Sunday, February 19, 2012

Wasilla High celebrates the "Warrior Within" with a sculpture of a..of a..well what do YOU think it is?

So anyhow Wasilla High had a piece of art commissioned to display in front of their building.

This according to the Frontiersman:

The $100,000 artwork was commissioned through the Percent for Art Program, a state law that requires the expenditure of 1 percent of capital construction costs of public buildings for permanent installation of artwork. A Percent for Art committee comprised of Wasilla High staff, students and administrators made a final recommendation, which was then approved by the Mat-Su Borough School District School Board.

So there you go, no problem.  Or was there?

Days after the "Warrior Within" was installed in front of the school Jan. 29, WHS Principal Amy Spargo had the 12.5-foot-high sculpture covered after fielding concerns from some students and parents that the work resembled female genitalia. 

Wait, what? Geez are these prudes in Wasilla seeing sexuality in EVERYTHING now?

I mean it is just a statue right? Here let's give it a look.
Well, uh...I mean it' doesn't necessarily look like...yep that's a cootchie alright!

Well so what?  I mean there is certainly nothing wrong with the a depiction of female genitalia...outside of a public perhaps one of the most conservative parts of Alaska...where ex-VP nominee, and Queen of the Teabaggers, Sarah Palin once attended classes......okay seriously is anybody else loving this as much as I am?

Gee I wonder how long it will be before the Grizzled Mama speaks out against this? After all up until now the biggest, you know, associated with Wasilla High was Todd.

Or was that just mean?

By the way this reminds me of my absolute favorite "Everybody Loves Raymond" episode.

Here take a look.

And here I thought today might be kind of boring.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Oh, my uncle, that episode of Everybody Loves Raymond was hilarious!!

    I could see some old white guy like the character 'Frank' standing there scratching his head trying to figure out what it reminds him of.

    Well, it's art. It appears like there's a baby's head inside the - well you know what - pressing against the - you know what - ready to enter the world. That must be the 'warrior' who's within the - you know what.

    I personally don't think it's distasteful - but on a High School property - well, it will generate lots of juvenile crass humor.

  2. lostinmn9:55 AM

    Holy Vagina Batman!

    Could that have been Sara's idea? A sort of artist rendering of what it really takes to get ahead in the GOP?

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM


    Looks like a baby is crowning.

  4. I can't type while laughing this hard.....I mean, sure, its warrior-like, I mean that is a regular hard-core

    Lewis Carroll is rolling in his grave...with laughter.

  5. Anonymous9:58 AM

    LMAO !!!
    A vagina, they have a vagina sculpture!! Is this in honor of all the pussy the Palin family has put out over the years.

  6. Anonymous9:59 AM

    sad that this is considered ART. It's another laughable mistake. What next? A giant penis???

    I'm gonna' suggest that.

    The Warrior Within needs a Penis.....HAHAHA

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Too, too funny.

    Must be in honor of the biggest c-nt to ever graduate, Sarah Heath.

    Or could it be in celebration of the fertility of the uneducated?

  8. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "We poured our heart and soul into that piece, worked on it for NINE MONTHS," the artist said. "We are proud, and I think there needs to be some time spent with it, as with any piece of art."

    ROFL what a bunch of idiots - this was vetted and approved just like SP. wootWoot!!

  9. Anonymous10:05 AM

    All in the eyes of the beholder. I saw a penis with a rip in it.

  10. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Was this Beefalo's second job in Wasilla? Posing for the artist?

  11. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Now if they could just add Sarah's inflatable twins. Quick, someone go over and make two big snowballs!!!!!!!

  12. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Vajayjay inspiration for the students. What's not to love about that?

    The real question is how did this project actually get proposed, produced and installed - a lengthy multi-stop process with approval steps along the way - and NO ONE had any concerns until it was permanently in place and the STUDENTS pointed it out?

    $100,000 yet. Wouldn't it be great if this was federal earmark dollars?

  13. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Somebody should stuff a toy baby in the opening to represent all of Sarah Palin's grandkids that were conceived at Wasilla High School during their lunch period.

  14. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Wasilla male inadequacy issues?

  15. Anonymous10:11 AM

    This cracked me up! What is this about Wasillians and their education system? Look what they put forth w/the Palin clan!!!!

  16. Anonymous10:16 AM

    This made my day! Is everyone in Wasilla on meth?

  17. grammy9710:17 AM

    Remember the Edsel?

  18. Anonymous10:19 AM

    "... WHS Principal Amy Spargo had the 12.5-foot-high sculpture covered after fielding concerns from some students and parents that the work resembled female genitalia..."

    The ultimate tribute to Wasilla HS most famous underage pregnant student alumni Bristol Palin.

    They covered the giant Wasilla HS vajayjay with a canvas tent!

    Simply Amazing....

  19. Anonymous10:20 AM

    That is the ugliest piece of crap I have ever seen. I can't believe they spent $100,000 for that thing. And hey I'm in graduate school studying ART so I have some expertise on the subject.

  20. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I see external genitalia. It could also be a representation of one of Barstools kids (look it up )

    Did you ever see the SNL skit of Britney Spears with the airplane guiding flashlights leading the way to her vajayjay?? That's what the lights on this statue reminds me of.

