Tuesday, March 20, 2012

If men want to dictate to women how, and if, they should use birth control....

You have to admit, it DOES seem only fair.


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Just love the meat tenderizer in the front row... he he he.

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      I saw that interesting gavel first thing. Guess the verdict is immediate for offenders.

  2. Sally in MI3:42 AM

    Fair and Republican do not exist in the same universe. Nor sane, respectful, or conscious. Nor Christian, rational, intelligent, non-judgemental, humble, or so many other things that define humanity. The GOP has sold its soul to the Devil. And women are the first of many targets. It is a sad sad day in America.

  3. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Sorry, if you're a gentlemen of a certain age...NO VIAGRA FOR YOU! And you got to be good looking too! Old ugly men should not be having sex!!! That's just disgusting!

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      And old ugly men sure as hell shouldn't be reproducing!!If you're over 45,either get a vasectomy or face jail time!!

  4. Anonymous4:00 AM

    I'm a man. I agree.

    Also, ahem, Rush, four marriages and no children. What's up (or not up) with that?

  5. Ladies, it's time to unite.


  6. Viagra should be outlawed, ESPECIALLY so, given the current stance of the right wing to eliminate access to family planning, birth control and abortion.

    Currently most insurance pays for viagra, which is most often used for RECREATIONAL sex, not procreational sex while we have the right wingers trying to deny the recipients of an artificial hard-on, a sperm filled gun, the right to use a prescription to prevent a pregnancy.

    Haven't heard good ole ricky, or any of the rethugs damning the use of viagra have we???

    I say take it off the market forever.

    Oh, and girls, get out your bottle of ASPIRIN. Take 2 for the "headache" and put one between your knees... everything will be ok ~wink~

  7. Anonymous5:38 AM

    I love the idea and I love the photo!

  8. It's time for my idea...

    The Daddy DNA Database Project - a bill that requires all males over the age of 12 to have their DNA in a database – after all they are half the genetic material needed to create a baby and since the men do not want women to have birth control, and everyone is suppose to be 100% responsible for their own actions and offspring (no government support or handouts at all according to Republicans) it only makes sense that every single male should be in a database so they can be tracked down and their wages garnished to support their offspring. If they can’t – then it’s off to a workhouse of some sort to work for below minimum wage (the rest of their compensation is in the form of room and board) and what little salary they get will go to any children they fathered. The wealthy will love this idea – it provides cheap labor (they can also be used in work groups (with chains of course so they don’t escape) to work in the fields – thus doing the work that no one else wants to do (and eliminating the jobs that are now filled by illegal immigrants). Inmates (with tracking anklets of course) who have good behavior could even become house help for the uber rich.

    The males can opt out of course - the can chose to have a vasectomy instead of having their DNA in a database.

    If you like this idea -
    Please help this go viral and get the word out to your friends, acquaintances, and state congresswomen and senators (feel free to send it via email or post on facebook -just please include a link to this post).

    We need to fight the absurd with the absurd since Republicans don't listen to facts, reason, or common sense.

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      You keep posting this. How about if those of us with sons just raise them to be thoughtful human beings?

      Don't post this and make it go viral.

    2. It's a parody. No one really thinks this is a good idea. Parodies often make brilliant points.

    3. Anonymous 7:04am -- of course I DON'T want to impose this - it is simply fighting the absurd with the absurd (as stated at the end of the post)!
      By pointing out that Republicans want to control only one half of the baby making process - women and suggesting something totally absurd in response but applying their "logic" to men - it will hopefully make the point that the right wing doesn't know what it's talking about and is specifically targeting women and limiting their choices and trying to control them.

      I have a great deal of respect for men (I'm married to a great guy, have 2 wonderful brothers and lots of male friends) -- I do NOT want to infringe on any one's freedoms or DNA or choices. So please read the last paragraph of my post - I think it makes it perfectly clear this is simply a parody.

  9. Anonymous5:57 AM

    i liked the idea that any man going to the doctor for viagra have a note from his wife that she knows and approves of him getting it.

