Sunday, February 19, 2012

The making of "Game Change" featurette.

You know the more I see, the more and more compelled I am to watch this movie.

And it certainly does not hurt that desire to see Sarah Palin, and her supporters, trying to discourage people from watching it.

In my mind that is all the endorsement this movie needs.


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Yep, you can generally tell when you're onto something (ie. getting too close to that closet full of bones) by what the Palins and Pbots troll and attack. Remember the "Splitsville" post . . . when she actually sent her pound puppy after you for that speculation, and now they have brought so much property with all that ill-gotten loot, that its easier to live the lie.

    But truth will eventually expose the many lies . . . for it's an unavoidable principle, irregardless of how long it takes.

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Amazing how the blank look on her face is the spitting image of Sarah Palin!!!! I'm going to watch this movie too - there is no doubt!!! Family members and friends are too - and some of the family members 'back in the day' were supporters of Sarah Palin. They tain't no more!!!

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    "There's a dark side to American populism. Some people win elections by tapping into it."

    Fuck you very much John McCain for unleashing that darkness upon the land.

  4. Anonymous2:54 PM

    All I get with the video is about 5-6 page down clicks of solid black that goes out over the right margin. I've restarted twice and still get the same error. Any way of fixing this?

  5. Oops, sorry I inserted the wrong numbers while resizing the video.

    Fixed now.

  6. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Anon. 2:20, this is an interesting aspect of this film. I think a whole lot of people, who aren't nearly as tuned into the real story of Mrs. Todd Palin as we are, are going to watch this and be flabbergasted at what a dangerous and irresponsible decision this was by John McCain. They will see her in a whole different light than they ever have. And it ain't going to be pretty.

  7. How easy it is to get distracted. I saw Danny Strong in part of this featurette, recognized him as Jonathan in the Buffy the Vampire series, and have just spent the last twenty minutes reading about him and the his role in the many seasons of Buffy. Must be time for me to watch them again.

    So much more fun than watching anything about Sarah. Not to say that I didn't, of course....

  8. hedgewytch3:46 PM

    I don't get HBO, so I hope that this is eventually released on Netflix.

    From the trailer, it seems Moore did a very good job with portraying Palin, but, unless they kept it for a surprise in the movie, she doesn't quite capture that girl rabid focus that Sarah can have.

  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Actually, the more they do to try to discourage people for watching this movie, the more they do to make people watch it instead. Sarah is sweating this movie along with her supporters, and this just shows how disparate they are in their attempts to discredit this movie. I hope they keep up this silly attempt so more people will watch the movie and see the real Sarah Palin, the one she keeps trying to not be.

  10. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Don't expect trolls to come in anytime soon, they are too busy frantically clicking on a fox news poll, trying to keep "their gal" at the top. Idiots.

  11. Anonymous3:51 PM

    So is it obvious now that we've all seen Sarah prancing and preening at CPAC then rubbing elbows with fox media, dragging once again her well rounded family around as buffers just to run damage control in a preemptive attempt to disprove this upcoming movie about her?

    Sarah is so predictable.

    I can't wait to see the movie.

    I'll get to see Sarah at best "manic-quin" behavior.

    ..the puppeteer

  12. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Poor bots are going to be throwing their TeeVees outta their trailers ! :)

  13. Wow. HBO's Game Change is going to be gut-wrenching. Like standing on the abyss next to a psychopath. Which is pretty much the position our country was in. And still is in as long as that demagogue Sarah Palin has a public platform.

    (And the performances look terrific. Ed Harris!)

    I wonder how and when those of us without HBO will get to see it? (I had to cut off my cable TV as I was not exercising portion control . . . .)

  14. Anonymous3:58 PM

    The citizens of Alaska elected this moron Governor! She believed Saddam attacked us on 9/11, that the Queen was the head of England, that Africa is a country. How sad that we elect so many Governors to run for President because they have "executive experience"; at least senators have some idea of history and foreign affairs.

  15. Being from Australia. I probably won't get an opportunity to see this film.I will have to rely on the blogger for opinions.)-:

  16. Smirnonn4:08 PM

    Can't. Wait.

