Friday, February 17, 2012

Second post for our War on Contraception Friday: The Sarah Palin approved birth control method.

You can still screw multiple people, but you have to wink and quit halfway through. 

This one's for you Palin-bots!

(H/T to Cognitive Dissonance.)


  1. Anonymous4:55 AM

    My husband is as incensed at the contraception brew-ha-ha as I am and I am shocked. He is 74and holds his money close to his heart as he is living on a small SS amount. Last night after hearing the "aspirin between the knees" from Santorum's backer and the rant by Rush about people "wanting to avoid the consequences of sex", and the quote that Palin "would be available" my husband took out his check book and wrote a check to Obama for the first time.

  2. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Did Sarah Palin have a stroke?!

  3. Nancy In New York5:36 AM

    This is the usual shit that the GOP tricksters pull before elections. The attack on women and taking away their reproductive freedom never gets old for them. Too bad they could give a shit less about women and children after they're born.

    Side note. Winky Wasilla sure looks like she put a lot of mileage on the odometer since 2008.
    Her bitterness and evil have seeped out and she's completely lost her looks.

  4. Say what you will, but that b is still cummin!

  5. Anonymous6:02 AM

    HAH! Given her own knocked-up wedding and her two "chaste" daughters, she is the LAST one to be commenting on contraception.

  6. Anonymous6:09 AM

    If you don't stop halfway through, things just end up retarded.

    Too much?

  7. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Virginia GOP: "If You Want Abortion, We Will Rape You First".

    Do we live in 2012? WTF? How the hell is it possible in America that a women against her will be forced to have something pushed into her vaginally in the name of the law? This is no simple matter nor is it like taking an images of a baby in mom's womb where a jelly is covering the tummy and an image scanner is run along the tummy while you watch the baby picture on TeeVee monitors. No, that is just not what this law will force. What it force on Virginia's women is legalized RAPE.

  8. Anonymous6:23 AM

    By now, we've all heard of the lovely bit of law passed by Virginia's House Of Delegates, and soon to be signed by Governor Bob McDonnell, who thinks Rick Santorum has screwy ideas about women, whereby any woman seeking to exercise her constitutional right to choose within the borders of the Commonwealth will be forced to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound probe before doing so, and then be forced wo wait 10 days, possibly using the time to figure out why anyone would live in a state that would mandate a mechanical violation this horrific. The probe has no medical value whatsoever. The procedure has been made mandatory for the express purpose of embarrassing women in the most intimate kind of way so that they will be shamed out of exercising a right that is theirs by law. Period.

    This is no time for jokes about the Republicans wanting to shrink government and to precisely what size to fit precisely where they want to shrink it. I have a more fundamental question.

    Where in the hell are the doctors? Where in hell is the AMA?

    Women are being required to undergo a medically unnecessary, personally violative procedure without their consent. (An amendment to require consent unsurprisingly failed in the legislature.) Doctors simply should refuse to conduct this procedure as a violation of their duties as physicians. The AMA should back them legally all the way up to the five wise souls in the big marble building. It should also sue the Commonwealth of Virginia, and McDonnell, until their eyeballs bleed. Doctors should speak out boldly, and without fear, about being used as middlemen in the relentless war on women being waged on several fronts by the anti-choice communities. It's time for being a physician to mean more than the fact that you get a new Lexus every year. Any doctors in the peanut gallery who think I'm wrong about this should chime in down in the comments.

    Hey, I have a notion. Demand a "conscience exemption" from the requirements of this act of medical barbarism. Those seem to be all the rage these days.

  9. Anonymous6:34 AM

    OT- does Palin believe in a brokered convention she or anyone can pop in saying "Ok, I'll do it" and the response is "great, that settles this, the nominee is someone who chose not to run."

    I suspect Palin spews her misleading info to bait and reel people in. She could sell bridges...oops she has sold one to nowhere.

  10. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Republicans in Virginia have passed a bill that would force women who want to have an abortion to submit to a trans vaginal ultrasound (even if their doctor objects.) Bob McDonnell, Virginia’s Republican Governor, says he will sign the bill into state law.

    Forced vaginal probes from the same party that’s constantly complaining about Government intrusiveness. Hypocrisy doesn’t seem like strong enough of a word.

    Rachel Maddow featured this story on her show last night:

  11. Anonymous6:38 AM

    The Increasingly Disturbing War Against Women’s Rights

    ...It’s hard to pinpoint where the current upsurge in dismissive rhetoric about women’s rights began. Anti-abortion sentiment has long been a staple of right-wing politics, of course. But recently, conservatives have seemed particularly fixated on Planned Parenthood. Last February, congressional Republicans sought to eliminate funding for Title X, a federal grant program that provides HIV testing, contraception, and cancer screenings (through pap smears and breast exams). Title X, Republicans claimed, was funding abortions at Planned Parenthood, which Senator Jon Kyl said did little else.

