Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Julianne Moore says "Thankfully, only Sarah Palin is Sarah Palin.” Ain't that the truth?

In the current issue of Capitol File magazine Julianne Moore has discussed, somewhat more in depth, what it takes to transform oneself into a Mama Grizzly. I am guessing male hormone pills and smacking yourself in the forehead repeatedly with a Ball Pein hammer.

Courtesy of Politico: 

It was a crazy, crazy challenge just to attempt to portray her — a living and extremely well-known and well-documented figure. I basically had two months to prepare, so I cleared my schedule of everything, literally. I cleared everything that didn’t involve my family—I just let go of it and spent all my time doing research. It was total immersion,” Moore told the magazine. 

“The trickiest thing is to take all these physical and vocal characteristics and somehow filter the character’s essence through them. And then you personally have to meet them somewhere, too. There’s this melding that has to happen. … You have a responsibility to illuminate that person, to capture whatever their essence is, or to find their humanity — the stuff that makes them who they are. At the end of the day, I’m never going to be Sarah Palin. Thankfully, only Sarah Palin is Sarah Palin.” 

(I am not a religious person but even I give a prayer of thanks to the fact that there is only ONE Sarah Palin.)  

“Here’s a woman who’s a parent, who’s an actual working mother, who worked her way up from local government, who was definitely middle working class, married to a commercial fisherman. She was incredibly relatable, she was attractive, she was young; she was speaking to a wider portion of the population that didn’t feel that they’d been noticed or seen or heard. In a way she was representing an entire swath of the public that had previously felt invisible,” Moore said. “We continue to respond to people who are the most charismatic like (Palin) who has a natural ability to reach people, that sometimes shoves every other quality out the door.” 

(I am not exactly sure what other "quality" Palin had besides charisma. Unless being irrational, and suffering dizzying mood swings are qualities.) 

But: “She was not qualified to be vice president. She wasn’t a qualified candidate. I think that became quite evident during the campaign. It was so shocking to me when she resigned the governorship of Alaska when the presidential election was over. I was stunned. I just think that shows such an unbelievable lack of interest in the actual governing.” 

Moore found several similarities between her line of work in Hollywood and our line of work here in Washington. 

“I had no idea what really goes into making a candidate. I was actually shocked by how close it was to the way Hollywood markets an actor or film or any idea. It’s about a very careful kind of exposure, and putting candidates on with one anchor and another anchor, and limiting appearances and using everything very strategically”

And in the end THIS (“I had no idea what really goes into making a candidate.), is the important lesson to learn from this movie about how the Republican party chose Sarah Palin for McCain's running mate, and essentially how they seem to choose ALL of their candidates. They chose Palin because she LOOKED the part of the evangelical, pro-life, working mother, who could do it all.

None of it was true but, from a distance, it certainly looked true.

In the end what the Republicans wanted, and still want today, is somebody who has some charisma, photographs well, and will do as they have been told.

That is the very model which Reagan perfected and the one that they have been trying to duplicate over and over again. That is how we needed up with George W. Bush, and his father before him, and that is what they are looking for in their next candidate as well.

Which Grover Norquist actually said with his outside voice during his speech at CPAC:

All we have to do is replace Obama. ... We are not auditioning for fearless leader. We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We want the Ryan budget. ... We just need a president to sign this stuff. We don't need someone to think it up or design it. The leadership now for the modern conservative movement for the next 20 years will be coming out of the House and the Senate.

Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared.

"We just need a president to sign this stuff." Sadly for the McCain campaign, but thankfully for America, they chose an empty shell who did not realize that she was an empty shell.

She thought she was the North "freaking" Star!

However the GOP will not make that mistake again. Romney will clearly jump through whatever hoops they hold up for him. Just so long as they call him MR. PRESIDENT.


  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    O/T Great article -


    An observer of the right-wing phenomenon must explain the paradox of followers who would escape from freedom even as they incessantly invoke the word freedom as if it were a mantra. But freedom so defined does not mean ordinary civil liberties like the prohibition of illegal government search and seizure, the right of due process, or the right not to be tortured. The hard right has never protested the de facto abrogation of much of the Bill of Rights during the last decade. In the right-wing id, freedom is the emotional release that a hostile and psychologically repressed person feels when he is finally able to lash out at the objects of his resentment. Freedom is his prerogative to rid himself of people who are different, or who unsettle him. Freedom is merging into a like-minded herd. Right-wing alchemy transforms freedom into authoritarianism.

  2. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Let's alleviate your confusion Gryphen - there is bad quality and there is good quality.

    Hitler was very charismatic, too. In the lead up to WWII and the Holocaust, the German people overlooked his qualities of narcissism, his obsession with the Jews and his ruthlessness.

    Jim Jones was a very charismatic person. That he was had the qualities of narcissism, obsession and exhibited a questionable mental state as far back as childhood, was overlooked.

