Thursday, March 22, 2012

Study determines that political conservatism is the product of low effort thought. They needed a study to recognize this?

This comes to us from the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin:

The authors test the hypothesis that low-effort thought promotes political conservatism. In Study 1, alcohol intoxication was measured among bar patrons; as blood alcohol level increased, so did political conservatism (controlling for sex, education, and political identification). In Study 2, participants under cognitive load reported more conservative attitudes than their no-load counterparts. In Study 3, time pressure increased participants’ endorsement of conservative terms. In Study 4, participants considering political terms in a cursory manner endorsed conservative terms more than those asked to cogitate; an indicator of effortful thought (recognition memory) partially mediated the relationship between processing effort and conservatism. Together these data suggest that political conservatism may be a process consequence of low-effort thought; when effortful, deliberate thought is disengaged, endorsement of conservative ideology increases. 

Well this certainly puts things into perspective, don't you think?

And if you are a conservative I apologize for what must seem like a mocking question.


  1. Olivia6:26 AM

    This is precisely why conservatives are trying to gut education and science. Gotta get rid of those damned scientific studies.

    1. And spelling.

      We don't need no stinking spelling

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Funny, because all the conservatives/republicans I speak to all have very specific and intellectual reasons for why they believe what they believe. Liberals on the other hand merely say things like, "it's so wrong" or "why dont they just..." Liberals in my experience rely on cliches, personal bias and soundbites to back their opinions.

    I'm not being snarky, the above is an accurate representation of the two groups in my discussions with them. Think about it. When was the last time you read something of value on a liberal blog that WASNT some poorly research soundbite and not a democratic cliche?

    1. I take it you have never heard of Rachel Maddow?

      Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post that will effectively scuttle your allegation.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:38 AM

      Dr. Maddow, Gryph.

      In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics from Oxford University.

    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Let's see. It's so wrong that G.W. Bush took our country into a war with Iraq under false pretenses that there were WMD's when there were NOT. I stayed abreast of the matter during that time and if I were in Congress there is no way I would have voted for that invasion. NO WAY. After billions of dollars wasted on nothing, yea it IS soooo wrong. Why don't the republicans leave Obama's birth certificate issue alone?? It's a waste of time to argue about that. Isn't there more pressing issues that need to be addressed? So what part of this conversation is a poorly researched soundbite. I can send you info on why there were no WMD's and what is a democratic cliche??

      A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.
      Franklin D. Roosevelt
      i.e. War on Women

      A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.
      Franklin D. Roosevelt
      i.e Ronnie said trees pollute.

      A reactionary is a somnambulist walking backwards.
      Franklin D. Roosevelt
      i.e. Obama is--muslim, terrorist, not American.

      Art is not a treasure in the past or an importation from another land, but part of the present life of all living and creating peoples.
      Franklin D. Roosevelt
      i.e speaks for itself.

      But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.
      Franklin D. Roosevelt
      i.e. It is a fact that Obama is turning the economy around. FACT

      Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.
      Franklin D. Roosevelt
      i.e. U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA-plus thanks to low information tea bagger congress.

      I can go on....

    4. Anonymous7:46 AM

      the conservatives/republicans I speak to all have very specific and intellectual reasons for why they believe what they believe.

      Having very specific and intellectual reasons for why one believes what one believes generally happens after the belief is formed. The process is called "rationalization".

      O/T: When will personhood begin for women?

    5. Anonymous7:49 AM

      How do you explain Sarah Palin? Do you think she´s an energy expert?

      Seriously, I want to know.

      FYI, I am a conservative who married a liberal. We met when we were junior officers in the USN.

    6. Anonymous7:49 AM

      I feel sorry for you 7:26 AM. You obviously are the lying troll so no one believes anything you say anyway. You are pathetic. You should feel lucky Gryphen allows your lies to go through moderation.

    7. Olivia7:50 AM

      Projection much? You are exactly describing conservative/republican rhetoric.
      Sorry, it's so wrong because you are full of shit. Why don't you just...go play with your Santorum?

    8. Anonymous7:54 AM

      "I'm not being snarky, the above is an accurate representation of the two groups in my discussions with them."

      Yeah right liar. No one believes you have "discussions" with "Liberals" and if you did there's no way they are "accurate descriptions" unless you are only talking to low info "liberals". I wish Gryphen would scuttle you permanently. We know who you are. You should consider yourself privileged that you are even allowed to post your nonsense lies here.

