Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Palin girls hit the town for CPAC. Update!

This was is one of the pictures taken of the Grizzled Mama, and her cubs, by a Palin-bot in Washington D.C. during CPAC.

Here is a little of the write up that accompanied these photos over at the Sea O'Pee.

I asked Willow if The Beehive did her hair (the color and the style were cool!). She smiled and pointed to herself—“I did it.” It all makes even more sense now that I see from the Governor’s interview with “The Insider” that Willow was accepted to “hair school.” I was able to tell Bristol that we wanted to be at her book signing at Books-a-Million in DuPont Circle, but we didn’t see a time listed on her Facebook page. (That was quite a whirlwind weekend.) She graciously offered to stop long enough and gently bring Willow in for a photo, even though the rope line was long and security was intense.

 Now I am not suggesting that the people who attend CPAC are lacking in intelligence, but did this person REALLY believe that Willow had her hair done in some little hair salon in Wasilla, before making the twelve to fifteen hour flight to Washington DC?

And isn't it too bad that Bristol did not better advertise her book signing? It totally looks like she could have increased the "crowd" by at least one person if she had. Or perhaps she chose not to advertise it better so that these people would NOT be able to find it.

Now the above photos were taken right after the Grizzled Mama's speech o' lies delivered to the CPAC crowd. But there is also this one taken during the birthday party they threw for Snowdrift Snooki later in the day, which was attended by a handful of diehard Palin-bots and a poster of Palin massaging Ronald Reagan's nose.

Well it looks to me like that poster of Palin had a wonderful time. Don'tcha think?

If you wish to see more pictures you will have to hold your nose and click the link above to visit the Sea O'Pee.

P.S. While we are on the subject of photos I thought I would place the link here of the pictures taken during the 2008 campaign and recently posted by SarahPAC.

There are some very interesting pictures in there.

Update: Apparently some of the Right Wing blogs were upset by the attire of some who attended CPAC.

“Women [at CPAC] will be future leaders, too, and I was dismayed to see how many of them either looked frumpish or like two-bit whores,” wrote conservative blogger Melissa Clouthier. “If, at the number one conservative conference of the year, young men and women are looking and acting like the cast of Jersey Shore, it’s time to reset the compass.” 

Clouthier went on to say that females should not show cleavage or wear skirts shorter than three finger-widths above the knee. “Bend at the knee,” she lectures. “No, I don’t want to see your butt.” 

I cannot imagine WHO she as talking about.


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Willow = lunch lady

  2. Anonymous6:10 AM

    the 2008 photos of trig clearly show a nice set of ears, no ruffles.

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Her chin just looks so weird... Unnatural

  4. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Interesting, what is the first thing you look at when you see a picture of Bristol?

  5. What a difference a stylist and a $100K+ wardrobe can make. Did anyone notice the title of the slide presentation? Game Change You Can Believe In. These were made public to refudiate the upcoming movie.

    Did notice one where she's in a Wal-Mart buying diapers for Trig. Looks like she needed Bristol to tell her which size to get. And the way she was holding that child! WTF? Poor baby had his midriff entirely exposed and his face was buried in her jacket. Way to hold a baby, Sarah.

  6. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Not directly on topic,but seeing Bristols abomination of a chin..........

  7. Anonymous6:27 AM

    "gently bring Willow in...". Is that the roundabout way of saying she is in "a delicate condition"??

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Willow is the NATURAL beauty. Let's hope she stays that way.

  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Note to Willow, I guess you haven't gone to "hair school" yet because one of the things they teach you is to use your hair to hide your flaws.

    Your face is toooo wide to put your hair up!

    That's why Bristol got the chin implant!

    Because Bristol lied about it, she will always be known as "The Chin".

  10. angela6:48 AM

    So . . . . Sarah is trying to clean up her campaign image before Game Change debuts on HBO.

    Silly girl. Hey Sarah--any lunatic can smile for the public. It won't change the fact that you are insane. It just means all those people who crowded auditoriums for you now look like fools. Although--there will always be fools willing to support you.

  11. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The eyes still go straight to that gawd-awful chin in the middle.

  12. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Willow's chin seems to look like Bristol's to me. Is this new?

    New Willard, The Mutt Torturer video!

  13. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Willow and Hair School. I hear that song from "Grease," "Beauty School Dropout." The Palin family doesn't seem able to stick to one thing. They are much better at quitting. Bristol bought a house in Arizona that she never lives in. She bought two more houses in Wasilla. How many houses does a 21 year old with no talent need? Sarah's example of quitting jobs to cash in or climb her way up must be the model. I don't think that Willow will last the 100+ hours required to become licensed. She may end up owing the shop, I mean, Sarah may buy one for her to manage and her girl friends will do the dirty work. I can't see anyone in that family doing anything close to real work for longer than a photo op. It smells like the beauty shop is part of a pitch for a reality show. Oh, and please write Lifetime that Bristol is a terrible model for young women struggling to raise their children on their own. Bristol hasn't had to work hard at anything, other than when she was in labor. That's about the only real work that she's done.

  14. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I peeked at the other photos in the link. I love the neck-down photos of the mamma griz, just body, no head! It's one thing to take those, but to put them up for everyone? Aren't those the kind you save just for yourself, and those special moments, alone with your sarah?


  15. Anonymous7:00 AM

    You know? Yes. Bristol's chin is ----stark. But the one I was saddened by is Willow. I do agree that she is potentially pretty. But you can tell just looking at her face that she has a pretty unhealthy diet. Her face is puffed. I have a feeling all the jokes about Twinkies are---not jokes. Nutrition is an element that never had a chance in that house with that mother, apparently. There are thousands of potentially pretty girls right here in Appalachia with that same puffed bad diet face.What a tragic family.And the fact that they have all their ill-gotten millions doesn't make them any less tragic.

  16. Anonymous7:00 AM

    So, if "Game Change" is a bunch of lies and she accuses the media of exploiting her children, why the one photo of Bristol and Piper in matching green sitting at the front of stage and her podium in the back? Done on PURPOSE.

    Ever see our wonderful soon-to-be two term PRESIDENT do that? Yeah...I thought not.

  17. I'm sorry, but one of my pet peeves is what women with gloriously brunette hair do to it in an effort to look "blonde" (I guess).

    All the Palin women seem to fall victim to this, and ALL of them achieve the Women of WalMart look with their brassy highlights hiding the beautiful brown hair underneath.

    Over the years I've seen what off-the-drugstore-shelf Nice 'N Easy type products look like on the hair of women who are convinced a home highlighting job is just as good as what they could get in a salon.

    Willow seems to have signed onto that mindset, because she did it herself, she OVERDID it, and she apparently didn't ask Mom or Sis for help in putting her hair up. That frizzed-up topknot on top of Willow's head is not exactly high style.

  18. Anonymous7:03 AM

    If the photos were just recently posted she's probably trying to do damage control before the big movie. Looks like she's trying to portray herself as having a cozy relationship with Nicole Wallace; being a warm and fuzzy mom; having an adoring staff and as an intellectual maven. A little too late mama-san.

  19. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Those photos of that little down syndrome baby being shuffled all around the place says something about that campaign team enabling SP to do whatever she wanted with those kids.