  21. Bristol's Real Chin10:20 AM

    It seems like a lot of kids "graduate" from Wasilla High without attending very often; maybe people thought the sculpture wouldn't get noticed!

    Now if they'd put it right outside the hockey rink....

  22. Dis Gusted10:20 AM

    is it true that two sculptors that created this piece have NO art training?

    You'd think they would understand that the vagina has been used before in sculptures. Subtle hints at school activity?

    Even funnier are the red lights in the piece that shine at night.

    $100K for an eyesore. That's a bargain......

  23. Anonymous10:21 AM

    10.06 "Was this Bristol's second job, posing for the artist?"!!!LOL. Maybe too many of the male students immediately thought of the Palin girls when they saw this? Bristol probably thnks there is nothing wrong with it, after all THAT is how she became famous. That and wine coolers in a pup tent.

  24. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Surely Sarah Palin is highly honored that Wasilla HS has a statue of her right out front.

  25. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Wow! How Freudian is that!!

  26. Anonymous10:28 AM

    They should find the black guy living in Wasilla (if Todd hasn't chased him out yet) and take a picture of him crawling out of the statue opening and name the work of art "Glen Rice Emerging From Sarah Heath's Interview".

  27. I don't think "warrior" when I see it, I think hoo-hah.

    For more misguided designs, check out the "Glade Sense and Spray" air freshener.

  28. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Well, since she says she was personally responsible for winning the state championship, which she wasn't (LOL), why not rename it to Sarah Palin High? So fitting, like a sick version of Joe Paterno outside the Penn State stadium.

  29. Anonymous10:40 AM

    yup that does look like a coochie!!!

    BTW I am surprised you did not write anything about Palin and her endorsement of Lin....Since then the Knicks 7 game winning streak was snapped and they are losing today by 10 in the 3rd.....So that would mean a potential 2 game losing streak because of the Palin curse!!!!

  30. Sgt. Preston10:43 AM

    Interesting that there was not one visual art professional involved in the selection process.
    Way to go, Alaska!
    In civilized places, this is a legal requirement.
    Way to go, Alaska!

  31. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Same high school where last year the principal banned the choral performance of Bohemian Rhapsody because it was written by a composer who happened to be gay. Seems they are awfully preoccupied with sexual symbols up there, but no big surprise. They are all Republicans.

  32. Anonymous10:46 AM

    In over 50 years of nursing experience I never once saw a 12 foot hooha or one with feathers around it (except of course on chickens and other feathered creatures!) Could it be that some of these Wassillian protesters have been guilty of "FOWL PLAY?" ;o)

    Man kills himself after being caught by wife having sex with chicken

  33. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Quick someone, cover the Washington (penis) monument!!!

  34. Anonymous10:52 AM

    To get even with Bristol....

    Levi should get Johnny, Gino, Ben, Chuckie H and everybody else who had Bristol and all of them should pose together in front of Bristol's replica while giving her the middle finger.

    Too bad they can't get Curt Menard, Brad Hanson, Glen Rice, Todd Palin and the rest of Sarah's conquests to pose for their family picture as well.

    Willow's picture with her suitors is going to be a little difficult since she was told never to enter school grounds after getting kicked out. Question, can Willow's restraining order include the statue?

  35. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Nefer said...

    I don't think "warrior" when I see it, I think hoo-hah.

    For more misguided designs, check out the "Glade Sense and Spray" air freshener.

    10:36 AM


    Hey Sarah since you like photo ops, go stand in front of the giant Wasilla vajayjay and wear your "Hoohah" pendant

  36. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Two very interesting Op-Eds in today's LATimes.,0,1149982.story,0,4795838.story

  37. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Nefer said...

    I don't think "warrior" when I see it, I think hoo-hah.

    For more misguided designs, check out the "Glade Sense and Spray" air freshener.

    10:36 AM

    In honor of 18 year old Willow Palin graduating a year early in her junior year of high school, Wasilla is proud to erect the Giant "Willow Hoo Hah" statue!

  38. Anonymous11:03 AM

    That's the only photo I've seen of it where the feathers surrounding the opening were lit up. I wonder if that is reflected light or if it really lights up? I think I'll do a drive by on the way to the grocery store today.

  39. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I'd say it's most likely a cloaca rather than a vagina, since it has feathers around it and not hair ;-)

  40. Anonymous11:06 AM

    THat is awesome and random. Who's the commissioner or the work of art? I thought the school principals in the area are conservative.We all know Sarah likes to reference the twat. haha Those are my favorite emails.

  41. Anonymous11:08 AM

    A phallus with a neon vaginal orifice. I wonder what Freud would say. Or perhaps it's some symbolic Jungian tribute to the anima and animus.

    Or maybe-just maybe-it's a walnut caught in a windpipe.

  42. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hey Sarah after Willow graduates from "hair school" maybe she can take some of your wigs, toupees and hair extensions and decorate Bristol's statue in front of Wasilla High School.