  10. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Women should be livid at these things. They want to take women out of the workforce that is their job plan. They plan on jailing women for any kind of birth control if your a single mother you committed child abuse. These are already proposed laws. They are gutting public education so that will fall on women to somehow homeschool their minions of children. They already want child labor laws changed They will be taking children from women because of these stupid laws about births and birth control. Watch big Corporatiions will step up getting all kinds of money to train children. The sex trade will be booming. Stop and think about it a while why would they want every single egg to go to birth. why would they be against birth control enless that is the next cash crop.Why would they be making ita law that single parening is child abuse?Why would they be want to lessen the rape laws. Wht would that head of the catholic enity, (forgot his title) want to take on every abused victim so the catholic church won't have to pay out so much? why would they be gutting public education? It's now being a snob to want a college education. why would they be degrading women in this fashion. Children ARE THE NEXT CASH CROP FOR THE 1% AND CORPORATIONS. I'm afraid women will have to stand up and save themselves and the children fron slave labor and the corporations from using them for sex slaves. Look how this is going all over the world we have no resources left except child labor.

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      scarey thought but there is definitely some truth to that I've often thought the same thing! (Gingrich already said he wants students to work as janitors)

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:22 AM

      This is EXACTLY what I've been thinking, but you've put it into words for me, anon. I have no doubt that this is going on to some degree right now, but of course this type of sex slave horror will never make the MSM--unless it's some shadow-y "underground" foreign country scenario and NOT the innocent, benevolent, job-creatin' U.S. corporations. If the RWNJs somehow gain the WH in November, you can bet that child labor laws (along with birth control and choice) will be abolished soon after. IMO, single moms will be forced to give up their kids to an unknown quantity if they can't afford to raise them, the kids are "unruly" or tired at their 12-hour shifts, or Mom isn't "schoolin' them up right" after work (as determined by the National Church of Insanity). Women and children will be fighting a losing uphill battle, and I feel for anyone under the age of 25 or 30 if this nightmare happens. Think this sounds too dramatic? Who EVER thought that we'd be fighting to keep birth control LEGAL in the 21st Century?

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      To the republicans at the highest levels (IOW, all their decision-makers), everything, but everything, is about money, and nothing, but nothing, is about anything that is NOT money.

      This entire effort to strip away women's and children's rights is merely masquerading as a 'morality' parade, but in truth it is everything but. Inside this trojan horse, rather, is an agenda based on nothing other than cold, hard cash – and mountains of it, for the top levels of the 1 percent. How unfortunate that Christians (who should be the most discerning of all people) are not even bothering to investigate the inside of this (or any other) wolf in sheep's clothing, and instead jumping on the very bandwagon that will ultimately destroy them. Surely sex-trafficking of both women and children will be the most likely and earliest result of this agenda, but there will be countless other devastating results that will destroy families and lives nationwide.

      What we must address, ongoing, is who and what powers stand to gain financially from this assault. At its very core it is initiated and funded by ALEC, the Koch brothers, and multi-national corporations – not exactly a warm, fuzzy, or enlightened group of true Christians.

      Their total agenda is to lower American wages to the levels of those in third-world countries ASAP – so that they can have labor here that will cost them the same as labor anywhere else in the world, when it becomes more and more dangerous (and ultimately impossible) for them to continue having cheap labor everywhere else.


      Who is manufacturing the machines that will take the mandatory sonograms (GE??), and whose campaigns are they contributing to? Who owns the labs that will profit from mandatory drug testing and proposed mandated lab work for women? Who and what software companies will benefit when public education is no longer an option for most (the Bush family??)? Who and what entities will profit when birth control is no longer available? Whose campaigns are all these entities contributing to?

      Here is a list of the corporations involved in ALEC. Carry it with you, and remember it as you make every purchasing decision in your life:


      Here is a list, long enough to make your head spin, of the politicians who are bought and paid-for by ALEC. Carry it with you, and remember it every time you vote.