    The huge crowds, the campaign staff, the hangarounds, all those people may have come in contact with viruses, germs, and all the hand-shaking and touching of people, then handling that baby with a compromised immune system that is the case with every DS baby at that age, should have raised an issue with a child protection service. It is appalling how all those people, who were focused on campaigning for a presidential election and who had big stakes in the game, were not about to let a little baby get in their way. That baby's life, in my view, was compromised. He was like the expendable one.

    Why would a mother subject her 5 month old to this risk? And the photos of her carrying him very awkwardly is sad; especially with the baby rattle dangling from her hand as she was carrying Trig. He no doubt played with that and like any baby, put it in his mouth, after having mom shake hands with so many different people. It's just mind-boggling. Does anyone else see this?

  20. Anon 6:37 -- agreed, Willow is the beauty of the family. I wonder if this is one of the reasons Bristol had her "work" done. Shame, really, for a pretty young girl to do that to herself.

    Crystal Sage -- you hit the nail on the head! Damage control, baby!

  21. Otto Katz7:11 AM

    "gently bring Willow in...". Is that the roundabout way of saying she is in "a delicate condition"??

    6:27 AM

    That's EXACTLY what caught my eye. Why "gently"? Were they afraid she was going to get spooked and run for the hills?

  22. lilli7:12 AM

    Willow is a naturally beautiful young lady, but she doesn't need that rats nest on her head, that and the clothes make her look old.. Bristol WAS a pretty girl until she added the chin and became a Kardashian want-a-be, she looks at least 30 in that picture.. Bobble head Granny needs to grow up and be a mother instead of Willow and Bristol's girlfriend, she is not 25 anymore. Why is granny trying to look younger and the girls are trying to look older?? weird.

  23. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I think that both daughters were prettiest in their original, natural state. However, it is really sad that neither of them is interested in becoming educated. Both seem to be hanging on to their mother's dwindling coattails.

  24. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Wow, a dental surgeon's jaw alignment really does wonders for a face. But where did Bristol's round face go? From that small chin to an elongated one due to a jaw re-alignment does NOT compute.

    I think the Palin girls are hoping to carry on their mom's legacy into the next generation. Lying, grifting and believing their fans are fools.

    Agree about that C4P'er that took the photo of the girls and asked Willow if Beehive did her hair? This disorder they have is striking in that they believe every word the Palins tell and they create this fantasy in their minds that the Palins (who are like those little cutout paper dolls) share their everyday business with them, as in, the names of their favorite haunts. It's like the bots create this little bubble of pure perfect Palin family who live like the character, "Truman". Every aspect of their lives is routine, they never change, everyone in Wasilla know their name, they hop on their bike and wave and smile and see their world all rosy and flowery and in control up there in perfect their perfect idea of Alaska.

    The bots truly have been hypnotized by the magic spell of the Palins.

  25. After reading that terrible post yesterday showing the Fox Nations comments on Michelle Obama, I would like to suggest that everyone lay off the hair and chin remarks. I have always laughed along with everyone else at the wig and plastic surgery jokes. Reading the Fox Comments about our First Lady made me realize that we could be going down that same road here. I am certainly not comparing half term Palin and the First Lady, however, the commenting on looks is the same. I was just devastated by what I read. I do not want to do anything even remotely similar. Think about it or go back and read the comments again. If you can stomach such hate.

  26. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Oh. And the hair. Is it prom night? LOOK around the streets while you're in NYC. How much piled up hair do you see there? IF you insist on "putting yourselves out there," for God's sake, go into hibernation for awhile. Learn SOMETHING about how polished, aware people who aren't enchanted with t he Snookie look, project themselves. For most girls that comes from college ambitions in high school and then from just education. Reading something besides The Enquirer. God. SOMETHING. Nutrition. Healthy lifestyle. Awareness. Or maybe it's just too late.Probably is. Sad. i guess. But then there will always be millions of girls who simply don't quite "get there." It's just that we don't have to be slammed with those millions of girls trying to sell their image. It's OBVIOUS the mother doesn't have a clue about image, but there ARE people out there who do. Find them. Or not.

  27. Virginia Voter7:33 AM

    Wow, that is literally a different person in those pictures from 08, the last four years have NOT been kind to you Sarah, and Bristol. These women are the poster girls for plastic surgery "Don'ts".

    So I guess if you're a Palinbot, these pictures are your version of Playboy.

    Agree, with Crystal Sage...these pictures are a preemptive strike. Too bad millions more will watch Game Change than look at these pictures.

  28. Anonymous7:36 AM

    What has Willow, a 17-year-old, done to herself? Besides the hair-do and the roots showing out of her blonde experiment?
    Her face looks different -- so hard!
    Someone told her to pluck her eyebrows into oblivion, and to circle her eyes with black liner.
    She should be in the spring of her youth, looking free and happy and full of life.

    Instead, she looks old, sloppy, and made up for some kind of -- well, a world in which she shouldn't yet be exposed to.

    Why are these girls so eager to look 30 and used, when this is the time of their lives to be innocent and lovely, with no artificial aides.

  29. Anonymous7:39 AM

    This may be to get in front of the movie, but I think we will start seeing a lot more of Sarah and her VP run - she is trying to push a brokered convention and thinks everyone will beg her to run...

  30. Anonymous7:47 AM

    In every picture she was in, my eyes were drawn to Piper. A picture is worth a thousand words, for sure. So sad, I ache for that kid.

    Off topic (but relevant), the miracle hoopster Lin didn't deliver last night. Graciously he took accountability for the loss. We know better. The curse continues!

  31. Olivia7:48 AM

    That is the same hairstyle they give to little girls at malls and at the boutiques at Disney. The only thing missing is the color spray and glitter.

  32. Anonymous7:51 AM

    They will NEVER be First Family or anything close to it. "For entertainment purposes only".

  33. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Poor poor Sarah. Is this whole show an attempt to get ahead of the movie Game Change? It's not going to work.
    How pathetic.

    Will these losers ever go away?

    Poor Bristol. I can't get down on her. The girl has body dysmorphea and with a narcissist mother like that, who can be surprised. It's very sad.

    And Willow thinks that hair is cool and modern? And her weight gain. The photos say it all,

    Sarah should have protected her children, not used them as props. The trolls can say what they want. It's not a happy strong together family. And it's sad.

  34. Anonymous7:58 AM

    One thing about those people, the Palins, they are very vain.

    Between Brisket and Sarah a lot of money has been spent on chin implants, lipo, botox, neck and face surgeries, wigs, hair and everything else in between.

    Those people really need to thank their followers for paying for their "work in progress".

  35. Anonymous8:01 AM

    What's under that raincoat that Willow never takes off? As if we didn't know.

  36. O/T - Jeremy Lin & the Knicks snap their winning streak in loss to Hornets, with Lin turning over the ball multiple times. Hmmmm....wonder what might have happened to jinx his jou-jou?? Oh right! Palin gushed about Lin like she did tebow & right on cue, kills the winning streak & kills his game!! This woman is a curse to all!!!! Beware all you whom Palin cosies up to!! Just ask newt Gingrich how it's working out for him!!

