Friday, March 16, 2012

Meghan McCain calls Bristol Palin out for her book of lies in Playboy interview.

Now I am NOT one of those liberals who gives Meghan McCain a pass just because she is sometimes painfully honest, or writes for the Daily Beast, or because Rachel Maddow has a platonic girl crush on her.  However one of Meghan McCain's best features is that she does not have much of a filter, and sometimes she says very interesting things, that others (except of course Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace), refuse to say about their experiences with that crazy hillbilly family from Wasilla.

From McCain's Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: Bristol Palin took shots at you and your mom in her memoir, saying, “I’ve never seen people with so much Louis Vuitton luggage, so many cell phones, and so many constant helpers to do hair and makeup.” What would you say if you bumped into her? 

MCCAIN: I did bump into her at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, actually. I saw her across the room. That girl biffed it fast, totally took off. All that stuff she wrote was a total lie. I have, like, one Louis Vuitton purse. She’s just young and confused and was thrust into all this. The media aren’t kind to her. But once someone signs up for Dancing With the Stars, it’s hard to sympathize.

Run away and hide behind ghostwritten books, carefully scripted favorable interviews, and now ghostwritten blog posts.  The acorn certainly does not fall far from the gnarled old tree now does it?

You know this suddenly reminds me that the Palins have a rather unfortunate history with Playboy magazine. That is where Sadie was also able to tell a couple of inconvenient truths about Bristol, Sarah, and the rest of the Palin clan

And considering the Grizzled Mama's response then, one can only imagine how she will respond to this latest perceived attack on the Palin mythology.


  1. Off topic - check Geoffrey Dunn's latest at HuffPo - I don't agree with what he has said at all - my comments over there - mild as they are - don't seem to make it past the censor.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      I don't agree with Dunn because he was told a number of tall tales, tales he included in his book. The book may hold some importance, but it's not too accurate if you consider truth. He still professes to know what drives her. Distortion.

    2. Anonymous8:14 AM

      HP is a disgusting place now days. Almost every comment is censored.

    3. Anonymous9:48 AM

      To 8:25....Please be specific about Geoffrey Dunn's "tall tales"

    4. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Mitt Romney is not going to allow a brokered convention. End of story. Sarah Palin will be in a strait jacket by 2016. For realz.

    5. Anonymous1:06 PM

      I disagreed with Dunn as well. Palin has damaged her own credibility so much that even the far right in her own party don't want her on the ticket. There's no opening for her at a brokered convention, or even in 2016, when all of the Republican stars who have been warming the bench are going to want in.

      And despite what she and her defenders think, it wasn't the 2008 campaign that did her in. It was the resignation, the death panels, the long series of incoherent Fox interviews, the reality shows, the blood libel, the shameless begging and manipulating her followers for money, the mean girl antics.

      She's long sense destroyed any "leadership" position she may have had in the party. All that's left is for the scandals to surface and there will be nothing left.

      I bet she can barely remember the days when thousands of people were chanting her name. Meanwhile Obama can still draw that many people in any state in the nation, even the deep red ones.

  2. (H/T Ahem)

    Why is Playboy choosing sides?

    Clearly they have an Anti Palin agenda! Interviewing Meghan, and a photoshoot for Sadie? Fact!

    If they didn't have an Anti-Palin axe to grind then they would have offered a photoshoot to Bristol. After all, Bristol has such natural beauty. ( even after jaw Realignment surgery)

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      How do you know that they didn't ask her?

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      I would bet dollars to donuts Bristol has been offered a spread in playboy. I would bet more dollars that they'd pay Sarah Palin millions to pose, even if it weren't fully nude.

      I don't think it's merely an ax to grind. Look at what the publication is. An outlet for people to jack off. They take sad sacks from small towns ,pay them money to pose naked, and capitalize off the sleeze factor. They know what rakes in dollars. Big names or people connected to big names. Meghan is the former, Sadie is the latter. Truth isn't considered in any publication, regardless of sleeze factor. ALL ABOUT MONEY.

    3. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Bristol did have TWO centerfold offer that she turned down

      One from USA Tenet and Awning, to model their 2012 spring line

      And one from Cattle Ranchers magazine as the prize heifer of the year in 2011

    4. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Bristol, 8:15AM, is not Playboy material. And 8:28AM, have you ever seen a Playboy bunny with a wonky eye? Sarah is not even Hustler material, a magazine that openly offers famous women one million dollars to pose.

      While we´re on the subject, Bristol is not Levi Johnston wife material, and Sarah was not Curtis Menard wife material.

    5. Cracklin Charlie9:06 AM

      8 38


    6. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Bristol's trolls are out early today.

    7. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Hon, there isn't a powerful enough version of Photoshop to get rid of the crap covering either of the Palin women. Any photo editor would bust a computer with the capabilities of Big Blue in a heart beat.

    8. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Bristol is not beautiful, she looks ridiculous with that plastic surgery, that long chin.

    9. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Anon 8:15 AM & 8:28 AM.

      Bristol NOR Sarah would never get a call from Playboy. Bristol is too dumpy, and Sarah, they would have to do too much airbrushing, because of all that cellulite.

      Neither are Playboy material.

    10. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Hey Anonymous 8:28, your writing is at a 5th grade level. I just did a test on it Brooklyn/Bristol/April/Willow/Bristol. So how did that home schooling GED work out for you.

      And no not all home schooling is bad, but in Wasilla, they seem to graduate without basic knowledge of science, English, history or much else.

    11. Anita Winecooler5:31 PM

      So many trolls, let me just pick one as an example

      AnonymousMar 16, 2012 08:28 AM


      I would have to respectfully ask for my donuts. Don't know if you've ever opened a Playboy, but it's relatively soft core as porn goes, and it does have some interesting articles and interviews.
      So Meghan is some "sad sack" from a small town who needs money? (She is posing- thankfully in clothes) with an ax to grind over a movie she says she never saw.
      Patty Davis (Daughter of Saint Ronald Raygun and his LOVELY wife, "Just Say No! Nancy) posed totally naked, is she some "sad sack" from a small town?
      Sadie's photospread was very tastefully done.

