Friday, February 17, 2012

For our third post this War on Contraception Friday we get serious: For a growing population in this country once the baby is conceived, the rights of the mother are no longer valid. Update!

Courtesy of Salon:

I was taking an afternoon nap when the hemorrhaging started while my toddler napped in his room when I woke up to find blood gushing upward from my body. Though I didn’t know it at the time, I was experiencing a placental abruption, a complication my doctor had told me was a possibility. My husband was at work, so I had to do my best to take care of me and my toddler on my own. I managed to get to the phone and make arrangements for both of my children before going to a Chicago hospital. 

Everyone knew the pregnancy wasn’t viable, that it couldn’t be viable given the amount of blood I was losing, but it still took hours for anyone at the hospital to do anything. The doctor on call didn’t do abortions. At all. Ever. In fact, no one on call that night did. Meanwhile, an ignorant batch of medical students had gathered to study me — one actually showed me the ultrasound of our dying child while asking me if it was a planned pregnancy. Several wanted to examine me while I lay there bleeding and in pain. No one gave me anything for the pain or even respected my request to close the door even though I was on the labor and delivery floor listening to other women have healthy babies as the baby I had been trying to save died in my womb. 

Finally another doctor was located, the abortion was performed, and the mother's life was saved.

Later I found out that the doctor had taken my husband aside as they brought me into surgery. She promised him she would do her best to save me, but she warned him there was a distinct possibility that she would fail. The doctor who didn’t do abortions was supposed to have contacted her (or someone else who would perform the procedure) immediately. He didn’t. Neither did his students. Supposedly there was a communication breakdown and they thought she had been notified, but I doubt it. I don’t know if his objections were religious or not; all I know is that when a bleeding woman was brought to him for treatment he refused to do the only thing that could stop the bleeding. Because he didn’t do abortions. Ever. 

My two kids at home almost lost their mother because someone decided that my life was worth less than that of a fetus that was going to die anyway. My husband had told them exactly what my regular doctor said, and the ER doctor had already warned us what would have to happen. Yet none of this mattered when confronted by the idea that no one needs an abortion. You shouldn’t need to know the details of why a woman aborts to trust her to make the best decision for herself. I don’t regret my abortion, but I would also never use my situation to suggest that the only time another woman should have the procedure is when her life is at stake. After my family found out I’d had an abortion, I got a phone call from a cousin who felt the need to tell me I was wrong to have interfered with God’s plan. And in that moment I understood exactly what kind of people judge a woman’s reproductive choices.

What a completely terrifying story! I cannot imagine how angry I would have been if I had been this woman's husband!

This is why inserting religion into our politics, our health care, and our public school systems can be so incredibly dangerous.  When people place the desire to honor their faith before the requirement to help their fellow man, bad things can happen. Even fatal things can happen.

This woman was surrounded by medical professionals and yet NONE would help her, deeming the life of an unborn, nonviable, life more worthy of protection than the life of a wife and mother of two.

You would think that in the year 2012 that would be a no-brainer. That people would be more than sophisticated enough to make a decision like this.  But sadly, rather than becoming MORE rational, we are becoming less rational as it pertains to reproduction.

And that is made crystal clear by the fact that Oklahoma might very soon become the first state to pass the so-called "Personhood" bill 

The Republican-controlled state Senate voted 34-8 to pass the "Personhood Act" which defines the word person under state law to include unborn children from the moment of conception. 

The measure now goes to the state House where pro-life Republicans outnumber Democrats by more than a 2-1 margin.

So today in some sections of America, sections which are increasing in size mind you, women's reproductive rights are under attack yet again. Not only is the fetus suddenly placed in a dominate position once conceived, but in fact access to methods in which to prevent that pregnancy are also fending off attacks.

And these attacks are not inspired by alternative scientific theory or medical advice.  These attacks are purely the result of faith in a religious point of view.  Women all over the country may soon find themselves relegated to nothing more than breeding stock, because male dominated religious organizations have deemed that to be God's will.

Welcome to the reproductive dark ages in America folks.

Update: Just to better illustrate this attack on reproductive rights, let me add that Virginia just passed a law where women seeking termination of their pregnancy are first medically traumatized in an obvious attempt to change their decision:

Abortion; informed consent. Requires that, as a component of informed consent to an abortion, to determine gestation age, every pregnant female shall undergo ultrasound imaging and be given an opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her fetus prior to the abortion. The medical professional performing the ultrasound must obtain written certification from the woman that the opportunity was offered and whether the woman availed herself of the opportunity to see the ultrasound image or hear the fetal heartbeat. A copy of the ultrasound and the written certification shall be maintained in the woman's medical records at the facility where the abortion is to be performed.

I guess the slogan "Virginia is for lovers" no longer applies. Unless of course those lovers are same sex lovers or otherwise unable to conceive.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    It's a tough subject because when a pregnancy occurs, there are biologically two people involved. No one is wrong. You've got to stop demeaning the side you aren't on.

    1. Madeline Knapp8:28 AM

      You don't get it! It's not about "demeaning"; it's about saving the life of the human being. While the fetus is indeed "human tissue" is a hemroid.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    "Person....Not a Person" Exactly.

  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Obviously you won't post this as it's random. I just noticed though that Mercede was on probation for drinking as a minor for one year beginning Aug 07. She violated this in JUNE 08 and went back to trial June 20. The last docket date was March 09, around the time her then bff wrote on myspace that she and Sadie were going backt o their drinking ways. "Being sober sucks"

    Interesting the heavy action took place when she KNEW she was going to be an aunt. Again, theyre a bunch of con artists and liars.

  4. angela6:56 AM

    I want to throw up at all of this bullshit these regressives have been spouting and doing. I guess it will take a couple of state representatives dead wives and daughters for them to get it. Maybe not.

    Time to take it to the streets---again.