  37. Anonymous8:08 AM

    "The vetting process did not disclose what would become obvious afterward," Schmidt said in the phone interview from his home in Lake Tahoe. "We had a person who fundamentally lacked the knowledge and basis -- at a very, very deep level -- to be a plausible commander in chief and to take the oath of office as president, should it become necessary."

    LA Times article today. Love it!!! But I still hold "IT" against him.

  38. Here's a lightened version of Willow's ratsnest, lilli.

    I'd be EMBARRASSED to admit that mess was a 'do and color I did myself. Unfortunately Willow is following in her sister's and mother's footsteps in that strange inability to see herself as others see her.

  39. Willow looks matronly.

  40. Irishgirl8:13 AM

    Palin must be very afraid of Game Change to post those pics. The bots are deluded. Now they are saying the SarahPAC photos show everyone happy and smiling. They have forgotten that Palin herself had harsh words to say about Wallace and Schmidt in her book. So which is it?

    Loved the debate prep photos. She looked catatonic in the pic with Joe Lieberman. Somehow, I don't think she liked the hard work part of the campaign. She was only happy when everyone was adoring her.

  41. Anonymous8:13 AM

    A big YES to Texas Mel!

  42. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Texas Mel, I agree.
    It gets us nowhere. It takes away from the argument that SP is the most horrible person to run for office. We must stop that possibility, not complain like a bunch of snookies about their looks.

    (But she DOES look like a two-bit hooker!)

  43. Anonymous8:20 AM

    "Vote for Pipers Mom"...

    Have you seen any buttons saying "Vote for Sashas Dad" or ANY "Vote for xyz dad/mom"??? On a national level election?
    Didn't think so.

    Shows EXACTLY how she used her kids.

  44. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I love how the CPAC people were more worried about how their young republican attendees looked and dressed than how filthy their comments are re The First Lady of the USA.

  45. Anonymous8:22 AM

    "Girls Gone Wild: CPAC Edition"

  46. Anonymous8:24 AM

    That is one ugly group of gals.

  47. Good point, Texas Mel.

  48. Anonymous8:38 AM

    A rare photo of Bristol not pregnannt!! Seems she is quite flat chested like Momma when she is not pregnant.

  49. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Willow has the glow and size of a pregnant woman.

  50. Anonymous8:39 AM

    6:22 When I see a photo of Bristol, I immediately look to see if she looks preggers.

  51. Anonymous8:44 AM

    So does "hair school" accept drop outs? According to my research, she'd only be a junior this year. What about her senior year? So she got a GED? Or is it possible to do two years of homeschooling in one year even though she never seemed to be at home?

  52. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Sarah's double chin. Vanished.

    As far as her girls, they look very made up, and much older than their stated age.

    The comment from an organizer that the girls and the women looked cheap in the Audience. Well goes to show ya.

    Sarah is their role model, not Snooki.
    As far as comments on their looks being similar to the nasty right wing blogs nastiness towards the Presidents wife. WELL, we are supposed to shut up???????????????

  53. Anonymous8:46 AM

    where did briskets boobs go.

  54. Anonymous8:53 AM

    OMG, the Naughty Librarian and her skank aides.

  55. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Willow looks pretty but a little matronly for 17. Bristol looks better than usual, but the chin is a distracting epic "dental" surgery mistake. Sarah looks like an old woman desperately trying to look younger. Her shiny red CPAC blouse looks like the hideous silk shirts that were the style du jour in my Arkansas junior high school in the early 90's.

  56. LA Times has a very good write up on "Game Change" movie. They also report that Palin thought the Queen of England ran the country!
    Steve Schmidt confirmed it!
    On the subject of invading Iraq, and what should happen.

    The Palin character, sitting opposite Schmidt in a campaign bus, says McCain would "continue to have an open dialogue" with the queen of England on the subject. Flabbergasted, the Schmidt character informs her the queen is not the head of government. Palin asks who is. He informs her that the country has a prime minister.

    Strong said he uncovered that additional episode during the 25 interviews he conducted with principals from Team McCain. Schmidt confirmed the account.

    The bots may think they can erase the truth on Wikipedia, but they can't erase the memories of over 25 people who were there with Palin through the whole debacle!

    I hope they show how looser Palin tries to sneak on stage to give her speech after McCain said no.
    They had to turn out the lights on her.
    Personally, I would love to see the circus at the gop convention when she tries to be relevant! Ha!

  57. Anonymous9:07 AM

    All I can think of when I see Bristol's chin is "I've faaaaallen and can't get up!!!"

    They didn't show many pictures of the birthday party. Looks like it was one of those what if they give a party and no one comes.

  58. Anonymous9:11 AM

    This is off-topic, but it's buggin' I the only reader who can't get all the comments to display on the Grifin's post below where Sarah holds the blue Linsanity t-shirt?

    Below the text of the post, it says 270 comments (as of now), yet when I click on it, it says 200. And the last commenter's post is the same one I saw early last night when the number read 139 (thereabouts).

  59. TEXAS MEL said...
    After reading that terrible post yesterday showing the Fox Nations comments on Michelle Obama, I would like to suggest that everyone lay off the hair and chin remarks. I have always laughed along with everyone else at the wig and plastic surgery jokes. Reading the Fox Comments about our First Lady made me realize that we could be going down that same road here...
    7:26 AM
    Food for thought indeed, Texas Mel. I think your suggestion is important, especially as the election season picks up steam. Perhaps our objections to Palin trying to hold onto/get back into the political scene should focus on her incompetence, corruption, lack of ethics, morals, integrity, and so on if we want to be taken seriously. She is unfit for office in so many ways.

    I do think commenting on Palin's tastelessness and inappropriate grooming, attire, and behavior is reasonable as it demonstrates her inability to conduct herself in a manner suitable for the high levels of diplomacy required by the office of the president, but maybe we can do so with less name-calling.

    I will try to consider this, especially when I am impatient with trolls/bigots (comments I made earlier today) and express my contempt for them.

  60. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  61. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Let 'em have their fun. There's too many people "in the know" that WILL expose what her followers don't want to believe about their Queen. When it all comes out, which it WILL, she'll be the female Dan Quayle in history books. THAT you can take to the bank.

    Silly, ignorant 4Pers.....

  62. Reading the Fox Nation comments U thought of the heated comments here about "Beefalo".

    Just saying, please check in if you have double standards.

    Can anyone name a politician or celebrity who writes puplicissives of their offspring then smaps yelling "leave them alone!"like a bipolar?

  63. Anonymous9:27 AM

    That birthday party photo reminds me of a skit that was done on SNL after Elvis died. The skit revolved around the "Elvis's Coat Concert" and showed an empty stage with Elvis's coat which shook and shimmied in time with recordings of his songs.

    I guess if you can't have the real thing you'll just party with a poster? I wonder if any of them took it off the wall and danced with it, or wished it happy birthday? I hope they let it have a piece of cake!

  64. Anonymous9:29 AM

    To anon at 9:11 am,
    When any post gets over 200 comments, its become necessary to
    1) First click on the title of the post, and
    2) Then access comments from within the actual post.

    That way, you should be able to see them all. When trying to go from the IM home page, directly into the comments, anything over 200 does not show. (I just learned this last week.)