      The only "sad sacks" from a small town are Sarah and Bristol, and with them it's all about money.

    12. How do I know they didn't ask her???????

      The grifter Acorn doesn't fall far from the Grifter tree.

      She'd jump all over the 3,000$ Payboy offers faster than a Big Mac tossed into the back seat by Boyfriend DuJour!

  3. I laughed my head off yesterday when I saw that when it was linked through twitter from John Dean!! Remember him from the Nixon era?

    OT Someone needs to hook up Andy Almon (Willows boyfriend for years) with a national magazine. According to his Facebook, he is now single.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I thought they were engaged.

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Who is Willow engaged to now? Do you know?

  4. Anonymous6:47 AM

    This is random but the more Geoff Dunn writes about what he thinks is Sarah's plan, the more he proves he doesn't know her MO or her. She has said confidently for 2 years that 1. her opinion on candidates doesn't mean much 2. that she's happiest without a title

    If she wanted to swoop in and take a brokered convention, she's sound confident about that. She is not and does not want to. Her voice is best used the way she's using it and she knows that. There's no one in her family who is actually pushing her to run. They support her yes, because they're intelligent enough to see the serious problems in another Obama presidency, problems many democrats I talk to currently see.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Discredited your comment based on using 'Palin family' and 'intelligent' in the same paragraph. Not happening.

    2. I liked Geoff Dunn's book - just didn't like the current post - he needs to stay away from the Sea of P.- He's catching something I fear.

      All presidents have to face problems - you who are too scared to even use a false name - should be scared out of your wits with even the thought of Palin in charge. Her voice is best when she shuts up - the word salad that comes out sounds awful and is incomprehensible - as for her "family" sorry but the dysfunction of same probably means they can't decide if they are for her or against her.

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      For your further use: "Democrats" is capitalized.
      Also, to use Democrat as an adjective is ungrammatical -- a simple-minded ploy thought up by some right-wing "think tank" a few years ago. It's "Democratic" if it defines the object.
      A "Democrat" is a noun.

    4. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Even with whatever the perceived "problems" with this administration are (the largest one, of course, being a Republican congress that is doing everything in its power to limit our President's success, even at the expense of our economy), the REAL question is would a Gingrich/Santorum/Romney administration be better or WORSE?

      Unfortunately, having watched the primaries unfold, there's not a single one of 'em that strikes me as more competent and trustworthy than what we have. The republicans have utterly FAILED to prove they are in any way deserving of power and just like in 2008, I refuse to validate that level of incompetence and idiocy.

      I'm not in love with Obama, but what choice has the other side given me? NONE.

    5. SarahPalinsOwner9:07 AM

      "This is random"
      Troll giveaway.

    6. You have 'selective hearing' regarding Palin. In reality she makes conflicting and contradictory statements and actions. It is a manipulative tactic known as keeping people knocked off balance.

      You are correct that Palin said those things. It is also factual she made contradictory statements. Her calculated games are purposeful to pit people against one another. You may leap to the conclusion I or some people "lie" about her. Dunn examines her conflicting statements. Truth is good
      listeners hear her and listen to all she says.

      This is patterns of behavior of her personality. Such people are masters while controlling people to believe one thing about them to cast those who heard the contradictions as the liars and play "I am being attacked!" to manipulate people to be rescuers. Alas people who hear and speak up the master manipulator also said ABC are cast further as "haters" and "evil".

      One more thing: it is an emotiional roller coaster (see C4p) for those needing to believe. Each time the manipulator throws people iff balance it is always someone elses fault for "attacks" which are often verbatim statements. Humans ignore people cast as 'haters amd liars' enabling a calculating amd diabolical personality to have more power over them. Tragic

    7. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I highly doubt you talk to Democrats "Brooklyn" and how funny your post is for other reasons. You never stop posting do you? It really is a sickness. Shailey Tripp's blog seems to say your IP address is from Wasilla and you post under many names. I believe she even said Lake Lucille. Is that true?

    8. Anonymous10:50 AM

      "This is random" is a sign you are our troll. You realize that Gryphen tracks our IP addresses, don't you? And he can see how many times you post the same drivel ? You are so unoriginal.

    9. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

      This is random

      Don't be that person who keeps losing "Bingo" by forgetting to fill in "free space"!

      This is True.

  5. lucky strike7:03 AM

    I've just bookmarked this blog! Please keep the revelations about the hillbillies from Wasilla a-comin!!

    7:47 am, Sarah Palin will not (ever) take the Republican nomination for the presidency for 2 reasons--she's far too lazy to do the work it entails for campaigning, let alone the job itself, and she's smart (ugh) enough to realize that the "lame stream media" would rightfully tear her ignorant self to shreds...if you think 2008 was bad, imagine her in a position where she'd have to do NUMEROUS interviews with multiple outlets, campaign in places she doesn't consider "Real America", and debate candidates light years ahead of her in intelligence and experience! NEVER gonna happen!

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      I bookmarked this blog along time ago.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Yeah, well I bookmarked this blog a really long time ago. I cleaned my room. Also.

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      lucky strike, Palin is not smart. Her IQ is 83.

    4. lucky strike11:57 AM

      I'm not sure why the responses to me were snarky...did I not make it clear I'm on your side? Can't stand this shrewish harpy any more than you guys!

    5. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Some may be trolls trying to stir the pot.

    6. Thenorwegianblue3:16 PM

      Welcome, lucky strike!

  6. Anonymous7:06 AM

    "God's Will"?: Sarah Palin's Secret Plot to Capture the White House in 2012

    Anyone who has watched Sarah Palin closely in recent months can only marvel at the "magical thinking" she embraces with respect to the potential outcome of the Republican Party primary for president. It's clear that Palin still has her sights set on the White House for 2012.

    In an interview with Sean Hannity in February, she declared:

    [A] brokered convention, I wouldn't be afraid of that. The electorate shouldn't be afraid of that. That's a continuation of the process, and competition that perhaps would be, in the end, very good for our party, and good for the cause of defending our republic.

    In her widely reported interview with CNN on Super Tuesday, she openly stated that she would consider accepting the nomination at a brokered GOP convention:

    'Anything is possible. I don't close any doors that perhaps would be open out there, so, no, I wouldn't close that door. My plan is to be at that convention.'

