Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rachel Maddow on the Romney campaign's "Etch-a-Sketch" gift to the Obama campaign.

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Rachel really hits this one out of the ballpark.


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Rachel is awesome! And none of the foolish spin such as 'he misspoke' or 'was taken out of context' he is a LIAR !!!

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    "unprecedented deceit: -- all we need to know.

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You should also post the clip where she and Chris Hayes talk about the sea change in politics going on right now as people, not just women, are pushing back HARD on this war on women's rights. It's all starting to come to a head.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      I think the States are just deflecting the attention for appearance sake at the moment and will reintroduce it under another name and will again try and pass it almost in the middle of the night type situation as the states are heavily rethuglican.

  4. Wow! I thought I had never seen someone who lies as easily as Sarah Palin. But after seeing this, she is clumsy in her lying (she lies, yes, but it is bumbling, stumbling, just forgetting what she said yesterday) - Mitt Romney (after seeing the clips - OMG) is smoothly, effortlessly lying and does not care. So scary.

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM


    Someone tell Rachel to save a piece of Mitt for President Obama.

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Rachel really nailed it! How anyone could vote for Romney or any of the others is beyond belief to me. There is not a one of them that even compares to President Obama.

  7. Anonymous10:14 AM

    "He lies about himself, he lies about the president, he lies about everything!" She went on to say that Romney lies "arguably more than any modern candidate for major office, and there are a lot of creeps among them," ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Other lying liars ---

    These guys...not one of whom, I would wager, has ever come even within sight of actually serving their country...view themselves as the equivalent of soldiers in the military. Courageous and selfless ones at that. The total lack of any self-awareness or anchor in reality here is appalling.

    I mean, Breitbart Scholarship? James O'Keefe a board member ? What's next?


  8. Rachel is persuasive here. Also, it is sort of sweet to see lying liar Grinch asserting that Mitt is a liar.

  9. Rachel is, by far, my favorite commentator on TV. She's smart, witty, and explains hard subjects in a way average people can understand. Conservatives could learn a lot from her. She always has cold, hard facts to back up her reporting. She has a wonderful sense of humor too. Her segment on the nuclear containment work being done by our DOE was fantastic, and completely ignored by the rest of the media (at least from what I've seen on the net).

    1. Maddies_Mom12:17 PM

      I LOVED that nuclear containment segment! And, I bought her book "Drift" today. It's her first book, and if she writes anything like she speaks, it will be great.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Maddies Mom,
      Rachel had on her blog a link to reading an excerpt from her book if you were not aware. It was excellent. Here is the link:

  10. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Mitt Romney learned how to lie when he was very young. He was taught it in his religion classes early every morning before he went to regular school. It's called Lying for the Lord and once you learn it, you can't help but do it. Romney has been lying his whole life. Sarah, on the other hand, was never taught to lie properly. She is so bad at it she is a laughing stock when ever she opens her mouth. Some people actually believe Romney because he is an accomplished liar.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Lying for the Lord

      Lying for the Lord refers to the practice of lying to protect the image of and belief in the Mormon religion, a practice which Mormonism itself fosters in various ways. From Joseph Smith's denial of having more than one wife, to polygamous Mormon missionaries telling European investigators that reports about polygamy in Utah were lies put out by "anti-Mormons" and disgruntled ex-members, to Gordon B. Hinckley's dishonest equivocation on national television over Mormon doctrine, Mormonism's history seems replete with examples of lying. Common members see such examples as situations where lying is justified. For the Mormon, loyalty and the welfare of the church are more important than the principle of honesty, and plausible denials and deception by omission are warranted by an opportunity to have the Mormon organization seen in the best possible light. This is part of the larger package of things that lead many to describe Mormonism as a cult. "Lying for the lord" is part of Mormonism's larger deceptive mainstreaming tactics, and conversion numbers would drastically lower if important Mormon beliefs were fully disclosed to investigators.

  11. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Rachel's segment was excellent -- Like the majority are!!!


    Marco Rubio mentioned as possible VP pick -- His baggage is heavy for why he should not be.

    An eye-opener segment by Alex Wagner with regard to the 'Stand Your Ground' law in Florida connected to the murder of Trayvon Martin.