    Good luck ! SunnyVee :)

  65. Anonymous9:31 AM


    This is off-topic, but it's buggin' I the only reader who can't get all the comments to display on the Grifin's post below where Sarah holds the blue Linsanity t-shirt?
    No, I have had a problem getting past the 220 mark for many of the last posts. It only shows 200, but says there are more. No link to click for "newest" either.

  66. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This is off-topic, but it's buggin' I the only reader who can't get all the comments to display on the Grifin's post below where Sarah holds the blue Linsanity t-shirt?

    Below the text of the post, it says 270 comments (as of now), yet when I click on it, it says 200. And the last commenter's post is the same one I saw early last night when the number read 139 (thereabouts).

    9:11 AM

    If you click the actually blue, linked title of the blogpost it brings up comments in a different format and then you can see them all.

  67. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I also do not want to revert to name-calling in reference to physical attributes, although I think the appropriateness of dress is relevant. (by the way, all Palins are beautifully and appropriately dressed in these campaign photos, thanks to professional help)

    I do think it is ok to still try to figure out the stage of Bristol's pregnancy during the campaign, and whether or not she wore padding.

    There are 2 photos in this bunch that show a very weird physique on Bristol. The one where she is seated on the bus next to Willow (Sarah is on the right giving that lame flash-card testing to Piper). Bristol's hair appears to be laying over her chest and it is a completely rounded bustline that juts out immediately from her neck area. I thought it could be an illusion and maybe it was a round pillow hext to her, but in a standing picture later she also has a bolster-bosom that begins at about shoulder-blade level. Is this possible?

  68. Photos remind me of the ReThugLican 08 campaign slogan, "Country First".

    Really John McCain? Did you REALLY put Country First when you selected Sarah, or we're you acting in your own selfish interests.

    Because I, and MANY of my fellow American believe you sir, are a Traitor! Your actions, and continued support of this woman, illustrate an individual who does care about anything except his own interests!

    I hope to someday meet you in person, shake your hand, look you square in the eye and call you a traitor to your face!

  69. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Texas Mel

    You make an excellent point, but also I've noticed a lack of the juvenile nastiness around here lately. Good comebacks to trolls, but not the name calling and attacking that was driving some of the more intelligent commenters away. I'm almost afraid to say that, for fear of being jumped by-- well, I won't go there. Let's just say it's been much more pleasant lately.

    Heaven help us if we stoop to the level of those vile commenters about Mrs. Obama.

  70. Anonymous9:53 AM

    What happened to Gina M?

  71. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I agree they are tryung ti get ahead of Game Change. Hicket mim of poster family of America is baaack post cleaning up the billies. Nice pics at the Sea but they don't blovk having seem and heard Palin beyond her stump speech. Nor admissions the campaign team found out she was ignorant.

  72. On Bill Maher, the panel was discussing a brokered convention and Bill yelled out "Pick Palin, oh puleeze!" And the panel all laughed. Comics all over are hoping that Palin comes forward to run. She is, after all, comedy gold. All hail, Tina Fey.

    Frankly, Santorum offers a plethora of comedy opportunities as well. In fact, they're all a laugh riot.

  73. Cracklin' Charlie10:04 AM


    Willow's wearing the boobies, now.


    Trig's ruffled ears got repaired sometime between his 2007 birthday and his public debut in April 08.

  74. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Nothing says future hair school superstar like dark roots and a bleach job that doesn't flatter one's skin tone.

  75. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Of course the Palins are vain, and overmade up. Loads of make up.

    The only thing that these three have going for them.

    Brains? non existant.

    sarah got ahead in a hick town by thrusting out her boobs in a push up bra. She has been using fake boobs ever since.

    It worked. Yippee!!

    She says the same damned thing over and over again in her crazy word salad, so there is nothing to her.

    We can comment on her looks and dress and makeup and wigs and flat ass all we want. Because there is nothing else there between their ears.


  76. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Bristol sure did ruin her face with that chin. She looks like a Kardashian, not a Palin.

    Willow has an exotic beauty - maybe her native Alaska heritage - her eyes are very pretty.

    Bristol not so much.

    Sarah, not at all.

  77. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Clouthier went on to say that females should not show cleavage or wear skirts shorter than three finger-widths above the knee. “Bend at the knee,” she lectures. “No, I don’t want to see your butt.” 

    I cannot imagine WHO she as talking about.


    These people who are mad must be upset at Sarah, Brisket and Willow for exposing their asses in public, ya know that lump above their shoulders.

  78. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I would sort of feel sorry for Piper (i.e. if she weren't such a brat based on public reports).

    Bristol was at the perfect age to benefit from Sarah's diminishing ability to grift with appearances on DWTS, etc. Willow wasn't quite as fortunate but was able to get some of the spoils by hanging on Bristol's coattails.

    By the time Piper comes of age, Sarah will be a bizarre footnote of political history, unable to pry money from her supporters and probably broke from her inability to save what she got from Fox, her speeches and SarahPAC. Piper's popularity quotient will be very low based on the Palin family's jumping the shark and she will have to fend on her own (with her highly developed social skills :-) ).

  79. Anonymous10:52 AM

    They need to do something with Willow. Isn't she the baby? She looks way too old for her age. Makeover 911... Bristol help your sister out.

  80. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Here's the bit, speaking specifically to the 4Per trolls:

    You can pray all you want, quote Bible passages all you want. "God" is a talking point to attract the base, nothing more.

    The Queen herself admits doors God opens have been shut. Have you ever wondered WHY that is? Here's a passage for you:

    Galatians 6:7 - " Be not deceived; God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."

    GAME CHANGE is the truth, and we're just out of the gate. She's only good to laugh at. How mentally ill must one be to not care that to intellegent people you are one big guffaw as long as you can grift the ignorant?

    It's the MONEY for all of them. They don't give one SHIT about you.

  81. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Nothing says future hair school superstar like dark roots and a bleach job that doesn't flatter one's skin tone.

    10:14 AM

    I noticed Willow's dark roots too. Then I thought about what Sarah Palin wrote how Willow was so proud of her rats nest hair style and told everyone that she did it herself and I thought (sarcastically) "Bless her heart".

    I hope Willow shows up, take notes and pays attention in "hair school" and doesn't get kicked out and home schooled again.

  82. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I bet Mama Grizzley was trolling the audience for a Sugar Daddy for her girls. Time they moved out on their own! They can't grift off their mother forever... or can they? "You cut off my allowance and I'll tell all!"

  83. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Wow! Willards updo or rats nest! Her hair is really damaged you can tell. Now she will have to chop it off.
    Willard, Epic FAIL on that do not go to hair school, do not pass go!
    And Brillows.... since the adderal has kicked in and cause her to lose weight, all we can see is "THE CHIN" and that is not a good thing.
    Sarah is trying to do Damage control b/c Game going to explode some conservative heads You betcha!
    I do hope they show the part where she comes out to greet the boyz with a towel on, so klassy for a VP? doncha think?
    Oh I don't know what all the pics are supposed to mean...we have heard all the stories and Game change is going to make people google, google, google lol.
    She also has a statement on Sarahpac and sent out a newsletter telling everyone to go to this link---->Sarah pac. She is runnin' scared.