  43. Jaegermeister11:08 AM

    I'm from Chicago where we have nicknames for all of our public sculptures. I suggest a naming contest for this one. G picks the winner. I'll start:


  44. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Anon 10:52, nice to know slander is still an active word these days

    "It seems like a lot of kids "graduate" from Wasilla High without attending very often; maybe people thought the sculpture wouldn't get noticed! "

    And way to stereotype thousands of people you've never met. Prick.

  45. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I can't decide if liberals are just blackhearted by nature of they're just jealous because the average 16 year old in Alaska is already more successful and probably better off financially than IM's average commenter will ever be.

  46. Anonymous11:19 AM

    If this staue is indeed now covered, someone needs to go put a few empty wine cooler bottles near it and get a pic :)
    In all seriousness though, many tribal symbols integrate the male/female form. Sex is an intregal part of tribal life. It was only because of prudish Europeans, out of touch with their sexuality, that destroyed many art works created by a vast number of American Native Tribes.

    Little Rabbit
    Proud member of the Fond Du Lac Band of Ojibwe

  47. Anonymous11:20 AM

    It also looks like the head of a penis, straight, on you know the little slittish hole where the baby making goo comes out? Least that is what my husband said.

  48. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Hey Todd, LOL I think Wasilla High's Hoo Hah replica of Sarah needs a visit from her plastic surgeon!

    Looks a little stretched out after Glen Rice wore it out!

  49. Not What You Want to Hear11:23 AM

    Wow, yet another town gets punked by an "artist." $100K, really??? Regardless of whatever it's supposed to represent, that sculpture looks like it could have been knocked out in a week by anyone with some basic knowledge of working with concrete and leaving a few imprimentations in it.

  50. Anonymous11:24 AM

    11:10 You are talking to a millionaire sweetie. Shut your yap - no one is 'jealous' of some of the people in Wasilla! Especially when they are represented by the Palin clan. You know nothing of what you spew!

  51. Oh that is hilarious! I would love to know the artist's relationship to Wasilla and what may have prompted this graphic comment on the students at that high school.

  52. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Heh heh... This must be Whack-A-Palin Day?

  53. Just go and put a chastity belt on it will you already. This is really funny and I'll bet there has been a thousand pics taken and spread all over the internet.....and it sure looks like a Vagina. We gotta name here.....

  54. As I saw the sculpture, all I could think of was that ELR episode.

    Could work well on the program of the Vagina Monologues.

    Does seem appropriate for Wasilla however. The biggest c**t in history hails from Wasilla.

  55. Hideous. They could have commissioned a graceful yoni, along the lines of Georgia O'Keeffe's creations.

    Still, it looks better than a sculpture at a local community college near my city, which resembles a huge chunk of rusty hardware dropped in the center of the quad.

    And I don't get the references to Palins. Did any of them attend classes there for any length of time?

  56. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Anon 11:09-10, way to stereotype people yourself, prick (separating your comments by a minute isn't very smart, is it?) How stupid are you? The average 16 year old in Alaska is financially well off? I admit that because Alaska is a welfare state (taking in more federal money than it gives to the federal government) most 16 year olds in Alaska are better off than they would be in a regular state.
    And way to stereotype thousands of people you've never met. Prick.


    I can't decide if liberals are just blackhearted by nature of they're just jealous because the average 16 year old in Alaska is already more successful and probably better off financially than IM's average commenter will ever be.

  57. Anonymous11:35 AM

    They should put sculpture. Of a mushrooms right next to it.


  58. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Re Anon 11:09 --

    Why don't you learn the definition of "slander" before you use the word in a sentence.

    Anyway, fuck off. Your comments are boring and predictable.

  59. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Anonymous said...

    LMAO !!!
    A vagina, they have a vagina sculpture!! Is this in honor of all the pussy the Palin family has put out over the years.

    9:58 AM

  60. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:43 AM

    IMO, the sculpture took a wrong turn on the main street--it was really meant for the roof of (one of) the local Wasilla adult entertainment shop(s). A blinking neon vajayjay always says "edjumacation" to me! ;)

  61. Anonymous11:45 AM

    This has been such a major disruption at WHS. We are being made out to be the prudes and the art censors, but we aren't the only ones who see a vag! Students were mortified saying, "Great, we are already know was "Wasyphilis", now we'll be VHS- Vagina High. CHS students made a poster of it and displayed it during our recent basketball game at CHS. Students shouldn't be embarrassed to enter their school, or feel they have to defend their honor wherever they go because of some statue that didn't turn out like the orginal intention approved upon. It needs to go.

  62. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Oh, and the glowing red, "Feathers" around it? now it's a vag on the rag.....

  63. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:46 AM

    PS--is that a handprint in the middle of that, uh, GYN exam? Did anyone see a sketch of this first??

  64. OverMountainMan11:50 AM

    @ 11:10am Bristol ? Willow ? Is that you ? No no !! I mean in the sculpture hahahahahaha !!!

  65. Anonymous11:51 AM

    can't decide if liberals are just blackhearted by nature of they're just jealous because the average 16 year old in Alaska is already more successful and probably better off financially than IM's average commenter will ever be.