    Kyl had his facts badly wrong, it turned out. Abortion represents only 3 percent of Planned Parenthood’s services, and the organization is legally prohibited from using Title X funds to cover abortion-related expenses. This didn’t seem to bother Kyl. The Senator’s comment about Planned Parenthood’s activities “was not intended to be a factual statement,” said his spokesman. Another fact that apparently didn’t trouble him: Title X has funded the early detection, over a 20 year period, of at least 55,000 cases of cervical cancer, according to the National Women’s Law Center.

  12. Hey, Hey, Well, Well, Well!!

    So Very Much For Those Frivolous Ethics Charges You Threw At Our Sweet Sarah. I Mean, All Of You Are Still Po'Ed At Her Even After She Left Office. Well, May I Suggest Everyone Of You Sad Sacks To Grab A Couple Of Hostess Twinkies And A Fairly Tall Cold Glass Of Milk, Go To A Secluded Corner Of A Poorly Lit Room And Wollow In Your Stinky Muck. Hurry, Milk And Cookies Period Is Almost Over.

  13. Anonymous6:49 AM

    How The GOP Went Back To The 1950s In Just One Day

    Very neatly, and on three separate fronts, conservatives in America turned the clock back to the 1950s with their rhetoric about women’s rights Thursday, according to women in politics on both sides of the aisle. This could be a big problem for the GOP when the calendar reaches November.

    Let’s take a look at Thursday, February 16, 2012, the day Washington fell into a time-warp.

  14. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Sarah is about the LAST person who needs to weigh in on Contraception...
    Track knocked up Britta
    Bristol got knocked up twice...
    And Willow, well, we shall see...

    Plus I thought Abstinence was Sarah's schtick...

    Frankly, she treats her core values like noodles... throw 'em against the wall, and if they stick she goes with it.

  15. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Hey, Jim Thompson...FUCK YOU!

  16. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Must be an old picture of Granny Lulu, the botox has made it impossible for her to wink for the last couple of years.
    We know you peek at these posts Saree....come on and try and give your bots a big wink.....try it next speech..I dare you.

  17. Jim Thompson said...
    Hey, Hey, Well, Well, Well!!

    So Very Much For Those Frivolous Ethics Charges You Threw At Our Sweet Sarah. I Mean, All Of You Are Still Po'Ed At Her Even After She Left Office. Well, May I Suggest Everyone Of You Sad Sacks To Grab A Couple Of Hostess Twinkies And A Fairly Tall Cold Glass Of Milk, Go To A Secluded Corner Of A Poorly Lit Room And Wollow In Your Stinky Muck. Hurry, Milk And Cookies Period Is Almost Over.

    6:44 AM

    Awesome snark!

    Haha! Mr. Jim is advising us to mimic $arah's psychotic behavior.

  18. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I agree -- the Virginia law is legalized rape by the state.

    This is the radical plan by the anti-government forces.

    It's okay to trash the planet by eliminating the EPA, and to beggar our children by dismantling the public school system. It's okay to tell workers to grovel before their employers.

    Take government out of our lives!

    Except for pregnant women, who will have the most intimate part of their body invaded by state fiat.
    By men deciding this is how a woman should be controlled. It's barbaric.

  19. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Jim Thompson,

    I am clearly much more mature than you. Your "sweet Sarah" is a criminal. I need do nothing, for eventually the law will catch up with her.

    Then, and only then, I might enjoy my milk and cookies while watching the comedy unfold.

  20. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I am beginning to wonder if all the republicans are just undercover spies working for the DNC. It can't get any worse for these idiots. It is a shame really, because now Obama does not even have to campaign and would have won anyway, but at least he would be able to say he earned the win. The GOP are handing him the next four years. Would it not be grate for the president to just donate all the crazy money he has to campaign with to the budget deficit? He doesn't need it and boy, talk about heads exploding. I can't wait to see how many women vote republican in the next election.

  21. Anonymous7:53 AM

    "The Sarah Palin Approved Birth Control Method."

    The Palin approved birth control is currently the Wishbone Method....

    You spread their legs like a Wishbone then after they ride you and the deed is done, you pray and wish that they are not pregnant!

    If after a few weeks you hear that they are pregnant, then that means your wish was not granted.

    You will then receive a certified letter welcoming you to a life in hell.

  22. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Hey, Hey, Well, Well, Well!!

    So Very Much ...
    6:44 AM
    I stopped reading this garbage when I realized you were capitalizing every word. Only braindead morons do that. You are a stupid idiot "jim thomspon" and I feel sorry for your mother. Get help soon. You are obviously mentally ill like sarah palin and will never be smart. No wonder you're so angry. being intellectually inferior has that effect on people. LMFAO

  23. Anonymous8:38 AM

    but, but .....didn't Sarah herself write that she'd had an abortion...I mean, a D & C?