    Palin's bad qualities may (or may not) be as dangerous and detrimental to the health and safety of others as these tow examples, that they do illustrate the template Palin's popularity is built on.

  3. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back.

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  4. Not What You Want to Hear3:45 PM

    So Norquist thinks Romney is the perfect empty shell. Trouble is, voters think he's imperfect BECAUSE he comes across as an empty shell, and that's why he's not winning most of the primaries.

    By the way - it's very possible that the Maine GOP tried to throw their primary to him: http://bangordailynews.com/2012/02/14/politics/pressure-mounting-for-gop-caucus-reconsideration/

  5. Anonymous3:50 PM

    John McCain was OLD. The campaign needed "sexy" and didn't give diddle about Sarah Palin's stupidity and ignorance. If they had achieved the presidency, Sarah Palin would have been controlled with drugs (as she is now).

  6. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Reagan was the actor on all scores for the GOP. I laugh when anybody comments on his intellectual ability. I remember when he became governor of California. He was always backing off stupid comments he would make in public. He had a staff that created and maintained his image from the get-go. Sarah Palin appeals to the very cynical GOP machine. They have zero clue about women and thus you see people like Calista Gingrich, Michelle Bachman and Palin.

  7. Anonymous3:56 PM

    She sure as shit ain't boring! She's no threat anymore, just an empty vessel that thinks she's more than she is...the northern star my ass!!!

  8. fromthediagonal3:56 PM

    The regressives must be feeling quite insurmountable when they quote Grover Norquist.
    There SHALL be a Day of Reckoning!

  9. Sally in MI4:02 PM

    Norquist thinks someone died and appointed him GOD. He is one scary man. To think that all the GOP wants is a puppet, while someone not even in elected office pulls the strings? There is your campaign ad, Mr. President. We have a choice, a thinking feeling, logical human being, or a puppet used to take down this country.

  10. That Julianne Moore interview was very GOOD! I'm already excited about seeing "Game Change" and every time I hear more about the movie the more excited I get!

    Now that "Sesame Street" character Norquist is a POS and the devil in disguise! Every time I see that nasty turd on TV with that evil twinkle in his eye I want to smash my TV! Even Turdblossom doesn't make me that angry!

    I can't imagine what the Repubs would do this country if "Satan's" right hand man Norquist has any influence on the Senate and House races! That's why it's important to VOTE!

  11. Randall4:07 PM

    SO the Republicans ADMIT that the candidates that the people vote for aren't really running things on their side of the fence?

    Unelected people such as Grover Norquist, Roger Ailes, the Koch brothers, etc. are the real "republican party" - right?

    Figureheads like Romney and every tea-party candidate that got voted in last time are just that - figureheads.

    "We just need a president to sign this stuff. We don't need someone to think it up or design it."

    THAT'S the job Sarah Palin wanted!

    ...and she would have been perfect for it. It requires no brain.
    ...and no soul.

  12. Anonymous4:21 PM

    And Sarah's insanity is what drove so many towards Barack in the 2008 election, and she's doing it again in 2012. Her hate and bitterness just reminds people of the bullet they dodged once the smoke of the campaign cleared, and Sarah was left to her own devices, as opposed to being groomed and directed and merchandised and sold to the American electorate. Fortunately, there are enough people in the country who saw through her. I shudder until my bones rattle thinking of the horror she would have wrought on this country.

    So Much for Anti-Obama Hysteria

    Regular people are donating to the president’s re-election campaign in record numbers.

    According to an analysis by The Huffington Post,


    the Obama reelection campaign committee, Obama for America, pulled in at least 45 percent of its contributions from donors giving less than $200 during each of the fundraising quarters it was active in 2011.

    In 2007-2008, there was only one quarter, from April through June 2008, during which the campaign pulled in more than 40 percent from these small donors. It never had a quarter or month where it raised 45 percent or more from small donors.

    This is another strong indicator that the anti-Obama smearfest on the left is out of touch with the rest of the American left. Most Americans and, indeed, most of the left thinks President Obama has been an effective and admirable president worthy of a second term, and they’re clearly not afraid to invest their money into the effort.


    Poll: Obama holds edge over GOP hopefuls


    And he hasn't even started CAMPAIGNING full on yet. There is NO ONE who is better at campaigning than Barack Obama. Period.

    President Obama 2012

  13. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Julianne Moore appears to have something that Sarah Palin doesn't have (or show):


    It would not be appropriate for Sarah to show cleavage, but inappropriate has never stopped her before. Even in Hawaii and in a pool-side photo in '08 she is wearing a baggy t-shirt. No cleavage.

  14. Anonymous4:36 PM

    A.B. Culvahouse: The Man Who Vetted Sarah Palin

    After spending years in the most powerful circles of Washington, the former White House counsel is likely to be remembered most for a single decision: greenlighting Sarah Palin

    ...Few people outside the Beltway had heard of Culvahouse before the 2008 presidential election, when the Republican nominee, Arizona senator John McCain, asked him to vet his vice-presidential contenders. There isn’t a shred of evidence on the walls that would indicate the role Culvahouse played in launching the national career of McCain’s choice, Alaska governor turned queen of the Tea Party Sarah Palin.

