan you explain why Sarah Palin dove right into the 2008 campaign when she had a special needs newborn, two school-aged daughters, a pregnant teen-ager, and a son about to deploy to Iraq, but now in 2012 when her kids are older and more settled, she wants to put her family first?
Palin-bots, of course, would try and counter the info coming out in this HBO movie. I can hardly wait to see it. Read the book already and totally believe the writers after having lived in Alaska for years and seen and heard the actions of Sarah Palin. She is a liar and has continued to be. Plus, she doesn't work, is lazy and hasn't done half the things she says she has. Vet her in Alaska folks and you will assuredly believe the movie.
ReplyDeletePre-empting the release of the film, Palin’s organization says it “sifted through over 2,000 behind-the-scenes photos of actual events, people and moments” to give an inside look at the real 2008 campaign — and posted these photos online.
ReplyDelete“This is the Game Change you can believe in, because it actually happened,” she said.
6:52 AM
They sifted through photos all right. Just like REDACTED e-mails.
Let her run. Unless, as Norquist said, they just need someone to "sign" bills. That's all she's good for. She has NO idea what it takes to run a country, nor does she care. Just wants the adulation and attention.
Bring it on, $arah. We're WAITING.
Really? The Palin Fans identify "Game Change" as a re-writing of history? A false narrative? Give me a frikking break! "The Undefeated"!?!? Even the title was a lie! Bitch got defeated! Now that was a "false narrative" film, designed to paint the mindless dolt in a positive light. Those of us who have nurtured our critical thinking skills saw right through the BS offered up by the "Palin Camp". (And why a "Camp" at all? Seriously, WTF!) C'mon March 10th! I can not wait to see the film! And I don't even have to "give my one time best gift" to see it. Palin had her "moment" with "Undefeated". Epic Fail! EPIC. FAIL.
ReplyDeleteMarch 10th. HBO. Game Change. Don't miss it!
Re: "Oh, and Fuck John McCain, Nicolle Wallace, and even Steve Schmidt for unleashing the Sarah Palin cancer on our country."
ReplyDeleteI am guessing that unleashing the Palin cancer is nothing compared to what the GOP will do to discredit the President and win the coming election. Considering the GOP candidates, their only hope is dirty tricks and voter fraud, and the GOP is pretty good at both.
This is beyond scary.
Palin-bots have their own fantasy version of Sarah, and not amount of information is allowed to mess with it. I don't think there is another group out there that is more delusional. Don't know if it's more sad or scary, but these people need professional help.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this new clip from Game Change... it promises to finally focus some light on the much needed truth about Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteHBO Films: Game Change Featurette
Brooklyn..Or 7:01 & 7:06 Would you fuck off already? Why are you obsessed with this blog. Get help for Gods sake! Even the Palins don't want you posting. You are truly nuts and need help.
ReplyDeleteDo you think you accomplish anything here?
You don't.
Why aren't you at C for P? Are you too crazy even for them? Get a life.
This woman is a fucking idiot and an embarrassment to women:
ReplyDeleteCNN Contributor Dana Loesch Defends Virginia State-Sponsored Rape Bill As No Different Than Consensual Sex
Yes why aren't the Palins suing HBO??
ReplyDeleteLet's start a petition at CforP! Certainly the Palins would want to counter all of these lies with facts.
Let's encourage Sarah to sue for the truth and God are on her side.
Anonymous, 7:06: since you know every intimate detail and date why don't you write a petition? Acutually, Schmidt and Wallace should be sued too, no??
"I marveled at how at ease the Palins were"..... "I would have thought Bristol would have been timid and trying to hide, but she seemed happy go lucky and unashamed".
ReplyDelete7:06 AM
I'm not sure if those are the 7:06 poster's thoughts or if she is quoting from Megan McCain (who she mentions also noticing the lack of nervousness).
But, it caused me to reflect on what Tina Fey had to say about Palin after her SNL appearance: She said the thing she most noticed about the woman was that she seemed to have ZERO level of nervousness about being on the show......and that she (Tina) had never seen that in another guest and it was eerie.
