Monday, February 20, 2012

Palin stuffs her ass into her political g-string, and grabs that pole yet again, to seduce more money out of her disappointed followers.

The above video of Palin visiting historic sites and trying to understand what the big words mean was accompanied by the following note directed to the few remaining shut ins at SarahPAC who have not yet decided to support a GOP candidate who is actually running for the nomination:

Celebrating George Washington’s birthday is an American tradition to honor our first president. Though Presidents’ Day is now the more commonly-used term, and has expanded to include all presidents, the legal term for this federal holiday remains Washington’s Birthday. We honor President Washington, not because he was flawless; he was not. He was, however, the epitome of self-sacrifice—both as a soldier and a statesman. It was that sacrifice that helped make America what it was destined to become.

We honor him because of what he accomplished and the manner in which he approached service to this nation: with a servant’s heart. 

I am on record as acknowledging President Washington as my favorite Founder precisely because of that heart. He did not seek power. He accepted it reluctantly. He answered the call, offered himself up in the name of service, and helped to usher in a new day. At a time when he could have remained in office perpetually, as some expected, he chose to return to life as a citizen rather than seek a third term. He fulfilled his destiny, and his legacy is secure. 

It is refreshing to reflect on one who was so far removed in spirit from the inside baseball that too often defines politics now. America celebrates President Washington for his decision to serve for the right reasons. Today, we could certainly use a little more Washington in DC and a little less BS in Washington. 

Happy Presidents’ Day. 

- Sarah Palin

Okay look, a lot of journalists, bloggers, and others, are going to try and dissect these messages and look for some clue that Palin is running or that she has finally decided to endorse a candidate.

They will find hidden meaning in her reference to George Washington, and attempt to discover some line which extends from Abraham Lincoln, through President Obama, and back to the GOP field in some way, that only SHE can discern

But most of that will be pure horseshit.

So let me, somebody who is well versed in Palin-speak, decipher this video and note for you.

Now this may be a little rough in the translation, and might appear too subtle for some, but bear with me.  Here is her message.

Oh my GOD, I am running out of money! Last quarter's financial report was pathetic!  There is NO WAY my family and I can be expected to live on that piddly amount! 

I have kissed every ass at the Fox Studios, but nobody is offering me any work! Roger Ailes acts as if he is embarrassed to be seen with me, and even Hannity said I used to much teeth when I was auditioning for him!

Look I have people who NEED to receive their stipends from me, or else this whole house of cards is going to crumble down and smother my family right out of existence! And by the way, do you have ANY idea how much tuition for Hair School costs these days?

So come on troops, I am still a viable candidate sometime in the future.  (The far, far distant future that is) So don't give up on me now! I know the Tea Party is dead, my looks have faded, and everything I touch turns to shit, but little things like that should not come between us now, should it?

To sum up, GIVE ME MONEY!

Thank you for your time,

Sarah Palin (Now available for appearances at birthday parties, Bar Mitzvahs, and Civil War reenactments. Call me.)

There, fixed it.


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    This article starts out:

    "The rather above video of Palin visiting historic sites and trying to understand what the big worse means was accompanied by the ..."

    What the heck does that mean ?

  2. angela1:08 PM

    Oh hell Gryphen!

    I gotta hand it to you. You speak twisted sister like no one else can. You need to come up with a Palin Rosetta Stone program.

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM


    Rick Santorum's Press Secretary went to the Palin School of 'Word Salad'. Uses some 'bigger' words -- but remains a 'word salad'!!!

    Within her word salad spew, she refers to President Obama's policies as 'radical Islamic'. Yes, she does within the first couple of minutes of the interview with Andrea Mitchell.

    Later walked it back according to the 'bubble description' -- She 'misspoke'. Really? I call it as 'the first words are TRUTH, then the attempt to walk it back' - misspoke, out of context, etc., etc. Same old bullshit.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Sarah Palin is the greatest thing that ever happened to the Democratic Party. She was responsible for independents bailing on the McCain/Palin ticket in 2008 and she continues to help the Republicans lose again in 2012.