    Nothing here would indicate that only 2½ years ago, Culvahouse was on the phone in the conference room next door, interviewing Palin until 3 am Washington time to determine whether she would be a suitable running mate.

    It was from that conference room that Culvahouse asked Palin, who was in Arizona, what he calls “the stock questions”: Why did she want to be Vice President? Was she prepared to use nuclear weapons in defense of the American homeland? If we had Osama bin Laden in our sights but taking the shot guaranteed civilian casualties, would she give the go-ahead?

    Though Culvahouse won’t reveal Palin’s specific responses, he says he was reassured by them.

    “She gave a very thoughtful answer to all those questions. People who are more experienced, more savvy—maybe some of them gave less savvy answers,” he says with a look that indicates he’s referring to some of McCain’s other VP contenders.

    There was more: “On the phone, it was clear she had a personality that fills the room. A certain aura about her.”

    Culvahouse sensed then the charisma that would propel Palin into folk-hero status among the Republican base and allow her to lead a new movement composed predominantly of white, working-class social conservatives—the Tea Party...


  15. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Amen and amen to all the comments here. The GOP just wants an attractive figurehead to take orders.

    They succeed so well with Ronald Reagen (and Dubya Bush) that Quittypants just had to cast her charm spell and her thin resume and ignorance did not matter.

    And then they found out she was insane.

    Oh, I hope she lives a long, long life and pops up every year at CPAC to remind the men behind the smokescreen how they close they came to putting the a crazy woman in the WH.

  16. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Democrats Are Slaughtering The GOP When It Comes To Public Opinion

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/jeez-democrats-are-slaughtering-the-gop-when-it-comes-to-public-opinion-2012-2#ixzz1mPXbNvKz

  17. Anita Winecooler4:50 PM

    When I first heard that Julianne Moore got the role of Sarah Palin, I just couldn't wrap my brain around the idea. Julianne is beautiful, smart, knows her craft well, and always does a great job.

    The more blips I see of this movie, especially after reading the book, they did a fantastic job, especially Julianne. I know I'll be watching, and when the dvd comes out, I'll be buying it as well.

    HBO won't be giving free signed copies away, either. They're masters at marketing.

    I thank my higher powers every day that there's only one, and she's become a sick joke.

  18. For your pure enjoyment:


    "I didn't really had a good answer, as so often-is me."
    --$arah Palin

  19. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Two months of total immersion in Sarah. God, I hope they paid her enough.

  20. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I agree, Romney will be a puppet if he's elected President, but it's different puppet masters who will be calling the shots - the Mormon Church President & his 12 apostles. True, most of them are RW GOPers, but their mission is the same as the Dominionists - except that it's Mormons who are prophesied to take over the government - in their name.


  21. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Grover Norquist is Frightening. One thing he failed to take in account is the person who becomes the presidential nominee may have a mind of their own and not take kindly to him telling him how to do their job. Does he really think a Gingrich, Romney, Paul, or Santorum- or god forbid Palin, is going to become ego-less and let these buffoons dictate what goes on? All of those republican wanna-be's are all power hunger. Palin is a loose cannon and mentally ill. She would be his worst nightmare.

  22. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I've always thought since I early on caught on to what Palin was all about that even she herself was aware that being a politician was all about looks and trying to act like one. Once she got into the big league there were handlers, dressers, make-up people, writers, chauffeurs, etc. etc. etc. to prop her up and make her appear to be something she knew deep down that she wasn't and never ever will be - a "real" politician that selflessly works to improve lives of Americans. A real politician like, like....Gabby Giffords just to name one!

    Palin thought that all the fluffy stuff and her looks could turn her into a politician. That Americans were stupider than her. That no one would see through her act.

    This woman was in politics for the easy life. The freebies. The money. The government dole. To be on stage like a rock star. To have her legs admired. Clearly the way she dresses shows that.

    Oh yeah. She was ready to fool all of the people all of the time.

    Now, Sarah the only question you have to ask yourself is why didn't it work out the way you planned?

    Maybe it has something to do with your hateful, selfish and greedy personality that no amount of make-up and clothes can ever hide. That's a good place to start I'd say if you were ever so inclined to do some inner self-reflection.

    Most importantly since you tout being such a Christian model and brag to the world about praying to God then why oh why don't you try reading your Bible and then actually following it?

    Oh that's right. The Bible is like your Christian cross and star of David bling. Just another accessory.

    It's much easier to pay attention to appearances to try and fool people than actually live an exemplary life. That would just be too hard wouldn't it since you are the exact opposite of what you claim.

    You're the one that's stupider than most people. You've made America want to puke. By your own hateful words and lies you've created your own karma. You will never be in power. Enjoy it!