    You may have known or heard by now, that Jeb Bush SIGNED this into law. I was not aware until Wagner brought to light -- the bill/law was aided by then State Senator MARCO RUBIO -- who Bush suggested yesterday for VP pick. No comment by either on this law or on the case as yet and we know they won't. Bush has been hiding under a rock until yesterday - the same as Rubio really.

    Along with the baggage of the various versions and lies given by himself of his story of how he came to be in America when and how his parents left Cuba, Rubio adds another piece of baggage to haunt him.
    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!!(Snark!!!)

    The Sponsor of the law wrote/said yesterday there is no protection under this law for those who persue and confronts people. Really?? On the same day he wrote/said this, a Miami Judge cited the same law and dismissed a case in which the defendant chased down and stabbed a 'supposed' burglar. It has nearly tripled the 'justified' killings in the State since it was passed (I listened to a few shows wherein the sponsor says the murders have gone down -- BS). 'Stand Your Ground' - a law of confrontation. As Wagner said "It could have been called 'Don't retreat -- Reload" (that is all too familiar sounding to all of us).

    1. It seems that there a number of states with versions of this law - and WA state is one of them! Living here I can't understand how I missed this as it sure doesn't make sense as it goes down in Florida.

  12. Anonymous10:55 AM

    At least there's no more business about "intruths" amd "misstatememt.

    A lie is now a lie is now a lie. Al the gloves are off.

  13. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Romney lies facilely, but not convincingly. His eyes dart around in a a guilty way, and he makes a lot rapid, twitchy movements that betray him at every turn.

    His body language alone proclaims him a liar.

  14. As one who was raised in the "cult" of Mormonism, I'd like to remind Mitt that lies will cause him to lose that planet he's supposed to get -- the one with all the wives -- and he's in danger of being sent to "outer darkness." Seriously. And even the magic underwear won't protect him from that! Somewhere, Seamus is laughing his doggie ass off ...

    Democratic (mostly women, please) Landslide in November!!!

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      DKey, your "landslides" are becoming the new "Hi, Sarah, Welcome Back!" I love it! You and JayKen keep it up!

    2. Thanks! I think we owe it to our awesome President after the horrid 'slings and arrows' he's suffered at the expense of the illiterate/racist/misogynist Baggers, don't you? I became a U.S. Citizen in 2010 just so I could vote for President Obama in 2012. I'd love it if on November 7th he could bask in the afterglow of a (insert drum roll) LANDSLIDE!!! Peace.

    3. Anonymous3:28 PM

      DKey,your comments amaze me and inspire me! Please keep commenting!

    4. Dkey, I became an American citizen in 2007 in order to vote for President Obama in 2008 - and plan to repeat my vote in 2012 :) He is The Man!

  15. Sharon11:01 AM

    Rachel is one of our nation's gifts...I never miss her show. She is brilliant and how she manages to be so tactful when face to face with these liars is an art form....she is the best we have now and without Tim Russert, we need her more than ever. Her show on Wed was awesome with the nuclear material rescue from Mexico...something no one else talks about and something Obama does without the media hype. I am feeling more optimistic day by day about the Republicans really dying off this year.....yeah!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:36 PM

      Sharon, I can't agree more. She does her homework, dots every "i" and crosses every "t", and in the rare instance she makes a mistake, she's the first to correct it and apologize if needed.
      I record her show if I'm not home, and love reading her blog. Can't wait to get her new book!

    2. Anonymous5:17 AM

      That's why Rachel impresses me so much, She does her homework.

  16. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Good for Rachel! What a sleaze he is.

    Queen Esther: YOUR TURN'S COMING!

  17. Anonymous11:19 AM


    Rachel Maddow just did a segment on Andrea Mitchell's show wherein she has called out the Republicans for a SCAM! Yes -- Rachel called it a SCAM!! She didn't hold back!!! Love it. Totally truthful -- finally!!

    TX State Sen Hutchinson on an earlier show is still pushing the BS idea that the issue of contraception is about religion and the Dem's were totally wrong, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    The Rethuglicans when the various bills passed in States to allow the contraception distribution was under the time of the Bush Administration and within a number of the 28 states where it was majority Rethuglicans. Did we hear anything then from the Rethugs fighting back about it being about religion -- CRICKETS.

