Monday, March 19, 2012

Homophobia is alive and well, as illustrated by the compilation of 100 tweets by people who claim they will kill their own children if they turn out to be gay.

Courtesy of The New Civil Rights Movement:

Here are 100+ real tweets from real people who used Twitter to tell the world that if their child turned out to be gay or lesbian they would murder them. Yes, there actually is a hashtag, #ToMyUnbornChild, which, among other things, has been encouraging people to tweet they will kill their children if they are gay. Those who include the #ToMyUnbornChild Hashtag also are tweeting loving, warm thoughts, like, “I can’t wait to meet you<3,” and, “If you are gay, I will love you unconditionally. Same if you are straight or anywhere in between,” but also despicable ones, like these below.

I will caution to steel yourselves before clicking the link above. What was tweeted by these people, many of whom consider themselves Christians, is truly horrific. 

As the father of a gay child it actually broke my heart to read what these people have tweeted, and I can only hope that if ANY of them were to be blessed with a child that they would love him or her unconditionally, as ALL children deserve to be loved.


  1. Anonymous2:14 AM

    And these are the people who accuse the "libruls" of wanting death panels - hypocrisy much?

    Children are unique individuals to be loved and cherished, not escaping bits of ourselves. Nor are they our chance for a "do over" in life. I love my children unconditionally.... I may disagree with decisions and choices they make, I will offer my opinions and advice whether asked for or not (a parent's prerogative), but at the end of the day, I can and must accept that they are who/what they are and that THEY make their life choices and decisions, not me.

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      "And these are the people who accuse the "libruls" of wanting death panels - hypocrisy much?"

      Yeah, these are the pro-lifers. That's their definition of pro-life: to kill everyone who disagrees with them. Including their own children. Deciding to do that makes it easier for them to contemplate killing liberals, minorities, foreigners, etc.

    2. People who believe absurdities will commit atrocities.

  2. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Since they don't believe in science,i expect telling them the truth is useless......

  3. :-( Tom Joad3:06 AM

    Reading that makes me sad...very sad.

    I feel like we are moving backwards, that as a nation we have lost progress as humans.

    I have traveled to other nations, and in most places i have not seen the hate and discontent that I witness in the USA.

    Today I am sad and the future for the USA does not look too promising.

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      I know. I used to be so proud to be an American. I was a military brat and wife for over 30 years. Most of us never talked about politics at all. We were just Americans. Not Democrats or Republicans. We took care of each other. We were family. (And we had terrific health care that I took for granted).
      I have four grown children and I just told my daughter the other day that I can't believe not a single one of them is gay. I said that would have been fun and rounded out our family a little more.
      It saddens me to see the state our country is in right now. It also embarrasses me. I feel like we must be the laughing stock of the rest of the world.
      But I still have hope for the future of our country. Because try as they might, hate filled people cannot stop progress!

  4. JenniferinVA3:22 AM

    My daughter is smart, funny, ambitious, loving, generous, independent and the best kid any parent could ever hope for. She also happens to be gay. It doesn't define her.
    If anyone as a problem with her then they have a problem with me and they are missing out on knowing a truly wonderful person.

    1. An European viewpoint12:24 AM

      I have raised my children so that, when they are adults, they won't discriminate against your daughter for her sexuality.

      For years I have been telling them that they would discover their sexual orientation in their teen years ; that they would probably find out they were heterosexual, but gay or anything in between was a real possibility too, and that anything they would end up being would be perfectly normal, whatever it was. They've told me of mysogynist jokes and gay-bashing jokes they heard on the playground, and I've never let it pass.

      My parent's duty is to work to make this world nicer for everyone - including your daughter. Even though many are still haters, more and more parents in the world are doing like me.

  5. sally in MI3:24 AM

    I couldn't read the ahte, but I was thinking about Sarah's caims as to how many Downs kids are aborted She is once again using Trig as a shield, and a reason to not vote for a liberal, ever.
    As i am thinking about this I wondered: have you ever seen a black child with Downs? Or any minority for that matter?

