Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sarah Palin responds to criticism that there are no pictures of her holding Trig, by posting a picture of her holding Trig. A three year old picture of her holding Trig.

Well I think we can all agree that this is DEFINITELY a picture of Palin holding a baby that looks very much like Trig Paxson Van Palin.

So she certainly put us in out place for talking about her not spending time with the little guy, ya know three years ago.

Okay is THIS where I am supposed to put WTF? Because this is certainly a WTF moment.

Oh she also spat some venom at President Obama in the Facebook post that featured this picture, but who really gives two shits about that?

Look, even three years ago Trig preferred the scary giant pink rabbit to Snowdrift Snooki.

I understand that these days she has to wear a catchers mask or a hockey helmet in order to hold him.


  1. Posted on the C4P website today -

    HAHA!! You guys are such morons. Pictures of Bristol pregnant in 2007 are coming, video and pictures that Sarah was not pregnant, but using a fake pregnancy pillow tummy, more emails, pictures, info.....It is coming, and it will be delivered at the right time in the right place. He will spill it soon. Some Palin power, you can't even convince her to run this year, you keep giving her your hard earned dollars and what do you get in return? A book? A promise? She will never be considered or elected as President when her resume shows that she does not have a college degree, quit the governorship of Alaska (1/2 term quitter), can't take constructive criticism and goes after every slight, has no understanding of foreign policy and was even fooled by radio shock jocks in Canada in 2008, has RAM on her payroll, Todd is out hustling other women, good God the list goes on and on. Even Faux Snooze is tired of her, her screetching, her wigs, her wonky eye, her word salad, good God that list goes on and on. Her word salad alone is enough to make one crazy. Just read all the comments on the Faux Snooze site and you will see that she is considered a fool, a has been, and unable to speak about today's problems and how she will solve them. She comes up with goofball words that don't exist, she cannot articulate her platform, or lack of platform, and she looks drugged through most of her commentary on TV. I for one would love a female President of the United States. But be real, it won't be Scarah Paymelin. She is too busy making a living off of scamming all of you. She will be exposed, trust me, it is coming. A nice slow reveal is the best way...........information and knowledge is power.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      This is pretty malicious, even from a "hater".

    2. Olivia6:33 AM

      How long before that post was scrubbed? Too much truth won't be tolerated.

    3. Olivia6:41 AM

      Nothing malicious, all true.
      BTW, can you tell us why Bristol named Tripp after her dad's prostitute?

    4. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Hasn't been scrubbed yet. Be interesting to see how people respond.

    5. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Malicious? Since when is TRUTH malicious, troll? PROUD of you, peep!

    6. Anonymous7:05 AM

      How can truth be malicious? Only to a Palin.

    7. Anonymous7:24 AM

      This is pretty malicious, even from a "hater".

      Truth is love. Love is truth. Revealing truth is a positive. Can hurt like hell for some, but all will benefit one day. Upside down lives to see love as "hater".

    8. Cracklin Charlie8:20 AM

      Oh, my. I do believe I'm havin' the vapors...

    9. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Painful to read, for some I suppose, but not malicious.

      As we have all repeatedly pointed out, ad nauseam, this woman was almost a heartbeat from being the leader of the Free World. She still harbors aspirations to get there.

      She must be stopped, and sent back to AK or AZ or wherever she wants to lead her life privately. She must be booted off the air, once and for all. WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN HER OPINIONS ANYMORE, if we ever were.

      This stuff is all real, it's fair game, and if this were a Democrat they would have been hoisted on their own petard months/years ago.

      Time for the double standard to stop. Time for journalists to grow spines. Whoever has this material, be it Gryphen and/or others, will have done the lion's share towards saving our country from a very dangerously incompetent and untrustworthy individual.

      Thank you Gryphen and others. You are true patriots.

    10. Anonymous8:38 AM

      LOL! I bet it is not still there! They pull that shiz off asap!
      Just like Beefy does about GregWest on her blog.

    11. hedgewytch8:43 AM

      Oh yeah, some raw open infected wounds need to be cauterized in order to heal.

      I'd like to see the Babygate pictures, but I'd like even more to see indictable evidence released on DairyGate, Goose Creek Prison, AGIA and the rest.

    12. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Most of the happy Trig photos on Sarah controled Bristol blog were also questionable. Over there they are promoting religious propaganda, it must be a money maker? That Nancy French is a schemer. Who are all these people Sarah and Bristol are palling around with now? Ed Welch? Have they all been vetted? Interesting to follow the money and scrutinize these connections. They are getting to a lot of vulnerable people, the youth with achy hearts and desires to procreate. The advertising for Bristol Palin is a jaw dropper. Abstinence absolutely works, she wrote a book, is forgiven, works hard and is raising her son as a successful single mother with an abstinent boyfriend. Now starring in the illusive docuseries 'Life’s a Tripp'

      Has anyone a clue as to what happened to the TV docuseries 'Life's a Tripp' ? Why not an update and promotion from Nancy French? Why is she only shilling for Ed Welch and it is days a way from April 2 date of 'Life's a Tripp' ? (Ed Welch) is an independent news site created to capitalize on weblog technology as an uncompromising defender of the sanctity of human life.

      Has Bristol met or counsels with Ed Welch? Or is it just an on-line weblog technology way to capitalize? (Ed is a faculty member at CCEF and holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology with a Neuro-psychology specialty from the University of Utah as well as a Master of Divinity degree from Biblical Theological Seminary.)

      Christ accepts Blue Shield? The go to dude for psychiatric disorders?

      ++After posting another comment on Bristol's blog, I received this email from 'SixSeeds at Patheos'.++

  2. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Grypeh - there isnt a pix posted?

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      ??? - there isnt a pix posted? ???