  17. Anonymous4:09 PM

    It looks to be a very "juicy" movie. Can't wait!

  18. Anonymous4:19 PM

    This is a "factual" account of what went on during the 2008 McCain campaign and it really does show the high level of ignorance and stupidity of Sarah Palin. I'll be watching this movie and I'm going to tape it so I can watch it over and over again (for the laughs). Thank God McCain lost the election and Sarah Palin was the biggest factor in his loss. Republicans, I know, with brains voted for Obama. They could not believe that a brainless former beauty pageant contestant was picked for the VP slot.

  19. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Gryphen the bots are positively SPINNING!!!
    They are furious in the comments here:

    Julienne Moore at 51 (who knew?) says this:
    "She wasn't qualified': Game Change star Julianne Moore says Sarah Palin should not have been VP candidate"

    As a celebrity Democrat it surely raised eyebrows when Julianne Moore was cast as 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

    And now the Far From Heaven favourite has laid into the firebrand Republican, saying she was a pretender to the role who had no actual interest in governing.

    Many will think the actress has a point, particularly as she has walked in the Tea Party favourite's shoes while filming upcoming HBO movie Game Change.

    Julianne, 51, told Capitol File magazine: 'She wasn’t qualified to be vice president. She wasn’t a qualified candidate.

    'I think that became quite evident during the campaign.

    'It was so shocking to me when she resigned the governorship of Alaska when the presidential election was over.

    'I was stunned. I just think that shows such an unbelievable lack of interest in the actual governing.'

    Ironically the appointment of Palin was supposed to energise John McCain's flailing 2008 campaign and help see him to victory over then Senator Barack Obama.

    But upcoming film portrays the move as a disastrous gamble that torpedoes his chances of election and almost leads her to a nervous breakdown.

    OMG it is so FUNNY to watch the meltdown over this!
    Her and her minions are in such denial you know, this movie will slay her like a salmon!

  20. Anonymous4:23 PM

    If this film is worthwhile, it will help the American people understand that they have to look beneath the shiny surface, be informed and avoid the extremism that currently controls elections. Elections have consequences, and America dodged a huge bullet during the 2008 presidential election.

  21. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Anon. 2:20, this is an interesting aspect of this film. I think a whole lot of people, who aren't nearly as tuned into the real story of Mrs. Todd Palin as we are, are going to watch this and be flabbergasted at what a dangerous and irresponsible decision this was by John McCain. They will see her in a whole different light than they ever have. And it ain't going to be pretty.
    3:26 PM
    Yes! That's what she is afraid of! So what if Noot wins and wants to make her VP?
    Or anyone one of them? Game Change can change all that :) :) :)
    Fuck you Sarah, KARMA is a bitch like You!!!

  22. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I wonder how much of the movie concerns Sarah Palin and McCain. The book is more broadly about major players in the election--the Clinton's, John Edwards etc.

  23. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Pathetic John McCain. Wanted it so much he sold out and gave us this nightmare that the Palin Mafia would have taken out in a matter of months.

    Remember when he was debating PRESIDENT Obama and he was pacing back and forth behind him knowing he had nothing to reply back with?

    Joe Biden GRINNING at her, VP debate, and telling his handlers when he walked offstage, "you OWE me!" for not ripping her a new one.

    C'mon out $arah! "Here, kitty kitty..."


  24. The "Moore" I see this movie...the "Moore" excited I get!

    Sorry Gov Baldy....HBO ain't backing down on this one...just keep talking bots'! LOL!!

  25. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I can't help but think it wasn't Sarah's fault that she was allowed this opportunity. Schmidt allowed this to happen. She is a narcissist and mentally ill so it was inevitable she would accept. I really believe that Schmidt and company were simply throwing darts at the strategy board and one landed on Sarah. He realized how badly he f'ed up several weeks into it, but it was too late. I am not forgiving Schmidt, but I believe that they would have done something to remove Palin immediately following the election if McCain had won. At least I hope they would have.

  26. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I'm going to add HBO just so I can see it.

  27. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I do agree that, as good an actress as Julianne Moore is,
    she's too pretty and too refined to carry off the intense carnivorous crassness that is Sarah Palin.

