Saturday, March 31, 2012

Some video of Sarah and Bristol Palin in Beverly Hills from 2010, just because.

I decided to post this because y'all kept sending it too me over and over, so I figured you must want to see it on the blog pretty badly.

I do remember posting this back in 2010 as DWTS was just getting started.

My first impression is how rude the whole family seems, with the notable exception of little Tripp who seems very outgoing and friendly.

BTW did you notice at around the 1:18 mark where the Grizzled Mama checks her Blackberry? That is when she was checking to see what I had posted that day. LOL!


  1. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Why do they all look angry? Why no conversation among them? Why is Sarah Palin dressed so inappropriately - shorts would be okay on a hot day but not running shorts?

    1. Anger accompanies narcissism.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      How do they look angry? They're walking on a sidewalk on a hot day in LA.

    3. The last half a minute or so of that video features Sarah and Bristol conversing, mostly Sarah at Bristol -- with Bristol looking pretty disturbed.

      Actually, Bristol was the only one dressed inappropriately -- long pants, t-shirt and a sweatshirt hoodie, while everyone else was dressed for 90+ degree heat, which I remember was the case for LA in late September, the date of that video.

      Maybe her pregnancy with Tristan was doing weird things to her hormones, and she was feeling cold all the time...

    4. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Just imagine the arrogance and hubris of this family. To go on DWTS obviously pregnant and to grow bigger each and every week? They think they can get away with ANYTHING. Just look at the illegal activities of Todd and Sarah. And so far, they HAVE pretty much gotten away with lying to America and cheating their followers. Sure she will never be elected again to anything. But Todd and Sarah should be held accountable in more serious ways. Will it ever happen????
      As far as Bristol goes, she may be a loving mom. But lying to and about your children, lying to the public.. Well it WILL come back to her,

    5. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Those are the same shorts that you will see over and over again in several videos. Bitch, Wash your stinking ass, and those funky shorts.

    6. Is It Over Yet?1:35 PM

      Here's something that has always bothered me about Sarah and her "running" shorts.

      Remember right after the election she was somewhere relaxing and reading and we got all those photos of her in those butt ugly shorts and tawdry tee-shirt?

      My first thought was. WTF??!!! Why would a woman who just ran for vice-president of the United States and the governor of any state (not quit yet) wear such bummy, crappy clothes IN PUBLIC!!!.

      (LOL spell checker suggests instead of bummy I put in dummy. If it fits use it.)

      Why not wear something nice? There are so many sharp and cute and you name it styles of running and relaxing clothes yet she chooses to wear crap! IN PUBLIC.

      She could have easily said to Bristol or one of the family I don't want to be out in the stores, so please get me something to wear, and in a variety of sizes and styles and we can keep or return them. Or give them to you (Bristol or Willow).

      I am embarrassed for her as an Alaskan to think that our governor chose to wear such crappy and inappropriate clothing IN PUBLIC.

      We all just assumed our governor knew how to dress in public, doesn't that kind of go with the territory? Like they said in GC, they assumed someone in her position would have a certain level of (fill in the blank).

      Sarah did not have anywhere near that level of (fill in the blank) and that explains her constant concern about her polls in Alaska. Alaskans were learning more about Sarah, and the more they learned, the less they liked what they were learning.

      Also, too, why does she only have one pair if she's such the runner? (Post election, Hawaii, Arizona house, and other older photos.)

      Even I, who don't run, have more than one pair of running shorts--and mine are far more stylish. And I don't have the money or the resources she does.

      Wow, just wow! Not happy she quit, but am glad she's not governor anymore.

  2. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Trig and Tripp look to be the same age.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Well, a DS child who's less than a year older than another child would appear to be the same age.

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      That is bullshit.

    3. Don the Bluesman10:16 AM

      Are you an expert on DS children? What makes you think his growth would be retarded? See, that's how you actually use that word, now please answer the question.

    4. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Trig can look so different, as if not always the same child. He does seem to be shorter and smaller than Tripp in these pictures

  3. Anonymous4:30 AM

    and just like her mother Bristol hid behind her child to be protected from the media.

  4. Sally in MI4:30 AM

    Wow, Sarah looks SO classy roaming around LA in those gym shorts. Yeah, totally like a person who thinks they can represent the country as POTUS! What is interesting to me is that Bristol looks fairly normal and unpregnant there, which means two months later when her stomach was pooching out, she had to be pregnant. This family is so crazy.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      2 mos later she wore that black outfit on dwts that showed a flat belly.

