Saturday, February 11, 2012

Did Obama just punk the GOP over the contraception kerfuffle? I think he might have!

Courtesy of Slate:

After two solid weeks of Republicans rapidly escalating attacks on contraception access under the banner of "religous freedom," Obama finally announced what the White House is proposing an accomodation of religiously affiliated employers who don't want to offer birth control coverage as part of their insurance plans. In those situations, the insurance companies will have to reach out directly to employees and offer contraception coverage for free, without going through the employer. Insurance companies are down with the plan, because as Matt Yglesias explained at Moneybox, contraception actually saves insurance companies money, since it's cheaper than abortion and far cheaper than childbirth. Because the insurance companies have to reach out to employees directly, there's very little danger of women not getting coverage because they are unaware they're eligible. 

That's the nitty-gritty. The fun part of this is that Obama just pulled a fast one on Republicans. He drew this out for two weeks, letting Republicans work themselves into a frenzy of anti-contraception rhetoric, all thinly disguised as concern for religious liberty, and then created a compromise that addressed their purported concerns but without actually reducing women's access to contraception, which is what this has always been about. (As Dana Goldstein reported in 2010, before the religious liberty gambit was brought up, the Catholic bishops were just demanding that women be denied access and told to abstain from sex instead.) With the fig leaf of religious liberty removed, Republicans are in a bad situation. They can either drop this and slink away knowing they've been punked, or they can double down. But in order to do so, they'll have to be more blatantly anti-contraception, a politically toxic move in a country where 99% of women have used contraception.

Holy crap! Is Obama really this many moves ahead of the Republicans?

Well you know which graphic I have to use now don't you?

Yep, that's the one.

Man no wonder the Republicans hate this guy so much!


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Saw yesterday
    "the boner" says he will reject it.
    If people can't see which way this clown car is drivin'....?

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    This is not about employees being unhappy about paying for birth control. The more certain elements of this country show they are against contraception completely and not just for them but for others, the more they will look irrational to the rest of America...especially when those elements claim they want to reduce or outlaw abortion.

  3. sharon28536:30 AM

    for gods sake! What year is this?

    freaking retards - stay out of my bedroom you morons!

  4. Anonymous6:36 AM

    " ..especially when those elements claim they want to reduce or outlaw abortion."
    6:19 AM
    I think, these idiots believe Birth control is ABORTION!?! They ARE THAT stupid!

  5. angela6:40 AM

    Yes, I believe he did punk them.

    Now John Boehner has to come right out and tell the majority of the population (women) none of this has been about religion. Its always been about trying to control women's bodies.

  6. Anonymous6:53 AM

    A win for women, and for Obama

    ...Obama wasn't boxed in. Not at all. But now the Bishops are. So far, they have been silent after thunderously declaring that nothing short of total repeal of the mandate would suit them. And as they lost the healthcare reform battle, they are going to lose this one, too. Because they are wrong and their time is past. And by their silence, I think they are telling us all that they realize they've been had.

  7. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Most of the media is busy spinning this as the President "backing down" at the "furor" of Catholic bishops and Republican reactionaries who announced their intention to fight women's health care tooth and nail, but this decision - which, may I dare surmise was thought of beforehand and held in close confidence within the administration - achieves two exceedingly brilliant goals for President Obama.

    The first, of course, is to protect women's access to birth control under the Affordable Care Act. The president and his administration was always ready to do whatever it took to do that.

    But the second is why you do not pick a political fight with Barack Obama. He has pacified any "religious liberties" concern while drawing an even clearer contrast between his agenda and that of the extreme social reactionaries on the Right who now control the Republican party.

  8. Anonymous6:57 AM

    And how did the GOP presidential contenders handle the news? Just as you would expect. They ignored it and continued to rant and rage about the Administration’s attack on religious liberties.

    And how do the Catholics feel about this? Well according to a Fox (yep, that Fox) national poll as well as The Public Religion Research Institute poll, the majority of those polled (even more Catholics than non-Catholics) support the mandate and approve of contraception being provided under health plans.

    By a 61-34 percent margin, those surveyed this week approve of the Obama administration requiring all employee health plans to provide birth control coverage as part of health care for women.

    And where will this end? This author predicts that it is over. The Bishops and the GOP will continue to rant and rage but whatever ammunition they may have had, no longer exists; and any further fight will only drive a further wedge between the GOP and the people they pretend to represent.

