Thursday, February 09, 2012

Yeah but Sarah Palin doesn't believe in Evolution!

This is from an article entitled "The Evolution of Sarah Palin."

Palin still lands big gigs: She’s billed as the closing speaker at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, which starts Thursday. And she continues to create media dust-ups in a few simple words, as evidenced by her “Vote for Newt; annoy a liberal” comment on Fox News last month. 

But ever since she ended her flirtation with a presidential bid last October, signs have pointed to a long, slow descent into the political has-beens basement for Palin. Perhaps the most telling detail is her political action committee’s most recent fundraising numbers. 

SarahPAC raised roughly $756,000 in the second half of 2011, down from the consistent seven-figure reporting periods it had before then. 

It looks as though Palin might be morphing into less a political powerhouse and more a reality-television star. 

“ ‘Game Change’ will further [her] celebrity,” says Marie Wilson, founder and president emeritus of The White House Project, an organization that works to advance women in politics and business. The movie is scheduled for release next month. 

The more celebrity-like she becomes, the less likely it is that she will be able to reemerge as a serious candidate for public office, Wilson and other experts say. The result is a word just a year ago few people would have associated with her: irrelevance. 

“I actually don’t hear anybody talking about her,” Tea Party Patriots co-founder Mark Meckler says. 

While I agree that Palin has become virtually irrelevant, I disagree that she has evolved in any significant manner.  In fact the only thing that has evolved is the way that Palin is now perceived.

When she talked as if she was seriously thinking about running for the GOP nomination, even though, as her daughter Bristol let slip early on, she was never REALLY going to launch a campaign, people perceived her as a potential player in the political arena.

After she finally had to drop the tease and let people in on the fact that she was  NOT running, everybody did  a reality check and started seeing her for what she truly was. A grifter, using the perception that she was a viable candidate, to drain her supporters of their hard earned cash.

In other words, she was all sizzle and no steak.

That is a common theme running through Palin's history.

She makes a completely fabricated claims about her abilities, or intentions, and that becomes the prism through which people view her.

Her claim about being an "energy expert" is based almost exclusively on her 11 month tenure on the Oil and Gas Commission back in 2003. A job she received solely as a consolation prize after Frank Murkowski passed her over and give his Senate seat to his daughter, and a position she was only allowed to have because it was decided the board needed one civilian, with virtually NO experience in the field, to represent the average Alaskan. Apparently, according to this appointment, the average Alaskan is a dipshit.

Even Palin's athletic claims are based on hyperbole, when in fact she was a mediocre basketball player whose claim to fame was a foul shot she made during a winning game that was completely unnecessary since her team, the Wasilla Warriors, had already won by four points.

This holds true, as most of us here well know, when it comes to her claims concerning her Christian faith (She NEVER attends services), her mothering abilities (Every one of the kids has significant behavioral difficulties), and her self identified reputation as a fighter against corruption and "cronyism." (Palin famously filled her cabinet with loyal friends from high school and used her position as Governor to attack those who had dared stand up to her in the past , like ex-brother-in-law Mike Wooten.)

So has Sarah Palin "evolved?"

No.  She is essentially the same Sarah Palin that she has always been.  Except now there are a whole lot MORE people that see through her bullshit.


  1. DetroitSam2:21 AM

    Frank Schaeffer: When Will President Obama's Critics Admit They Were Wrong? via @HuffingtonPost

    P.S. I know that many of you don't go read HP any longer. I only go to HP when I receive e-mail updates that Frank Schaeffer and Earl Ofari Hutchinson have articles. But this article is worth going to HP.

    Frank Schaeffer really hits it out of the park with his latest article in which he points out the role top HP management/writers have been some of the main ones trashing and disrespecting President Obama. He does not mention the names but we all know who they are.

    I wonder how long he will be allowed to post articles at HP?

  2. Sarah Palin: the most convincing evidence found so far that evolution is, in fact, a colossal fraud.

  3. SALLY in MI3:33 AM

    Great post, Gryph. Whenever I hear someone like Newt tout her 'energy experience,' or her 'leadership as Governor,' I want to shake them and say, "Do you not read? Do you not ever follow up on what people claim?" Because this women has pulled the biggest scams ever, and basically gotten away with them through the ignorance of the GOP.
    If some of them are now realizing whta we have known for years, that's good. But since that same party is now embracing the rqadical ideas of Santorum (this week, anyway) I have to wonder about the sanity of anyone who lines up with the GOP.

