Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rick Perry can be funny on purpose? Who knew?

"Screw politics! I'm gonna be the new Carrot Top!"
Rick Perry apparently tried out a little stand up at last night's Gridiron Dinner.

And do you know what? He was pretty damn good!

Rick Perry: “I can't tell you … what a relief it is to be on a stage with just one podium. … [Laughter]] The Gridiron’s the only time that politicians and journalists can get together for some lighthearted silliness – well, I mean, other than the debates. … Some have said that my debating style is very similar to that other Texas Cicero, George W. Bush. [Laughter] Only difference between GEORGE and me is that I say, ‘Oops.’ [Applause] … Y’know, I shouldn’t make fun of George. But he’s, like, the only one that I can. [Laughter] Y’know, I say stuff like Solyndra’s a country or that the voting age is 21. But MITT would say things like his wife drives a coupla Cadillacs, or his pals own NASCAR teams. Y’known, my problem was sayin’ stuff that WASN’T right. Mitt's problem is sayin’ stuff that IS. [Applause] So with all my gaffes, people forgot that I once led the Republican primary. It was the most exhilarating three hours of my life. Awesome! Now, officially, I have only suspended my campaign -- I never really quit. So technically, I'm still in the race – ’cept I can go home, spend the evening with Anita, relax, and still do about as well. Well, listen, here’s the hardest part for me: The weakest Republican field in history -- and they kicked my BUTT! … Y’know, very once in a while, Herman Cain, Michele Bachman and myself’ll get together. We’ll kinda act silly, we’ll say some stupid things—you know, kinda like old times. "

“Y’know it’s weird standing next to [Mitt] on the debate podium. Y’know, I keep waiting for him to say, ‘Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?’ … I LIKE Mitt Romney. I mean, I like Mitt Romney as much as one really good looking man can like a really good looking man –and not break Texas law. And then there's Rick Santorum. I used to have SO much fun needling Rick. I'd say, ‘Now, Rick, tell me again, which one of the Village People are you? You’re the policeman? Or you’re the Indian?’ And then there's Ron Paul. … Y’know, he kinda reminds me of that crazy uncle that you expect to pull a nickel out of your ear. … Then we have Gingrich. He's like this Pillsbury Doughboy, with this really huge brain. … I do wish I were still in the race. I mean, I don't know why I didn't do better: Governor of a big state. Former military pilot. I graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in animal husbandry. [Laughter] Maybe that was the problem. Animal husbandry: That sounds like what Rick Santorum thinks gay marriage leads to. …

Not bad.

You know it kind of makes me miss Perry on the campaign trail.

I mean yes the idea of a President Perry scared the pee right out of me, but you have to admit he kind of livened the place up. 

By the way this is still my favorite Rick Perry moment from the campaign.


  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    "I'd say, ‘Now, Rick, tell me again, which one of the Village People are you? You’re the policeman? Or you’re the Indian?’ And then there's Ron Paul. … Y’know, he kinda reminds me of that crazy uncle that you expect to pull a nickel out of your ear. … Then we have Gingrich. He's like this Pillsbury Doughboy, with this really huge brain."

    Now that was damn funny.

  2. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Good grief, I never thought of Mitt Romney and Grey Poupon but that. is. funny!

  3. BAustin7:29 PM know, in Texas, we really haven't heard anything from Perry since the failed presidential bid. Literally. Is he running for VP?

    Glad to not have to hear from governor good hair!

  4. Anonymous7:30 PM

    When I think of the tremendous damage this foul pile of stinking clown turds has done to Texas, especially the poor women of Texas, I feel sick to my stomach. He is no different from the evil pricks he's ridiculing, and whichever one of them wins the GOP nomination, Rick Perry will go on the stump for to lie about President Obama.

    I can't believe you gave this stinking asshole any positive notice at all. I feel sick.

    1. Anonymous10:42 PM

      Have to agree. Politicians seem to disassociate their decisions from individuals.

  5. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Duh. no. I have feeling that Rick is one of those people that has no clue what funny is....unless totally plastered.

    My bad. His is really funny. :0

  6. Well, well , well! Looks like Ricky Finally did it the right way!

    Hopefully the rest of the GOP will be so magnanimous in defeat this Nov.

    Oh, And Ricky, This good behavior doesn't excuse you F'n with Women's health, Or the Forced Vaginal Probe bill you signed into law!

    GO Doonesbury!

  7. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Oooh...oooh...Sarah's gonna be maaaad! He attacked a whole buncha Christian conservatives!

  8. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Lifetime has axed the show.

    1. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!6:38 AM


      What a TRIPP!! ;)

  9. The man is a douche.

  10. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Once he dropped out, I sort of started to feel bad for Perry..and sorta, kinda, started to like him...not that I would vote for him...just, you know, felt bad....if only he could just admit the truth about himself!

  11. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Surely you don't think Rick wrote this all by his lonesome self. Admittedly his delivery was somewhat better than the debates, but I cannot believe that this is all his creativity. It's just too well ordered.

  12. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Nothing funny about pathetic.........

  13. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Here's a warning from Texas: laugh but don't drop your guard, because Rick is a charming snake. On his watch, the misery and desperation level has risen alarmingly for every single group that has no big-money special interest. The poor, elderly, disabled, mentally ill, as well as women and children and public schools. Do not forget that he recently signed the bill requiring vaginal ultrasounds prior to legally ending a pregnancy.

    Rick is always working an angle - VP slot, 2016, fundraising for the next race.

    Don't feel sorry for him, and after you laugh at his scripted jokes just remember he is, in his own way, as remorseless a programmed robot as Mittens - he's just got better handlers and a regional schtick.

  14. Yeah, Ole Rick is pretty good when someone writes his speech. He can read pretty well. Other than that, he's an idiot.


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