  28. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Liz I. said...

    Wow. HBO's Game Change is going to be gut-wrenching. Like standing on the abyss next to a psychopath. Which is pretty much the position our country was in. And still is in as long as that demagogue Sarah Palin has a public platform.

    (And the performances look terrific. Ed Harris!)

    I wonder how and when those of us without HBO will get to see it? (I had to cut off my cable TV as I was not exercising portion control . . . .)
    3:57 PM
    Netflix will have it as soon as it goes to DVD or maybe they will even Stream it?

  29. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The more they protest the movie and throw their little tantrums, the more people will be curious about the movie, and what all the ruckus is about, the more people will be compelled to watch the movie.

    If they really wanted to take attention away from the movie, they'd just shut up, but they, like their queen, have very thin skin and can't help themselves from trying to get in front of it.

    Of course this will backfire and will result in thousands more watching the movie than might have otherwise. They are that thick and reactionary.

  30. Anonymous4:38 PM

    What I find neat about this HBO production FINALLY being released telling the truth about 'idiot' Sarah Palin, is the fact it will match the timing of the horrid Republican candidates running in their primary race.

    They are ALL so out of touch with Americans across the nation. They are creating nothing but havoc within their party and Sarah Palin will just add more to the discord. There is no way in hell she'd ever be picked to run should their party select some supposed 'better' candidate to run against President Obama.

    They know that President Obama will be reelected and that there is not one damned thing they can do to stop it!!! Thank God!!!

  31. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Current poll on faux. Of course it is fixed. Makes me ill.

    Who would you want to jump in as a Republican candidate in a brokered convention?
    Chris Christie 23.3% (8,297 votes)

    Sarah Palin 42.93% (15,285 votes)

    Paul Ryan 13.95% (4,966 votes)

    Jeb Bush 11.46% (4,081 votes)

    Mitch Daniels 8.35% (2,973 votes)

    Total Votes: 35,602

  32. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I wonder how much of the movie concerns Sarah Palin and McCain. The book is more broadly about major players in the election--the Clinton's, John Edwards etc.
    4:25 PM
    I think maybe on the clip Gryphen posted says this part of the movie is focused on mccain-palin.

    Really Game change was about her. McCain picked a sow's ear and tried to make it into a silk purse. FAIL!

  33. Anonymous5:00 PM

    HBO stands for Habitual Bullshit Outers. Palin will be their best work!

  34. The movie looks very good, but I agree with others who have said that Julianne Moore looks way too pretty and her voice isn't screechy enough to really portray Palin.

  35. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I do agree that, as good an actress as Julianne Moore is,
    she's too pretty and too refined to carry off the intense carnivorous crassness that is Sarah Palin.
    4:33 PM
    I actually wanted Katey Segal for Palin.
    She has the aged cougar look. In SOA she smack a bitch upside the head for fucking her man.
    In real life sarah slit tires of a woman fucking her man.
    I do believe Katey was approached but maybe she was doing the SOA so couldn't oblige.
    From the clips I've seen Julienne does a awesome job and even brings too much klass to Baldy...
    but never the less the bots are spinnin!
    Oh yea, this will hurt her but good. I can only hope it is the final nail in the coffin!

  36. Anonymous5:07 PM

    They know that President Obama will be reelected and that there is not one damned thing they can do to stop it!!! Thank God!!!
    4:38 PM

  37. Olivia5:10 PM

    Anonymous said... I wonder how much of the movie concerns Sarah Palin and McCain. The book is more broadly about major players in the election--the Clinton's, John Edwards etc. 4:25 PM

    At the beginning of the clip someone makes the statement that the movie is focused on the McCain/Palin campaign.

  38. Anonymous5:12 PM

    This ia a good intro to the movie. Again, I think all will be vindicated. Maybe just maybe how campaigns are run in general will change. I mean, the stress level is off the charts. I can't even believe Sarah maintained herself to well given she was new to national politics. The average person would have cracked. Sarah's pretty amazing. No wonder people love her.

  39. Anonymous5:13 PM

    There's something weird about the comment section at the Daily Mail site.