  4. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Sarah is rapidly evolving ... into a has been.

  5. Anonymous3:50 AM

    LMAO Greatest pic ever!

  6. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Loved your commentary. Spot on, Gryphen, spot on.

  7. Anonymous4:30 AM

    She's also grown to be one of the most disliked women in the United States and especially in Alaska. She is not an example for young women to follow - in fact, she is the exact opposite due to being a liar and fraud.

    Very few that I know have any respect for her.

  8. People like Sarah don't evolve. Once a sociopathic narcissist, always one. Lucky for us, people like Sarah do get old. A heavily botoxed middle-aged woman with a nails-on-blackboard voice just isn't as appealing as a naughty librarian. And her most ardent fans are getting older too, and need more viagra to watch Sarah sputter word salad. I'd love for the decline to speed up to breakneck pace, because I am really tired of that woman, but I am confident that karma has Sarah in its crosshairs.

  9. And great picture. It really catches the essence of the snide ignoramous that is Sarah.

  10. Anonymous4:53 AM

    O/T - Catholic Church aim is same as Komen - After all women's rights to contraceptives.

    Catholic Church has exposed themselves. It's not about the hospitals, etc. -- their intension is to get it removed from the health care law all together.

    In otherwords -- it's like this past week with Komen -- the 'DirtBaggers' are once again taking aim at 'All Women's Rights'.

    "That was no consolation to Catholic leaders. The White House is "all talk, no action" on moving toward compromise, said Anthony Picarello, general counsel for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "There has been a lot of talk in the last couple days about compromise, but it sounds to us like a way to turn down the heat, to placate people without doing anything in particular," Picarello said. "We're not going to do anything until this is fixed."

    That means removing the provision from the health care law altogether, he said, not simply changing it for Catholic employers and their insurers. He cited the problem that would create for "good Catholic business people who can't in good conscience cooperate with this"

    As you see -- we have more work to do. Phone calls, emails, etc. Spread this far and wide as the Church got the foothold & support in Congress & the morons running for office all known IMO as the DirtBagger mouthpieces -- something Komen didn't get. They are spreading total BS. It is not a Constitutional issue as in this Lawrence O'Donnell 'Last Word' segment.

  11. Anonymous5:22 AM

    "I grew tremendously that year," Sarah says in surviving a recall effort in her first year as Mayor, where the Frontiersmen said she mistook her election as a coronation.

    She hasn't, she hasn't matured in her emotional and intellectual growth since she was 'reborn,' forever stuck in a swinging-dick-glass-jawed-thin-skinned-spear-chucking age of a tween.

    $50,000 to redecorate her office when she has no taste is laughable. Purchasing shiny new gas guzzling trucks for the Administration was an indulgence. Hiring a city manager to handle the unsexy and technical minutia of governing.

    Yes, she couldn't stand her civilian appointment to the AOGCC (a waste of a six-figure income appointment.) She hated it and couldn't stand working a real job with 9-5 demands and a commute. The only thing she remembered was that oil was a "fungible commodity" and that you had to 'flag a molecule' in order to refine the product.

    She put on her best push-up bra and lipstick and made a pilgrimage to VECO chairman Bill Allen's house (the man was responsible for creating the Corrupt Bastards Club with the Juneau Legislature) to ask for her Lt. Governor campaign kitty.

    News accounts in Alaska indicate that in 2001, Palin drove from Wasilla to Allen's home in faraway Cook Inlet. Allen, other VECO executives, and their wives then gave Palin's campaign committee $5,000, contributing $500 apiece over a two-day period in late December.

    VECO came to symbolize outsized corruption in Alaska and Palin was able to capitalize: in donations and as a loud-mouthed reformer stabbing them in the back by making a public point of saying she didn't want money from the company or its employees.

    By October 2006, Palin's campaign had received $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fundraising scheme at the center of a public corruption scandal that led to the indictment of Sen. Ted Stevens.