    2. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Prove it. Link with dates please.

    3. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Which black dress made her look thin?
      The thin black dress was taken to promote the show, the other one later.

      Is it possible there was a lot of photo manipulation going on? Also Hollywood is very good with camouflage.

      Just from viewing her on DWTS there are several things that could be going on with Bristol. If anyone knows something more to back up the pregnancy theory they need to share. Bristol may have miscarried or had an abortion. That would make her thinner at some point. She may have some serious health problems. We do know she has body dysmorphia and will go to exremes.

      I agree that she looks pregnant. From some pictures, I would say definently pregnant. To verify she is pregnant it would take more than that.

      Her actions and behaviors without a doubt reveal a deeply troubled and dishonest person. She could even be on birth control or something that would bloat her. Time will tell how her surgeries and these so called beauty treatments effect her. It is imperitive to care for ones inner being. Something more than lipservice to religious cults or on-line theological psychology.

      Bristol has the kind of personality that will end up in a deadly sweat lodge or taking a kool aide trip to Jonestown.

    4. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Look again . . . and pause the video if you really think she looks "unpreganant" (sic). The jacket simply refused to hide is . . . on a HOT day in the California sun.

    5. Don the Bluesman10:14 AM

      you lie.

    6. Anonymous10:50 AM

      I don't remember any outfit on dwts that showed a flat belly. Do you have a link to a picture? thanks.

    7. Anonymous3:24 PM

      The gorilla had the flattest belly look, for a gorilla. All DWTS proved is she will let ppl do anything to her. She has no self worth and is easily used and manipulated.

  5. Anonymous4:33 AM

    What was most noticeable to me was that Scara had no interaction whatsoever with Trig. Nothing. Zip, Nada. Bristol had the awareness to take Tripp from Piper when she realized there were cameras. It was kind of ridiculous that little Piper was carrying a 3-4 year old on her hip in LA of all places. Scara, her most important accompaniment was the Blackberry. What a mother figure. Mutha maybe.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

      That's what struck me as well. The first five years in ANY child's years are the most important developmentally.

      Quality time, touching, and eye contact with a blackberry doe not count.

  6. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Why is Bristol wearing a zippered hoodie while everyone else is dressed for hot weather? I noticed she kept trying to hold it closed with one hand whenever the camera was in front of her. hmmmmm

    1. Combined with her plastic surgery at such an early age, I think she has a lot of emotional issues and body dysmorphia issues going on. Some people hide behind a wall of fat, I think Bristol hides behind clothing. She loathes herself and it shows in how she treats others (lots of projection). Good job mothering, Sarah!

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      She's always seemed to have weight problems, beginning around age 15. It takes time to discover what works for yourself. With cameras constantly on you added to these natural issues, it would make her self-conscious. I thought it was brave of her to decide to do dwts. Bristol's always seemed to be fueled by controversy. That explains Sarah's reluctance to accept the dwts offer and Bristol's enthusiasm. Easy way to lose weight without really thinking about how difficult ballroom is. I also think she's just a heavy eater. DIdn't Sarah email Heather in summer 08 saying "we owe you for Bristol's appetite." I see nothing off about everything Bristol related. But let's not make her go through what starlets have endured. Bristol hasn't git Lilo or Olsen twin problems yet and people need to not push her to that point. THough this was 2 years ago, a completely different time from now. Now Bristol's slim and stable and she's had time to forget her lost cause engagement with Levi.

      Levi seemed to be the added weight.

      I keep remembering a friend's words to her back then:
      "You have your path B. You know the most important people inyour life and you know how to make things right."

      Now that she's with the most important people to her, she's happier. I'd say the same about Levi. The two obviously had a negative effect on one another, but constant fighting will do that.

    3. Anonymous9:35 AM

      ====Bristol's slim and stable and she's had time to forget her lost cause engagement with Levi.====

      Slim and stable don't necessarily go together. Especially if she got thin in the worst ways.

      Bristol is too sheilded and kept locked up for anyone to believe she is stable.

      Anyone doing publicity for her is going to say whatever meme is being cramed down the publics throat.

      Stable is not saying, watch my tee vee me-me-me show and having no show to watch. She is very unstable with what is happening with that phony blog where she loans her name to some questionable people who are not doing her any justice.