      The Klondike Kardashians need to fire all the current publicists and all empoyees and 'friends'. Purge I tells ya! Klondike Kardashians are heading for more failure with present crew. Anyone can see what quality air brushing and photo manipulation has done for Kris, Kim, Chloe and Courtney, even Bruce has a better plastic surgeon. Big mistake for Palin's to be so cheap, it is about time they stepped up their game if they want to go on with this hoax. Balance your budget Palin team. Tell the people you are paying off to expect a cut in funding, maybe the girls will wash their cars, windows or barter somehow instead of cash. Put cash into better surgeries and quality photo shopping. Things that really matter to you. These attempts with old Sarah Trig photos are a clear give away, very amateurish.

      Time is not a friend to Sarah and the Palins. In the end you are only as good as your publicity department.

      It sucks and you suck.

  3. Irishgirl6:10 AM

    Good god...just how hard is it to post a recent picture of herself and Trig. Wow, he must rilly, rilly hate her.

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      He hates no one.

    2. Anonymous6:43 AM

      If your statement is true, it is PROOF that Trig isn't a true Palin, and that the ex guv isn't raising him. Your queen is a catty potty mouth, and her children (except for Track-- unless he is a quiet mastermind) are entitled brats.

    3. SALLY in MI6:48 AM

      That's right. Children do not hate. But children can tell in an instant who really cares about them, even if that person is a stranger. Look at how kids gravitate toward our President. Look at Trig with Todd even. There are no photos of Sarah and Trig because he doesn't trust her, doesn't sense any caring from her. I'd even bet there are few pictures of her with her other kids as young children either, because the woman doesn't have a maternal bone in her scrawny body.

    4. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Maybe not hate but that kid is obviously doing everything he can to pull away from Sarah. It's clear that he has no idea who she is. Wouldn't a "son" know who his "mother" is? Hmmm

    5. Why are there no current photos of Trig and Sarah?

    6. I think this X17 video of the Palin girls walking the streets of LA September 26, 2010 is a classic as far as the relationship between Sarah Palin and Trig Palin is concerned.

      She spends zero time interacting with him; several others carry him, but not her. She never looks at him, mostly at the screen of her Blackberry, or plotting at that street corner with Bristol.

      Go ahead, Sarah, show us you care. Ha!

    7. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Wow, in this side by side comparison they could be fraternal twins, except Trig looks like he's definitely younger.
      And you are right, she never even glances his way. Mother's do not walk down the street this oblivious to their own child.

    8. KaJo,
      Couldn't agree more... This video is so revealing into Palinland on so many different levels.
      a) why is a purse/blackberry more important than your DS child that has is a grift from God? (Oh whoops, is that a typo?)
      b) teenage mother has more sense to cover-up pregnant stomach with previous child)
      c) SP walks like a broken down circus horse.
      I could go on but whats the point...enough with SnowSookieSarahHillbillies!
      Let the flood gates open... it is time.

    9. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Sarah walks weird...all hunched over.

    10. Am I the only one that thinks Sarah's face looks odd in this picture? I'm not saying it's shopped or anything, but I think the timing of the photo is way off... I mean, he looks about the same age as he did during the Iron Dog in 2009 (which was Sept. of 2009) in these pics

      And-- kinda of topic, but check out this pic of Todd with both Trig and Tripp. I really do think Todd loves his boys. If only Sarah could figure out how to fake a smile half that happy:

    11. Irishgirl11:50 AM

      Yes, hate was too strong a word. The poor little mite would not be capable of hatred - but he obviously doesn't care for her.

    12. Anonymous12:06 PM

      When Sarah and Brisdul are walking alone Sarah look like shes trying to walk like a man with her shoulders up. Weirdo, shes not even comfertable in her own skin. -E

    13. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:00 PM

      oh. wow.

      I worked at Wm. Morris, a talent agency that shares the block with the Beverly Wilshire.

      Oh, if I had known they were there.


      And Sarah?

      Holy. Shit.

      You are in Beverly. FUCKING. HILLS!!!!!

      Your ugly ass "running" shorts and Trucker hat are ABSURD.


    14. Anonymous2:42 PM

      They are still spraying down the sidewalk, to remove the stench from the BITCH(666).

  4. Anonymous6:10 AM

    WTF indeed. LOL. Wow. What are you doing Sarah? Proving you do remember to show him some attention once in awhile?

    How's that national and international advocacy on special needs going for us all? You've brought relief as an ear and voice for families with differently advantaged peoples around the globe?

    You need to get a little bit more substantive about your advocacy instead of just bumper sticker, superficial glossing overs like "challenges" and "The World Needs More Trigs!" when it comes to your grasp of any of 'em, all issues that have come across your desk (or Blackberry) over the years.

    You lightweight.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      We here at IM have been wondering why there are no pictures of Sarah with trig. Now amazingly she posts a pic that's 3 years old and that somehow proves something in her small brain. Sarah just can't help being our puppet. It's really funny how much a small Internet blog OWNS Sarah. We are her puppet masters.

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Let's try manipulating SP some more: hey, why are the pictures of Sarah standing on her head?

    3. How about some pics of the door hitting her in the ass!

  5. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Trig? Oh yeah, there's that one time, at Easter, where I held him for the camera's, so there's that. Sure, let's play stump the candidate of nothing.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      By posting this pic she is responding directly to our criticisms here at IM. But I thought she doesn't read blogs? Ha! That definitely puts an end to that lie. Nice try Sarah but we gotcha!

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      It's almost TOO easy anymore.
      Dance, Sarah, DANCE!

    3. In the last 4 year, of all the pictures of Sarah and Trig, haven't 99% of them been with her making love to the camera -- like the picture above -- instead of looking lovingly at Trig?

      I can remember her looking motherly for that Special Olympic video (sitting on a bed with Piper and Trig), and...OK, I'm stumped...I cannot think of one other picture where she's having eye to eye contact with Trig and looking like she enjoys it.