It appears the whole family lives in this delusional world of expectant entitlement.
Only saints and the insane are never nervous, and we know they ain't saints.
"I marveled at how at ease the Palins were, which complement Meghan's thoughts on Palin's selection as VP....."
ReplyDelete7:06 AM
...and UP comes my breakfast.
Hey Troll 7:06 and other places...you're speaking volumes today!
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain said he wasn't going to watch the movie.
ReplyDeleteHe's sure not defending his running mate, or getting involved in the controversy.
By doing so, he's as much as admitting that it's a documentary, only with good-looking actors playing the roles of the real people involved.
Petition Draft.
ReplyDeleteWe the people are gosh darn tired of having this good Christian mom and woman, Gov. Sarah Palin (AKA mama grizzly and/or north star) badly misaligned and demeaned by the radical left gotcha media. Enough is enough, we will take no more. Our beautiful Sarah is the most victimized woman on the political scene despite her telling the truth about socialist Obama and the GOP elite! She will not be stopped by your fabrications and lies HBO. We guess this movie was funded by George Soros and Saul Alinsky. Even if he's dead, he had followers who ascribe to his every word. This is FACT!
Sarah is a born leader with true pure servants heart and integrity! We demand HBO put out a statement categorically and emphasizingly stating the Game Change is pure fiction! If this does not occur ASAP, you are libel for libel charges and we will commence collecting funds for a lawsuit to put your liberal Obama loving asses out of business.
Who is with me? where do we list this petition for all to sign. I donate $ 50 (1/4 of my SS check) to start the collecting. Who needs food when Sarah and God are under attack from the dems and libs in Hollywood.
Has construction of the electrical fence TO KEEP THIS CLOWN IN started yet??? C4P AND the Monkey Klan truly need to be kept from the public...ANY public..
ReplyDeleteBUT, just think Gryph..She may be moving to NYC soon.. THEN, you guys may be done with her for good !!
@ 8:20 A.M. Did you have DELUSION for breakfast? The entire Palin Family is involved in this Farce of a VP run. Why no pictures of the Palin Family attending Church on the C4P Site? Evangelical Fakes.
ReplyDeleteOf course, Palin and her fans are going to do everything they can to discredit the movie. Fox News will assist them.
ReplyDeleteWe have seen this movie before. She does the same thing anytime something that doesn't put her in a positive light comes out.
The bottom line is that, so far, despite all of the snarling and hissing, she has not sued ANYONE.
7:25 To continue on your thoughts - the best selling book "Blind Allegiance" written by Frank Bailey (who was a member of her administration during the time she 'played' quitter governor in Alaska) talks about Todd actually calling him to update him on Sarah's mood!!! So, what will be shown in the HBO movie "Game Change" will be nothing new to Alaskans or people that read the book (which is documented by the way in many instances).
ReplyDeleteWe, in Alaska, actually found out that Tood did a lot of the work while his wife was governor. She is lazy and the Alaska Legislature knew it! They actually had pins made for the lapels of their suits with her photo and the words "Where is Sarah?" because of not being on the scene the majority of the time.
Sarah Palin is the biggest fraud out there in politics - liar, unethical, lazy, inept, not bright, not an 'energy' expert by any mean, was Alaska's 'worst' governor on record (we are still dealing w/issues/messes that she created up here!), is a horrid mother and lies about and uses her children to make her look better (so she thinks!).
The HBO movie WILL reflect accurate footage about her - be sure that they backed up the information they will be putting out there.
Anonymous@6:26...The doctor quoted in the Wall Street Journal(owned by Murdoch) is a partner in a company that invests in insurance companies. Who would pay any attention to any kind of authoritative position the WSJ tries to take? It is OWNED BY RUPERT MURDOCH.
ReplyDeleteHow could the Iron Lady be her idol if she didn't even know what the Prime Minister was? She's so pathetic she is funny. Way in over her head, way.