  9. WakeUpAmerica6:57 AM

    And it begs to be asked, "How is the rhythm method not a form of contraception?" Frickin' hypocrites. The sanctomonius dumbshits also totally ignore the fact that birth control pills are OFTEN used for other medical reasons such as to control endometriosis which can cause infertility or to control the growth of ovarian cysts which can cause a variety of problems, some life-threatening. Assholes.

  10. Anonymous7:02 AM

    If these Repugs try to steal this election I truly believe we will have rioting in the streets and civil unrest. I know I will be spitting mad if there is any question about voting!!!

  11. Anonymous7:03 AM

    All the GOP presidential candidates will be expected to double down in opposition to Obama’s new policy. Yet multiple recent polls have shown Obama opening up a sizable lead against Romney among women. What kind of impact do you think GOP opposition to free contraception for female employees of these institutions will have on that gender gap?

    By the way, a new poll came out just today illustrating how perilous this position may be among Americans overall. It found that a big majority, 61 percent, approve of “requiring employer health plans to cover birth control for women.” Only 34 percent disapproved. Independents approve 58-34; women, 67-29. Republicans, conservatives, and Tea Partyers all oppose it.

    The polling organization that published these findings? Fox News.

  12. Anonymous7:06 AM

    LOL I must say, our President has done a terrific job of encouraging the Republicans to makes complete asses of themselves! I can't wait to see what happens in Nov, I suspect the Republicants are going to be VERY unhappy...

  13. grammy977:09 AM

    The graphic is terrific!

  14. Anonymous7:13 AM

    How you know Obama is winning

  15. Anonymous7:14 AM

    How ironic...he gives them enough rope, and then they hang themselves.

    I love the brilliance of our Ninja President!

  16. Anonymous7:20 AM

    WakeUpAmerica said...

    And it begs to be asked, "How is the rhythm method not a form of contraception?"

    The "rhythm method" is how I ended up with child number 3 and not being able to pay for birth control pills because I hadn't started working yet is how I ended up with child number the time I had child number 4 I had health insurance and so 8 weeks after giving birth to child 4 I got a tubal ligation.

    I was 37 and husband and I had been married 13 years. Yes, it would have been easier if husband had the vasectomy but he didn't. I didn't want any more children so I had to take care of it.

    This birth control debate would be a lot different if men had to have a finger stuck up their butt before getting viagra and were told to get a vasectomy if they complain about paying child support!

  17. I agree, Obama knew exactly what he was doing. He is always the smartest guy in the room even if some liberals doubt his dedication to their causes. He has the dedication -- and the smarts to realize he has to get things accomplished within the system and in the situation in which he is governing.

  18. Anonymous7:20 AM

    What year is it?

  19. Anonymous7:31 AM

    From EJ Dionne's column: "It should be said that a compromise along the lines outlined today had been suggested months ago by Melissa Rogers, the former chairman of the White House Council on Faith-Based and neighborhood Partnerships."

    I think the President is working on far more important stuff, so I don't think this is a pre-meditated punking. I think GOPers are always quick to jump on anything they think can make the Administration look like secular Socialist baby killers. In this case the President's reasoned compromise (a foreign concept to Tea Baggers)allowed them to punk themselves. I'm not surprised they are doubling down. It's what willfully ignorant people do.

  20. Anonymous7:31 AM

    O/T - Weather is lousy in the DC area today. Heh, heh.

  21. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Yes he did punk them.

    But what a ridiculous topic: are we in the 1960s? Weren't we talking about restoring taxes on the 1% when this feeding frenzy happened? Dare we think it might have been ze leetle DISTRACTION?

    Yes, anon7:02, I too am expecting voter fraud, of the Diebold software persuasion. It's the only way for Rs to prevail. And I too am ready to go to the streets at my first whiff of it.

  22. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Let's Do It Again (Obama 2012) - Teens in Orlando Making a Difference!!!

  23. Registered Republican since 19807:52 AM

    You liberals (Iḿ a social liberal, btw, and proud of it) will rain calumny upon my head for saying this, but what the hell:

    President Obama and former President Reagan have one very large intangible in common: They make Americans proud to be Americans.

    And Michelle Obama is charming in a way that Nancy Reagan could only dream of being. Why? Because Michelle is strong.