  24. I just don't get how these legislators, who are not medical professionals, can require doctors to perform a medical procedure on a patient if a) the doctor doesn't think it is medically necessary and b) the patient does not give consent.

    Aren't these the same jackasses that went on and on during the health care reform debate about the gummint coming between a patient and their doctor?

  25. I heard the 'aspirin' between the knees joke when I was a teen and they also used 'dime' between the knees. It wasn't that funny then and it's just plain ugly now due to the way Freiss garbled the 'telling' of the lame joke. Another knee slapper of that era was "what do you call people who use the rhythm method?" and, of course, the answer was 'parents'.

    I actually heard one of the younger female talking heads respond to this yesterday by asking how could aspirin possibly prevent contraception. ??? Proves to me that some jokes have a shelf life and especially those from an era that offered very little in the way of contraceptive options. It was also a time when women took the shameful brunt of an out-of-wedlock pregnancy while the boy bees buzzed onto the next flower without the slightest reproach.

  26. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Mrs. Palin was in NYC to see Daddy Ailes about that blow job he has for her.

  27. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Sarah Palin is the biggest prick tease ever! That woman is 50 years old! Trying to look 15!

  28. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Hey Dipshit how's that Jeremy Pa-Lin knock off fake jersey thingy working out for ya?

  29. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Hey Sarah what do you have in common with your Jeremy Lin shirt?

    The Jeremy Lin shirt you bought in New York for 50 cents is a knock off and you are a quitter political knock off and a two cent commentator knock off.

  30. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Gryph what happened to your Palin / Lin shirt posting showing the fake holding the fake shirt?

  31. Anonymous9:23 AM

    An entire warehouse of aspirin couldn't keep those palin$ from goin' forth and multiplyin'.

  32. Anonymous9:26 AM

    diz -- re the aspirin joke... I keep thinking of the limited imaginations that think holding one's knees together prevents one from having sex!

  33. Anon@6:23--Very good Esquire article. I agree with the point about doctors needing to speak up. Also, if it is not medically necessary, will the insurance companies pay for it?

  34. Anonymous9:32 AM

    When is Rober Ailes and all the other whoring powers that be going to disconnect her from their weiners? She must have given them all herpes by now. She's given the rest of us a huge pain in the ass since she first appeared.

  35. Anonymous9:32 AM

    OK, kids... isn't it cosmetology school rather than "hair school"?

    And Trig just got his glasses?

    Track re-enlisted?

  36. Anonymous10:06 AM

    4:55 AM, that's awesome.

  37. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I’ll miss the start of the race because I’m visiting troops in Indiana on their way to Afghanistan, and it is important … these deployed troops and those returning — whom I so honor — they are our heroes.

    Why the fuck is she visiting troops?

    Palin wants a piece of ass?

  38. Anonymous10:26 AM


    "My son’s in the service, the oldest"

    1) Palin is not going with the combat thingy again is she?

    2) Is this "Join the service for mommy so mommy can look patriotic and this time you will go to combat"?

    3) Track is tired of living with mommy with no education or job so he decided he like driving officers around?

  39. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I recall hearing that 'aspirin' joke years and years ago. I started taking the birth control pill right after it first came out which was in 1962. I was getting married and we didn't want to have children until we deemed it appropriate as to timing. Good thing we did that, because we were divorced five years later!

    The Republicans are screwing themselves to the wall with bringing this issue to the forefront. Contraception is used by the majority (including Catholics)and abortions are a needed procedure at times and legal! Republicans - stay out of women's vajayjays!! I wonder how many of those old, fat guys in Congress use Viagra? Sure would be fun starting a mission to block it and obstruct their use of it!!! How about it girls? A vaginal ultrasound BEFORE an abortion - Legislature just passed tje law on that in Virginia!!!! And, their governor is going to sign it! Give me a friggin' break!

    I voted for Obama the first time and will again. President Obama is doing a hell of a job inspite of the horrible obstruction the assholes (Republicans) have used/caused on the Hill. Vote them out folks!!!

  40. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Sarah had to go see Ailes about a blow job.

  41. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    Amazing how the Republicans come up with these probe and contraceptive ideas, isn't it?
    The new job numbers are looking good, President Obama doesn't have to do a thing, because the Republicans are doing their work for him.

    We all know how Sarah's "abstinance stance" and voodoo bottom step "No Boys!" spell works with a hundred percent efficacy rates.

    The War on Women is going to backfire big time.

    In the mean time, President Obama's numbers keep rising, the economy is turning around, so they shift the topic from jobs to the uterus.

    Obama 2012, Warren 2016


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