    It's a line she has uttered repeatedly ever since her ill-fated candidacy as John McCain's running mate in 2008. To most casual observers of the American political process, even Republicans, this would seem to border on the delusional. Her favorability rating among the general populace is now staggeringly low. In many circles, she is a laughingstock or a punch line. She didn't even bother to enter the primaries. Even Ann Coulter has now turned against her.

    But a close look at Palin's recent activities and statements -- and, most significantly, the writings of her acolytes -- reveals that she is still plotting to take the White House in 2012. Take a look at the video she released last month on her website entitled "Chords of Memory," which links Palin's image with those of Lincoln and Reagan.

    Palin has been consistent about four things since she announced her decision not to enter the Republican primaries last October:

    1) She has strongly and vociferously attacked GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney;

    2) She has embraced the idea of an endless primary season and has encouraged all four of the remaining candidates to stay in the race -- her sole purpose being the outcome of a brokered GOP convention in Tampa;

    3) She has continued with her obsessive assault on Barack Obama, positioning herself as the "anti-Obama" among the conservative Republican base;

    4) And, as noted above, she has made it clear now on several occasions that she is "open" to accepting the GOP nomination in Tampa.

    At least one source close to the Palin family in Wasilla, Alaska, has confirmed that Palin "still believes it is God's will" that she serve as president, if not in 2012 then perhaps in 2016. Every move she has made in recent months -- every attack on Romney and Obama, every push for an elongated primary, every speculation about an open convention -- has been issued with this political calculation in mind.

    In the aftermath of the devastating portrayal of Palin in HBO's Game Change, Palin's once-close political associate in Alaska, the good-government activist Andree McLeod, told me yesterday:

    'People can laugh all they want, but she ain't done...

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      It was "God's will" that McCain lost to President Obama in 2008.

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Mar 16, 2012 08:06 AM________ At least one source close to the Palin family in Wasilla, Alaska, has confirmed that Palin "still believes it is God's will" that she serve as president, if not in 2012 then perhaps in 2016.

      Religious freaks are not going to stop. That guy who tells us the dates the world is ending and misses the mark, he keeps revising and coming back. Bristol has been indoctrinated since birth and no way will she ever get rid of those shackles. After they are exposed and where they belong, maybe, I can feel sorry for her. Now they are too dangerous. Too bad media can't address their cult issues.

    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      She said it was God's will for McCain/Palin to win in 2008. The woman is a charlatan.

    4. Anonymous9:44 AM

      If it was God's will for McCain/Palin to win, they would not have lost.

      She is so ridiculous.

    5. Anonymous10:03 AM

      'People can laugh all they want, but she ain't done...

      Someone, please, for the love of everything, please put a fork in her. It's like Night of the Living Dead. She'll never go away.

    6. Anonymous10:09 AM

      I'm sorry but anyone who refers to Palin as "religious" has not been watching closely.

    7. Olivia10:09 AM

      She also said that God won't let the wrong people win so ya gotta give her that.

      Oh yeah, almost forgot...

    8. Anonymous10:49 AM

      One wonders how long the powers behind the scenes are going to let her fan the flames when even John McCain is talking openly about the damage that is being done to the party. Are they ignoring her because she's become an irrelevant buzzing gnat in the background? Dare we hope they will pull out the big guns to take her down once and for all, if she continues to not get the hints? (Dare we hope that orange jumpsuits might be involved? For the toad pimp as well?)

    9. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Night of the Living Dead - that is hysterical. I really wish someone from the GOP would shut her down completely. Come on Karl Rove - little swipes are simply not going to do it!

    10. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      That was a fascinating read, and exactly the same words Dunn used in his huff po blog post.

      I'm impressed!

  7. She feels she has to support Daddy. I understand that.

    I like her and think she’s very attractive. If she sometimes has different opinions from me… it’s a free country. She’s not targeting gullible rubes.

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Why don't you think she's being sincere? Notice Steve Schmidt had no retort for her book. Of course she supports her father. John McCain is a good man and would probably have been a good president.

    2. Anonymous8:08 AM

      She's a Republican phony.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:56 AM

      John McCain is a fucking scumbag who cheated on his first wife who was "broken" after a terrible accident.

      He traded her in for a younger, RICHER woman (Meghan's pill-popping mom).

      Oh, yeah, too-

      McCain chose CAREER OVER COUNTRY by unleashing the shitstorm that is sarah palin and her entire undeducated Klan.

      Your opinion of McCain is deluded. He is a scumbag fuckwad ASSSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      And his daughter hasn't earned a fucking thing - including my respect.

      they all suck.

    4. Anonymous10:58 AM

      John McCain would NOT have been a good president. He hasn't been a good senator and he is a liar, has a terrible temperament and a bad temper. He also is not very bright and is a warmonger. I am so sick of your stupid posts. You just go on and on and on with the same drivel.

      Why Gryphen doesn't ban you is beyond me. We all can tell you are the same one or maybe two people and you are very annoying. You are allowed an opinion but yours aren't even based on facts!

    5. jcinco12:25 PM

      McCain would have made a terrible president and winky would have been constantly trying to take him out...Game Change portrayed mccain as a very ethical, admirable guy so I can't figure out why the whole mccain family has their panties in a wad about it. It's as if they've been instructed to dis the movie by the inarticulate opportunist.I'm disappointed in that meghan obeyed her...

    6. Anonymous1:13 PM

      McCain is a crime and his cover ups go back to college or grade school. Nothing decent about him. Ask Nancy Reagan. He destroyed people to cover wife Cindy when she stole the medicine (drugs) and money for her addiction from a children's charity. That is only a small part. Remember Keating and too much to go into here. Cindy's dad was a henchmen for Mafia and that is how he got set up distributing beer and advancing McCain political career. Who knows how sheltered Meaghan is from the whole truth, she can't be totally ignorant. Just as she can't be totally unaware of the cover up at the 08 convention et al.