  23. Anonymous5:39 PM

    I have seen Julianne Moore up close and in person. She is so much more beautiful than Sarah Palin. There is no comparison. She doesn't wear wigs or Tammy Faye Baker make-up. She's so natural. Plus she's a true loving mom.

  24. Anonymous5:56 PM

    so, basically ole grover is hoping for another GWB...wow, thats
    some low bar.
    they need an idiot to 'sign off'
    on the chaos they create.

    thanks for clearing up any misconceptions grover.

  25. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Very interesting article, lots more at the link:

    Scorched earth and last stands

    ...It's becoming clearer by the day that the Obama victory in 2008 -- and his likely re-election this year -- heralded a decided pole shift in American politics. He and the Democrats were finally able to bring people into the political arena who had been voiceless up until then. Young people, who have historically lagged in voting participation, came out in their millions for the Democrats. Minorities of all types saw in Obama an aspirational figure, one who had overcome the usual deterrents to success in America -- a son of a single-parent household and a skin color darker than preferred -- and had gone from strength to strength as he scaled the ladder of American success -- and doing it all without compromising or betraying his core principles. Women see in Obama someone who sees them every bit as equals, not to be patronized or talked down to. It was the Silent America that he energized, the America that had no desire to return to culture wars concocted by the white right, that wanted an America that was more equitable, where everyone did their fair share, where people couldn't shirk their responsibilities to their fellow citizens simply because of wealth and privilege. This is the coalition of the present moment and the future, the coalition around which electoral politics will be built for a generation, a coalition into which the Democrats have tapped. It even includes that segment often demonized by some on the Left: the white working class. Recent polling shows that Obama is winning back many of that segment, especially those who live in the states hardest hit by the GOP victories of 2010. The classic strategy of divide and rule which the conservative movement has used for the past 30 years is faltering. Cracks are showing and growing more pronounced...


  26. AJ Billings6:00 PM

    $arah, you claim you won't watch this movie, but you'll be drawn to it like moth to a flame.

    It's going to make you sick to think that millions of people will get to see what you were really like on the campaign trail, and your FUNK will be revealed for all to see

    See, the thing is $arah, when you say anything like "I was never in a funk", that confirms to all of us here on IM that you WERE IN A FUNK.

    You are the biggest liar I have ever known, or known of, period

  27. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Did President Obama just launch his own "Operation Chaos?"

    This man is a genius.


  28. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "In the end what the Republicans wanted, and still want today, is somebody who has some charisma, photographs well, and will do as they have been told."
    I've just started reading "Crude awakening, money, mavericks & Mayhem in Alaska-by Amanda Coyne...
    Didn't Alaskans pick HER FIRST?
    Her disastrous mayoral term was not enough for y'all to VET your candidate?
    It was anyone but "Frank the Bank" and several Alaskans including Shannyn Moore have admitted to voting for her, on the record. It didn't just start with McCain.

    I'm just starting this book and it so far is good.
    Why haven't I seen anything about this book?

  29. "We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go.... We just need a president to sign this stuff."

    Wow. The mask slips. They want a dauphin.

  30. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The GOP i still trying to forget the beads of perspiration forming above Nixon's lip on live TV during the Kennedy debate.

    Television changed politics for conservatives. They were once able to hide their evil grins and smirks when they only had to give pressers. When you have no sense of humanity, it is difficult to hide that on TV.

    - newmeximan

  31. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Don't know if the Seamus (Romney dog) protest has been reported here yet.


  32. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "She thought" she was the "north star"? Why the past tense? If I were a betting person, I would wager that she STILL considers herself gueen of the north ... the north star....the savior of the world...Jesus Christ's "queen"...not being a born agan evangelical, I am not really up the approriate jargon.

  33. Anonymous6:26 PM

    “On the phone, it was clear she had a personality that fills the room. A certain aura about her.”

    Wonder if he still thinks that. Or if his little head still thinks that.

  34. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Three hundred million cheers for Annon. 3:53 comments!

    Ronald Reagon was nothing more then a B-grade actor reading a script! I have no doubt he was a thoughtful caring man, but he was a B-grade actor reading a script.

  35. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Having charisma does not make you a good person. Being charasmatic does not make you a good person. Over the ages, evil people have used charisma to take advantage and harm others.

    Sarah Palin has a certain level of charisma...which she continues ot use for her own benifit. Doesn't make her a nice person.

  36. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Bo Obama invites you to join:



  37. Anonymous6:50 PM

    So if a Republican president is "signer in chief," who exactly is the "Commander in Chief?" No worries about that foreign policy stuff, just have him/her sign our ALEC approved bills. Gah. I have to go throw up.


  38. Just saw Baldy on Greta! Whatever clinic she went to for detox...they have adjusted her medication and she is still riding high from the weekend!

    She called President Obama "UnAmerican" 2X's! Apparently she was on Greta to talk about the contraceptive controversy!

