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"Me? Watch Game Change? Not that you will ever be able to prove." |
In response to the movie “Game Change” focusing on her historic selection as the GOP vice presidential nominee in the 2008 campaign, Sarah Palin says in an email to ABC News that the film doesn’t matter to her.
“I believe my family has the right priorities and knows what really matters,” Palin emailed. “For instance, our son called from Afghanistan yesterday and he sounded good, and that’s what matters. Being in the good graces of Hollywood’s ‘Team Obama’ isn’t top of my list.”
Well of COURSE this movie does not "matter to her." THAT is why she has been talking about it nonstop on Fox News, had SarahPAC produce a video refuting the film, and had the few people remaining on her payroll put out a statement saying that the movie should be labeled "historical fiction."
Isn't that how EVERYBODY treats something that "doesn't matter" to them?
Oh and by the way, just in case people are not recognizing Palin's victim hood with the appropriate level of "poor baby" she wants everybody to know that she just received a call from her son Track, who is now driving his superiors around Afghanistan instead of Iraq as he did before.
And yes for those who have been asking it DOES appear that Track did enter the reserves after his two year stint in the Army infantry, and apparently is indeed back in Afghanistan. Information is a little spotty but that is what I am hearing right now.
Personally I would not be at all surprised to learn that Palin herself pulled a few strings and had him deployed simply to use him as a human shield against the criticism that will result from the premiere of Game Change tonight.
Yes I know that sounds cynical, but consider who we are discussing.
The SPLC needs to declare her a hategroup unto herself. The media should ostracize her accordingly.
ReplyDeleteIt never hurts to dream.
DeleteWTF? So, in Palin's tiny mind, "ambivalent" means "launch nonstop attacks and email ABC"?
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is that it has to be "must see tv" if it's got her so freaked out.
If she cared so much about track why does she only talk about him when he's deployed? Why doesn't she talk about track's kid?
ReplyDeleteAnd if she cared so much about track why is she talking about Game Change more than she has talked about her son in the last four years?
Because he asks her not to. She respects his decision to enlist and knows NO ONE is safe over there. Respect them and their loyalty to the military.
DeleteI'm guessing because Track threatened to let some skeletons out of the closet if she tried using him as a political prop. Maybe Gryphen is right and she did pull some strings. Not only to use him as a human shield...never mind. Now I'm being too cynical.
DeleteSimpering Skankerbelle, welcome back.
DeleteTheir loyalty is only to themselves, and even that often gets fucked up through their stupidity.
BTW, however little they're paying you, it's too much.
She "knows NO ONE is safe over there."
DeleteI have a sneaking suspicion that the enemy already knows that we're there. It really doesn't matter if Sarah tells or not.
Track's "kid" is Bristol's DWTS baby. He and Britta took it when it was a few months old and they lived with it in Bristol's Arizona house. That's why Palin doesn't talk about that kid or show photos, because it's a bit larger that it should be given when Britta said she gave birth. Now if they can keep Bristol from having a fourth kid before age 22 they will have accomplished something!
DeleteMy guess is he asked her to leave him out of her public life but she is so worked up over this movie that she just couldn't keep her mouth shut. Any time she feels threatened, she throws out her children as shields.
DeleteI feel bad for Track. He made mistakes when he was younger and by all accounts had a pretty bad substance addiction. I hope he has reformed. It must be hard to have strong suspicions your mother lied about your parentage.
DeleteMaybe he has asked his mother to keep him out of the public eye, but it hasn't stopped her from screeching about him when she's up against it.
This reminds me, I need to stock up on popcorn before tonight!
ReplyDeleteI wonder which will be worse for Sarah, all the people horrified that someone so pathological unstable and stupid was selected as a Vice Presidential nominee, or all the people who feel sorry for the dumb hick who thought she could play with the real players, but wasn't smart or stable enough to make it in the big league...
All of the above.
DeleteWhat has happened to her? I looked at some screen shot grabs at the sea4pee blog and she's really gotten unattractive. Someone mentioned the other day here that no one talked about her beauty anymore. Is this what happens when you live a lie and talk mean girl talk all day it really takes its toll on a face - of course the cheap botox doesn't help but really Sara - chill out, back off and get your life back in order. How you can say you don't care about GC in an email tells me you do care or you wouldn't bother commenting back to an inquiry or initiate one on your own. And you may not have a care in the world but clearly your paid Sara PAC trolls who are coming here, distributing flyers, making Anti-GC video and whatever else they are doing - well I don't believe they are doing this on their own. You control the PAC purse strings and if you are directing payments then you must care or you would tell them to send the money to people who are actually running for office instead of to your plastic surgeon, fast food joints and the other assorted places you squander other people's money
ReplyDeleteGryphen said...
ReplyDelete"Yes I know that sounds cynical, but consider who we are discussing."
It's not cynical...it's how Baldy rolls! USING all her kids to deflect from her obvious shortcomings is Baldy's default button!
She's INSANE...and tonight everyone with HBO will see exactly how INSANE Baldy is in technicolor!
Hopefully the trolls will stay over in the Beefalo thread and leave this one alone!
REMINDER! Throw some "Change" Gryphen's way in honor of "Game Change"! My "stripper tips" weren't as plentiful as I would have liked..but that's because the Repubs were all on their way home to watch "Game Change"! LOL!!!!
Now really why would she advertise that Track is in Afghanistan? Especially after her hissy fit about the Koran book burning? Does she WANT her Son to be "Sacrificed"? Is that the only way she can get POTUS attention when he calls her as a "Gold Star Mom"?
DeleteI would never say that about anyone else but her. It fits her pathology.
And what happened to Track being a "fishpicker"? Progressin' the family business? Surely the Toad doesn't have time to be a fishpicker and a pimp his "other" family business?
I just did, courtesy of President Barack Obama and the NYSE. :)
DeleteMebbe she's sees an opportunity to be the victim, yet again. Grieving mother of a combat vet. When you have no shame...................
DeleteHahahaha!!! I can't wait for your take on Game Change, GINA! "From pole to poll." Ha!
