Thursday, February 16, 2012

National treasure Dr. Maya Angelou weighs in on the Obama presidency, now and moving forward.

Photo courtesy of The Obama Diary.
Courtesy of the Guardian:

"I think we are going to see a number of people who say: 'I have no racial prejudice in my heart, not in my conversation,'" Angelou says. "But in the next few months, as we wind up to the double campaign, I tell you we are going to see some nastiness, some vulgarity, I think. They'll pull the sheets off." 

It looks like Dr. Angelou, who has vast experience with racism in America, is also painfully aware of how just how ugly things will get for President Obama and the Democrats this November.

And how does this civil right warrior judge the success of America's first African American President?

Obama has critics and doubters. Angelou, the sage of black America, now 83, has no time for them. "I think he has done a remarkable job, knowing how much he has been opposed," she says. "Every suggestion he makes, the Republicans en masse fight against him or don't vote at all." It's about him being a Democrat and being the first black president, she says.

Reflecting on that presidency, what did she expect? "I was hoping for the best. And I think I have gotten the best from him." What of his detractors? "Those are people who didn't see the morass into which he stepped." He is America's president. But he also describes himself as America's first black president. 

That, says Angelou, speaking from her home in North Carolina, has had an extraordinary impact on black America. "His physical self, just being there, his photograph in the newspapers as president of the United States; that has done so much good for the spirit of the African American. We see more and more children wanting to be like President Obama, wanting to go to school."

You know I am not sure if I am more enlightened than most, or if it is simply because I am used to seeing Barack Obama as our President, but I rarely think of him as black anymore. (Well that is until somebody on the Right says something incredibly racist of course.)

In fact, to borrow one of Stephen Colbert's ongoing gags, when I look at him I "don't see color"." Or the First Lady either for that matter.

And in the end I believe that will be the ongoing legacy left by Barack Obama.

To many, especially those from the South,  he may appear to be shockingly incongruous with their idea of how the President of this country is supposed to appear.

His darker pigment may even seem an affront to their senses.

But after his two terms are over, the door will forever be open to the next non-white leader of the free world to seamlessly take up residence in the White House.

And you know THAT might be at the root of the incredible anger inspired by this President from those firmly ensconced in the Right Wing.

In a manner of speaking, President Obama has served as the canary in the mineshaft. And once he emerges on the other side from this incredibly challenging experience, others who never thought they had any hope of attaining that highest of offices, will be inspired to set their feet on that path as well.

Which of course will mean that the days of domination by the Caucasians in America, will come to an end.

So in many ways the future of the Presidency does not only appear promising, it also appears multi-ethnic.

Did you hear that sound? That is the sound of lily white assholes puckering in frustration all along the Mason-Dixon line. Kind of gratifying isn't it?


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Jesse, I love you and the blog, but this one offended me a bit...

    Please don't paint all of us who live in the South as racist assholes. Granted, I'm a Northerner who had to move here for a job, but I have lots of friends who are natives and are as liberal and kind and progessive as I am.

    Just cause we're slightly out of the voting majority (for now), please don't assume we all feel the other way.

    Thanks and keep up the good work!

  2. Maya Angelou spoke at a commencement ceremony at my college one year in the 90's. I had never heard of her before that, but I would never forget her after that.

    I feel incredibly honored to have heard her in person. She's truly a remarkable woman.

  3. Hugh G. Rection7:31 PM

    Being one of those lily white guys raised in "Little Dixie", by racist parents and grandparents, I think this President has done a remarkable job, he has been opposed in everything he has tried to do, and has overcome that. I, in my heart, believe that much of that opposition is due to nothing but the color of his skin. My grandparents, rest their souls, never saw the light, but my parents have, and to them, never again will a man be judged by the color of his skin, red, yellow, black, or white. Damn that reminds me of a song that I was taught as a little kid in church, too bad I don't believe anymore. The right wing is full of nothing but angry old white folk, and they seriously need to get over themselves.

  4. Irishgirl7:35 PM

    Yes, it is. May their assholes continue to pucker.

  5. Sharon8:02 PM

    I totally agree, and I have said it many times. Our children are color blind...and when those old white farts finally die off, America will be again what we want it to be. Electing Obama was the spark we needed to really bring out those racist bigots that really hate what America stands for. The war on abortion, birth control, women's health, gays, wall street, taxes, voting....its all coming out of the shadows. What it really means to be a republican is clear.
    You hate everything that isn't rich, white, straight or your version of Christian. Obama was our gift....his timing was perfect in every way. They are a beautiful family inside and out.

  6. Dr. Angelou could live anywhere in the world, yet she chooses to live in the South. There are racists everywhere, even in Alaska.

