Monday, February 06, 2012

Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" program gets the late night treatment.

Courtesy of Obama Foodorama:

Expect some hilarious Let's Move! hijinks on Tuesday night when First Lady Michelle Obama cameos in a video segment on NBC talk show Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. The comic visited Mrs. Obama last week at the White House to film the outing, which will air as part of this week's celebration of the second anniversary of the Let's Move! campaign. Among other fitness activities, the First Lady had Fallon running up and down the historic White House stairs, he said when he announced the upcoming cameo. 

"I said to her, this is really amazing, and she said 'well, it is the White House,'" Fallon said while chatting on NBC's Super Bowl pre-game show. 

Mrs. Obama announced in 2010 that she'd given up riding the White House elevator in favor of using the stairs in order to keep fit. The White House has six stories, and it will be revealed on Tuesday how many Fallon and Mrs. Obama ran through.

Like I said before, the Obama's don't just "talk the talk" they also "walk the walk." Even when it includes climbing six flights of stairs.

I am all over this kind of program and think it is a GREAT idea to get kids away from their video games and up and moving around.

When I worked at the elementary school I helped to start a program that was designed to address childhood obesity, and we had some very good success in the two years that I was around for it.

I personally have been a lifelong exercise addict and believe that it has fundamentally changed my life for the better.

I give Mrs. Obama huge props for starting this campaign and keeping it going like she has, and if this segment with Ellen DeGeneres is any indication, she certainly takes her OWN fitness seriously.


  1. Sally in MI6:29 PM

    I saw that Ellen was amazing. made me try some pushups of my own (I only got to 15!) Our First Lady is an amazing woman.

  2. Anonymous6:40 PM

    What a great FLOTUS we have ! She is inspirational in all aspects of her life.

    OT The chameleon of Wasilla was on Greta. What a great juxtaposition with this fake runner, fake family values, the list goes on and on compared to the First Lady.

  3. I hate to ruin this thread..but Gryphen wait until you see Baldy on Greta tonight!

    I'll post my observations in the Clint Eastwood thread!

    Go Michelle Go!

  4. Anonymous6:42 PM

    When JFK was president, PE was a required class. We had to do 20 minutes of calisthenics each day! Every quarter we had "tests" to see our improvement (tests: standing and running broad jump, pull ups, sit ups, push ups, 50 yd. dash, 600 yard run, step test). In my schools (junior high and high school) compiled personal scores allowed you to wear a gold patch (highest) or red patch (mid-level) on your blue PE shorts (no patch was lowest) for recognition and desire to improve your score. I was always in gold, and to this day-40 plus years later, I am in good health (absolutely zero health problems)and wear the same size I did as a teen. No obesity for me. Physical fitness in youth pays off for a lifetime!

  5. Anonymous7:03 PM

    We absolutely loved First Lady Michelle Obama. Her intelligence, grace, poise and compassion are ideal traits for a role model for young women.

    She is powerful in her own right as evidenced by her resume and by her physical fitness. She does indeed walk the walk - proudly and with style.

    I believe she is the best First Lady of my lifetime, and I am sixty-two years of age. Others have had their moments: Pat Nixon for pushing for volunteerism; Jacqueline Kennedy with her restoration of the White House and personal style; Lady Bird Johnson for her beautify America by getting rid of most billboards and planting wildflowers along interstates; Rosalynn Carter with her advocacy of mental health care and active sounding board/counseling role for her husband; Betty Ford with her personal advocacy for drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation, her advocacy of reproductive rights and her opposition to the pardon of Richard Nixon; Barbara Bush who, surprisingly also advocated reproductive rights and worked for literacy; Laura Bush who continued her mother-in-law's literacy campaign; and Hillary Clinton whose hands-on policy development role truly revitalized the office of the First Lady.

    However, have combined multiple causes such as the needs of military families, volunteerism, children's health, exercise and organic gardening with such vibrancy and skill. She also seems to radiant a joy in being both a wife and a mother, while blending three generations in one very public home.

    We are so lucky. I hope she will grace our country as First Lady for another four years after the 2012 elections.

  6. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Will Sarah do televised push-ups? Remember that bizarre "run" she participated in that was all over the internet, but no one actually saw her at the event?

  7. Harumph! Next thing you know, she'll be using her Secret Service detail to pull a fast one when she fakes a half-marathon run. We've got HER number!


  8. Hiya from Melbourne, Australia.
    Just catching up with your last couple of postings. It has come to my attention that Michelle looks more beautiful by the day. She really is a gorgeous lady ! Yet...having just watched a couple of the 'Lady' Palin videos on your blog, Sarah is looking older, meaner and more drawn. I would say that the First Lady blossoms with 'Usefullness' and Ms Palin looks haggard and 'used' !

  9. Anonymous9:07 PM

    LOL watching Palin on Greta, another wig with fake back ext. gives away. I guess Bristol must be tired, she went for straight hair with black ext lol

  10. Michelle looks sexy as hell here!

    Whoever wrote that her and the "Mr." probably have great sex is right on!

  11. Anonymous4:16 AM

    I watched the Super Bowl with my right wing uber religious brother. I mentioned the pushups on Ellen and he immediately said that it was obvious that Ellen quit just to make Michelle look good..."Ellen said that herself". I disagreed and he went off on a rant about how M is a black woman and all black women have those big black women butts" therefore it would be impossible for her to do many push ups. For the billionth time I sat and wondered how we could possibly share the same parents and upbringing (our 90 year old mother was as huge Obama fan, very liberal and died an atheist).

  12. Anonymous4:46 AM

    I read an article in the NYT a couple years ago saying that on average, a woman couldn't or wouldn't do more than 10 push-ups.

    Sarah had such a flimsy resume that the McCain campaign had to play up old basketball glory days as a part of her record of accomplishments. She wasn't even good enough to get a scholarship on ball, didn't play in college and doesn't play it now. (But be sure to see footage leaked to the press soon, of her playing one-on-one with Track or Trig.)

    The President is very well known for slapping his feet against the court, and he doesn't speak in stupid basketball analogies like Sarah vomits up in every recycled speech.

    The Obama's wipe the floor with the Palin's. If we lived in a Palin-endorsed Gingrich world, make that Malia and Sasha would wipe the floor with Sarah and Todd.

  13. Not What You Want to Hear5:04 AM

    Such a campaign is paramount to the future health and safety of our next generations. You cannot seriously look around today without acknowledging that there are so many children badly out of shape. Anyone that slams this program is a complete idiot with their head in the sand, and in fact, contributing to an extremely serious problem by downplaying it.

  14. F J Dandy5:49 AM

    What a wonderful role model. I challenged my husband to do as many push ups as the First Lady. He had to stop at 20!!! Time to get fit!
    Love her!

  15. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I don't care what you say about Obama - how can you say anything negative about Michelle? She's class all the way - love her!

  16. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Michelle Obama In Tug Of War With Jimmy Fallon

  17. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    Michelle's cause rises heads and shoulders above all other First Ladies. Ours schools have gutted among other things, funding physical education and sports programs at a time when "Big Food" has "supersized" and "sugarized" the fake foods they push in advertisements.
    She was very wise to choose this project. She inspires our kids, and us to prevent illnesses (and save health care costs) while staying active, building self esteem and pride in fitness we can accomplish on our own.
    I've always been into health and fitness and her genuininly active role shines through with every appearance she makes.

    Maybe she'll stop some stupid idiot with low self esteem from getting plastic surgery to make her chin look like a shovel, or some old hag with bad eating habits from losing her hair and having to resort to wigs and dressing like a trollop half her age. wink wink


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