  84. Anonymous11:12 AM

    The young one looks pregnant.

  85. Anonymous11:16 AM

    All 3 of them have nasty looking hair.

  86. Anonymous11:25 AM

    That chin is monstrous. It reminds me Caesar Romero playing the Joker -

  87. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Anonymous said...

    This is off-topic, but it's buggin' I the only reader who can't get all the comments to display on the Grifin's post below where Sarah holds the blue Linsanity t-shirt?

    Below the text of the post, it says 270 comments (as of now), yet when I click on it, it says 200. And the last commenter's post is the same one I saw early last night when the number read 139 (thereabouts).


    I wondered about that too.

  88. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Well, you know, unstable as Sarah is mentally and physcially, it's only a matter of time on the campaign trail where she totes the red briefcase to the podium does this:

    I personally can't WAIT!

  89. Anonymous11:41 AM

    " I'm almost afraid to say that, for fear of being jumped by-- well, I won't go there."

    Gee, way to stay classy.

  90. Just read the LA Times review of the movie "Game Change".

    What I find most tragic about Palin's supporters is their obstinate refusal to believe their own eyes and ears. I mean, fine, ignore the revelations from Schmidt, Wallace and people from Palin's campaign staff, ignore the movie "Game Change", even. You can make a pretty good argument that they are driven by personal gripes against Palin. And fine, ignore the Alaska bloggers because again, it's not entirely objective on their (and our) part either.

    But don't ignore the mind numbing Couric & Gibson interviews where she contradicts herself in every sentence, didn't have a clue about a major foreign policy stance of the Bush Admin and just generally couldn't figure out how to even answer easy questions about HERSELF!! Don't ignore the appalling VP debate where Palin made no actual sense about anything she spoke about, let alone the questions that were asked. What about the incoherent tweets and Facebook posts from Palin herself, the woefully written books, the lack of in depth understanding or actual significant advocacy for families with special needs children beyond the odd sound bite here and there and oh, let's not forget the boat load of confusing, rambling Fox News interviews since 2008. Not to mention the habit of dropping out for an engagement already confirmed, leaving organizers scrambling. And what about Palin's own inability to get a real Presidential campaign organised? Choosing instead to swan around on motorcycles thru D.C. and cruising thru random towns in primary states on her giant Not-Campaigning Tour Bus, only to announce that she's not running. And biggest red flag of all - HOW do Palin's supporters gloss over Palin QUITTING her elected office half way thru her FIRST term??!! Her
    FIRST TERM!!! That is terrible for so many reasons but especially indicates a devastating lack of integrity on Palin's part. At least finish the term! That's terrible work ethic.

    Can't they see what is plainly in front of them from Palin's own actions and words? I'm trying to be charitable and give Palin's supporters the benefit of the doubt here that they are hard working people with professional work ethics and are educated people. So how can they look at Palin, observe how she performed her (well paid) job of AK Governor, political commentator/pundit, author and Fox News contributor and not come up with the same conclusion as the rest of us? That Sarah Palin is lazy, incurious, ignorant, irrational, erratic, impulsive, self centered and utterly unqualified to hold public office at any level?

    It has never ceased to baffle me how completely Palin's supporters have been taken in by her. And here she goes again.....pole dancing around DC and NYC for yet another grift. I used to feel sorry for Palin supporters but I no longer do because whatever they end up with, they deserve now cuz we all warned them. She's gonna rob them blind. AGAIN.

  91. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I haven't looked at comments yet and I'm SURE someone pointed this out...but I think the "interesting" PAC photo from 2008 HAD to be the one of Sarah, Willow, Bristol, Trig, & some other lady on the bus.

    Make zero, zilch, non, nyet, NO mistake about can see BRISTOL WEARING THE (cheap foam) EMPATHY BELLY AS CLEAR AS DAY.

    Sorry for shouting. But, wow! It's not meant for sitting down and since Bristol is sitting, it bunched to high hell.

    I don't know how to link it but it's the 3rd or 4th photo when you click on Gryphen's link. I think it was captioned "back of the bus". Willow is holding Trig on her lap.

    OH oh oh another "interesting" photo, Sarah is holding Trig and it's a very fat Trig baby, not at all like the long lean baby in the blue striped outfit when Sarah was introduced at the RNC.

    This baby had rolls upon rolls of darling baby fat on his legs. And the "interesting" thing? The baby is only viewed from the back and one of his ears looks..definitely not right.

  92. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Bristol sure did ruin her face with that chin. She looks like a Kardashian, not a Palin.

    Willow has an exotic beauty - maybe her native Alaska heritage - her eyes are very pretty.

    Bristol not so much.

    Sarah, not at all.

    10:31 AM

    Everybody is entitled to their opinions, but all I see is ugliness.

    I seen the ugliness that came from that family when Palin was mayor, governor, vp candidate, FOX commentator and grifter.

    I seen the ugliness that comes from Bristol on how she treats Tripp's other family - his other grandma, how Bristol conned and scammed others with her abstinence jibber jabber and I remember that Bristol said people hate her family because they are famous. This coming from an uneducated underage girl who tried to make money by belittling her baby's daddy in a book. From a person who screwed in a canvas tent while her friends stood outside listening to her moans and groans, from a person who was so disrespectful that she had to be told by others that her sexual moaning sounds inside Mrs. Johnston's house was too loud and that the family could hear Bristol.

    That's the ugliness I see in Bristol!

    I see the ugliness in Willow who is fortunate enough to live in a nice two story house that was built by ill gotten goods but she has so much disrespect for others that she broke in and ransacked the property belonging to others who had to work for what little they have. Willow who has a trashy homophobic mouth and the ugliness from one was told to leave her high school because she is a disruption to others who are trying to get an education!

    That's the ugliness I see in Willow.

    All I see are asses who feel the world owes them because their mother is the biggest con artist we have seen in our lifetime.

  93. Anonymous12:28 PM

    "I'm almost afraid to say that, for fear of being jumped by-- well, I won't go there."

    9:50, saying that you're not going there does, in fact, constitute going there.

  94. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Cracklin' Charlie said...


    Willow's wearing the boobies, now.

    Yes, it seems the Palins may be down to one pushup bra amongst them, and they share it? Like these gals:

  95. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Chin. Why did she access such a poor surgeon given the resources available to her?

  96. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Willow boobs looks huge, whats up girl?

  97. Anonymous12:47 PM

    The kiss of the death?

  98. WELL!!! Go away for a few days and come back to BaldyPac releasing a bunch of photos that show how BADLY Baldy looks today...compared to 4 years ago! NOT smart Baldy....NOT smart at ALL!!

    Check out this picture...

    Lindsey Graham, Joe Lieberman and McShame....What is old Baldy saying to these old goats....Hmmmm....

    "Okay, which one of you fellas want to go first?

  99. Anonymous12:52 PM

    OMG. Santorum claimed in 2008 that Protestants have left Christianity.

    So only the POPE is infallable?

    Only Catholics are Christians?

    Protestants all must be going to Hell.

    Where does that leave Sarah Palin who left the Catholic Church for the fundi's and doesn't even go to church?

    After all God speaks to her direct.

    An absolute Heathen?

    This is getting crazier and crazier.

