Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sarah Palin remarks on the passing of Whitney Houston.

I think that was a very honest response, which is unusual for the Grizzled Mama these days.

But like a lot of you I found myself focusing on Palin's hair.

What do you think?


  1. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Why would anyone care what Sarah Palin thinks about Whitney Houston? Or anything, for that matter. Odds are you'd get a more intelligent conversation with a random person in line at the DMV.

  2. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I think her boobs are like Legos,she just snaps them on.

  3. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Those 6-8 inch heels on Bristol and Palin are not the thing. They totter around. Bristol more than mama grizzley.

    Guess they want to show how tough they are. No coats. Are they nuts?

  4. But like a lot of you I found myself focusing on Palin's hair.

    What do you think?

    She's lucky that the bear pelt on her head didn't rear up on it's hind legs and take off down the street!

    Why does Baldy walk like a MAN!

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    It is fitting that they ask a prescription drug addict what she thinks of Whitney's overdose.

  6. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Bristol looks like she is going to fall flat on her ass. And what is that weird line above Sarah's fake boobs? Is she wearing a strapless bra under her blouse or does she have some sort of prosthetic boobs on?

  7. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Well, they did have that whole snorting coke thing in common. Crack is whack!

  8. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Finally she said something very nice and heartfelt!!!!
    Yeah, that wig. The bangs in the wind so unnatural.

  9. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Spot ON, 6:32AM!

  10. The boob line is because she's wearing a stiff molded cup bra and can't fill it properly. They must have secured that toupee with super glue. Brisdull the bodyguard looks like a tank in spanx and reallly should learn to walk with grace if she's going to wear grown up shoes.

  11. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Oh how I wish she would take a pill and have a bath. I know that's crass, tacky, and tasteless, but none the less true.

  12. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Bristol has a HUGE butt!

    Sarah and Bristol outside without coats.. and all photos show Willow "inside" at CPAC and bookstore with overcoat on...

    Willow.. you trying hard to hide something?

  13. As a private citizen, there is no reason for her to have started commenting on everything again. Clearly she believes that she is once again a "player".

  14. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Could really care less about her haphazard hair, I would like to comment on how sad it is that she has to actually stop people and go up to them for the handshake and acknowledgement. No one cares, but in her delusion, she acts like she is a rock star and in demand. The world has moved on, scara, could you please get the hint.

  15. Gryphen, does it look like a wig to you?

  16. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Looks like Brisket is working her 'political businesss' whatever it was called. Expect to see PAC funds weaving it's way to Brisket's company on the next filing.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    She actually hangs around to see if anyone cares to notice she is there. The first couple standing outside could have cared less about shaking her hand, they were just being polite and responded once she lurched forward.

  18. Well in her defense, it seemed pretty windy to have good looking hair.

  19. Randall7:05 AM

    I thought what she said was very nice and heartfelt. And I don't think she looked all that bad either.

    ...just my 2 cents.

    And although I'm not a Sarah Palin fan, the reason she commented was because she was asked. Come on guys; fair's fair.

  20. lostinmn7:09 AM

    Looking at the disco style collar flaps on the shirt makes me think she must have ripped off the Flying Nun's head cover, dyed it and sewed it onto her shirt. Those babies were flapping in the breeze like a seagull trying to lift off on the beach

  21. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Look how bald she is as the wind lifts her wig..Go GOP all wig and no brain.

  22. How many security guards does that woman need? They are everywhere! PAC money, you betcha.

  23. Tyroanee7:15 AM

    I can hardly wait for Sarah and Bristol to do an episode of Ice Truckers....Sarah could finally have some fashion sense and wear her wig as a neck warmer. It just looks so natural affixed no?

  24. Anonymous7:15 AM

    My theory is that the "severely" high heels is a measure of how much Sarah, Bristol, and now Willow, in-training, were pinning so many hopes on last weekend and are caught up in "more is better" and keep pushing it until they find that they are nothing but freaks at a dead end and unwilling to turn around and head down an even-keeled path. Those shoes are just ridiculous and scream, "look at me, somebody, anybody?!" I'm sure that she was so excited to wear them and thought they ere just the perfect finishing touch for her 2102 "coming out (of hibernation)" party. Fitting that she was asked to comment on a tragic life. The IM vocabulary word-of-the-day is foreshadowing.

  25. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I feel sorry for the CPAC provided security with their black SUVs. More security than "fans." You can't almost tell what a couple of them are thinking. I think we have found one of the bots. That young girl with the white coat can't seem to look away from her and looks a lot like the 16 year old begging for a photo op a few days ago. Brooky, is that you?!?!

  26. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Sarah and Bristol outside without coats.. and all photos show Willow "inside" at CPAC and bookstore with overcoat on...

    Willow.. you trying hard to hide something?

    6:46 AM

    If she starts wearing scarves,we will know for sure.

    They are all skanks...period,end of story.

  27. Curious7:36 AM

    Why does she have so many body guards? She isn't anything fancy any more, is she?

  28. Anonymous7:38 AM

    It was FREEZING in DC this past weekend. WTF isn't she wearing a coat?

    The way her hair blows up and away from the sides of her head in the wind - that's a wig all right.