  5. lostinmn6:58 AM

    I have been watching the PBS special on Prohibition and it's remarkable how if you substitute abortion, family planning or any other words associated with other people controlling other people's bodies how the Prohibition movement and the attitude of the country run so parallel a course. One of the last comments made what that alcohol abuse affects 10% of the country but we pass laws that affect 100% of the country. So in essence we have a minority of religious zealots who wish to impose their will on the rest of us by denying birth control, abortion for any reason and so on. If Santorum had his way all forms of birth control would be illegal leaving us facing thousands if not millions of unwanted pregnancies and the social consequences of them. These people, sexually repressed in their own right, want to mandate sexual activity and make sure we only have it to reproduce making any woman or man who can procreate refrain from intercourse unless it's to make babies. Of course once that happens they'll want to pass laws against non-intercourse sex acts, gay sex leaving us all ogling the farm animals. Sheep of the plains best beware when Rick and his ilk are done.

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    In reference to the invasive ultrasound procedure, they have already passed this law in Texas. I think that forcing a woman to endure this intravaginal ultrasound is no less than rape.

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    There is not a great divide between what the religious conservatives want to do in this country to control women, and what the Taliban, and other primitive and/or theocratic regimes have done since the beginning of time.
    Women are second-class people, to be controlled and manipulated by men.

    And, make no mistake: Santorum and the rest want to radically change our world -- he wants to repeal Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court ruling from 1964 -- less than 50 years ago -- that determined that people have a right to privacy, in their bedrooms and their behavior. The state cannot pry and dictate what consenting adults want to do. That decision was about allowing any contraceptives to be available -- even to married couples.
    95% of the married men in this country should think about the consequences for THEM, and fight the conservative right with everything they have.
    And they should stand up for their women colleagues, sisters, mothers, spouses, daughters, to be free of governmental interference in their most intimate lives.

  8. Anonymous7:11 AM

    This lady was in danger of bleeding out at any moment, her life was at risk every second and as an ex nurse I am appauled by the way she was treated. And someone should have told them no interns , residents, or students---You CAN refuse to be a case study..most hospitals will respect that. People may read her story and think..well they eventually did the abortion...but the fact is thatif she had ruptured any more, she could have died within 90 seconds especially with all those extra invasive exams( I saw a woman bleed out during what had been a normal delivery up to that is NOT something I wish on anyone.

    I can empathize with having the placenta rupture, but I had a much different story, thank goodness. I went into the hospital by 4 wheel drive in a snowstorm, a small local hospital. They wanted to fly me out, but couldn't ( the copter flight would have been 20 min) I was rushed into the OR and the general surgeon immediately performed a D and E to save my life. He wasn't experienced at it and promised to do his best to save my uterus ( sometimes these cases end up in a hysterectomy). The nurses watched over me for hours, barely leaving me alone, the Dr hovered too...never once was the nonviable fetus even a thought, it was my life, then leaving my body intact. if possible. That is how a woman should be treated.
    My husband and I will be forever grateful about how I was treated and even many decades later. As I had him read this article he became incensed by the way this lady was treated compared to how we were.
    The war on women is NOT just about abortion, it is precisely about a womans rights and to make women 2nd class citizens.

  9. laprofesora7:14 AM

    The law in VA is outrageous. Where were the women in Virginia? How could they permit this to happen? THIS is the party of smaller government? They would advocate INSERTING something into a persons body? Wait, it's not a person in their eyes, it's only a woman. The GOP has tipped their hand; they are clearly misogynous racist rich white men who want to control everyone else: women, blacks, the poor and anyone who might potentially threaten their death grip on power. The GOP has gone too far. They must not only be stopped, they must be destroyed. There is no chance for redemption.

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I went to a Catholic nursing school 55 years ago. We were instructed to baptize all bleeding from a woman who had come to the hospital having an "involuntary abortion" (in other words miscarriage). We were not to ask the woman if she wanted this nor to determine what religion she was. I found it repulsive to be forced to pick through the bloody mess trying to determine what blob was the "fetus". I must admit I never found anything resembling a fetus in any stage. We then flushed the bloody mess down the toilet uncermoniously. It all did seem strange and made me wonder at it all. In theory this could be taken to such and extreme that all menstrual blood be buried in a ceremony if the religious right determines that personhood is an fertilized egg because many eggs do not attach to the wall of the uterus and are flushed out each month. This could get complicated if carried to the logical conclusion. But hey who says the religious right is logocal.

  11. Nancy in Naples7:21 AM

    Why not go the whole route? Ejaculation should also be outlawed since there could be a baby made from it. There must not be any manipulation of the penis to cause ejaculation of semen. If there is ejaculation of any kind, then care must be made to save the semen! No vasectomies, no viagra, no nothin'!

  12. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I would never say "No man should even comment on situations like these, even if they're pro choice." If it's their baby biologically and they didn't force the woman, they should be consulted with upon further action, out of respect. HOWEVER, a woman is the only person who knows what is best for her, emotionally and physically. No one else can judge this.

    Therefore , men really have zero say in the decision to carry a fetus to term or not to. NO ONE knows what they'd do under any circumstances. One can't possibly know. I've known otherwise prolife women who have had abortions under horrid circumstances. I've known pro choice women who've chosen to carry the fetus to term and keep the child when it's not in their best interests.

    While women, I hope, do ask their partners for input, Men have no inherent say in the matter.

  13. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I wish this woman had filed a suit for malpractice with huge punitive damages. Perhaps she did.

    The misery of multiple kinds this woman had to endure leaves me speechless.

    I do think, and hope, that this GOP anti-choice effort will backfire on them in the next election. Big time.

    Do we really know that anti-choice views are growing? I think not. I think this viewpoint is just the under-educated coming out of the woodwork once they are "energized" by our roster of GOP candidates. I wish someone would offer data on this point.

  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Wow, I didn't really mean for you to publish the Mercede comment. It was for your perusal and pondering. Eh, whatever. Doesn't matter. Past is past.