    More later....I'm still trying to understand what I saw and heard coming out of her herpes inflamed glossy mouth! She brought up Gabby Gifford and the way she did it will make some folks mad!

  39. ibwilliamsi6:55 PM

    I think that what Norquist said about the perfect Republican Presidential candidate very accurately describes Reagan. Just a guy with digits who can sign stuff Norquist and his buddies want done.

  40. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Off topic: Politicians and the media pimps who pimp them. Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and Dancing With the Stars. What do these things have to do with each other?


    Celebrity Is Warping the Career Incentives for Politicians
    By Conor Friedersdorf

    Feb 14 2012, 5:56 PM ET 1

    Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann turned down gigs on Dancing with the Stars. But it's noteworthy and problematic that they were approached.

    After dropping out of Election 2012, Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann were reportedly contacted by Dancing with the Stars producers about competing on the popular reality TV show. Its stage has been graced in previous seasons by alleged "stars" Tom Delay and Bristol Palin.

    More anti Palin commentary at the link, and they don't even mention the 'proposed' 'beauty parlor' and 'rill Alaska man Toad' "reality" shows that were recently rumored. These have apparently failed before starting to begin. Also too.

    But at the Dump Bachmann blog is the video that proves Marcus Bachamnn has the moves! The evah so fabulous Marcus should be on DWTS! Would he gain weight also too?


  41. Gryph... Couple of interesting points here... Ms. Moore, who is an amazingly talented women, said something in her interview/ perspective that continues to ring true even today : ' In a way she was representing an entire swath of the public that had previously felt invisible' And this still applies to many things that drive the monkey queen today, and her followers. On the other hand, in summary, the quote from Grover Norquist 'Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared' that sums up how Ms. Moore portrays Palin and what she wanted to become; Palin working hard to leapfrog McCain to become Norquists' perfect robot as a head of state and the perfect Machurian Candidate without anyone being lost... That's a terrifying thought...

    We ALL need to work very hard to make sure that NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

  42. Anonymous7:02 PM

    "I was stunned. I just think that shows such an unbelievable lack of interest in the actual governing.” 

    Sarah "Photo Op" Palin is just interested in sticking her nose into other people's business pretending to be relevant.

    Sarah is the one person who needed birth control. She shouldn't even have a puppy.

  43. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Our lovely First Lady responds to questions from Twitter. The more I listen to her, the more I find myself respecting her.


  44. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Palin on Greta


  45. Anonymous7:24 PM

    .... It was so shocking to me when she resigned the governorship of Alaska when the presidential election was over....

    Not shocking to the people who knows Sarah Palin.

    Sarah and Bristol are one in the same. They have no talent, no qualifications or the intellect to see anything through.

    Its about making the quick buck and moving on when others catch on or if they see an easier way to make more money....

    Sarah in no way is an energy expert! She only sat on a board that met every once in a while.

    As a mayor of a one horse town, Sarah had to hire a town manager!

    As governor of one of the smallest populated state in our nation, Sarah had Todd shadow her as well as receive state emails during her entire half term before quitting! Todd had to approve state business.

    Sarah is a scammer like Bristol!

  46. No drugged, half mast eyelids tonight for old Baldy! She was somewhat clear eyed...but still incoherent at times...so the med adjustment can only help with one thing and not everything! I guess the medication can't fix stupid!

    First...the background! Either she's not back at the Hillbilly compound or she's in a Fox studio somewhere else!

    The background was all blue...with a couple of TV's in the background that had "On the Record" on the screens. The funny part was that when Greta showed who was coming up on the show "next"....you know in the lower right hand corner of the screen they'll show the person....well they showed Baldy....and apparently it was a "LIVE" shot...but you couldn't really tell because I guess that whatever studio she was in....they told her to be absolutely still....the crazy fool look like a still photo! She didn't even blink!!!

    So when they introduced her it was weird to see the same picture of her! She was wearing that black shirt she had on Saturday at the luncheon with the flag pin. I hope she had the shirt laundered at least!

    And then the insanity really started. She read her Bishop talking points fine...for a little bit...then it was just a lot of words thrown in...like "this is an assualt on religious liberty"..."picking a fight with faith based politics....oh and she called President Obama "UnAmerican" for trying to "cram this down our throats" and that he needs to "re-think this one"...and "we will not sit back and let it happen to us"!!

    So Beefalo and Wallow...NO FREE BIRTH CONTROL FOR YA'LL....mama said so! Oh...you could still see the teleprompters reflected in her glasses!

    Now here's where things got a little hairy for Baldy....Greta asked her about her FB and Twitter accounts...but the way Greta said it, was real weird because you could see Baldy looked a little surprised and she got tensed up!

    Well Greta asked Baldy about her defense of Alan Dershorwitz(however you spell it...I don't feel like looking it up because it ain't that important...ya'll know who I'm talking about!).

    I guess Media Matters has some kind of problem with this Dershowhatever and since Baldy didn't write her FB post it was like watching that halibut flopping around on the deck before Beefy and Baldy beat it to death!