    9. Anonymous8:00 AM

      This is yet even more confirmation of what everyone already knows. Conservatives are dumb low-information voters who rely on "feelings" instead of their brains. They don't use logic. They only care about how they "feel". They are like children. It's really quite a pathetic world view if you think about it. In the end, I feel sorry for Republicans. They're too stupid to know they're stupid. Why do you think Republicans want to destroy public education? They WANT people to be stupid so they will vote for them. This is pretty well established by now.

    10. Anonymous8:02 AM

      @ anon@7:26 a.m.

      You do realize that "because (my)God (preacher, versions o religious script) said so" may be specific, but it is in no way intellectual.

    11. laprofesora8:08 AM

      "Specific and intellectual reasons"

      Like creationism?

    12. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Interesting because I am a former Republican female and I can tell you in three words why I no longer support any conservative/Republican candidates. They're fucking nuts.

      I too speak to conservatives as many inhabit my own family. The way I speak to them is ...very, very slowly. Otherwise they don't understand.

      I can say without a doubt that the conservatives in my family are motivated by race and race alone. Many of them are so disengaged from reality that they accept food stamps and energy assistance while railing on and on about entitlements. The burns.

    13. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I have lived all over the country, mostly in liberal areas with a lot of universities. Now I live in a crazy red state.
      There have been numerous studies showing that liberals are more educated in the basics - reading, math and science. This isn't about college as I do have smart friends who did not go to college. Although most of my friends did. I find that conservatives cut down college degrees and people with higher education. I have my theories why, but I won't go there.

      I do not think all conservatives are dumb though. There are some very articulate smart ones that I just happen to disagree with. David Frum and Kathleen Parker are two that come to mind quickly. Note that both of them think Sarah Palin is a complete joke and harmful to the conservative movement.

      Very interesting Gryphen. There was another study you posted about in the last six months that said Fox news viewers were less informed about world events. I think that is what it said.

    14. Anonymous8:53 AM

      If anyone missed this, the Palin/McCain ticket LOST. EPIC FAIL as is said. Ever wonder how that could be?

      Fact-checking Sarah Palin, who "knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America."

      If this election is about judgment, then John McCain should lose in a landslide. He said of his V.P. pick, “She knows more about energy than probably anyone else in the United States of America.”

    15. Anonymous9:27 AM

      AnonymousMar 22, 2012 07:26 AM
      "Funny, because all the conservatives/republicans I speak to all have very specific and intellectual reasons for why they believe what they believe."


      ever hangout with the locals on knik goosebay road ?

    16. "When was the last time..." minute ago, right before I came here. And previous to that, just about all the time. It's a proven fact that righties and lefties thing differently, and that righties respond more to their amygdalae and lefties are able to use higher thinking rather than mere fear emotion.

    17. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

      after reading this post, AnonymousMar 22, 2012 07:26 AM chimes in to prove how true it is.

      I'd be embarrassed for you, but I'm too busy laughing AT you.

      Really, think about it! Bwaaaahhhhaaa!

    18. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Dear Anonymous ~ In reply to one of your first posts ... Liberals say thinks such as "it's so wrong" because attacking someone personally (as opposed to sticking to their political views) doesn't come as easy to us as it does to conservatives. Simply, it's our way of BEING POLITE!

  3. Sally in MI6:39 AM

    "low-effort thought," "effortful, deliberate thought is disengaged," "considering political terms in a cursory manner." Gosh, every one of those describes our heroine perfectly, dontcha think? Add in alcohol and potential drug abuse, and what else would she be but a conservative?

  4. They fall back on simple answers and faith; it’s easier than examining the complexities of life. If they follow conventional thinking, they’re less likely to have to defend themselves. See also laziness, lack of curiosity, and cowardice.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Bumper stickers and faith in myths.

      Home schooled public relations and journalism with Bristol. The IAMANDREWBREITBART movement. Iconic leadership.

      Part II:
      It was September 2011. I was traveling to Nashua, NH to meet James at an AFP fundraiser he was headlining with Andrew Breitbart. James contacted me the night before about a couple of video projects he needed my help with immediately. When I arrived, James could barely wait to tell me about his new schemes. “We’re going to punk the journalists and take down the main stream media establishment”, he said.