  29. Yes, she did not make up some imaginary connection to Whitney.

  30. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Run Sarah Run! You are the only one who can save this country from total destruction at the hands of the liberals who want to provide health care for all! I worship you Sarah, I am waiting for your commands, give it to me! Now! If you don't I'm going to continue to imagine that you're actually running and send you money. All the money I have. I don't care what you do with it because I trust you like I trust the Lord. You are my Lord in fact. Can I take out the garbage for you? Can I eat the leftover food on your plate? When your socks get holes in them, can I mend them for you? I know you are so busy with so much working trying to change this great nation of ours that is going down the toilet, so please let me help you. I'll live in a hole in your backyard if you let me. I think people may be trying to poison you (liberals are SOOO scared of you running, they'll do anything to stop it), so please let me taste your food before you eat it. Unless it is prepared by Todd, he is so handsome. And your daughters are perfect! I know it's hard being a mother, governor, TV star, Lord Our Savior, so I understand the troubles you deal with.

    Run Sarah Run! I just sent $50 to you, I won't go grocery shopping this week. That can probably wait because I need to loose weight anyway, but I need you to take that money and become president with it. Please, for our nation, for our universe!

  31. Man, it is just so *weird* to hear Sarah Palin spout anything but bile and hate.

    Maybe she didn't know Whitney was black. :)

  32. **Hope no one is offended by "black" - I don't write "caucasian american" either...

  33. o sillywhabbit!

    As my Nana would say: Thas not nice.

    (Yes, she said "thas" not "that's")

    We ALL want her to "go away" and stop causing harm,

    but we don't mean it like the Teabaggers mean they want President Obama to "go away"...

    if you know what I mean, jelly bean

  34. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Ok let's be clear: Sarah Palin now has to resort to saying something NICE about the dead celebrity who stole her news cycle, in order to attract the attention she craves.

    Sarah acts like rockstar but the reality is she just begs for attention like we see here on display, by borrowing the limelight from a genuine dead rockstar.

    She is truly a bottomless well of tasteless, crass grubbing for attention.

    She'll even make nice if that's what it takes.

  35. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Heartfelt, my ass. It's the only way she can get attention.

  36. Anonymous7:51 AM


  37. Anonymous7:54 AM

    She's in a manic phase, the crash will come soon.

  38. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Anonymous said..It is fitting that they ask a prescription drug addict what she thinks of Whitney's overdose.
    I have been reading that Whitney hasn't been doing hard drugs for three years. She was happy on the film set and going forward for a comeback. We should wait for the toxology reports before stating that it was a drug overdose. People can die from heart failure, brain seizure, etc. She was taking prescription drugs, for anxiety and sleeping. Some people have said that she was a bit erratic a few days before. I wonder if the autopsy included an examination of the brain. I had a friend who laid down, and died at age 25. It was found that he had a brain tumor that had been growing.

  39. Actually, I just skipped past it. I am so uninterested in her.

  40. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I just don't care enough 'bout 'em to comm--

  41. Anonymous8:07 AM

    It was a natural response. What's she supposed to say? Whitney was part of her generation.

    And her hair. It looks like hair on a windy evening, flying.

  42. Jill from South8:07 AM

    Her hair does what anyone's hair would do on a windy evening. What's your point with that? Just curious. It's almost like you NEED snark to live.

  43. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Well Anon 6:15, Sarah is a famous person. Whitney was a famous person. You do the math. Why do you think the way you do? Can't you just be happy?

  44. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Anonymous 6:23, you comment makes no sense. Women wear heels. It's what we do.

  45. Anonymous8:10 AM

    "prescription drug addict "

    Um, proof?

  46. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Yes Anon 6:32, because that is exactly what the average papparazzi thinks when they chase celebrities. Um, famous is famous. I'd be shocked if any celeb wasn't asked about a supe famous celeb's shocking death.

  47. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Maybe her North Star is diminishing? My PDS has subsided to the point that I am not clicking on her video's anymore, preferring to read what others transcribe or think of it.

    Citizen journalists should stick to asking gotcha-questions on what her policy (snicker) is on Pakistan or Canada's nationalized health care, rather than on celebrity current events.

    If you ask her about pop culture, she might pull that awkward hootchie-coochie bony-shoulder flat chested shake on ya.

  48. Anonymous8:13 AM

    When the wind blows Sarah's shirt close to her chest at the :30 mark, you can clearly see the outline of what appears to be a tube-top type of bra. She must have stuffed it because the boobies didn't match in size or direction.

  49. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Anon 7:24, why are you judging people for feelings they can't control? THEY don't question your "Obama love", whatever your reasons are (reasons I will never understand)

    Same diff.

  50. Anonymous8:14 AM

    What were you doing when you were 16? That girl got a book contract, writes for wellknown websites, and is known by people of influence. And you just comment on a snarky blog.

  51. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Willow was wearing a coat? I saw her in a coat and then a cropped blazer. What are you trying to say rumormonger?

  52. Anonymous8:19 AM

    dmoreno, well, she's talking to people from the moment she leaves the restaurant so I imagine there were people waiting. Im a little shocked there were people there, given how cold it looked and it being a sort of private affair.