  24. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I don't usually give Obama credit for being a three-dimensional chess player. I think he's just an appeaser who wants everyone to get along, and by "everyone" I mean he wants to make Republicans happy. Because if appeasing them means pissing off (and even blatantly insulting) his own base while making an ever more futile attempt of "reaching across the aisle," then he still won't hesitate to do that.

    I mean, just look at how Obama threw his own long-time minister - even his own grandmother - under the bus four years ago. (Don't worry, I know you of the "I love MyPresident" crowd, AKA the Obama version of Peebots, won't look at that, LOL.)

    This contraceptive coverage issue does seem to be different, though -- but seems so entirely out of character for the back-down Obama I have come to expect, that it's very hard for me to feel confident that it's the GOP he punked for once.

    I hope it is. The only thing that gives me hope, given Obama's past appeasement actions, is that it's an election year and even he realizes that he needs pro-contraceptive women to get elected more than he needs anti-birth-control Republicans who wouldn't vote for Obama even if he told insurers to charge women double for contraception,

  25. Scuse me, Gryph, but isn't Obama just about to lose his queen in that graphic?

    anyway,I like the story!

  26. Anonymous8:00 AM

    The GOP may have just poked a hornets nest. They are beginning to sound uncomfortably close to the extremist Muslims they love to hate.

  27. Anonymous8:01 AM

    There was a tweet somewhere that said:

    "If altar boys could get pregnant, the Catholic Church would have allowed contraception a long time ago."

    Kinda says it all, doesn't it ?

  28. What's even more fun, that he pulled the rug out from under the "keynote" speaker for CPAC today. Now she doesn't have that issue to whine about during her speech.

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..breathe, breathe..
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  29. Yes, true to form, the Catholic Church upholds a priest's right to pedophilia but not a woman's right to birth control.

    I was indoctrinated into the Catholic Church mythology from an early age but I escaped when I realized that the Church was misogynistic. The final insult was when my sister-in-law was "churched" after giving birth. This was a rite where the "woman who sinned" was welcomed back into the church. (The man got a free pass.) Although this practice is no longer carried on, the fact that it ever existed is a disgrace. That, and the no birth control edict that caused great consternation in my family every time my aunt announced a pregnancy. Family had to go into "what if" mode because she practically died every time she gave birth. Ten times. Good Catholics that they were.

    No one I know who still follows the Catholic faith pays any mind to the Church's stand on birth control. They can't afford to.

  30. Anonymous8:31 AM

    If Obama wants to be a hero to Alaskans, he would get Piper neutered before she starts her own junior high wolf pack and might as well get the rest of them fixed to control their over breeding habits.

  31. My perception is the president delivered a win win proposal. This proposal respects the church's position, affords their integrity of religious convictions, gives employees the personal and private option to access birth control, and respects legal decisions women have access and choice.

    Each person gets what is important to them. I describe this as wisdom, consideration of all involved amd respect to individual groups. No one "wims" at the expemse of others.

  32. Anonymous8:35 AM

    sharon2853 said...

    for gods sake! What year is this?

    freaking retards - stay out of my bedroom you morons!

    6:30 AM

    Yeh and stay out of my sister's Alaska dorm room while I'm entertaining out of state guests!

    I meant to say interviewing out of state black ballers... Well you know I mean.

  33. Hedgewytch8:36 AM

    Oh yeah he punked 'em! Saw it from the start. If the Catholics had thought about it they would have seen that under the 1st proposal they would have been able to just not tell their employees about their health care options, now the insurance companies will sidestep the gatekeepers for the employees of the institutions and they can't do anything about it! Oops!

    LOL, bunch of schmos! Obama 2012!

  34. Anonymous8:38 AM

    This was a great idea to get around the religious objection of birth control no matter what the real reason was for coming up with the idea. Once again, it is solely up to the women, and not some other group, to practice birth control. Women should have complete control of their own bodies without the say of outside religious groups or government. As a male, I am completely dumb founded by anyone today thinking they can dictate what a women does with her body.

  35. Anonymous8:38 AM

    The GOP's culture wars are finally backfiring on their silly asses. They've had their way with the American public so long that it must be a shock to them that most Americans see right through their faux outrage and stupid propaganda these days. The modern GOP bought and paid for all the scorn heaped on their pointy little heads (and pinched souls).