    The contributions, made during Palin's DEFEATED 2002 bid to become Alaska's lieutenant governor, were not illegal for her to accept. But they show how Palin, a self-proclaimed reformer who has bucked Stevens and his allies, is nonetheless a product of a political system in Alaska under a corrupt cloud.

    Along with the winks and folksy "doggone" moments early in her debate with Joe Biden, Sarah Palin repeated her familiar claim to the title of "maverick," declaring that "as a governor and as a mayor," she's had a "track record of reform" and has now "joined a team of mavericks."

    Despite the free fall that her polling numbers went into after her disastrous interviews with Katie Couric, that branding as a "reformer" has been resilient. Introduced skillfully before tens of millions during an intense surge of interest, it's been hammered home with repeated soundbites.

    But the label doesn't hold up under close scrutiny.

  12. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Whatever happened to the Alaska Fund Trust? The million dollars donated to a sitting Governor that the Palin's were free to use however they deemed fit?

    Because she was a public official, the judge ordered the money returned and the faithful turned it right back into their new trust. Kristen Cole hasn't filed any reports on that has she? She get's paid six-figures to sit on that money?

    Instead, she uses the SarahPAC as her personal bank account, buying up her old books, paying her parents to lick envelopes, Bristol to do hair, Piper as a Fox News set director and for Todd to turn desperate masseuse's into prostitutes.

    Hey America, this woman is a sham. She is a charlatan, a hypocrite, lazy, stupid, vindictive, catty and a quitter.

    Look what she turns normal people into - six-figure know-nothings that bleet about their titles while she tries to turn her quitting into a positive character trait.

  13. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Osarah bin Palin is the devil.

  14. I tried to watch the foul shot video, but was so disgusted with it, I had to leavethe room to vomit. Thang god it was over by the time I returned.

  15. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Wasilla's in the house!

  16. PalinsHoax5:50 AM

    womanwithsardinecan @ 4:47am said...
    "... but I am confident that karma has Sarah in its crosshairs.


    Oh womanwithsardinecan, you have unerringly stated poetic justice for the havoc that Palin was wreaked.

    I am sure that it will take many reincarnations befor Palin has dissolved her debt.

  17. A J. BIllings5:56 AM

    Fabulous picture of just how ugly, ancient, and ignorant she really is.

    Great write up Gryph. Some day this woman is going to reap exactly what she sowed. Let's hope it ends with an orange jumpsuit and handcufss.

  18. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Alaska where are the rest of the Palin emails ya promised?

  19. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Sarah where is my Alaska Fund Trust quarterly report?

    Never received the first one.

  20. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Sarah where is the list of donors you are suppose to release that gave to the Alaska Fund Trust?

  21. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I think that it's more like she "devolved."

  22. Beefalo is going with her crazy mama to DC this weekend and she's shilling her book...."Not Afraid to Lie: My Journey to Sluttiness" by Beefalo Palin! Check it out...

    Please join Bristol Palin and her ghostwriter Nancy French in a special book signing!

    We're welcoming folks of all ages to join Bristol as she promotes her best selling memoir "Not Afraid Of Life - My Journey So Far".

    The first 100 people to RSVP will receive a free autographed book by Bristol herself.

    WHEN: Saturday, February 11th @10A - 12P
    WHERE: Books-A-Million
    11 Dupont Circle North
    Washington, DC 20036

    Please RSVP with your name, age and info at email above!

    If you receive a response from us, it will guarantee you entry.

  23. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Sarah Palin has neither evolved nor devolved. She is stuck in adolescent arrested development.

  24. sharon28536:14 AM

    I'll never understand how the skank and her wasillabilly family were able to gain so much traction in the media - on such a grand scale.

    I have theories but it's probably a combination of many issues surrounding 2008, McCain, the first man of color to reach the office of the POTUS, the economy and many other things.

    It doesn't excuse anyone though -

    Palin's rise to fame is not based on anything noble, right or good for the country.

    She's a liar, a racist, a grifter and opportunist, medically unstable and probably on medication that is not appropriate for her.

    Our history books will someday tell a very disturbing truth about her and sadly, it's what all of us here already know. ugh!

  25. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Sarah Palin's claim to fame is that as a two cent wonky eyed sports reporter she screwed a black college basketball player in her sister's college dorm room to get an interview while boyfriend Todd waited for her at home.