    2. Thanks for that link, that James guy sounds about as bad as Todd Palin.

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Clearly Scarah is attracted to similar types. Remember Brad Hanson? I am sure there is a list somewhere of the others. As a biological parent to some of her children she seems to be taking them down the same path.

  5. TongueFirmlyInCheek7:17 AM

    And I think American should be our official language and whomever is holding that sign should be deported for misspelling "liar".

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      LOL! This is very funny: "American should be our official language" LMAO Someone would say that!

  6. Name one right wing economic writer comparable to Paul Krugman of the New York Times. If you think his thoughts are "cliches" you are an idiot.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      You know I have seen the conservatives criticize Krugman too and I think he is brilliant. I also think Robert Reich, who is an economist is brilliant. I can't even think of a single conservative economist myself, but I am sure a few exist somewhere.

      It is obvious that there economic policies DO NOT WORK. Taxes are at all time low (personal taxes) and do you see the "job creators" creating a ton of jobs? Did you see great economic success under Bush or Reagan. It seems to me that conservatives IGNORE basic economics and facts. They keep pushing for lower and lower taxes thinking it will stimulate the economy. It won't. They STILL to this day think trickle down economics is the answer to our economic problems, and it simply does not work. They ignore factual data.

  7. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Intelligent conservatives don't have an argument anymore. They used to be the fiscally responsible ones and the Dems were the tax and spend ones. Well they had Ol' Ronnie raise the deficit and taxes and when Bill came in and cleaned up the mess working together with congress, it was too much for them to take. They had to get rid of Bill because he upset their meme about Dems. Then W came in and implemented his heinous fiscal agenda that informed the low-informed that yippee your getting a tax break because that's what conservatives do. Of course they didn't go deeper into the matter and explain to the average Repub that there was no counterbalance to pay for those wonderful tax breaks!
    The main problem with conservative thought is me, me, me and everyone else is the other getting away on the government dime. That is the overall kind of thinking that I find with Rebubs. My sister-in-law said she didn't care about anything else that W did all she knew was she was that her paycheck was bigger because she was paying less taxes. Hey that's well and good NObody wants to bay more taxes. It's ridiculous to think anyone would. Just like abortion. NObody wants abortion but it's part of life. There is no black and white. If that's all you can comprehend then you will continue to latch onto the simplest bumper sticker phrase or sound bite that makes you feel justified in your thinking.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Intelligent conservatives have been burned.

      We will vote for the incumbent.

      Twenty years ago President Obama would have been considered a Republican. Fact.

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      NO, it's not ridiculous to be wiling to pay more taxes - it all depends on what those taxes are FOR.

      I would be more than willing to:
      pay more for better education, not just or my children, but or my future fellow citizens (all children) - and I mean REAL education as in liberal arts and sciences, not just job training. And critical thinking, not just teaching to the state bubble test.

      I would certainly be willing to pay more taxes for a decent reliable mass transit system, trains, buses, trolley and bike paths, as well as high speed rail and mono rail.

      I would certainly be willing to pay more in taxes by shifting my private corporate insurance premiums to universal single payer tax-supported health care.

      I would also be wiling to pay more in taxes for R&D /conversion of polluting forms of energy to cleaner ones.

      I would also be wiling to pay more in taxes for services and establishment of more open space and national parkland.

      I would be willing to pay more in taxes for services like community pools and park programs.

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Hear, hear! That is my hope for the future of this country!!

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    So why did the Pentagon try to scrub ...

    o-t A second Pentagon official acknowledged that one of the reasons for the delay in releasing Bales' name was to remove references to his Army service from the Internet. But when Army Maj. Nidal Hasan was arrested in the deadly shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009, the Pentagon released his name immediately.
    Several former military officers said they were perplexed that the Army would try to remove information that already had been public. One called it "unusual."

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      It's called CYA cuz a white guy went nuts instead of a Muslim one.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      The DoD and Pentagon have a grand propaganda machine. They are the best at scrubbing and misinformation. Remember Tillman and Lynch, too many others to say.