      If anyone wants others to believe Bristol is stable that will only come from Bristol being honest and coming out of hiding.

      I don't mean coming out in public as another puppet act.

    4. Don the Bluesman10:13 AM

      She got pregnant at 15, that would mess with your weight for certain. Sarah "owed " her sister for hosting her pregnant daughter. Thanks for the evidence and helping tie babygate together. The only time Levi was weight was when he was on top.

    5. Anonymous3:59 PM

      ' Bristol hasn't git Lilo or Olsen twin problems '

      It may be too late for Bristol. People are already saying she is thin. That may sound good to those that think the Lilo or Olsen type is what teens should look like. On the screen, thin looks alright. The screen puts lbs on you.

      Bristol is 20ish. She never was a cute little star. She was kind of an oaf when she decided to do DWTS. Had anyone cared to be honest and real with her they may have been able to get through to her. Whatever motivated her to do that she needs to examine and not make another mistake. Bristol is set on a path. All the troubles with eating disorders take a long time to come out. At first she will think she is in control. People will tell her how strong and independent she is. It all sounds peaches and cream. By the time it is too late maybe her family or someone will care to have an intervention and help her towards what could save her. She would have to get away from the script writers and all that is making her so unauthentic.

      Some mothers of young girls with eating disorders are more of the problems. She might need to get and stay far far away from the situation she clings to. She is totally scripted to only say that repeated rhetoric about her family. I don't see her breaking away from that whole political machine. Does she know anything else?

    6. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Blaming Levi for her weight? WTF? That is like blaming him for "raping" her, date raping or what only a toxic viper would imply or say about the father of a child. Bristol proves herself to be one sick excuse of a human being. No one with an ounce of decency or good character would participate in the tripe that book was filled with. No wonder she ballons to fat and then goes thin, she is a disturbed hatefilled mother. That poor child she uses does not deserve any of what she is doing to him.

    7. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

      HA HA HA HA HA

      Deep cleansing breath


      The only pic I saw where Bristol looked "thin" was when she was next to Mercede in her prom dress.

      Yeah, she lost a ton of weight on DWTS. We all know that television adds 30 lbs, look at Kirsrty Ally's weight loss. Of course she's older than Bristol, and actually broke a sweat (for the right reason)

  7. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Those are NOT runner's legs on Sarah, no way!

    1. I was going to say the same thing! Her legs aren't bad, but they do not have the definition and muscles of a runner.

    2. Not What You Want to Hear5:24 AM

      Yes, they are. She looks great for her age. She just doesn't act as nicely as she looks.

    3. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Yes, they are. ?

      Where do you see the runner legs? Just curious. Not counting the photo shopped or fixed pics like in the magazines.

    4. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Those are aspartame ridden Red Bull legs.

      Not runner legs.

    5. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Legs ok, not runner legs. Not even close.

    6. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Runners' legs don't quiver when they walk. Sarah's do. Gross.

    7. Anonymous4:10 PM

      No cottage cheese or jello look to runner legs. I live where I see runners all the time. People with weight issues run too. NOT THE SAME. If you don't know the difference you can try to observe more people who run. Discern. They are not all the same.

  8. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Nobody seems to give a crap about the palins in BH
    Maybe that's why they're angry

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      If no one cared, why are there cameras? Don't insert fiction into fact. They are walking.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:38 PM

      Weren't there brush fires in California around this time? I think they were running, and the tape is in slow motion. Wouldn't put it past that lamestream media stalking these people who are desperately trying to stay out of the limelight. Can't you SEE how jovial and happy the close knit Palins are. Real Classy, in a Jersey Shore kind of way.

  9. Sarah walks like a man. Weird.

    1. Anonymous6:14 AM

      I thought of the Bigfoot sighting tapes.

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM

      My thoughts exactly... she walks like a logger.

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      I agree! I was going to make the same comment. She walks like a man and her shoulders are hunched up. She clomps, rather than walks.

      Also those running shorts are SO inappropriate! She's in Beverly Hills of all places!

  10. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Hey Juicy, why no Belmont Babies in Hollywood?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

      There were drought restrictions bwaaaahaaaaaaa!

  11. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Because all "ril 'Merikuns" traipse around Beverly Hills with loads of PAC cash looking for a good deal on Channel dresses.

    Sarah, you're a phony...and a complete BORE!