    I think when it comes to situations like this, she's pretty genuine. If the topic isn't political, why would she fake emotion? Even as a politician, shes one of the few with actual feeling in her voice. Men typically don't show feeling and Michele B is a robot. So I'd almost say she's the ONLY one who shows feelings. That is to be admired.

  53. Anonymous8:21 AM

    anon 618, read and ponder:

    When you hate someone, everything they do is offensive. Look at that bitch eating crackers like she owns the place.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Even Sarah can compliment people outside of business environments. She's said nice things about the Obamas as people. She's avoided trashing politicos based on nonsense. She sticks with things that matter.

  54. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Yes Bristol's so huge. She's like, what, a 6?
    I'm a 10 and don't consider myself fat.

    Are you wearing the right prescriptions? Please avoid contact with anyone under the age of 50. You would no doubt give them a complex with your immature comments.

    ^ This is to anyone who mocks someone superficially, even when the comment doesn't match the picture.

    And have you tried walking on a windy day wearing large heels? Hard.

  55. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Yes Bristol's so huge. She's like, what, a 6?
    I'm a 10 and don't consider myself fat.

    Are you wearing the right prescriptions? Please avoid contact with anyone under the age of 50. You would no doubt give them a complex with your immature comments.

    ^ This is to anyone who mocks someone superficially, even when the comment doesn't match the picture.

    And have you tried walking on a windy day wearing large heels? Hard.

  56. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Yes Sarah's begging people to talk to her in order to make her look important. That's why Bristol goes up to pull her along quicker. She's very gracious to do what she does. Give her that.

  57. imnofred8:25 AM

    I know this is O/T but it may be something to think about.

    I think that Sarah has gotten a whiff of being brokered in at the convention. Notice how she says that she wants the process to go on and she will not firmly stand behind a candidate. She even took some shots at Romney during her CPAC speech.

    I saw a clip of her saying that she is in favor of a brokered convention and those who oppose it are doing so for selfish reasons. Looks like she is up to something.

    That being said, I doubt that the delegates would choose her if they decide to broker the convention but there is always the possibility.

  58. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Jim In Texas said...
    As a private citizen, there is no reason for her to have started commenting on everything again. Clearly she believes that she is once again a "player".

    So, she's supposed to be rude and say no comment to a nice man asking a question? Would that not bring even more hateful words from you out? Really Jim, please think things through. There is no harm in carrying on polite conversation.

    6:51 AM

    dmoreno56 said...
    Could really care less about her haphazard hair, I would like to comment on how sad it is that she has to actually stop people and go up to them for the handshake and acknowledgement. No one cares, but in her delusion, she acts like she is a rock star and in demand. The world has moved on, scara, could you please get the hint.
    Obviously there are people there who wanted to speak to her/hug her, and even Bristol. I guess we see two different things. It's hard to see anything as there are people watching in the foreground, which kind of refutes your comment.


    BTW I think these days youll find her to be MORE genuine and cordial, if that's possible. She treats fans well. How many nationally-known politicians would have attended a little meetup in Iowa to make their fans happy? Esp when they drove there from another state. Graciousness.

  59. Virginia Voter8:31 AM

    Figures the one Whitney Houston song Sarah likes is actually a Dolly Parton song. Dolly wrote it, performed it, and owns all royalties on it.

  60. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Yes she really begged that person to bring something for her to autograph.

    Her hair looks like hair does when it's windy.


  61. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Virginia, well, that's the song other celebs mention as well, so I guess your comment applies to them?

  62. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I am suddenly so bored with Sarah Palin. We think she makes an impact that she just doesn't really make in the "real" world. She is tight with a very small crowd that gets disproportionate press coverage, which she attracts because of the way she combines sex and anger and ignorance into performance art. She never fails to deliver on at least one of those "assets" but sometimes she manages to bring them all, as at CPAC, Rolling Thunder, etc. But I feel slimed after listening to her venom and looking at her weird rack and wigs and inappropriate shoes. It reminds me of how I felt about Howard Stern years ago just before I stopped listening to his show.

  63. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Trolls, we don't are what you say. You are dumb. Studies show that if you support the Palins, you have a lower IQ than we do. It's sad, I know, but it's true. That's why you Palins are unable to graduate from high school or go to college. You don't think it matters, but it does. You're wasting your time here & helping IM's traffic numbers.

  64. Bristol's Real Chin8:45 AM

    Oh, bot. You're really earning your, "um," money today.

    At least for the few minutes that you bother to pay attention.

  65. Anonymous8:48 AM

    BTW I think these days youll find her to be MORE genuine and cordial, if that's possible. She treats fans well. How many nationally-known politicians would have attended a little meetup in Iowa to make their fans happy? Esp when they drove there from another state. Graciousness.

    8:30 AM
    (laughing) Yes, celebrities are gracious to their fans. But politicians are interested in what their supporters (and opponents) have to say.

    Sarah Palin thinks she is a celebrity. But she is not. And she is not a politician either.

    Sarah Palin is a mentally unstable woman that was presented as a candidate by treasonous power-brokers for vice-president of the United States. She will never be anything else.

  66. I found myself staring at her chest.What the hell is up with the bra and boobs? Very strange. Oh,and watching her and Bristol(?) trying to walk in their stiletto hooker heels is pretty funny.