  15. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Hey, what can we say? You've Americans and you have made the government you have. I think it's because you want to be different or something like that. Oh, and please, show some size perspective for that zygote in order to not put the impression in some stupid louts' minds that it's any bigger than a speck of dust. You can do that right can't you?

  16. Anonymous7:47 AM

    It won't stop, it's only getting worse. If Santorum is even considered for president at all by any American then that shows the hopelessness of the situation. America is going backwards into the 21st. century and beyond.

    I means just imagine, a presidential candidate that condemns using contraception! There's nothing more needs to be said other than that if even 2% support such an ignorant pig then the situation is out of control.

  17. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Gryph -- sometimes I weep for our society.

    This conservative asshole thinks he's being relevant and hip (I guess) but he's still just an asshole after all. Fortunately commenters tear him a new one.

  18. Anonymous7:48 AM

    II'm sick to death of these Republicans who want a government just small enough to shove into my uterus.

  19. Chella7:49 AM

    I was 21 years old, and 96 lbs when I found out I was pregnant. And even then, at 96 lbs, I thought I was fat. For the three years prior, I had thrown up everything I ate, for 6 months before I peed on that stick, I ate nothing but sugar free jello, and even that didn't escape my purging.

    I had gone to planned parenthood, convinced I was only, at MOST, 6 weeks pregnant. You could imagine my horror during my ultrasound that I was already at 22 weeks. I had bled at period like intervals, and I was so malnourished, so used to throwing up constantly (even when I hadn't eaten anything) I never noticed the morning sickness. From a starting weight of 185, I had wittled myself down to 96 lbs, yet when I looked in the mirror, I didn't see the bones, the chapped lips, the sunken eyes, I saw the 185 lb little girl I used to be, the small bulge in my belly, I couldn't know if it was really there or if it was my sickness messing with my ability to see me as I truly was.

    22 weeks. With a pregnancy that I didn't know I had. I was given no natural warning, nothing to let me know something was wrong. The doctor told me that I NEEDED to terminate, that he was surprised that not only the fetus survived that long in the barren wasteland of my body, that everyday I waited, was a day closer to my final collapse. I was a shadow of a human being. And this pregnancy, if left to continue, would kill me.

    I had no money. They set me up with a social worker, who fast tracked my application for PCAP, New York States Medicaid program for pregnant mothers. I was given an appointment at a hospital in NYC for my late term abortion.

    Medicaid covered everything. Every last penny. From the anaesthsia to the six bags of IV fluids I needed after the surgery.

    They saved my life, in ways more than one. That pregnancy would have killed me, and without health insurance, there would have been nothing I could do, because the fear of the medical bills was stronger than my own health.

    This experience also helped me overcome my eating disorder. Being so close to death terrified me, even more than calories had. It took me about 6 months, but I stopped purging, I started eating again, constantly pushed by the memory of the doctor telling me how LUCKY I was to be alive.

    I'm lucky. Lucky I live in the great state of new york, lucky I have such a supportive mother, that even tho she is catholic, she stood by my side and held my hand and told me that MY choice is only my own, and that Jesus loves all of his children. Never once did she judge me.

    Now I volunteer my time to clinics, working as a driver and human shield for women having abortions. I hold their hand, I drive them to appointments, I protect them from protestors.

    And everyday, I thank the universe that I'm still alive, and able to share my story.

  20. Anon, it's not a tough decision. A fetus isn't a person until it is born. The mother IS a person whether or not that fetus is born. Keep your politics out of my womb.

  21. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I live in VA and I am so disgusted with this governor. I have a daughter of an age where if she needed an abortion, it would be over my dead body that they did anything to her that was not necessary. The stupid in this state is so painful to live with and I am right next to UVA, which helps, a little. Why is this women calling what happened an abortion? I would be calling it a miscarriage. Mother Nature was in charge and that baby was not viable, she did not terminate it?

  22. Randall7:58 AM

    Everyone with a uterus and the viability to gestate a fetus to full term - step right up and join the discussion.

    The rest of us need to hush, and pay attention to those whose health are directly affected.

  23. People need to be reminded that this type of treatment was common before Roe vs Wade. Women died. A lot of women died.

    Back-alley abortionist thrived during that time period. Desperate women and young girls tried to perform abortions on themselves. Many of them died not from just hemorrhaging, but also from infection. If they tried to seek help at a hospital, they ran the risk of going to prison for murder.

    Here was one of the comments from that article:

    I can't imagine how terrified you were.

    This attitude goes back a long way.

    My mother graduated from nursing school in the late 50s. While she was training in the emergency room, she befriended a young OB/Gyn and made an agreement that extended to a couple of other nurses. Whenever a young woman came in having had a botched abortion, the nurse would get in contact with that particular doctor no matter where he was or what he was doing, and he would take care of them.

    Why was this necessary? Well, none of the other doctors would treat these girls. NONE of them. My mother tells horror stories of little girls as young as 13 or 14 being abandoned in hospital hallways until after they were dead. It was an unspoken rule that the doctor was not to show up until they were cold.

    The hardest for her is the case of a little girl who tried to give herself an abortion with a knitting needle. She wasn't even a teenager yet. When her mother came into her bedroom, the child was almost unconscious and the bed was soaked with blood. The mother called her preacher and they prayed over this dying child until morning.

    When they finally got the kid in the emergency room, she was given some blood, but no other treatment. There was nothing that could have been done to save her. It was far too late, there was already a massive infection in place and she was too damaged to survive any surgery.

    The girl was in and out of consciousness for hours, crying and terrified and knowing that she would die. Her family left her there. My mother was the one that sat with her and held her hand while she died.

    That kid was 11. My mother was 20 (still a kid herself). This didn't change for another ten years or so. That's a lot of dead women.

    My mother (in her 70s now) and her entire graduating class are some of the most adamantly pro-choice women I've ever met.

    People need to be reminded of this.