  12. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Looks like Sarah forget the 'Belmont Girls' on this trip!

  13. Anonymous5:06 AM

    I noticed that too Jo - she actually looks like a cave man in this footage (no offense cave men).

  14. Not What You Want to Hear5:22 AM

    On another note, here's a video sure to make you happy: "Dinner with Barack." It's really neat, several people won a chance to have dinner with President and Mrs. Obama and here's the footage:

    Can you imagine if you won this contest? I'd be so thrilled, excited, and nervous, I don't think I'd be able to talk!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:43 PM

      Yeah, and I wouldn't wear running shorts and a cap, just sayin'!

      Seriously, I'll take dinner with the Obama's over Screech's "fireside chats" anyday.

  15. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Sarah and her stupid running shorts from high school. She actually wore those hideous things to show off her gams in the Runner's World cheesecake spread.

    Sarah, stick to spandex / spanx.

  16. Anonymous5:37 AM

    There was a horse on Luck that walked just like Sarah.. they had to put it down.

  17. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Oh, the footage cut out just as the Doo-Wop Street Singing Trio were about to sing "Little Shop of Horrors."

  18. Replies
    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Does Sarah chew tobacco?

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM


  19. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Such a happy-looking family. Of course Sarah and Bristol weren't smiling, Bristol looked unhappy and Sarah looked angry, but they were just worried they wouldn't find an Applebee's in time to feed the whole brood. After they did though, they all lovingly enjoyed each other.

    And just because mother Sarah didn't hold Trig, but held her two blackberries doesn't mean she isn't a doting mother. She was just probably checking on father Todd, making sure he didn't fall off that roof up in Wasilla.

  20. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Alaskan Hillbillies in Hollywood. Would it have killed Bristol to say hi and that she's enjoying her DWTS arrogant A-Holes..all of them! Love the pageant walking Sarah, hehe

  21. That's a huge almost 2 yr old, hey?

  22. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Sarah probably thought that she was so famous she needed to disguise herself...although, since she was with her daughter who was all over the news at this point, it seems more like she wanted to disguise herself so that it would look like she was disguising herself so that she could seem modest when someone noticed her and asked her for an autograph, which she was probably expecting.

  23. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Scarah walks like a guy, hunched over, set mouth, swinging arms that way.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      My first thought was that Sarah Palin walks like a truck driver, an angry truck driver.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Really! I had to watch the video twice to see her bent forward at the waist, leading with her chin, arms coiled like they are about to hit someone. An angry truck driver fits.

      Piper however has certainly got that pageant walk down.

      Bristol still looks like she wants to hide under her blankey.

      And each "baby" has his own nanny!

  24. Anonymous6:44 AM

    " Scarah," I truly hope you wash those shorts because they are sooo nasty looking and they are stinking up America. You wear them in your sport center looking home on Lake Luc,in Arizona where you and Toady barbequing and in California and in Hawaii!" DAMN DO YOU HAVE ANYMORE SHORTS,don't forget you're a rich bitch so dress like one.....

  25. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Bristol's pregnancy shows - they are po'd because people are taking pictures. They are celebrity wannabe's, but they don't wannabe' photographed unless it's in a People magazine studio.

    People magazine has proven to be one of the worst gossip rags out there. They are spoonfed information to print and it appears they will print anything if paid to do so.

  26. Anonymous6:49 AM

    at 10 seconds into the film, Bristol's pregnant tummy shows. Later she stretches her hoodie out when waiting at the light.

    That's why her mother is berating her.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I noticed esp. at the stop light. Bristol keeps kind of closing her sweatshirt, but when it is open (and you stop the film), you can see a very rounded mid-section beginning right under the bust. Fat or not, who knows....but, it sure is there. (visible a couple seconds later when they begin to walk again)

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      I thought she looked paunchy, too. AND she's wearing black!!!

    3. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Black is known to make anyone look thinner. They used it in DWTS and it somethings worked alright. There is only so much black can hide.

      Bristol is either hiding pregnant or she is a ninja, they wear black.

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM

      So now she is thin, does that mean she had a tummy tuck or liposuction like Sarah? I never would think a young person would get a chin extension or even take off some of the double chin but a tummy tuck too? She is lazy.

  27. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Who is that creepy dude in the sparkly hat walking with Bristol? He looks PISSED. Maybe Bristol just told him he might be the father of her DWTS baby?