    1. As a woman, I am disgusted with Senator Hutchison's lies. She is a disgrace to her fellow women.

  18. Anonymous11:21 AM

    it's fairly obvious they will stoop to ANYTHING to get into office. palin is another case.

    bill in belize

  19. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!11:30 AM

    He's got nothing on Sarah. Her existence is a lie.

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Why are you guys so obsessed with Palin? You guys drag her into
      every thread.

    2. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Simply because, she is an evil and hate spewing BITCH.

  20. hedgewytch11:35 AM

    You would think that Sarah Palin would be endorsing Mitt, after all they have the same political "styles" - which is to say and do anything that they think will garner power/praise/profit - and sometimes they just lie for the hell of it.

  21. O/T, but I saw a clip of this earlier today:

    After a Louisiana voter on Wednesday called President Obama a Muslim during a question-and-answer session at a campaign stop, Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich chose to ignore the comment rather than correct it.

    After speaking to an overflow crowd of more than 200 people at the Harlequin Steaks and Seafood Restaurant, Gingrich opened the event to questions. A local man, Bob Nolan, of Lake Charles, began by making a comment about the president.

    “I believe that Obama is not stupid,” Nolan said to Gingrich. “I believe he knows exactly how the economy works, but I also believe that number one, he’s a Muslim; number two, he's a student of Saul Alinsky.... And I believe that it’s his policy to bring this country to its knees and ruin the United States of America.” Another man chimed in, “I believe that, too.”

    Gingrich paused for a brief moment before he answered, “I believe this is a president who prefers power to prosperity and who follows policies that centralize power in the government. And if the price of that is that we’re poorer and we have fewer jobs and that we have less energy, that’s fine with him. It’s a price he’ll pay."

    The former House speaker went on to address the man’s comment about the late Saul Alinsky, a leftist political organizer, but he did not mention the comment that Obama is a Muslim.

    “I agree with you about Alinsky,” Gingrich said. “I think he's driven by a radicalism to remake America and he doesn’t frankly care what level of pain it costs the rest of us.”

    So Gingrich like all the other Republican pinheads (a/k/a presidential candidates) cops out with the old "it's not up to me to correct people's misconceptions" BS. When someone falsely says Obama is a radical Muslim who wants to bring this country to its knees and ruin it, it is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY for someone who seeks the presidency and claims to have the MORAL AUTHORITY to deserve that office, to correct them. This is not about scoring cheap political points. It's about not undermining the faith of the American people in their political institutions and their leaders.

    As far as I'm concerned, Newt Gingrich is evil. He makes me sick.

    Which brings me back on topic:

    Q: How do you tell if a Republican is lying?
    A: His/her lips are moving.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:36 PM

      oh my god.

      Newt Gingrich *is* evil.

      What an absolutely Horrendous human being!


    2. This shows how far down the rabbit hole the GOP have gone. McCain, at least, corrected the batshitcrazy woman at his rally. Now they encourage the crazies to be crazy. That is NOT good for America.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

      We all know he's a scumbag. This is why I'm against "citizens united". Had these idiots not been funded, they'd have bowed out after the third debate. The only one who actually had half a chance was Huntsman.

      Santorum always walks things back by saying "I read it somewhere", but never reveals where.

      I seriously think the GOP will ever be able to recover the damage that's been done by the complicity, hate, racism, and ignorance from the leadership down.

      And I'm fine with that! ;o)

  22. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Rachel Maddow is brilliant. And Mitt Romney is a pathological liar. It doesn't matter if it comes from his Mormonism or not; he cannot keep himself from lying, even in circumstances (like the dog on the roof of the car) where he does himself more damage by lying.

  23. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Let's see. Mitt Romney is a:
    Animal Abuser.
    Weird Cultist.
    And those are just the worst of his qualities. Don't forget he's an out of touch elitist job killer.

    How could anyone vote for Mitt Rmoney? Because they don't like the half-black guy, plain and simple. Well those racists are in for a shock come November. I look forward to seeing many republican heads explode on November 7th.

  24. Replies
    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Todd Palin would never deny.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:04 PM

      Gee, Mr Edwards, don't you realize that schtuping 'tutes leads to HOURS in front of a mirror fixing your hair?