  36. Olivia8:39 AM

    WakeUpAmerica... the distinction is artificial birth control vs natural birth control. I just wonder why there isn't a big fuss over Viagra being covered. Well, I guess I know. If there was a Viagra for women, they would be all over it.

  37. Yes, once again, President Obama punked the gopers.

    BTW, Gryphen, I think it's hilarious that Frothy's campaign is wasting money advertising on your site.

  38. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Love. This. Man.

    He's got this.

  39. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Instead of there being millions of dead babies (fetuses) because of abortions, in fact there are probably trillions in all modern advanced countries of the world.

    Consider that every time a woman uses a birth control pill she is taking part in an abortion of an unborn fetus. (baby)

    This controversy has awakened people to the horrible, horrible facts. Birth control must stop!!

    And perhaps worse than that, if anything could be worse, every time a man uses a condom to prevent a pregnancy, he is unwittingly aiding and abetting the abortion cause. It must also stop. Right?

  40. Anonymous8:45 AM

    When the sky fairy believers start to run the politics of the nation you should know that your country has truly been hijacked by the republicans. Congratulations on letting them get a foot in the door!
    Luv from Canada.

  41. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I just typed the same thing over at HP. I listened to his press conference yesterday and said, nothing has really changed, he is just making it look like it has--brilliant. Love this man. He has duped these GOP jerks a few times now and they don't even know it. That is the best part, although very, very scary, that they are sooooo stupid and are in charge of parts of our government. Kill them with Kindness. I wonder if he giggles to himself as he plans the ambush?

  42. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I listened to Limbaugh on the radio this a.m. and he thinks Obama pulled a fast one on the Republicans too. He also indicated that President Obama was providing free contraception as well as free abortions...the later not being true, of course, of course.

    Having the Republicans try to control women's rights and their vaginas is going to get the vote out for sure and President Obama will be re elected.

    Santorum doesn't think sex should be done for enjoyment and questions women's emotions! He is friggin' amazing that guy!!!

  43. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The truth is, this wedge that has been driven in by the republicans will cause a few catholics to leave the president. Bit by bit the religious right chips away at the people's choice. They are smart.

    This is as sad as the health care issue. Obama has given the nation a health care plan that benefits the huge majority of Americans and the republicans have turned it into something bad. Their success in doing this is in large part because the people have been indoctrinated into constitution and flagwaving to the point of believing the republicans.
    Pity America!
    Pity Americans!
    And you have it coming because you can only blame yourselves.
    Happy bandruptcy!
    Buy your tent now!
    Or get together and smarten up and take your country back.

  44. Anonymous8:55 AM

    And Another thing....... I am so FUCKING sick of the Catholic Church dictating what should happen in this world. Have they not messed up enough? Just because they want to live in the middle ages, doesn't mean the rest of the world does. Hello???? Look how long it took them to agree the world was flat. There should be a DSMII diagnosis for some of the beliefs of this Church as many of them are not based in reality.

  45. Wow!

    Isn't it great how this news came just in time to take the wind out of $arah's $peechy $creechy $ails?


    (i hope we see video of her screeching about Obama's oppression of religious rights whilst everyone in the audience is holding a newspaper with headlines about the brilliant compromise)

  46. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Boehner will reject it? Sure he will! 10% approve of the United States Congress in the last poll published!!! Worst rating in history (since they've been keeping track). Vote those fat ass Republicans out of Congress - they are a disgrace to America and the world. I cannot believe some of them were ever elected...look at Perry in TX as an example. I suspect he'll not be re elected because of being the idiot he showed himself to be on the national scene. Comparative to Palin and look how she has FINALLY been fading from the public eye. FOX is the only network that covers her and her showings are horrid. She'd get no where in Alaska if she tried to run for anything.

  47. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Yes, anon7:02, I too am expecting voter fraud, of the Diebold software persuasion. It's the only way for Rs to prevail. And I too am ready to go to the streets at my first whiff of it.

    7:47 AM

    Then get out there. The voter ID disenfranschisement has already started.

  48. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Troll in aisle 7:55.

  49. Sally in MI9:30 AM

    I am just beginning to see how easily Bush was manipulated by the GOP power brokers, and how well Obama is fighting them. It is really thrilling to watch.

  50. "Sealed documents filed in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee bankruptcy identify at least 8,000 instances of child sexual abuse and 100 alleged offenders - 75 of them priests - who have not previously been named by the archdiocese, a victims' attorney said Thursday."

