Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jon Stewart points out the obvious.

Kind of hard to claim you re being persecuted when you have all of the power.

And yet they do.


  1. I feel the same way about the Catholic church

  2. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Oh, come on, Gryphen and Jon. Lay off these distinguished human beings. They just want to stay as they are: well-armed, rich, conservative, white and Christian (excluding Mormons, naturally). And, they want to live in an America exclusively run by their fellow believers. That's not too much to demand now, is it? After all, their dominion over all things is their special right, as articulated (that's for $arah) and decreed by the Founding Fathers.*

    However, their highest aspiration is to fulfill their imperative from God. Yes, from GOD!!! It's their sacred duty to spew out white Christian soldiers in great quantities to ensure their power and natural resource ownership. His will be done to deplete the Earth. Can I have an Amen?

    As for the others? Well, proceed directly to Hell if you're not one of the Chosen.**

    * That ludicrous notion of the so-callled "separation of Church and State" is a myth.

    ** RINOs are not of the Chosen.

  3. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I love Jon Stewart. I am so sick and tired of the Christian religious right in this country. Now they complain that making contraceptives available to women by their employer's insurance companies means that their religious liberty has been taken away! They still get to go to the church of their choice and those churches, despite their involvement in politics, remain tax-free entities; they can still choose not to use contraception; they can still indoctrinate their children with all sorts of ridiculous nonsense. Exactly how have they lost their religious liberty? Their biggest problem is their stupidity, i think, and they still remain free to practice it. Unfortunately, the rest of us, whatever our religious persuasions might be, have to listen to them.

  4. Anonymous6:11 AM

    I guess if they push the persecution meme enough, people believe it. It's time that progressives hire some top rated PR people and beat these right wingers at their own game.

  5. Exactly right. Ditto for white people who claim 'reverse racism'. Yeah... sure, Buddy. America just keeps the white man down.. uh-huh.

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I am a former fundie, still believe in Christ, but not the crazy people. I think people like Pat Robertson started this crap back in teh eighties or even seventies, telling Christians they ware being persecutred. Because they've taken prayer out of schools, they won't allow nativity scenes in many places, you're not supposed to say Merry Christmas in certain places, abortion, etc. He ramped it up constantly and now al lthe fundies believe it and right wing media attaches itself to that kind of stuff and off they go. They just can't even stop it or rein it in anymore. they also have to make everything fitin with their last days theology. Its just that these people get so far off the beam they're ignorant and unreasonable and uneducated. Just look at what it has wrought the likes of Sarah Palin.

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    It's kinda funny that Stewart will attack the Catholic church and all its strange beliefs and faults but he has to remember he is Jewish. That in it self is just another Religious cult.

  8. Anonymous9:44 AM

    He's goddamned right.

  9. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Yeah, this is the body of people that cherishes life so much so that they'll shove ultrasound dildo's up a woman's vagina to shame her into keeping an unwanted pregnancy.

    This is a body of people that hate victims, the poor and sick and the huddled masses, even though their Messiah would give them the shirt off his back.

    This is a body of people that let statues of limitations protect criminals and sexual predators, and think religious institutions should be tax-exempt and unsueable, but use their pulpit to influence public policy.

    They are persecuted? Are any of them forced to compete in arenas for their life? Are they being fed to the lions? Ha.

    They are busy shoving their Lord's Prayer on me and my kids at school meetings and other public events. Because they are the righteous and the just.

  10. 43, I personally believe Jefferson was our first atheist president. He was so accused in his lifetime.

  11. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Touche. I also laugh when the tea taliban whines on about sharia.

    Ummm, you mean the Christian sharia some Christians want to impose on the USA.

    Oh, sorry, that was unfair of me. I know Christians are all in different branches, different sects, different splits due to some historical disagreements.

    Instead of Christian sharia, it'll be in some places, Southern Baptism sharia, conservative Lutheran sharia in my Minnesota, Mormon sharia in some mountain western states, Pentecostal sharia in places where they work with snakes and speak in tongues, etc.

  12. Anonymous5:27 PM

    If any Christian wants to consider what true persecution is like they should visit the Holocaust Museum....
    Myself, I am so leery of Christians and especially the fundamentalist mindset that I am exceedingly careful about discussing my spiritual beliefs, which have evolved away from the Baptist Church and wandered onto the path of the Buddha with a heavy dose of nature-adoring Paganism.
    M from MD

  13. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

    Ahh yes, the hypocrits who use birth control, and have anti abortion bumper stickers, they preach love for their fellow man, then practice ritual cannibalism. Sin all you want, confession is the big majic eraser! They haven't been persecuted since the fable in the bible where they were fed to the lions, unless we take into account clergy sexual abuse against cildren, but that's easy to ignore and cover up.

    "Living is easy with eyes closed"


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