    Question is when was the tournament?

    Question when was Track born?

    When did Sarah elope?

    Could Woman of the Year Sarah Palin already been pregnant by Todd while screwing Glen Rice?

  26. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I was wondering which family member would be going with Sarah. She doesn't go alone, ever.

  27. Anonymous6:19 AM

    The whole GOP and Palin relationship reminds of the movie "Dinner with Schmucks." Sarah will never get that she's the schmuck. Every time she lets loose with a gem like "the midnight ride of Paul Revere (with bells," they all do a synchronized face palm inside.

  28. Anonymous6:29 AM

    You're right. I don't think anyone thinks about Sarah at all. BUT, American's have a very short attention span, and I would not be surprised if Sarah reinvents herself and comes back. They always do. Like cockroaches.

  29. Anonymous6:31 AM

    The first 100 people to RSVP will receive a free autographed book by Bristol herself.

    LOL that's one way for Bristol to get a photo op of 100 people standing in line to get her signature and a book. Ya give 100 away for free LOL.

    Might as well give 100 away for free, she doesn't have to pay to haul it away.

    WTF is Bristol going to do with the other 50,000 books she couldn't sell?

    Get a $9 haircut from Bristol and get a free book.

    Buy Bristol a Big Mac and get a free book.

    Guess correctly how kids Bristol has and get a free book.

    Buy Bristol a wine cooler and get a free book.

    Watch Bristol's first son Tri-G for a day and get a free book.

    Guess how much Bristol is paying to store her shitty books and get a free book.

    Hey Bristol, I'm trying to help ya out, work with me.

    Buy a $1 dance from the DWTS finalist and get a free book.

    Guess how many lovers Bristol had last month and get a free book.

  30. So, is she actually going to show up this time?

  31. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Another horrible photo of Palin! Where do you find them? She is such a fraud!

  32. Randall6:51 AM

    That thing on her head evolved from something ...don't think it was a monkey tho. Not hairy enough. Maybe a badger? BADGERS!?!
    We doan need no steeenkin BADGERS!

  33. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I can smell her from here! What a dumb fraud she is... but not nearly as dumb as her worshipers.

  34. lilly lily7:01 AM

    She seems incapable of growth. She is stuck in middle school, and stuck emotionaly as well as intellectialy stunted.

  35. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Her bots are working overtime to revision Palin history. That's all they have left to do.

  36. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Palin doesn't believe in evolution.

    Doesn't believe in putting her kids in college.

    Doesn't believe a one night stand is cheating.

    Doesn't believe one has to purchase land before building a hockey rink.

    Doesn't believe in birth control for her over active kids.

    Doesn't believe families should pay for their own vacations.

    Doesn't believe kids needs to work for a living.

    Doesn't believe spewing hate gets people killed.

    Doesn't believe....

  37. Anonymous7:11 AM

    It's been an interesting "evolution" to see former Palin supporters and apologists finally admitting that we were right about her all along.

    You're totally correct gryph, $arah never changed, everyone else just got a little wiser.

  38. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I think this award is a natural. The group said we have to give this award but don't have any money. Who is coming anyway so we don't have to pay their travel?

    12:47 AM

    Woman 1: Let's see who can we give this award to?

    Woman 2: Should we give it to Bachmann for being the first woman to run for president?

    Woman 1: Na she's not coming to CPAC and we would have to pay for her flight, room and board.

    Woman 2: Well Sarah Palin is coming to CPAC to speak and it wouldn't cost us a dime!

    Woman 1: Not so fast! How much does it actually cost to fly Bachmann here?

  39. "The result is a word just a year ago few people would have associated with her: irrelevance."(from the article)

    Should read: ...few repugbaggers would have associated...

    The majority of the dems/liberals/progressives wrote that clown off in 08.

    "After she finally had to drop the tease and let people in on the fact that she was NOT running, everybody did a reality check and started seeing her for what she truly was. A grifter, using the perception that she was a viable candidate, to drain her supporters of their hard earned cash." (G's)

    People weren't fooled by that insufferable bitch. A few ignorant, loud, stupid repugbaggers and pundits were fooled.

    "...her Christian faith (She NEVER attends services)..."