  51. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I hope large families won't be harassed and that those wanting large families won't get letters and repeated phone calls to please take the birth control.

  52. Marleycat9:40 AM

    OT - Not all Baby Boomers have drunk the Kool-Ade!
    This has been around, but still inspiring!

  53. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Troll in aisle 7:55.

    9:22 AM

    Go fuck yourself. I'm NOT a troll. I've been voting for Democrats since I cast my first vote for George McGovern. I'm as liberal and progressive as they come. For that reason, and because I pay attention to what he does and says rather than just blindly worship him, I'm NOT an Obama fan.

    I voted for Obama in 2008 with some enthusiasm, and I realize I have to vote for him again, but I consider him a major disappointment so it won't be with much enthusiasm this time.

    If you don't think it's possible to be less than enchanted with Obama and still not be a troll, maybe you should drag your besotted gaze away from your wall of Obama pin-ups and get out more.

  54. Anonymous9:41 AM


  55. Anonymous9:43 AM

    There was a tweet somewhere that said:

    "If altar boys could get pregnant, the Catholic Church would have allowed contraception a long time ago."

    Kinda says it all, doesn't it ?
    I prefer: If altar boys got pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament!

  56. Anonymous9:44 AM

    So, from what I can gather, Santorum and the rest of the Christian Gestapo see contraception as preemptive abortion and by extension, an attack on religious freedom.

    Fucking idiotic, and beyond this, as strong a case for contraception advocacy as one can imagine.

  57. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I'm sick of religion being forced down our throats...was raised Catholic and forced to attend by parents...couldn't get away from 'it' and them fast enough and did once out of high school and on my own.

    I watch these people that say they are 'christians' or 'of faith' and they do nothing but act 'unchristian'. So many are unethical! Take Jerry Prevo, the leader of a Baptish group in Anchorage, AK. Look at Sarah Palin - says she is a 'christian' and hardly acts like one - proven liar, affairs, poor parenting, nasty mouth, etc.

    The United States majority of 'christians' is dropping in numbers and it doesn't surprise me one bit!

  58. Punked, for sure!! That's MY President! Obi Wan Kenobi vs Screech (literally) from Saved By the Bell. And "Agent Orange," as I call Boehner, can cry all he wants, but America will not stand for his 12th century politics. Why not just restore "Scarlet Letters" (sorry Calista), "the Rack," and "blood-letting?" Go back to the days when the "church" ran the lives of the "flock." I say, flock them!

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November. Landslide!!

  59. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Gryphen-- can you please do a post for the trolls who come around about how BCP's work? These are the same people who think vaccinations cause autism.

  60. Anonymous9:53 AM

    totally off subject but,, ADN says palin keynote speaker? Puhlease, last day,, next to last is not keynote, more like afterthought

  61. Anonymous10:03 AM

    In response to Anon 8:00am:

    I have thought for some time that there is no real difference between Republican or Right Wing Christian "Values" and the Sharia Law they hate so much.

    I just figured their opposition to Sharia Law was based on the "not invented here" syndrome :-)

  62. Marleycat10:13 AM

    Gotta say this - this is absolutely delicious, but I hear tell Sarah Palin doesn't yet understand that President Obama just stuck it to them and gave it the old twist!

    She's still swiveling that ginormous empty head back and forth, up and down - saying "Huh, what, whaddup, duh! Does this mean my speech writer needs to write me some new big words? What should I tell her to write? Oh, you think you should do it for me so I won't have to worry my pretty little big empty head trying to understand what just happened? Thank you, thank you, Thank-you Piper Diaper! You're just so smart, must be that one little book I read you way back 5 years ago! Tell you the truth, I'm kinda glad, cause I'm damn sick of Bristol popping out baby after baby, and now Track, and Willow! Whew! Don't you fret Piper, I know you want to start a procreatin', too, but wait at least two more years, at least 'til you gradgeate 8th grade! Guess I'm going to have tell the truth to all you kids that just sayin' NO is not a proven scientific birth control method. I just hope Bristol, Track, and Willow haven't missed so much education that they're too stupid to learn new things!"


    Baldy giving her speech at the Luncheon today....