  6. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!6:18 AM

    Saw this on the other thread.

    Just needed to say:


    She is SUCH. A. LOSER!!!!!!!


  7. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Well, it is almost Easter. lol

  8. She really has aged badly since this picture was taken. Trig is trying to get away from her as the bunny has more personality and warmth. Contrast that with pictures of Obama with kids who do not even know who he is.

    Kids know.

  9. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Considering it seemed like Trig was with her 24/7 in 08 and 09, not too shocked these are from then.

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      So she was with him 24/7 for two years and all she has to show for it is one picture of an irritated trig trying to escape her clutches? Wouldn't a "mother" have more pics of her "son"? Hmmmmm that's odd.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Hello??? It's 2012 now. Where are the current pictures of Trig and Sarah? I have thousands of pictures of my kids at every age. Why doesn't Sarah ever show a current one of her and Trig?

    3. Anonymous8:00 AM

      He was with her on the campaign trail along with Bristol and Willow and other family members. If Bristol was his mother and she was on the trail, yes, Trigg would be along too. It was a prop for Sarah and you can bet Sarah never took care of him, let alone feed or bathe him. I bet Trigg even stayed with the girls in the hotels, and the girls had full charge of him.

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:15 AM

      There you are!

      Your math is getting very fuzzy. How old is Trig in this picture? He looks older than 1 or 2.

    5. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Well YEAH, she had him plastered to her side in 08 and 09. He was her most useful prop during the election and book-selling tour (and much more portable).

    6. lilli9:19 AM

      7;28..Are you that dimwitted or what? Isn't Sarah suppose to be his mother who would be with him 24/7 for the past 4 years? What did she do, farm him out after the 24/7 mommy stint she pulled off in 08/09? Where has dear mommy been the past 3 yrs? He's just not useful to her any more..period!!!

  10. Oh, and she's wearing a hoodie!

    1. Irishgirl6:37 AM

      A black hoodie!

    2. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Oh snap! Didn't see your comment before I left my own! Props to you Crystal Sage!

    3. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Nice catch! Her disgusting hypocrisy never ends.

  11. When I saw this picture last night so many alarm bells went off! Look at her eyes! She's PISSED! Maybe before the picture was taken...Trig had given old Baldy a nice slap to that mannish mug and hopefully some spit accompanied it too!

    Baldy can't stand this poor kid...the body language of both of them are so revealing! Check out Baldy's claw/skeleton hand! I betcha'(HAH!) when nobody's is looking Baldy probably pinches Trig with those claw hands! That's why he doesn't like the scary skank lady!

    Look how Trig is LEANING away from Baldy trying to reach the giant bunny who probably is nicer to Trig than his *SNORT* own mother!

    You ain't fooling nobody Baldy! That kid KNOWS the real YOU and it's probably worse than we can ever imagine!

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      I'm surprised she posted such a revealing picture. It shows without a doubt that they want nothing to do with each other. Trig sees more love and affection in a stuffed animal. THAT is very telling. I guess this is te only picture she could find where trig wasn't smacking her down or crying.

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Trig loves to pull Sarah´s wig off her head. Everyone, including Sarah, thought it was funny the first time it happened. So Trig did it again. And again, laughing with delight until Sarah dropped him. Big mistake. Now Trig knows all he has to do is grab Sarah´s wig to get her away from him.

    3. AnonymousMar 29, 2012 08:23 AM

      Trig loves to pull Sarah´s wig off her head. Everyone, including Sarah, thought it was funny the first time it happened. So Trig did it again. And again, laughing with delight until Sarah dropped him. Big mistake. Now Trig knows all he has to do is grab Sarah´s wig to get her away from him.
      OMFG!! Now that picture I would PAY to see! Baldy standing there with her claw hands clutching her wigless head...tufts of her real hair sticking straight up...thin, straw like...shitty brown color with streaks of grey! LOL!!!

      Then there's Trig...holding that wig in his little chubby hand...then the wigs growls and tries to bite the little tike...and he screams and throws it on the ground...and as it scurries away...I see the scene from Aliens where everyone is just standing there watching the Alien/Wig scurry out of the room! LOL!!

      Awww...good old Baldy...always good for a laugh!

    4. Anonymous8:15 AM

      You say this as if you know it for a fact...please tell us more.
      THIS would make SO much sense. Trig gets immediate attention, everyone laughs and he waits for the opportunity to rip the wig off Old Baldy again. She can't get within arm's length of him! Hahahaha...breathe...hahahaha!!!ROFLMAO!

    5. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Look at her hand: she's pushing him away from her. Which explains Gryph's comment that currently, she needs a catcher's mask or hockey helmet in order to hold him. Then contrast that to Trig's body language (utter glee) when he is with his brother Tripp, or with his mother Bristol. The difference is so stark, I wish Gryph would post several side-by-side comparisons: unhappy Trig with Sarah, gleeful Trig with Bristol. There is no photo showing Sarah adoringly looking into Trig's eyes as she radiates love while holding him, and no photo showing Trig being gleeful as he is held by Sarah. Remember the book-tour bus photos also, too: when Sally (?) is trying to force-feed Trig (whether he needs/wants it or not), and he is extremely unhappy at her insensitivity. Maybe Sally has the same inability to bond with babies as Sarah?

  12. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Dear Sarah,

    You're a phony...and you're boring.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I love that you keep writing this, whoever you are! She IS boring! Every headline about Sarah lately, and there aren't many , is " Sarah slams Obama."
      Her FB and Fox rants are all the same now. Juvenile. Wah wah wah time tested truths wah common sense conservatives wah wah wah Obama wah wah lame stream media blah blah.

      SARAH IS BORING!!! Thank you for continuing to point it out.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:05 PM


      You wouldn't think someone could be both boring AND dangerous,

      but think of her like the poor old woman who would leave the stove on, or the gas on.