    OMFG, please keep right on smoking that meth that is making the average 16 year old Alaskan so rich.
    You have got to be kidding me.
    My family pulled in $400k honestly this year.
    You are what happens when marginal people are left to their own devices in marginal places.

  66. Anonymous11:52 AM

    sorry to say Wasilla High School is a joke because of the Palins.

  67. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Yes, to be fair, this could be a sculpture of a penis with hypospadias, and the markings around it are the markings of the surgeon before he repairs the defect. I can see that.

  68. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I can't decide if liberals are just blackhearted by nature of they're just jealous because the average 16 year old in Alaska is already more successful and probably better off financially than IM's average commenter will ever be.

    11:10 AM

    I truly do not know where you get this stuff!
    These two articles alone dispute your post:

    There are a lot of poor kids here; victims of uneducated and uncaring families that should have never chosen to have children.

    I see heartbroken hungry teens all of the time, many of them following in the footsteps of their parents; quitting school and having children while in their teens.

    You seem to have a pretty rosy picture of teens in Alaska, but there is just as much bad as there is good, and while we have our share of excellent students and high achievers, there are many living in the underbelly of society, just like anywhere else.

    Teens are no more successful nor downtrodden here than anywhere else in America. You have your kids from good families that get a car for their 16th and a free ride to college thanks to Mom and Dad. For each on of those there is a sad sack that had no proper guidance and is knocked up and on the street at 16.

    Merely living in Alaska is no panacea for the problems that teens face anywhere.

  69. I saw a candle flame, appropriate for a building devoted to learning. I have never seen a flame or genatalia that had a hand print in the middle, as does the sculpture.

  70. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Wow! I think it is obvious that the complainers have never, ever examined a woman's vagina closely. Please look at an anatomy book - study the photos or drawings closely - and then shut yer freakin' pie holes. Yet more evidence of the dumbing down of America. I'll bet most, if not all, of those offended believe in "Intelligent Design". And yes, more evidence that some folks never evolve, they just remain purely stupid.

  71. Anonymous12:04 PM

    This reminds me of the sculpture The Spirit of Free Enterprise. Rumor has it the artist snuck in the penis because he was annoyed.

  72. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I'm curious as to how many of you would have seen girl parts there had it not been suggested to you before you saw it. I wouldn't have.

    What I really see is some oversexed kids, hysterical adults missing a teachable moment, and a need for more sex ed classes with realistic anatomy models. Last I heard, PP wasn't even allowed to show how a condom is put on properly in sex ed.

    I'm not a big fan of this art piece, but it's fine where it is. Time to grow up and move on.

  73. Anonymous12:15 PM

    LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn said...
    IMO, the sculpture took a wrong turn on the main street--it was really meant for the roof of (one of) the local Wasilla adult entertainment shop(s). A blinking neon vajayjay always says "edjumacation" to me! ;)

    11:43 AM

    Wasilla is so backwards that we no longer have an adult bookstore; city council shut it down years ago. As all we have is a smoke shop that sells Korean porn in the back. We do have a Castle store that sells toys and some adult material and I'm surprised that it is still open, here in our little conservative town. You'd think with all of the churches around here that we could have our porn and repent on Sunday ;-)

  74. hauksdottir12:17 PM

    It's a wonderful work. Very tribal and organic. Pity that it has to stand in front of that ugly squat utilitarian building.

  75. lostinthemidwest12:24 PM

    Anonymous 11:55 AM

    Well said. Thank you.

  76. Anonymous12:24 PM

    AGAIN, thanks for the giggles today you crazy IMERS. This is way too funny and the comments could go on forever. I showed my daughter who knew nothing about this art piece and the first thing that came to her mind, she is 20, was VaJJ. I would love to be a fly on the wall at the school to hear the comments from the kids. What a shame for the artists who I am sure put a great deal of work into this, but were also very out of touch. Warrior Within, more appropriate and obvious options were endlessly available. It is sad this was the final result. The deeper meanings behind this piece will forever be lost, especially in front of a high school in of all places Wasilla. No offense to the few of you up there who have brains.

  77. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Its Baldy's Pussy!!!
    (Well WHS time)
    *Fast times at WHS* ask
    Joe Schmidt
    Curtis Menard (oh snap RIP Curtis)
    The Toad
    The teachers
    her girlfriends
    and god only knows who else.
    Glen Rice (college days)
    Its being memorialized now, b/c well they could just sculpt a prune now.

  78. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Reminds me of that scene in Harold and Maude where Harold puts his head through a similar sculpture in a symbolic attempt to crawl back into the womb.

  79. Anonymous12:29 PM

    wonder what Santorum's opinion of the sculpture is....

  80. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The principal is catching a lot of heat for covering it up, but she was right to fear vandals. Prank ideas were abounding- the main one being that they were going to attach something to resemble hair around the "shields". With the cameras they'd be risking a lot, but the ideas were there just the same.

  81. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I'll bet most, if not all, of those offended believe in "Intelligent Design". And yes, more evidence that some folks never evolve, they just remain purely stupid.

    12:02 PM

    WTH? All we're saying is a giant pussy outside Wasilla High is the best legacy Palin and clan could leave. That's what they market! From Tawd on down...