    It was like she flash backed to Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson at the same time! It was as Charlie said..."a blizzard of words" and I heard a word salad of which I have never heard before! The fool brought up Gabby Gifford...saying that "Deshowhatever defended her over the blood libel" and then I heard the word "verbiage" and I'm going to have to read the transcript because she just started talking and finally ended with "also" and sat back in her chair!

    I did notice that her face is turning into the shape of a square! Her jaw looks like it's on some hinges...and I could have sworn every time she talked I heard a squeaky sound! Maybe somebody needed to oil up her jaw some more!

    But it wasn't a pretty interview...Oh and her "Sesame Street" word of the day is....."Indicative"...pass it on everybody!

  47. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Aw, come on, Gryph. There was gold to be mined in this article about basic human behavior and desire, and you fell just a wee bit short (but Moore didn't). The very idea that this "Making of the President" somehow was inaugurated by Reagan? Darlin', you haven't read your history, or the book that well preceded him, explaining the confluence of the New Media and the Presidential race. (Although as a student of history I suspect and detect some of the same factors had always been in play from time immemorial, for all political leaders.)

    In this way, is the only part in which I am sympathetic to Palin. She was not the force,she was entirely unformed,ill prepared,inexperienced, unworldly, at the moment she was chosen by others for their own powerful agenda. They tried to mold her, found out they couldn't, at that particular moment. The tragedy for all of us and our country is that others, via Tim Crawford, John Coale, Breitbart, et al. took up the baton and carried it forward, well beyond the boundaries thinking they could ride on the coattails of her train. Still not realizing, Palin not realizing, that she is an Idiot Prince, useless, uneducated, unskilled, tragically handicapped. The cart simply will not go, regardless of the horse you hitch to it. It has no wheels. I know she rides herself into the ditch at regular intervals, only to seem as though she pulls herself out and carries on. But her destiny is the ditch. No matter how many puny footmen cheer her on, they will never be enough.


  48. Dinty7:38 PM

    With regard to the comments by Grover Norquist - you don't just have to be an empty suit, you need to fit a certain profile:

    African Americans in Congress:
    40 D - 2 R (13 of the Dems are women)
    Women In Congress:
    48 D - 24 R (13 of the Dems are African-American)
    Jews In Congress:
    26 D - 1 R
    Muslims in Congress:
    2 D - 0 R
    Open Homosexuals in Congress:
    4 D - 0 R

    The fact of the matter is, no matter what the Republicans say about a big tent, they aren't putting minorities into positions of power. Between 2003 and 2009, there were 0 - ZERO -0 African-American Republicans in Congress - 0 for six fucking years in this day and age in the supposed party of Lincoln.

    If you are a woman, or if you are not white, or you are not Christian, the Republican Party doesn't give a shit about you, and their representation in Congress proves it.

    Ask yourself if it is worth supporting a party that would never support you.

  49. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Popcorn time:
    Palin with Greta tonight:


  50. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Tonight on Greats , she has Lego Hair:


  51. A tiny bit O/T, but don't forget that Yahoo has a search engine as well as Google, and "Romney" is much further down the list. We need to get that puppy up to the top of the roof (Sorry, I couldn't help myself there)

  52. Anonymous8:08 PM

    MicMac@7:33, I always enjoy your comments.... Please don't waste any sympathy on Palin. She certainly was (and is) unformed, ill prepared, inexperienced, and unworldly, but the reason she found herself on the national stage is that she is greedy, grasping, devoid of a true servant's heart, narcissistic, vain...a better person would have declined the honor. Those who rode her coattails did so with her blessing. She pushed them as much as they pushed her. Shame on all of them.

  53. I think the Greta show airing tonight was taped this past weekend at one of the Fox studios in Washington. She was wearing the same clothes and was not doped up like she is when she's home. She still didn't make any sense but was not drugged up like when she's televised from home with her eyes drooping like she can barely stay awake.

  54. Anonymous8:13 PM

    5:23PM -

    In SPADES. And she knows it.

  55. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Hard to imagine Sarah wasn't prepared to be asked about her under the bus election facebook post from yesterday. She did write it didn't she? Could it be short term memory problems, or a deviation from the script that caused the reaction? The details are this:

    Facebook fatwa issued with Palin name on it concerning Dershowitz and Media matters and her statement "though obviously I think there are many, many more reasons why President Obama should lose this election". How is that for a lame non prediction! Maybe she's trying to say the Santorum or Romney might not win?

    Harvard University Professor Alan Dershowitz is one of the most knowledgeable and unapologetic defenders of Israel among American academics. This has unfortunately opened him to unfair and intellectually dishonest attacks from his fellow liberals.

    In answering a recent attack by Max Blumenthal, formerly of Media Matters for America (MMfA), Prof. Dershowitz said, “Let me tell you, Max Blumenthal and Media Matters will be singlehandedly responsible for (Obama) losing this election. They (the Democrats) cannot win the election and keep this affiliation with them.”