    1. Ailsa6:26 AM


      Statistics (2002): Hispanic individuals had the highest prevalence at 12.3, followed by Non-Hispanic white individuals at 10.2 and individuals of other races/ethnicities at 8.9.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:53 PM

      Yes, Sally, I have. Genetic conditions don't discriminate, though some are more prevalent to some races (tai sacks and sicle cell anemia come to mind), but there are cases of other races having tay sacks and sicle cell anemia)
      My neighbor is a foster parent who's soft spot is special needs kids and I've seen many african american and asian children with Down Syndrone over the years.

  6. That is sad and disturbing. What are they so afraid of?

  7. ManxMamma4:19 AM

    This really leaves me speechless. Why on earth would someone care about the sexual orientation of their unborn child? I wish the fetus could tweet back.

  8. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Have you seen the new video released on B's blog? Pathetic.

    It wouldn't surprise me to see her use your blog (and others) in her own blog and sitcom or whatever it is she's filming, to demonstrate what victims she and her family are.

    "They are so persecuted; send money now!"

  9. wait, HOW can we know these "tweets" are indeed from "real people"? i'm not on twitter, so i'm honestly asking...

    and yes, i read the link. but how can we know that these evil tweets aren't just idiots trolling the hashtag?

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Good point Luna. It makes me feel better thinking that this could be the work of trolls and not really expectant parents.

  10. BabyRaptor4:37 AM

    Wow...These things consider themselves human?

    Please tell me that, were any of these people actually pregnant, CPS was called...

  11. AKinPA5:20 AM

    I would like to think that the majority of the tweets aren't truly the thoughts of the sender. However, I do know that there are incredibly intolerant people out there.

    Also, some of the sentiments are consistent with the GOP platform of loving/protecting/even deifying the fetus until it is born.

  12. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Contrary to what many want people to believe. Most people in this world, do not approve of homosexuality.
    I know many have been trying to make homosexuality normal and acceptable in society. BUT that will never happen.
    As long as males are attracted to females, and females are attracted to males, there will be no universal homosexuality acceptance on this planet.

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Sorry but there have been homosexuals since the beginning of time - NEVER going to change that so suck it up buttercup.

      I am the mother of a gay son & I have NEVER wished he wasn't born or that he wasn't gay (except that I do worry that someone will kill him, get him fired, etc). He is a wonderful unique human who is extremely smart, handsome, kind, funny, well-rounded, etc. He has a LOT to offer our planet just like my other non-gay son.

      He deserves every right that my non-gay son has & I hope to see it in my lifetime.

      I would rather be surrounded by gay people than people who hate someone because they are gay, black, Muslim, Jewish, etc.

      And by the way, LGBTQ people are pretty much born to HETEROSEXUALS. So unless you get rid of heterosexuals you will NEVER get rid of homosexuality. And another thing, the heterosexuals are not going to stand around & let LGBTQ people get treated like crap either.

      Thankfully the world is a changing;)

    2. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Contrary to your stupid ass statement, more and more people around the world are recognizing the rights of gay people and the ones that aren't are typically backward, 'christian' or fundamentalist moslem believers. As much as your would LOVE for your statement to have merit. It doesn't. Check in with your 'god' and find out that there are thousands of examples in nature of homosexuality. It is simply a FACT of life, so get the fuck over yourself.

    3. Anonymous7:13 AM

      So let me get this straight. You're basically saying that minorities have no human rights.

    4. Anonymous9:38 PM

      There are many cultures where being gay is not a hindrance. There are man anthropological studies that describe gay people and their roles in these cultures. It made me so sad to think about how gay people in our culture have had to hide, deflect and obscure being gay in all facets of their lives. In my family, I remember the whispering about an aunt being gay. Unmarrieds were considered odd and continually harangued about their unmarried state. In my children's generation it is so refreshing to see outward recognition and acceptance of gay friends. In fact. I find it most interesting how many of my daughters' friends are gay. No doubt, in my generation there were just as many gay people, but the times were so intolerant. It is just confounding we could be so insensitive and so intolerant.

  13. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I wonder if the idiot who tweeted the above is considering "pulling the trigger" before or after the child's birth? Oh wait, these types never harm the babies while in utero. It's after they're born that they're fair game, right?

  14. Anonymous6:33 AM

    As horrid as these comments are, are these people also totally divorced from reality? If one of these folks had a child, it would not come with a sign or tag at birth stating it was gay. They would obviously raise and nurture this child probably into its teens before the child discovered its orientation. THEN would they kill it?