  25. imnofred12:49 PM

    Romney flip flops and is a habitual liar. This is nothing new. The MEDIA allows him to get away with it. Fox gives him a pass on everything he says. CNN isn't really known for asking the tough questions or even follow up questions. Only a few hosts on MSNBC will take him to task and he probably will avoid those particular situations.

  26. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I liked Romneys' crack that the dog tried to get on the roof of the car.How is that even possible?I've had dogs all my life and while they may have wanted in the car not one ever tried to get on top of the car.Another lie for the Lord there Mittens?You piece of republican shit.

  27. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Whitney accidentally died as a result of drowning. Breitbart accidentally died as a result of walking his dog. Mitt is haunted by his beloved Seamus. What the heck is going on in the world of dogs? Conspiracies, anyone? Accidents, dogs... I tells ya there is a link.

  28. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Romney lies effortlessly because to him there is no truth, only whatever he thinks will gain him the most at the moment. From childhood to now, Romney's lies have had no consequences. He's accustomed to power and eliminates anyone around him that challenges his facts and his ego.

    Romney will continue to lie his whole life, it's all he knows. And he will suck the adoration from his associates and family.

    Romney is a bigger threat to security of the United States than John McCain was. And, considering McCain picked Palin as VEEP, being worse than McCain is REALLY bad.

  29. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Will Newt and Frothy back the Liar Romney if he wins the Republican nomination?

    This reminds me of Sarah Palin when she outright lied about Troopergate and everything else.

  30. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Rachel's great! Romney is a despicable liar. How can anyone trust him? He says he cares about the middle class, but then says he's all for Ryan's new budget, that provides tax cuts for the wealthiest and oil companies, and continues with the subsidies to big oil! It also continues breaks for companies that outsource jobs overseas. So under Ryan's plan, who gets to bear all the burden? The middle class, seniors and the poor! Of course Ryan's plan would benefit Romney, who is really ALL about Romney and NO ONE else but Romney!! Now apparently Romney is considering Ryan on his list for VP!!

    Romney flip-flops about everything, and certainly will continue to do so. He would be a disaster as POTUS!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    1. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Just wait until Romney claims that Ryan's budget proposal was really President Obama's idea. There is not one breathing Republican politician in this country who is worthy of anyone's vote come November!
      Obama/Biden 2012!!!

  31. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'm glad this guy said what he did because while Romney is a habitual liar, it underscores what so many think about the primaries in that they feel that you say what you have to to get elected, and then you start fresh with the general election. If this were the case, we would need OPEN primaries where the candidates would have to appeal to everyone.

    Jon Huntsman could have beat President Obama, and it would have been a clean election with intelligent
    debates. He could have chosen a conservative Republican to entice his base, but he'd have been a great candidate who annoyed Democrats could have backed.

    1. I don't know if Huntsman could have beaten President Obama, but I think that there would have been a greater possibility of having an intelligent race with good debates.

  32. I'm thinking...Romney is a Sociopath much like Palin. Meaning they lack the 7th sense..5 sense's we know, 6th being intuition and the 7th, conscience. A defect you're born without, a black hole in the occipital lobe of the brain that harbors emotion, more nurture than nature. Being a liar is one of the major flaws that reflect this mental incapacity, among other things. No doubt he's not self aware of his malady as most sociopath's aren't perceptive of their condition and by all means, he can't go anywhere near the white house as an executive in charge. What is worrisome though is republicans rigging yet another election, those in positions of power have found their surrogate. A fellow unfeeling cheat of extreme wealth who also has no ethics, morals, conscience or limitations on what he will do to acquire full national power.

  33. Anita Winecooler8:20 PM

    Everything about him is fake. His idea of humor, his body language, his speech patterns, and shifty eyes make the lies even more pronounced.
    How can he walk back what his team mate said?

    It looks like he's "the chosen one" to have the distinct pleasure of losing to President Obama.

    Can't wait for the debates!

    President Obama has plenty of material to work with!

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Romney is the chosen one. Chosen by the Oligarchy lords, Karl Rove, the Koch brothers, and the Wall Street Robber Barons. WAKE UP AMERICA, OR WE ALL WILL BE THROUGH.

  34. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Romney has ZERO integrity. Democrats PLEASE vote, and get every one of your Dem friends and family and any Dem you know, to vote in the fall.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.