  100. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Sorry if someone has already posted this, but the picture of Palin you needed to show with this was the one Shannyn took of the WAY too short skirt at the Memorial Day service awhile back. Palin's attire has been oh-so-inappropriate at so many events, and she has often looked like the "two-bit whore" Ms. Clouthier objects to.

    Peep-toe F-me pumps are not considered professional, either.

    Clearly Palin wants the men looking at anything but her face and thinking about anything but what she's actually saying, and she doesn't much care what intelligent women think.

    If Bachmann, Palin, Brewer, Coulter, and the female talking heads on Fox are what passes for "conservative" women these days, I can only hope none of them become "leaders."

  101. Anonymous12:54 PM


  102. Anonymous12:55 PM

    if i didnt know sarah was whatever it is she is
    i would think shes a prostitute

  103. Nefer 9:12. I like what you wrote and your choice of words.

    I don't feel badly being frank about SP's appearance. Despite being attractive she lacks so much and is unprofessional in her choices. She is even unfit to dress appropriately most of the time. They have no sense of decorum.

    Game Change sounds like it is going to confirm Palin's gross ignorance we saw. I hope more people come forward and NBC saved the film of VP worst nightmere.

    Do people in the McCain team regret not coming clean or announcing Palin reconsidered?

  104. I for one find the "Three Hooker Sisters" of Wasilla very comical! The fact that "our side" have to be "better than the other side" don't cut it in my book.

    Yeah, I know some will disagree and that's your prerogative. But when you see a woman who is threatening to run for the highest office in the land and this same person says the most bizarre shit imaginable...while wearing either, dirty or ill fitting wigs, along with dirty and ill fitting clothes....and don't get me started on those elephant toes Baldy was displaying in those "peep toe"(UGH) shoes! She's fair game for all the comments and MORE.

    I can't compare the comments about Baldy to the First Lady Michelle Obama. The comments about Michelle are way around that.

    Baldy actually SAYS the most ridiculous shit and expect folks to believe "the words that are coming out of her herpes infected mouth"! And pretty much every other word out of her mouth is a LIE!

    I feel sorry for Beefalo and Wallow (yep that's what I call em and I'm sticking to it!). They are two young ladies under the age of 20 (yeah Beefy we know they lied about the year you were born!) and they dress in the DARK!

    The only time that crazy family looked put together was when they were on the campaign trail in 08'. And of course they ended up stealing the clothes!

    Baldy is a GRIFTER! That is all she knows how to do...and that is what she is teaching her daughters!

    Now that's SAD.

  105. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Grphen I think we should re-visit Game Change...
    You know like her asking Steve Schmidt to lie about the AIP and now we have the emails to show yep, Happened.
    Will they show her being punked by the Canadian DJ's? Yep we have that too.
    Well also have 60 mins interview with Steve Schmidt telling how she was mentally unfit and would of been removed from VP had McCain won. Show that with the trailer of her in a fetal position...
    How can Baldy lie and say that shit never happened?
    We can't let her get away with it, now can we?

  106. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Here is the link to the pic and I also thought "Empathy suit"!

    And yes good observation about TriG.
    Fat little chubby TriG vs. Iconic TriG.

  107. Anonymous1:59 PM

    " I'm almost afraid to say that, for fear of being jumped by-- well, I won't go there."

    Gee, way to stay classy.

    11:41 AM


    Yeah, well, so much for that wish. But it was nice around here for a few days.

  108. For the folks who can't see comments past 200...apparently neither can Baldy Family seems their crazy comments ended at the 200 mark! LOL!!

  109. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Well, I thought RNC was the only appearance of bolster-bosom Bristol, but this picture (titled "Back of the Bus" shows one heck of an odd shape for a pregnant teen. So Bristol had a small bosom on the tarmac for Levi's arrival, giant bosom at RNC, small again then GIANT in this picture. Weird.

  110. Anonymous2:43 PM

    All gorgeous women. I'll give Sarah and Todd one thing. They made 4 beautiful children.

  111. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I don't think the chin is unnatural. It's just weird that her face isn't round anymore. Things are the same, there's just no fat surrounding the chin.

  112. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Yeah, Bristol was TOTALLY trying to look like Willow, who has Todd's square-jawed, heartshaped face with Sarah's nose and hair.

  113. Anonymous2:46 PM

    If I had the money. I'd lipo my chin fat too. All ladies look hot.

  114. PalinsHoax2:49 PM

    What on earth does Palin have on underneath her black skirt at the CPAC convention? Is she wearing Depends?

    Something sure is making her skirt rumpled and bunched around her hips.

  115. Anonymous2:51 PM

    What does "ill-gotten gains" mean? Working for a living, at a job like the ones thousands upon thousands of Americans have? If you're referencing the PAC, how is having people who believe in you and your message donate money ill-gotten? Supporters see what the funds go toward and still donate. Personal choices. I don't begrudge anyone for exerting his/her bias and photo op Obama picture saying "what an upstanding man"

    you don't know him any better than you know Palin. You can't judge shit.

  116. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anon 7:00, I assume you're going to trash democrats for using Sasha Obama during the DNC an don official trips abroad? NO? Then shut up with your bias.

  117. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Kajo, good to know you don't like it. your opinion means SOOOO much to them and me.

    You're such a republican, trying to control people and conform society.

  118. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Pol, I'm going to assume you were NOT one of the 100s of commenters calling Bristol fat and ugly in 2010, or like the twin of her grandfather in a denigrating way.


  119. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Anon 7:15, yes because having jobs and paying for things they want are hanging onto mother's coattails. They are old enough to appreciate this event and they attended it. There were 15 yrolds at CPAC. Are you jealous you never had opportunity of drive then?

  120. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Both girls are beautiful in natural state. You only see them in makeup at nice events as that is custom but both could easily go without.

  121. Anonymous2:59 PM

    To people "aching for Piper". You ache for a happy, go lucky kid? Why? She looks like a bubbly kid in those pictures. Or is your hate blinding you?

  122. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "Vote for Pipers mom" would have been a McCain campaign decision, one not uncommonly used.

  123. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Anon 8:24, nice jealousy ya got there sir.

  124. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Bristol's been pregnant ONCE and you automatically assume she always is???? Um, ok. Is it even worth nothing her prudeness.

  125. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Willow chose to be homeschooled Sept 2010, originally with a friend. Her reason was probably to graduate as early as possible, common mentality for Alaskans as I see it.

  126. Anonymous3:06 PM

    No offense but people IN TH EKNOW have spoken. McCains closest advisor said Nicholle was full of it when she wrote that they were talking about Palin not taking the oath is McCain won. that never happened.

  127. Anonymous3:06 PM

    "I'm almost afraid to say that, for fear of being jumped by-- well, I won't go there."

    9:50, saying that you're not going there does, in fact, constitute going there.

    12:28 PM

    You go to the head of the class.

  128. Anonymous said...

    If I had the money. I'd lipo my chin fat too. All ladies look hot.

    2:46 PM

    Totally agree!

    "All ladies look hot"...MESS!

  129. Bristol's Real Chin3:08 PM

    "All gorgeous women. I'll give Sarah and Todd one thing. They made 4 beautiful children."

    Which of the 5 Palin children isn't getting the love, there?

