Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Romney is losing ground with both the conservative base and independents. I don't think he should hold out much hope for the Democrats either.

"How can people not want me for President? I LOOK like I came from central casting!"
Courtesy of Pew Research Center:

Three months ago, a slim majority (53%) of Republican and Republican-leaning voters said Mitt Romney was a strong conservative. Today, 42% see him this way, while the number who say he is not a strong conservative has jumped from 33% to 50%. 

This growing skepticism about Romney’s conservatism is most pronounced among Tea Party Republicans. Among Republican and Republican-leaning voters who agree with the Tea Party, just 29% say Romney is a strong conservative, down from 51% three months ago. Fully 68% of Tea Party Republicans say Romney is not a strong conservative.

This does not bode well for a guy who desperately needs the conservatives to turn out in large numbers if he expects to have ANY chance against Obama.

But as bad as that news is, it only gets worse when you look to the demographic that both Romney and Obama are hoping to woo to their side of the ideological fence in this year's election.

The Independents.

Over the course of the campaign, Romney’s image among independent voters has suffered substantially. Most notably, the number who believe he is honest and trustworthy has fallen from 53% to 41%, while the number who say he is not has risen from 32% to 45%. 

And even on his qualifications for the office – Romney’s strong suit – he has lost ground among independents. In November, a 58% majority of independents said Romney was well-qualified to be president, while just 31% said he was not. Today, 48% say he is well qualified, while 41% say he is not.

Oooh, that HAS to sting!

Without the independents, Romney has about as much chance of getting elected President as a Palin family member does of having tied the knot BEFORE they have cut an umbilical cord.

And to make matters worse, as if they could get much worse, it appears that Romney now has himself a Santorum-like problem.

And the revenge of Seamus Romney continues.


  1. Anonymous4:43 AM

    That shrieking shrew that contributes nothing but discord in society is going to take credit for sinking Romney's chances, then she'll strut around saying she said Santorum was conservatively consistent the whole time and that was her role as a PAC to 'vet' a candidate worthy to take on Hussein.

    She hedged her bets so much so as to cover her flat ass. She is such a coward, she throws her husband into the pool to take credit for a Flavor-of-the-Moment while saying All of the Above and withholding a forthright endorsement against her flat chest.

  2. A steady diet of Palin propaganda and Romney will be toast. Just makes you wonder why she won't back Santorum... Then again, she is also cheering for a brokered convention and knows she's a CPAC fav...could her evil plans include rallying support for herself at the convention?

    Funny thing is that she doesn't really want to 'work', that is in actually reading policy papers and developing in-depth analysis that is involved in governing. She doesn't want to grow old prematurly and doesn't really want to be thrust into a situation where she has to work for the common person. Instead she wants to be bowed to, she wants to be pampered and coddled, she wants to intimidate and to be feared and admired, she wants what she believes is her due, she wants the life of the Downton Abby Lady...she wants to be queen.

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    To take Sarah's word for it, Santorum is a knuckle dragging neanderthal.

    Should he win, he is the most conservative alternative to President Obama, but he only appeals to less than a third of the voting public. He's alienated the cackle of rads, enviro's, civil/equal rights, and separation of church & state folks, even more.

    None of them will fair well past the Primary, the damage they've done to each other is astounding before the 'opposition' even gets to them. Outside the conservative bubble, they'll find a scorched earth, and they are marooned on an island.

  4. Anonymous5:35 AM


    "After nearly four years of Palin, much of the country, including a lot of Republicans, believes that Palin is herself an imposter. "If B.S. were currency," Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative columnist Kathleen Parker once said, "Palin could bail out Wall Street herself."


  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Sorry O/T - But look at Sarah's desiring to look tall by wearing unhemmed jeans all the time, to look down to earth and ril. She looks like a Clydesdale.




  6. Not What You Want to Hear5:59 AM

    People simply don't like Romney, nor do they see any particularly compelling strengths in him that would convince them to overlook their dislike of him.

    Left, right, Dem, Repub, everyone is starting to pick up on the fact that this man feels entitled to the presidency simply because he was born with such expectations. We need something a tad more compelling than that.

    I also think it rubs people the wrong way that he's had the luxury to run for the presidency for half a decade while "unemployed." He's had more than enough time to make his case, and certainly more than enough PAC dollars. He hasn't.

  7. Not What You Want to Hear6:01 AM

    4:47 AM: "Just makes you wonder why she won't back Santorum... "

    He should hope she doesn't. Look what happened to Newt.

  8. i like it. I am trying to use it in every day language. How about this; After a fun night at the gloryhole, Sarah palin was almost struck by a speeding vehicle, causing her to romney. The santorum could not easily be washed out of her clothing.

  9. A Santorum victory would cause the GOP establishment to romney santorum.

  10. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Mitt Romney gets little love from mutts


  11. Not What You Want to Hear6:48 AM

    And oh yes, Seamus. I would never vote for someone who still insists to this day that there was nothing cruel or unsafe about strapping a kenneled dog on top of a fast-moving car for TWELVE HOURS.

  12. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Santorum, the avowed catholic, embraces a church of hypocrites. The catholic church has new headlines in Wisconsin this week - 8000 sexually abused catholic members, victims of 75 priests and 25 individuals connected with the catholic religion. If they are not practicing priests the "church" says they are not responsible for them, such as monks or members of religious catholic orders. What? No money for those abused unless it is by our priests, the church says.