  67. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Even Sarah can compliment people outside of business environments. She's said nice things about the Obamas as people. She's avoided trashing politicos based on nonsense. She sticks with things that matter.

    8:21 AM
    Sarah Palin didn't think it "mattered" when she boarded a transcontinental flight after not getting an amniotic fluid leak check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages.

    Sarah Palin thinks only about the trivial and unimportant things. She really is incapable of thinking of anyone but herself.

  68. Anonymous8:52 AM

    OK, I see that the defense trolls have taken up residence. The fact that you feel so needed speaks volumes, but you really can't resuscitate your MamaGrizz. Even her best is not enough, surely you realize that. Never has been, never will be. An IQ of 83 is just too much to overcome.

  69. Anonymous8:54 AM

    What were you doing when you were 16? That girl got a book contract, writes for wellknown websites, and is known by people of influence. And you just comment on a snarky blog.

    8:14 AM
    When I was 16 I was not pregnant, unmarried and a high school dropout.

  70. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Wow, the bots are out today.

    "Mature," "jealous," their usual litany.

    No, I'm not jealous of a 16-year-old who got herself pregnant and spun her mother's infamy into a short-lived
    "reality" reality. Check back in with us in two years, Bristol. If we remember who you are.

    And, Willow, dear, if you're really pregnant and have a reason for your puffed-up face and smaller-than-ever eyes, I feel sorry for you from the bottom of my heart. Pregnancy should be a time of joy and expectation, not deception and shame.

    To have a mother who wears rhinestone belts, dirty jeans, unkempt wigs, and teetery-tottery stilletoes is a fate you don't deserve.

    Just for the record, I'm a 63-year-old with a Master's degree and a secure income, earned by many decades of concentrated work. I'm not jealous of uneducated and, it would seem, uneducatable young people -- I find you pitiful.
    And I'm pretty mature. Really mature enough to see through the scrim of the Palins' deceptions and to actually have a Christian thought: I pray for you to grow up and learn to love yourselves, and your fellow men and women.
    I think you're caught up now in a closed world that gives you no perspective on what thinking, feeling, adult people do, or think about you. I hope you escape.

  71. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Yes Anon 6:32, because that is exactly what the average papparazzi thinks when they chase celebrities. Um, famous is famous. I'd be shocked if any celeb wasn't asked about a supe famous celeb's shocking death.

    8:11 AM
    Sarah Palin is NOT a celebrity. She is a stupid, ignorant, arrogant wannabe politician.

  72. Anonymous8:58 AM

    8:24 said:

    "... And have you tried walking on a windy day wearing large heels? Hard."

    So why wear them? That shows vanity and a lack of common sense.

    "Large" heels most be a local term. And those were not large, they were mammoth and ridiculous. So funny... I have never heard anyone complain about wearing HIGH heels on a windy day. Hilarious!

  73. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Concern trolls en force today.

  74. Cracklin' Charlie9:01 AM

    Tripp, trapp...tripp, trapp.

    Troll-ey up in here, idn't it?

  75. Don't ask about Whitney, silly reporter! Ask about Trig! Many skeletons in this one's closet there are (sorry Yoda). We need Taylor Swift to write a song about Sarah's lies ... Now THAT would be great!

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November! Landslide!!!

  76. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I'm thinking Sarah is feeling paranoid.

    At the grocery store check out counter, the cashier asked Sarah what do you think about Whitney's death?

    Sarah immediately went into a defensive mood and said I had nothing to do with it!

  77. Anonymous9:07 AM

    The PALIN TROLLS are posting their "You don't know us" DRIVEL as fast as their little GRUBBY hands can type. Is it just a 'COINCIDENCE' that their postings increased since the WASILLABILLIES returned home? They just love your site, Gryphen, what would they do without you? Maybe they will quiet down next month when Shailey Tripp's book comes out, and WILLOW gets much bigger. Another High School Dropout Unwed Mother. Now that must be Wasilla FAMILY VALUES.

  78. Smirnonn9:08 AM

    Hmmm, drug addict? Check. (The) Bodyguard? Check. Preference for black men? Check. Loves attention? Check. "Didn't we almost have it all?" Check (*shudder* - both for the song and the past potential paylump vpresidency).

    Freakin' eerie!! JUST like the whole Lincoln/Kennedy coincidences situation!!!

  79. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Well, we all know one song of Whitney's Sarah Palin never listened to...


  80. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous 6:23, you comment makes no sense. Women wear heels. It's what we do.

    8:09 AM"

    Maybe it's what YOU do. It's sure as fuck not what this woman does.

    "What were you doing when you were 16? That girl got a book contract, writes for wellknown websites, and is known by people of influence. And you just comment on a snarky blog.

    8:14 AM"

    What a sad litany of inappropriate accomplishments for a 16-year-old. No wonder you, er, she is so fucked up.

  81. Anonymous9:52 AM

    So is graduating at 18 seen as early up there? Around here it's called " on time".

  82. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I thought Sarah looked ok. I'm ashamed to admit I even liked her shoes (though not with that particular outfit. I didn't particularly like the shiny red shirt. It wasn't very flattering, and stuck to her body in an unflattering way. I did like the black skirt. It fit her well. Since I am about Sarah's height and size and don't think she looks anorexic. Her hair looked good the night of the speech. I do not think she wears wigs, but it's pretty obvious she wears extensions and hair pieces. All that being said, I still think she's an idiot, can't abide by her politics and thinks she's a big phoney grifting asshole.