  24. Anonymous8:00 AM

    @ 6:55 A.M. Obviously you have a hatred for MERCEDE. This post is about Contraception and Abortion,
    something that you Palins should have practiced. Your Jealousy of Mercede controls your VILE thoughts
    and Juvenile behavior. Your lack of education shows with every 'UM' posting.

  25. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Weren't Todd and his Cronies practicing Contraception when they used CONDOMS in their Prostitution Ring?

  26. otto katz8:05 AM

    I am wondering, as Anonyomous 7.00 says, if the doctors in Texas just don't do the ultrasound? Who's to look at the records? Is anyone else in the exam room to certify that the rape oops, I mean , exam was done?

  27. Let me say up front that I'm pro-life, support the free and easy availability of contraception, and don't believe in abortion as a means of birth control. Nonetheless, I believe that the choice of whether or not to have an abortion for whatever reason, MUST be left up to the conscience of the individual woman. Moral suasion, along with easily available contraception, and not legislation, is the only fair way to minimize the number of abortions in a secular society.

    I also believe that the case described in this post borders on criminal malpractice by the medical practitioners involved. This woman should have been treated immediately by whatever means were required to save her life.

    The other thing I'd like to say is that no-one should be under any illusions as to the purpose of the Oklahoma and Virginia legislation described in this post. Their real purpose is inevitably to inspire a lawsuit that will ultimately lead to a review of these laws by the U.S. Supreme Court with the eventual aim of overturning Roe v. Wade. With the court as currently constituted, this is a very real possibility.

    The freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution mean that sometimes when in doubt, things just have to be left up to the moral judgment of the individual, whether to have an abortion, whether to have a relationship with someone of the same sex, or whether to use contraceptives. I wish the Republican Party would learn the real meaning of the word "freedom" and for once, just stop sticking their collective noses into other peoples' business, but of course, when they talk about freedom, they're just pissing into the wind, as usual.

  28. hedgewytch8:13 AM

    This concentrated attack on woman's reproductive health rights is absolutely medieval. Woman are going to rise up in this country and then these controlling white men will see what rage is all about.

  29. Anonymous8:13 AM

    They are trying to pass the same kind of ultrasound bill right here in Alaska that they passed in Virginia. It's Senate Bill 191 sponsored by Coghill, Huggins, Dyson,Giessel and Olson introduced on 2-08-2012

    SENATE BILL NO. 191:

    A BILL
    1 "An Act requiring an ultrasound before an abortion."

  30. Anonymous8:24 AM

    This united ploy by the GOP has to be the most suicidal move of all.

    Surely, an easy majority of men are also repelled by this. Responsible men (and they exist) do not want more children than they can afford (nor will they abstain) and irresponsible men would prefer to avoid "complications" (possible heirs) in their lives.

    This is their death knell.

  31. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Obviously you won't post this as it's random. I just noticed though that Mercede was on probation for drinking as a minor for one year beginning Aug 07. She violated this in JUNE 08 and went back to trial June 20. The last docket date was March 09, around the time her then bff wrote on myspace that she and Sadie were going backt o their drinking ways. "Being sober sucks"

    Interesting the heavy action took place when she KNEW she was going to be an aunt. Again, theyre a bunch of con artists and liars.

    6:55 AM
    You are one creepy stalker. I hope Sadie is aware she has deranged lunatic stalking her and gets a restraining order immediately.

  32. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Anon @ 7:00 AM is correct about Texas . When I read this article last week, my blood started to boil.

  33. Anonymous8:27 AM

    It's a tough subject because when a pregnancy occurs, there are biologically two people involved. No one is wrong. You've got to stop demeaning the side you aren't on.

    6:49 AM
    You make no sense. It's obvious you haven't graduated high school. I would suggest you go and get your GED before attempting to post another comment on the internet. Good luck. You'll need it.

  34. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Interesting the heavy action took place when she KNEW she was going to be an aunt. Again, theyre a bunch of con artists and liars.

    6:55 AM
    Shut up Pigstool. Go wallow in some mud or birth another calf you disgusting heifer.

  35. Cracklin' Charlie8:40 AM

    Thank you very much, Gryphen, for this series of posts. Somehow, I feel that this War on Conception is, in reality, a War on Womens Rights. They will not stop at removal of a woman's right to make reproductive health choices. Once that is accomplished, they will move on to the next thing that God tells them should be done to "protect" society.

    Also, this "War on Contraception" cannot be a real war on birth control, because they never mention anything about condoms, vasectomy, masturbation, or interruption of ejaculation. A true "War on Contraception" should address those forms of male contraception. This is, without doubt, a War on Womens' Rights.

    I am currently reading Joe McGinness' excellent takedown of the "the Rogue", and I must say, the parts of the book that relate to Sarah Palin's religious beliefs are the most terrifying to me. The people who enabled her rise to power, and the people who support her, scare the peewaddlins out of Cracklin' Charlie.

    Angela, I am with you. The time to stand up is NOW!

  36. And these SAME people want to limit women's access to contraception.

  37. Cracklin' Charlie8:47 AM


    We don't need you to hush...what we need you to do is exactly what Gryphen is doing here.

    Stand Up for Womens' Rights!

  38. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Boy, looks like Brisket still has it out for Mercede...Let's make this very simple, so simple that a Beefalo can follow along....... Mercede's drinking, as an aunt, did not affect a pregnancy in the least, it was the MOTHER . Brisket Payme that shouldn't have been drinking that summer as she was the one that was bred.

  39. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Virginia doesn't just mandate a sonogram, it's a transvaginal sonogram.

    They're also close to passing a Personhood law.

    I'm so beyond horrified I'm speechless at the thought these disgusting bastards haven't been struck by lightening for their obscene behavior.

  40. Cracklin' Charlie8:54 AM



  41. Betsy S8:56 AM

    Are there no women in Virginia to address this profound nonsense?