    The heathen brags she's too busy for church. Ask yourself this clown, is your god too busy for you? Your god says you are full of shit, harpy.

  40. Wanna bet SarahPAC is paying for Bristol to be in Washington DC, instead of the publisher?

    I checked Amazon yesterday to see how her book is selling -- not well at all: Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #212,641 in Books

  41. Sarah reinvents herself and comes back. They always do. Like cockroaches.

    6:29 AM

    It's not happening for Baldy. She's incapable of LEARNING...that's why she WILL NOT be able to re-invent herself.

    This is what her bots' are hoping will happen...that America will forget how uninformed, stupid, and just plain MEAN Baldy is! They are so wrong!

    No one will forget Gabby Gifford and Christina Taylor Green...Baldy is linked to that tragedy FOREVER!

    I agree that Baldy is a cockroach...but even cockroaches don't live forever...eventually they get stepped on if they come into the light! So as long as they stay in dank, dark places...nobody will bother them!

    Take heed Baldy....stay in Wasilla...the light is going to be VERY BRIGHT this weekend!

  42. Anonymous7:39 AM

    6:29 am:
    "You're right. I don't think anyone thinks about Sarah at all. BUT, American's have a very short attention span, and I would not be surprised if Sarah reinvents herself and comes back. They always do. Like cockroaches."

    You mean like Newt? Like Mitt?
    Have you noticed that there is a system in the gop that those that hang around the longest, get their turn at the nomination? Qualifications don't matter, just repackage yourself and you're good to go the next round.

    It isn't about culling out the best from the worst; it's only about waiting your turn.

  43. Anonymous7:39 AM

    It would've been so much fun if she had run! Think of the revelations that would be revealed during her real vetting, not the rushed, 1-day google-search vetting she had back in 08. Even the 24/7 news cycle wouldn't have been enough time to uncover "the lies of sarah palin." Geoffrey Dunn's book by that title is as good a vetting as she'll probably ever get.

  44. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I want to add that a major first false impression Palin put out there was that she had built the largest gas pipeline.
    I won't ever forget a friend gushing with enthusiasm about a "powerful" woman who built the pipeline, stopped the bridge to no where! It took time for people to accept what impressed them was fiction the opposite of truth. One more: no earmarls: Palin as governor got the highest amount in the country.

    She blew people away at the RNC pulling wool over their eyes, smoke and mirrors. It is hard for humans to accept they got conned.

  45. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Read the comments on that article. Holy Crap! Her bots are there in full spewing the same old lies, one even giving her full credit for taking out Al-Qaeda. MUAH HA HA HA!!

    Same old rote talking points thinking if they're repeated enough that people will take them as fact. Which they're NOT.

    GEE, Bitch Queen, don't you ever wonder what life would be like if INTELLIGENT people were in your corner? Fact is, they're not. Like the picture, you keep telling us who KNOW better to "talk to the hand." We'll keep telling you to kiss our @ss.


  46. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Book signing = expense trip for business and tax write offs

    Considering the non turn out for this book it will be interesting to see loyal fans flock for a free book to meet Miss Palin. It speaks volumes about Bristol that she portrayed her long term boyfriend, fiance twice, father of their child as raping her for money. A pox upon this family of lying for money. Anyone not buying their lies is villainized as a "hater". If their standard of measure is loving family condoning lies in their world callung them out on lies must be hate.

    Up is down and black is white.

  47. Dinty7:58 AM

    @6:03 am

    Bristol's book signing on Saturday should prove interesting, given Bristol's history with teh gays. Dupont Circle is the "gay section" of DC.

  48. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I wonder how many people will sign up for a book and then not show up?