DeleteAnd I already threw in a little "Change" today, but will add more, in honor of your wit!
It's like Sarah Palin put a target on her own son's back.
DeleteBut then again, she's an expert with putting up targets other people aim at. Not so much an expert herself.
Does anyone else think she obsesses like a tweaker? I can see her digging holes in her backyard at 3am.
ReplyDeleteIn her NRA housecoat with Trig slung on her back listening to I am Woman on auto-repeat on her ipod? Yeah, I can definitely see it.
DeleteShe is a fucking fraud and I feel sorry for her son, who truly wants nothing to do with her publically. He is said not to be Todd's son - more a Menard (of good and not so good fame in Wasilla). Can you imagine having to outlive her with the reputation she has in Alaska and the USA? Cannot even imagine and we are only starting with the movie tonight of "Game Change". There will be so much more to come - the retarded child that she didn't give birth to and Todd's prostitute ring! She and Todd are the very worst example of parents!
ReplyDeleteWell, I feel for your children if you have any. Oh your negativity and bs. You obviously don't know what you speak out.
Delete3:22 PM:
DeleteProve it.
AnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:22 PM
DeleteHey Baldy...a little touchy there aren't ya'? Did you forget about the little clue you always leave to let us know it's your crazy ass commenting on here?
She pulled a few strings to make him a sergeant.
ReplyDeleteYou are despicable. Liars are not respected. You are no better than Palin in that respect.
Delete3:22 PM:
DeleteHi, $arah! “Liars are not respected.” You of all people should know that.
AnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:22 PM
DeleteUh oh....so it must be true huh Baldy! So did you blackmail McShame on Track's behalf! Hmmmpfh...wouldn't be the first time you blackmailed the man!
Shame on you Baldy for putting your son in harms way for your insanity!
It won't help.
I'm also interested in how he became a sergeant so quickly.
DeleteTrack should be a general by the time he returns from Afghanistan.
DeleteMaybe he enlisted to get away from his crazy family.
ReplyDeletePoor Britta and baby then...
DeleteMaybe you're delusional and psychopathic.
DeleteMaybe he got caught around some school buses while holding an 8ball and some oxys.
DeleteYou're (back) in the army now..
3:21 PM:
Delete“Delusional and Psychopathic = $arah Palin in ‘Game Change.’
For voicing a genuine possibility? Probability, more like it.
DeleteThere is NO Britta and baby....right Baldy?
Delete*hard stare at AnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:21 PM*
He also has a family to support. If he has truly broken off relations with the family, he is earning his own way.
DeleteThe really sad thing is that Track appears to want to stay out of the spotlight and Sarah keeps bringing him into the spotlight.
DeleteIt's a little like "Oh, I have this big spot on my nose." "See this big spot?" "I want to make sure you all take notice of this big spot" Don't talk about the spot on my nose.
Poor Sarah is so twisted. And funny. And pitiful.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how the poor idiot behaves if something really matters to her? She couldn't talk about Track when he was in the country--now that he can't shut her up . . . .here she goes again.
And how the hell did the two conservatives who wrote Game Change and HBO all of a sudden become team Obama? If they have---- Whoopee!
Exactly. She didn't even acknowledge that he had a baby, but now she promotes him.
DeleteHappy GAME CHANGE Night, all!! Tick, tick, tick, tick ...
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the comments. And, Sarah, you wouldn't even come close to making the cut for "Team Obama." Don't even try. You're not worthy.
GAME (Change) ON!! Thanks, HBO. Thanks, Mark Halperin and John Heileman. Thanks, Jay Roach and Danny Strong. Thanks, Julianne, Woody and Ed. And, thanks, Gryphen!
Wasn't Track to have a big wedding? How come there are no pictures of Tracks family with the Palins. How come there is no mention of him, his wife or Sarahs other grandchild. Does this wife or baby exist and are they still with Track or was it all a photo op. Where do these people live?
ReplyDeleteWow, how nosy. You know Track asks that he not be mentioned in the media. Their lives specifically are not your business. THe family is respectful of them by not including them in their public lives. Back when Bristol used to friend everyone on her private facebook she only posted pictures there, not publicly. Out of respect. Why not try living your own life.
DeleteHow about you, Skankerbelle? Go back to Pisserville.
DeleteIf Trick (or whatever his unfortunate name is) has asked for privacy, why is his mother yammering about him? Twice in the last two days. Talk about being disrespectful. Sarah does it better than anyone.
DeleteIf the "family" chooses to be respectful of Track's wishes to remain out of the public eye, then why was he included in SPA and how come she's mentioning him now???? If anything, if you're in the public eye, the last thing you'd want to do is let the world know that your son is going to be deployed....she's basically putting a giant "kidnap me" target on his back...how loving and motherly of her!!!
DeleteYou really are a moron, Troll. Who brought up the topic of getting a phone call from her son in Afghanistan, and telling ABC about it?
DeleteShe could have just shut her flapping trap and never mentioned him, just like you suggest Track asked.
That'll teach him.
OTOH, he may NOT have called her, and she just made it up. Either way, she opened the Pandora's box of discussing one of her children AGAIN.
3:21 PM:
Delete“The family is respectful of them by not including them in their public lives.”
Is this an admission that the rest of the Palins are “fame-seeking” assholes like Levi, and are NOT trying to live on the “down low,” as you have tried to tell us so many times, before?
Try taking your own advice, and living your own life, instead of visiting a blog you hate, and worrying about whether or not “haters” are living their own life!
*in my Fred Sanford voice*
Delete"Hey dummy"
@ AnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:21 PM
Did you read the post or did you just start commenting out of your ass? This is exactly what dumbass "You know Track asks that he not be mentioned in the media" Baldy said...
“I believe my family has the right priorities and knows what really matters,” Palin emailed. “For instance, our son called from Afghanistan yesterday and he sounded good, and that’s what matters.
STFU...you're embarrassing yourself!
Todd listed the grandchild in his Iron Dog profile.
