Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Either Mitt Romney cannot spell, or he just suffered a moment of unfettered honesty. Update!

"Excuse me Mr. Romney? I have a Dr. Freud holding on line two for you."

Update: Apparently this picture was photoshopped by somebody on Democratic underground. Which I just found out about today.  However I was not the only one fooled:

Influential conservative blogger Erick Erickson of Red State retweeted a link of the picture that said, “why oh why did Mitt Romney pose for this picture.” 

Shortly after, Erickson tweeted: 

“The Romney photo was photo-shopped but it speaks volumes that so many on the right weren’t surprised assuming it was real.”

Okay, I'm sorry, but somehow that makes this whole thing even funnier.


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Finally, I can believe something Romney says.

    Thanks, G for yet another spew-worthy moment to start my day

  2. Anonymous3:10 AM

    It's shopped, but even so it is funny.

  3. Suspect this was photoshopped, but we can dream. :)

  4. It's "signed" democraticunderground.com

    But it's was too tempting not to do.

  5. http://www.democraticunderground.com/1002277743

    Fake Romney picture circulates on Twitter
    A potentially embarrassing but fake picture of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney hit the Web on Monday, lighting up Twitter with comments and retractions.

    In the picture, Romney is arranging a group of children, each wearing a T-shirt with one letter of his last name.

    In the real picture the children are lined up to properly spell his name, but in the fake version they’re aligned to spell “R-money,” a dig at Romney’s considerable wealth and his time as an executive at Bain Capital, for which his critics have accused him of engaging in “vulture capitalism.”

    Influential conservative blogger Erick Erickson of Red State retweeted a link of the picture that said, “why oh why did Mitt Romney pose for this picture.”

    Erickson was 'reinformated' and said it speaks volumes that so many on the right weren’t surprised ...

  6. Anonymous3:54 AM

    I sure hope someone on the Democratic ad side is taking notes..Romney (er Rmoney) is writing the ads for them. In fact, RMONEY is what the GOP wants, is it not?

  7. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Already been debunked on HuffPo as a photoshop by a Democratic Underground poster. The original photo shows the word being spelled correctly.


  8. Anonymous4:37 AM

    You cannot make this s*%t up!

    Someone quick send this pic to The Daily Show!

  9. Anonymous4:38 AM


  10. Oh, no! He did-ent!

    How rich (LOL) in irony is this picture?

    When the movie is made of this election season, and it will be, there will be a mother lode of comic possibilities.

    Shall we start casting it now? I recommend Bill Paxton, late of Big Love to play Romney. He has the wooden, clueless act down pat. And he certainly knows how to portray a Mormon.

  11. Anonymous6:03 AM

    That's hilarious, even if PS'd.

    I admit I had no idea his name could have been 'R Money' or in the twitter world, the 'R' representing the word 'Our Money'.

    My problem typing his name is usually 'romeny'

  12. Beldar J Conehead7:47 AM

    Thanks for posting that pic, Gryphen.

    "The more Americans learn about Romney, the less they like him."

    I must be a Mittens expert already because I can't stand him! He has that Screechy Wretch(tm)-like characteristic of incessantly and dishonestly bashing our president while pretending it's an unspoken given that he has a plan and the ability to do a better job.


  13. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I swear... how could ANYONE have thought for an instant that picture was real? It is, however, hilarious.

  14. Anonymous6:30 PM

    LOVE it!!!!!

    Some jokes make themselves up. This one was so approppriate!

  15. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I knew it was photoshopped...I saw the original photo of his grandchildren wearing R O M N E Y the other day. But I got a good laugh when I saw this.
    The funny thing is that it never hit me until this picture how appropriate his name is to have money in it like that.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.