  42. Anonymous said...
    Wow, I didn't really mean for you to publish the Mercede comment. It was for your perusal and pondering. Eh, whatever. Doesn't matter. Past is past.
    7:36 AM
    Gee, then maybe you should have sent him an email instead of a public blog comment.

    If it doesn't matter because past is past, why are you obsessing vindictively over what an addled adolescent was up to 5 years ago, and tracking their life ever since, and tossing it into a completely unrelated conversation?

  43. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The pendulum will swing back, but at what cost?

  44. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Handmaiden's Tale.

  45. MimiC --

    This, totally.

    What galls me is that Princess was on FOX spouting the nonsense that birth control does not need to be covered in the health care plan because women know how to get free contraception. Where? Planned Parenthood? The organization RWNJ's like Herself want to de-fund? Just un-fucking-believable.

  46. Anonymous9:10 AM

    This is only the tip of the iceberg, folks. It has been medically known since at least 2001 that administering ultrasounds to pregnant women damages the brain of the fetus. This is found to be even more true when the babies born are males. Moreover, there is no proof whatsoever that ultrasounds are medically necessary, or that they can produce any result that is not more easily producible by other, less-invasive means.

    For decades, doctors and their pregnant patients have regarded ultrasounds as some sort of 'show and tell', a happy even from which one would then plan the baby shower. Now, the 'righties' would reverse that to engineer the ultrasound as a dark-ages Inquisitorial sporting device.

    Ultrasounds involve high-frequency sound waves. Everyone paying attention to the massive dolphin and whale deaths knows that high-frequency sound waves (sonar) produced by Navy sonar are what is beaching them and killing them off – hundreds, and sometimes thousands, at a time. By forcing the use of ultrasounds on delicate fetuses, once again, in the name of 'modern medicine' (and 15th century 'morals'), we are jumping headlong over a cliff.

    EVERY medical procedure has consequences, but particularly when those procedures involve fetuses. The end result of fetal ultrasounds is known to include such events as seizures and even mental retardation, according to a study conducted by Yale University and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (cited below). Other documented damage includes lower-weight babies, delayed speech, and chromosonal damage. These tests only involved exterior ultrasound. Just imagine the consequences when the ultrasound device is shoved up into the vagina/uterus. And if the fetus is a person, then he or she is also aware of the trauma felt by the mother during this forced procedure, and his or her hormonal system will react accordingly.

    Could the widespread use of ultrasounds be correlated in any way to the enormous increase in ADD, Asburger's, and other brain defects that are now being found in high numbers in young boys – the very things that are currently bankrupting our public school systems?

    O'Donnell, et al's insanity is nothing more than a massive assault on the very population they claim to be protecting, and is so outrageous that I lack the words to properly describe it.

    Personally, among other things, I think that the entire brouhaha is nothing more than a desperate attempt by the Catholic Church to quickly change-the-subject away from pedophilia. After all, the feigned outrage shut down almost immediately every headline about the 8,000 KNOWN cases of pedophilia in the Milwaukee diocese alone.

    Yes, something far beyond sinister is afoot, and I hope and pray that every woman (and many men) in America will rise up against it and expose this wicked beast for what it truly is.

  47. The "MEN" who want these laws are no better than the Taliban! They do the same things to women.

    Please, women. NOT ONE vote for the Republican Taliban! There are traitor women who support this (Sarah Palin and Liz Trotta come to mind). So, for the sake of all real women, VOTE OUT THE REPUBLICAN TALIBAN in November! (And, yes. I'm shouting!)

    OBAMA landslide!!!

  48. Here's a very eye-opening article from that every man should read if they think this is just a woman's issue.

    "Listen Up, Guys: If The Catholic Bishops Win, It's The End of Sex As You Know It"

  49. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Bless you, Chella, for sharing your story and from learning a better way to LIVE after your medically necessary abortion. You were lucky in all the ways you stated; others are now lucky to have you on their side.

    Kudos to you!

  50. Cracklin' Charlie9:26 AM

    Next Chapter,

    Thanks for that comment. When I was 10 years old, in 1969, my family doctor's daughter died at 20 years old, from a botched abortion. She was the light of her father's eyes, and he was absolutely distraught with grief about the circumstances of her death for many, many years.

    Even though he was grieving the loss of his daughter, he told people that the thing that really haunted him was that, as a physician, he could do nothing to save her life. And he felt that she had died as a result of her attempt to keep people from knowing something that would have adversely affected HIS position in his community. He became a strong advocate for womens' reproductive rights.

    I admired him greatly.

  51. Cracklin' Charlie9:29 AM

    Mercede must be lookin' really good these days.

    Or maybe she has a new bf for Brisket to steal.

  52. nswfm9:29 AM

    LOOK at what this artist has done on this topic and spread it around in comments, tweets, facebook and your friends--very powerful :


  53. Anonymous9:38 AM

    The rightwing radical position has ALWAYS been ANTI-WOMEN, but it wasn't as noticeable until now.

    I'm so glad all this came out in an election year.

    So, lets see now...the Republicans hate women, gays, college students, black people, Musllms (of course), cops and firemen, teachers, all union workers, the poor, Latinos.

    Am I leaving anyone out?

    That anyone in any of the above groups even THINKS about supporting these treasonous thugs who so obviously wish to destroy America and all it stands for, is nothing short of amazing.

  54. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Leetle Ricky UnSanitaryom:

    Let's say your wife get AIDS from a tainted blood transfusion or merely an STD.

    HA! Ha! Don't even think about using that condom you always carry in your wallet!

  55. Anonymous9:40 AM

    angela @ 6:56: "I guess it will take a couple of state representatives dead wives and daughters for them to get it. Maybe not."

    No, because THEY will get 'special rules/considerations! (Look at Santorum's wife...)

  56. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I'm sick to death of these Republicans who want a government just small enough to shove into my uterus.

    7:48 AM

    I want a t-shirt that says this!