ReplyDeleteGame Change is a book that didn't just come out so SP had plenty of time to sue and/or even comment on it. So did McCain and everyone else involved. This isn't new stuff, just the HBO film is.
ReplyDeleteI'm aware that she concealed a lot about herself, but you must realize that lots of people think that Alaskans are just as backwoods as Sarah is. They elected her. Very few of them told the truth about her. The impression is that they're still happy with her. She's still been using that "most popular governor" meme.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't been reading the Alaska blogs- and some of them are pretty supportive of her, depending which side of the aisle they're from- there's no reason to believe Alaska doesn't think she's just fine. Nobody's saying otherwise.
Here is some good news! It looks like the film will have some dialogue about leaking amniotic fluid.
The authors, Heilemann and Halperin, have a cameo, as reporters hounding Schmidt during the Republican National Convention. Schmidt is complaining about the unfair, personal media coverage of Palin in the initial days of the St. Paul convention, and even points out that he's been asked the "shameful" question of when the Alaska governor's fluid leaked during her pregnancy. Heilemann then shoots back, "So when did it start leaking?"
Posted: Wed, February 15, 2012, 12:02 AM
Read more: http://www.wilshireandwashington.com/2012/02/game-change-a-first-glance.html
I wonder if Game Change will provide insight as to why the VP pick and her spouse chose to not have Piper and probably her siblings do any school work. Palin denigrates education and their family choices demonstrate education is not a family value and subject to ridicule.
ReplyDeleteI doubt the home schooling story. Home schooling means parents educate the children at home. Teens who are preggars who stop attending school are drop outs. Palin was angry people called it what it was. Oh my, she told so many changing stories about her kids I feel sick ahain.
PS still waiting for the big traditional wedding of her eldest...and acknowledging that shot gun grandchild. How do her fans ignore the birth of a child? It must suck to have your parents do that and lie you have a career after being discharged.
If Sarah hates it, it must be good!
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah, I didn't see GWBush crying and whining when the movie "GW" came out. Unlike you, you fake crybaby.
Did you folks notice that Palin came out in New York w/a t-shirt supporting Lin? She is ALWAYS the kiss of death when supporting someone (think she was trying to copy President Obama's support of Lin because he indicated being impressed w/the player!)! The Knick's lost after her display of the t-shirt! Sarah, shut the f---
ReplyDeleteup and go back to Alaska and get lost in the mountains!!! We're sick of hearing from you.
The bottom line is that, so far, despite all of the snarling and hissing, she has not sued ANYONE.
ReplyDelete9:03 AM
imnofred NAILS IT. WHY hasn't she sued anyone? Hmmmmmmm?????
People sue for libel all the time and there would be major bucks to be made. She's ALL about the money and, because it's TRUE, she can't. TOAST if she did because everything would come out.
For what the 4Pers stand for, they've been duped beyond belief and STILL cannot see the forest for the trees.
Job Number ONE for the parents of a Down Syndrome baby is INTENSIVE therapy done frequently and consistently.
ReplyDeleteNeither the book or the movie mentions the substantial time Sarah and Todd put into doing Trig's therapy on the campaign trail.
The glaring omission will be blindingly clear to parents of special needs children but our media will continue to coddle their darling Sarah with nary a squeak about how she deliberately destroyed Trig's many chances for better develoopment.
Ivyfree said...
ReplyDeleteI'm aware that she concealed a lot about herself, but you must realize that lots of people think that Alaskans are just as backwoods as Sarah is. They elected her. Very few of them told the truth about her. The impression is that they're still happy with her. She's still been using that "most popular governor" meme.
If you haven't been reading the Alaska blogs- and some of them are pretty supportive of her, depending which side of the aisle they're from- there's no reason to believe Alaska doesn't think she's just fine. Nobody's saying otherwise.
9:29 AM
Can you please name one of these Alaska blogs that think she's fine? I read IM, The Mudflats, Progressive Alaska, Andrew Halcro, Stonekettle Station, and Syrin's blog and I see zero support for the quitter, so I'd like it if you could post a link to an AK blog that supports her.