  40. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Remember kids, winners never quit and quitters never win. It's just that simple. You betcha!

  41. Julianne Moore's voice is less screechy than Palin's, but the producers probably made the decision to save the cast and crew from bleeding ears.

    There are services that you can download HBO programs within hours after they are aired. Graboid is but one. Use it all the time. Saw Downton Abbey from BBC months ago.

  42. Anonymous5:51 PM

    ...The average person would have cracked. Sarah's pretty amazing. No wonder people love her.

    5:12 PM
    What part of "cuckoo for cocoa puffs" don't you understand?

  43. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Anon@326p, I think a lot of people have seen enough to have had enough. The half-term as governor...the revirginated skanky tramp daughter who performed simulated sex on live tee vee...the midnight ride of Paul Revere...Gabrielle Giffords in the crosshairs and blood libel. So many fiascoes, so little time. Not to mention the waning appeal, as she ages gracelessly, to the red-blooded dumb-sh*t types who were formerly a key part of her base. Her approval ratings have, in fact, crashed precipitously from the initial '08 honeymoon heights. But you're right, most people haven't paid attention enough to know the half of it: the mental imbalance, the long list of 'gates including babygate, the faked half-marathon, the depth and breath of white trash antics among the Palin clan. Game Change is going to open some whole new eyes in a whole new way.
    Now if someone would just tell me that Fred's book is coming out, I could die content.

  44. Anonymous6:01 PM

    @5:18 Sarah didn't quit. She is progressing Alaska. The way that she is doing that is simple. By making lots and lots of money, Sarah is bound to spend some of it in Wasilla. It's called the Trickle Down Theory. So, the more that Sarah rakes in (donations to SarahPAC always accepted) the more she spends which benefits Alaska. You just have to wait for it to trickle down to where you work.

  45. Anonymous6:01 PM


    Makes me laugh. From Fox's poll to God's ear. Those people have destroyed the conservative movement and the Republican party.

  46. This movie looks great. After people see this more will cringe when Palin is evasive about doing what she can for the country.

    I hope they depicted she was incompetent to debate. I was not alone seeing through the devious ploy of her rogue speechifying. She could not answer any questions.

    I can't wait to see her idiocy on film.

  47. Anonymous6:28 PM

    In a scene where she is saying, "I'll do what I want", it's clear that SP was never told "NO", maybe as a small kid where she was never disciplined and always got her way. I think this is what they were up against, Alaska was up against and because she's pretty, it's OK.

    This isn't a woman who is normal. She's a spoiled brat in an adult body who is hell-bent on destroying anyone in her way.

  48. moose pucky6:43 PM

    From anon @4:49:
    Who would you want to jump in as a Republican candidate in a brokered convention?
    Chris Christie 23.3% (8,297 votes)

    Sarah Palin 42.93% (15,285 votes)

    Paul Ryan 13.95% (4,966 votes)

    Jeb Bush 11.46% (4,081 votes)

    Mitch Daniels 8.35% (2,973 votes)

    Total Votes: 35,602

    FOX poll is being spammed by peezoo peeps and they have been bragging about it all day. They are so excited that they can vote over and over and over, ala "Dancing With The Stars."
    There are multiple posts of them laughing about voting "Acorn-style" for their sarah.
    I sent an e-mail to FOX, along with screenshots.
    Rumor has it that FOX is actually going to report that they checked ISP addresses, found 38 people who voted for palin hundreds of times, and therefore, also, too, took her name off of the poll results.
    They plan to paint sarah as a victim of her followers.

  49. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Please forgive the re-post, but this is for anyone who didn't read the thread "Blowback from Palinbots..."

    I added HBO to my cable package for the month and sent them an email to let them know it's BECAUSE of Game Change. I recommend that we all do the same, to balance out the horrid emails they'll be getting.

    Put something nice in the Subject line so it's easy for HBO to see. I said, "Added HBO to get Game Change. Thank you."

  50. Anonymous @ 5:58 PM I think a lot of people have seen enough to have had enough. The half-term as governor...the revirginated skanky tramp daughter who performed simulated sex on live tee vee...the midnight ride of Paul Revere...Gabrielle Giffords in the crosshairs and blood libel. So many fiascoes, so little time.