  9. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I don't think that there is any conservative thought any more. There may have been at one time but the traditional conservatives sold their souls when they chose Sarah Palin to be the Republican running mate in 2008. Remember the Alaska cruise or cruises during which conservative operatives were first smitten with Sarah Palin? Then, after the debacle that was the 2008 election for John McCain, they chose to give up any chance of redeeming their souls by creating the tea baggers and let them do the damage. Shameful!

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      You are wrong.

      I am a thinking conservative.

      I think the current conservative thought is so far to the right it is falling off the planet.

      And I think our party has been hijacked by ass clowns.

    2. Olivia3:23 PM

      I have always believed that we need both right and left ideological viewpoints in our discourse to make a reasonable middle ground that we can use to function optimally. I used to know several thinking conservatives. Sadly, they have retreated into the background, either shouted down by the wackos in their midst or embarrassed to admit publicly that their once respected position has been so badly warped by twisted minds.

  10. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Conservatism is a disease that must be eradicated. It is a cancer on America and a threat to our democracy.

    1. But if we didn't have evil, we couldn't have good. Also, NONE of us mortals are all good nor all evil all of the time (even $P).

      Bill Maher said it SO well:

      An excerpt:

      The answer to whenever another human being annoys you is not “make them go away forever.” We need to learn to coexist, and it’s actually pretty easy to do. For example, I find Rush Limbaugh obnoxious, but I’ve been able to coexist comfortably with him for 20 years by using this simple method: I never listen to his program. The only time I hear him is when I’m at a stoplight next to a pickup truck.

      When the lady at Costco gives you a free sample of its new ham pudding and you don’t like it, you spit it into a napkin and keep shopping. You don’t declare a holy war on ham.

      I don’t want to live in a country where no one ever says anything that offends anyone. That’s why we have Canada. That’s not us. If we sand down our rough edges and drain all the color, emotion and spontaneity out of our discourse, we’ll end up with political candidates who never say anything but the safest, blandest, emptiest, most unctuous focus-grouped platitudes and cant. In other words, we’ll get Mitt Romney.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      The far right is a threat to our democracy - not conservatism. I understand where you are coming from, however.

      I hate it, too, when someone attacks my daughter.

    3. Anonymous10:02 AM

      You're right. I should have said extreme far right conservatism.

  11. laprofesora8:05 AM

    Okay, I've never admitted this to anyone, but when someone says they're a conservative or an R, I automatically assume they're not very smart. I know that's not right, and I'm not proud of it, but the conservatives I've met have had no higher education and quite frankly, don't appear very intelligent. It just seemed to be a natural conclusion.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Me too.....

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      I´ve read many of your comments. You are too smart to think like that, laprofesora.

      (I admit sometimes I think the same)

      A conservative for Obama.

  12. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Cons rely on lies, distortion, misinformation, projection, deflection, and propaganda to get people to vote for them.
    Liberals simply use the truth and facts. They don't have to lie because reality is on their side. That's what drives cons crazy.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      You are confusing conservatives for evangelicals.

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      No, he's not...conservatives who don't openly proclaim any religion use the exact same tactics....look at Coulter, for instance.

  13. Dinty8:20 AM

    OT: Ann Coulter thinks it's time to go after Sasha and Malia Obama:

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:45 AM

      O HELL NO!

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      That really is sick. She disgusts me on so many levels even if she does think Palin is a con artist.. They are great kids, happy and well adjusted. Leave them alone ASSHOLES. And please do not compare to the Palins. They had a reality show for God's sake and there is another one coming. Bristol was on DWTS with a huge belly growing each week. When you put yourself out there like that, you have to expect criticism. That is just the way it is. The Obamas protect their children. Most politicians are smart enough to do this. Sarah is a celebrity- big difference!

  14. Anonymous8:23 AM

    " blood alcohol level increased, so did political conservatism..."

    Are you sure about that? Drinking more never seemed to make me communicate better with the prohibitionists. :)

  15. Anonymous8:30 AM

    We always need to prove what we know.

  16. eclecticsandra8:37 AM

    The introduction to the article indicates three components of conservative tendencies. These are interesting and seem to intensify when thought is marginalized. 1. Attribution to persons (it's because of who is President), 2. Submission to hierarchy (my pastor said it was so), and 3. Preference for status quo (don't change the rules or the game). These should help in approaching those who "think" conservatively.

  17. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Is this why our silly troll repeats the same tired incorrect lines over and over and over and over again?? In 2012, she sometimes wrote 30 posts in one article here on IM.