  8. Anonymous7:22 AM

    First of all, here's a link to Geoffrey's column since the first two morons who mentioned it couldn't be bothered:

    Second of all -- everything he says makes perfect sense to me. Tell us, 7:47 a.m., if Sarah isn't interested, why has she made herself such a big part of the issue? Why has she so strongly hinted (more than hinted, actually) that she IS quite willing to nobly sacrifice herself for the nomination of president or VP?

    Or -- wait a minute! -- are you telling us Sarah is really a liar?

    Noooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh! You wouldn't? Would you? But then who better than you, who seem to know her so well?

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      She like many Americans, just want people who obsessively (thought i'd use your favorite word) defend Obama based on tripe to actually examine things with intellect and common sense.

      That is all any American could ever hope.

    2. Most people know how to get to HuffPo & I prefer not to link to it - many folks don't like to go there.

      If you are too lazy to give yourself a name - calling others morons is about the pot/kettle and all that.

      Geoffrey's comments are over the top giving Mrs Palin way too much intelligence. She has no decent staff (doesn't like intelligent people who give her good advice), little money for a campaign, no wealthy sponsors, and little support from the GOP given she refuses to actually "campaign". I can only imagine the implosion from Romney/Santorum if either even thought that Mrs Palin might wander in to the nomination after the effort and money they have expended.

      She has way too much baggage to run against anyone - let the intelligent articulate President with a fully functional intelligent family.

      She wants the VP job (it's the easy one, in Palin's view) - can't see her getting it.

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      So "TS" is a name?! MORON!

      And if you think Sarah Palin operates the same way "normal" people do - you are the moron.

      Of course she expects to be handed the sash, scepter and crown just for sashaying around a little.

      Her baggage has been consistently swept under the rug, so what reason does she have to think it still won't be especially if she can nab the nomination without going through the primary process? She knows damn well Obama won't out her, and after the brouhaha over Sandra Fluke, media outlets will be more afraid than ever to accuse a woman of faking a pregnancy.

      But you really think there's a difference between running for president and running for vice president, re one's baggage?

      One last thing - if you're going to refer to something you read online, it's common courtesy to provide a link. That is hardly FORCIING someone to click on it if they don't want to.

      Lazy moron.

    4. SarahPalinsOwner9:11 AM

      "She like many Americans, just want people who obsessively (thought i'd use your favorite word) defend Obama based on tripe to actually examine things with intellect and common sense." mean like your friends in Mississippi? Yeah that's some real thoughtful analysis.

    5. SarahPalinsOwner9:12 AM

      "...examine things with intellect and common sense. "

      Uhh what? What things with intellect should be examined? Your grammar is hilarious and a great example of how NOT to write English. Thanks for the laughs!

    6. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Trolls are trying to start in-fighting with IM readers. Don't fall for it.

    7. Irishgirl11:00 AM

      That is exactly what I thought.IM posters know how to disagree politely.

    8. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Anon 11:11- you are right. She is a very mentally disturbed, sick and obsessive individual. Note how the word "obsessive" bothered her. Like mother, like daughter. These are low IQ people who are also hillbillies and live in a bubble and they have developed overinflated egos. It is the worst combination.

      I think Gryphen should ban their IP addresses. Other blogs do it to these same exact people and as a result, we have more interesting conversations. There are Republicans/independents who post here and they are embarrassed by the Palins and the bots who post here. And they are drowned out by their sickness.

  9. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Meghan misses the point of Bristol's comments about her and family. She was complimentary, just noted the difference between the two families.

    You use the phrase "inconvenient truths" a lot, all the while ignoring very obvious inconvenient truths about the girl you defend, truths that contradict everything you believe about her and the truth you believe. I'm not saying she's been inaccurate all the time, but there's so much she hides of ignores that would devalue or even completely cancel her own accounts. When an alarming amount of circumstantial evidence exists that 100% contradict what you personally believe, isn't it the cornerstone of responsibility to investigate it? While you've never claimed to be unbiased or even fair, shouldn't you at least not report lies?

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Not hardly. Do you know what "biffed it" means?

      Meghan McCain was calling Bristol Palin out for making up shit about her in her can't-give-it-away-for-free "book."

      The rest of us know it, even if you're too stupid to realize it.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      "I'm not saying she's been inaccurate all the time, but there's so much she hides of ignores that would devalue or even completely cancel her own accounts. When an alarming amount of circumstantial evidence exists that 100% contradict what you personally believe, isn't it the cornerstone of responsibility to investigate it?"

      I call Palin-salad. (especially that "cornerstone" thing...hahhaha)

    3. Anonymous8:39 AM

      I read this twice and still have no idea what you mean, as I don't speak Palinese.

    4. Cracklin Charlie9:03 AM

      Blah blah blah

      Is there a point to this comment?

    5. SarahPalinsOwner9:21 AM

      Nice word salad Sarah. You make no sense as usual. Keep trying loser.

    6. Anonymous11:02 AM

      WTF ? "There is so much she hides of ignores that would devalue or even completely cancel her own accounts."

      My God, please please if you are going to write on the internet, take some English composition courses. Ridiculous!

    7. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Anonymous 8:37, I just entered your comment into an application that determines it's "readability." Your score was 29 out of 100. That is REALLY REALLY LOW!

      The grade was 11th, but that is only because you are trying to use such big words. But the problem is that your command of the English language is so poor. You would be better off skipping the big words and just sticking to simple ones. You do not come across as more intelligent using a Thesaurus.

      Or better yet, go back to school.

    8. Anonymous11:20 AM

      A mind is a terrible thing to waste....

    9. Todds Teeny Tiny Two Toned Pecker5:55 PM

      Obsessed with Sadie, eh Brisdull?

      Jealousy is an ugly thing, Brisdull.

      And so are you.

    10. Todds Teeny Tiny Two Toned Pecker5:56 PM

      It's about Sadie.

      It's ALWAYS about Sadie, or Levi.

      Brisdull may have a "touch" of whatever mental problems her mom has...

    11. Anonymous11:41 PM

      @Todds Teeny Tiny Two Toned Pecker,

      That is the funniest name I have seen in a long time! Thanks for the giggles.


  10. Anonymous7:43 AM

    If that Bristol girl wanted to be relevant she would do her own writing and not have such fake looking photos. She is outing herself as a fraud. That only chips away at her mother's attempts of trying to look legitimate. Their bowl of clown soup isn't fun anymore, soon they will exit stage.

