Friday, February 17, 2012

First post for this War on Contraception Friday: Rick Santorum's financial backer wiggles his little chauvinist pig tail at Andrea Mitchell. .

Perhaps this idiot is unaware that men also have a responsibility during the sex act, and that if a child is the result they should not have the right to just walk away and pretend it did not happen.

I can tell you right now that if men could get pregnant contraception would be freely available, and there would be NO abortion debate.

(H/T to TPM.)


  1. AKaurora2:12 AM

    Bill Maher: Rick Santorum "thinks life begins at erection."

  2. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Republican women have their own form of birth control. Before they go to bed, they simply give their Republican husband or boyfriend a stick of chewing gum.

  3. Virginia Voter2:54 AM

    But it was a JOKE according to Rick Sanitarium:

    "Foster is a well known jokester. That was a stupid joke. I'm not responsible for every bad joke that someone who I happen to know or who supports me tells. Obviously I don't agree with the basic premise. It was a joke. It was a stupid joke. It was bad taste. I don't know what your preoccupation with it is."

    Friess says most people under the AGE OF 71 wouldn't get it. Good God, conservatives have zero sense of humor or self awareness.

    Rick doesn't get the big picture either. He is Friess' pet politician, and when old Foster goes out and speaks to the press, appears by his side at rallies, and exclusively funds his super PAC, he cannot separate himself from his owner.

  4. Sharon3:12 AM

    Amen! This is a typical Republican dinosaur...he just said it out loud.
    I am waiting for a woman to ask them about viagra...which is covered by Medicaid.

    I hate to admit this but, I remember my own father saying the same thing, but use a ping pong ball.

  5. Anonymous3:38 AM

    My husband, an artist came up with a T-shirt concept for the ultra-conservative Bishops and some in the GOP like Santorum and his sugar daddy.

    A silhouette of a young boy with the caption "The new old birth control."

  6. AJ Billings3:50 AM

    OK Great Grandpa, back in your day SEGREGATION was legal too.

    Notice that this moron can't answer a question about his idol Ricky. He just changes the subject, like the Ancient Crone of Wasilla did in her only debate with Joe O'biden

  7. Anonymous4:02 AM

    As an older woman, I have long had the opinion that there are certain subjects that men should simply not have the right to address (especially in Congress and in state legislatures). They include rape and abortion. Now I have added contraception to that list.

    I find it ironic that some of the same people who are so concerned about "Sharia Law" are introducing their own version in this country. Why are Republican men so afraid of women?

  8. I heard this joke 40 years ago - the guy has cleaned it up little bit so he is not completely insensitive just mostly insensitive. The original version "Did you know that there's a Catholic birth control pill? It's a St. Joseph's aspirin held between the knees." For you younger folks - St Joseph's Aspirin for Children was a low-dose orange-flavored aspirin sold and advertised as "for children". Now that it has been discovered that aspirin is dangerous for young children with certain viral infections, this is a thing of the past. But this old guy - he said he was 71 - remembers this, and I am not quite so old but I remember it too.

  9. Anonymous4:16 AM

    This guys looks a lot like Jerry Sandusky.

  10. fromthediagonal4:29 AM

    Gryphen, you forgot to add the necessary second part of your last sentence:
    ...and abortion would be a sacrament!

  11. PalinsHoax5:09 AM

    Hey Friess, why didn't you mention the other contraception method of your day - MEN, KEEP YOUR ZIPPER UP !!

    And mention that bit of wisdom to your buddy Santorum.

  12. Anonymous5:22 AM

    If I hold an asprin in my elbow, I guess I can't give a hand-job.

    If I hold an asprin in my mouth, I guess I can't give oral satisfaction.

    If Rick Santorum keeps an asprin shoved up his, uh, asset, then I guess he can't give, uh, well, you know....

  13. Anonymous5:25 AM

    When I was in nursing training 55 years ago, the nuns would say "if men Dr's got their period they would give it a medical name, go to bed for a week with lots of pain medicine and insist upon being waited upon the whole time. Heaven forbid they ever got pregnant." This is after some young nurse trainee had gone to the sick bay to ask for something for cramps and was refused. Contraception was just getting started back then so no one asked for it.

  14. Anonymous5:44 AM

    "Anonymous said...

    As an older woman, I have long had the opinion that there are certain subjects that men should simply not have the right to address (especially in Congress and in state legislatures). They include rape and abortion. Now I have added contraception to that list.

    I find it ironic that some of the same people who are so concerned about "Sharia Law" are introducing their own version in this country. Why are Republican men so afraid of women?

    4:02 AM

    I am a 58 year old woman, and I'll tell you how I understand the answer to the question you pose.

    I did not marry until my late 30's after a very successful career in a male dominated industry.I was attractive but professional, and noticed how confused and conflicted, even threatened, so many male coworkers were. Mostly I just thought it was bizarre and a terrible waste of time and energy.

    On the morning I woke up after having giving birth, my very first thought - truly an aha! moment if there ever was one -was "So THIS is why they're so scared of women! They can't do this one thing. Bigger, stronger, have all the cultural advantages, really every other kind of power, but they can't give birth to their children. They need us for that, can't control us, and it scares them"

    Just my 2 cents

  15. Anonymous6:05 AM

    So are the religious groups also opposed to having insurance covering vasectomies? I just haven't heard that as being an issue and am wondering why.