  7. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I keep thinking "Southern Strategy" when I hear all the fuss over long-since-decided issues (contraception for all, gay rights, pro-choice). It truly is all over except the shouting on these issues, as the rush to support PP demonstrated. Thank goodness.

    But blatant racism and sexism are issues that are deeply held by some, who are not able to discuss them for fear of a shit-storm of ridicule by those who take legal equality seriously and fully support it. So the code words, or code terms, are used instead. And that's why these non-issues have been trotted out. And also to distract us. Imagine: with two wars and our economic problems (and climate change!), we are fiddling with contraception, which 94% approve of.

    It's a huge shame that President Obama has had to address the giant cesspool issue of Southern Strategy -- esp when he has the other giant roster of problems created during the Bush watch. Or unaddressed, like climate change.

    But luckily, we see that our President is the most talented and able person one can imagine to deal with these hideous issues -- all of them. We are very lucky.

    Now we just have to be vigilant re voter fraud, which seems like the only way the Repubs will come close to beating Obama. And all the difficulties about who won in which primaries seems to be practice runs for that.

  8. Much of what we have seen in the last three years is the last (I hope) desperate attempt of white males to keep their power. They look out over America and see people of color, women, homosexuals... all moving into positions of responsibility and power in this country. They have no intention of sharing what has been their private domain. They are trying desperately to hold back time and the enormous pressure of the rest of the population. Unfortunately they can do a lot of damage in the effort, but they will lose.

  9. Wolfbitch8:28 PM

    "To many, especially those from the South, he may appear to be shockingly incongruous with their idea of how the President of this country is supposed to appear."

    This is the only statement you (or Dr. Angelou) made that I'd disagree with. I live in New England, and believe me, there are those up here who object to a person of color being President. Hell, they'd object to a person of color being a neighbor.

    Racism isn't confirmed to geography. It's a problem every white person has to face in themselves whether they realize it or not. Anyone who was not raised in a diverse culture will be dragging some baggage - some conscious, some not so conscious. (In my opinion.)

  10. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I disagree, I see the color of their skin just as I see the variety in eye and hair color. One if the characteristics that makes Michelle Obama so stunning is the color of her skin. I am seeing an acupuncturist who is Indian. She has an incredibly gorgeous complexion. I see the beauty. Of course this has nothing to do with ability to lead, though too often such superficial traits do have an impact. Would queen grifter be anywhere if it weren't for her looks. Could you see her on the Five with that tongue lolling about if she looked like say... RAM. Yeah, it still grossed me out and I had to stop the video. Ick!

  11. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I am also from the south. Grew up in Texas lived there 21 years. Have lived in Alabama for 48 years because my husband was from here. He passed away 7 years ago but I am still stuck here. My kids grew up here so this is the only pace they have ever lived and I do not want to leave my kids and grand kids. I have hated this place since I moved here and always will. I have always voted democrat and I am a Christian. It makes me sick the way the way republicans are doing. Sarah started all this hate and other are following her. I pray that party causes its own demise with so much hate and lies.

  12. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Could all that anger and opposition towards our first black President be in hopes of discouraging other blacks and other minorities from ever running for President?...I think so and also the fact that Obama IS black and they just can't accept it.

    Can you imagine Sarah Palin dealing with such obstruction? She'd quit!

  13. Anonymous9:52 PM

    "We see more and more children wanting to be like President Obama, wanting to go to school."

    Well, not if Ricky "The Froth" Santorum has his way. You know, wanting to abolish the public school system and Department of Education and all.

    By the way Rick, your draconian Nuremberg-esque nighttime vigils are a little over the top (you think you're Clayton Townley or something?)

  14. Wise words from a great American!

    Gryph, You did a great job adding to the power of the spoken word from the poet.

  15. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Just want to add that "Southern Strategy" refers to people of a certain state of mind (racist, sexist, homophobic), not a geographical area. Wiki has a good discussion of it. Sorry, first commenter.

    I know there are many fine people in all locations, and jerks in all locations. When Palin is working on "energizing the base," we know who she is frothing up into a rabid rage.

  16. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I love this particular section of your blog, Jesse! And, I cherish President Obama! He has done an excellent job, at his post, in spite of the nastiness from the Republicans across the nation and especially in the United States Congress.

    I sincerely believe that President Obama (after he finishes his second term) will go down in history as one of the best presidents to have served our country.

    And thank you for your kind words about President Obama, Dr. Angelou! You are a treasure yourself that was introduced to me a few years ago by Oprah.

    I absolutely dread this upcoming election cycle. It has already proved itself to be a huge embarrassment to the Republicans in their primary process.

    Especially delighted President Obama has selected a team that will have the responsibility of doing nothing but counter the lies and propaganda put out there by the Republicans during the upcoming campaign. That will provide him time to campaign well and continue handling his other responsibilities as President of the United States.