    Great job Gov!

  5. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The comments are chewing her up and spitting her out:

  6. Anonymous1:17 PM


    Whatever you do, don't bring this sign to @RickSantorum's 5:30 pm rally@ Hope College in Holland, MI.

    Link is to The Daily Show Election Center site!!

  7. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Perfect translation !

  8. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Way to go Sarah. So transparent! So classy, using "BS" in your message honoring the forefather you claim to respect the most.

  9. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  10. Anonymous1:18 PM

    She's trying to coax people who actually know what they're talking about to speak out against Obama. All these liberals and pro-Obama people aren't speaking about what is actually occurring. They are using propaganda and distorted stories to defend the indefensible.

    When all is said and done, Obama really hasn't done anything but bail out industries that got away with shitty company politics. The auto industry and effing unions basically got away with murder. The bailout MAY have saved us, but did it change THEM?

  11. Anonymous1:23 PM

    You crack me up - your version of what Palin was saying!!! I cannot believe ANYONE would provide this woman money!!! Todd doesn't work - her kids (two are now adults!) dont' work and all of them live with her (on the dead lake)!

    Don't give her a damned dime and make the bunch of them get out there, secure employment and work like the rest of us. She's especially has ALWAYS been lazy and never stuck with any job! She's an idiot as are any of you that provide her with your hard-earned cash or social security!

  12. Before her fans part with any money I think they had better read this article from Fox News that is all about a brokered convention. Sarah is probably fuming right now since her's was the only name NOT mentioned as a possible nominee.

  13. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Don't know if my first comment went thru. That is another horrid photo of her - look at the profile of the lower half of her face. She has aged so much!!!

  14. Anonymous1:30 PM

    " who was so far removed in spirit from the inside baseball that too often defines politics now."

    WTF i$ thi$ idiot talking about? To think this delusional fraud was chosen as VP is still unbelievable!

    And did you $ee how Paylin's new PR guy called the upcoming "Game Change" movie "completely false"; then admitted he had not seen it?! Losers ...

    And the reason $arah did not show at the Iron Dog is because she is too much of a coward to show her shriveled face anywhere in Alaska. She only comes out of hiding to attend staged events where she can run out the back door.

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

    battle filled?

  16. Oh, George Washington is now your favorite Founding Father? No longer, "Any of 'em, all of 'em", Sarah? You dumb, predictable bitch.

  17. PalinsHoax1:38 PM

    Gryphen, you forgot an item in your translation of Palin's desparate solicitation for more money.

    She has a new expense in her life now, since her most recent birthday - Depends. Those things ain't cheap. And with all the crap and B/S that Palin puts out she must go through a dozen Depends a day.

  18. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "Palin stuffs her ass into her political g-string, and grabs that pole yet again, to seduce more money out of her disappointed followers."


    I hereby nominate this as the best post title of year to date.

    On the screencap: I cannot believe Sarah´s handlers allowed her to roam around in public without her dentures.

  19. Anonymous1:41 PM

    The Ad: Sarah Palin, "Chords of Memory"

    The Issues: Abraham Lincoln, America and the restoring of it, Ronald Reagan

    The Message: Though she's not running for anything as far as we're aware, Palin has released this timely President's Day video scored to a speech she gave in Springfield, IL, where thousands of people flock every year to rifle through Abe's old things. While doing some rifling of her own, Palin found an old speech or something of Lincoln's and so wove those "chords of memory" into the fabric of her own stilted pontificating about God-blessed America and how we have to restore it because I guess God's blessings have worn off a bit or something. The point is: Hey, guys, remember Sarah Palin? Because she'd really like you to remember her and give money to her PAC. A handy way to remember her is that, according to this video at least, Sarah Palin is the second coming of Ronald Reagan.