  83. Uh oh....I see Baldy's "Wig troll" is on the loose!! Thank heavens that bear pelt with polar bear fur streaks is a wig! I can't imagine any self respecting woman would ever walk out of their house looking the way Baldy does!

    See..that's the mental illness in old Baldy! She has no clue what she looks like. In her twisted mirror Baldy thinks she is 28!

    And poor Beefalo! Marching around in heels that are so high she looked like Piper walking around the kitchen in that Matt Lauer interview...you know the one they did where Baldy looked lost in her OWN kitchen! The one where she was making those nasty looking moose turd dogs with cheese!

    And if Wallow is pregnant and graduating "early"...what exactly is she graduating early from?

    The Hillbilly Maternal School for Dropouts?

  84. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Any true patriot would have said their fondest memory of Whitney Houston was when she united the country in 1991 when she sang our national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner" and hit it out of the park at the Super Bowl.

    londoN bridgeS

  85. Anonymous10:39 AM

    So I guess this means the wig matter is settled? There is no wig glue strong enough to hold a wig on in that kind of wind. It just looks to me like heavily sprayed hair, blowing around. There certainly have been times where it appears that she is wearing a wig, ie. the time when her hair drastically changed length between a few day's time, but for the most part I think she wears her own hair.

  86. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Looking good. You all looked great and didn't look anything like country bumpkins trying to impress the city folk. Wouldn't change a thing. Don't listen to what these guys think. I'm sure they're just jealous haters and see you through a lens of venom. Truly, no one else sees you that way. You are glamous and worthy of (self-)adoration. When do you get to play dress-up, again?

  87. "**Hope no one is offended by "black" - I don't write "caucasian american" either...

    7:45 AM"

    Where is "black" country? I know where the caucasoid mountains are but can't seem to locate "black" land.

  88. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Did any of you see the AKSyrin twitter about seeing Willow working at one of our local coffee shops? Another tweeter asked Syrin if Willow was pregnant and she said that Willow did not appear pregnant, but she did hear that Willow is engaged. Maybe that's just the Palin kid's way of getting the heck out of the Palin house; either get knocked up or engaged/married in order to escape Mom and Dad. They wouldn't be the first kids that claimed their independence in this manner. I personally prefer the "go to college far away" method of distancing oneself from the homefront, but I guess these girls just don't want to do the college thing.

  89. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Hey, at least when asked what Whitney song she like best Palin didn't answer "all of them".


  90. "8:21 AM"


    The insufferable bitch, remains insufferable and a bitch no matter what she says about Ms. Houston. Really who gives a flying fuck what she says about anyone?

    OMG that wig and those clip on pieces weren't going to come off. I can tell her hair looks unnatural with or without wind.

    bustol looks like an smaller, manic, idiotic version of piper. Probaby had to hurry and get her in the car before her mom's hair flew off. She is rushing her mother around and directing her path, basically telling her what to do. Fitting, the skank never grew up.

    Face it trolls, nobody wants their stinkin old books, nobody was waiting for her during her faux news photo-op and nobody was waiting for her (except bustol) when she was in the wind.

  91. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I'm sure it's her real hair. It's this hate lens that we've got that makes us see her in a way that I'm sure NO ONE ELSE sees her.

    No worries.

  92. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Anonymous said...

    So I guess this means the wig matter is settled? There is no wig glue strong enough to hold a wig on in that kind of wind.
    10:39 AM
    No...not settled. That pelt be sewed onto her big ass head!
    But I did think at one point it was going to liberate itself and fly away. Most people REAL hair in the wind flys in their face, or out behind them not like a flying saucer for take off---up,UP & Away! That pelt was gonna fly.
    I really wish for a Valley of the Dolls, moment Watch after that where "Helen" calls herself a Barracuda!

  93. Anonymous11:12 AM

    @10:39 - why so sensitive about her wig? She wears a wig!!! Whether or not she had it on at dinner, well, take a look again at the video!

  94. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Looking good. You all looked great and didn't look anything like country bumpkins trying to impress the city folk. Wouldn't change a thing. Don't listen to what these guys think. I'm sure they're just jealous haters and see you through a lens of venom. Truly, no one else sees you that way. You are glamous and worthy of (self-)adoration. When do you get to play dress-up, again?
    10:41 AM
    Who the fuck are you talking too?
    Really put down the bong.

  95. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Yeah, Dolly Parton has royalties to that song, just the way Sarah Palin (TM) thinks she should get royalties anytime Tina Fey or Joanne Moore impersonate her.

    Wait 'til she gets to 42nd street and tries to get the female impersonators to give their fair share. After all, she gave them jobs, too.

  96. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I don't have much of an opinion about wig / no wig, but I do feel (it's just my feeling) that women who can't find a a couple of becoming hair styles and stick with them, they either don't know who they are, who they're trying to be, or else they've just got too much time on their hands and want to play princess instead of being a serious grown up. Hair does say a lot about who you are!

  97. Anonymous said...

    I'm sure it's her real hair. It's this hate lens that we've got that makes us see her in a way that I'm sure NO ONE ELSE sees her.