    I see a sequel in HBO's and Julianne Moore's future...

  51. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I don't have cable any longer so don't have HBO. Hate to miss this but hope it will surface through NetFlix. IMO, had McCain won, there would have been no way that McCain, Schmidt or anyone else could have "removed Sarah". Had McCain gotten so many votes that he would have won, she would have been so wildly popular for at least a while that nobody could have survived removing her or muzzling her. They wouldn't even have tried.

    Steve Schmidt's and Nicole Wallace's remarks that "we were discussing removing Palin if McCain won", were absurd. If they couldn't do it before the election, they sure couldn't have done it once the election was over.

    Anyone who voted for McCain owes a big debt of gratitude to the millions of us who had sense enough to vote for our fantastic president.

  52. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    So, the more that Sarah rakes in (donations to SarahPAC always accepted) the more she spends which benefits Alaska. You just have to wait for it to trickle down to where you work.

    6:01 PM

    That's the problem with Sally, Chuckie, Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol and Willow... They waited too long for the trickle down and then they ended up with a bun in the oven.

    Hope they teach Piper not to wait for the trickle!

    They really need to put an end to this long Heath-Palin family tradition!

  53. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Who would you want to jump in as a Republican candidate in a brokered convention?
    Chris Christie 23.3% (8,297 votes)

    Sarah Palin 42.93% (15,285 votes)

    Paul Ryan 13.95% (4,966 votes)

    Jeb Bush 11.46% (4,081 votes)

    Mitch Daniels 8.35% (2,973 votes)

    Total Votes: 35,602

    4:49 PM

    Its going to be hilarious when Obama wins and they figured out again that Palin divided the party two election years in a row.

    Remember Sarah Palin you are the who has planted the seed that no one is qualified in the GOP primaries to beat Obama with your "brokered" convention rhetoric!


    Stay classy biotch!

  54. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    So, the more that Sarah rakes in (donations to SarahPAC always accepted) the more she spends which benefits Alaska. You just have to wait for it to trickle down to where you work.

    6:01 PM

    What a dweeb.

    Where I come from trickling down $100,000 a year salaries to stamp and envelope licking relatives who are only qualified to flip burgers is called money laundering.

    LOL Hey what do I know.... Just keep sending Sarah your best, her family is ready to pull off another "SarahPac paid for" family vacation and her bus doesn't run on love.

  55. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Anonymous said...
    There's something weird about the comment section at the Daily Mail site.

    5:13 P.M.

    It needed to be said, feel better?

  56. Anita Winecooler8:10 PM

    Yep, the more she complains, the more interest there'll be in this movie.

    What I love is how "generous and kind" Julianne Moore is while explaining the waterboarding she had to go through to dumb down enough to play Granny Palin. Two hours in make-up every day for a stunningly natural beauty is torture enough, but then being forced to watch "idiosyncratic" "living person" Sarah Palin clips and read the garbage she paid someone to write, that had to be painful.

    But true to form, she does an excellent job! Can't wait to see the movie.

    Books are one thing, but seeing it played out on screen is much more powerful, and will reach a wider audience. This movie will blow the doors off "the undefeated" in dvd sales alone.

    I already have hbo, and will send them a short note of thanks for doing this film, especially knowing that the wild ride will be mentioned by the writers cameoing as reporters.

    You can run, but you can't hide.

  57. Anonymous8:18 PM

    John Mccain is dealing with the Shurf Babeu is gay fallout today.

    It will be a cold day in Gila bend before he watches this movie!

  58. Amy in Juneau9:16 PM

    My significant other surprised me the other day. He told me he upgraded our cable to include HBO. I asked him why? He said because he heard me mentioning how bad i wanted to view the premier of Game Change. :)

    I like anon @ 6:54's suggestion of writing HBO, indicating the reason for the addition.

    At first I was unsure of how the portrayal of SP would be, however, after seeing these clips, I am certain that HBO's Game Change will accurately portray what occurred during the Presidential Election of '08.

    Including how inept, uneducated, paranoid, fraudulent, and psychotic Sarah Heath Palin truly is.

