Monday, February 06, 2012

Clint Eastwood makes the most powerful pro-Obama campaign commercial thus far, and it was for a car company.

Wow, that gave me chills.

Read this from the National Journal:

President Obama's ad-makers may have to pay royalties to Clint Eastwood after a remarkable two-minute Chrysler commercial that aired on the biggest of all stages - the Super Bowl - and gave a pretty good preview of what the president's reelection commercials might look like. At the very least, the ad and Eastwood's powerful narration make it much, much more difficult for Republican front-runner Mitt Romney to keep pushing his line that Washington should have let the automakers go into bankruptcy.

"Yeah, its halftime America and our second half is about to begin." I don't think that the Obama campaign staff could have said it better themselves.

I have no idea if Eastwood did this on purpose or not, but it is kind of hard to believe this was an accident.

It looks like the High Plains Drifter might have drifted over into the President's camp.

If true that kind of "makes my day."

Sorry, couldn't help myself.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    First thing I thought when I saw that was 'he's campaigning for Obama' -- loved it!

    One of the top rated ads too.

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Curiously enough, they've pulled the ad from their site...the Rethugs ain't too happy about this ad and I'm sure they're putting pressure on the car company every way they can, but it's too late, it's all over the net and you can't 'unring a bell' to coin a phrase from a well known grifter.

    Chrysler's Thrilling 'Halftime In America' Ad Taken Down From YouTube

    Read more:

    Whoops, and now it's back up!

  3. fromthediagonal10:38 AM


    Now let's see how the regressives react.

  4. WOW is right! That was beautiful, and it gave me chills too, Jesse.

  5. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Much more impressive than Madonna giving us the finger! Thanks Clint! Not big turnouts for Newt and his merry men in Denver today. Mit will be here tonight and the snow is to start about then. Will the faithful shovel their way out to hear more lies? Nevada sure didn't turn out to vote. They didn't have a blizzard! Hope the Komen story has opened some GOP women's eyes! Can't wait to see some more commercials made by the Obama camp! Nicely done.

  6. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Clint is still sexy.

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    That was my favorite ad, by far. That and the Sein feld spoof, for laughs. The Hoekstra mud-throwing was out of bounds. Nasty, nasty nasty. The GOP will never change. Until we vote them out of existence, just like Komen.

  8. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Love Clint and I thought the same thing when I saw the ad!

  9. Anonymous10:58 AM

    and Clint is a Republican.

  10. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It was great to see Clint Eastwood saying the things that we have been thinking and feeling about our country and our President. And to see it in HD during the SB was extra great. Go Chrysler!

  11. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Well, I'm happy to see that the GM bailout did allow people to remain employed, however, it still sickens me, the behavior of the executives at GM, both during and after the bailout. No company is "too big to fail" and, except for the human suffering it would have caused, part of me would liked to have seen GM be told no, there will be no bailout for you. I have no idea if their product is worthy of any hype or if their cars are worth a shit, but at least Americans are still employed creating them.

  12. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Huge support for Pres. Obama!!

  13. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Eastwood voted for McCain. Did he have a change of heart?

  14. Anonymous11:11 AM

    All I can say is ¨Go America!¨

    The GOP will learn soon enough that we are all fed up with their ¨America is on the brink of Armageddon and needs to be saved by us¨ spiel.

  15. Anonymous11:14 AM

    You knew is would happen:

    Chrysler Super Bowl Commercial Becomes Politicized

  16. Anonymous11:19 AM

    2012 is halftime and Obama had a great rally to end the first half on a high note. Gotta take that momentum and blow out the Repubs in the 2nd half; then Coach Cuomo can take the reins in 2016 and continue the great work Obama has started.

  17. Well, I am unabashedly in love with Clint Eastwood and have been since I saw A Fistful of Dollars in 1968. And, he's one of those actors I will watch in ANYTHING. (Kevin Spacey and Michael Caine being another two). So of course I liked the ad.

    But what is so great about the ad to me is its feisty inclusiveness--the message that we're all in this together (because we are) and we will not be daunted (because we won't) and that we will pursue excellence (because we can). I think that's a terrific message for these times.

    And in terms of marketing, let me just say that I've driven a Subaru since 1975 except for a very happy six years in Fairbanks with a Jeep Wagoneer (before Jeep was owned by Chrysler) and a one-night stand (which ended very badly) with a Chevy Malibu and the ad even made me want to take a look at Chrysler cars. No small feat!

  18. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Eastwood has been very vocally anti-Obama in the past, so I doubt this was intentional. Makes it even better, in some ways.