    Meghan at least was educated and has some self worth. Lucky for her dad was always in DC and she was raised by staff, grandparents and her mother when she stopped using dope and stealing from her charity.

  11. lostinmn7:49 AM

    Dunn seems to think Sara is going to run and while I give him credit for painting the picture I do worry he's back to drinking the cool-aid and was only pretending to be repentant. She must be schmoozing him again and we know he fell under her spell once. Kind of like going back with your crazy girlfriend. You know you're gonna get burned but man, she's hot. As for HP I've come to believe they are actually shilling for her to get the nomination, their coverage of her is non-stop and they paint an increasingly sympathetic picture of her. Note the number of articles on her is increasing almost weekly. They are back on the hook again. Note she didn't respond to Ann Coulter - now that a day has passed she won't because she doesn't have the guts to go after someone she knows will fire back in an instant.

    Come on Sara - run - please run - your secrets will be on display the second you come forward.

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      You're confusing Geoffrey Dunn with Frank Bailey.

    2. I think you have Dunn mixed up with Frank Bailey, unless I've really missed something major.

    3. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Geoffrey Dunn wrote one the best books out there about Sarah Palin - it's called "The Lies of Sarah Palin" - it's well documented and great for reference!

      The other is by Joe McGinniss "The Rogue - Searching for the Real Sarah Palin".

      The sales of both books has increased since the "Game Change" was released on HBO.

      I highly recommend to people that have more questions about Sarah Palin to purchase both books and read them.

      And, no I don't know either of the authors personally! I'm promoting them on my own because I highly respect the work and research that went into both books!

  12. Anonymous7:53 AM

    She may not be done, but I'd wager that whatever god there is has shut, locked, and barred any door she might want to slip through.

    She'd have to be an Alex Mack, slithering underneath the door in a puddle, to get onto the stage in Tampa.

    And, if by some chance, she does accomplish a convention speech, it'll be on Monday afternoon, to a half-empty hall, at 2 p.m. EST.
    That will be her swan song, and no real politician or professional, or the press, will be listening to her after that. There are more important things on the agenda.

  13. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Even Ann Coulter and Bill O, along with THE WHOLE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT YOU BITCH. Continue to pimp your stooges to support your C4(pussy) PAC. Toad is probably their spiritual adviser. God does open doors, but in your case Bitch, he opened the door to HELL for your crazy ass to go through.

  14. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Meghan is a PHONY, a HYPOCRITE. She had nothing praises for Sarah and Bristol when Sarah was her(Meghan) fathers running mate. Now after the failed election, Meghan has nothing but contempt for them.
    And by the way, I am one liberal who is not enamored by Meghan (the Repub) McCain.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      I totally agree. She is big time Daddy and mommy's money. She just wants to be popular with the liberal women but hide behind her daddys money. She is a lot like Sarah Palin in that she will only go on protected interviews where she isn't challenged. Just ask her about Paul Begala where she thought she could be with the big boys (and women). She came close to crying

    2. An European viewpoint8:45 AM

      Shouldn't it be "nothing but praise", "her father's" and "enamored with" ?

      So sorry to bother you, just trying to learn correct English...

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      I was so disgusted I did not 'edit' my comment, BUT, I couldn't care less what you think.
      I got my point across, and was/am not looking for literary approval, from you are anybody else.

    4. Anonymous9:44 AM

      During a campaign, one toes the campaign line. Afterward, one may be more honest. That said, I think it's more than that and not hypocrisy at all. Remember, during the campaign, Bristol was probably eager to please. It's only been since then that Bristol has blossomed into a hateful diva. Meghan is responding to Bristol's actions since the election, not during.

    5. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Hey, troll! Don't forget that Bristol was snarky FIRST! Meghan is much, much smarter and worldly than Bristol Palin! She's college degreed, well traveled and is very much more comfortable in her skin. Bristol and Sarah are mean, nasty, liars, poorly educated and obvious hillbillies!

    6. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

      No fan of Meghan, but she graduated high school and college, has a decent grasp of the english language.

      Bristol's ghostwritten book intimated "rape", she called her baby's dad a "gnat", and bashed the McCain's for offering to be the baby's godparent and for their "lavish lifestyle" with make up people and designer luggage.

      Then she went on tv and tried to "walk back" on the rape issue and her snipes at the McCain family, when she and Sarah should be kissing their asses and heaping high praise.

      Daddy Moneybags helped enable them by paying for "the troopergate thing" and scrubbing the truth.

      Had it not been for G and the Alaska Bloggers, and some brave Alaskans No one would know better, the people who wrote books wouldn't have had the material (except for "Game Change").

  15. lostinmn8:05 AM

    OT but kind of funny - news out of NY says that new Knicks coach sees a reduced role for Linsanity. News from Denver says if they sign Manning that Tbone is a goner - probably Jacksonville. It used to be that getting on the cover of Madden games was a death knell for an athlete.

    Can we create a new term - "He/she got Palined" to describe when someone on the rise ends up pancaking into the ground?

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:00 AM

      There's already a's Munsoned. From the movie King Pin. Woody Harrelson's character.

  16. lostinmn8:21 AM

    I'm guessing this "French" ghostwriter might be behind a lot of the more grammatically correct troll posts here. Already today you can see two completely different styles - one trying to make salient points the other is the usual Brisket snark. She must be texting back and forth with French to get their posts on. What is interesting is how obsessed the whole family is with this and a couple of other blogs. I really don't think Brisket actually works since she seems to be here all day. Interesting to see if Lifetime's reality show features any shots of her sitting at her computer freaking out and cursing away as she writes her word salad out. I'm guessing not - right?

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      That was my first thought reading all the troll messages: where does Bristol find all that time to post all day long. What kind of job allows that? No job,...right?

    2. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Ivy Frye ladies that helped her with DWTS are no doubt sharpening their pencils and finding people who can use a dictionary. Piper and friends are old enough to help sis. How large is the Sarah Church in the area? Britta must have a group of military wives that will pitch in.

    3. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Poor poor Bristol, she will never be happy.