    Who It's For: People who forgot about Sarah Palin, people who like to be reminded about Sarah Palin, possibly Ronald Reagan's ghost

    What Everyone Else Thinks: Most of this can't be Lincoln quotes, right?

    The Effect: Yes, we are now reminded of Sarah Palin's existence! And of that time we went to Springfield and it was very hot and kinda boring and, oh man, the rest of that city is not very nice, is it? Poor Lincoln, having to live there and now everyone's tromping through his house, just so sad. Sorry, who or what were we talking about again? Michele Bachmann? I think we were talking about Michele Bachmann. C

  20. Anonymous1:41 PM

    LOL @ Oh my GOD, I am running out of money!

  21. I have to confess that, as often as she says "inside baseball" I have no idea what that means. The phrase never has any relationship that I can figure to the rest of the words in the salad.

  22. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:41 PM

    "Baseball" The keyword here is "baseball." The paint chip munchers will be swearing that she'll hit one out of the park and run right into the WH.

    Sarah Palin: Future Karaoke Lounge Singer and Infomercial Host.

  23. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Poster for GAME CHANGE is out!

  24. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Gawd!!! Can that woman be any more desperate for attention (and donations)? Pathetic, but entertaining.

    Oh, and I see she's pimping out pics of Trig and Todd today. That HBO movie has really got her worried. Love it!

  25. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Excedrin headache #121......

  26. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Here are some photos of Todd and Trig from the start of the race yesterday.

  27. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Wish the AMA (Obstetricians preferable) would step up to the plate and give that stupid Santorum a lesson in the working of the uterous and why they do what they do to help mother and child and things that need to be done when things are not working right. They do tests to be sure the baby is OK and to prepare if there is something wrong. Didn't he learn anything having 6 1/2 kids? Apparently his wife has had a pretty celibate life with Rick. He knows absolutely nothing about womens health. I don't think he even knows his own sexuality. They also need to explain why the chances of getting pregnant after a tubal ligation is virtually impossible...right Sarah? And why they don't do amniocentesis at 12 weeks! If Rick had his way, we would all be wearing Burkas. Of course, Sarah would be exempt. She is the Queen. Is Rick trying to be brokered to become the Pope? Sorry, this should have gone on the last post. Yes, Sarah thinks she will picked to lead them in a brokered convention. Idiot!

  28. Anonymous1:47 PM

    concise translation "I am relevant, hear me? I AM relevant"

  29. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I am so tired of all things Sarah Palin, but I cannot help myself. I have to check IM and read the postings about her because you are so funny! Your humor is so similar to the sarcasm and satire on the Daily show! This post is hilarious and oh so true!

  30. Anonymous1:58 PM

    'Iam on record as acknowledging President Washington as my favorite founding father' Palin pontificates. Oh, I guess that was during her interview with Glen Beck in January of 2010, when she's on record saying 'all of them' are her favorite.

    ...Beck Calls 'Bullcrap' On Palin's Non-Answer About Favorite Founding Father
    During Sarah Palin's interview with Glenn Beck today, something extraordinary happened -- Beck challenged Palin on a stock, noncommittal answer to a question. Beck asked: "Who's your favorite Founder?"

    "You know, well, all of them, because they came collectively together with so much--" Palin began, in a manner much like her non-answers to Katie Couric's questions about which newspapers she's read ("All of them.") and which Supreme Court decisions she's disagreed with (which brought a similarly broad answer about how there are a lot of decisions).

    "Bullcrap," Beck interrupted. "Who's your favorite."

  31. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Clearly, an educated person wrote the encomium to Washington, since the first few paragraphs contain not only a semicolon but correctly use the plural-possessive apostrophe.

    Then, Sarah took what had been written and couldn't help herself. She had to add to it, with her bitter "inside baseball" and classy "BS" reference.

    I believe that the Father of Our Country would wince in embarrassment if he heard Sarah Palin. Lucky for him, he is long dead.

  32. Anonymous2:09 PM

    She is really trying very hard to open this door. Push, push puuuuush.