    4. Anonymous3:47 PM

      That's exactly their mission...if women can be kept out of the workplace,we will all have no choice but to be married in order to have food and shelter,with no access to contraception we'd be preggo all the time,and the Refucks could run things like they were 500 years ago.Domestic abuse,child abuse and rape would no longer be considered crimes,women who conceived out of wedlock would be outcasts,and women would go from their father's ownership to their husbands.FUCK THAT SHIT.

  11. O/T but fascinating site.


  12. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Sorry, Guys, but I'm just following Rush's Rules. If you want insurance to pay for your Viagra, we want to see the videos. Because Viagra does put your body through extra stress, in order for insurance to cover the cost, there should be a stress test and cardiogram, full prostate exam because the problem could be some blockage. Cystoscope (that's a tube up the penis) to make sure that the equipment can function with the blue pill. The names of those using Viagra will have to be available publicly so women can decide if they want to have sex with that guy. He just might be more than she is interested in. Turn about is fair play, or to put it another, way, sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hey everyone check out this guys rant about women, religion and the repubs trying to make our government into a theocracy. He hits it out of hte park. While you're there check out some of his other clip. Been a subscriber for quitwe a while now and he doesn't disappoint.

  15. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I just love this!!!! It is so funny on so many levels! Just imagine Dick Cheney sitting before the Viagra Board ... Well, actually that makes me a little uncomfortable, so how about the immigrant-bashing sheriff in Arizona or Todd Palin?!!

  16. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I accompany my husband to the doctor as he does me. That way, we can help one another remember what needs to be covered and what is said in return by the doctor.

    We are seniors. Sex is still an important part of our intimate relationship though erectile dysfunction has now become a reality for us. It affects not just the man, but also the couple. It can affect a man's self-esteem and put undue stress upon both partners.

    In railing against the injustice of the GOP War on Women, and it does exist and is truly outrageous, let us not demonize medications such as Viagra. It is not a drug just for promiscuous behavior. These medications can bring great joy to couples still eager to be able to physically express their love of one another.

    I hate the GOP's efforts to politicize and control a women's reproductive rights, but I also grieve for the reaction, however natural, to ridicule a man's need to address erectile dysfunction.

    I ask that we all rethink our reactions and focus solely upon the problem: the GOP's obsession with women's reproductive rights and the far-right Christian movement's desire to impose their narrow view of sexuality on everyone.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      I don't believe the issue is to demonize Viagra. It is the point and hypocrisy. A was traveling and met two gentleman, on was a repub. He was carrying on with the same rhetoric, including his views on not paying for women's birth control. When confronted by the Liberal, who asked if he took Viagra, or was on Medicare he became all flustered and defensive. The problem though he he still did not get the point.

  17. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I think ALL hetero women should declare a war on men and JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Good idea.If they want to take away our right too decide whether we get pregnant or not,then we'll take away their access to our bodies.It's only fair.

  18. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Remember the IPD song?
    THE I.P.D.
    by Faith Petrick

    I`ll sing you all a song about a wondrous new device
    The nation`s latest contraceptive plan
    That funny little object they call the IUD
    Has recently been changed to fit a man

    CHO: It`s the IPD, the IPD
    It may not feel too good to you but it`s not hurting me
    So every time the pain begins to fill your eyes with tears
    Remember I put up with it for years

    They tested it on whales and they tried it out on mice
    They used it in the poorer parts of town
    It`s the cleverest invention since the automatic lift
    It`s guaranteed to never let you down (CHO)

    It was proven to be safe for the average human male
    Though testing showed some minor side effects
    There were two died of infection and six were sterilized
    But only ten percent were too depressed (CHO)

  19. Anita Winecooler9:03 PM

    It's about having control over a woman's body, life and livelihood, and has little to do with birth control. We need to elect more women into office.
    The ladies in the first row all have my vote ;o)

  20. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The irony of men making so many decisions about birth control and abortion is that *they're* the ones who initiate sex 75% of the time...


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