  19. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Eastwood is Republican (as far as I know) - the ad may have been intrepreted in an unexpected way (I'm not sure it was actually meant as a positive progressive message), I doubt he had a change of heart and switched parties - I've seen a few talking heads that say this ad has conservatives hoping Eastwood will run for office.

  20. PurpleAlaska11:40 AM

    He speaks with such a resounding voice of authentic patriotism.

    Yes we can (squared).

    : )

  21. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Oh the GOPers are doing flips to discredit the ad without discrediting the corporation. Really pathetic.

    Karl Rove sees evidence of 'Chicago-style politics' in Chrysler ad

    Notice that if the ad was pro-Obama—something Chrysler denies—Rove is still twisting himself in knots to be sure he doesn't blame its content on Chrysler. No, as a corporation, Chrysler must remain blameless. And Clint Eastwood? He's what passes for a Hollywood Republican, so he's blameless. Instead, Chrysler's advertising featuring Clint Eastwood is somehow a result of the president's "Chicago-style politics." That's the Chicago-style politics of saving America's auto industry and the hundreds of thousands of jobs it provides.

    It's not clear whether Rove is implying that Obama saved Chrysler in 2009 in order to get a 2012 Super Bowl ad that some would interpret as positive about him, or that Obama actually called up Chrysler and demanded the ad, but whatever. We knew Republicans were rooting against the economy improving. But claiming that any implication that Obama's policies have improved the economy is all a nefarious political plot on his part takes the desperation a little far.

  22. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I'm a HUGE Clint Eastwood fan, even though he supported Walnuts in 2008 and was against the GM bailout. Eastwood doesnt strike me as someone who would do something like this "for the money" so I'm guessing, and hoping, he has had a change of heart. either way, that commercial gave me chicken skin! Loved it!

  23. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I was watching the Super Bowl when this commercial came on and it totally captivated me with it's imagery and words. I just assumed that at the end it would say... "Paid for by the Obama 2012 campaign".

    It's these types of success stories that the administration has to advertise to the American people. Obama has been an extremely productive and successful President and I hope his re-election campaign highlights the facts of his Presidency.

  24. Anonymous11:53 AM

    OT Christine O'Donnell's PAC is down to it's last few dollars.

    How will she be able to pay rent on her condo?

    My wish ... SarahPAC runs out of funds also.

  25. Our second half IS about to begin...the second half of Obama's presidency!

  26. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Huh. Wow. I always thought he was a very right wing Republican...did something change?

  27. Wow! Thats a tough act to follow.

  28. Anonymous12:11 PM

    clint doesn't drive a chrysler or support obama

  29. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Here's the CBS interview from last year where Eastwood said he is 'not a fan' of Obama. Unless he's had a serious change of heart, that commercial was probably intended for the other side:

  30. Palin Sux12:27 PM

    O/T for IM posters:

    If you haven't noticed before, take a look at Jesse's list of people popping in-

    you'll often see a WASILLA in da House...

    last two times i jumped on I saw 'em,

    Like Rats! You glimpse it- and they're gone!

    They got their fill with the Palin/Santorum post...they can't be bothered with all these "pesky" issues (i.e. NON-Palin!)

    such moronic losers.

  31. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Are Conservatives More Fearful Than Liberals?

    The GOP seems to understand a psychological phenomenon that researchers are studying: conservatives appear to be motivated by fear in a way that liberals are not.

  32. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I can't stand Rove...

    Rove 'offended' by Eastwood's Super Bowl ad touting Chrysler

  33. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I am a huge New England Patriot fan and was very saddened by their loss. HOWEVER...I have turned lemons into lemonade:

    2008 Giants win over Patriots / Obama wins his first term...
    2012 Giants win over Patriots / Obama wins his second term.

    Will I sacrifice my fav team winning for an Obama betcha!

  34. Anonymous12:36 PM

    O/T - Tea Party ‘Is Dead’: How the Movement Fizzled in 2012’s GOP Primaries

  35. Anonymous12:47 PM

    And this also is driving the Rethugs a little more nutty than usual. They thought they had this one locked up, but not since our Ninja President!

    Poll: By Large Margins, Americans Trust Obama Over Romney To Handle Foreign Affairs And Terrorism

  36. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Ahh, now I see that he identifies with Libertarian. From Huffpo:
    "Clint Eastwood isn't particularly partisan, either -- he identifies as a libertarian. He served as nonpartisan mayor of Carmel, Calif., for two years. He supported Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in the 2008 presidential election but has said he no longer identifies with the GOP and doesn't know who he's voting for in 2012. He has also brushed off critics who read political messages into his films."

  37. WOW! Dirty Harry got down in the dirt and actually made the Repubs MAD! I wonder how many phone calls he's getting from the Turd Blossom and the CockBrothers!!