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM


    2. Anita Winecooler7:50 PM

      Must be, he's using two blackberries to change his status, also too, bragging about his "swimmers". So Hollywood! ;o)

  28. Anonymous7:05 AM

    i had to laugh at myself for sitting to watch this.
    what a waste of time, watching people walk down a street.
    the two boys look the same size.

  29. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Surely there must be nice clothing shops in Anchorage?

    My over-the-moon narcissistic stepmother would have had perfectly fitting slacks and a color-coordinated sweater/top, stylish and flattering sunglasses, and a HUGE SMILE for the cameras. She's shallow as is Sarah, but she knows how to charm. A short hello to the paps, introducing her family, she'd be on the covers of magazines in a flattering way -- although she wouldn't have gotten paid for the picture.

    Nonetheless, a woman in her forties who aspires to lead other people needs to dress the part -- not like a track coach, with an f-ing fleur de lis on her baseball cap. What team is that again?

    The Beverly Hillbillies, for sure.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      I think Sarah thinks that THIS is how celebrities act when they're captured by paparazzi. We know she reads Star and Us, right? Well, this is the kind of thing that they show famous people wearing all the time. Plus...I have a feeling that in her little brain, she thinks, Oh, I should wear cruddy clothes in public, because then people will assume I gave back all those RNC clothes -- which I bet she hasn't.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Have had dealings with the narcissistic type too. Yes, my relative would have done the same as your stepmother.

      Sarah, however, can still be the total narcissist she is in a different way. She is in love with herself as the frontierswoman. She wants to portray herself as tough as nails, outdoorsy, doesn't care about that sissy fashion and style, prefers the sporty look, baseball cap, gum-chewing/tobacco-chewing, gun-toting/trophy-collecting/bear-rug owning wild girl.

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      So you're saying Sarah doesn't care about cameras and just lives? Thanks for clarifying she's not narcissistic.

    4. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Can almost hear the bango . . .

    5. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Sarah shows her narcissism all the time. She also has some deep seated problems along the body dysmorphia and just plain old trashy taste.

      Sarah Palin even fails when is comes to being a narcissist. But no guarentee any narcissist will dress and look classy. She shoule stay off the public stage and few would care.

    6. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Narcissist or not, Palin has absolutely no taste and no clue how to dress.

      But given where she comes from and how resistant she is to learning or taking advise from anyone, it is not surprising.

  30. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Sarah walks like a man.

  31. Anonymous7:49 AM

    You can take the Palins out of Wasilla, but you can't take Wasilla out of the Palins. If Sarah (and Bristol) want to be glamorous celebrities, the least that they could do is dress the part. For some reason, the Palins don't seem to ever look in the mirror.

    1. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!10:10 AM

      They can't stand to see what looks back!


  32. Olivia7:56 AM

    I remember when this was posted before thinking how out of place they look. Tromping around in unsuitable clothing for their location, chomping on gum like cows chewing cud, they really stood out as hicks on an outing. I did notice that poor Trig was trying his damndest to communicate, waving his arms, wiggling around and trying to get someone's attention and not a single person cared to see what he wanted. Funny, when my kids were little and even with my grandkids, we are attentive to their needs in public as much as in private so as not to cause a commotion or draw attention.

    1. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!10:12 AM

      Hick Chicks


      Chick Hicks?

  33. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Bristol looks so slim (well except for the tummy area). Her legs and butt look nothing like they did a mere 2 months later during DWTS.

    Weight gain from too many burgers would not give her the shape she had during DWTS. No way. I'm more convinced than ever that she was preggo during the show.

    Nice to see this clip again after all this time.

    And yes, I noticed too, that Tripp is way too big for a not quite 2 year old, and has the awareness and motor abilities of an older child. Sarah carries her Blackberry, not "her child." Doesn't even have an awareness of where "her child" is.

  34. Randall7:58 AM

    I've seen more class and grace among pack mules.

  35. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I didn't read anyone saying anything about Piper's dress being too short so maybe I'm wrong, but as a father who raised two daughters I would have replaced the dress along time ago. Again, I may be being too critical of Sarah, but it seems to me she is teaching her kids a bad example of what is acceptable to be worn in public. Again I may be wrong, but it also seems to be something that could contribute to poor moral character by promoting one's sexuality, especially for someones Piper's age.