  82. Anonymous12:32 PM

    These comments are hilarious including the ones hitting below the belt (pun intended). What were they thinking approving that statue? VHS..roflmao

  83. Anonymous12:35 PM

    the football needs laces, not a hand.

    If it was celebrating the killing sport of football, it would be better. Does Wasilla play football? or just basketball?

    the students need to make a giant tampon for Halloween this year.

  84. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Did they choose this statue due to teen pregnancy being on the rise?

  85. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Two very interesting Op-Eds in today's LATimes.

    10:58 AM
    Nice try Brooklyn to divert from Baldy's snatch---->EPIC FAIL!

  86. corprimo12:41 PM

    Just because we're Alaskans don't mean we have to be shallow minded when it comes to art. The days of sculptures of Army Generals sitting on horses are long gone. Contemporary artists deal with imagery and symbolism and the viewer is invited to dig deep for the meaning. Too many are stuck in an adolescent mentality of "Ooooh, it looks like a vagina" or it's "phallic." Grow up, get over it, or move to Wasilla where you'll fit right in with the simple minded majority.

  87. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I just asked my honey what he thought it looked like. (He hadn't seen it and missed all the fuss over it.) He says it looks like a tombstone. He couldn't believe it when I told him what he was supposed to see.

    By making such a big deal of it, we just look like the hicks the rest of the world thinks we are.

  88. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Why didn't they use the $100,000 to buy computers, BOOKS, pay teachers more money to help their children LEARN? Who gives a crap about a sculpture near the entrance to the school? Although I do appreciate ART, sometimes we need to re-think decisions like these whether or not they look like a vagina or not.

  89. Smirnonn12:42 PM

    What a cunning stunt.

  90. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I cannot imagine how embarrassing it must be to have this 'vajayjay' compared to that of Sarah, Bristol and Willow. If it's not one thing - it's another. They so deserve what they reap! Things are coming back to haunt them due to their constant lies, etc.

    Truly do feel for the kids in that high school though. The Palins have assuredly given that high school a bad name...don't forget Track's part too (damaging the school buses). Plus, they have so many 'non' graduates from the high school in the Palin family.

  91. Ha! Cue Harold Chasen (Harold and Maude) to stick his head in that thing!

  92. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "I can't decide if liberals are just blackhearted by nature of they're just jealous because the average 16 year old in Alaska is already more successful and probably better off financially than IM's average commenter will ever be."

    The answer is you're both stupid and ignorant. I can't speak for anyone else, but my husband and I are millionaires. We've worked and saved. And I post here enough that my sig would be recognized, so I think I'll make this one anonymous.

  93. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Finally! There is the evidence that Sarah did indeed give birth to Tig.

    (I am staying anon on this one).

  94. It's unfortunate that the committee limited themselves so much. I can see the vagina, I can see what was intended... it's just a poor choice, and it limits the art that the students get to see.

    When our district built a new school, the committee decided that it would be great to have more than one example of art for the students to see... give them a wider variety. I don't remember all three, but one was a paper sculpture mounted on the wall of the high school. One was a piece of exquisite blown glass, placed in the library. The idea was to help the kids realize that there are many forms of art.

    Incidentally, why "Warrior Within" as a theme? Seriously? Our culture is so freaking militaristic it makes me sick. There's a way to promote endurance, determination and resiliance without going into the war mode. You don't have to kill somebody else in order to win.

  95. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Why is the Palin family Coat of Arms outside the high school?

  96. Anonymous1:11 PM

    C'mon Sarah! RUN for president and TELL people we make your life UP!

    What an effed up family! BRING IT!

  97. Anonymous1:14 PM

    really surprised that this was approved.

    Wasn't Palmer school renamed because of sexual references?

  98. Anonymous1:15 PM

    This art work made the front page of the "B" Alaska section of the Anchorage Daily News. The writer, Julia O'Malley, provided an objective piece (she showed specific concern for the principal of the high school as well as the artist) with no mention of the Palin connection being made about this throughout the internet.

    Julia was concerned about it going national though and ending up as a 'joke' on late night TV (Leno specifically!).

    I bet it will go national! The Palins reputation (all of them) has cast a dark cloud on Wasilla High School which is too bad. Thank God they didn't rename it after Sarah! Can you imagine?

  99. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Well they could lay it on its side. That way it would just look like a giant fish...

  100. Anonymous1:29 PM

    B said...

    I saw a candle flame, appropriate for a building devoted to learning. I have never seen a flame or genatalia that had a hand print in the middle, as does the sculpture.

    11:59 AM

    The hand print represents to Bristol that Levi, Gino, Johnny, Ben and Jerry were there!

    Its so obvious to everybody in Wasilla even Tri-G could see it even without his glasses

  101. Anonymous1:33 PM

    If the Electric Horseman had a vagina...

  102. Anonymous1:36 PM

    You people never cease to amaze me.

    You have no appreciation for art.

    You have no class and filthy minds.

    Why does everybody assume that the Wasilla statue represents Bristol? Because of its size?

    Could the artist have made the statue in Todd's likeness?