    My money is on Sarah and Todd making 2 beautiful children and raising 2 more beautiful half siblings and a beautiful grandchild.

  130. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I would have to say those shoes Sarah Palin is wearing does not match her outfit.

    What seems to be the problem with those Hill Billies?

    Palin says she wants to be like Ivanna, but Ivanna wouldn't wear that shit.

  131. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Interesting that when you look at Bristol and Willow’s left eye, they both have some type of growth or defect on the bottom lash near their noses.

    Bristol how much will that cost to get fixed?

  132. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Bristol's Real Chin said...
    "All gorgeous women. I'll give Sarah and Todd one thing. They made 4 beautiful children."

    Which of the 5 Palin children isn't getting the love, there?

    My money is on Sarah and Todd making 2 beautiful children and raising 2 more beautiful half siblings and a beautiful grandchild.

    3:08 PM


    That, my friend, has most likely hit the nail right on it's big flat head!

  133. Anonymous said...

    Bristol's been pregnant ONCE and you automatically assume she always is???? Um, ok. Is it even worth nothing her prudeness.

    3:02 PM
    "prudeness".....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...yeah okay...if you say so...but according to a few folks in the know...ole Beefy's "prudeness" is not what she is known for...but keep on believing....SNORT!

    At least we won't have to read anymore of your troll nonsense once the comments go over 200! So everybody...let's get those comments UP!!!'re going to need to get to the latest post Gryphen just put up...we need your expertise on why Beefy's stomach looks like some kind of squishy jello!

  134. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Willow chose to be homeschooled Sept 2010, originally with a friend. Her reason was probably to graduate as early as possible, common mentality for Alaskans as I see it.

    3:03 PM


    Sarah Palin is taking all the necessary steps to make sure she doesn’t go through the same public embarrassment as she did with Bristol some years ago. Consequently, she’s pulled Willow from school ahead of the Presidential run, it has emerged.

    Shortly after Willow (16) was busted for speeding and following a series of very concerning reports about the teen, Sarah Palin has decided that she can’t risk having her career in politics take a hit because of her children again, The National Enquirer says, as Hollywood Life informs.

    As per the tab, momma Palin really wants to stand a chance in the Presidential run this year, so she can’t afford to have Willow ruin it for her.

    She pulled the troublesome teen from school and, as the Enquirer would have us believe, she aims to keep her under lock and key until the 2012 elections are over.

    “Willow is a wild girl, and Sarah fears any sort of screw-up on Willow’s part could blow her campaign, so she has her under lockdown at their Wasilla home,” a spy says for the tab, as cited by the aforementioned Hollywood Life.

    “Sarah hopes that taking Willow out of school will help keep any potential problem under control,” the insider says.

    Understandably, Willow didn’t jump at the chance with an open heart, since she doesn’t really care for the way her mother is always interfering with her life, the report argues.

    In the end, though, she agreed to be home-schooled because her mother promised her she “would allow [her] to graduate early if she would keep quiet about it.”
    Nevertheless, the first chance she has, she’s out the door and never coming back.

    “Willow is counting down the days until she can get away from her mom’s supervision. Her older sister Bristol has promised that the minute she turns 18, she can move in with her,” the spy says.

  135. Anonymous3:56 PM

    What is that bunch of wrinkles under Sarahs skirt. She is wearing something,can't figure what tho.
    The only time this women ever looked presentable was when the RNC dressed her did her make up and hair or wig.
    she is clueless as to how trashy she looks,as are her girls..

  136. Anonymous4:11 PM


    Nice, Bristol. Must be a weekend special where Mama's payin' by the comment!

    You'll have enough for that triple stroller in no time.

  137. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Bristol let slip in May 2011 that Sarah was not going to run. Yet for the next 5 months SarahPAC relentlessly solicited donations.

    The hair, make-up and clothes you see in these CPAC pictures were paid for by people defrauded into donating to SarahPAC.

    When I look at those pictures I see a family of smiling crooks.

  138. Anonymous4:29 PM

    shut up with your bias.

    2:52 PM
    I see our trolls have a new word.."bias". They have no clue what it means, but it sounds important to them.

    And, boy, they all got busy at the same time with so many troll posts all together. So much stupid lumped together!

    I really loved the one saying we are jealous because surely we all secretly wish we could attend that CPAC function. Wrong on all counts dear troll.

    Who paid the way for them all to attend? Were they afraid to leave Willow at home? Did they think showing her off would make us back off on the pregnancy theories. Wrong again.

  139. Olivia4:34 PM

    Anonymous @ 2:51 don't know Palin any better than you know him. You can't judge shit.

  140. Anonymous4:50 PM

    She and her followers already have begun denouncing the film, based on promotional trailers and accounts they have heard from others. Tim Crawford, treasurer of Palin's political action committee, had not seen the movie but on Friday released a statement saying HBO should label it a "fiction."

    "I haven't seen HBO's latest effort at manipulating history," Crawford said. "However, based upon the description and reports from people who have viewed the film 'Game Change,' HBO has distorted, twisted and invented facts to create a false narrative and attract viewers. They call it a docu-drama, there is little 'docu' in it. HBO must add a disclaimer that this movie is fiction."

    HBO noted the depth of research behind the movie and said in a statement: "HBO has a long track record of producing fact-based dramas, and our mantra has always been, 'get the story right.' We hope that people will withhold any judgment until they have viewed the film."

    The Palin camp's response and a photo gallery of positive images from the campaign were posted Friday on the Sarah PAC website under the headline "Here They Go Again." Palin said on "Fox News Sunday" that she did not intend to see the movie and hoped others would not "waste their time" with the film. She also said "Game Change" was based on a "false narrative.",0,1100388.story

  141. Anonymous4:50 PM

    One jarring revelation in which the movie reaches beyond the book comes when Schmidt makes a query to assess nominee Palin's awareness of foreign affairs, asking McCain's VP pick how she would respond in the White House to news of waning British support for the war in Iraq.

    The Palin character, sitting opposite Schmidt in a campaign bus, says McCain would "continue to have an open dialogue" with the queen of England on the subject. Flabbergasted, the Schmidt character informs her the queen is not the head of government. Palin asks who is. He informs her that the country has a prime minister.,0,1100388.story

  142. Amy in Juneau4:53 PM

    Bristol's real chin said it!

    Todd is not the biological father of Track.

    I believe Bristol & Willow are his.

    Piper is questionable.

    And we all know Todd and Sarah sure as shit ain't the biological parents of Triggy Bear.

  143. Anonymous5:35 PM

    The first picture made me think of Sesame Street. "Which one of these things is not like the others?" Ah... that would be the one that hasn't had her facial features "enhanced".... yet.

  144. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Willow really is a pretty girl. I hope she keeps her figure under control. Too bad the whole family is nuts. Probably makes all the girls snack on twinkies to deal with stress.

  145. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Someone here said that Alaskans always skip years of school very easily by using "home-schooling" options.

    Not in our state. You cannot just skip grades fast and easy with home schooling. It's very strict here. I bet she calls GED classes or online diploma-type classes "home schooling." It's not the same thing.

  146. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Olivia, is that NOT what I said in my first comment? Dense much?