    O/T..."Crazies4Palin" are reporting that Baldy will be showing her mannish face on Greta "VanCrookedFace" tonight! I hope she got her do' done, took a shower and put on some clean clothes!

  38. Anonymous said...

    clint doesn't drive a chrysler or support obama

    12:11 PM
    Keep telling yourself that troll! LOL!! But wasn't that the BEST commercial.."you can at least admit that"!


  39. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Super duper cool!
    I think it's the President's plan to have the campaign run positive ads like this. It's what will draw a clear line between the D's and the R's. The majority don't want the doomsday BS the R's always try to sell. The R's are past their sell by date! And until the R's can remake themselves into a party that has something positive to offer this country, my passionate hope is, the R's will be permanently be in the minority trash bin where they belong.


  40. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The pro-union labor posters were photoshopped out of the picture.

  41. Anonymous1:34 PM

    For those who were unable to see the Eastwood ad, here is a good link to it.

  42. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Love Clint. I'm surprised by this because I thought he was a self-proclaimed republican.

    Nice to know that even older curmudgeons can open their minds.

  43. Speaking of cars and Clint Eastwood, the film, Gran Torino, is one of my all-time favorite films! It's about the redemption of a Teabagger. Here's the trailer:

    I LOVE Clint and I LOVE our President. This commercial was a match made in Heaven. Thanks for posting, Gryphen!

    Peace, all. OBAMA landslide!!

  44. Anonymous2:02 PM

    The Ad Team Behind That Chrysler Clint Eastwood Super Bowl Ad

    The team behind both ads is Wieden + Kennedy, based out of Portland, Oregon. And they have a strong track record of creating inspiring advertising with communal messaging that even if it’s not specifically progressive, feels resonant with progressive values.

  45. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "The GOP seems to understand a psychological phenomenon that researchers are studying: conservatives appear to be motivated by fear in a way that liberals are not."

    It depends on the issue.

    This is why Santorum can say something about abortion causing breast cancer and his buddies in lockstep shudder, when the liberals are going, "WTF?!! That's not true!"

    Liberals are concerned with global warming, so they want
    to cut back while looking for other methods, while conservatives poo-poo it.

    I think it depends on who's issue it is, really.

  46. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Eastwood, for his part, told Fox News producer Ron Mitchell, "There is no spin in that ad. On this I am certain. l am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama. It was meant to be a message about just about job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it. I thought the spirit was OK."

    Sorry Obamabots

  47. Anonymous2:28 PM

    10:14 And, just think of the millions that saw it!!! Yea! And, thank you Clint Eastwood - you have always been one of my favored movie stars.

  48. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Clint Eastwood: ‘I’m Not Politically Affiliated With Obama’, If He Wants To ‘Run With The Spirit Of That Ad, Go For It’

    “It was meant to be a message about just about job growth and the spirit of America,” Eastwood added. “I think all politicians will agree with it.”

    Eastwood reiterated that he’s “not supporting any politician at this time” and added that “if any Obama or any other politician wants to run with the spirit of that ad, go for it.”

  49. Loved it the first five times I saw it and loved it even more when I heard it pissed off Karl Rove.

    Annoy a neo-con: talk of progress, equality and peace while speaking like a rational human being.

  50. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I've only had Subarus since my parents purchased my first car for my 16th birthday. I am happy that an American car company has survived, albeit at the grace of big government intervening on their behalf. Sube's are American too, they just benefit from foreign engineering that allows us to NOT have to purchase a new car every 3 years.

    Gryphen, I can't believe that you weren't highlighting those crazy truck commercials that referenced the Apocalypse. Can you write about those so that we can all argue about religion again?

    Clint, the Republican, did an accidental commercial for Obama. Go ahead Clint, you "Made My Day"!

  51. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Anon at 11:02 - You do understand the 'bailouts' were loans. You probably already know too that nearly all the auto money has been paid back with some interest. It wasn't merely a few jobs that were saved, it was thousands. It's not just the cars being made, it's all the parts and accessory manufacturers and vendors all around the country who would be out of luck too.

  52. lostinmn2:47 PM

    The thing about Clint is that whatever his politics he represents a lot of American's thinking. Let's quit the BS going on in Congress and come together as people, citizens. It's crazy how far to the right the GOP has gone

  53. Otto Katz2:48 PM

    10:47 AM It wasn"t Madonna, it was one of the younger rappers.

  54. lostinmn2:51 PM

    Just for the record. Not all Republicans are right wing neo-con douchebags. Many of them are very intelligent, thoughtful people whose conservative values lie in areas other than controlling women's bodies, killing off or "rescuing" gays and other countless social issues the current crop of Rethugs pander to.