  49. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Gryphen left out a few things where Sarah has been a fraud:
    1. Foreign policy experience does not count if the plane just stops for refueling. Seeing Russia from Alaska is not foreign policy experience.
    2. Posing your family on a fishing boat or around a birthday cake does not equal family values. A mother would cared deeply for her daugher's feelings would not have put a pregnant unwed teen on the 2008 convention stage, alongside her temporary convenient fiance.
    3. Sarah's so-called pregnancy with Trig was a fake. I do believe the people who car-pooled with Sarah and reported how she got out of driving for weeks, claiming to be recovering from a tubal ligation. The photos of Sarah taken at 7 months show a woman with a perfectly flat abdomen. The Wild Ride story is the greatest work of fiction.
    4. Sarah claims to have majored in journalism and/or communications. You would never know it from the way that she speaks in run-on sentences that make no sense. She didn't write either of her books.
    5. Sarah may be Trig's parent, but she doesn't appear to be involved in any part of his development and therapy. The article in Newsweek shows a little boy with badly crossed eyes, a boy who should have been wearing glasses. Gryphen described seeing Trig at a basketball game and not reacting to the loud cheers of the crowd. If Trig is deaf, then his ability to speak is comprised. No wonder he claps every morning to get someone's attention. Sarah has not shown any signs of supporting a DS organization, not by donations or giving her time to help raise money and awareness for them. For someone whose theme for $100,000. speech is "I chose life," Sarah does not appear to be a part of the life that she chose.

  50. Anonymous8:12 AM

    why doesnt this crazy-shrew-bitch
    even have a PAC....

    i guess i gotta go get one too.
    i mean, if its all about the freebie money we should all have them.

  51. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I'm too far from D.C. to do it myself, but I'd love to know if even 100 people show up for a freebie?

    And, you're right, DuPont Circle is not Bristol's best environment. Maybe the bookstore is doing it ironically.

    It should be something to see.

  52. Anonymous8:20 AM

    She's a dunce.

  53. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Isn't this like having a big rock festival, and having Milli Vanilli close the show?

  54. Anonymous8:23 AM

    At least Tonya Harding was just a figure skater.

  55. Anonymous8:28 AM

    The abysmal failure of The Undefeated should have been a clue. It was over long before she officially quit in October.

    The reason nobody talks about her is because she is political poison. Newt has lost 5 in a row since she came out in his corner.

    This last attempt to get back in the spotlight will fall flat. The Newsweek piece made more people laugh than feel sympathy. The whack job diva has reached the point where the more she tries the more sad and pathetic she appears.

    Most Americans realize it is Gabby Giffords who should be getting Woman of the Year awards, not Crosshairs Sarah.

  56. Anonymous8:28 AM

    "She hasn't, she hasn't matured in her emotional and intellectual growth since she was 'reborn,' forever stuck in a swinging-dick-glass-jawed-thin-skinned-spear-chucking age of a tween."

    I'm way on board with this, 5:22.

  57. Want to bet that $arah's speech will be nothing but the usual "I hate Obama". sreech?
    Even her acceptance of the dip shit conservative women award will have nothing about women. Just her usual drug induced screech of Obama. Heaven knows that this plastic faced, wonky eyed woman, is against everything that a woman has had to struggle for.

  58. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Change is the nature of our universe. Sarah hasn't changed since jr. high school. The rest of us have. buh-bye Sarah.

    Good point, Gryph: Sarah hasn't evolved; the rest of us have.

  59. Anonymous9:09 AM

    That woman is a fucking idiot!

  60. Thenorwegianblue9:26 AM

    Talk about evolution! This is an amazing turn-around for someone who was chief cheerleader for Palin -- now, not so much...
    One of many who will be seeing the light in months to come

  61. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Gee, I had been thinking that snarking on Palin's missing style sense was a little low (though I privately enjoyed it)....but now that I'm reminded by earlier post that she actually spent FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to redecorate her office, I realize how relevant her bad taste is.

    Her personal dressing (and hair) style is so hit and miss with so many misses you realize her taste is BAD. But it's obvious that her taste in home decor is totally MISSING. I think she would have no displays of decor at all if the sterile background weren't commented on, and then she adds something really tacky to "warm it up".

    Her budget should be zero, as Chuckie can supply all the skins and skeletons she needs.

  62. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Bristol going to DC with Sarah is just another family money laundering scheme.

    I betcha Bristol is getting paid by SarahPac to be Sarah's assistant.

    Who would buy one of Bristol's book to get a signature when you can go to the dollar store and get one for 25 cents.

  63. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Will Glen Rice be on the Program at CPAC? Will Bristol be able to keep her legs closed? Is Willow staying home to hide her Baby Bump? WHERE'S TRIG? Todd is on the road 'HUMPING' for NEWTON LEROY.