  33. Oh, no, "any of them, all of them" are going to be unhappy that George Washington beat them out as Palin's favorite founding father!

  34. Anonymous2:13 PM

    re the pictures of Todd and (?)Trig, at Facebook:

    perhaps the parent of a child who wears glasses can comment.

    they do NOT appear to be children's frames, but adult glasses plopped on his nose at the last support the "Willow is taking him to get new glasses..." story?

  35. 1. Giggled at "battle-filled." How pathetic.

    2. From C4P: "Hard date and Title set for Chuck Heath Jr’s Book: "Our Sarah: Made in Alaska" out September 25, 2012."

    Giggled again. The top two definitions of "made" at Urban Dictionary are (1) having one's true identity revealed and (2) to be inducted as an official member of an organized crime family. Hee! Perfect!

    Does no one on the Palin "team" think about these things?

  36. Smirnonn2:17 PM

    And the skank grifts forth. Anyone donating to her PAC is a fool's fool.

    The sad thing is that the rest of the civilized world is LAUGHING at the U.S. for even entertaining the idea of having this dullard, moronic grifter as vice president. Greece is saying, "yeah, this sucks but at least we don't have to own up to the Wa$chilla DeVile incident." Oh, and they most probably know that England has a Prime Minister.

    Looking forward to "Game Change." Looking forward even more to the paylump's eventual and impending irrelevance.

  37. Anonymous2:24 PM

    If Mrs. Todd Palin wrote ONE sentence of that screech I'm the Queen of England. (Guess I won't have to worry about running the government of Britain.) All of this crap in the past few weeks is solely related to trying to cushion the blow from the debut of Game Change.

    Juicy, there isn't a mattress on earth big enough to break your fall when March 10 rolls around. Have a nice day.

  38. Anonymous2:25 PM

    GAWD, it is so hard to understand her. She is a terrible speaker. What is a "battlefeld"?

  39. Irishgirl2:30 PM

    "And then she goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid like BS and baseball." ♪♫

    Loved the post...the grifter is desperate for moolah!

  40. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I hope that in all future posts you will print the profile of Sarah as shown in this video. She has an advanced case of osteopenia or osteoporosis of the jawbone, a condition that evidences serious underlying health problems. The causes could be anything from eating disorders, to an overly acidic diet (anger also makes the body acidic), to Fosamax usage, to hard drug use. When the body becomes overly acidic, the only way it can neutralize itself is by dissolving the calcium out of the bones. Her profile is highly abnormal for a 48-year old woman (47 when the video was taken). The same deterioration we witness in her jawbone is also occurring simultaneously in her spine, where the ensuing deformity is being accelerated by her insistence on wearing 4 to 6 inch heels. In a few years' time, her profile will resemble the hunchback of Notre Dame, and it will all be of her own making. Very sad for someone who was once a very beautiful (on the outside) woman; there is a huge price to pay for 'going rogue'. When a jawbone has receded to this extent, it can become impossible to even fit dentures; there simply isn't enough bone for the prosthesis to grab hold of. No wonder she is envious of Michelle Obama.

  41. Anonymous2:37 PM

    She is such a whore. Shame isn't part of her game. The fools keep sending her money, but there are fewer of them. The grifting isn't as good as it was. And some day, no one will send her wrinkly ass a dime. And then what is the low IQ grifting shithead going to do?

  42. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Yeah, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of General Washington is whackjob diva quitter.

  43. Anonymous2:39 PM

    HAHAHAHAHA too much teeth??? Are you kidding me?? HAHAHAHAHAHA

    OOOOO MMMMMY GOD -- Gryphen. I just spit up on my keyboard. I don't care. I'll buy a new one. That was the absolute right hook to the jaw! I hope Sarah reads it. I can almost see the steam coming out of her ears!!

  44. Anonymous2:41 PM

    There is a big range of suitable eye glass frames for young children.