    Some women have been told by their doctors to not get pregnant because of medical conditions which could endanger their lives --does the Catholic Church prefer that women risk their lives, or to have a sexless marriage instead of using contraceptives?

  16. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Mistah Charley, I've heard the joke, too. Whether he meant it as a joke or not, it doesn't make it any less condescending or insensitive. To some, the gender or race of others is the source of too many nasty jokes

    Republicans are becoming synonymous with dinosaurs.

  17. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This guys looks a lot like Jerry Sandusky.

    4:16 AM

    Agree! When I saw Santorum and then this guy's face - I immediately thought Sandusky and then realized that Sandusky and Santorum aren't connected (that I know of)

  18. Anne In DC6:23 AM

    This fool's "joke" was offensive on so many levels it's hard to know where to start. For one thing, he is backing the most proudly reactionary candidate for the GOP nomination. That alone speaks volumes about him. Second, at a time when the GOP Congressmembers are trying to interfere with access to birth control under the guise of "religious freedom," his levity is insulting. Third, as Sharon noted, these clowns don't see the irony of Viagra being covered by Medicaid, yet they want to squawk about birth control being covered by "government." It's been quite revealing to see how many unenlightened males amd female enablers there are out here concerning the subject. But there are many other men who DO get it, and that gives me hope.

  19. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Joke was epic fail completely irrelevant to this 2012 discussion.

    This comment brings up attitudes, repression of women, cultural injustice and letting males off the hook for pregnancy prevention and denial of their sperm set loose.

  20. Viagra has been covered by EVERY insurance plan out there, including Medicaid. It has been since the instant it came on the market. I was outraged then (1998 or so) and I'm more outraged now. The GOP...rushing full steam ahead into the 15th century. Ladies...PAY ATTENTION!!!

  21. Randall7:23 AM

    ...yeah, and if altar boys could get pregnant, there wouldn't be any laws against contraception OR abortion, either.

  22. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Remember folks: Republicans DON'T WANT YOU TO HAVE SEX. That's what all this is about.

  23. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I'm 65 and the older I get in some ways I get more liberal. I think every woman in America should be disgusted by this stupid guy. I don't want to pay for viagra it's mot God will. Those desires or being able go withAGE. bESIDES i WANT A national investigation into the street buying and selliing of this drugviragra and like drugs. Men need to prove that they have a problem that they can't get perform. That they are not doctor shjopping to get more perscriptions and that they are not selli ng it. Want a war You got it.

  24. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The man is a cunty bastard. That's all there is to it.

  25. Anonymous9:00 AM

    If women are supposed to keep their legs closed, how are the horny GOP rat-bastards supposed to get laid?

  26. Wow, I'd like to comment, but I'm kind of busy writing more checks to Planned Parenthood and President Obama.

    Maybe later.

  27. Anonymous9:08 AM

    What about all those precious wasted sperm from masturbation, and nocturnal emissions. All looking for an egg to enter?

    When is that going to be considered immoral and railed against?

    The good old days ruled by the pope.

  28. Excuse me...a cunty bastard? I think you have your adjectives a little screwed up. Why don't you give it some thought and try something more appropriate?

  29. Anonymous9:49 AM

    It's all about controlling women.

    I've always heard that, but after I was pregnant, I realized it was true.

    When a woman is pregnant, she is soooo vulnarable.

    That's the way these jerks like 'em.

  30. Anonymous9:58 AM

    That "joke" made the rounds back before the pill. It wasn't amusing back in those days either.

  31. Anita Winecooler5:05 PM

    I don't know where to start. Just because he's "of a certain age" doesn't make what he said right nor less offensive. I guess if this is excuseable, then racist jokes and homophobic slurs will come back into vogue.

    Santorum is actually DEFENDING "The joke" just because he's rich?

    Hey Rick, what if he says a few "dead baby" jokes, would you take money from him to try to win an election?

  32. Some women have been told by their doctors to not get pregnant because of medical conditions which could endanger their lives --does the Catholic Church prefer that women risk their lives, or to have a sexless marriage instead of using contraceptives?

    6:05 AM

    A childhood friend married his LDS girlfriend and converted. He became a zealot who did in fact force his wife to keep having children after her doctor told her she risked her life doing so. The last child she delivered did almost kill her. The child was permanently damaged so that child will never be able to live independently. I wasn't around for those events so I don't know why she didn't get pregnant again. Maybe her equipment was too damaged or the MD yanked it out. After that event, her husband demanded they adopt a family of 5 orphan children. He got his existing kids to agree and put pressure on their mother to the point she acquiesced. I now find this old friend despicable.

    He sends me family photos every year that look like an entire school student body. His Christmas letters refer to all these kids and all their kids by name but I have no idea who any of them is now. I have no way to connect any of them with any reality. I have come to detest getting these annual updates. This is after he told me I am going to hell for not listening to him. WHY would I? I think he is a world class wife abuser in the name of religion. I don't attribute such ideas to all LDS men but this one sure has got my dander up.

  33. @ Anita Winecooler

    Racist jokes and homophobic slurs have already made it back into the mainstream. Seems like it's somehow OK now to say such things without even an attempt at subtlety.


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