      Boring, but dangerous.

      Sarah Palin.

  13. Olivia6:38 AM

    Wow! How difficult can it be to get a current picture of Sarah Palin and her son? She is either terrified of him or hates the sight of him. The only other explanation is that he really hates her and will not tolerate her being near him.

  14. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Pose for the camera; people can always tell when someone is putting on a fake smile. You are so transparent $arah!

  15. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Sarah, you really are a sorry excuse for a mother! And the fact that you pretend to be otherwise is really insulting to women who actually mother their children!!! We've known about you all along and we will continue to call you out, you POS! It must really suck to be you Sarah, THE WORST MOTHER EVER!

  16. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Is that another hoodie I see under her vest?

  17. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Trig is nothing but a security risk now
    He can't be trusted
    He has to be kept out of the inner circle
    He could say anything to anyone
    She wants him GONE!

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      That would certainly explain why Sarah has intentionally stunted his communication development by refusing to teach him how to express himself. Too much of a liability for Sarah's many lies and hoaxes. Same with Tripp and his pacifier.

  18. Anonymous6:59 AM

    forget the birth certificate
    where's trig?!

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Lordy, that is funny!
      All we know is Trig is nowhere near Sarah.
      Thank God!

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      That's a GOOD question....

  19. Anonymous7:11 AM

    ¨...the scary giant pink rabbit...¨


  20. Maybe she sold him to the Russians. Or left him with a family in Arizona. Or placed him in the Home for Disabled Children...of Failed Politicians.

  21. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The boy in the Easter Trig photo does not look the Trig Palin whose photo was posted recently:

    The Trig photos seem to be released to counteract critical statements. Look, yes he does wear glasses, even if we had to buy them at Walmart and they are much too big for him.

  22. Anonymous7:16 AM

    And no one is talking about her dumb@ss, washed up, ugly self today.


    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      no one, except us and the c4p-ers. how about we stop and let them feed her need for attention. i think she likes the attention she gets here.

  23. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Why dd Bristol name her son after Todd's prostitute? Shailey Tripp...Tripp Palin. Too much of a coincidence. Either Bristol was tricked by Levi after he saw Todd exiting out the back door of Shailey's "massage parlor" or she did it herself to get back at Sarah for stealing her first born trig. Which is it Bristol?

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      I think Tawd suggested the name to Brisket as a passive-aggresssive ploy against Sarah.

    2. Anonymous8:31 AM

      I like that hypothesis. Makes much more sense than the not-so-bright Levi suggesting it.

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Just remember, Bri$tol drove around in a car with the license plate 'TRIPP' about 8 months BEFORE Tripp was born...

  24. Anonymous7:25 AM

    O/T - I know this thread will get a lot of comments. Please do not forget to call your representative to express support for the post office. The time to act is NOW. The new "reform the Post office" bill championed by Sen. Bernie Sanders will be discussed in mid-April in Congress. CALL TODAY!

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I agree. Thanks. Soon every single thing in our country will be privatized! Keep reminding us. Have you seen a petition anywhere? I love Bernie Sanders.

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Yes. Petition here---->

    3. Thank you for the petition link! Signed and posted it on my FB!

  25. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Sarah is holding the goose that laid the golden eggs.

    Trig has brought her millions of dollars.

  26. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I find it hilarious that she has to post a picture of them together after everyone on this blog calls her out on it. And that's the best she's got, a picture from three years ago?

  27. Olivia7:35 AM

    So I suppose we can expect a badly photoshopped pic of Sarah Palin holding Trig floating on some grass somewhere. I'm surprised they haven't thought of it already.

  28. PalinsHoax7:45 AM

    Oh Brother, Palin is lamer than lame.
    Is this the best she can do? Posting a picture that is 3 years old?
    Sure looks like this son doesn't want anything to do with her.
    Oh wait. Is that now TWO sons who do not want anything to do with Palin, their own "Mother"?
    EPIC FAILURE, that's Ol' $scarah.

  29. Anonymous7:47 AM

    A picture of Sarah holding a child who appears to have downs syndrom. SO????

  30. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Why does this Trig look so different from the Trig in pictures today (with other family members)?

  31. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Have you ever considered that Tripp might not be Bristols baby either. He sure doesn't look like her or Levi. We never saw a birth certificate. Maybe he is Tracks or even the real Ms. Tripp impregnated by Todd. Bristol could be raising Tripp as her own like Sarah is raising Trigg as her own.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      He is NOT the real Ms Tripp's!!!!! She has made this very clear on many occasions.
      I see your point and trust nothing the Palins say.
      Levi was blonde as a little kid by the way.

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Tripp looks like Chuck Heath.

  32. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I'm starting to think that Sarah has an actual contract tied to the Tri-G hoax.
    "I will only have to use this kid for prop appearances when it benefits ME.
    I do not have to touch or care for this child, Tri-G. I will be responsible for his upkeep but can use PAC funds for this purpose.
    When the time comes that he is no longer useful to me personally, the story will be leaked that he has contracted a disease that Tri-Gs may get and succumbed to this disease. He will at such time then be relegated permanently to the Special Needs Children's Home in Bothell WA. and his part as my child will be terminated."

    This doesn't seem far fetched to me at all, unless his real mommy is Bristol and she grows some balls and rescues her baby that momma done stole.

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      I'm starting to think that Sarah has an actual contract tied to the Tri-G hoax.

      yep, some LLC, zealot religious charlatan, cottage business combo. Rogue and mavericky. In a mafioso way the Paoletti's have her back covered. The Palins have always mixed business with pleasure (sex). It is a winner for them.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Actual contract or not, it certainly seems to be the MO. She really couldn't be less interested in him other than as a prop. Somehow I just can't see that poor child growing up to be a teen or adult and still living with the Palins.