  45. Anonymous2:45 PM

    When all is said and done, Obama really hasn't done anything but bail out industries that got away with shitty company politics. The auto industry and effing unions basically got away with murder. The bailout MAY have saved us, but did it change THEM?

    1:18 PM
    Shut up Sarah. No one likes you. Just go away.

    PS- that's President Obama to you lowlife.

  46. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Perfect Gryph loved the post

  47. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Dear Sarah,

    You are on record as being an utter moron. Fuck off off already.

  48. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Palin family posting fb links here to "prove" trig got glasses? I thought Sarah doesn't read IM? Gotcha!

  49. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Trig's glasses don't look correct. The first glasses he had which he wore in the video with Piper & Palin talking about Special Olympics looked like the bottom of coke bottles.

  50. Poor ol' George would surely do a rollover on this one although they do share one slight trait. Washington had no children but did have a passel of slaves to run his wealthy lifestyle on the plantation. Palin doesn't actually have a plantation but she does have a house full of children who she doesn't mind using as slaves to promote her goal of a wealthy lifestyle.

    Amazing again G that you know this dame better than she knows herself.

  51. Anonymous3:21 PM

    If you guys can zoom in on the picture of Todd and Trig, look and the outline of his his face down the his right eye to his cheeks. Notice that there is no distortion/light refraction on Trig's glasses. The glasses look big and whoever adjusted the nosepads placed the lens too low from his sight line.

    They look like an old pair from the hag herself.

  52. At .30, her face morphs into Lincoln's. Holy ship of state!

  53. At .30, her face morphs into Lincoln's. Holy ship of state!

  54. johnie2xs3:25 PM

    "Palin stuffs her ass into her political g-string, and grabs that pole yet again, to seduce more money out of her disappointed followers."

    Forget about the article!!!!!
    Gryph, you realize what you did to my digestion, with this headline??

    Thanx,for nothing!!! ;-)

  55. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love the screen pic of her!! Perfect "wrinkle" positioning! Accident. or?

  56. Anonymous3:27 PM

    The only reason George Washington is her favorite is because he's the only one she has memorized so far.

    Also poor Trig looks like he is wearing an old pair of Sarah's glasses-way to go Sarah-you're taking such good care of him NOT.

  57. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I see another member of the 'Stuned & Stupid' Club posted at
    Anon 1:18 "When all is said and done, Obama really hasn't..."

  58. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Anon 2.36 I think her jawbone looking so receded is just a trick of the light. However, I agree with you that this picture should be used often! :)

    I've noticed her humped back too.

    Also, she couldn't attend the Iron Dog because she had to have Trig photographed...and he would have hit her if she was anywhere near him!

  59. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    She's trying to
    (deleted 4 asskissing boring commentary from Brooklyn head in Baldy's ass Troll)
    1:18 PM
    Here Brooklyn check it out:

    Hey Brooklyn fun factoid for you. Did you know what the difference between a hockey mom & a pit bull?Lipstick.
    Yes Baldy repeated this tire out worn out "Sound byte" when she and a DEM went after Murky's AG in 2005 for Ethics charges!
    Pot meet kettle.
    I think that little sound byte will haunt her dreams until the feds catch up with her....

  60. Anonymous3:34 PM

    "they do NOT appear to be children's frames, but adult glasses plopped on his nose at the last support the "Willow is taking him to get new glasses..." story?"

    My first thought exactly. They're just like mine! I got them from Target.

  61. Anonymous3:41 PM

    anon @2:36 PM

    Did you see her walk into the "surprise" fox panel the other day? Her wrists we totally limp, both of them.
    I think its drug use specially adderall and she doesn't eat well or at all.
    Yes she will have the "hump" in a few years...
    I see it as Karma b/c her looks are all she ever had.

  62. Anonymous3:41 PM

    There is a big range of suitable eye glass frames for young children.


    Yeah but on those kids, the glasses fit.

  63. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Where are the Bushes in this circus. The ranch down south has been pretty quiet!