    Hold a purse next to the vajayjay... Now do you see it?

    Doesn't it resemble Todd?

  103. Balzafiar1:37 PM

    Close examination of the image shows what might be an almond shell with a hand embossed on it showing through an opening defined by crossed lines at the ends.

    A pattern of lights surround the opening giving it an overall cheap, cheesy look. Who is charged with changing the bulbs when they burn out?

    Vagina-esque? No comment; I'm older than 14. Art? No, not in my ancient opinion -- and I think I know good art when I see it.

    The thing I do know for sure about this awful piece is that whoever ended up paying for it got screwed royally.

  104. Anonymous1:43 PM

    That sculpture reminds me of the first working title of Levi's book. Hot Dog in a Hallway - My Life with Bristol Palin.

  105. @ Jaegermeister:



  106. Anonymous1:51 PM

    You have got to be kidding me...

  107. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I love the handprint right in the center of everything...somebody's baby is trying to get attention.

  108. Anonymous1:54 PM

    If a Wasilla Warrior comes out of Bristol's hooh hah in front of Wasilla High and sees it shadow and dives back in, does that mean 6 more weeks of winter?

  109. Anita Winecooler2:00 PM

    Thanks for the laugh, Gryphen. ELR was one of the funniest shows, and this episode was the best!

    Wonder if next year's hundred grand will have an asshole at the back entrance with plenty of Santorum, or maybe they can save money and erect a four inch weenie- wouldn't want someone feeling felt out! ;o)

  110. Anonymous2:04 PM

    We hada complete change of admin this year and the principals that were in on the decision of the artwork are gone. The sculpture literally just showed up on the property one day- NO one knew it was coming- including our current principals. No warning, no heads up.
    Once it was up, everyone was like, WTF is THAT?! It looks like it's half penis, half vagina. Others simply had no idea what it was- couldn't even put a name to it. So regardless if your mind was in the gutter, or just blank- the artists intent is completely LOST on this piece.

    That said, of the "committee" who vetted this and approved it, there is only 1 member currently at the school who was on it and they have stated that what we got, was NOT what was approved. That apparently the artists took some artistic liberties with the piece and it looks totally different than it was sketched out to be at the start. I wish THAT was in the paper, but it was not. I would like the rough rendering of the design to be made public so it can be compared with the final piece.

    From a simple scaled perspective it sits opposite to a sculpture meant to honor our veterans and military. It makes that poor sculpture look insignificant and throws off the entire balance of the entrance to the building.

    I may be getting too specific for everyone on here, since I know most are "locals", but I figured I'd include this just to add to the convo.

  111. Anonymous2:10 PM

    $100,000 for a vagina?

    Should of asked the Wasilla Pimp... Hey Todd how much does it cost to get a vagina from you?

  112. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Looks like some "artiest" managed in invent a vulvadick.

    I certainly see no "warrior" though there is a phallic representation, and I don't even want to go into what the "within" is supposed to be.

    Maybe the inner woman of the warrior????

    What ever it is it is major ugly.

  113. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Anonomous 11:18. 'Most 16 year olds in alaska are already more successful than most IM commenters'
    Where do you get your statistics and what do you define as success? I raised 4 children in rural AK who went off to college woefully unprepared and had a lot of catch up work to do due to the low expectations in their high school. Their friends in the lower 48 had many more opportunities for experiences in art, music, theater, literature, history etc etc. BUT my kids were more successful at basketball and getting high paying summer jobs. Not exactly experiences that were very valuable in the long run. The most valuable experiences they had as Alaskans was a close association with Native Alaskan culture in rural Alaska.

  114. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Twat a mess.

  115. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Congrats to the state of Alaska for having a program that values public art. I don't really blame the artists, they had their vision and produced a piece. Good for them.

    The board that oversaw the process is another story. My guess is that there was no-one with any actual art-related knowledge involved.

    I betcha Cowboy Poets everywhere are rejoicing at the karma La Palin and Clan will enjoy because of this.

  116. Gasman2:52 PM

    It's the Wasilla High $100K Giant Vagina.


    Maybe they can commission a giant phallus to go alongside.

    Don't get me wrong, I am very fond of vaginas, but $100K seems a bit steep for a twat.

  117. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Wonkette needs to see this one. LOL

  118. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hope there are no publicly financed sculptures which resemble religious icons on public property in the area. Like crucifixes or crosses.

    If there are then it is time to take action.

    And there had better be a blue tarp issued to cover every student if they are at all like I was back then!

  119. Pink-jacketed lady (idk the actor/character name) on ELR's reaction is probably exactly the same as whoever commisioned the er....monument.

    stay classy alaska!!! ahh if that was my high school there would be so much crude jokes, etc..cover that sculpture up!

  120. also...dont get me started on "the warrior within"

    are you sure teenagers didnt submit the design for this?

  121. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Wait until the wingnuts figure out that pink ribbons(SJK) = vajayjay also too! Another lib plot to spread sex everywhere!

  122. Okay. Before this public art was approved (you have no idea how hard it was not to misspell that word) did the committee not have drawings or models to look at?