    Going to have a showing at my place and I have invited my former registered republican family members. Cuz now, they finally see how stupid they were to vote for this quitter bitch for governor of our state.

    Sarah, you're such a liar. You will be exposed; all in good time.

  59. @Anon 7:03PM...

    Great comment! How would they have gotten rid of her if McCain had been elected?

    If I recall -- at that time -- some right-wing radio hosts were screaming for the Repub's to get her off the ticket. I think one was Michael Savage. Personally, I thought they would take her off the ticket. It took me many months to figure out why they couldn't get rid of her.

    Sarah Palin faked a pregnancy to hide the fact her daughter, Bristol, would be, by the time of the election, an unwed, teenage mother. The RNC didn't want to deal with the rumors all over the internet that she had faked a pregnancy. If she wanted the VP slot, she had to "parade Bristol around the campaign stage looking five-months pregnant."

    They only had two months to prep her and they had Troopergate and so many other issues to deal with. After faking a pregnancy to protect Bristol, I'll bet Sarah was furious. But, if she wanted the VP slot, that was the "dill."

    So, after finding out how terribly unqualified she was for the job, what could they do? They made her parade Bristol around like that (Schmidt/McCain team's idea to stop the rumors) and I think she told them all to go to hell...

    Just my opinion...

  60. AKRNHSNC11:10 PM

    Palin was on Hannity's show immediately after Game Change came out and they discussed everything in the book about President Obama and Hillary Clinton in detail. They certainly believed everything written about them to be credible, not to mention the things said about the Edwards campaign. In fact, she thought it was sad that they revealed such intimate details about the Edwards' marriage. Those were Sarah's words at the time. So she believed all of the things that Heileman and Halperin had researched and verified about the other candidates but when it came to everything about her, they suddenly weren't credible. Sarah, your hypocrisy is always evident. If they had written nothing but positive, you'd have been singing their praises, but because they revealed the truth about you as did many others after the campaign, you felt the need to blast them as liars. If there's anything you're familiar with, Sarah, it's lying. In this case, of course, you're the one doing the lying. Nobody from the campaign is defending you. In fact, your behavior during the 2010 campaign, your failure to appear for candidates whom you said you would stump for, your refusal to even answer phone calls or emails, are all reminiscent of the '06 Gubernatorial campaign. It's all available to read about in black and white, much of it being your own emails; along with the V.P. campaign. Your diva-like behavior is well known and where there is this much smoke, there's a fire, Sarah. All these similarities reported in your behavior by people who have zero reason to say negative things about you are not coincidences. They are based on the simple truth, something you are not familiar with. Give it up, Sarah. You'll be glued to the TV set, when you're not screaming at the top of your lungs about how they dared to tell the truth about you. I'd love to be able to see your meltdown as you watch the very same on the tv screen. I'm hoping one of these days your kids will tell all in a book about their life with "Sarah" as they so RESPECTFULLY refer to you. In the meantime, grab a couple of crunchwraps, sit back and enjoy the show. I know I will and so will many others. You'll hear us laughing at you all the way up in Wasilla.

  61. Anonymous3:04 AM

    that was chilling - it brought back the goosebumps and hairs standing up on the back of neck that happened the night Sarah first took the stage and that creepy sickening feeling something really awful is about it happen - only it wasn't a horror film it was a real life political campaign -- think this film should be listed in the horror section - hoping to find someone I know with HBO to tape it for me. (I really enjoyed the book so hopefully will get to the movie)

  62. Anonymous3:42 AM

    With all the outrage, there are bound to be lawsuits, defamation of character suits aren't there? Wait - the Palins attack, say people are lying but NEVER offer any proof of what they are complaining about being untrue. I am amazed they actually live in houses with foundations. They have all the traits of the Wandering Gypsy tribe who travel in motor homes, or set up camps to do their grifting, then move on to the next victims. Is Toad gainfully employed yet, or still carrying $caree's purse, and hiding behind her (too short) skirts?