DeleteYou talking about Convict Number AK592453 Todd Palin?
DeleteThey sold his shotgun wedding picture to a tabloid.
Track's baby is less than a year old.
ReplyDeleteIf his mother deliberately got him deployed into a warzone to help puff her credentials at a brokered convention, then he'll have every reason in the world to hate her.
Every. Damned. Reason.
I would not put this past her. $he never officially acknowledged her grand daughter, and there never was a 'big wedding' in winter as $he had promised.
DeleteWow. Good point.
DeleteDoes Track exist? Does he have a wife and baby. How come no pictures of these people with the Palins? How come Sarah, etc. never mention any of them. Maybe the girl and baby were props and never really existed. I thought Track was having a big wedding.
ReplyDeleteSince she's willing to share select info about Track, it's what she chooses to leave out that says more. Obviously, she doesn't want to admit that she had another grandchild conceived before marriage. It would reflect poorly on her.
Deletemaybe track rejoined to get the hell out-a-dodge,
ReplyDeletehe knows whats coming..............haha, would be funny if he ends up being the truth teller
Ye gads, she is so amazingly transparent, isn't she. She 'doth protest too much' and brings attention where any normal, healthy person would simply be still. She is entirely unable to contain herself fluctuating between outrage, victimization, rage, pouting, snarling, pleading, spitting and right back to oh woe is me. A piece of work to be sure, but one that is at it's core, really twisted and rotten. Pulling the military/son card is just to be expected.
ReplyDeleteI am giddy with excitement waiting for Game Change. Tomorrow will look just a little brighter after her utter ineptitude, meglomania and viciousness are exposed to the tv viewing world. It's about time.
Sarah Palin is so very beautiful it took 2 hours of makeup each day of filming to make Julianne Moore look good enough to play her!
ReplyDeleteAh, but that was the stage Sarah in 2008. Now we see the real Sarah, who needs two hours of makeup and wig help herself to look decent for Faux.
DeleteCharlize Theron spent hours in makeup to look like Aileen Wuornos. What's your point?
DeleteSarah Palin is so very beautiful that she needs a gallon of makeup, a wig, and Spanx just to go out in public.
Pshaw...I hope you're kidding....
DeleteI wanted to make the comment "BARF", but I just can't bring myself to do it, so instead I'll just say that somebody is quite deluded here.
DeleteJulianne Moore's hair and skin coloring were both different from Palin's. THAT is why it took the time for makeup.
DeleteAnonymousMar 10, 2012 02:51 PM
DeleteSarah Palin is so very beautiful it took 2 hours of makeup each day of filming to make Julianne Moore look good enough to play her!
Look Everybody...we got a live one here! It took 2 hours because Julianne Moore had to have her ears pinned back and fake Baldy teeth inserted and the longest part of all was all the skeleton color makeup that had to be used so that Moore's hands looked like the claws that Baldy tries to pass off as hands applied! So crawl back over to the swamp of desperation....AKA as the Palin Family compound and kindly...STFU!
And Baldy if this is you.....stay away from the Botox and the plastic surgeons...you're done.
It took 2 hours of make-up to make Julianne Moore look like $arah Palin did FOUR years ago! $arah Palin has aged badly, and she looks like a man, now. Palin got plastic surgery. Probably because of her saggy man jaws! At least Julianne Moore still looks like an attractive WOMAN, and never looks dirty, and unkempt.
DeleteMakeup always takes a long time when you're playing a monster.
DeleteSeriously? Because I don't think I've ever seen such an enhanced Sarah Palin Troll Patrol presence in the comments as I have today.
ReplyDeleteSarah's email to ABC may claim that Game Change doesn't matter to her, but unfortunately for her, the action on this blog today totally puts the lie to her claim. The extreme promptness, consistency, and thoroughness of the dozens of today's lock-step precision troll responses are irrefutable proof that Sarah is TOTALLY fucking going off the rails over this movie.
And that makes me very happy.
DeleteThey're RAMping it up, aren't they?
DeleteThe act of sending an email to ABC tells this message: "This movie matters a lot to me!" which is obviously why they let everyone know she sent it.
DeleteAs usual, she's the best at using gasoline to put our fires.
Like a moth to a flame, she’ll watch every move Julianne makes.
ReplyDeleteHow’s that Gamey Changey thing working out for you, Sarah.
"Gamey Changey" - My s.o. just asked me why
DeleteI'm laughing so hard. Poetic justice, I love it.
ya know what doesnt matter one little bit? $arah paylin.
ReplyDeleteOh God, Gryphen, it has been the Troll Super Bowl today...your posts are making them crazy. I couldn't even get a quarter of the way thru the comments on the Bristol post...the troll droppings were way too thick, you know trolls can't be housebroken.
ReplyDeleteI NEVER watch anything on tv live; always record it, to skip through commercials, mainly. But, tonight will be the exception. Still recording it, though. Will be such fun to go back and revel in the "good" parts again and again. (You know what I mean!)
ReplyDeleteFyi, HBO doesn't do commercials. :D
DeleteI do the same thing - but this is HBO, there won't be any commercials.
DeleteI know that! This is about going back again and again to watch the fun parts. (Just like I do with porn!)
DeletehrhMar 10, 2012 04:18 PM
DeleteJust like I do with porn!)
LMAO! You so crazzzyy!
March 10, 2012 – HBO continues its tradition of producing provocative docudramas about politics with the debut of the much discussed and anticipated “Game Change,” premiering Saturday night, March 10, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time on HBO East and HBO Latino East (with Spanish subtitles); followed by airings on HBO West and Latino West at 9 p.m. Pacific Time. All four channels repeat the film three hours later.
ReplyDeleteHBO will repeatedly air “Game Change” through the weekend with two more showings on Sunday, March 11; plus showings nearly every day through March; and April 3, 7, 9, and 17.
“Game Change” will first be available via HBO On Demand starting on Monday, March 12. There is currently no date set for a DVD or Blu-Ray release.
And, horrible "The Undefeated" is only playing two or three times.