  55. Anonymous2:51 PM

    O/T but watch the C4P eat up their own in regards to a posting on Glen Beck's Blaze Blog re: Sarah Palin making the Bella Santorum's difficulties all about herself. I love to watch to P'rs get pissed!

  56. O/T -- But love this.

    Romney apparently cut loose the man who whipped his debate skills (for Florida debates) into shape out of fear that he was being overshadowed. Michelle Cottle on how ego trumped strategy.

    A winner surrounds himself with great people, doesn't fire them. But then we know what R. likes to do.

  57. Anonymous said...

    Eastwood, for his part, told Fox News producer Ron Mitchell, "There is no spin in that ad. On this I am certain. l am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama. It was meant to be a message about just about job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it. I thought the spirit was OK."

    Sorry Obamabots

    2:22 PM

    Eastwood's message is the same as the Democrats..."job growth and the spirit of America". The Repub message is "Fear and Loathing" of all minorities, gays, and women!

    You represent them very well! Congrats!

    You need to head back to "Crazies4Palin"...and get ready to see old ass Ex-Gov Baldy on Greta "VanCrookedFace" tonight!

    But try not to get too excited...since Baldy is just continuing her "Nervous Breakdown" tour! I'm sure she'll be in full word salad mode!

    FYI...her next "show" is on Sat. at CPAC...get there early or you'll miss the fireworks troll!

  58. As Clint Eastwood says:

    "It was meant to be a message about just about job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it. I thought the spirit was OK."

    Exactly. Who can disagree with the spirit of this ad?

    Isn't this what we want to work for and the spirit of tenacity and determination with which we want to work?

    And why do the Republicans oppose anything that would benefit our country and its citizens?

    The motto of the so-called Conservatives seems to be, "I've got mine [whether wealth or virtually nothing or something in between] and the rest of you can go to hell."

    Jesus wept, indeed.

  59. Anonymous3:18 PM

    As I watched the ad, my first thought was, "Oh, man, the liberals will see that as a pro-Obama 2nd term promotion.

    While the rightwingers will interpret it as saying that we are due for a "brand new" (like the old Bush regime) "second half" with someone different."

    But it was WAY too positive sounding, for the negative Republican minds, they are whining about it not being fair.

    How pathetic. And how sad that anything that smacks of how the American people are strong and able to bounce back from the BUSHWHACKING they took before, does not inspire them, but angers them.

  60. Anonymous3:35 PM

    If President Obama wins re-election, he'll point to the last couple of weeks as a turning point. He's sharpened his economic message, emphasized fairness for the middle class, and most importantly, he's benefited from an economy that's showing some signs of improvement.

    But the most underplayed development are signs that the president's approval rating is ticking upwards with the group most resistant to him, non-college educated, working-class whites. Over the last week, several surveys have suggested that Obama is gaining some ground with this group, in both national and statewide polling. If these gains stick, it's something that should be very concerning to the Romney campaign, which is dependent on winning overwhelming support from blue-collar white voters as part of a winning GOP coalition.

  61. I fixed the video,

    It should play now.

  62. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Keeping drinking the koolaid everyone! Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, it is obvious that Obama is an immense failure as a leader!

  63. The highly negative reaction of the Republicans may push Clint closer to the left since he says he no longer identifies with the GOP these days anyway. I imagine he was fairly disgusted by the criticism. Amazing how these right wingers manage to put their hooves in their mouths on a regular basis of late. Self destruct much?

  64. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Love Clint Eastwood! Love the ad!

  65. hauksdottir10:04 PM

    Eastwood has always been a traditional conservative Republican, but careful not to let politics get in the way of his movies and any greater message. We are supposed to see the character and not the actor. He's a professional. I can respect that, and him.

    Like we Democrats, he has seen his party slide past him into unrecognizability.

    Nancy Pelosi (icon of the Democratic Party and its base) is backing Komen... Brinker, Handel, Fleischer, and all their scurrilous little operatives... instead of backing women's health and poor families. Obama failed to support the unionized workers in Wisconsin and he broke his oath to uphold the Constitution. Reid? The less said, the better.

    None of the party "leaders" are going to do a thing for the 99% except ask for our money and our labor to keep them in power. We need to dedicate that time and money and energy into improving the world around us. The same American spirit that prevailed in the days of quilting bees and barn-raising and bringing in the crops can still be called up for the sake of our communities.

  66. Anonymous4:05 AM

    "The Second Half" of a 2-term presidency is the clear message here, intended or not. That's what scares Turdblossom and his ilk, no doubt, and makes them run to the crapper with fear and loathing.

  67. "acted as one." OMG Clint Eastwood is a socialist.


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