  17. Anonymous8:30 AM

    goodness, it's troll city in here

  18. Cracklin Charlie8:34 AM

    This ought to be good!

  19. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Meghan looks pretty damn tasty in that picture.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Yes, she's pretty and they always do a good job of hiding IT!

  20. lostinmn8:39 AM

    We've even got Brisket answering French or the other way around. That makes it even better. Want to bet they are texting and writing at the same time?

  21. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I hope Bristol challenges Meghan to a ¨debate.¨

    Also, too, I think Meghan is a babe.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Why would they need to debate? Are they running for some office?

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Nope. But neither is your idol, Sarah Palin, and she challenged the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES to a debate. Get the joke now? Probably not, but I thought I'd try to help ;)

    3. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Todd is a pimp.

  22. I have heard so many complaints about the Huff Post. I have always hated it but one thing puzzles me. Isn't it run by Arianna Huffington? She is Bill Maher's girlfriend. She has been for a few years. Does politics really make that strange of a bedfellow?

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM


    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      OMG. She is NOT Bill Maher's girlfriend. He dates YOUNG women. Too young.

    3. Anonymous11:10 AM

      She is not Bill Maher's girlfriend! LOL

    4. jcinco12:46 PM

      Bill Maher dates younger women and often black women. He's friends with arianna, or as I call her zsa zsa huffington, and ann coulter. zsa zsa used to be a rabid conservative. I don't trust her, I have issues with people who have so little conviction that they can do a 180 on their politics in mid-life. She bases her political leaning on what man she's with and which will be most lucrative. When she started hp it was a good time for libs to make $$, now I see many signs that she's turning back to her conservative roots.

    5. DetroitSam2:39 AM

      Also, too, Arienna started The Huffington Post WITH Brietbart.

  23. SarahPalinsOwner9:00 AM

    First Mercede, now Meghan! Bristol must have her panties in such a wad right now! I bet she is literally seething with jealously! Bwahahahahaha!!

  24. Anonymous9:03 AM

    ‘What am I supposed to do, stay in and read a book? I come from a family of whiskey drinkers. My brothers like to drink and have a good time. It’s America, man. There’s nothing wrong with going out and listening to music and having a little Jack and Coke,’ she said.

  25. SarahPalinsOwner9:04 AM

    You know who will never in a million years be offered to appear in Playboy? Bristol Palin. Truth hurts.

  26. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Meghan McCain: Bristol Palin's Claim About My Mother And Me Was 'A Total Lie'

  27. Anonymous9:23 AM

    "I did bump into her at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, actually. I saw her across the room. That girl biffed it fast, totally took off. All that stuff she wrote was a total lie."

    So basically, Bristol is a COWARD just like her mother. Both talk shit behind someone's back & when confronted they run a hide.

  28. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sarah Palin and the Republican Identity Crisis

  29. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Kind of a weird projection from the Palinistas, via Bristol. During the campaign wasn't there a lot of attention given to a photo of Piper carrying her mama's big huge luggage-y purse? Wasn't it also Louis Vuitton? Are they still arguing about who has more stuff?

    This was a while ago, before Todd became the official handbag (and ballsack) carrier.

    That clan has a lot of baggage, and at least some of it is brand name.

    (who always carries odds and ends on my own back)

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Piper is off limits. She is a child. Mommy can get someones to set her up with a line of high end labels and can't say a word or you attack the child. Not the parent.

    2. During the campaign wasn't there a lot of attention given to a photo of Piper carrying her mama's big huge luggage-y purse?

      THIS constitutes an attack, according to you?

      Wow, you RWNJs have some pretty bizarre standards - a really high bar on "crossing the line" for your own attacks (on Gryphen, Meghan McCain, Mercede Johnston, Shailey Tripp, etc) and a really low bar for anything we say about the Palins.

      Just MENTIONING them seems to earn a whining comment about "attacks".

  30. Anonymous9:36 AM

    It's sad that someone like Meghan McCain has to lower herself to respond to comments made by the likes of Bristol Palin. I used to feel sympathy for Bristol, but she's shown nothing but nasty, grasping, ugly, lying, self-interest since the 2008 election. It's been her own words and actions that have turned sympathy into disgust.

    While I do see faults in Levi, I feel that he's got a core decency. Can't say the same for Bristol. I feel the most sorry for little Tripp. How devastating will it be for him to grow up and read his mother describe his conception as, basically, rape. What a foolish girl to trade integrity for a flash of questionable celebrity.

  31. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Cowardice seems to be a Palin family trait - from $arah running from reporters like Sharron Angle on performance enhancing drugs to First Pimp always skulking around in the background like a guilty dog, to Butterball dodging Meghan at the Correspondents' dinner.

    Bold this family is not.

  32. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Palin is already a hilarious, historical footnote added to a long list of very comical characters who have entertained us over the years with standup political comedy that passes for importance by the talking heads. I feel sorry for her followers because they will be disappointed that Sarah is not the 'annointed one'. She is just a very clever woman making a buck feeding peoples desires with no intention of doing anything to help them. Sorry, but she is just a good con artist.

  33. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Meghan graduated from Columbia University with a BA.

    MiniGrift graduated from Tentflap U with a BABY.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      I didn't know this. I don't have strong feelings about Meghan (either way), but at least back in the day, Columbia was not the Ivy of choice for the Dubya's of the the rich kids who had more connections than brains (and more parties than study sessions).
      I've also had to concede that by comparison to Bristol, the Bush daughters look darned good: at least they seem to have turned out well, doing worthwhile things with their lives.
      Have there ever been first daughters or sons as trashy & undistinguished as the Palin children?

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      No. Palins off springs are from the bottom of their dead lake cesspool. Garbage, trash is too delicate to describe. Nothing like it has come so close to the White House.

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      The Palins truly are trailer trash from Wasilla, AK! It's been proven time and time again. Uneducated, inept, poorly spoken, lazy and liars!

  34. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I am glad Megyn McCain spoke out in her Playboy interview. I remember when Bristol's book -- NOT AFRAID TO LIE -- came out, Megyn posted some pics of her with the Palin kids, all in friendly informal settings. She did not at that time bash Bristol's phony book of lies. But she could have!