    Give me a break. This was not a case of give the artist money and be surprised at what the result was. They knew exactly what they were getting.

    Or are you telling me the high school committee of parents, teachers, students and administrators and then entire school board are just so totally stupid?

    If that was the intent of the artist and they were totally clueless (until a 7th grader pointed it out, perchance?) then kudos to the artist for pranking them.

    I hope he keeps the money.

    (Now, I'll make the obvious joke;

    The artist thought the commission was for pubic art, not public art.

    Happy now?)

  123. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I just did a drive by and this sculpture is so beautiful and imposing when one sees it in person. It was not tarped but there were cones at the school entrance driveway perhaps to deter people from driving by.

    What cracked me up, while visiting the back parking lot of the Wasilla High School, is that the concession stand, at the football field is called the "Big Red Snack Shack". That seems a little suggestive as well, but as far as I know our local prudes have not become enraged over that!

    I always thought that the football field was the field in the front of the school on Bogard Road, near the pool entrance, but there is another field behind the school with bleachers where they actually play football and serve snacks at "The Big Red Snack Shack".

    It seems that Wasilla High, with the Big Red Snack Shack, with the perfect phallic accompaniment to the female-centric sculpture in the front entrance of the school. Good thing that these are separated by a large parking lot, or the Big Red Snack Shack might get with the Feathered Vagina and, well, you all know what could happen :-)


  124. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:41 PM

    Anon @ 12:15PM--

    Thanks for the info! Never thought that the only adult entertainment available in Wasilla would be the Palins. I guess when you assume--you know the rest.

    So, I showed this masterpiece to my DH, and we both agreed that besides the obvious, if you squint and turn your head, it kinda looks like a stuffed cabbage. Make of it what you will.

    Me? I'm creating a 10-foot-tall speculum and I'll send it up when I'm done.

  125. Tyroanee3:47 PM

    How in the heck did they get a casting of Sarah's stone cold dark tundra?

  126. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Ironic that it cost a $100,000, they either could buy this sculpture for that price or get the biggest twat in town to speak at the school for $100,000. At least the sculpture is silent unlike Granny Lulu

  127. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Gryphen here is a caption for the pic

    "Those darned statues are always losing their underwear"

  128. wyandotte3:54 PM

    the first thing i thought of was, 'just the tip.' there i go thinking 'penis' when everyone else(at least first 2 posters <---there) are screaming 'vagina'. it's interesting. congratulations on your new...thing.

  129. "What a cunning stunt!"

    Quote of the year, in my book. I know, I know, it's only February. But it jus'don't get no better than this.

    I'll still be smirking when I go to bed tonight.

    Thank you, Smirnonn. Yer a fukkin jool!

  130. aj weishar4:43 PM

    There's a simple, natural way to correct the appearance, plant a bush around it (pun intended).

  131. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Who designed that monstrosity? AND it cost $100,000 in state funds? Is everybody on meth in Wasilla?

    With all the wonderful native Alaskan traditional art, this Polynesian bogey man is all they came up with?

    I'd love to hear the explanation for the "symbolism." Reference?

  132. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Here is the biological reality in all of it's glory regarding the female form:

  133. Anonymous5:02 PM

    LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn said...
    Anon @ 12:15PM--

    Thanks for the info! Never thought that the only adult entertainment available in Wasilla would be the Palins. I guess when you assume--you know the rest.

    So, I showed this masterpiece to my DH, and we both agreed that besides the obvious, if you squint and turn your head, it kinda looks like a stuffed cabbage. Make of it what you will.

    Me? I'm creating a 10-foot-tall speculum and I'll send it up when I'm done.

    3:41 PM

    I only have one question, I see "DH" all the time and I don't know what "DH" means. Can you help me with that?

  134. Anonymous5:18 PM

    In all seriousness though, many tribal symbols integrate the male/female form. Sex is an intregal part of tribal life. It was only because of prudish Europeans, out of touch with their sexuality, that destroyed many art works created by a vast number of American Native Tribes.

    Little Rabbit
    Proud member of the Fond Du Lac Band of Ojibwe

    Native Alaskan traditional art is beautifully executed and rich in symbolism, including male/female -- as is much of other traditional art.

    Surely, Wasilla could have drawn on this rich local artistic tradition.

  135. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Was this " public art" or "publc art?"

  136. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I have finally figured out why the trolls spend so much time here.

    Because IM is so much fun!!!

    The repetitive trolls certainly are tiresome. There's only so much dim-wit one can take. I do my best to circumvent their stupidity but sometimes it isn't worth it and I give up.

  137. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Wasilla is not a conservative town. Instead of paying $100,000 for that statue, they could of just paid for a 6 pack of wine coolers, give them to Bristol and told her to sit in front of the school.

  138. Beldar V. J. Conehead5:53 PM

    'taint worth $100k, if ya ask me....

  139. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I only have one question, I see "DH" all the time and I don't know what "DH" means. Can you help me with that?

    Dear Husband/Hubbie

    DD = Dear Daughter

    DS = Dear Wife

  140. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Hey Gryphen, I bet they had to pull a lot of strings to get that piece of artwork.. (pun intended)

  141. Anonymous6:31 PM

    This is the State of Alaska's $100,000 idea of honoring the woman who put Alaska on the map.