    1. exactly. The disgusting parents would love the baby (if they are capable of love) long before they knew it was gay.

      Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

  15. ".....many of whom consider themselves Christians"

    So much for pro-life. Disgusting cretins.

    From this Christian to other professing Christians who publicly advocate murder: Fucking grow up you asshole. Go home and actually read the Bible you keep using to club people to death with and pray on your knees for forgiveness for being a fucking idiot and disgrace to the God you profess to love and serve.

  16. Anonymous7:16 AM

    How sad that some who have such hateful thoughts will have children that are born gay.

  17. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Ask your devoutly religious friends what they would do if God asked them to smite you.

    When they dodge the question, you will understand why they are a threat to democracy.

    They still won't understand.

  18. (Alleged) breeder males who obsess over other males having sex with each other are..........well, we know what they are, don't we? -:)

  19. I wonder.

    If there were a pre-natal test to determine sexuality and their unborn child was going to be gay...would they choose to have an abortion?

    1. Anita Winecooler9:02 PM

      Good Question, and not a valid excuse to have an abortion.

      If they had a test that showed a fetus would grow to be one of these idiots, I wouldn't choose to have one, even though I'm pro choice. Hate is something that's learned, and I'd have at least 18 years to show them what unconditional love is and the joy of being accepted as you are.

  20. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Here is a actual Tweet picked off twitter from a "Christian dad"

    Christian Dad ‏ @stangrev
    Fruits try to Disrupt Santorum Rally #twisters #aacon

    I had to ask him...Was it apples or oranges? Grapes, I hear grapes are good for ya?

    What fucking idiots these people are!!! It seems like we've been thrown back into the twilight zone!

  21. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I think that every single person who said they'd kill their gay child should be hunted down and surgically STERILIZED immediately!

    1. An European viewpoint12:25 AM

      Agreed !

  22. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Ha ha.

  23. Good Lord,I try to believe the best in people most of the time,but some disgusting idiots make that very difficult. The only thing I can hope is that,as these are tweets from people who have not yet met their unborn child,that their views will change once they actually hold their baby after it is born. I know how I felt about my sons while pregnant with them,I just didn't begin to understand the depths of the all powering/all consuming love I would feel when I held them in my arms after they were born. I have NEVER felt anything close to that kind of love for anyone else in my life-and could NEVER imagine not feeling that love for them,regardless of their sexuality. People that cut off their children for who they are don't deserve the children they have.

  24. Anonymous10:28 AM

    These are most likely the same morons who are against abortion even in cases of rape or incest. But they would put a bullet in the skull of a gay child? This is beyond sick and it is so hypocritical.

    Something is REALLY REALLY wrong in this country. It is scaring me. Actually it is everywhere, not just in this country. But I guess I don't expect it to be as bad here as Uganda or in a very religious Muslim community, but here it is and for all to see.


  25. Anonymous2:03 PM

    We have become such a sick nation! Murders are increasing across the country - policemen are shooting more and killing people they are trying to arrest (supposedly in 'defense'!). We didn't see that type of behavior 20/30 years ago! There is so much FEAR nowadays and people just don't tolerate each other!

    The Repubs and Dems truly dislike each other vs working together and that behavior seemed to take hold in 2008. The House of our Congress being the worst example! The fat, old, white, racist Republicans are the sorriest excuse for Americans I have ever seen! They were elected to 'serve' and they assuredly aren't doing that! They take more vacations than most of the working public get in a total of five years of work for Christ's sake!

    I know I can hardly stand some of the Repubs that are out there doing such nasty commentary - i.e. Palin, Santorum, Sheriff from AZ (now he is investigating President Obama's birth and saying it is going to be bigger than Watergate when he announces the outcome for Christ's sake!), Perry from TX, the Gov from AZ that was so horribly disrespectful to President Obama (!), Limbaugh, Huckabee (yes, he lies too even though a minister), Franklin Graham, Boehner and on and on.