    No worries.

    11:04 AM

    Um...how are YOU "sure it's her real hair"? And what "hate lens" are you looking through? I don't think anyone "hates" Baldy and Klan. What's to hate?

    They are a DISGRACE and an EMBARRASSMENT to the US! I do have to admire their "thick skins"....I mean how embarrassing for Beefalo to have a book signing and only 25 people show up!

    Not to mention they were giving away her skanky book for FREE to the first 100 and didn't even get that!

    And Wallow...the poor thing is being speculated on...accused of being a dropout....pregnant....how humiliating she must feel knowing that the pictures of her in all different shapes and sizes are being analyzed!

    I don't "hate" Baldy and her daughters....I feel PITY for them.

    They will NEVER be respected...and believe it or not Troll that's why Baldy runs around begging to sign autographs and spewing her nonsensical nonsense on FAKE News...she wants to be RESPECTED!

    Never gonna happen...get use to the laughter...you're going to be hearing a LOT of it!

  98. Did y'all check out how the insufferable bitch came on stage and took a bow on each side of the podium? WTF?
    she is bowing like she's accomplished something.


  99. Anonymous11:49 AM


    The bigger the heel, the bigger the ho

  100. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I think she's wearing Bristol's hand-me-down, all in one, strapless, above the knee spanx. When B wore it with that white dress (post face-work), it smashed her chesticles; so mama shoved in some D cup cutletts for fullness and viola! The bizarre, wandering boobage you see in red.

    Bristol's new spanx (as seen in the same video) is at least a size too small; hence the smooshed, square shaped fanny. No curve, no lift. Just smoosh.

  101. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Hey No-Wig troll...WTF do y'all call that "pelt" on her head?
    And...60 if she is a day! Good googly moogly Those PaYlins don't age well, Beefy & wallow look like 35 yr hookers.
    Well wallow looks preggo, hey wallow where is your scarf?
    Anyway, that family looks like a bunch of meth heads.
    Check out that hair...check out that FACE? How can she shapeshift so fucking fast?
    They must have special lighting and soft lens on her.

  102. Anonymous12:18 PM

    wonderful writeup:
    Palin Reprises Her Role As The Great Impostor


  103. I'm sorry folks...I loathe Sarah Palin as much as any of you. I've been coming to this blog daily for three years, and I have to say this now. All this petty bullshit about her having a wig, her tits, her turkey neck...for God's sake. There is much to criticize about her criminal and immoral behavior. Can we stop belittling ourselves by acting like a bunch of middle school bitches? I mean really, she clearly doesn't wear a wig, for fuck's sake.

  104. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I call Palin Little Miss Piggy-Wiggy. My husband says that's an insult to Miss Piggy, though.

  105. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Anonymous said...


    The bigger the heel, the bigger the ho
    11:49 AM

    So true, so true!!!

  106. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Gina @ 11:46.

    I was being sarcastic. I guess I'm not as good as Ahem.

  107. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I am noticing that whatever subject matter Gryph puts up now...the Palin one will always get the most comments. lol!

  108. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Those shoes. Well those shoes are ridiculous. They are ridiculous on most women.Sex in the City? Fine. But the woman is trying to look like a serious contender in a brokered convention.

    Palin is doing her damndest to make sure that happens for her day of glory. Some jackass will profer her name for president.

    Gee what wig will she wear. What skanky pair of shoes. What water bra? I can't wait. She is a joke.

  109. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Those shoes. Well those shoes are ridiculous. They are ridiculous on most women.Sex in the City? Fine. But the woman is trying to look like a serious contender in a brokered convention.

    Palin is doing her damndest to make sure that happens for her day of glory. Some jackass will profer her name for president.

    Gee what wig will she wear. What skanky pair of shoes. What water bra? I can't wait. She is a joke.

  110. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Because we need a national discourse on Palin hair.

  111. jcinco1:18 PM

    sarah's gait has always reminded me of my grandma. The woman worked from dawn to dusk (not like the hard workin' people sarah spoke of in her cpac speech that work dusk to dawn, I guess they work the night shift or they're prostitutes) helping my grandpa run the farm She'd pull on some old rubber boots and go stomping out of the house determinedly arms a swingin' and slop the hogs. It seems bristle inherited that same hog sloppin' walk.

  112. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Dearest Gina, happy people don't need your pity. They're too busy being happy and mature.

    Take heed dear lady.

  113. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Oh let me be VERY clear. I mean it the way SHE has meant every vitriolic and vile thing she has ever spouted.
    Like I said, it's crass, but none the less true.
    If that crazy witch accidentally, or purposely chomped too many pills I would not shed a single tear, and I would know she won't terrorize the world any longer.
    If it makes me a shit for being honest, then I am a shit.

  114. I agree with Angiemomma @ 12:22PM...specifically with the "acting like a bunch of middle school bitches". I mean seriously middle school is pretty much where Baldy stopped growing!

    I can still picture Baldy hiding behind her middle school "buddies" who did ALL her dirty work...so she could play innocent.

    Those "buddies" protected Baldy from the stares of "what is Baldy Heath WEARING!" Or from the whispered gossip about what Baldy did with the boys behind closed doors!