DeleteFor those (like us) that have dish network but don't subscribe to HBO, there will be a free preview starting March 30th thru April 2nd. Yay!!!
If I needed convincing, and I didn't, I'm now sure she's totally out of her mind.
ReplyDelete“It’s a person that no one had ever heard of, including the people that picked her to be the vice presidential candidate, and then, overnight, becomes the candidate for Vice President of the United States and is potentially one heartbeat away from being President of the United States. It really is an only in America story, in which an individual who is unprepared for the national stage almost became president.”
Palin knows nothing will turn her palinbots against her
ReplyDeleteshe could murder her whole family and the bots would still love her
Of course, because then the bots could then moan and claim we nasty libs drove her to it.
DeleteIt's not love, as we know it. It's......what?.......something sick, twisted, psychopathic.
DeleteTrack Menard, I mean, Palin, is in the military because $P chose that rather than having him on trial, facing charges that he and his "friend" cut the brakes of school buses.
DeleteSarah: You're a petulant kid and all the impotent rage in the world will not change that. You wanted the spotlight, and you got it. Be a REAL woman and stop your fucking crying.
ReplyDeleteThe thinking world is not to blame for your chronic idiocy (or any fallout arising therefrom)...YOU are.
A film like this, detailing the inner workings of the GOP campaign that helped usher Barack Obama into office four years ago, “could serve to remind some voters who cast their ballot for him back then that they made the right decision,” says Republican strategist David Johnson, who worked on Sen. Bob Dole’s 1988 presidential campaign.
ReplyDelete“Game Change” reveals, in particular, the doubts that GOP candidate John McCain had during the campaign – not to mention the conflicts and disarray within his ranks over the growing problems ushered in by Palin’s spot on the ticket.
“They may well realize that they made a choice for the safer candidate back then,” says Mr. Johnson, “and in some slight but important way, that could serve to reinforce the idea that continuing with Obama is still the safer choice.”
She has been the best promotion for people to watch Game Change!
ReplyDeleteO/T Good news to our ears!!
ReplyDelete"The toxic environment that right wing talk radio has created is now destroying it as Premiere Networks is circulating a list of 98 advertisers who don’t want their ads to appear on Hannity, Beck, or Limbaugh."
It appears that not only is the ad boycott hitting Rush - it's included Hannity, Levin, Savage et al. It appears it may be working better than first thought!!!
"They’ve specifically asked that you schedule their commercials in dayparts or programs free of content that you know are deemed to be offensive or controversial (for example, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Leykis, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity)."
How delightful that Premier recognizes -- with 'free speech can come consequences'. That it's not the 'suppression of free speech but the free market at work'!!
"Defenders of Limbaugh and his ilk often scream about free speech, but the reality is that when a Limbaugh or Hannity or Beck says something controversial the American people have the right as consumers to choose not purchase products and services from companies that financially support these hosts.
This isn’t a suppression of speech. It is the free market at work. If the advertiser demand for extremist conservative talk radio vanishes, those programs will eventually leave the air. Glenn Beck still had millions of people watching his program when Fox News canned him. FNC got rid of Beck because they couldn’t make any money on his show."
This feels like a Two-Fer today!!
Game Change and this!!
Popcorn's a poppin'!!!!
Listening to NPR today I learned that a lot of the advertisers didn't actually want their ads running on these shows because of the controversy. These shows have been propped up by unwilling advertisers!!!! And the situation has been exposed!!! Limbaugh might not last through 2012....YAY!!!
Delete"Then, out of nowhere, and without proper vetting, the impetuous McCain picked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate. She quickly proved grievously underequipped to step into the presidency should McCain, at 72 and with a history of health problems, die in office. More than any single factor, McCain's bad judgment in choosing the inarticulate, insular and ethically challenged Palin disqualifies him for the presidency."
Good quote...it just goes to show you how desperate McCain must have been...the story about McCain all along had been that he was irrational and angry, and, in fact, there is some truth that this is true, as he was passed over for a promotion to admiral because of his temperament...even though he was a big "hero"....and then he goes...and makes an erratic decision, like picking Sarah Palin...not good strategy. It was easy to vote for Barack Obama in 2008 and it'll be easy to vote for him in 2012.
DeleteTo be honest, I was actually annoyed that McCain stole my right to choose away by making it clear there was only one viable candidate. I would have preferred to have at least needed to ponder the issues and their platforms a little before voting for Obama. But all I had to do was see Palin onstage with Bocephus and people yelling "terrorist!" "Kill him!" and her a-smilin' and a-winkin' and I knew there was no way I was going to validate this village idiot as a legitimate consideration.
DeleteAnd it looks like the repub clown parade is going to put me in the same position again this time.
For someone who doesn't care she sure makes a lot of noise...what a effing idiot.
ReplyDeletecan you imagine the depth of depravity that is the palin family if the son newly with baby feels the need to escape by joining the military?
ReplyDeleteand palin the insane gives it all away by using him to "prove" all is well.
thats her M.O. claiming the opposite of what is true.
at least todd can throw cans of corn at her.
the palin home must truly be a madhouse.
Track never left the army. IT was noted in an email that his was in for I think 5 years, active for 2. He knew what he was doing when he and his buddy surprised everyone when he signed up.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're DELUSIONAL that you are hearing accurate things, or you would have reported this back in November about Track. You can't help yourself when you bring people whom you know don't want media attention into the media. You're worse than Sarah. Sarah at least respects her son's wishes by not mentioned him.
Sarah, his mother, said that he was in combat! Not true - look at his DD214 - can you imagine having a mother like Sarh Palin. The poor young man - no wonder he keeps distance w/her. I would too! She's a fraud!
DeleteIt was Sarah who mentioned him. Repeatedly. Get a clue.
DeleteGryphen posted Track's discharge papers.
DeleteAnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:15 PM
DeleteSarah at least respects her son's wishes by not mentioned him.
You are truly NUTS...this very post states directly from Baldy's clawed hands per email the following....