    Beefy at her book signing...!/kyleraccio/status/168367309663113216/photo/1

  64. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I'm wondering who drew that picture because it kind of looks like the opposite of what you're trying to convey. Obama looks to be moving his king when his queen is about to be snatched by a lowly pawn. He could put the other king in check but would then have to chance that the other players (GOP) don't trade their queen for his two moves later....anyhow, Obama just played chess way better than this picture shows it. He's still my man!!

  65. I, too, was pleased by the way PO handled the contraception issue in a way that preserved access - and especially pleased to see the Bishops silenced for a while. I've seen that some Dems complained at how the press conference was handled - giving them only a few minutes notice, and I'm amazed at the silence about the obvious reason for the timing of the press conference. It was held (and I presume hurriedly scheduled) right after news broke out of Milwaukee about 8,000 more instances of sexual abuse by at least 100 Catholic clergy which had not been reported to authorities by the Catholic power structure. (I know - what's the big deal - that's only eighty apiece.) What better time to deliver the contraception work-around to the Bishops than while there own house had just been set ablaze by sunlight - again.

    So what did Obama do on Friday afternoon after finally giving Progressives something to cling to - seems he was busy punking Progressives by calling for more corporate tax cuts.

    Oh, wait - was that another of those impenetrably brilliant 3-D chess moves masked in a clever disguise and wrapped in an enigma so he'd just appear to be another corporate whore politician peddling his ass - and Progressive principles - for campaign contributions? Wow - a clever man indeed.

  66. Anonymous11:50 AM

    So what if Obama is a chess master? That is what makes Sarah Palin so great. She doesn't have time for games. She cannot even play chess anyway. Checkers is her game. But she doesn't even play that anymore. Mostly because people get tired of her cheating.

    But that is the kind of person she is. Sacrificing her love of checkers for the good of the country.

  67. Anonymous12:04 PM

    LOL..SMH.. After President Obama sang his one bar... Romney like a dumb ass tried to show himself singing... Romney is the 2012 Wrong Way Feldman from Gilligan's Island.

  68. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I still believe President Obama is playing 3D chess while the R's are setting up their checkers board.

  69. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Excerpts from Anon. @ 8:44:
    ". . . Consider that every time a woman uses a birth control pill she is taking part in an abortion of an unborn fetus. (baby): and ". . . And perhaps worse than that, if anything could be worse, every time a man uses a condom to prevent a pregnancy, he is unwittingly aiding and abetting the abortion cause. It must also stop. Right?"
    Riiiiiiiiiiight -- and even worse - how about every time these men masturbate (some, several times a day¿ ¿) --Just imagine how far he/they are 'aiding and abetting' the abortion cause.

    Let's also, put a STOP to that!! RIGHT?

  70. Marleycat12:11 PM

    Re: sealed records of cases of sex abuse and the offenders in the Catholic Churches of Milwaukee _ disgusting!

    But, here's some more disturbing news of Church sexual abuse coverups -

    According to what I read about the problem with faith-based or powerful community organizations (Penn State)cover-ups about child sexual abuse and protecting pedophile members/leaders - this is standard practice!

    I was appalled to read about the Mormon Church's relatively recent intimate association with the Boy Scouts of America (apparently they weren't interested in the Girl Scouts part of the organization) where this association was described as more of a "takeover" of BSA.

    It's one of the reason's BSA has been so anti-gay, not really "progressing" with the times. The other revealing thing I learned is, yep, you guessed it - apparently they had a list of 1500 pedophile members accused of sexually abusing young boys who, I'm pretty sure, were still active,or had "relocated", or had their crimes hidden from the families participating in BSA, but also - law enforcement!

    Do the conservative evangelicals hate women and children - ya betcha! There's an all out assault going on against the Constitution, American citizens, and most particularly vicious against women and children!

    The Fundie Religious extremists, GOP, Teabaggers - their mantra is "go ahead and F**k women and children, we don't care! I don't have the links about Mormon/BSA - but go ahead and Google it, you will be shocked. If you have a little boy, and the Mormons and BSA come knockin' - ask 'em if they've cleared up that list yet.

    Nothing's free - I guess, easier to recruit families through innocent little boys than recruit with the truth. Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know that the BSA is basically an offshoot of the Mormon Church! Like Billy Graham's "care" packages filled with toxic dollar store trinkets from China for Haitians devastated by the hurricane, religious BS!