  64. Anonymous9:58 AM

    No way Willow is going to DC with Sarah.

    1) Woman of the Year doesn't want to be seen in DC with her 2nd pregnant unmarried underage high school dropout daughter.

    2) They don't want any pictures of Willow's baby bump. Well at least not until they are able to sell them.

    3) Sarah doesn't want to be ridiculed about not having her high school drop out in school but she can drive to Minnesota to pick up snow machines, walk the streets of LA and DC.

  65. Anonymous10:00 AM


    Tonya Harding. Classic. I guess that makes Todd the "Jeff Gilloly of politics". LOL.

  66. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Anom 9:46 AM asks:

    1) Will Glen Rice be on the Program at CPAC?

    No but Glen will be on Sarah and she might share him with Bristol. You see Sarah is too old and dried up to last all night with Glen.

    Now Bristol, that young heifer can ride with the best of them. The question is can an athlete who runs up and down a court all night keep up with Bristol?

    Bristol might be big and slow and does not move much on the DWTS but in bed Bristol is like a kid in a candy store hyped up on Red Bull.

    In bed Bristol is like an aircraft carrier, she doesn't stop on a dime and makes waves. Once Bristol gets going that jelly doesn't stop!

    2) Will Bristol be able to keep her legs closed?

    That's a silly question! Bristol was born with her legs opened.

    You know how Sarah sees a plane and named her child Piper, well they almost named Bristol "Wishbone" because she never closes her legs and looks like one.

  67. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I was wondering which family member would be going with Sarah. She doesn't go alone, ever.

    6:18 AM

    Someone has to monitor her drug use and make sure she gets out of her fetal position, trowels on her makeup, throws one of her cheap wigs on and actually shows up.

    LOL at Bristol still trying to present that horrible accumulation of lies and nastiness off as a book.

  68. Anonymous12:03 PM

    ....No but Glen will be on Sarah and she might share him with Bristol. You see Sarah is too old and dried up to last all night with Glen.

    Now Bristol, that young heifer can ride with the best of them. The question is can an athlete who runs up and down a court all night keep up with Bristol? .....

    I'm going to share some info about Sarah and Bristol and it is an observation only.

    Bristol is not built for speed but she is built for comfort. She is like a big caddy stuffed with padding for that smooth ride.

    Now Sarah is like riding a 1947 Ford POS (Piece of shit) with hard riding shocks that has been weathered and left out in the rain and ridden to the ground. She has no cushion on her so its like a hard riding an old couch with the springs sticking up and poking you. It has been upholstered many times and you can ride it but you don't want your friends seeing you in one.

    Sarah made false claims that Track is a combat vet but Sarah wouldn't be lying if she said Bristol was a combat vet. You can just look at Bristol's butt and just see by its shape that it has seen a lot of action probably earned a Purple Heart . Problem is that Bristol needs a muffler, we've been told Bristol is too loud when ridden.

    Now Sarah's butt looks like it hasn't been touched in ages. Looks too old and fragile like it would split if you sit in it.

    Bristol like any car, ya just don't want to hit it on a hot sweaty day.
    Seats are too slippery and when you stop you just fall off. Doesn't have that new car smell anymore. You can throw car freshener it but it is not the same. Bristol is a late year model but it has a lot of mileage on it from several owners.

    Sarah seat is too dry, ya stick to it on a hot day and when you get in it you just want to say WTF and jump out. Has a musty smell needs to aired out. Too much rust, been ridden in the trailer parks and in the ghettos.
    Could of been a drug car? Has cocaine and diet pill residue in it.

    Last observation, Sarah is like a car that had a front in collision. Her bumpers are flat and pushed in and her headlights aren't lined up. Your Sarah car is going in one direction but the headlights are all wonkey and crooked like it was retarded car or something.

    Can't say too much about the Willow car except that when it was being built in the factory some mechanic said fuck it too difficult and opened the factory door kicked it to the curb and told it not to return and the unfinished Willow car went to Los Angeles with its unfinished ass hanging out.

  69. Anonymous12:05 PM

    You're right. I don't think anyone thinks about Sarah at all. BUT, American's have a very short attention span, and I would not be surprised if Sarah reinvents herself and comes back. They always do. Like cockroaches.