    Remember folks, vote in November for President Obama and vote as many of those Republicans out of office that you can. They are not representing the people of America in all levels of the government throughout the nation.

    They are especially against the rights of women and want to take down our education system.

  17. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I especially admire President Obama because he remains ALWAYS respectful, thoughtful and kind. Plus, he has an outstanding smile and an outstanding wife!

    I cannot think of one Republican that is anywhere near being as con-trolled and honorable as President Obama.

    We forget he is part white as well as black! We will see more and more mixtures of the races as the years move along and the white race is and will decrease and become the minority. We are on our way to that already. And, I believe that is what drives the Republicans nuts. Plus, they want to control women and our sexual rights.

  18. I could listen to Maya Angelou recite the alphabet and be totally enthralled-the same goes with our President. I do see the color of their skin when they speak,and am impressed with how they have NEVER let the bullshit people spew at (and about) them get in their way,or their message. And,it's not just southerners sphincters that will pinch. I have heard more people in the Mid West,and here in progressive California, use the n word then I ever did in all the time I lived in the DFW area of Texas. Ugliness inside of people knows no geographical borders-your ex-Gov.shit for brains, is a perfect example. On the positive side-beauty inside of people knows no borders either.

  19. Anonymous11:16 PM

    A moderate republican friend told me she will vote for Obama because with him she knows what she is for the republican candidates she doesn't trust them.

  20. Anonymous4:05 AM

    I watched the video snippets at "theobamadiary" showing Michelle Obama greeting people touring the White House. She is so amazingly gracious and nice and everyone seemed simply thrilled to see her. Then I thought about how incredible it was for those African-Americans visiting the White House and being greeted by one of their own. It must have been such a beautiful moment for them. It was also for me.

  21. Anonymous4:26 AM

    G, you forget the midwest and western, as well as the northern, racists.

    Believe me, when I moved to Philly in the early 70s, as a liberal southerner, I was expected to hate blacks as much as the rest of the many racist whites I ran into. Hell, I was even told to "go back where you came from" when I disagreed with their stance on minorities.

    And yes, I'm proud Maya Angelou makes her home here in NC.

  22. I only notice this President's racial heritage when he is confronted with plainly stunning arrogance and disrespect from the likes of FoxNews "journalist" Bret Baier or that knucklehead Jan Brewer in Arizona, and see him demonstrate his astounding composure (far in excess of any I could muster)... that's when I remember the baseball player Jackie Robinson and his having "the courage not to fight."

  23. Anonymous6:21 AM

    The Right has said that they wanted President to fail....yet he has surpass in his leadership ,and he is a down to earth nice person.

    This is what drives the Right crazy,President has what money cannot buy.

  24. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Now White women are starting to see the light and fight back. How in the world can they have a discussion on contraception without the input of women?

    President Obama winning the election has opened the door for a woman President in the future. All this in such a short time span when looking at it from the 60's.

  25. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I am one Southerner who believers President Obama is one of the greatest leaders we have had in the history of our nation. The accomplishments of his first three years are amazing and I laugh at his detractors and their attempts to criticize him. Keep up the good work Griffin!
    P.S. Let's hope Snowdrift Snooki is serious about taking the nomination at a brokered convention.

  26. Anita Winecooler2:01 PM

    I absolutely adore Dr Maya Angelou, I was introduced to her writings by a very astute and lily white English Prof (Thank You, Prof. Kelly) who had "Black History" month years ahead of it's time. This woman is right. I don't see the color of his skin when he speaks, I see the content of his character.

    Sadly, we need to take off our rose colored glasses, all of us, and realize that Racism and Hate still exist everywhere. I've never seen a President who's had to deliver a speech about racism before, and that, alone, proves Dr Angelou is right.

    I saw a quote by Jimi Hendrix superimposed on a graphic of President Obama

    "When the Power of Love, overcomes the Love of Power, there will be Peace" That's the only "Agenda" I see in Our President and his leadership during these trying times. He's working for all people.

    On the mixed race issue and he being "half white", that argument is null and void. He self identifies as a Black Man, and that's his right, we should all respect that.

    This election cycle will bring out the worst in those with hate in their heart, one only need look to Sarah Palin and Fox News.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for addressing this so eloquently.

  27. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I voted for Barack Obama because I believed he was by far the best candidate (and because the idea of McCain and, by extension, Palin in the White House scared the bejeebus out of me!). I am proud to have voted for him and have been impressed with how he and his family have changed Washington and this country for the better. I will happily vote for him again come November.

    I am also happy that the black and biracial students I work with have such outstanding role models in both the President and First Lady.

    Since the door to the Oval Office has now been thrown open to someone other than a rich, white male, can we please have a woman in the White House next time? :)


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