  63. Anonymous4:18 AM

    I think after the movie has been out awhile, Woody and Julianne may take on the subject of babygate....not endorsing but just acknowledging it is "out there". Woody is enjoying a resurgence of popularity of late. He also has The Hunger Games premiering in March. He'd get alot of attention if he would take on babygate. a girl ca dream, can't she?
    The movie looks pretty darn good. I like how "no one has come forward to dispute anything in the movie" lol. Suck on that trolls and palinbots.

  64. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Anonymous said...

    This ia a good intro to the movie. Again, I think all will be vindicated. Maybe just maybe how campaigns are run in general will change. I mean, the stress level is off the charts. I can't even believe Sarah maintained herself to well given she was new to national politics. The average person would have cracked. Sarah's pretty amazing. No wonder people love her.
    5:12 PM
    She DID CRACK! Very few "love" her, many loath her.... BROOKLYN!
    PUT down the crack pipe!!!!

  65. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Steve Schmidt is a political commentator these days, so he's readily available to talk about this. When it comes down to "who do you believe," you've got to consider each person's motivation. What's in it for Schmidt to have made this stuff up about Palin? Nothing, really. Now, what's in it for Palin to deny it? Everything. Her future as a right-wing instigator with a million-dollar contract from Fox News. They dumped Glenn Beck - which actually proves there is such a thing as "too crazy" for Fox. Sarah is shaking in her Naughty Monkeys, you betcha.

  66. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Once the public understands how easily and compulsively SP lies I think the balance will finally shit and we can hope journalists, real journalists, will step forward and do their job. It's all there for the picking.

  67. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Just watched the featurette...I dunno, it sort of makes Palin look a little sympathetic. I hope to god it doesn't.

  68. Anonymous7:40 AM

    ...When it comes down to "who do you believe," you've got to consider each person's motivation. What's in it for Schmidt to have made this stuff up about Palin? Nothing, really....
    6:49 AM
    There is plenty "in it" for Schmidt to omit things to protect his credentials. Remember, Schmidt was actively trying to get a person he considered "mentally unstable" to the office of Vice President alongside an old and not very healthy McCain.

    Schmidt knows far worse about Palin than he has admitted. He can't tell because it destroys his value as a "political commentator". So Schmidt will keep his secrets to the grave.

    Schmidt knows Palin faked the Trig pregnancy. He is quite likely one of the many interested parties trying to keep the truth hidden. Is he bribing people? Has he destroyed evidence? Is he undermining the efforts of people to get the faked pregnancy exposed.


  69. Randall7:56 AM

    Sarah and Sarah-bots?

    You can make everyone here shut our mouths by simply having Sarah go on 60 minutes, or Rachel Maddow and face the tough questions for 30 minutes or so.

    That simple.

    Simply face the hard-ball, no-fawning, Fox News soft-ball bullshit questions for a while. Close the door on the criticism once and for all.


    Sarah has been skating along for four years pretending to be someone who's ready to be among the world's power elite.

    Is she? IS she really that competent, that disciplined?

    Prove it.

    ...let me guess: your immediate response just now was to make an excuse, right?

    ...thought so.

  70. Anonymous9:36 AM

    What I'm always curious about, and this is a bit OT, but how many times has Sarah Palin said she doesn't need a title? I believe she said that in the speech where she resigned from the Governorship. And how long are her band of nitwits going to continue to address her as "Governor Palin" as if she is actually still Governor? It's absolutely flabbergasting how stupid those people are.

  71. Anonymous10:57 AM

    "Just watched the featurette...I dunno, it sort of makes Palin look a little sympathetic. I hope to god it doesn't."

    One reviewer made Harrelson/Schmidt the real center of the movie, and if so, the strongest viewpoint will be that she's mentally unstable and she lies, sympathetically or not. That's always been Schmidt's take on her and he's completely endorsed the truth of the movie.

  72. lilly lily11:00 AM

    the more they bitch, the more publicity Game Change gets.


    I couldn't understand why they didn't force her out. I kept saying. She is nuts, when are they going to force her out all it takes is a "I resign, my family needs me." or some such tosh. She was obviously incompetent to anyone watching the farce. She was a loose cannon, and acted as though she was the presidential candidate not McCain. For example when she wanted to go to Michigan against orders, and I heard that McCain said, "Shoot out her tires."