    But, alas, the one fella Baldy pined for didn't want to have anything to do with the short, stumpy, coke bottle glasses wearing, brown frizzy hair, word salady speaking girl!

    He was much more smitten by the tall, naturally tanned, good looking, athletic girl from HAWAII! Even then Baldy never fought her OWN battles.

    Oh no...her "inner circle" took care of that! By calling folks "immature", "jealous", and "mean girls"!

    So if Baldy and her middle school henchwomen are still operating in the middle school mode, we probably should take PITY on the poor dears!

    So thanks Angiemomma for the reminder!

  115. ibwilliamsi2:40 PM

    Extensions, Lots and lots of extensions.

    Anon @ 6:15 AM said

    "Why would anyone care what Sarah Palin thinks about Whitney Houston?" Because they knew that Sarah would actually be aware of who Whitney Houston is.

    Whitney did rock that song, but it's actually Dolly Parton's song, and I prefer her version. That's just me.

  116. Anonymous2:47 PM

    wished the fuk_head security dude would've just followed through and pulled his gun at the three second mark...whatta bunch of fuk_tards...

  117. that Matt Lauer interview...The one where she was making those nasty looking moose turd dogs with cheese!


    Remember Sarah n Todd's FRANTIC search to find "moose meat" - ANYTHING "moose" - to have in the house for the interview!!

    SUCH Phonies!!!!!!!!!!!


    And the MOST striking thing about that interview (IMO), was when Matt asked Piper if she had missed a lot of school (YES), if it was hard to catch up on her schoolwork (YES) and if she missed her friends when she was out "on the trail" with her mom (YES).

    Matt then asked Piper "if your mom wanted to run again, would you want her to?"

    Piper: No. (Or she shook her head no, either way).

    And Sarah, is standing right there and immediately says, "Oh, sis! C'mon! We had fun, didn't we? You'd wanna do it again, wouldn't you?"

    And Piper, "shockingly" then says, yeah, she would like it, or whatever.

    And the way Piper looked at Sarah when Sarah was giving her the "rah rah" - well, it looked like Piper didn't often get Sarah's undivided attention. And even in a sideshow interview, Piper desperately wants her mom's attention.

    Actually, I think all the girls do. And now Piper, like Willow, is up to some "uglier" stuff (we watched her Cheat on SPA, and Momma Sarah didn't care enough to "handle it").

    The theories about why Bristol "got" pregnant largely revolve around just wanting to matter - to Levi and the baby.

    As a mother, Bristol would be on a "level" and "adult" field when dealing with Sarah - so Sarah wouldn't be able to boss her around.

    Willow, the popular theory goes, is screaming for attention from her parents by borderline behavior - B&E, sex/drugs/booze.

    Track already had his turn, but I think his chip was caused by finding out his real daddy, not a lack of attention from Sarah.

  118. @GameofLife

    ******rolls eyes*********

  119. @Angiemomma-

    I kind of agree, I don't give a shit if she wears a wig or not.

    However, what DOES matter is her lack of professionalism when she does got out, as a "speaker", a *choke* former *choke* leader...ugh.

    Take her recent speech at the women's college.

    What kind of message is it to show young women that JEANS are appropriate when you are a guest speaker at a University (i.e. Your professional setting)?

    The jeans at the *totally fake* press conference weren't hemmed - tacky.

    The blackberry in hand - tacky. (As someone said, can you imagine the President "needing" his blackberry in every photo op?)

    The huge, gaudy USA bracelet - tacky.

    Python high heels with a TIGHT skirt and silk blouse for a Professional occasion- tacky.

    The rhinestone belt - tacky.

    She attempts to portray a picture of confident professionalism (HAHHA!), but the way she acts, speaks and dresses negates ALL of that.

    She is vicious, cruel and mean.

    She is also incredibly vain, so posters are trying to get her where it hurts.

    With the influx of troll-y comments, it appears to be working.

  120. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Ohhhh! I'm getting my popcorn! I give up on trying to get people to be rational on this blog, now I'm just gonna sit back and watch all the lame-ass insults fly!
    PS angimomma
    Don't waste your time, this blog will never be what it once was. Not much intelligence in picking apart someone's looks, which is all this place really is anymore. Pretty pathetic considering how great it once was.

  121. FYI...Baldy is going to be on Greta "VanCrookedFace" tonight at 7PT/10ET!

    I'm almost afraid to see what the Wig is going to be doing tonight!

  122. To me, her hair just looks like it's very hairsprayed, so the wind picks it up rather than blowing it around. It doesn't look like a wig to me, for once.

  123. Dear Angiemomma:

    a. Sarah Palin is a vicious, immoral demagogue who has caused incalcuable damage and is determined to cause more. See Sullivan, Andrew, for an well-reasoned account of her target audience and why she is so dangerous.

    b. Sarah Palin has used her looks to gain power and hopes to use them to gain more power. Since she prefers to use her appearance rather than articulate policy positions, her appearance is open to critique.

    c. Anyone who cannot dress themselves appropriately should not be a mayor, governor, vice presidential candidate, potential candidate for public office or beneficiary of a multi-million dollar PAC.

    d. It simply isn't possible to mock her speech, appearance, arguments, followers and handlers enough. See Alinksky, Saul.*

    e. There simply is no room for "good taste" when dealing with someone as dangerous as Palin. See Giffords, Gabby and Green, Cristina-Taylor and 16 others. Or talk to the villagers in the lower Kuskokwim who had to choose between food and fuel because of Palin's policies. Or the families of the 254 elderly and chronically ill patients who died for lack of home health care under Palin's watch.


