Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Ellen responds to her haters.

My daughter told me that I needed to post this.

I was probably going to do it anyhow, but I'll just let her THINK she's the boss of me.


  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    umm that might be the wrong video Gryphen.

    love Ellen though.

  2. She is the boss of you ... you are delusional if you think not! Lol. Thanks for posting this: I had seen it somewhere else earlier, but the more it is played, the better. What a funny, classy lady. No one better than Ellen. She loves people, life and she lover her SELF! I love her. Again, thanks Gryphen .. uh, I man thanks Gryphen's daughter/boss.

    P.S. Remember, I have a wonderful daughter and a husband, her father, who she is boss of! Personally, I love it. Because he is always there for her when she needs him, and I know the same is true for you ... and your lucky little girl. Namaste.

  3. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Bravo to Penny's for not dumping her. On their web site, you can write them an email saying thanks. I just did. I really will shop there now because of this.

  4. AkMom7:24 PM

    Yup. UmmHmm. Love it!!

    Go Ellen, Go JCP!!

    oh, and Go Gryph.


  5. WE are women .. hear us roar .. in numbers too big to ignore!

  6. Anonymous7:29 PM

    If anyone's interested, here's the original segment with Bill O'Reilly. It really was a thing of beauty to see Bill behave so well.

    Ellen has such genuine warmth, humor, vulnerability and humbleness that it is easy to fall in love with her, and I did many years ago when she first was doing standup and of course the Ellen show.

    She's sharp. Her dry sense of humor is always a delight. It is painful to watch other women want to put her in the corner this way. But in her usual way, she rises above and continues to represent women, gay women and people who just simply love her. What she stands for is what I stand for, and I'm glad to have a 'sister' like her.

    And let's not forget, Ellen has opened doors for so many talented young people who would have never had the chance to hit the national stage as quickly as they have. She is giving so much back, all the time, and for me, that makes her the most special of all.

    And just so there's no misunderstanding, I'm a straight female.

  7. angela7:34 PM

    Ellen is wonderful.
    Whoever would think she isn't is pretty messed up.
    When O'Reilly told the MOM's person she was off
    on trying to boycott JCPenney I almost passed out.

  8. I will go to the JC Penny site right now and post a message. Thanks commenter for telling me you can.

  9. BAustin8:07 PM

    My haters are my motivators!!

    Loves :-)

  10. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Gryphen, you must be so proud of your daughter, I know I would be beaming! I so love the way she owns you and what every great dad would want.

    This country has been making some great strides in equality. My state of Washington just today passed, and soon to be signed into law, the right for gays to marry, and I couldn't be more pleased.


  11. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Ellen Thanks Bill O'Reilly

  12. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Julie Bowen Goes All-In for Ellen

  13. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Haters are irrational by nature. WHy do you think all the immature assholes who ignorantly attack the Palins haven't destroyed their family unit, but made them 100 times stronger?

  14. Anonymous8:34 PM

    ellen is smart, beautiful, glowing, and articulate.

    jc penney did the right thing.

  15. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Great, Thanks G for sharing that.
    I agree with all the comments
    Ellen read.

  16. lostinmn8:39 PM

    When Bill O comes out against bigotry and hate then you know someone went way past decency. Good for one and all who stands up to these narrow minded bigots. Ellen has done so many wonderful things and serves as such a pillar of strength and goodness it's hard to imagine anyone could take issue with her. It only serves to highlight how messed up a certain segment of the women in our society are. And you want to bet a good portion of them watch and laugh at Ellen every damn day?

  17. Anonymous8:57 PM

    All I need to know about Ellen's personal life is that she brings laughter to my day, and that seeing her generosity and kindness inspires me when times are hard. That's all I need to assess her character, at this point.

    I (also) just visited to thank them for sticking with her and express my support.


  18. On my way to J.C.Penny's to write a thank you for standing up for what is right. Thanks for posting the clip.

  19. Anonymous9:28 PM

    O/T but very funny!

  20. Anonymous9:35 PM

    My first thought on this was that the "million" moms (more like 40k, per Ellen) undoubtedly are the women we see portrayed on those "People of Walmart" emails.

    So, JCPenny had nothing to lose, to that group of skanks. But congrats to them, anyway.

  21. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Thanks for posting! I LOVE Ellen, she is just a wonderful person.

    And I'm proud of JC Penney's (I used to work there!) for standing up to the haters.

  22. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Classy lady that Ellen.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Haters are irrational by nature. WHy do you think all the immature assholes who ignorantly attack the Palins haven't destroyed their family unit, but made them 100 times stronger?

    8:20 PM

    Heh heh... $arah's doing a pretty good job of destroying her family unit; $he doesn't need any help from her what i would call 'disgusteds'.

    Love Ellen. Disgusted with $arah.

  24. Anonymous10:32 PM

    The Million Moms (or as Ellen pointed out, all 40,000 of them, if there are that many) are going to have a lot more problems than Ellen being the spokesperson for the store that the associated with family values (probably because families shop there).