    I agree with Prof. Dershowitz, though obviously I think there are many, many more reasons why President Obama should lose this election (trillions, if you consider his latest budget proposal).

    Prof. Dershowitz is right to draw attention to MMfA in particular. As Big Journalism points out: “Media Matters has been condemned by the Simon Wiesenthal Center for their continued use of an antisemitic slur; their own allies have even thrown them under the bus for antisemitism.”

    This just shows that Americans of all political stripes are awakened to the dangers of unethical journalists and media organizations that deceive their audiences and use bullying tactics to unfairly target political opponents.


    Why Sarah Palin likes Dershowitz: He defended her "Blood Libel" statement after the Rep. Gifford's killings.

    Noted Jewish academic and Harvard Law professor Allan Dershowitz defended Sarah Palin's "blood libel" remark today. Though many Jewish groups have expressed dismay over Palin's use of the term, in a statement to Big Government, Dershowitz said "there is nothing improper and certainly nothing anti-Semitic" about Palin's comments.


    Just google Dershowitz and Palin to see the results yourself.

    Why Palin and Dershowitz hate on Media Matters?

    Just take a look at the site's front page and see what they don't like. Hard to find anything they don't hate.


  56. Anonymous8:24 PM

    You sure were kind, Gryph, to post an older picture to TRY to compare beauty. Palin sure doesn't look like that now. And HOW. YIKES.

  57. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Just noticed that the 'Sarah Palin' facebook post from yesterday used the phrase "intellectually dishonest".

    Previously 'Todd Palin' used the phrase "intellectual dishonest" to refudiate an author and the book the author had written (instead of using a ghostwriter as some do).(Have been checking CL to see if I can get a free book signed by Joe, but no luck yet. Will post it when I find it!)


    I am starting to think that Todd did not write the 'Sarah Palin' on Dershowitz on Media Matters facebook post yesterday, but I could be wrong.

  58. Julianne Moore is a few years older than Palin but looks years younger. I guess living a calm, productive and peaceful life helps a woman retain her youthful appearance unlike Palin who is oozes anger and hatred from every pore. Without pots of makeup, false lashes, wigs and eyeliner tattoos, Palin isn't all that hot but she fools the bots and that's all that counts with her. I've never seen her as more than marginally attractive due to the heavy makeup but to each their own when it comes to deciding who rates on the beauty scale. I always thought most men liked a light touch with makeup but she does attract a certain type that doesn't run in my crowd.

  59. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Greta interview: classic crap barely kept aloft for about 6 minutes, then hitting the ground with a splat in last 3 minutes. Not an original thought in entire thing, but tremendous effort exerted to push others' ideas. Glad she reminded everyone again that she's an idiot.

  60. WakeUpAmerica8:53 PM

    Palin WISHES she had Julianne Moore's cleavage AND talent.

  61. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Hitler had charisma!!! How do you think he got where he did? Palin is similar, but the majority of Americans are wise to her and she'll never get to a top government level! She isn't qualified to shine President obama's shoes!

  62. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Someone posted the link to Palin on Greta talking about Dershowitz.

    I am not going to transcribe this word salad, but the topic is "blood libel" and Dershowitz defending her. Palin can say "Gabby Giffords shooting issue" but she can't say "blood libel". She also apparently can't admit that she said the controversial phrase herself.

    Palin says:
    "Alan spoke up about some verbiage that was used to defend me".

    Well that is a almost a half truth and leaving out the words "blood libel" and the fact that Sarah Palin herself uttered them makes it obvious that Bill O'Reilley or some other half competent reporter might have asked: "But wait a minute, you yourself said the controversial words blood libel didn't you?"

    Palin fail.

  63. Anonymous10:59 PM

    She called President Obama "UnAmerican" 2X's! Apparently she was on Greta to talk about the contraceptive controversy!


    Palin talking about contraceptive controversy?

    Give me a fucking break...

    Like Bob Barker said:
    Have your Palins and Heaths neutered and spaded!

  64. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Good read about the true Sarah Palin:


  65. We know the truth12:54 AM

    Sarah Palin is a monumental coward.

    She bitches and moans about all the 'lies' people say and print about her but actually does NOTHING to end it.

    She threatens legal action but has NEVER carried through on any of it. Never.

    HBO for instance has very deep pockets. A lawsuit would be easy money for her since obviously HBO is airing lies.

    Yet she never sues anyone because the discovery process would expose her as a complete fraud and ruin her forever.

    Come on Palin put an end to it. Sue someone! You're nothing but a coward and a fraud.

  66. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Lots of zingers thrown by Julianne, that we "get" but la Palin probably doesn't lol!
    Julianne had a kid or two, so she knows all about ob visits and not flyin' with amniotic fluid leakin'. I'll bet she did some research into the faked pregnancy. The hoax, alas, was not part of the Game Change script, but she knows. She knows.