“I believe my family has the right priorities and knows what really matters,” Palin emailed. “For instance, our son called from Afghanistan yesterday and he sounded good, and that’s what matters."
So...now what troll?
She respects her son's wishes by not mentioning him...yet, mentions him in a totally gratuitous way???? You make no sense. You know who else supports the military and has a son who served overseas, and yet...manages to go without mentioning it whenever he gets in a jam? Joe Biden...Or, er...Joe O'Biden to you....And -- PS -- Beau Biden was the freaking ATTORNEY GENERAL of Delaware when he got called up to serve -- which he did proudly...
DeleteShe DID mention him, you moron!! Who's delusional now??
DeleteI’m sure Track did surprise everybody when he chose the army over jail!
DeleteTroll, you keep telling people that Track is none of anybody’s business, and that $arah Palin, and “the family” respect his privacy, yet his family is probably posting here on this blog telling us his business, so they can “set the record” straight. So much for the family “respecting his wishes.”
DELUSIONAL = $arah Palin in ‘Game Change.’
"bring people WHOM" --You can tell when Palin, or a Palin, comments. Few people use "whom". It's considered pretentious and stuffy when "who" is what people normally use.(Palins--look it up.Present day usage of whom is almost nonexistent.) Of course, the Palins mistakenly think it will make them sound smart which is laughable.
DeleteHauks, please provide proof of your accusation. When Track and his buddy enlisted as a surprise to their families, they knew how long theyd be in. This isn't new or unexpected. You are despicable for assuming this. And especially disrespectful to his wife and baby, who frequently see their inlaws. The Palins are staunch supporters of the military. Don't make this what it is not.
ReplyDeleteYou are so fucked up! Get a life. Vet Palin - she is a liar and fraud and this is coming from Alaska who knows her best!
DeleteAnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:18 PM
DeleteNotice that you avoided what "Hauks" said....
Track HATES his mother! FACT!
“And especially disrespectful to his wife and baby, who frequently see their inlaws.”
DeleteWhy do you keep throwing out little bits of information like this? I thought you said Track, and his family were none of our business, and that “the family” respects his privacy? Every time somebody asks a question about Track, and his family, you tell them it’s none of their business, and then you start filling in the blanks, and telling Track’s business, anyway.
You’re fucking nuts!
The Palins are probably just like all the other republican “staunch supporters” of the military, who want to, and have tried to cut military benefits.
DeleteWhat we make it is our own business if she's going to mention it in an email to the media! You don't get to make the rules or tell us what to do.
DeleteAnd was that "buddy" who supposed surprised people enlisting with Track named Morlock? We have all see his photos and know that Sarah dumped all association with him fast.
DeleteSo, since you know it all, what happened with the story about Track vandalizing buses?
I think Track is the only member of this family who was smart enough to get as far away from the whole mess as possible. I hope that he comes home safely to his wife and child and they are able to somehow overcome his family and make a good life for themselves. I have to think his wife saw a lot of criminal activities in her job as Sarah's secretary (sure all Governors hire young women with not a speck of experience as their secretary).
The Palins support the AIP and the anti-American "militia."
DeleteHas John McCain contacted ABC News, too?
ReplyDeleteNope? Didn't think so.
He will go to his death with the responsibility of Sarah Palin! I always thougt him an asshole even befoe he picked Palin for the ticket. He fucked up badly!
DeleteShe's probably hoping that she'll achieve Gold Star Mother status. Remember she mentioned that in her diatribe the other days and, according her, there are no co-incidences. I thought she would be venal enough to have poor Trig bite the big one in order to end a messy cover-up. (Not to worry, nothing would happen to Trig; he would just be left alone with his real family.)
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for Track. He has had a rough life as the "outsider" in the family. I still wonder about his wife and daughter and if they are OK or just staying out of the fray. I hope he stays well in Afghanistan, but if he does come to harm, his mother will milk it for all it's worth. Just think how she handled the Trig situation.
This woman is a curse on everyone she comes into contact with.
Track knows that his own mother is a curse! Can you imagine? What a thing that you put up with for your life - it will never leave him!
DeleteGame Change As It Happened: When Tina and Amy Nailed Sarah Palin
There was a full page ad for the show in yesterday's New York Times.
ReplyDeleteIt will be interesting to see if it has any impact on the VP selection for 2012.
I wonder if McCain will ignore it or comment on it.
It really reflects so badly on him and his so called concern for our country.
Why not leave Track alone? He is completely his stint in the military. He was never guaranteed to be done with it when he came home 3 years ago. People need to educate themselves.
ReplyDeleteWhy not leave Track alone? No one is saying anything about Track but Sarah. Doesn't he have a new child? Is he supposedly back on duty to give her some 'furrin policy' war mother cred in Tampa? The woman is insane, and I feel sorry for Track.
DeleteGood question. Why won't Sarah shut up about him?
DeleteIt's not us repeatedly bringing up the subject of Track. "Someone else" keeps referring to him being in Afghanistan. Anyway, I think Track is the smartest member of your family. He has enough sense to get away from it all. I wish him the best.
DeleteAnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:25 PM
Delete"People need to educate themselves."
Says the numbskull who wrote this...
"He is completely his stint in the military."
LOL!! STFU troll...you're to dumb to comment!
After ‘Game Change,’ it will be even more obvious that dolt $arah Palin is the one who needed to educate herself.
DeleteShe only mentions Track as a military prop to her ego. If I were Track, I might be glad to get away from Alaska; I think he knows full well how toxic Granny is.
ReplyDeleteIf the Palin kids see "Game Change" they will know it is a FLATTERING depiction of the real SP. I doubt the HBO movie will show all the little moments of her freaking out, angrily screaming at her aids, running up a shocking tab on the RNC credit card, and demanding that everyone's emails be secretly hacked to hunt down that person who told the press she was a "diva".
I think her main fear about "Game Change" is that more and more people will be emboldened to step forward and talk about her nutty, inappropriate behavior and constant, chronic lying.
Will damaged refrigerators make an appearance?