Realize that Alaska is pretty heavy with conservative, evangelical types, mostly thanks to the construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline which brought the hoards up from Okie and Texas. Many of them stayed and brought with them their religion and conservative political views. However, plenty of Dems got elected Gov even considering the arrival of the pipeline people.
We've had many back to back Democratic Governors as you can see from this Wiki link:
Even some of our previous Republican Govs seem like Democrats compared to Palin/Parnell.
People were very unhappy with Frank Murkowski and they thought that Palin would be better than Frank, but she wasn't and the majority of the electorate in 2006 were fooled by her presentation.
There do seem to be more conservative/religious types than I've ever seen in my 20-some years here. I don't know if there's been a new influx of these types or it's these people that are more apt to vote. It may just be that they are more visible because they are the party in power and they are most vocal. We did still manage to get Begich elected, but still, enough people were wooed by Lisa Murkowski's "I'll be more moderate, I promise, please write me in" tease to give her another term, and she's been anything but moderate. Perhaps being fooled so many times by Republicans will turn the tide towards a Dem administration once again this next election. It seems that we're either way to the right or way to the left up here with very little in between. A look at our House and Senate seems to prove that point, both on a State and National level.
Also keep in mind how few people actually vote in Alaska. Less than 240,000 people voted in the 2006 gubernatorial election and Palin beat Tony Knowles only by a margin of around 17,000 votes:
9:29 The majority of Alaskan are NOT in favor of Palin. She'd lose an election up here if she were to run for anything!
ReplyDeleteI never voted for her when she ran for governor - she was horrible in the debates against Halcro. She did much the same thing as she does now - word salad - didn't know the subject.
I was sorry to see that the majority voted her in....but, we were a major red state at the time...think we are now turning blue. The State is a mess due to the current governor - Parnell - and the mess that Palin made for the short time she was the 'quitter governor'.
"Everything else would cheese and kill come credibility. "
ReplyDeleteI thought I was getting pretty good at translating botspeak to English, but this one stumps me.
No one would blame Alaskans for being bewitched by Sarah. People like her are masters of the art of manipulation and fakery. She knew exactly what to say, and deliberately lied, and had a conspiring team behind her.
ReplyDeleteWhat is so scary about her is that she isn't even aware that her fakery is now obvious. But it is obvious to everyone, because she has her SarahPAC treasurer defending her. Herformer donors know he's ratching up her fake credentials for fear the funds will drop.
What struck me about the slide show and the images of the Palins and the McCains at ease was - what a disconnect between those images and the things that Sarah and Bristol both wrote in their books. They are the ones who talked about Wallace, Meghan McCain and others disrespecting and putting them down and treating them badly. It certainly doesn't look that way in the images. The Palin capacity for resentment, self-victimhood, and reinventing history is evident.
ReplyDeleteCan you explain why Sarah Palin dove right into the 2008 campaign
ReplyDeleteBecause it fed her ego. SASQ
I added HBO to my cable package for the month and sent them an email to let them know it's BECAUSE of Game Change. I recommend that we all do the same, to balance out the horrid emails they'll be getting.
ReplyDeletePut something nice in the Subject line so it's easy for HBO to see. I said, "Added HBO to get Game Change. Thank you."
The Queen of England thing (which has been getting a lot of press) is ridiculous and totally believable. Sarah Palin is someone who has faked her way through life. It's obvious everytime she is interviewed that she's talking out her ass, telling people what she thinks they want to hear. I've had many students act like that from time to time when they haven't studied or read the assignment.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine the "oh, Shit" feeling Schmidt got when he heard the candidate for freakin' VPOTUS speak those words.
The only thing Palin and her people can say is that things like that are lies. But presented alongside the embarrassing Couric and Gibson interviews (which we all witnessed), those accusations won't stick.
Sarah Palin may be wiley, but she sure isn't smart. In fact, she's dangerously (but often hilariously) ignorant.