    Some of the people who design the clothes that they wear could be gay. Some of the people who serve them in the restaurant could be gay. There are gay flight attendants, police, fire fighters, they appear on TV and in movies, they are everywhere. The Moms will not be able to look at a home decorating magazine. They will not be able to step into a beauty parlor. In fact, there are very few places where they can go and be sure that all of the products and services were made by straight people, and that no gays touched their things in any way. And, you really never know who is in the stall next to you in the bathroom.

    I suggest that they hold a bake sale and raise some money. Then they can open a store and name it "Family Values Market." The slogans are simple; you get a good value at a place that values your family values. The only way that you are entitled to your straight discount (there are not other discounts) is when you shop with your husband and children. Please bring ID's; they will be checked. The clothing will be designed by men who do not hate women. On the contrary, every sweater and blouse will have a plunging neckline. Skirts will be slit up to there. To insure that everything is as straight as it can be, they will be contacting Kathy Griffin to borrow her "gaydar" so they can wand people when they come in. You just can't be too straight and too scared of life and other people.

  25. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Delusional deranged stalker troll @ 8:20 no one mentioned that sick disgusting "family". This thread is about Ellen in case you can't read. No one cares about that evil filthy person who will not be named. You are really disturbed and I hope you get the help you so desperately need very soon. Your PDS is the only thing that's strong and it's NOT healthy. Everyone knows you're mentally ill. Hmm who does that remind me of? Some puppet lady... Can't remember their name.

  26. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Marching over to the million moms club to give them a piece of my mind. Thanks for posting and Go Ellen!

  27. Virginia Voter2:34 AM

    I have always been a fan of Ellen's, and although I'm usually at work when her show is on, I do watch it whenever I can. Apparently these 40,000 homophobes have never watched Ellen's show. Her audience is filled with suburban soccer moms , housewives, and grandmas, and she has millions of viewers per day.

    Ellen has been a Cover Girl spokesperson for years, and so has Queen Latifah who is also gay, so why all the complaints now? Cover Girl is certainly a "middle America" type of brand.

    I typically don't shop at JCP, but I will now.

    And 8:20, don't even try to equate the skanky Palins with a talented accomplished person like Ellen.

  28. Anonymous3:01 AM

    went to the jc penny website and sent an email telling them I am 100% behind them and will shop there a lot more

    It's important we let them know we appreciate their stance against closed minds and bigots

    thanks to the commentor above for suggesting to send the email

  29. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Just wrote to JC Penney -- telling them I'm a long-time customer, and identifying the store at which I shop, which I think gives that local store some backing in these hard times.
    Thanked the corporation for not backing down, and pledging to go to their store first when I go to the Mall.
    I mean it. All those "million" moms can the same level of service and products somewhere else. If they can.

  30. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Oh wow, fantastic response from Ellen. Thanks for posting this.


  31. Anonymous4:22 AM

    hahaha Ive heard Bristol use the "haters are my motivators" line several times.

    Also, she uses the "May we always be happy and may our enemies know it"

  32. Anonymous4:23 AM

    There's no reason for anyone to be mad at JC Penneys decision. 1mil moms need a med adjustment. Sad.

  33. Just wanted to mention that I also, too, love Ellen's show, her standup stuff, and her dancing!

    Also saw interview with Portia di Rossi, and it also made my opinion of Ellen solidify.


    Married Mother of Three, who thinks the haters of gay people are generally closet self-hating gay people.

  34. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:20 said...
    Haters are irrational by nature. WHy do you think all the immature assholes who ignorantly attack the Palins haven't destroyed their family unit, but made them 100 times stronger?

    Oh Brisdull and Wallow, quit your whining.

  35. Anon@10:32 lol! Family Values Market.

  36. sharon28535:09 AM

    I believe Ellen has done more to educate people than anyone else when it comes to the gay community.

    She certainly represents herself and others very well when it comes to this subject. How can anyone not like Ellen? Really??

    I'm proud of her and even more proud of J.C.Penny - I will continue to shop there and I will also take the time to write them a thank you note on their website.

    Good for them and good for Ellen!

    Love her!

  37. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Also, she uses the "May we always be happy and may our enemies know it"

    4:22 AM
    LMFAO. A normal girl in her early 20's shouldn't have so many enemies. Unless there's something wrong with her. Hmmm.

  38. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I could see Ellen and Gabby Giffords being good friends. They are the same type of person....non-judgemental, forgiving, gentle, open minded, well spoken, and intelligent. Sarah Palin put the crosshairs on Gabby, who reminds me of Ellen. Sarah represents the polar opposite of the kind natured qualities of Ellen and Gabby. Sarah is negative, mean, cold hearted, divisive, and lacking in intelligence. She reminds me of a member of the Million Moms group.

  39. Anonymous5:52 AM

    To Anonymous at 4:22am:
    I don't recall Bristol ever using the phrase, "Haters are my motivators". In fact, I recall Bristol's phrase on national TV as "giving a big middle finger to all the haters" on DWTS. Quite a difference from Ellen's message, eh?

  40. Anonymous6:06 AM

    hahaha Ive heard Bristol use the "haters are my motivators" line several times.