DeleteIf Track is married, the message is appropriate from his wife not his mother. Does Britta want this info about her husband broadcast, and for her serpent of a mother-in-law to use Track for reflected glory and sympathy? Doubt it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousMar 10, 2012 03:31 PM
DeleteIf Track is married, the message is appropriate from his wife not his mother. Does Britta want this info about her husband broadcast, and for her serpent of a mother-in-law to use...
That is a VERY good point! So...what say you troll? Care to answer?
I already think he totally dislikes her. Consider it - he is suppose to be a Menard son (not Todd's)! His grandmother would then be Linda Minard who currently serves in the Alaska Legislature. She is not on record for having uttered a word about this subject, other than to e publically supported Sarah Palin. And, the reason being? To have access to her biological grandson all these years as he has grown into manhood.
ReplyDeleteMinard probably knows more than anyone else, the secrets of Sarah Palin and they assuredly are open for discussion! Plus, it is apparent that Track wants nothing to do w/Sarah publically. Can you blame him?
Could it be possible that Trig is the child of Bristol and Track? Maybe that is why they were both out of town. Did Track and Bristol both leave high school and attend in other towns during the same time?
ReplyDeleteI've had that (horrendous) thought for a long time now. That could explain the down syndrome part, siblings offspring.
Deleteno. Down syndrome does not increase with consanguinity. Other types of birth defects/genetic disease/mental retardation do. This is due to close relatives having defective genes (as we all have a few of) being identical by descent (from the same ancestor).
DeleteThat's always been the taboo hunch that has to be tiptoed around on these blogs. Since all we have to go on are hunches, I would say that this scenario wouldn't surprise me.
DeleteOrdered HBO today!
ReplyDeleteI ordered it yesterday!
Delete"When Putin rears his head...." Katie Couric and Charles Gibson deserve medals of honor for helping to unmask this fraud!
Can't wait to hear Sarah tell us everything that was wrong with the film..meaning she did, in fact, watch it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bitch. If ‘Game Change’ didn’t matter one bit to $arah Palin, she wouldn’t throw in a diss like, “Being in the good graces of Hollywood’s ‘Team Obama’ isn’t top of my list.” What’s even funnier, is that she is blaming ‘Team Obama’ for what is in the “Game Change” movie, even though all the information to make the movie, (and write the McCain half of the book) came from ‘Team McCain.’ The director had members of ’Team McCain’ act out Palin’s meltdowns for him, not members of ’Team Obama.’
ReplyDeleteDid Track break the conditions of his plea and get caught around some school buses again?
ReplyDeleteYeah Sarah, Game Change is NOT important. That's why 6 out of the last 10 posts on Cult4Palin have been about... GAME CHANGE!
ReplyDeleteHey G, how about starting a thread later so that folks watching the movie can live-blog in the comments for the benefit of folks (like poor me) who do not have HBO? Just a suggestion.
I second that. Am in bed with the laptop beside me. When I wake I want to know everyone's reaction!
DeleteWhy is Sarah writing to ABC News? How about all of the other new outlets on TV, cable, the internet? For someone who doesn't care about that movie, Sarah cares too much.
ReplyDeleteSince Sarah (and her surrogates) read here, I would like to offer a suggestion about Sarah's choice of jewelry. When Sarah announces that she has converted to Judaism- with a rabbi standing by her side, nodding in agreement, then, and only then can Sarah wear her Jewish star. Until then, Sarah is not Jewish, and it is insulting for her to wear the symbol of another person's religion. I have to repeat it again, SARAH PALIN IS NOT JEWISH AND SHE SHOULD NOT BE WEARING A JEWISH STAR.
Of course Sarah loves to wear jewelry, so I suggest that she adorn herself with American flags, her blue star pin honoring Track's service (remind me again, why did he go into the service in the first place), and of course, Sarah's cross. Sarah is so devout that she should several crosses. When Sarah was governor of Alaska, she also wore a rhinestone sparkle Alaska pin and a bear pin. But please, Sarah, stay away from the combined US flag and flag of Israel flag. You are not a citizen of Israel, as much as you want to be there for the final, spiritual moment. Crosses, Sarah, not Jewish stars or Israeli flags.
Ruh roh, did Track get caught within 1000 ft. of a school? How many years does he have to enlist for this time? At this rate he could could qualify for a military pension.
ReplyDeleteHey! Major Network! HEY! Did I tell you I am not gonna watch that stupid HBO movie? Hey! HEY!! OVER HERE! I SAID, I'M NOT GONNA WATCH THAT STUPID MOVIE, NO SIR! Are you listening? Hey, I'm talking to you! Oh, yeah and TODAY I TALKED TO MY COMBAT VET SON IN AFGHANISTAN, where Obama sent him to get shot at. Don't you walk away from me! I said, I have a combat vet son and still Obama's Hollywood liberal pals are going ahead with this movie which I am not going to watch just to make things even harder on my poor COMBAT VET SON in Afghanistan. When is Obama gonna call me and tell me how proud he is of me? Huh? Huh? Well, I'm not gonna watch that stupid old movie on HBO at 9 o'clock that's gonna remind everyone of MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
ReplyDeleteFuck you, you idiot!
DeleteLOL... Everything is always about Me Me Me Sarah.
DeleteIf Sarah is so proud of Track, why didn't she announce the birth of his baby. What happened to the big wedding celebration?
ReplyDeleteYou didn't see the hill billy shin dig wedding on the side of the road with the pregnant bride with her proud pappy the pastor and mother and Track with his soon to be convicted dad Todd and retard mother Sarah all standing there in their Sunday best?
DeleteTrack is in Afghanistan since Koran burning? Wasn't he already a target due to his celebrity status? Remember Prince Harry and they really tried to keep it secret. Also the right wing mother who lost radio gig, her son denegrated his mates and Afghans. Stuck a gun in his mouth to pose for photos. Didn't they keep him secret locations, at taxpayers expense? Maybe Sarah wants someone to get Track. The media should be all over whoever would give him up. She is treated better then royalty as she disrespects a member of our armed forces. Even if it is her son. What a target. Hope no one gets someone they mistakenly identify as Track as he lounges at an Arizona resort. War is confusing. She did wrong for all the troops.