    You might not agree or even like the McCain politics (I don't) but Cindy and Megyn were raised in civil polite society and I believe were genuinely trying to be nice and make the Palins feel comfortable.

    It's the Palins who attack and then run away.

    1. I'll never forget that story Bristol told in her book about Cindy McCain, during the 2008 campaign, offering to be Tripp's godmother after he was born. Bristol rejected her, apparently thinking Cindy was actually offering to adopt the infant or take him away from Bristol.

      She must have still be ignorant of the duties of a godmother, because I believe either she or Willow is said to be the godmother of the child who lived with them in LA for a while after the DWTS season was over.

      The title is "mother" and "aunt", Bristol. Not "godmother".

  35. Anonymous10:22 AM

    This article on POLITICO is a recap of the article Sarah's ghostwriter wrote on Breitbart...notice that there is not ONE positive comment related to Sarah or Breitbart...and this on POLITICO!

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      VERY interesting given that a lot of conservatives post on Politico. These people (Palin and Breitbart) are rabble rousers looking for attention. Sick, narcissistic, people with NPD. And Sarah is a psychopath.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      I bet Sarah would like to take over Breitbarts blog

  36. Anonymous10:37 AM

    It is amazing that Meghan and mother did not notice anything unusual about the Palins and the nursing and odd shape of Bristol. Nothing appeared to them as child abuse or possible fraud to advance a political agenda? Wasn't Bristol underage at the time? Sarah must be the mother of Trig and Bristol all they claimed or two caring women would have done something. All Meghan cares is that she thinks Bristol lied about her family, not a lie to the nation. She doesn't care about lies of someone who wanted to coat tail on to her father and become politically potent. No way would Meghan be so petty as to only care about silly lies Bristol told of them if she saw, suspected or knew of bigger lies. Ones that could destroy America. Meghan and mother are either as they claim or they are in the conspiracy to cover up.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      I'm sure that Meghan is bound by her Dad NOT to disclose anything about the Palins while on the campaign trail. We see how McCain covers up for the idiot Sarah.

      But, once he is gone and years have passed, more and more about the campaign and the Palin clan will be disclosed. We just have to be patient!

    2. jcinco12:55 PM

      cindy and meghan know. john doesn't want them to talk about it. Once he's out of the picture they will talk...unless he's so smitten with sarah his deathbed request will be
      "please don't spill the beans about sarah"...

    3. Anonymous2:40 PM

      By her own admission she partied through the whole campaign.Mostlikely she paid no attention.

    4. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Meghan was drunk? Is her mother still on all kinds of pills? Dad is. Maybe none of them noticed anything. John did notice the goods Sarah was flaunting, I guess they would call that vetting.

  37. Anonymous10:40 AM

    If Meghan is the great gal she wants everyone to believe she will answer some questions regarding
    the time she spent up close with the Palin girls and family. She will look at the photo evidence
    and other and discuss. Unless she has something to hide.

    1. Don the Bluesman3:29 PM

      She said she wanted to discuss questions however, the coward Palin ran away like her pimp daddy.

  38. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Looking at Megan McCain and considering how much trouble she goes to with hiding her fat under fancy expensive clothes, I would suggest that she's the liar in this case. Also, looking at the mother it would be my guess that she's very preoccupied with expensive clothes and purses.

    Not to suggest that Brisket is not an ugly liar like her mother because she obviously is and has been caught at it. Your blogpost fails.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Wow. Given the trouble Bristol went through to hide her baby bump when she was on DWTS, this comment is pretty hilarious. Sarah and Bristol are obviously very, very jealous of the McCain women, who made them realize what hicks they are.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      I don't think she is wearing "fancy expensive clothes" to hide her fat,I think she was born rich and does not shop at Walmart.Bristol,however,was wearing her thriftshop clothes to hide her baby bump and nursing boobs.

  39. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Not to mention, Megan posing for Playboy is her trying to be something she definitely is not. But of course Playboy knows she will sell and so they stoop to that level. The levil of cleverly posed pictures which try to hide the overweight problem she has.

    No, this is not being sexist. The sexist part is Playboy to begin with and women who go there do so at their own risk.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      What makes you think Meghan "posed"? Are you trying to say there are nude/semi-nude photos involved here? You didn't even check, did you.

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Really? There are a lot of spelling errors in your post. A lot. Bristol, are you trying to get some digs in about Meghan being overweight? Even if she is overweight, she is a knock out. And that is something you will never be regardless of how many procedures you have done. So far your procedures have ruined, not enhanced your looks. Sorry as I am someone who feels sorry for you and I hope one day you realize you are taking after your mom and not in a good way. I hope you get help someday and get away from your very dysfunctional family.

    3. Megan never claimed to be thin and is unashamed of her body image, unlike poor damaged Bristol with her multiple surgeries by the age of 20 to the point of looking at a different face in the mirror.

      Also, from comments I have seen elsewhere, Megan's curvy and voluptuous body shape is clearly admired by many as being very feminine and desirable.

      Why are you obsessed with Megan's weight and calling her "fat"?

    4. Anonymous12:15 PM

      I think Megan is a very beautiful young woman. She is assuredly more comfortable in her skin than is Bristol, smarter and better educated.

      Suspect that Bristol feels threatened by her and feels she doesn't measure up! Bristol and her Momma are much alike - not self assured except for when they are being mean, nasty and lying!

    5. Don the Bluesman3:31 PM

      She is a very beautiful woman, however Bristol still has 3 layers of new baby fat.

    6. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Your Mom, Sarah posed for magazines more than once airbrushed and wearing pantyhose and fake boobs.
      Cottage cheese thighs don't photograph well. Sarah is a WRINKLY OLD HAS BEEN with little or no education. Who else would allow their 2 teenaged daughters to get PREGNANT? Who would allow their Husband to run a PROSTITUTION RING while she was Governor and running for Republican Vice President? Who would fake a PREGNANCY to cover for a TEENAGED DAUGHTER? Who would force their oldest son to join the Military unwillingly to hide his crime history? Sarah Palin, that's who would.