  57. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Chella @ 7:49: Welcome to the world! I am glad you 'made it', and am grateful that you were able to share your story!
    (HUGS) to you!

  58. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Randall: Tell that to those RePUKElicons in Virginia - they were even too cowardly to HEAR a woman on this issue!

  59. lostinmn9:53 AM

    And once they give rights to a fertilized egg then are women who spontaneously miscarry going to be subject to murder investigations? Since conception is often unknown for several weeks are all women of child bearing age going to be subjected to humiliating laws protecting their eggs? How far do they want to take this? If I was a woman I'd be outraged and fighting back with everything I had. They want to take away birth control but I'm willing to bet that won't mean these same lawmakers will stop trying to get into women's pants. Makes it clear that pregnancy is a female problem not the men who want sex. Grow up GOP - women have a right NOT to bear a child, esp if that child was conceived through rape or some other heinous crime. Marching backwards in time with the GOP. And yet there are women whose own self worth is so poor they actually support this crap

  60. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Otto Katz: IN Texas, the docs have to put an Ulatrasound picture into the womans' file - so, they cannot just 'say' they did it. :(

  61. My artist friend has a zazzle store if you want the Congress inside the uterus as a t shirt. I'll mention it so it gets into the zazzle line up.

  62. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Dear 9:38 --

    Please add children to your list of those the Republicans can't stand, vs. their destruction of public education, unemployment benefits (the huge percentage of children who are HUNGRY in our country), Medicaid coverage or Obamacare.

  63. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The republican establishment is having a schizophrenic moment. On the one hand, it knows that, increasingly, women tend to vote democratic. Therefore, they have made the decision to, as much as possible, denigrate, dis, deny, demean, and, ultimately, destroy them. On the other hand, these same angry white men are aware of future demographics – and they are terrified. Hence, a rush to force 'their' women to outbreed the 'other'. The latter tactic is an exact replica of what sharia law attempts to do: conquer the world for Islam (in this case, white dominionism) by using women's uteruses as the preferred method.

    Not part of the conversation, but fully relevant, is the fact that 40 percent of 40 year-old males have erectile dysfunction; the percentage increases greatly with age. Any woman living with such a man knows first-hand the rage and blame (against women) that long-term impotence creates. It appears to me that this latest assault is nothing more than an enormous and orchestrated sociological attempt by a large and powerful group of sexually dysfunctional males – without self-awareness, of course –to 'get even'.

    How to stop it? In addition to requiring ultrasounds on pregnant women, we should also require measurement studies on the private anatomies of the males who demand such things, and then widely publish the results. Perhaps only then would they understand the true meaning of privacy and freedom and, hopefully, refrain from authoritative decision-making in the lives and intimate rights of others.

  64. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Wow, Chella -- what a powerful story. Thank you.

  65. I think something happened to my earlier comment:

    Congress in utero

  66. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Rick Santorum Fine With Shaming Women in Certain Situations

    But Santorum has no problem calling out married women (and married men, and unmarried people of both genders) who make choices in their private sexual lives that Santorum doesn't personally agree with.

    As he told the "Evangelical blog" Caffeinated Thoughts last year:

    One of the things I will talk about that no President has talked about before is I think the dangers of contraception in this country, the whole sexual libertine idea. Many in the Christian faith have said, “Well, that’s okay. Contraception’s okay.”

    It’s not okay because it’s a license to do things in the sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. They’re supposed to be within marriage, they are supposed to be for purposes that are, yes, conjugal, but also [inaudible], but also procreative. That’s the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. We take any part of that out, we diminish the act. And if you can take one part out that’s not for purposes of procreation, that’s not one of the reasons, then you diminish this very special bond between men and women, so why can’t you take other parts of that out? And all of a sudden, it becomes deconstructed to the point where it’s simply pleasure. And that’s certainly a part of it — and it’s an important part of it, don’t get me wrong — but there’s a lot of things we do for pleasure, and this is special, and it needs to be seen as special.

    Again, I know most Presidents don’t talk about those things, and maybe people don’t want us to talk about those things, but I think it’s important that you are who you are. I’m not running for preacher. I’m not running for pastor, but these are important public policy issues. These how profound impact on the health of our society.

    In a nutshell, Rick Santorum is promising to use the platform of the presidency of the United States to tell people who use contraception that they're wrong, because they're not treating sex the way it's "supposed to be" treated, according to the personal religious beliefs of Rick Santorum. As Time's Michael Scherer notes, Santorum is denigrating the sexual morals of about 99 percent of women between ...

  67. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Anon8:11 said: "no-one should be under any illusions as to the purpose of the Oklahoma and Virginia legislation described in this post. Their real purpose is inevitably to inspire a lawsuit that will ultimately lead to a review of these laws by the U.S. Supreme Court with the eventual aim of overturning Roe v. Wade. With the court as currently constituted, this is a very real possibility."

    I hadn't thought this through. Thank you. I think you might be right.

  68. This kind of story and this kind of third-world(at best) treatment this women received from US-LICENSED PROFESSIONALS should have most of the hospital staff in JAIL. But, with Sen. Coburn and the Mountain Inhoffer there to protect all the unborn we're going to have to send extra ammo..

    With 13 th century brain function leading these people in their personal and clearly professional thinking makes me want to believe we need a full set of trade ins.... What we got is BROKE! BLATANT MALPRACTICE IN FULL VIEW FOR VIDEOTAPPING...

  69. Anonymous10:37 AM

    This is horrifying! Any Dr. on a ER should do abortion or D &C or what ever they call the procedure or be FIRED!
    This woman almost lost her life for some IDIOT'S religious fantasies!
    This whole deal is a smokescreen b/c of Komen and that the "do nothing congress" is doing nothing.
    This was Law contraception under Bushie and abortion is the LAW! Any Dr. who will not do this "procedure" when a woman's life is in danger ought to be stripped of his hospital privileges and Ins Co. should refuse to insure these bastards. Maybe we are going about it all wrong...
    Lets boycott the insurance the cover these bastards. Put pressure on THEM, Do not insure Drs who will not preform abortions.