ReplyDeleteTrack in no way has the quality of Prince Harry! Give me a fucking break! Sarah Palin is a disgrace in the way she uses her children!!! No other mother in the world uses them as does she. To hell with her! She has a resting place in hell awaiting her, there is no doubt. I cannot even begin to imagine being one of her children!
DeleteThat would be Dr. Laura of N....R X 13 fame. Her son Derek did some bad things and it was all covered up. And speaking of Afghanistan, where is Jeremy Morlock these days? Another example of the Palin curse.
DeleteSarah Palin is a fucking mess as a mother and I'm sure Track wishes she were not in his life! She uses him and has used all of her kids....what a total disgrace. The woman will go to hell and her life is going to be shortlived - trust me. She's too evil to live a long life.
DeleteRecently, Sarah mentioned her ideal qualifications for a vice president. One was "Someone who has served in our military, or at least has intimate knowledge of the way the military works and should work, perhaps by having a close family member serve." Obviously, she meant Track. I think this explains why she sent Track off to war again.
ReplyDeleteThe question of why he went back right after having a baby has been nagging at me. For one thing, Gryphen got a copy of his discharge. Sure, the explanation could simply be that he and Brita are having trouble and he wanted to get away. But, that just didn't seem like enough of a reason.
Her comment today sounded exactly like the time when McCain was declared the candidate, and she suddenly announced that she was somehow already 7 months pregnant. She's making her children fit into the narrative she wants to display: She's making herself into the "military expert." She's paving the way by getting the idea into people's heads that someone who has a family member serving is qualified for vice president.
We don't need a whole new version of "I'm the right candidate because I have a Down syndrome son to prove that I'm pro-life." We can't have her say, "I'm the right candidate because I have a son in the military."
She's also the right candidate because she's an energy expert.
Delete(I think my nose grew several inches after I wrote that.) It was snark, dammit!
Oh, how pathetic. Sarah Palin really believes someone is going to choose tap her again for the VP slot.
DeleteWhen she was running for VPOTUS, she didn't know what the VPOTUS actually did. I think she still doesn't know.
"I'm the right candidate because I have a great endorsement track record."
DeleteTim Tebow
Jeremy Lin
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il
Iron Dog Todd Palin
Newt Gingrich
John McCain
Rick Perry
Herb Cain
Glen Miller
Christine O'Donnell
Sharron Angle
Carly Fiorina
Tom Emmer
Tom Tancredo
Saddam Hussein
Joe Miller
DeleteI wouldn't put it past her to blackmail her own son - most likely she cause him problems legally with the cops and I'm sure jobs are scarce in Alaska -- Sarah probably told him she wasn't going to pull strings to get him a job or give him cash for his child and new wife (since getting a girl pregnant before marrying her was another dent in the Palin myth) - so like she is known to have said to Bristol "you owe me" - so if she made him sign up, at least he will have benefits and income for his wife and child,and hopefully will be safe (and I hope all our service men and women are kept safe and return home soon).
ReplyDeleteIf anyone knows about "historical fiction," it's Palin. To this day, I wish Biden would have vivisected her full throttle during that debate. She deserved(es) nothing less.
ReplyDeleteNice to know Palin believes in real history.
DeleteAfter all Historical Fiction is usually History with dialogue and scenery added. It is based on actual history.
DeleteWell I can't wait not only will I watch I have the DVR set!!! Let the good times roll!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIn the movie, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989), there is a scene that I think of almost every time I hear Sarah talk. It is at the end of the movie. The students are giving presentations as part of a history oral exam. A jock, wearing a football jacket, goes to the podium and says:
ReplyDelete"Everything is different, but the same... things are more moderner than before... bigger, and yet smaller... it's computers..."
The audience starts giggling and then the jock says, with great enthusiasm:
"San Dimas High School football rules!"
And the crowd cheers.
Sarah is that character brought to life :-)
Am wondering if the audience tonight for Game Change will be much bigger than the 14,000 or so who packed theaters in Podunk USA (aka "rill umerika") to watch The Undefeated? Could be close... Or not...
ReplyDeleteHollywood's "Team Obama"? So she is implying that these Hollywood types, i.e., directors, execs, actors, etc. made this movie for the purpose of making her look bad and thereby advancing Obama? Oh yeah, everything revolves around her. In fact, I'm sure she believes that her powers are so great, that the only way Obama (or anyone left of bat-shit crazy) can prevail is to attack and destroy her. Oh sweetie, you so need to get over yourself. You have, by your own actions, reduced yourself to a mild curiosity (or irritant to some). I wonder what would have become of the Quitter had she not taken such a low road. Had she really considered her situation and grown some integrity, she may have been great. Water under the bridge to nowhere... but if she would just stop the tirades and come clean she will have your place in history. The first step is to stop degrading American politics, womanhood, and Alaska. Just shhhh.
ReplyDeleteIf Track is really in Afghanistan, why in the world would $arah put his life at risk by calling Afghan people savages? Either she doesn't give a damn about her son & hopes something horrible happens to him or she's lying about him being in Afghanistan.
ReplyDeleteBINGO.... what a retard that Sarah is.
Delete"The Palins are staunch supporters of the military."
ReplyDeleteSure, sure, sure. That is why she announces he is in a war zone at a time like this. Can you imagine if Geraldo had said where the son of public figures and staunch supporters of the military's son was.
Did anyone from Sarah's family, other than Track, serve in the military? Parent? Todd?
ReplyDeleteDoes the Alaskan Independence Party count as military service?
DeleteIf yes then Sally and Chuck Heath served with Toad.
ReplyDeleteApparently this unit deployed in the fall of 2011.
Palin says she won't watch it. I call horseshit on that. She'll watch. We all know that. She just can't help herself. She'll deny she watched it, but we all know -- she'll trip up and spew about it on Hannity or some show and it won't take her long to do it. She will just not be able to keep it to herself. It's just too easy to catch her in her bullshit. She makes it far too easy that it's not even fun anymore.