  67. I'm so glad you mentioned the comments by moralist. I had tuned in towards the end of his speech just in time to catch these sentences and since nobody was talking about them I was guessing it was just a joke he was telling. If I were any of the repub candidates I would be very insulted by this man.

  68. Classic salad on Greta.

    Palin on Dershowitz:

    "Regardless of the tax-exempt status that they abuse there, I think what Alan, what the professor, was perhaps getting at, too, was this abuse of the freedom of the press, where Media Matters so obviously abuses, via lying, about organizations and individuals, and then reporting that as fact, I believe that the professor was kinda calling them on the carpet on that, too. Just trying to hold the press accountable so that we don't squander what it is that we have inherited, what it is that we have been given by others, who have fought and died for that right in our constitution, protected also. "

  69. Anonymous4:40 AM

    4:02 pm. We had eight years of GOP puppetry when George W. Bush was president. He was Karl Rove and Dick Cheney's puppet. The rich got a lot richer, the Middle East got two wars, the US got 9/11 and ultimately an economic meltdown. The 2012 style of GOP puppet will be handled by the Koch Brothers and their corporate cronies. I'm all for keeping them in a box, stashed far away in an attic somewhere.

  70. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Anony @7:02
    sarah isn't the one that needed birth control. her mother Sally andcreepy are the ones that needed it!!

  71. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Herpes outbreaks typically follow injections of filler - either in the lips themselves or in the lines near the mouth, both of which it's clear that Sarah's had filled. Why the preventive anti-viral meds don't work, I'm not sure, unless she's not going to a qualified medical doctor who would know and prescribe accordingly. Or, just as likely, she doesn't take the meds or at least not correctly.

    I lead with this because I am sure Sarah is increasingly aware, as the advance PR increases for the movie, that the comparison between a fresh-faced, well-spoken, tastefully turned out Julianne Moore in interviews will contrast sharply with Sarah's own hot-mess public persona.

    Anyone who watches the movie will come away with an impression that will serve as a filter for anything further from Sarah. She'll be viewed as unbalanced, unqualified, over-reaching and overwhelmed, inadequate and ill-informed. Her words, speeches, opinions will all be dissmissed accordingly.

    Millions of viewers - of the movie, its trailers, and interviews with Ms. Moore - will have a new perspective through which to understand Sarah Palin: the fraud, the grifter, the batshit crazy middle-aged trash talker.

    Let's call it our Sanity Spring.

  72. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Hey 3:34 pm,(first post) GREAT quote, unfortunately the link you gave to truth-out.org goes to an "article not found" page. Attempting to search for "right wing ID unzipped" yields no results.

  73. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Replying to my own post: googled "right wing id unzipped" and found another blog comment with a link that worked:


    It's exactly the same as the one the first poster posted, so I don't know why I got an "article not found" with that one, but this one worked? -And found an article the site's own search engine couldn't find?

    I dunno what's up with that... but it IS a terrific article!

  74. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Good morning, Wallow. How's that Bun in the Oven? Getting your appetite quenched with I M? Isn't it nice of Gryphen to accept your multiple TROLL POSTINGS? We know that your family can't live without him. We await your Hilarious uneducated posts with open arms and a big chuckle. hopefully there will be no new WILD RIDES from your Lying Mom.
    And please try to remember in which Hospital you give BIRTH.

  75. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Just take a look at the site's front page and see what they don't like. Hard to find anything they don't hate.

    8:14 PM
    Don't you mean Fox News?
    Brooklyn your slipping.

  76. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Wonder if they will name the new bun "Tater" like in tater salad..

  77. "“On the phone, it was clear she had a personality that fills the room. A certain aura about her.”

    Wonder if he still thinks that. Or if his little head still thinks that."

    He has to make her sound impressive. He's been publicly tapped as the man who vetted Sarah. What else is he going to say- "I did a lousy job"? "They told me to get her approved quick, because they were running out of time"?

    They didn't go to Alaska, they didn't talk to people in Wasilla, they didn't talk to ranking Alaskan republicans, they didn't review the public record of her administration. He talked to her on the phone and they looked up some articles on the internet, but the local paper from Wasilla didn't have an internet archive.

    He didn't vet her. He rubberstamped her.

  78. AKinPA12:37 PM

    The Norquist quote explains a lot. I saw Jon Huntsman interviewed on BBC America last night about the VP of China's visit. He was so presidential. He was intelligent, articulate, thoughtful, and not condescending (unlike Mitt "Corporations are people, my friend," Romney). It was BBC so he was interviewed at length.

    When it was over, I was dumbfounded thinking, "How could the GOP let this guy drop out of the race? He would be a worthy opponent for the President. How could they prefer any of the current clowns to Huntsman? Today, I got the answer right here on IM. Clearly, Huntsman thinks too much for Norquist.

    Sorry, that should be: Clearly, Huntsman thinks. (period)

  79. Anonymous9:42 AM

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Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.