    7. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Again, I have no real feelings about Meghan either way, but she looks gorgeous in that photo, and, at least that I have seen, she has comported herself in the public arena with nothing but dignity. Also too she made it to adulthood without producing a litter of illegitimate children. Props to her, for all of that.
      As for Playboy, , if a woman like Mercede is gorgeous enough to have an opportunity pose nude, it's no skin off my feminist hide. Heckuva lot more honest, and tasteful, than exploiting one's child for profit. Or performing simulated sex for fame and fortune on tee-vee.

  40. MissSunshine11:02 AM

    Somewhat off-topic. I not longer click on Huffington Post stories with SP as a topic...

    So I am responding here to the new Dunn article on Quittypants. OH HELL YES she thinks she STILL has a shot at the White House.

    Her gasping, "Blood Libel" video and 2 hour campaign ad (released as "The Oft-Defeated") were both huge "Look at me, I'm so awesome I should be queen" political messages.

  41. Anonymous11:08 AM

    well i have nothing but respect for the fact Griffin lets em all post. the Man is big and fair enough to post all the dissenting sick posts from the Palin Lovers,,, Besides, who would we have to correct if Uncle Griff deleted em before we had a good laugh? i am glad he follows IP addys,, saves time finding the truely dangerous sickophants.

  42. Anonymous11:16 AM

    It is good that Meghan is linking back into the modern history of Conventions and Palin
    running for a national office. The close relationships, friendships and sycophants that
    help candidates. May more reporters and media start wanting answers. Bristol's close friend,
    April Morlock, was once able to say her name when she defended Bristol with Tripp. You would
    think the Morlock family would want to speak up more about their belief in the Jeremy Morlock sport
    killings. For some reason April has been gagged, can't use her name or speak publically about
    Bristol or Jeremy Morlock now.

    Morlock was from the same base, as many other troops that went rogue violent. The media actually
    is covering the latest Afghanistan murders by someone from that base. Even seeking answers and
    bringing up Morlock's sport kill squad. Who has blame? There is media that want answers. It is a
    worthy discussion. I feel certain that Bristol would not be of the opinion that in anyway the
    culture in Wasilla or the way the military handles troops with head or other injuries, or how
    drugs are distributed. I haven't heard Bristol care at all about her friends brother or the military.
    Sarah Palin could at least stand up for Wasilla recruiting and the hockey culture (Brad Hanson type
    brutality towards players) and how she supports the military sending troops back to war after head
    injuries. The military solving problems by getting and keeping so many on their dope (it is legal).
    A rahrah military mother and spokesperson who wants to make policy can't say boo. What they don't
    say is as meaningful as what they do say. Maybe more.

  43. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Funny the trolls never respond to Todd being a pimp.Truth hurts.

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Yeah, why no denials of PIMP DADDY'S PROSTITUTION RING? No 'REFUDIATION' from SARAH,BRISTOL,WILLOW, nor TODD. IT MUST BE TRUE. That is some heavy baggage to have on your back at the RNC, SARAH PALIN.

  44. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Meghan is marginally smarter than the Palin women. Seems to be comfortable in her own skin, not dieting obsessively like Sarah.

    As far as Louis Vuittan, who cares. Piper had one to swing around and carry her cheerios.. Don't know if it was a knockoff, but little Piper seemed to like it fine.

    Bristol is like her mother. Lies slide off her tongue so easily. The book was disgusting.

  45. Bristol is just plain jealous of Meghan. She should be. Meghan is smarter, prettier (with NO plastic surgery for; you know, "dental reasons", and certainly not a fake like Bristol.
    and for the troll who said that Meghan "posed" for Playboy: Meghan did an interview with Playboy. she did not pose nude. Get your facts straight before you post lies. Oh yeah, you're a bot. Lying comes easy.

  46. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Either Bristol bought an infomercial time slot for the wee hours of the day or Lifetime is putting her on at 7:00 a.m.. Not exactly primetime. They still can't bring themselves to listing her or giving her any "Coming Soon" promo.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      She's as inept as her mother - poor kid!

    2. Anonymous11:18 PM

      I can't find anything on Lifetime's site about Bridull's show...who says they've committed to it at all? It certainly doesn't look like they have - no promo, no mention, nada, nothing, zip. This may have already become another flop that never airs, just like the Massey one.

      But keep contacting them to object, it certainly seems to concern the troll whenever one mentions doing so. They may be trying to clinch the deal with lifetime & don't want them hearing from the public (too bad! ha!)

  47. Anonymous1:18 PM

    You guys stop knocking Bristol!
    She is one smart cookie!

    She has an honorary degree from the Institute of Wasilla High.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      With the 'vagina' piece of artwork that was put up outside the high school, but it reminded too many of the Palin girls - beginning w/Sarah! They covered the piece - but, we haven't heard much more about it! It cost $100,000 though! Was it taken down?

  48. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Meghan McCain says she can't dance...

    Don't fret sweetheart, neither can Bristol.

  49. Anonymous1:48 PM

    What did you say Meghan?

    Cindy McCain doesn't have any bastard grandchildren!

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Cindy McCain doesn't have a half sister (shared father) that Cindy so generously shared inheritance as father wished either.

  50. Anita Winecooler5:01 PM

    This is what I posted under the beefy thread - take a look at this!!!

    I just adore (cough cough) Meghan McCain. She's totally heterosexual, loves sex and men. I'm so proud of her for coming out! And the poor thing has like ONE louis Vuitton purse.

    Here she is, imitating Beefalo, bragging about her strong happy family, and also defending Baldy! She's a movie critic now on movies she didn't even see!

    compare her in this video to the playboy photo.

  51. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!6:39 PM

    Also, too, it looks like JC Penny portraits are becoming "vogue"!


    Did they put a sheet over cardboard boxes?

    Where's the beer she's always slurping down?

    Why is she always lying down in her pictures? Ugh. Yeah. she's a sexy heffer. barf.

    But she's still waaaaay prettier than Brisdull....

  52. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!6:41 PM

    As for the "CLASS" that some here are so impressed with in the young Ms. McCain?

    well, ya missed the part of the interview where she states she is:


    WTF is wrong with these women? WHY the FUCK would we care who you FUCK?!?!?!?

    SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.