  64. Anonymous said...
    ...effing unions
    1:18 PM
    You are a piece of loathsome, anti-American, anti-American worker, un-patriotic, ignorant, outsourcing scum. How many jobs did you send to China today so that you can make a buck and save a buck on cheap, contaminated crap made in third-world countries by giant employee-killing profiteering corporations?

    Go get a job in a Chinese factory and then report back to us on how stupid it is for American workers to have reasonable safety protections and a decent standard of modest living because then you might have to pay a few cents more for your useless plastic junk.

  65. It's about ME3:59 PM

    While it appears she's talking about George Washington, she's actually talking about herself. She's describing him in ways that she has described herself in the past. She really can't think beyond herself.

    We honor him not because he was flawless he was not (and neither am I....send $)

    He had a "servant's heart" (just like ME....send $)

    He was reluctant to serve (just like ME.....send $)

    He's MY favorite. I said so before today. (I know what I'M talking about....send $)

    "He answered the call, offered himself up in the name of service, and helped to usher in a new day"
    (if you send ME $ I just might do the same thing too...maybe....send $)

    "At a time when he could have remained in office perpetually, as some expected, he chose to return to life as a citizen rather than seek a third term" (See he quit too just like ME! He knew when to leave just like I did. So what if I didn't even finish my first term....send $)

    It is refreshing to reflect on one who was so far removed in spirit from the inside baseball that too often defines politics now. (Just like ME!!!!... send $)

    This is just more propaganda for the bots. Like Pavlov's dog, they will read her catch phrases and attribute them all to her.

    It's all about ME, ME, ME...Look at ME, ME, ME...send money to ME, ME, ME.

  66. imnofred4:00 PM

    Definitely making a push to sell herself. Probably thinks she has a realistic chance to become the Republican nominee via a brokered convention. I think we can expect to see more of this.

    I wonder if another bus tour is in order.

  67. Who would but those wire frames, too large for him glasses on a rough and tumble little 4 yr old??
    The Palins!!!

  68. Oh, for Gawd's sake. Touched by a comment on a previous post, I make a resolution to not go all emotional on Palin, but to be civilized and "just the facts, ma'am."

    Then you post this, Gryphen.

    Geez, twatwaffle, can you be any more SUBTLE?

    "Show pics of Wasington, me, Lincoln, me, Washington's home, me, Lincoln's home, me, me, me, Lincoln, me, me, me, Washington, me..."

    Now everybody will think Presidents! Founding fathers! Sarah Palin! Presidents!

    Uh, no, you brainless c**t (see I can restrain myself after all!).

    No one but your one-chromosome-shy-of-a-set gooberlicious cultists are going to think "Palin" and "President" in the same sentence.

    Jiminy Cricket, get a clue or a conscience or a brain, you gibbering dunce.

  69. Anonymous4:28 PM

    "Celebrating George Washington’s birthday is an American tradition to honor our first president."

    OMG!!! Who knew?

  70. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Thanks for the accurate translation, Gryphen.

    To Anon at 1:12: I am one of those independents who might have voted for McCain had he not picked Palin. You can bet I'm not voting for the candidate she picks to endorse this time, either, so I'm living proof of your claim.

  71. Anonymous4:54 PM


    I have to agree about Trig's Glasses. Granny probably told them to get some that look like hers because that'll prove he's her son.

    Those are the kind of glasses you get when you send a 17 year old to pick them out. Teenagers only care about appearance, not safety or wear. All the little kids glasses I've seen had think rims to stand up to rough and tumble kids.

    Yet another Palin fail!

  72. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Her narcissism is full tilt these days. She's "paving the way" by trying to equate herself with Washington and presto change, bingo bango, that quitter's gonna throw her hat in, "with a servant's heart", you betcha. What she doesn't seem to see, because she's a blind narcissist without self-control (blood libel anyone?) is that she'll be crushed under the weight of her own failed mythology. The fog will disappear and she'll be left all exposed, alone and ruined.