    Religious beliefs are being shoved down our throats (by people that don't even act like christians - i.e. Palin and Santorum) - the stand against gays is deplorable - the anti abortion stands and the possibility of publicly naming providers of them (in TN) - the Repub men throughout the nation trying to control women's vagina's/reproduction systems - it being said that sex is ONLY for making babies (Santorum) - and on and on.

    I won't be one bit surprised to see uprisings throughout our cities in our not too distant future. Limbaugh has suggested 'uprising' on his radio the show numerous times. The asshole!

    Dems and Independents need to get out there and vote against all these Repubs that are creating so much trouble. They need to be replaced with folks that are younger and eager to again make America a wonderful place to live. We should also have term limits!!!!! That elderly guy from OK that starts with an "I" is one that needs to be booted out!

    And, it truly upsets me to hear and see the disrespect and racial slurs made against President Obama and the lack of respect for the office he holds! I think he is doing one hell of a job in spite of them and I suspect he will be reelected. Don't know how he keeps his cool - but he does - he is a good, good guy!

    Thanks for allowing myself to RANT! Feels good!

    1. An European viewpoint2:31 AM

      Poverty, lack of education and lack of good prospects do bring out the worse in mankind. That's why social programs are utterly important - civil peace can only be achieved with enough prosperity for everyone.

      Tax everyone who can afford to pay taxes ; even heavily taxed, rich people will stay rich nonetheless, and poor people who work for them will stay poor but will have enough to live on (welfare, minimal wage around 1000E - 1300$ monthly, free first-rate education for kids), and won't become desperate and resort to crimes.

      Of course, a party who wants poor people to be desperate and overwhelmed enough not to be able to recognize their best interests, will do all in its power to make the crisis worse. Right, Republicans ? Or will ignore it entirely. Right, Frothy Mix ?

      By the way - based on what I've learned of US politics by reading US press since 2000, what you're calling moderate Republicans in the US, we're calling Far Right in Europe.

      And even then, the Far Right racist candidates in the French elections have never said anything against the pill or the "socialist state-provided healthcare" that we've been enjoying for the last half-century. It would be political suicide.

  26. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Gryphen, did you see this article:

    After Nadia Naffe, a now reformed James O’Keefe Gonzo-ette, was kept in a barn on O’Keefe’s family property, drugged and unable to walk, she called “good friend” and now deceased Andrew Breitbart for help. Shockingly, Breitbart sided with the CNN boat kidnap caper planner and left Naffe stranded at O’Keefe’s mercy.

    Naffe filed a criminal complaint against the already on federal parole O’Keefe, who lives with his family. Yes. Lives with his family. Naffe told the judge that after she got home O’Keefe harassed her with messages and tormented her by posting a video online in which he referred to her as “dirty”. Naffe testifed, “He made me out to be a tramp. He used other people to torment me.”

    But her complaint was tossed out because of jurisdiction issues. That didn’t stop the Right from smearing her and claiming the judge had basically told her to shut up, you weren’t raped.

    The judge did not say anything of the sort.

    This was all Naffe’s fault, however. See Breitbart on Twitter:

    @AndrewBreitbart: There is no ‘rape plot’, you slanderous, libelous wannabe Media Matters smear junkie. @DavidShuster @jamesokeefeiii

    To which the now rather isolated Nadia replied:

    @NadiaNaffe: Now, your an expert on ‘rape plots’? I called you that night I was held in the barn to ask for help @andrewbreitbart @DavidShuster

    Then we follow her Tweets as she references other O’Keefe creepiness...

  27. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I got an idea...why don't we ask Santorum what would he do if one of his children turned out gay? I'd like to hear his TRUTHFUL answer.

  28. Anonymous3:29 PM

    My job involves me daily with prenatal screening/testing options and the public. If you all knew how often I am asked if prenatal testing exists for homosexuality you would all be sickened. . . and this is in a very blue state.

  29. Anita Winecooler9:14 PM

    Fake or Real, these tweets show how blinded by hate and indoctrination these people are. Would abortion be ok if they knew the fetus's sexual identification?

    I couldn't bring myself to read them all, this post disturbed me too much. Hatred is a learned behavior and can be changed. Homosexuality and Sexual Identity, on the other hand, are natural and not a matter of choice.

    And who, besides Palin, uses terms like "Mu dear unborn child"???????


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It just goes directly to their thighs.