    *Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

  124. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I was waiting for her hair to fly off!!!!!

  125. Anonymous3:40 PM

    8:14 - I think you let the cat out of the bag. Bristol was born Oct. 2000. Tripp was reportedly born Dec. 2008. That would make her 17 when she got pregnant. So, if what you say is true, Bristol got a book contract before she got pregnant (with Tripp) and thrown in the spotlight by her mother as the only proof that she gave birth to Trig. This is the only reason she's known by "people of influence".

    Now what could a high school girl with no discernable writing talent possibly have to write about? Perhaps if that 16-year-old were the pregnant daughter of an evangelical governor who believes in abstinence-only sex education and who planned on adopting her baby, then her story might be of interest to a publisher.

    Unless it's Willow who has a book contract. That would be cool!

    P.S. What well-known website does Bristol or Willow write for, other than FaceBook?

  126. Bristol's Real Chin3:41 PM

    Do you people go into someone else's house and complain about how they furnish it? Why not start your own blogs where you can discuss all the highminded things you think are missing here?

  127. "I was waiting for her hair to fly off!!!!!"

    LOL, me too. And swoop down and snatch up a small rodent.

    Actually, I wouldn't have been surprised if Miss Bristol Palin or Mrs. Sarah Palin then ate the rodent. (Yeah, maybe I did watch too much "V.")

  128. Anonymous said...

    Dearest Gina, happy people don't need your pity. They're too busy being happy and mature.

    Take heed dear lady.

    1:52 PM

    That's all ya' got huh! Did I strike a nerve? I really was sincere in my comment...I do PITY the whole Palin Klan.

    Especially little Piper, Tripp, Trig, "Godchild" number 3 and 4(??).

    So no need for me to "Take heed"...I got this covered! LOL!!

  129. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Sarah Palin's inability to groom and attire herself appropriately is an indication of her mental instability.

  130. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Hell no! It's waaay too much fun watching the inevitable implosion! I'm not going anywhere, it's better than Desperate Housewives!

  131. Anonymous5:13 PM

    No idea if it was a wig or just hair extensions. I know though, that you can attach a wig to your hair with bobby pins - like that, the wind will not blow it off (I know, because I used to live/work in a household where the 'matron of the house' wore wigs all the time, and she fastened them to her hair with those said bobby pins. (She also did make sure that she slicked down her real hair, so it would not peak out from underneath her wig, though...)

  132. Anita Winecooler5:20 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Well Anon 6:15, Sarah is a famous person. Whitney was a famous person. You do the math. Why do you think the way you do? Can't you just be happy?

    8:08 AM

    Hi, Anonymous 8:04, how are you doing this fine valenitine's night?

    "Sarah is famous person" and she's not selfish like Whitney, who earned her celebrity. Sarah shares her fame with John Roll, Gabby Giffords, and even with relatively unknowns like Christina Green, then claims Sarah, herself, is a victim.

    So tell us again why Anonymous 6:15's comment made your sphinchter tighten?

  133. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I'm embarrassed to admit Bristol's butt looks like mine. I'm almost 40. At her age, and up until a year or two ago, I had quite the little bubble. No way would I wear a clingy dress like she has on...

  134. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

    I watched the clip again, just for shits and giggles! OMG "Women walk in tall shoes, it's what they do" - well, watch the clip again. I guess they're not ladies. I was a professional business woman, and wore high heels to work every day. I wore taylored business sutits (top that matches the skirt, proper hose, proper undergarments, and a hint of color in the blouse and accessories), and I wore them in the wind, rain, sun, and snow and never walked like "F Troop" getting on the train after last call.

    Why did Sarah grasp her chest when someone finally asked her a question? Because she was wearing an unbuttoned overstuffed blouse.

    Oh, and wig trolls, yes, she wears wigs. Pay attention to her interviews on Fake news. She's been looking super frumpy for ages, and now takes a bath and wears tight skirts, stilletto heels, and low cut blouses with cleavage showing (that she hasn't had in ages) She's pulling out the "sexy" outfits, hoping for a brokered convention and hoping against hope that some sugardaddy will fund her comeback,

    Good luck with that, baldy.

    Love the troll chum posts! Notice how they respond with their scorn and outrage at the comments about her looks, which is exactly the point. How many grandmothers in and out of politics go out in public dressed like trollops?

  135. WakeUpAmerica4:28 AM

    Sure, she thinks it's tragic to lose a singer when she also thinks any money spent on the arts is wasted money.

  136. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Sarah is now completely anorexic. She must weigh all of 100 pounds.

    When a woman is that skinny, she has no bosum. Clothes hang on her bones - no curves.

    Bristol sure has a big butt though

  137. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Yes, the hair is completely ridiculous. Why does she wear wigs at all? What is she covering up? This wig looks glued on and it sits too far back on her head making her front hairline look nonexistent. Has she lost all of her hair due to illness?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.