    I judge know one positively or negatively, especially based on pictures and ESPECIALLY based on second and third party accounts.

  147. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

    Anonymous @ 7:06 a.m.

    That has always bothered me, and yes, everyone noticed. If you recall, there was a pandemic of h1n1 flu at the time, and who's to say ALL of the people in those crowds got vaccinated at all or in time?

    When my kids were infants, and I'm blessed they didn't have compromised immune systems nor any syndrones or diseases, I would never expose them to anyone, even family members, who has symptoms of a cold or the flu. It's easily preventable, and a mother's first instinct is to protect their kids.

    Let's not even mention running barefoot in parkinglots, being forcefed on a bus, or having no regular schedule.

    You're Right, and I think it's dispicable behavior.

  148. bustol looks cartoonish. If you look at (top pic) willard and the insufferable clown, back and forth about 4 times real quick and then look at bustol...tell me you didn't laugh at her cartoonish face. It's scared me also.

    willard dark roots are showing so her hair job is pretty old and no I don't believe she highlighted her hair. And she is looking rather "mature" if you know what I mean, her breast are huge.

  149. Anonymous7:00 PM


    Who cares what Tim Crawford says, he's a crook. SarahPAC sent solicitation after solicitation telling people that if they gave Sarah would run knowing full well that she had already decided not to. That is fraud.

  150. Anonymous7:06 PM

    The quality of the trolls' writing abilities has reached a new low. I have never seen such a cluster and proliferation of illiteracy in one place. It makes it tough to wade through the comments searching for anything that sounds like it's written by someone with more than a GED education.

  151. Bristol's Real Chin7:09 PM

    "Bristol's real chin said it!"

    Because for many years I was very close to the action!

  152. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

    I never thought I'd agree with a conservative, but she's right about the cleavage and shor skirts. (BTW, I love the headless shot of Sarah- who saves those photos, except for people who focus on her assets without having to look at the face and roadkill.

    The photo of Willow with prom hair is a hoot. "I did it myself" (reminds me of "Shirley Temple" cueball on Oprah) So we have, from left to right, Mrs Doubtfire wannabe, Jay Leno in drag, and Tootsie.

    Anonymous said...
    All gorgeous women. I'll give Sarah and Todd one thing. They made 4 beautiful children.

    2:43 PM
    All gorgeous women? Is it last call at the bar?
    And Sarah made five beautiful children, It's all in the math.

  153. Wow, the WGE is kind of hot and heavy on this page isn't she. Kind of like meeting her in person.

  154. Wow, the WGE is hot and heavy on this page, isn't she. Dang! It's kind of like meeting her in person.

  155. Anita Winecooler8:12 PM

    Thanks for the link to "Game Change You Can Believe In". If it's a pre-emptive middle finger to the movie, it's an epic fail. It shows the drastic contrast they've become in four years.
    The RNC proved the adage "You can't polish a turd" wrong.

    The more recent photos, shows they can't even master the basics of applying makeup properly, the obvious weight shifts and plastic surgery, and how frail Sarah looks. When people see the movie, they'll notice the difference as well. Nice try, bots, but no one's buying it.

  156. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Willow is only 17? She looks like a 30 something cocktail waitress!

  157. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Is Willow sporting the bolster boobs Bristol used to wear?

  158. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Does anyone else notice Willow's huge and strangely shaped "bosoms," in the picture of the "Three Amigos?" They look identical to Bristol's "towel stuffed" boobs at the RNC. In other pictures taken of Willow at CPAC with the black coat & white dress, her stomach is definitely "out there."

    Again, in the picture of the three, Willow's - huge, Bristol's - almost gone, Quitty's - clearly false. Nice going gals. Is anything, anything at all about you real?

  159. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Read "Game Change" - truthful commentary about Sarah on the campaign trail w/McCain.

    The McCain group never vetted her properly, as to her history in Alaska, before naming her as VP candidate. Once they realized what they had done, not much could be done about it except to try and cover up some of her doings! The national press was doing the digging and found out about the "real' unethical and 'non working' person she has always been. Some things they put a different slant to (AFTER she was on their ticket!)were over the fact the Alaska Legislature found her unethical. She was also made to reimburse the State of Alaska money because she used it improperly while 'playing' at being 'quitter governor'. The Alaska Legislature had business suit pins made up that showed the face of Sarah Palin with the wording above her photo "Where is Sarah?" She didn't work - has a history of not working (Wasilla) and we have since learned that Todd did much of the governmental work she should have before she quit.

    She lied while on the campaign w/McCain (remember he was saying she was an 'energy' expert!) saying more than once that the new pipeline was under construction in Alaska. It wasn't then and still has not been built!

    She was caught in so many lies and continues to be. I so wish journalist would really question her on some of the things she says, and then when she diverts their question, ask the question again in another way until they get some sensible answer from her! (Good luck on that!!!)

    She's a liar and fraud folks.

    The worst things she did was lie about her kids - to supposedly make her look better. Oldest son, Track, was never a combat soldier as she kept touting. His DD214 was circulated and showed otherwise. She just recently said her son was still a member of the military. He is not! He was discharged.

    The woman is a total mess and has absolutely no place in governmental positions ANYWHERE! She is not qualified to shine the shoes of our wonderful President Obama or even sit at a desk as a receptionist!!!

  160. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Anon 12:13 Right on!

  161. AKRNHSNC4:02 AM

    Hey Willow,

    I used to wear my hair like that to keep it out of my face when I was doing heavy-duty house cleaning. However, I wouldn't even think about going out of the house like that. Someone from the PeeZoo complimenting you tells you all you need to know because they're all batshit crazy-like your Mom!

  162. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Anon 9:28 PM THANK YOU :)

  163. Anonymous5:34 AM

    "I was accepted to hair school"

    Willow don't want to break your soon to be 18 year heart, but your hair school would accept Stevie Wonder if he paid his tuition!

  164. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Hey Sarah when is Willow's baby shower?

    If ya would of held off of Britta's baby shower ya could of had Willow's and Britta's baby shower together!

  165. Olivia9:52 AM

    Olivia, is that NOT what I said in my first comment? Dense much?I judge know one positively or negatively, especially based on pictures and ESPECIALLY based on second and third party accounts. 6:26 PM

    Precious sweetheart, you apparently are so dense that you cannot see that the stupid statement that you made turned it right back on yourself. And honey, there is a difference between the word know and no. You should look it up. One more thing, you are judging everyone every time you come here making asinine judgement statements so just shut the fuck up.

  166. Anonymous2:31 PM

    New book! The Sound and Fury of Sarah Palin. Looks like it could be a good one-

  167. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Sarah didn't pull Willow from school. Willow was expelled from school. She will buy her GED just like Bristol did.

    Did Track ever buy one? He was discharged from the Army after one year. They do that quite often, but for only one reason.

    Bristol has been pregnant at least twice, more likely three times. 2007, 2008, and 2010. She is 20 years old, born in 1991. Her sister, Willow is 3 years younger (always has been) and is 17. Her first child was born last year and blamed on Track and his girlfriend.

    Track and Britta were never married. They do not have a child together. More Sarah LIES.

    The sooner this family of whores and pimps disappear the better off the 'rill' USA will be.


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