    This is VERIFIABLE! FACT!!

  18. Anonymous9:07 AM

    A way with words

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      To many werds.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:11 PM

      LOL @ 10:24!




    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:30 PM

      The column by William Bigelow begins by mocking President Obama for advocating public discourse “that doesn’t involve you being demeaned and insulted. Particularly when you’re a private citizen.” Bigelow then makes the argument that there is a legal basis for Fluke to be considered a public figure. He cites a Supreme Court opinion in the case of Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc., which addressed the standards of libel for defamatory statements. In refuting the representation of Fluke as a private citizen, Bigelow wrote…

      “According to the Supreme Court in Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. (1974), public figures include those who ‘have thrust themselves into the forefront of particular public controversies in order to influence the resolution of the issues involved … they invite attention and comment.’”

      Consistent with the Breitbartian proclivity for misrepresentation and taking edited content out of context, Bigelow deliberately quoted a brief portion of the opinion that described a commonly held view of what might constitute a public figure, but he left out the conclusive language that found that the plaintiff was not, in fact, a public person:

      “We would not lightly assume that a citizen’s participation in community and professional affairs rendered him a public figure for all purposes. Absent clear evidence of general fame or notoriety in the community, and pervasive involvement in the affairs of society, an individual should not be deemed a public personality for all aspects of his life.”

      It is not the least bit surprising that Bigelow chose this particular case with which to deceive his readers. The plaintiff, Elmer Gertz, was an attorney who had represented the family of man who was murdered by a Chicago police officer. The respondent, Robert Welch, Inc., is better known as the John Birch Society, a virulently racist and McCarthyesque anti-communist organization. I’m sure that the Breitbrats have a great affinity for the Birchers.

      Next Bigelow makes a bold attempt to assert that Sarah Palin is not a public figure. Seriously! Sarah Palin, who was governor of Alaska and a candidate for Vice-President of the United States. Sarah Palin who is currently a Fox News political analyst and still floats hints of running for office. Bigelow contends that “Palin was just as much a private citizen as Fluke,” because she is no longer a governor. Sometimes the addled logic of these cretins is physically painful.


      WOW!! Thanks for posting the link, @10:07! ;)

  19. Anonymous9:21 AM

    This only stands to reason. After all, how much effort does it take to keep thinking the same thing as matter of maintaining the status quo on someone else's terms?

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:15 PM

      Great comment! Succinct yet poignant!

      Also, can't forget the "ostracization" factor of not being, um..."connected"(?) to your most beloved (i.e. your parents, siblings, extended family) in such an intimate way.

      Being joined in religion and politics gives a Huge sense of self-worth, community, pride - even if it's all built on sand. Once you learn to think for yourself, you may see many of those relationships die.

  20. Anonymous9:30 AM

    \durp durp and freedom. 3 THumbs up!1!

  21. This musta been the same guy who spelled morans.

  22. Anonymous10:17 AM

    me too

  23. Ask any reichwing bagger how the President is destroying the Country, and all you here are crickets.
    And of course it's low effort thinking. They really can't think for themselves. All they know is that the President is black, and that's a good reason to hate him.

    1. Olivia3:29 PM

      I agree. It is about racism an nothing else. Lately I have been responding to the wacko emails about the President and his vile plans to destroy America, religion and then the world in the only way these people comprehend. The following is my emailed response:

      Is my interpretation correct?"

  24. Gasman12:43 PM

    Shorter study: conservatives are morons.


  25. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Those on the far-far-right can't offer any reason for their political opinions other than "cuz the Bible sez so","cuz Murriker ia a Christian nation","cuz it's whut God wants",etc.They don't like the idea of thinking for themselves,that's why they blindly follow regressives like Santorum and Palin-under that kind of leadership,there'd be someone to tell them what to do,what not to do,what to think,say,or believe.They prefer someone else to think for them,hence their dependence on fundamentalist religion.

  26. Anonymous5:19 PM

    To put in more simpler terms and to boil it down to make more understanding to the mentally challenge, far right conservatives =low IQ. Sorry, but are there any studies out there that proves I'm wrong? I didn't think so.

  27. I'm a (moderate) conservative and I'll vote for a conservative who earns my respect. Haven't seen one recently. Voted for Obama, and expect to again.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.