    Now tell me about how sex only for procreation (Santorum says) contraception and abortion and same sex marriage negation are the most important subjects on the national agenda.

    Isn't there still a timely old saying, "Clean up your own house first?"

  13. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Off topic but good


  14. Beldar J Conehead7:00 AM

    Gryphen, do you KNOW Mittens "google me now!!! Romney? Because if you don't, you really shouldn't bash him. Unless, of course, you know him personally. Then by all means, bash away!

    And don't be so smug about the Romney google bomb. That definition of the word "romney" or "romnia" has been around since the middle ages. It's why the original Romney family coat of arms featured an outhouse being shaken by a large bear. Do your homework, man!!

  15. Anonymous7:39 AM

    May Seamus be yet avenged!


  16. A Romney should be what remains after one Romnates, shouldn't it?

  17. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Poor bastard. One side says he's not conservative enough, the other side says he's a vulture capitalist and represents everything that's wrong with the system.

    Meanwhile, he's trying to campaign against a national health plan that's pretty much a copy of the one he implemented in his state.

    He should stop wasting everyone's time and just pack it in. I'm sure the Wasilly Grifter could give him some tips on quitting.

  18. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Santorum has his own problems up ahead. How to explain his wife's past, since conservative men like Santorum must account for any besmirched virtue of the wifey.

    For year his wife lived with (unmarried) with a much older man, in fact the doctor who actually delivered her at birth, who was the leading proponent and provider of abortions in that city. She is remembered as being pro-choice, supportive and involved as well.

    This was all laid out in a recent Daily Best story, very factual and with on the record quotes, very straightforward.

    I hope Romney burns through the bucks savaging Santorum on an issue that makes them both look so bad.

  19. Maple8:08 AM

    The whole Seamus story is so ghastly. Over 99% of people travelling by stationwagon would have strapped their luggage to the roof, and kept the living, breathing beings inside. If nothing else does him completely in, I feel certain that the Seamus story will.

  20. Smirnonn8:57 AM


    Just got done playing with the Google machine. This came up THIRD for "romney:"

    Romney 1. v. To defecate in terror.

    And this came up SECOND for "santorum:"

    santorum (san-TOR-um) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.

    You cannot make this shit up, my friends :)

    How 'bout some new Google machine results? Like:

    Gingrich: v. 1. To habitually cheat on ailing wives.

    1. v. To narcissistically grift.
    2. n. A mental disorder resulting in cognitive disconnect and garbled syntax.

    Breitbart: v. 1. To drunkenly spew vitriolic nonsense.

    Honestly, the real joke is the repukliklan field this cycle. What a pathetic crew of pandering caricatures.

  21. This should be goooood: Dogs Against Romney members and their hoominz will be demonstrating at the Westminster Kennel Club in NYC today. In fact, one doesn't even need a dog, since they are "welcome, but not required." The press release's "Who?" replies, "Everyone who believes that dogs are not luggage."


    DAR (no, not the ladies' group, Dogs Against Romney) has its own Cafe Press site full of merchandise, with specific dogs--including Irish setters!--declaring, "I Ride Inside."

  22. A. J. Billings12:13 PM

    I am far from a Romney supporter, but if forced to choose, I'd vote for Romney or Paul over Mr "man on dog" Santorum"

    He's about the most viciously prejudiced and rabidly religious Christian supremacist to come along in recent years.

    He's even on record saying that "sex between marrieds should only be for procreation"

    Even ultra right evangelicals don't go that far down the rabbit hole of delusion.

    Romney appears to be damn near moderate compared to the utter lunacy and savage idiocy of the Frothy one.


  23. Grover is looking for a puppet!

    Grover Norquist has announced that the GOP is not looking for a leader; he just wants someone whose digits work enough to sign what he is told to sign.

    He urged people to work to get the most conservative people elected to Congress. And the puppet president would sign everything into law.

    It would seem that Romney has the edge in that scenario. Now, we have the full explanation of Dubya's presidency.

    OTOH: don't think it would work with Palin. She is far too crazy to be trusted to follow the script. (And she would quit halfway through.)

  24. Anita Winecooler6:21 PM

    I love the Dogs Against Romney movement! They showed prostest signs that weren't flattering at all about the ken doll candidate.

    I pity the Republican party, at this point, they've accomplished what they didn't intend to, they've ensured Obama four more years, no matter who ends up "winning", though I'd love to see Romney humiliated yet again.

    Obama 2012!

  25. Anon @ 6:49 a.m.,

    So true...Clean up your own house first."

    Unfortunately, when their insight is nonexistent, that's not likely to happen in our life times.

  26. Anon @ 7:56 a.m.,

    Oy. Does the hypocrisy never cease with these frauds?

  27. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Romney is such a phony and can't even begin to relate to, or care about, the middle class and poor of America.

    He has invested overseas with his tax havens in the Cayman Islands, for example. At Bain Capital he outsourced American jobs overseas and was responsible for the loss of many little guys' jobs! He was all for letting the auto industry completely fail, along with the housing industry. He said investors could buy up foreclosed properties and rent them out (at great profits, of course - can imagine the high rents they'd try to charge the little guys)! He at least admitted he doesn't care about the poor. His proposed budget already has been analyzed and shown to favor the wealthiest, and h*ll with anyone else.

    Can't believe that anyone would vote for this snake!


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