    Do the Palins know you have their house bugged?

  41. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I love Ellen. Her self deprecating humor deflects criticism superbly. I've supported gay rights for years, but it has become very important to me lately. My son has recently come out. I really AM a mamma grizzley. People like Palin and the Million Mothers better watch out for this old Mom. Hell, I may even shop at Penny's if they KEEP Ellen.

  42. Anonymous6:56 AM

    8:20, the only thing that family unit has is keeping secrets and grifting for dollars. And aren't you a little hypocrite calling people "immature assholes" sound like a hater and you probably call yourself a Christian also too. I'm so sorry the truth about the Palin's is so hard to take.

  43. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Penney's has it right:

  44. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I'm happy Ellen and other gays are making headway as far as marriage and equality.

    But I still don't understand how she got to be a star. (other than the Paul Newman eyes) She is the least funny comedian I can think of. Seriously, I just don't get her humor.


  45. Anonymous8:27 AM

    The response I got from JC Penney:

    As we focus on being in sync with the rhythm of our customers' lives and operating in a 'Fair and Square' manner that is rooted in integrity, simplicity and respect, we couldn't think of a better partner than Ellen DeGeneres. We are extremely proud to have her on our team.

  46. Here's Penneys' response to my thank you email:

    "As we focus on being in sync with the rhythm of our customers' lives and operating in a 'Fair and Square' manner that is rooted in integrity, simplicity and respect, we couldn't think of a better partner than Ellen DeGeneres. We are extremely proud to have her on our team."

    Wow. What a great response!

  47. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Poor Rick. Ask your wife. She'll explain it to you.

  48. Love me some Ellen! She is one funny ass chick! Her stand up routine where she calls GOD is freaking HILARIOUS! I'm also reading her latest book on my Kindle called...."Seriously...I'm Kidding"! I can't read it in public because I can't stop giggling out loud!

    I haven't shopped at JCP in years...but when I lived in Fairbanks, Alaska I LIVED in that store...I had the charge card and everything! One time I was there with my husband and little kids kept coming up to my hubby and asking was he Michael Jordan and another kid asked was he some baseball player!

    I guess it's time to get back to two girls ages 10 and 13 are due for some new clothes....thanks "Million MOM's Assholes"'ve motivated me to reactivate my JCP charge card!

    Oh and for the troll on here defending you trying to give us a hint that Beefalo plays on the other team (not that their is anything wrong with it!)?

    If so...that's least she'll be in good company....Ellen is a wonderful role model for Beefalo! Better than than that bald headed drug addict of a mother she has now!

    PS...thanks for whoever posted the JCP address...I will be sending my email today!

  49. Awesome response Ellen! LOVE her even more now!

    I echo the sentiment - I'm a Christian, I stand for traditional values and I am against people who want to bully others into agreeing with them. If "One Million" Moms members don't want to shop at JC Penney - then they are absolutely free not to. And hey - they can protest JC Penney's decision too! It's a free country! But JC Penney can also say "nope, we're sticking by our decision"

    That's the concept of the free market - everyone gets to make their choices.

    For my 2 cents: This isn't about being gay or straight. It's about SHOPPING. I love to shop - and I don't give a rats bottom who JC Penney's spokesperson is. What a ridiculous "crusade". As if the sexual orientation of a spokesperson has anything to do with the price of crew socks!

    Wake up "One Million" Moms! Just because someone hires a gay person it doesn't mean they are PRO gay agenda. Which is what, exactly? Oh right, equal rights for ALL Americans. Regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. Sounds like traditional all American values to me.

  50. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I wrote an email to JCP and got a lovely response.

  51. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Gee, let's see who we're talking about here - a woman who is in a long-term loving relationship, has a successful career that provides employment for hundreds of people, uses (clean and family-friendly) humor to entertain her audiences and disarm her enemies, has never been publicly involved with abuse of drugs or alcohol or in trouble with the law, helps people in need, encourages and supports children in pursuing their dreams...yeah, that's the kind of person NO company would want to represent them!

    Guess I'll have to head on over to JCP the next time I need to do some shopping!

  52. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    So glad the million mom march was a complete failure. I often wonder how one of their children who is gay would feel, knowing they didn't stand a chance reasoning with such judgmental, close minded women.

    Ellen is a wonderful woman. She's honest, she helps lift others up, and she's damn funny. But what I love the most about her, is how she turns the tables with her wit and honesty.

    and to the idiot who posted this:

    Anonymous said...
    Haters are irrational by nature. WHy do you think all the immature assholes who ignorantly attack the Palins haven't destroyed their family unit, but made them 100 times stronger?

    8:20 PM

    Epic Fail! You're nature is irrationality, you're the ignorant asshole for even mentioning the Wasilla Hillbully's.

    Gryphen, thanks for being a role model of a proud parent of a gay child who supports and loves her just the way she is. As the fundies always say, God doesn't make mistakes.

  53. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Why she's so lovely, it's no wonder your dotter is creaming her panties for Ellen. But do remind her that Ellen is married and any action will have to be a three-way.

    Luv ya's


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