  33. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Hi Sarah, why not post a picture of you and Trig at the Hospital ( we know that there are such pictures, remember Bristol took them!). I'm sure that would keep those pesky bloggers of your back! Much easier than showing your stretch mark!

  34. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Poor Trig, in the captive clutches of that THUG wearing a hoodie.

  35. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Sarah and Bristol will be the first in modern history who never took pictures in the hospital. All new moms have pictures taken of them holding their newborns and then sending them to friends and family via email. What is wrong with this picture. The only people at the hospital holding a baby was Sarah's parents and they could have held a baby from another family member, like Sarah's sister. If Levi was threatened by the Palins to keep his mouth shut on the whole thing or else he would never see his son again, if he can prove anything about these babies... he would surely get custody of Tripp, Bristol would be finished. Levi needs a gooed lawyer.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Recently she claimed that Bristol was there filming the birth and certainly the public wouldn't want to see THAT.

      Well, you're right Sarah, but how plausible is it that a baby's bloody birth was documented and yet there are no photos of the reward of all that hard labor....a mom cuddling her new bundle of joy!

  36. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Too bad she had to pose with Trig right next to a big Easter bunny distraction. Trig wasn't even paying attention to her.

    I recall photos of families, including mine, with the mom and baby looking at each other, the camera, with cheeks pressed close to each other. Baby usually has their arms clutched on mom's hair, or her fingers, hand, and they are looking pretty happy together.

    Now this photo is all she can come up with? Where are the ones with just relaxing together? No PJ-wearing cuddling moments? Everything with them seems to be "orchestrated".

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Yep. Where are those sweet candid moments that most moms have with their little ones? And don't say it's because Sarah was always behind the camera, cause something tells me she could give a shit less if memories are caught on film or not. She's a farce!

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Sarah Palin has total control of the family photos they put on line. She is telling her story in her way.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:15 PM

      When Chuck Todd asked her if this was the most qualified woman the Republicans could nominate, Noonan responded, "The most qualified? No. I think they went for this, excuse me, political bullshit about narratives. Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and that's not what they're good at, they blow it."

      Murphy characterized the choices as "cynical" and "gimmicky."



      "FALSE NARRATIVES", Sarah...

      Tsk tsk...


  37. Anonymous8:29 AM

    No mention of how she pimps her own children? It continues to be horrific abuse the way she has and continues using Bristol and offsprings. What parent would set up their child to fail?

    o/t Murdoch. Declared war against "enemies", denouncing them as "toffs and right wingers"
    An angry Rupert on Thursday declared war against "enemies" who have accused his pay-TV operation of sabotaging its rivals, stuck in the last century.

  38. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah and Trig look so cute together!
    Such a loving family.

    1. Ah, you "get" satire, finally!

    2. lilli9:29 AM

      FAIL....this picture doesn't show a loving family, she could be holding a strangers child and the picture would be the same!

    3. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Yes, grandma and grandbaby.

    4. Anonymous10:09 AM

      They both look like they want to flee the scene. So cute.

    5. Anonymous11:12 AM

      So he was born 6 weeks premature April 18 2008. Easter 2009 was April 10. That is one huge almost one-year-old. I guess he goes with the huge 4 month old at the GOP convention

  39. So of COURSE one of two things will happen in the very near future- either we will see a photo of Sarah and Trig wherein you cannot see Trig's face and/or he will be asleep OR we will see a photoshop job which creates a stupid mother/exploited child bond the likes of which we've not seen since the RNC stage circa 2008.

    Just considered a third option- we will see a photo of Sarah and Trig but Sarah is holding a giant lollipop or ice cream bar or other treat to make Trig let himself be held by her.

    You know, kind of like the old 80s joke "you're so ugly the dog won't play with you unless you tie a pork chop around your neck".

  40. Anna Marie9:01 AM

    You guys are sooo deliciously baaad!!! Love all the comments, especially GinaM and Gasman also too, Gina's sense of humor might not be for everyone, but I think she gets to the Palin ass kissers the most. Carry on!

  41. Anonymous9:02 AM

    This photo of Trig doesn't look like the kid in the recent photos that Bristol has posted.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      No one notices small details like that. No one Sarah would hire.

    2. Cracklin Charlie12:37 PM

      He's three years older.

  42. Anonymous9:12 AM

    She is on the right wing talking points bandwagon trying to paint the Obama administration as being anti-religion, waging a war on religion. She feeds the lack of logic and knowledge of the faux entertainment viewers. Freedom of religion means that the government cannot impose a religion on it's citizens nor can they prevent people from practicing whatever religion they want. People are free to celebrate Easter as the resurrection of Jesus or as the Spring equinox or worship bunnies if they like. Corporate America has stolen Christmas and Easter and turned those holidays into profit making secular commercial events. What does chocolate and reading have to do with Jesus Christ?

    1. I bet JC would be down with a Snickers and some light beach reading.

      Everyone has to relax! ;)

  43. Anonymous9:15 AM

    What grandma wouldn't hold her grandchild. Oh by the way Scarah where is " Trig's BirthCertificate?

  44. Anonymous9:19 AM

    As Sarah says in one of her e-mails. Trig has a face only a mother can love.

    What kind of mother says that about her biological child? Or is it the child she took for political reasons and is being cared for by others.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Did she really write that? If so, it's absolutely horrible!

    2. comeonpeople11:12 AM

      Oh yes. She did. It's in the latest email release.

    3. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Here's the e-mail:

      This e-mail needs to be spread far and wide. These are her true feelings about her "perfect" gift from God.

      I wonder if she said the same thing about Bristol and that's why she changed her whole face with plastic surgery.

  45. Anonymous9:28 AM

    As I type, I am spending vacation with my daughter and two grandchildren (yes, I am blessed)....anyways, we have taken over a hundred photos already. 90% of which are candid shots of family having fun together. You know the kind. Non-staged moments....everyday life.