Gryphen, at the Sea of Pee, they're saying that she said something lately (maybe at the Woman of the Year award lunch speech) about Track deploying again. Have you heard any similar rumors?
ReplyDeleteMegan 'Staplemouth' was on TV last night (second year in a row) helping sell some wonderful art work for the public station in Anchorage/Alaska.
ReplyDeleteRemember, she was the supporter of Sarah Palin in the beginning (national campaign)and a horrid 'mouth' against the Dems (Gara specifically) in our Legislature - they showed a confrontation between the two on our local TV stations at the time.
She worked for Palin while she was in the McCain campaign and put on one ugly show of 'meanness' in Alaska.
I'd love to see her come out w/a book because she saw things from the beginning with Palin. But, I suspect she was paid off when she resigned and came back to Alaska. She worked as a TV reporter (Channel 2) prior to going w/Palin. Isn't that how they seemed to work when it came to Palin? Reporters that moved from that station to follow/support Palin? McCallister was another that left Channel 2 and followed Palin (and is now back reporting for Channel 11 in Anchorage!).
I've purchased art work in prior years for this fund raising event because I thoroughly enjoy watching 'public' broadcasting shows very much in Anchorage. But, with 'the mouth' being a part of their show this past two years -I did not support them by purchasing any art work. As soon as I saw her, I turned to another channel.
She was one very onery woman while involved w/Palin. (Shown in this manner many times on TV news at the time.) I have to say that she showed herself to be a sweetheart while employed by Channel 2 prior to becoming involvevd w/Palin.
It was a classic lesson in seeing what 'being involved' with Palin does to folks. They became much like her due to having constantly defend the lies and unethical ways of Palin in Alaska.
To my way of thinking, Staplemouth will have a long time to be rid of her close supportive connection to Sarah Palin.
@7:01 AM, 7:06 AM
ReplyDeleteThe “happy go lucky” troll is back! Who cares that Levi Johnston looked like he going to shit his pants at the RNC? He wasn’t running for any political office. He was dragged there by the Palins. The Palins were “at ease” at rallies, because $arah Palin didn’t have to answer any tough questions, at a political rally full of adoring mouth-breathers. All she had to do was shriek, while they listened. Bri$tol, and the rest of the Palins were "laid back," and "smiling" at the RNC, because that was in the beginning, before the shit hit the fan.
more here........
6:47 AM
It's the nysun aka the neocon enguirer.
But at first I thought it had to be The Onion.
The "Palin camp" is so stupid. Posting "behind the scenes" pictures from the 2008 campaign proves NOTHING. The public has witnessed $arah Palin's craziness for almmost four years, now.
ReplyDelete"Everything else would cheese and kill come credibility. "
ReplyDeleteI thought I was getting pretty good at translating botspeak to English, but this one stumps me.
10:24 AM
LOL. Still LOL.
Job Number ONE for the parents of a Down Syndrome baby is INTENSIVE therapy done frequently and consistently.
ReplyDeleteNeither the book or the movie mentions the substantial time Sarah and Todd put into doing Trig's therapy on the campaign trail. The glaring omission will be blindingly clear to parents of special needs children but our media will continue to coddle their darling Sarah with nary a squeak about how she deliberately destroyed Trig's many chances for better development. 10:12 AM
Not that it would do any good, anon, but I encourage you to send your post to 1) Newsweek, where Palin's most recent recycled lies and omissions about Trig appeared, and to journalists Heileman/Halperin the Game Change authors. Do it because you're right.
Rill Americans: get up, go to work every morning.
ReplyDeleteSarah: works anytime she feels like it.
Rill Americans: get paid anywhere from $6.00 to $35.00/hour.
Sarah: gets paid at least 1 million/year.....$500/hour
Rill Americans: have no nannies, maids, cleaners; sometimes do not even have family support.
Sarah: does
Rill Americans: pay for their own travel
Sarah: has relies on OPM
Rill Americans: can't deny their shortcomings; they must be accountable and responsible.
Sarah: blames others for her shortcomings, quits.
Rill Americans: put their family first.