  73. Randall4:58 PM

    The best things in life are free
    But you can keep em 'for the birds and bees
    Now gimme money THAT'S WHAT I WANT
    That's what I want THAT'S WHAT I WANT
    That's what I want, THAT'S WHAT I WANT ye-ye-yeh,
    That's what I want.

    Money don't get everything it's true.
    What it don't get I can't use.
    Now gimme money THAT'S WHAT I WANT
    That's what I want, THAT'S WHAT I WANT ye-ye-yeh,
    That's what I want.

    Yeah gimme money THAT'S WHAT I WANT
    A little money THAT'S WHAT I WANT
    That's what I want THAT'S WHAT I WANT
    So gimme money THAT'S WHAT I WANT
    That's what I want, ye-ye-yeh,
    That's what I want.

  74. She certainly uses all the phrases she has applied to herself these last several weeks/month. About all you have to do is substitute Palin for Washington in a lot of those sentences. Oh, ye with a servant's heart...

    And, by the way, Nefer, I love you.

  75. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Very interesting ... BUT STOOPID!

    I miss Laugh in!

  76. Anonymous5:24 PM

    This is a "Brokered Convention" advertisement. She really does believe she can pull this off. She wants money and wants to be asked to run at the convention. What a joke!

  77. Anonymous5:35 PM

    More Sarah propaganda. The nerve of her using that sentimental crap for donations. Why doesn't she just stay home with her son who NEEDS her? She's earned enough for a while. Can't she just relax and be a mother to her remaining children?

    It's apparent that she can't sit still. Her restlessness and lack of discipline in staying in one place is the reason her kids have to follow her all over the place. It's the only time they can talk to her.

    Advice for Sarah: Stay home. See how hard it is to get up every morning, get the kids dressed, take them for walks, out for errands, sit and watch their favorite shows with them, read, do crafts, make their breakfast, lunch, dinner. Give baths, put em' in their jammies, get the blanky and carry out their favorite routine before bedtime. Let your face be the last one they see before they close their eyes to sleep, and the first one that they see as they wake up. Trig, as Sarah has said, can teach her so much. Stay at home with him and learn.

    Think she could handle it? She says she could handle VP and POTUS, so what's stopping her from performing the most important job for the gift she says God has given her?

  78. Anonymous5:42 PM

    love the bedazzeled t-shirt ala Brittney Spears while the attempt at presidential words plays in the background! LOL! She is flippin' lame!

    And then there are a couple of shots with her in more professional dress, but she's got on her juicy sunglasses, like any teenybopper would wear.

    Just goes to show, money can't buy class.

    R in NC

  79. I remember when Palin was on Glen Beck and he asked who her favorite Founding Father was,after hemming and hawing she finally said "George Washington".Even Beck was incredulous that Palin did not know that Washington was not one of the Founding Fathers as he was not a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

  80. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

    OM DOG! You nailed it!, Gryphen, knocked one outside the indoor baseball arena thingy!

    "Palin stuffs her ass into her political g-string, and grabs that pole yet again, to seduce more money out of her disappointed followers."

    Too Funny! (Judging by the statue in front of Wasilla High, that had better be a pole the size of the washington monument)

    Pass the brain bleach, I'm getting flashbacks of the Hawaii Vacation...

    "And by the way, do you have ANY idea how much tuition for Hair School costs these days?"

    That should take an opportunity purse the size of a quart zip lock baggie.

    I Tebow before the king of Palin speak!

  81. Anonymous6:17 PM

    She is absolutely ridiculous in every way. And she looks terrible. Like an old bony librarian.
    Anyone who would be moved by this advertisement is an idiot.

  82. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Here's what I find very interesting. Go to Google News and put in Sarah Palin, choose last 24 hours and you will see that only three publications, HuffPost, Mediaite and Atlantic have mentioned the video. That's it. Nothing on Politico, or Washington Post or one is interested. Not finding it even on the right wing sites. She's over. No matter what she does, she is so over. And obviously she is in major damage control for Game Change's pending release. She's clearly scared spitless at what is coming out.