    Why don't you have any of those Sarah?

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Because she is never with Trig.
      Have fun with your grandkiddos :)

  46. Anonymous9:30 AM

    The only pertinent observations about this facebook rant is that the photo is not recent and that Sarah's ghostwriter tries to blame the president for holidays becoming secularized and commercial. sorry, fail. He may have some power and influence but replacing Jesus with bunnies as the focus of Easter is not his doing. I do have to say that anyone who has ever held an active baby or toddler in a setting where there are bright colorful objects to reach for, has experienced the fact that they will lean out from you and try to touch the objects. That is normal behavior and does not indicate that they do not like their parent. He may not be close to her but his behavior in the photo is typical toddler. I do not respect the fact that she does not raise him or spend much time with him but some posts are over reach in reading into that photo.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      'The only pertinent observations about this facebook rant is that the photo is not recent and that Sarah's ghostwriter tries to blame the president for holidays becoming secularized and commercial.'

      Sarah might try running on over to Nancy French's recent commericial. She is selling forgiveness thy name is Bristol go to theology psychologist. And not selling Bristol's current failure of a show on TV. Why no mention of what happened to that one? If that psychologist has worked on Bristol's psychiatric disorders we need to see how that worked out. All you get is Nancy French commericial.

    2. comeonpeople11:14 AM

      Yep, toddler behavior. Tri-G is almost at LEAST 4. Toddler years are way over. He's in preschool category now. Where the hell are the recent photos? That's the point.

  47. Anonymous9:48 AM

    The more recent Trig pics Sarah posted (sans herself) showed him in a dark hued cabinet kitchen. Could that be Bristol's new home? On Gryphen's last post about this, I wondered why no pictures of Trig with Bristol, either - his supposed sister?

    All very unusual, and I almost forgot to view it through the "typical behavior of mother and child" lens....almost forgetting that Sarah claims to be his mother, haha! I was thinking more along the lines of "does Sarah ever see or spend time with her grandson?"...

    There's something odd about it, no question, as with all things Palin.

    Trig is a beautiful child. I can't imagine anyone making qualified remarks about his face - and obviously not his mother/grandmother/adoptive mother!

  48. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I really think Trig is Todd's son, and Sarah wants nothing to do with raising him. He was useful during the campaign and the book tour but he is of no use to her anymore. Every time she looks at Trig she see's Todd's indiscretions and what she had to do to keep the secrets. She faked the pregnancy to save face, the birth mother couldn't take him or she threatened to talk and is being paid off or because of his DS he wasn't adopted out..she was stuck and hates it!

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM


      what if the Paylins (or AIP/crazy) friends

      "got rid"

      of Trig's birth mother?

      The truth is supposedly quite dark with this family.

  49. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Bristol has two faces only a mother could love
    also, too

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM


    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      a mother and any old drunk guy in a dark tent.

  50. Martha again9:51 AM

    Speaking of photoshopping, is it possible to hold a baby like that? I've kind of forgotten if you can. What I remember is scootching my hip way out. I don't know. Maybe.

  51. UgonnalooklikeFOOLZ9:59 AM


    Every time you say no pictures, THERE ARE PICTURES POSTED!!!

    The family goes out to eat happily together in a group, and are exposed to photographers and happy fan sightings. BUT H8TRZ HERE DON'T BELEVE IT!!

    SO coming soon pictures in the Escalade, everyone fat and happy, Trig In Sarahs' arms- at the ApplEBEES!

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Here there be some fine satire, well done!!

    2. MeSoHorny4HoTGuv11:01 AM

      UgonnalooklikeFOOLZ I theeenk I lovz you!!
      And yeah you IM commenters are jus' jealous and immature with your random Trig and Tripp birth theories but jus' you wait, Madame President Palin will deport all you elitist leftists to ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan!!
      Go ahead and keep pissing on our Founding Fathers and The Holy Easter Bunny while you can, come November you will all be shaking in your Birkens for a New Era is about to commence, redolent of essence of BIBLE, FREEDOM, GUNS, BABIES AND DID I MENTION THE BIBLE?
      Excuse me, my loins all a-tingle, theeenk a change of underwear and loan renewal is in order before I go STAND WITH SARAH PALIN.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:32 PM


      **deep chuckles**

      damn funny

  52. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I checked Bristol's new ghostwritten blog last night. It is now defunct. A new post up and hardly any comments.

    1. lostinmn11:17 AM

      Braver than I. I won't give her any clicks because every one is worth a nickel

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Are we surprised? It's affiliated w/Sarah Palin and we know she is the kiss of death on anything she touches. Her daughter, Bristol, is going to have to learn everything the hard way!

    3. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Another EPIC FAIL for Bristol, actually, SARAH. My gosh! What is this world coming to if they can't even do a little blogging? Bristol must be catatonic or shuttered up in the turret.

      Sarah Palin cannot afford another failure. Who can she blame for this one? It looks like Bristol will be gagged until they get a new scam set up. In Touch, People magazine ? ? ? ? Holywood ?

      How about that Lifetime show?

    4. Anonymous12:41 PM

      How about that Lifetime show?

      What about it?

    5. Anonymous12:55 PM

      I hate to go there due to the ads that pop up. I think it is still rehashing old fantasies.

      Same dress, you can't see Bristol in the picture they chose but they show 55 yr old Martina Navratilova looking good. Ghost writer says Bristol feels for Martina. They relive her brief glory when the little old Wasilla gals got her into 3rd place. All the brave independent things she did, how no one can hold a candle to her Mom in Todd's eyes. They admire the staging and "Who’s going to take home the mirror ball trophy?"
      stay tuned.