Sarah: doesn't blink when choosing family versus opportunity.
Rill Americans: pay their dues; if they fellowship with church members and attend worship services, they help through time, volunteering and money offerings; they walk the walk.
Sarah: preaches and verbally stabs others but doesn't seem to prove she knows what the bible is about, nor does she seem to attend church; she just talks the talk.
Rill Americans: may not have their health, adequate health insurance, or may not have a secure retirement.
Sarah: does
Rill Americans: put their kids through college, or at least contribute their money towards their children's college, make sacrifices.
Sarah: doesn't.
Rill Americans: Take care of their elderly parents, either financially or home care.
Sarah: doesn't have time.
Rill Americans: Make the best of their situations and help each other out during weather catastrophes.
Sarah: flies in to the devastated area and gets her cameraman to roll while she's visually praying with others.
Rill Americans: Speak of POTUS with respect.
Sarah: doesn't.
Rill Americans: Don't feel resentment, victimhood when they are going through a rough spot. They are not too proud to accept assistance; they are not too vain to accept governmental relief.
Sarah: would take all relief from them; Sarah feels resentment, and feels victimized by anyone who doesn't agree with her.
Rill Americans: are extremely thankful for what they receive.
Sarah: complains about the campaign staff that provided her and her family with perks, clothes, easy access to movers and shakers, and the opportunity they gave her to serve a great country; she never appears to be thankful.
Rill Americans: forgive.
Sarah: holds on to grudges.
Rill Americans: will see Game Change.
Sarah: would deny them that right to make their own evaluation of the movie, even though she says she's for Freedom.
9:27 You see 'nationally' more negative things written about Palin - in the media as well as in blog resonses. She is NOT liked by the majority - only the extreme right in the Republican party.
ReplyDeleteShe'd be torn apart for all of her past deeds if she sticks her foot out in any kind of national election. I'm sure the Republican party has stuff on her that would be brought out. She'd be handled much the same as Gingrich deservedly was and will be if he continues in the primary race.
Remember too, that she and Todd support Gingrich! Yikes!!!!! Kiss of death!!!!
Re: John McCain, he has double downed...and even triple and quadruple downed on his support for the crazed hyena. He has said over and over again that she was qualified and I think he even said that she would make a good president. He had to because he needed her support for the AZ senate race, when the Teabaggers tried to primary him but putting that nutty nutball up against him. His staffers will cover for him, though, and say that he was ignorant of what was going on with her and that they tried to keep this stuff from him (while all the while "plotting" to keep her from seeing the executive mansion)...I blame McCain, but then...eh, I wouldn't be surprised if the dude had some early Alzheimers.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think they are DEFINITELY going to show the towel scene. If I were going to write it, I would have the shower scene...it would be the first sign of her being less than crazy,
Pre-empting the release of the film, Palin’s organization says it “sifted through over 2,000 behind-the-scenes photos of actual events, people and moments” to give an inside look at the real 2008 campaign — and posted these photos online.
ReplyDeleteMy question:
Why not post all 2,000 pics?
Just askin'
The “happy go lucky” troll is back! Who cares that Levi Johnston looked like he going to shit his pants at the RNC?
so totally agree - nobody cares that Levi was bought like a prostitute and paraded as the baby daddy. Bristol is lucky that mama picked the YOUNG Johnston.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe "Palin camp" is so stupid. Posting "behind the scenes" pictures from the 2008 campaign proves NOTHING. The public has witnessed $arah Palin's craziness for almost four years, now.
11:05 AM
Exactly! What was that supposed to prove?
It was retarded. But we know the bots would rather look at pics than "Gasp" read or watch a movie.
So they can sit and go gaga over some pics.
Like 3 yrs old.
sarah was was always a stupid numbskull who happened to be attractive. (How many women in Politics are?)
ReplyDeleteShe was an ignorant hick, and she remains an ignorant hick, and always will be an ignorant hick.
Tim Crawford was probably the only person they could find who is not dying to see this movie. Even the most conservative Republican secretly can't wait to rubber neck this one.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course Sarah will lock herself in a well-stocked darkened room looping it for days.