    Yep, what finer symbol would be more appropriate than Sarah's genitals - in lights no less - to be heralded in front of the high school which was the jumping point of her 'career'.

    Sarah should be so honored - I dare her to go out there, stand beside it, and show it on Fox News.

    Even for Wasilla, this is an OMFG moment. Meth and all - this one takes the proverbial cake.

  142. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

    Anon 3:04

    I'm sure she has, we all know she reads IM religiously.

  143. lilli7:29 PM

    Check out this art by the same artist that did the Warrior Within.."fossil Fig and Forbidden Fruit.

  144. Anonymous7:32 PM

    LMAO !!!
    A vagina, they have a vagina sculpture!! Is this in honor of all the pussy the Palin family has put out over the years.

    9:58 AM

    I really don't understand the Palins?

    Too much conflict of interest!

    Sarah, Bristol and Willow are busy giving pussy away for free and there is Todd charging for it.

    Todd must be pissed

  145. Anonymous7:36 PM

    @AKpetmom, they must have taken of the tarp after school let out on Friday then because as of that evening, it was still covered with a fence around it. The principal did say it would be available for viewing by parents/whoever coming for conferences Monday/Tuesday to open up more dialogue about it. The artists will also be at the school on the 24th to discuss the meaning of the sculpture.

    You may not have seen my post before, but for those saying we knew what we were getting, that is not the case. it supposedly looks different than what was originally agreed upon. I would hope that this would come out as it is discussed about what to do with the art. The majority want it gone- I do know that much.

    I'm all for having an open mind about art, but one has to agree that some art shouldn't be placed in certain places. A huge phallic sculpture that at the same time resembles a vulva simply does not belong at the entrance of a high school. Perhaps some native tribal council somewhere in AK will find it more useful and appropriate. Can't we donate it to the AK Native Heritage center or something?

  146. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I think they should keep the blue tarp on it, it's more the Alaskan style anyway and could have saved $100 grand.

  147. To Little Rabbit@ 5:18 p.m., you may claim the image as Native American, but I was surprised to see the sheela na gig so openly displayed in front of the Wasilla High School. Surprising to know there are so many of Irish heritage there. Who knew.

  148. Could you say Wasilla's been "funked"?

  149. I went to High School with Phil Rosenthal. and yes our local courthouse DID have a sculpture of a vagina on the corner of Main street.

  150. Anonymous4:35 AM

    anon@1110a: too d@mn funny. It would be interesting, if one could magically capture the socioeconomic status (translation for grammatically challenged trolls: education, employment, and income levels) of the average IM poster. Except then the hue & cry would be, you're all a bunch of elitists and out of touch with real Americans (troll translation: your all a bunch of elitists and out of touch with the rill God fearing Americans who made this country great. FACT)

  151. Anonymous5:44 AM


    ROFL - that one is definitely the VaJJ....

    however this sculpture looks extremely similar and the artist claims it's not intentional????

  152. Anonymous5:45 AM

    @ 4:35 - first you have to exclude Sarah and her daughters from the postings - then you'd find that there are only 1/2 as many.

  153. Gee I think Sarah should help out the town and buy the sculpture and put it at the entrance to the Wasilla Warrior Compound on the Dead would also look great in the yard overlooking the lake..come on Sarah buy some classy art for Casa Palin..

  154. MotorCity Begonia7:35 AM

    I like the fact that it looks like it's illuminated. If you can have glow in the dark condoms, why not a glow in the dark coochie? I think it's cool - I'd put it on my front lawn and a big raspberry to any neighbor who had a tizzy. Besides, I was a history/english major in college; I can bullshit for hours on the "oh, but the deep meaning of the shield, and the two types of metal, etc. etc." That would be a lot of fun!

  155. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I saw that episode and it was so, so, so funny!!! Yep a vajayjay. No one knows anything in Wasilla.

  156. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Someone should buy it for Sarah home.

  157. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Mom, why do I have to go to school with Bristol Palin's cootchie winking at me as I go to and leave school?

  158. Anonymous12:58 PM

    has Wonkette gotten ahold of this yet ?

  159. Anonymous4:24 PM

    If I was Sarah Palin, I would offer Wasilla High $500 to buy that replica of my daughter's vagina just to get it off the front lawn of the school where people would be constantly reminded everyday of my daughter's vajayjay.

    That's what I would do, then I would throw it in Dead Lake Lucille around the spot where I threw in my wedding ring.

  160. Anonymous4:49 PM

    My first reaction was to wonder if it is some symbol that came from native culture. Was that it's inspiration: something from Native Alaskan culture?
    And I work in an art museum, so I see all sorts of art, including stuff we would all shake our heads at.
    m from Md

  161. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Bristol's baby in the vajj in front of WHS is crowning, I can see her baby's hand.

  162. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Georgia O'Keeffe

  163. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Thank you so much for this blog entry. This was one of the top ten things on the web I have ever seen. The connection of the story from Wasilla and ELR was priceless. You have more comments than a major new pages receives.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.