    6:29 AM

    Yeah, if you were watching politics in the late 90s, you never thought you'd hear of Newt Gingrich running for anything ever, let alone President.

  70. She was hatched from a flying monkey egg.....that fell 300 feet to the cement.... surrounded by snow..... wwhhaaaa..

  71. Anita Winecooler5:44 PM

    I've always held that Sarah would be the one to bring Sarah down. Her meteoric chase for fame and fortune has ruined her image and that of the entire Palin Clan. Sarah's problem is that it's all she's got left, and everyone's on to her and it will bury her when she attempts a comeback.

    I still think Babygate needs to be exposed, people need to know the depths this woman would go to to boost her image.

    Excellent Post and commentary, Gryphen, and the photo captures the darkness of the corner Sarah now cowers in.

  72. Marleycat6:32 PM

    True, no "evolving" going on for the Palin, the Pimp, or any of the Palin children. Usually evolving has a positive, progressive, upwards connotation to it - towards a higher level in philosophy, skills, wisdom, knowledge - you know, something to be admired and emulated. In this case, instead, what we see with the Palin is a downward, backward, declining kind of devolving of mind, spirit, morals, intellect, etc. at an ever increasing pace, and irreversible trackback - into the deep, dark abyss. On her way to cavort with her maker and get some fresh new ideas to bedevil normal humans everywhere!

    The Palin's skills at manipulating the members of her cult has been the only thing evolving in that whole obscene scam - so yeah, I guess she does have some residual capacity to learn something - like how to ferret out the vulnerability in her supporters and go in for the kill.

  73. Marleycat6:45 PM

    Anonymous@8:12 AM - loved your comment - adding to the list of the Palin's depravities, but - and I think this applies to all of us here - it is virtually impossible to include all of the incidences of fraud, lying, rabid fundie stuff, negligent parenting, etc, - really, even with several tell-all fact books on her foibles, and movies, blogs - there's just NO END to the Palin BULLSHIT that needs to be called out again and again. We all try, but man, it's so hard to include it all!

  74. Marleycat11:45 AM

    OT, but - this does speak to the fraud in the Palin image - Here's something I've wondered about since reading it at Shailey Tripp's blog - she confirmed that Todd did send other men/friends/associates to Shailey for sex services - apparently this also included APD and FBI officers!

    She also said that Todd required her to keep records on these men and the services they received - and she had to turn them over to him, TODD. Now, what would even a dumb person conclude about that - Todd having possession of documentation of who,when, and what type of sex services they received (probably also copies of any receipts of cash paid?

    If this is true, how likely is it that Sarah also has seen this documentation, and that this evidence would be an incredibly potent means to control and have power over these men (in high places) who procured illegal sex services through Todd and Shailey.

    I wonder if there's any connection with AIP - to help get its fringe lunatic members a foot in the door of main stream politics!

    Also, the relationship with Todd and Shailey went on for what looks like at least 3 years, maybe more. I think this really was a "prostitution ring" and the johns involved are probably the source of power the Palins continue to wield in Alaska.

    Were there many other "Shailey Tripp's" in Todd's stable of sex workers, who may or may not have known of each other's existence in this network - hence Sarah's unwitting reference to "prostitution ring" (because there WAS a prostitution ring)! How long had this business been operating - well before Shailey was coerced into it by Todd?

    I wonder if extortion has occurred or been threatened.
    I also read somewhere that the evidence of the actual texts on a cell phone can only be accessed through the sim card - which would explain Shailey's trying to get her property back.

    It looks to me like this was quite a long term business endeavor, not a fly by night temporary set up and the main reason Shailey got arrested is they knew she had kept copies of the "records" she was supposed to turn over to Todd. It seems to me - Sarah's visit to get a massage was no accident nor for the purposes of getting a massage!

    At some point those dirty cops and FBI agents will be caught, maybe were part of an undercover investigation OR are the subject of that investigation - and the truth will come out!

  75. Marleycat11:53 AM

    Darn it - forgot to sign my name re: Todd's possible "prostitution ring". Time for this mean, old, nasty atheist libtard to quit posting for awhile, even I can't deal with the amount of nasty Palin crap - it's just too much alternate reality to know that she is considered "for real", or "smart", or a "Christian"! Ugh!


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