  73. With all the discussion of why McCain didn't boot her from the campaign, and why the staff didn't do something... I think it may have been blackmail, pure and simple.

    "Kick me off the campaign," so to speak, "And I'll go on TV and give them an earful!"

    The McCain staffers like to claim that Palin gave them a bump and McCain held the lead until the economy crumped. That's not quite true. The campaign got a bump, all right... and it held there until people began wondering why Sarah was being hidden. Then it started to trail downward. The economy, and McCain's clueless response to it, kind of put finis to it... but Sarah kept bringing it down, first by being hidden, and then when she started to make appearances.

    No: Sarah could have talked herself, and she was a loose cannon, and they knew that. It wouldn't matter what she said: she'd be believed. They had to keep her, under the "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" principle.

    If he had won... and by that time, I'm betting that McCain knew he wouldn't- the networks knew: they were in discussion about how to mark time on election night, long enough to make it suspenseful. McCain is an old campaigner, and I'm betting he knew. He probably figured that he'd lose, she'd go back to Alaska, end of story. And if by some remote chance he won, they'd deal with her then. Somehow.

  74. Anonymous11:58 AM

    anon@631a, AMEN to that. If you've read Bailey's book, it's clear the mental instability did not exactly come out of nowhere in 2008, but the Game Change portrait of a woman seriously off her rocker is truly frightening, considering how close she actually came to a position of power.
    Also too, let's not forget how fast Obama's own star rose. His stunning speech at the 2004 convention catapulted him onto a national stage to some extent, but at the start of the '08 primary he was not exactly an old hand at politics on a national scale. Now there's a portrait of grace under pressure.

  75. Anonymous1:02 PM

    You are right gryph....i cannot wait to see this movie!!!

    At first i thought Julianne Moore wasnt possibly the right choice jut physically...but DAMN is she such a incredible actress...

    She is gonna NAIL this part. The whole cast, direction and script look awesome.

    CANT WAIT!!!!

  76. Anonymous2:13 PM

    vyfree said...
    ....The campaign got a bump, all right... and it held there until people began wondering why Sarah was being hidden. Then it started to trail downward..... but Sarah kept bringing it down, first by being hidden, and then when she started to make appearances.

    11:32 AM

    Ivy, how true, the more Palin speaks the more of an idiot she becomes. That's why FOX has to protect her and limit who she speaks to just like McCain did.

    Palin's strength is reading a speech written for her and that's all... Read a prepared speech and get the fuck off the stage before anybody asks questions.

    The well is empty... her elevator doesn't reach the top floor....

  77. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Re: the bump in McCain's poll numbers, I personally know a number of independents and conservatives who were on the fence until Palin was picked, and then immediately made up their minds to vote for Obama. The poll numbers have shown one thing since '08: the more people see of her, the less they like her. And this without the msm ever touching the real dirt. Maybe it's been long enough, and her star has fallen far enough, for the stories to start to be told? 2012 is shaping up to be a pretty good year, considering it's the end of the world and all.

  78. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Ivy, how true, the more Palin speaks the more of an idiot she becomes. That's why FOX has to protect her and limit who she speaks to just like McCain did.

    Palin's strength is reading a speech written for her and that's all... Read a prepared speech and get the fuck off the stage before anybody asks questions.

    The well is empty... her elevator doesn't reach the top floor....

    2:13 PM


    The Palin Doctrine:

    "Read a prepared speech and get the fuck off the stage before anybody asks questions."

  79. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Anon @11:58: That is an excellent point worth repeating: President Obama was not used to the national spotlight either, but he handled it all beautifully.
    Palin and her supporters are constantly harping on how inexperienced he was, but that's the exact excuse they use to explain away Palin crumbling under the pressure of her 10 week experience on the campaign trail in 2008.

  80. Anonymous6:04 PM

    @Ivyfree: I don't know what McCain's people were planning to do with Palin if they won. They've never given an explanation, but I wouldn't put it past McCain to keep her just so that he wouldn't have to admit how horribly wrong he was to choose her. He isn't someone who owns up to his mistakes and shortcomings.


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