  70. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Because she clearly isn't getting any from Toad the purse carrier.

  71. AKRNHSNC10:49 AM

    Anonymous @ 6:49 A.M. Did you actually read the story about this woman who was bleeding to the point where if it continued, not only would the fetus die, but she would, too? Do you really think there are two sides to the story when the life of the fetus, as in this story, is already incompatible with life? Or do you think that the doctor should risk the life of the mother to try to save a baby he knows he can't save because of a bill dreamed up by a lot of people who are clueless as to medical realities. My daughter-in-law and son were in a car accident almost two years ago. She was pregnant at the time, approximately 14 wks IIRC, upon doing an ultrasound, there was blood in uterus and in her abdomen. The baby's heartbeat was weak and the doctor told my husband that he didn't think the baby would make it but he wanted to know what he wanted him to do in regards to saving his wife or his child if it came to that. My son, growing up in a family with several medical professionals, knew the reality of the baby living but most important to him was to save his wife, the mother of his then five year old son. Thankfully, my daughter-in-law made it through without losing her uterus although the baby didn't make it. I'm sick at the thought of this happening after this personhood law takes effect, if it should do so, what would happen in a situation similar to what my son and daughter-in-law went through? Would they be forced to let her bleed to death rather than interfere with the "life" of the fetus?

    I just can't agree with the idea that there are TWO people involved, not in my situation or the one described in the story Gryphen printed. Do you consider the life of a fetus as important as the life of a mother of two when the chances of the fetus are already compromised to the point that their ability to survive is extremely slim? I just can't comprehend how you can ignore one for the other. The fetus is NOT a living, breathing person. It is dependent on the life of the woman that is carrying it and if that life is jeopardized, there is zero chance for the fetus to make it.

    Yes, some people are wrong whether you agree or not.

  72. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Read about Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu's reign of terror from 1965-1989. He outlawed contraception and instituted mandatory examinations of women to monitor their menstrual cycles. Women would then be harrassed and interrogated if too much time passed without a pregnancy. The infant mortality rate skyrocketed.

    We seem to be heading in this direction in the good ol' USA.

  73. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Anonymous at 6:49--I think we would all happily stop 'demeaning' the anti-women forces who claim to be protecting life if they would stop demeaning, abusing and now--thanks to Virginia--institutionally raping women. If I had a friend who chose to die rather than abort, I would be sad over the needless loss of life, but would respect her wishes. However, I know absolutely that the same courtesy would NOT be extended if the situation were reversed, as people who claim to be protecting God's creation are somehow able to make exceptions for the 50% of that creation that is fully functioning and female. The demeaning is entirely one-sided. You all have ranked the value of life (wonder how God feels about that?) and determined what is and what is not worth saving. In doing so, you demean women and yourselves.

    And to clarify, there are biologically THREE people involved, if you insist on calling a zygote a person. Zygote persons do not appear magically. A father whose life, health and dignity are never in jeopardy is also a part of this equation. When fathers are faced with the same miserable circumstances faced by women with unwanted or unviable pregnancies in the current hypocritically self-righteous environment we find ourselves in and are told that their life should be forfeit for the clump of cells currently struggling to differentiate into anything resembling useful human tissue because that is of intrinsically more value than a mere human adult we can talk about what it means to be demeaned.

  74. Betsy S11:06 AM

    Adding old people on to 9:38 and 10:06, if Social Security and Medicare are tossed.

  75. " Anonymous said...
    It's a tough subject because when a pregnancy occurs, there are biologically two people involved. No one is wrong. You've got to stop demeaning the side you aren't on.

    6:49 AM"

    Their is only ONE person involved, the WOMAN. It's her body and she can do what she wants with it. To hell with everyone else with their so-called righteous peity.

    Imagine if women tried to control men's reproduction rights.

  76. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Apparently Rush Limbaugh Also Thinks Planned Parenthood Is Just Trying To Get Your Kids Hooked On Sex

  77. Anonymous11:31 AM


    Daily Caller Writer Wants To Know: ‘What Are Women For?’

  78. I have heard of an emergency room doctor sending a pregnant women home knowing she was losing her baby (she was 7 months.) It was said the in-house gyn/ob doctor wouldn't treat her in fear of being sued. They sent her home.

    Every time the governmet impose new taxes, fees, laws or regulations it only Affects the Middle Class and Poor people's money then their way of life.

    Rich people can do damn hell as they see fit, even buying the SCOTUS.

    Well there you go.

  79. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I agree from the get go. If they create a blue pill then The greatest country in the world can create a red pill to stop any and all e r c tions!!!

  80. purefabulousity12:41 PM

    Thank you for sharing your story chela, i'm happy that you got the help you needed and are on the road to recovery.

    However, this woman's story infuriated me, the doctor's actions seem like gross negligence

  81. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Interesting. I've noticed that pro-life men who condemn the use of birth control pills, morning-after pills, and IUDs don't seem to have much of a problem f'ing those women that use them.

  82. Virginia Voter1:16 PM

    Obviously, y'all know I live in Fairfax County, the sane part of Northern Virginia, and both my Delegate and State Senator are pro-choice democrats who voted against this bill. This bill, as horrid as it is, really doesn't have much affect on us up here, who live right over the border within easy public transportation access to DC and Maryland where there are no restrictions or mandates, and most people here are affluent enough to afford the metro fare or drive themselves.

    This bill will hurt the downstate rubes who can't afford to get to another doctor, and who voted these backwards GOP'ers into office in the first place. Part of me says they get what they deserve, part of me is outraged. The interesting thing to see is how this plays out with our Governor. I hate him, and he's been on his VP tour de force with Mitt Romney for months now. He enjoys high approval ratings because of our relatively low unemployment, and his moderate positions so far, but if he signs this legislation it will go down FAST. It will also make it that much harder for our Republican Lt. Gov, Bill Bolling to get elected next year, since he cast teh decoding vote in the Senate on this.