ReplyDeleteMcCain Klan said they won't watch it either. BS to that to. They too just won't admit it.
Rush has lost 98 sponsors. Sponsors are bailing on other hate radio hosts like Hannity. We need to let Fox News' advertisers know that they are underwriting hate with people like Bolling, Palin, Hannity and O'Reilly, all of whom staunchly stood with Rush.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't seen it check out this montage of Rush's unhinged 3 day misogynistic rant. It needs to be seen by every Fox News sponsor.
Britta has always looked like a beard of sorts. One of those staged Hollywood-type set up marriages. Bristol tried to do her own version with her boyfriend. I just learned Britta actually married Track. What I read said they were married in May and baby girl in August. It is all being downplayed, no doubt due to the dates. That poor baby, Piper must be happy, however. At the Palin house the word marriage is a joke, especially now that Todd's side job is coming to light. Husband, father and pimp. Way to go, Todd!
ReplyDeleteBARF... BARF.... BARF.... BARF... BARF... Watch out for flocks of flying monkeys with real bad dierraha flying over Alaska tonight...
ReplyDeleteTrack is back in the military because either/and he can't get a real job, to stay the hell out of the Danse Macabre of the Palin family, he is the same kind of man and husband his dad is and his wife kicked him out.
ReplyDeleteIt is only through the kindness (and good strategy) of Team Obama that Sarah Palin got the almost unimaginable gift of a throttled Joe Biden in the Vice Presidential debate.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is too stupid to realize that if Joe Biden had displayed just his normal debate style Sarah Palin would have gone into one of her meltdowns, on live TV.
To this day, Sarah Palin thinks she did well in the debate doing "I'm not going to answer the questions" routine. That's just another indication of her mental instability.
Stupid, deluded sociopath.
{sigh} NO HBO. No way to watch. I rely on your reviews Gryph. Enjoy........!
ReplyDeletePalin emailed. “For instance, our son called from Afghanistan yesterday and he sounded good, and that’s what matters.
ReplyDeleteTri-G was Sarah's prop before and now because the HBO documentary is coming out tonight Sarah is wrapping herself in an American flag by using Track as her prop.
Won't work retard.
KARMA is a Bitch Sarah.
It's been brought up before but hey, please let's moneybomb Gryphen tonight in honor of his tireless and truly entertaining blogging. This is one of my favorite corners of the interwebs and every little bit helps keep IM rolling.
ReplyDeleteThat said, everyone enjoy Game Change!! I'm literally getting ready to pop the corn and pour the martinis for everybody here. Some of my friends even came dressed as Wa$chilla DeVile and McInsane. Talk about A for effort :)
Peace and see y'all after the show :)
Track is in Afghanistan according to the National Guard, 17 days ago. Mrs. Palin was only repeating this news. The media failed to do an effective job of highlighting Track's service. Not even a peep from Governor Parnell.
Now the media can go full force on his service and accomplishments.
"Sgt. Track Palin of Wasilla, and a member of B Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne)...."
WHAT A BRAVE SOLDIER TO GO TO KANDAHAR. IS THERE A WORSE PLACE AND A MECCA FOR DRUGS? What a great man he is. Yes, Mother Sarah will have his expertise.
I wonder what a real American hero like Captain Mark Kelly thinks about the Quitta from Wasilla hiding behind her son when the going gets tough. We know how he felt when she hid behind Rebecca 'Surveyor's Symbols' Mansour after Tuscon.
DeleteThe Quitta is quick to bring up her son and make blood libel videos but somehow she has never found the time to call the Kelly's - or any of the victims of Tuscon for that matter.
Being raised by a parent with narcissistic personality disorder must have been tough for those kids. I'm glad at least one turned out alright.
I told that wonky eyed bitch not to tell anybody where I am and the first thing she does is email ABC and tells them where I’m at, in Afghanistan!
ReplyDeletePut a target on me why don’t ya…. Never mind I seen what happened in Tucson.
Didn’t that retard learn not to email?
Leave my kids out of it they are not public figures… by the way my son Track is in Afghanistan!
ReplyDeleteThat is spelled T R A C K M E N A R D
ReplyDeleteI am sure this is another one of Sarahs' Blood libel moments. Her handlers told her to ignore the movie, keep her mouth shut, but she just can't help spouting off and bringing attention to it.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, Thank You Sarah for keeping McCain out of the White house and giving us the best President in my lifetime.
Obama 2012!
See Everybody later....Game Change is ONNNNNN!!
ReplyDeleteFuck off trolls! Can't stop progress!
Sarah Palin is praying that Somalia nukes the state of Africa tonight or Switzerland bombs the Vatican to take the pressure off of her movie debut tonight.
ReplyDeleteJesse, have you looked at those screen captures at Sea4Pee Just Duh Facts We Like! They are perfect for your collection of Sarah faces.
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of surprised at all the Track craziness going on here today. Honestly some of you are worse than C4P'ers today. The guy has tried to stay out of his hateful mother's shitstorm and he's serving our country. I'm cool with him.
ReplyDeleteAll of this ridiculous "maybe Sarah pulled strings to get him sent to war and hopes to become a Gold Star Mom" is pretty nauseating, easily as nauseating as $arah's "Obama wants to take us back to the days before the Civil War" dogshit or all of Rush's recent hate-spew.
$arah, Todd and Bristol have served themselves up as public figures, so they deserve all the mocking they get.
I'm not watching it and you can't make me - Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteBritta has always looked like a beard of sorts. One of those staged Hollywood-type set up marriages. Bristol tried to do her own version with her boyfriend. I just learned Britta actually married Track. What I read said they were married in May and baby girl in August. It is all being downplayed, no doubt due to the dates. That poor baby, Piper must be happy, however. At the Palin house the word marriage is a joke, especially now that Todd's side job is coming to light. Husband, father and pimp. Way to go, Todd!