The Palin "camp" must be really worried about Game Change!!
They honestly think those pics on SarahPAC are going to refute the movie. Sarah herself wrote a book called Going Rogue and Bristol wrote her book - and they both trashed the McCains, Wallace and Schmidt. So how do they think they are going to roll those previous statements back?
ReplyDeleteUlsterman looks like Matt Drudge's retarded little brother. Apparently he escaped from the group home and started his own blog.
Death panels, dude? Seriously? Are trying to get Obama reelected?
And Michelle Obama as Marie Antoinette? That was so 2010. Michelle Obama has favorables Tea Baggers like Newt and Sarah only dream of.
Thanks for reminding us why we vote Democratic.
1) I think the recent overkill of Palin's flirtatous behavior on Fox is to discount her portrayal in the movie.
ReplyDelete2) The more her "camp" protests, the greater attention this film will get. Also with Schmidt being a prominent political commentator, if Palin claims this is false, Schmidt will dispute those claims, and he has a lot more credibility that whackjob Sarah.
Thank you Anonymous 6:26!!!
ReplyDeleteI linked to the ulstermanreport about the obamacare death panels!!!
And I can tell that everything they say is true by the number of exclamation points they use!!!!!
Thank you!!!
"Shoot, I copied the wrong link. Just ignore Anonymous 6:26 as it doesn't relate to this post. However, it is interesting.
ReplyDelete6:31 AM"
Boy, that wasn't transparent AT ALL.
Re: 8:30 AM
ReplyDeleteYeah, and the tragedy is that NO ONE IN THE MEDIA followed up on this story. Not. One. Stitch. Was written about this after the initial story. Not. One. Oh, but the media was totally in the bag for Obama, right?
There were better things to write about when it came to the '08 campaign, like the husband of the would-be VP used to be part of a party calling for secession...like the fact that the possible first lady once said something that might have come off as unpatriotic if you take it out of context. That was WAY more important!
PS - I hate Steve Schmidt and I think it's shitty that he gets to put his side of the story out there and redeem himself. He should be on unemployment for the rest of his life. He sucks. He introduced that POS to America. I mean, I guess it was good for Alaska because you all got to use her as the governor. But she has been unleashed on us and we're probably going to be hearing about her for at least one more election cycle...and the only way to stop her is if the ones responsible for his monstrosity came forward and revealed what they know about her.
The bots are CRAWLING all over the comments on this one.
What pathetic losers they are like Baldy herself!
I don't begrudge Steve Schmidt nor Nicholle Wallace, they were hired to do what they do best, and were stuck with nothing to work with, it's ultimately John McCain's weakness in picking someone as vapid and ego driven as Grandma Baldy.
ReplyDeleteNicholle actually coaxed Sarah into doing the "Gotcha" interview with Katie Couric, the poor dear who sufferd poor self-esteem and needed Sarah's help to boost it up. And what "Gotcha" question did "Miss Perky with the microphone" ask? "What have you read?" Politics is a tough business, it's all strategy and teamwork, which doomed McCain from jump street.
I LOVE that the topic of ruptured membranes will be injected in the movie! Sarah pac can take those two thousand photos and shred them, cause this is gonna get one more nugget toward babygate's debut in the media.
For the uninitiated, "Happy go lightly" or "Carefree" is Elite East Coast code for "Dumber than a box of rocks minus the box", "Bimbo", "Airhead", and "Bristoline". Any of em, all of em! Sometimes they wear pink yoga pants with the word "Pink" across the buttocks, sometimes they wear an oversized overstuffed turtleneck in black while waving on stage and smiling.
People are seriously underestimating the impact this movie will have. HBO has pretty high standards with the truth. I'm sure it'll be released on dvd after it airs.
I already have HBO, but may write them a thank you note for doing this film, I like those who order it to write a note expressing Game Change as the reason. Maybe they'll do other movies on the subject if they know there's a demand.
Popcorn time!