    Personally, I'm more concerned about the reversal of our handgun law. They GOP'ers voted to end a 20 year old law that limited handgun purchases to one per month, thus ending the status we enjoyed as the gun running capital of the east coast.

    Word to the wise...if you vote GOP, get ready for a trip on the wayback machine.

  83. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I think it would be beyond hysterically funny if the leaders of the NAACP, MALDEF, Muslim American Society, National Association for Arab Americans, Hindu American Association, Sikh American Cultural Association, Miid-America Buddhist Association, and all other minority group leaders were to hold a joint press conference – dressed in native garb, just for special effect – at which they said that they TOTALLY AGREED with this anti-contraceptive stance, and that they and 'their women' were going to begin to do everything humanly possibly from this moment on to implement it. LOL, the hemming, hawing, gushing, 'er-ums', and frothing at the mouth of the white male establishment (not to mention their considerable incontinence) would be beyond any comedian's best-laid (no pun intended) dream.

  84. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I feel the need to repeat what others have said: If men got pregnant, this wouldn't be an issue at all and abortions would be FREQUENT and legal, instead of rare and legal.

    As part of the second wave of feminists, I was involved in the fight for birth control and can't believe we are having this discussion again in 2012. It's appalling.


  85. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I have probably told this on this site before but when my mother was having my brother in the local Catholic Hospital, we are Methodists but the for profit Catholic Hospital had better facilitates than the county hospital, she was in labor with a breach for 26 hours, the doctors did nothing. Through not effort on the staff's part she and the baby survived.

    Same hospital, my aunt suffered a torn/partially separated placenta and was being left to bleed to death until her drunk husband threatened to go get his gun and kill the doctor. Vola, a hysterectomy was performed, in the Catholic hospital, and she lived. The fetus was dead from suffocation already.

    These people say they are saving babies, but they are killing babies and the women who may already have children to care for and those who, if they live will probably have babies in the future.

    Which is to say what the freako faith twisters are saying they want is the exact opposite of what they are causing.

    And they know it.

  86. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    It's a tough subject because when a pregnancy occurs, there are biologically two people involved. No one is wrong. You've got to stop demeaning the side you aren't on.
    6:49 AM

    If the second person you are referring to is the father, they usually come down on the side of saving the mother's life primarily and the fetus secondarily for several logical and emotional reasons.

    If the second person you are referring is the physician, they have taken a professional oath, and are expected to perform to certain legal and professional standards.
    If they refuse to live up to them they should lose their access to hospitals, and possibly even their license.

    There are federal and state laws that require a certain level of medical care for emergency cases, this physician broke the law.

  87. Wonderful remarks! I would add to the one person felt only those with a functioning vagina had the right to speak up: I am postmenopausal. I was part of the first fight. I have a daughter and granddaughter. I intend to fight with everything I've got. We can't go back to the "good ol days" ..women died horrible deaths.

    While you are making t-shirts: Personhood for Women.

  88. Because people are an endangered species and the one thing that can help the earth, save the animals and combat climate change is a LOT more people. Yeah, the earth so needs an exploding human population.

    Maybe it's just as well. We'll kill ourselves off and whatever is left will thrive without us.

    I just hope the elephants, rhinos, tigers, etc. manage to outsurvive homo sapiens.

  89. Anonymous5:39 PM

    No woman should vote Republican! These nuts are getting way too radical, and are all about attacking women's rights. Enough is enough already! President Obama cares about women and will look out for them!

  90. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Horrible what that poor woman went through, and that she could have lost her life. These pro-lifers are getting way too dangerous already!

  91. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM


    Wow, I didn't really mean for you to publish the Mercede comment. It was for your perusal and pondering. Eh, whatever. Doesn't matter. Past is past.

    7:36 AM

    Nice Save ;o)

  92. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Fox's ratings have been falling as many conservatives have stopped watching Fox because they cannot stand Romney and Fox keeps pushing him. Fox noticed many of their lost viewers were cheering for Palin at CPAC so they USED her this week to get some viewers back. Fox and the GOP establishment hate Palin more than progressive democrats. They use her when they need her for ratings.

  93. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

    We need to stand up for our rights, as one commenter astutely observed, this is a ploy to get roe v wade overturned, but I still see it as a war on my freedom of choice.
    I was married and carried my first child full term, learning in my third trimester that my baby was dead. Those last two months, and the emotional, physical, and spiritual strain were something I'll never forget and wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Abortion was out of the question because I was too far along, my only option was to deliver. You could hear a pin drop when she was born, if it wasn't for my husband's sobs and wails.
    "You're young, you'll get over it" was the platitude my doctor gave me before writing "Failure to Trive" on my records, and going out to play a round of golf. They kept me in the maternity ward for "observation", you know, just to rub salt into the wound.
    But after reading other women's stories (I thank you all, your honesty and your stories need to be told).
    The same men who are waging this battle are the people who believe the wild ride and the hoax, because if a "conservative" woman says it, it must be true.
    These same men know how "NOW" and "Susan B Colmen" were overtaken by the same women in a ploy to defund planned parenthood.

    The only upshot to this, is that we have President Obama on our side, jobs and the economy are improving and so is his popularity. The Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot with this contraceptive bullshit.

    Gryphen, I applaud you for posting these threads. I know where you stand on this issue by reading your early posts, and I appreciate men like you for standing with women in their fight for equality and reproductive rights.

  94. Beldar Pan Conehead8:08 PM

    This is random(??), also, too: In the afterlife these religious zealots will have to stand before all mighty Zeus while He throws lightning bolts at their genital areas and screams "what the fuck possessed you to treat other human beings that way, you dumb shit!" in their quivering faces. Then they'll spend eternity diving for nickels thrown into the fetid Mt Olympus cesspool by impish demi-gods.


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