      I haven't heard what happens with "Life is Trippy"

    6. Anonymous1:11 PM

      If the blog went defunct and came back the tech expert is probably doing something about any comments they don't want to keep. They are into numbers, most of the comments they need for a high count. No reason to keep anything that is not pleasing.

      Have the words gone into that machine that tells grade level and all? Is the syntax Bristol's yet?

    7. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:33 PM


      Let's. Blame. Nancy! :)

    8. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Just checked TV listings again for "Life's a Tripp" or for anything with person Palin, Bristol. The only show listed is for Palin, Michael.

      Again, looks like the test audiences H8d it!

    9. Anonymous2:25 PM

      02:33 PM

      You would think Nancy and Sarah would say something about it, some spin. Is there a link to whoever can talk about what happened?

      Michael Palin is a better choice.

  53. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Sarah is twisting christian faith in God to validate her own interpretation. She complains bitterly about the White House turning an "Easter egg hunt" into a "Spring egg hunt". She wants to make others believe that the President is compromising the name of Easter to include all other creeds and religions into the annual "Spring egg hunt", so as not to offend anyone. What's wrong with that?

    First of all, as a christian, I am not offended at all by the name, whether it's Easter or Spring. It doesn't matter, because neither of these words are even in the bible. And the resurrection of Jesus has nothing to do with candy, eggs, celebrating with bunnies.

    She claims in her facebook post that "people of faith feel under siege today from the culture as encroaching attacks on our religious liberties attempt to erode our foundation". She speaks for herself. She doesn't speak for the millions of christians who are not offended by governmental policies, which do not influence an iota of their faith in God. The resurrection message has nothing to do with God saving mankind so they can carry out their secular pastimes, like carrying guns, demanding their rights, their liberties, their entitlements. She has a right to support all these things. But she tries to tie it in as a perk that comes from the Resurrection message.

    While we live in this world, it's fair to enjoy the liberties and freedoms that the US affords it's citizens and all that, but to plug the idea that the US is some sort of specialized christian utopia and that Jesus died so America and only America can glean prosperity and guns and freedoms is an affront to Jesus Christ and His church. Guns and Jesus don't mix. He in fact said to lay down our weapons. He didn't die so others could lift their banners of "Don't Tread on Me" and spit on those not like them.

    For Sarah to try to meld these two principles together is insulting to christianity. No superpower has even succeeded in maintaining a perfect utopia with the banner of Christ; corruption and sin always leak in. She also claims that "clinging to God, because there's nothing better", yet Sarah lives like she wants all the better things of this world: attention, money, celebrity, entitlements, a voice, high-paying jobs, followers. She says ONE thing, and DOES the other.

    Who is she to preach? Jesus died for all mankind, those with and without. Those with guns and those without guns. Those with liberties and those without liberties. Those with hoodies and those without hoodies.

    1. lostinmn11:16 AM

      Considering the christians STOLE the Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs from the pagans it's about time we take them back to their roots. If chrisitans even understood the symbolism of the bunny (lots of babies) and eggs ( need I expand?) they'd back away from the Easter bunny and egg hunts faster than Mitt Romney from a position on something.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Religion and human development don't mix.

    3. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Wonderful comment!

    4. Anonymous11:32 AM

      There is no Easter Egg Hunt in the Bible. It is a commercial event. Suck on that Sarah!

    5. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Preach it, sister!

    6. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:35 PM

      Duude, lost~

      They "Stole" someone's Easter Eggs:?

      Harsh, bro.

    7. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:37 PM


      How do *you* know that's not why Moses got everybody in the desert? hmm?


  54. Anonymous10:31 AM

    UgonnalooklikeFOOLZ, how old are you? 13?

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:37 PM

      o god...

  55. aj billings10:32 AM

    Piper is the child that I truly pity, growing up with such divisive and spiteful parents, and witnessing the fights, screaming, and awful rivalry between the siblings.

    I have a sister who's similar to $arah, always grasping for more money, multiple affairs, and a total narcissist. She's made family occasions a living hell, and has driven nearly everyone away.

    Her daughter is growing up in that swamp of emotional slime, just like the one that Piper has to deal with daily.

    What chance do these poor impressionable girls have to come out of such a toxic background and ever be happy, positive, well adjusted people?

    Of course $arah in her madness can't even recognize that there's a serious problem. Only Todd knows what's wrong, but is in the thrall of the ICE Queen herself.

    So many sad stories in the world.

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Track seems to be on the right track, considering the circumstances. Maybe it was the father and son bond, maybe it wasn´t.

      Nevertheless, Trig and Track´s break from Sarah gives me hope for Piper.

    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Hope? The beauty school will start her treatments early. She will need injections and whatnots. Trig and Track don't have the pressure to look like Mommie.

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:39 PM

      Please read Shailey Tripp's book and learn more about Todd Palin.

      He is a sick son of a bitch who should be in jail.

      He is NOT the *Better* parent here.

      Both Todd and Sarah are CRIMINALS. And I am NOT being Hyperbolic.

      They are both. Fucking. Criminals.

      The truth is out there.

    4. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Do you think Todd influenced his son Track? Track sure quit the fishing business quick. They always say Track doesn't like diva mom. It might be Todd he wants to escape.

  56. Anonymous10:49 AM

    O/T Palin's bff Haley


    From the comments:

    Does anyone think the IRS will discover that the “extra” $50,000 that was the unexplained difference in the bank loan was given to Palin for her “appearance” for Haley? Just a rumor….

    By federal confidant March 28, 2012 at 10:31 pm
    They have full knowledge

  57. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Well, I can think of one really good thing about Trig's upbringing. Since he is obviously not being raised by Sarah there is a very good chance that he could be the first Palin to receive a college degree.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM


      She knows God has a plan for Trig. Why would she hamper that?

      She has a servants heart and strong humility, she will not be flaunting her good works that help the needy.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      With the appropriate colored tassel.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      At the very least, Trig will be the first of Sarah´s children to get a high school diploma or it´s equivalent.

