Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Michelle Obama answers your questions.

This woman is so down to earth and authentic that it just makes me extraordinarily proud to have her and the President representing our country.


  1. Not What You Want to Hear6:36 AM

    She's handled the pressure of being in the public spotlight with extraordinary grace considering she had little preparation for it. Unlike many of our most recent first ladies, she did not first spend time in a Governor's mansion or, in the case of Barbara Bush, in the Vice President's mansion. Those first ladies had preparation for the intense media scrutiny and public expectations for them. Michelle Obama did not.

    This family has been an incredible example of manners and conduct for our country.

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I cannot get enough of her! I love listening to her speak and express herself so beautifully. There is nothing affected about her. Her authenticity just LEAPS off the screen and puts a big ol' hug around her listeners.

  3. Anonymous6:56 AM

    When Sarah is President.. Todd will make a better video.

    Todd is so articulate, he will make Michelle sound like a country bumpkin.

    LMFAO... can anyone even picture Todd doing a similar video?

  4. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Sarah on ReGreta:

  5. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Everything she touches turns to gold:

    Michelle Obama 'Most Incredible Gift That Keeps on Giving' for J. Crew

  6. Anonymous7:36 AM

    They are so sweet together.


  7. Anonymous7:45 AM

    LOVE HER! LOVE HIM! LOVE THEM! They are the most exciting and vibrant First Family EVER!

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Anon 6:57am posted
    Sarah on ReGreta:

    Here's my question:
    When is Fox or anyone against this contraception rule going to have women on the panel to give their view. They have Palin, whose children have demonstrated that they are against contraception, speaking for women who, like me, don't want our children procreating while they're teenagers. I don't get it. Are they trying to show how idiotic the so-called Catholic "pushback" attempt really is? Old men and Sarah Palin speaking about contraception. Really!?!?!

  9. I love her, seriously, she is one fantastic lady. This is a great video and a wonderful for us to get to know the First Lady a bit better.

  10. Anon 8:06 said: "Old men and Sarah Palin speaking about contraception. Really!?!?!"

    Totally agree, Anon 8:06! What's next from FAUX? Dog training tips from Michael Vick? Shows on emotional control from Andrew Breitbart? An ethics forum hosted by Karl Rove and David Koch?

    Peace, all. Great comments. I LOVE our amazing First Lady, too! Let's give our Presidential couple a LANDSLIDE!!!

  11. People are interested in Michelle Obama's words...Bristol Palin's not so much:

  12. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Favor Contraception Coverage Mandate — Including Catholics

  13. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I wish there were more comments on this. There is no doubt that Michelle Obama is the BEST First Lady in history. Some may say it was Jackie but even she can not compare to the poised, well informed, beautiful Michelle. When and if I grow up, I want to be just like her!

  14. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Very gracious and giving. One is naturally drawn to the first lady's personality and charm. How many girls in this country wish they had Michelle Obama for a mom? Count me in!

    Mrs. Obama is a wonderful role model - Americans are so fortunate to have her as their first lady.

  15. I can remember first ladies back to Mame Eisenhower. They are definitely a diverse group of ladies. Some I've liked, some I've felt sorry for, some put me off, but none have I so whole heartedly admired, loved, and enjoyed. She is so real and alive.

  16. Smirnonn9:59 AM

    Classy, genuine and beautiful. You can't fake what she and President Obama have, individually and as a family with their girls. Best first family of my lifetime - it makes me proud to have them representing the US to the rest of the world. Such a contrast from the previous admin or from "she who's name shall not be invoked" and her wasillabilly clan.

    Obama/Biden 2012

  17. Off topic...but I HAD to share this!!
    The irony here is staggering isn't it??? This shit just writes itself!!

    C'mon Gryphen...I KNOW you can do something with this!!

  18. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Michelle Obama had fewer advantages than did Sarah Palin, and they are exactly the same age.
    But Michelle's parents showered her and her brother with love and attention. She responded by working as hard as she could.
    Her husband loves her, her children love her, her mother loves her, and the nation is enamored of her natural and elegant style.
    Sarah: you were dealt a raw deal in life, that's for sure. But you didn't put any effort into educating yourself, loving your kids, making sure they got good educations, and that they reached for something beyond what they knew.
    End of comparison. It's so obvious to anyone that Sarah is a sad phoney, and that Michelle Obama is the real deal.

  19. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Why do some of you have to spoil a wonderful thread about FL Michelle by mentioning the witch of Wasila? It never fails. You guys are so obsessed with that witch.

  20. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Love her, love her, love her. The best first lady EVER!

  21. ManxMamma11:30 AM

    I can only echo what everyone else has said. Our first lady is the epitome of class.

  22. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Michelle Obama and her family are such wonderful role models - as professionals, parents and children, public servants, and (real) Christians.

    I don't remember any other First Lady (or President for that matter) who always seems so genuine and approachable. Perhaps their early lives in regular, ordinary families who struggled with financial and social issues may have helped them to relate so easily to both the person on the street and the leaders of other countries. They truly understand what it's like to grow up without privilege and to work hard for every success.

    Amazing people I am so proud to call my First Family!

  23. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

    She's always genuine, grateful, graceful and respects the sacrifice her parents made to allow her to blossom as a person, she does tis for her girls and wishes it for ours.
    I have never seen a first lady that's as articulate, well educated and graceful.
    What I love the most about the First Couple, is theirs is a marriage of equals. They needn't say a word, just the way they look at each other tells you all you need to know.


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