  71. Marleycat12:34 PM

    I wish Phil Munger would stay on his own blog. We already know and understand how insulted he is that we have a Black President who's so fcking uppity he operates within the political landscape handed to him by the likes of Phil and the Firebaggers.

    Instead of posting comments here, he should instead do a Palin and make up a bunch of monikers and post to his own blog - cause there ain't NO Comments over there for his Blog!

  72. Anonymous2:08 PM

    @sharon2853, some birth control IS abortion. It either expels a fertilized egg (which is 'a life) according to the anti-abortionists) or it prevents the fertilized egg from implanting to the uterine walls. Just a fact, one which I disagree with because IMO the initial premise (that a mere fertilized egg constitutes life) is wrong. However, very few contraceptive drugs work this way yeah, that whole argument is nothing more than a manipulative red herring.

  73. @7.55am

    Piss off somewhere else to complain about the President - and his name is President Obama - use it when you refer to him.

  74. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Just think: 8,000 cases of pedophilia in the Milwaukee diocese THAT WE KNOW OF, so far, and that is only one of thousands of dioceses. Yes, for sure, the Catholic hierarchy had to quick, change the subject and deflect onto contraception. They knew this news was about to come out, and they wanted to upstage it. No one's talking about the Milwaukee diocese very much much these days, are they? Including the usuals, such as Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Coulter, Malkin, etc. Children, like women, are dirt to them, unfortunately. They never stand up to defend them when they have been terribly wronged, and instead go rabidly after those who would protect them (women and children). Pro life, my foot.

    So yes, if altar boys could get pregnant by Catholic priests, then abortion would be a sacred rite.

  75. I've been telling people this for years now. If you underestimate someone who has successfully negotiated Illinois, and especially Chicago, politics you will suffer the consequences. Plus, he sings well, and other stuff.

  76. Anita Winecooler6:03 PM

    Ding Ding Ding!

    Anonymous said...
    Instead of there being millions of dead babies (fetuses) because of abortions, in fact there are probably trillions in all modern advanced countries of the world.

    Consider that every time a woman uses a birth control pill she is taking part in an abortion of an unborn fetus. (baby)

    This controversy has awakened people to the horrible, horrible facts. Birth control must stop!!

    And perhaps worse than that, if anything could be worse, every time a man uses a condom to prevent a pregnancy, he is unwittingly aiding and abetting the abortion cause. It must also stop. Right?

    8:44 AM

    Wrong. Wrong, Wrong

    Or, in DOS terms

    Abort, Retry, Fail.

    No man has any right whatsoever to make a woman's reproductive choice for her.

    As someone else mentioned, when a man masturbates, or has a nocturnal emission, is he aiding and abetting abortion of millions of sperm (babies, as you call them).

    If a woman miscarries, what is she guilty of and did the man aid and abet it's failure to thrive?
    Why are Viagra and Penile pumps/inplants covered by insurance with no comment nor outrage from the Religious Community?
    Read any biology book, and you'll understand that the feti you're advocating for cannot thrive outside the uterus.

    Contraceptives are not Abortions.

    Stay out of my uterus and I'll stay off your weenie, Deal?

  77. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

    Yes, Gryphen, Our President punked them big time. The Catholic Bishops (who shuffle pedophile priests from parish to parish and state to state) and the GOP.
    And, as usual, his timing was impeccable.

  78. Gasman7:45 PM

    No, the GOP hates the president because he's black. Period. That he is infinitely cooler and more effective than they are is just another couple of turds on their shit sandwich.

  79. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Catholic churches are still opposing it! They want to impose their religious doctrine onto the public.

    too bad, they don't feel the same way about the morality of males using their roles of the moral models molesting and raping children. Too bad they don't start with the man in the mirror rather than sneeking a peak into everybody else's beds.

  80. Anonymous3:44 AM

    It's easy to punk Rethuglicans because they are so predictable and desperate to exploit any "wedge" issue focused on a woman's v-jay.
    Obama walked them right in to this one.

    Rethuglicans had better watch out what they do next because as evidenced by the hordes of angry chicks concerning Susan G Komen's Race for The Caviar & Limo, they're getting perilously close to really pissing us off in the same ways.


  81. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Strange how people were concern about the effects of President Kennedy's Catholic religion would have on his running the country -- now it seems that people are concern about not including the Catholic religion as creating our laws.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.