    4. Anonymous11:41 AM

      None of Sarah´s children were raised by her. I believe Trig, out of all the Palin children, has the best chance of earning a high school diploma for a different reason: Trig is not burdened with any of Sarah´s DNA.

    5. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:48 PM

      from @12:10's link:

      The Thread started by "someone" requesting donations to a "FUND" for AB's kids.

      Then someone posted:

      According to, Breitbart's net worth is $9.5 million.


      Um, yeah, that woke everyone up.

      Someone wrote:

      I suggest people donate instead to their local women's shelter, where there are many single, non-millionaire women with children.


    6. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Sarah Palin palling around with multi millionaire that left his own children in dire straights? What is with that? Is it true? Who paid for James O'Keefe yacht?

  58. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I was told by a local "Christian" that bunnies are heathen, pagan worship. Anyway stay far, far away from Peter Cottontail, by all means keep innocent children away.


  59. Okay let's try a pic with Trig, wearing a flag pin spinning the globe teaching Sarah Geography and the importance of a good education, not to metion eye wear to see the world around him... Sarah honey your conscience called and left a message:
    "You Are So Screwed!"

  60. oops that should say 'mention' dammit!

  61. Anonymous11:40 AM

    How come Sarah is holding Bristol's first born?

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      She is the grandma and most grandma's love to snuggle and cuddle with the grandkiddos. I know it is a huge joy in my life :)

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      That's true, but I don't see any snuggling and cuddling going on.

  62. Anonymous11:44 AM

    A picture speaks a thousand words.

    When President Obama holds a baby, the baby is looking and smiling at him.

    When Sarah Palin holds Trig, Trig is squirming to get away from her.

    He must want his real mama or the nanny.

    1. PalinsHoax1:46 PM

      "Anonymous @ Mar 29, 2012 12:44 PM
      A picture speaks a thousand words.

      When President Obama holds a baby, the baby is looking and smiling at him."

      And notice how President Obama looks back at the baby, acknowledging the child.

      The President is not concerned with posing for the camera; he is focused on connecting with the baby. The President's warmth and care always radiates in these pictures.

      President Obama will always outshine Ol' $cary, at whatever he endevours, even with & especially at baby holding.

  63. Anita Newfridge11:45 AM

    You leftist liberals that hate freedom loving job creators think you know everything. I will have you know that Trig is living with his family, the Palins. It's not my fault there are no recent photos of the two of us together. Believe me, I have tried. I always try with a servant's heart to snag a pic with Trig, but he always runs and grabs his flippin "I'm with Stupid" shirt (you know, the one with the arrow), and the shot is ruined.

    1. I like your new name, Anita! :)

    2. Anita Neducashon2:11 PM

      Nope, that's not me, but that's my long lost sister from another mister. ;)

  64. O/T but regarding silly sarah!
    Here is a link to read about the dinner Bill Ayrs of "pallin around" fame, and his wife auctioned a dinner with them for a charity and guess who won the bid? Andrew Breitbart & Tucker Carlson.
    Photo should be included.
    Will the screech comment?

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      They say Breitbart was lots o fun. He was liked by everyone on the social scene. Does anyone know why his children need charity?

      I read he net worth was around 10 million.
      Nothing for his children? Both parents families were wealthy. What happened to he children?

    2. lostinmn12:51 PM

      Maybe Andrew was coming from dinner with Bill the night he died. Be careful Tucker - you might be next

    3. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Next send money to support Tucker kids. Don't the right winger have insurance or trust for their own kids? No college funds?

  65. Anonymous11:59 AM

    SHe never has shown any love for that child, she' has ALWAYS carried him like a sack of potatoes, except for at the RNC after her speech where she presented him like the Lion King

  66. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Love that subtle look on her face that says,
    "Pity me for my so-called child is so imperfect. Pity me." Her next move- one the picture is taken- is definitely thrusting the sad little bundle into the waiting arms of anyone and leaving the room. Any picture I have seen of Trig and Sarah- and they are few- has him arching his back so that he can get away from her nasty breath. There is no love there, none at all and it's all her fault.

  67. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Todd Palin is a pimp.

  68. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Hahahaha. i believe you wrote the line about eating "those solid chocolate bunnies and Pees we'll thieve from the kids' baskets. . " as much as I believe your Fox contract will be renewed: NILL. And by the way, you can take your "judeo-christian" message and shove it up your limp saggy ass - we do NOT all believe in religion honey, and the White House is correct to include all Americans and others into its traditions. Why not just give up on bashing the president and go find a gig preaching to your religious choir. Get the fuck out of our lives. Oh yeah, happy easter. Have fun reading and eating those chocolate Peeps that you will "thieve" out of Trig's basket.

  69. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Bitch, your mother was a HOE, your father is a Pedophile, you are a Hoe, Bristol is a HOE, Willow is a Hoe, Track is a Vandal, and Toad is a Pimp.

    Damn, it is good to be You. Let's all pray for Trig.

  70. Anonymous2:14 PM

    The look on her face tells all. Can't you see the pride and love shining through?

  71. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Her eyes reveal glaring GUILT staring out . . . and dripping from the corners of her mouth.

    Keep spinnin' the lies sarah.

    Tick tock.

  72. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Ahhh...the many faces of Trig. Could that precious child/prop possibly be Ruffles?


  73. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Did the Palins go to church together as a family on Christmas and Easter? Do any of the Palins go to church at all? Are the babies and kids baptized?
    Does anyone know? How can she talk about God if she is not teaching her children through a church?

  74. Anonymous2:45 PM

    GO TO sarah.


  75. Anonymous2:46 PM

    That does not look like the 3 or 4 yr. old Trig to me. Try again you lying bald bitch.
    Fuck you and John McCain!


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