  83. Here you go Randall-money music video

  84. Sarah your Ghost Writers should really check facts: Presidents Day is not in honor of all Presidents. It is a combined holiday for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln's Birthdays. The legal name is President's day and not George Wahington's Birthday.

  85. Anonymous7:04 PM

    fukin' skank fraud

  86. To claify my previous post, in the note it was stated that President's Day was expanded to include all Presidents.

  87. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I would like a little more information on the legal use of a PAC if one is not a candidate. It just seems more than weird Palin is still pimping the PAC given she says she is not running for anything.

    Does this mean anyody can start a PAC and request donations as long as there is an accounting?

  88. Anonymous7:23 PM

    That's what the "Bus to Nowhere" was all about? Another self-promoting 90=second video?

    Used for the express purpose of soliciting more money for another round of video shoots for another self-promoting commercial?

    How much did that 90-second commercial cost?

  89. lwtjb7:25 PM

    How come we segued straight from Lincoln to Reagan?? Lincoln did enormous good for this country at great price. Reagan started us on the downhill slide for the middle class, unions, wages, and standing in the world. His presidency left us a terrible legacy. He is in no way a Lincoln. Besides, he slept through a lot of his time in office.

  90. George would roll over in his grave knowing the village idiot could be chosen as a running mate.

  91. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Just read a good tweet on Rich Santorum's trending page -- Good for a laugh and a Hmmmmm:

    Anyone ever see @RickSantorum and @SarahPalinUSA in the same place at the same time? #justsayin

  92. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Where have all the moderate Republicans vanished to? For 2012 we have the second string losing badly and now Gov Grifter wants to join as a third string practice squad member. Now we know there is no future for the Republican party.

  93. Civil war reenactments... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!
    good one.

  94. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Whaaat? What the h did this shi it head do today or yesterday. This vid is oh so lame. You are a wh re not anything near government office, well maybe on proti ute lane.

  95. Anonymous10:06 PM

    is it just me, but does Lincoln's beard/moustache cut into her face and slice off her chin and make her look REALLY weird?

  96. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Sarah Palin wrote in her note on SarahPAC, "It is refreshing to reflect on one who was so far removed in spirit from the inside baseball that too often defines politics now. America celebrates President Washington for his decision to serve for the right reasons. Today, we could certainly use a little more Washington in DC and a little less BS in Washington."

    Nothing like a BS paragraph from the Queen of BS, the fraud who wears inflatable bras and 4 inch monkey pumps, the half term Quitter from Wasilla, Sarah Palin. We could certainly use a little less Sarah Palin in politics that's for dame sure. She needs to take the term "inside baseball" and shove it up her outsider ass! She was the one who decided to quit her job as the Governor, she had her chance to play in the big league and she blew it! She needs to STFU and stop whining about it already! Sarah Palin was one of the most incompetent politicians that has ever stepped foot on the national stage. She's turned the Republican party into a joke!

  97. Anonymous4:05 AM

    She likes Washington so much because in today's dollars he was the wealthiest prez ever. AND he got to keep black people as slaves!

  98. Anonymous4:10 AM

    The glasses are all wrong. The frames are way too big and too dark for his face. The nose pads are not adjusted for his nose. The temples are too long and do not hold the glasses behind his ears correctly. It makes him look over his glasses to see. That will eventually give him headaches as his eyes constantly change focus. As a mother, she makes me so angry.

    M in MD

  99. Anonymous5:46 AM

    What the heck was she talking about toward the end about a baseball that is politics?
    Pat Padrnos

  100. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Pat at 5:46 AM --

    Here's my take, if it's helpful.

    She is using the term "inside baseball" incorrectly.

    Most likely she thinks she's referring to hypothetical backroom discussions, super secret handshakes and dirty deals made on the golf course.

    "Inside baseball" basically means jargon-heavy, meta discussion about a particular topic. It's not secret discussion, it's just very, very specific.


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