    If anyone has opposite point of view, or agree with me, I would like to hear from them to see if I'm off base or not.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      I agree with you completely. Sarah sets horrific examples for her female children. Piper looked atrocious in that too short top and shorts walking down a city street. There are ways to dress and conduct yourself and NONE of the Palin women measure up.

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      I was posting about Piper's extremely short dress (or extremely short shorts) at the same time you were posting this. Coupled with the flimsiest top, out of all the women, and it looks like sparkly silver sandals.

      Piper's dressed the sexiest by far (the rest are dressed in what we called "scrubs" back in the day - t-shirts, hoodies, tennis shoes), walking down the streets of LA.

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      My daughter is about the same age as Piper, and she wouldn't be caught dead wearing something so revealing, not only because her father and I wouldn't have it, but she knows how to carry herself like the classy young lady she is. The Palins are nothing but trash.

    4. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!10:21 AM

      Totally noticeable.

      A little girl of Piper's age shouldn't be walking around "looking" half naked.

      She needed a longer dress,

      or longer shorts under the shirt.

      What is WRONG with you, SARAH??

      ***ugh. But this of course leads back to the theory of SP's childhood abuse; SP "really", "truly" may not know how Bizarre her family "way" really is...

      A while back there were photos of Bruce & Demi's young girl - she must have been 12, 13, 14? And she was wearing shorts *So Short* her ASS was literally showing when she reached up to hug her dad goodbye.

      Look at how messed up demi moore is, desperately clinging to her youth; partying with her kids...(married a kid!)

      And Bruce Willis married a "woman" like, 20 yrs. his junior?

      Their (B&D, Todd & Sarah) parents are so focused on BEING the ATTENTION they aren't PAYING ATTENTION to their kids; and the kids are suffering.

    5. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Piper is wearing shorts that are blending in with her skin color on camera. I see nothing wrong with her outfit.

    6. Anonymous11:23 AM

      I too was questioning Piper's attire, the too short outfit and the too huge glamorous sun glasses. But what really got me was watching her walk. Take a look at Piper walking away from the camera. Does she have that pangeant walk down pat or what? I didn't know little hips could swing like that!

    7. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Little too exposed Piper is the saddest of all. Can't believe she was walking around those creepy streets like that. There is slime in the high end parts of town. I don't want to think any one is that careless with a precious young girl. The boys also too. At least they have on shoes and not walking the street.

    8. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Piper is wearing shorts that are so short they barely cover her crotch.

      Any mother who would let any daughter wear shorts like that is insane. My mom wouldn't have let me out of the house in shorts like that, much to go out in a big city where they could expect to be photographed.

    9. Anonymous4:29 PM

      ***ugh. But this of course leads back to the theory of SP's childhood abuse; SP "really", "truly" may not know how Bizarre her family "way" really is...

      That does scream childhood abuse, SP's childhood abuse. Makes Chuckies look the creep. Kind of feel sorry for Brisdull trying to change her Chuckies chin. I would want to cut him off as well. Wish she could figure out the better way to do that.

    10. Anita Winecooler8:10 PM

      Piper learns what she lives, just like any other kid. Remember Sarah on "summer bus vacation" wearing a tee shirt that looked like a bargain bin item from a kid's store? Some kind of female stick figure on the shirt?

      THATS the type of thing a girl Piper's Age would be embarrassed to wear. Remember her in high heels carrying Trig up stairs? Sorry, a little girl shouldn't be in high heels while caring fora special needs child.
      So many things about this family make no sense whatsoever. I can go to Walmart and find an appropriate blouse/walking shorts set for Piper at a reasonable price. This is Hollywood, why not make a good impression in public?

  36. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Why does Sarah let someone else carry "her" little boy? She loads herself up with a big old cloth tote bag AND a shark-styled backpack, but lets someone else carry her baby? She doesn't interact with Trigg at all.

  37. I couldn't help noticing the crowds she attracted. Must be tough to have that magnetic personality and overwhelming charm we keep hearing about.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      HUH? This makes no sense Lynne. I see people simply walking down a sidewalk in route to some unknown place. Given Bristol's clothing, it's probably between rehearsals. Were they eating? I don't know and don't want to act like God by deciphering stupid things. Theyre not the first "celebs" to ignore papparazzi. Most of them do, or don't you care about all public figures and their daily lives?

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      It's okay if "celebs" want to ignore the paparazzi. But not if their very young daughter is right there, only half dressed, getting her picture taken by them. What about protecting Piper from them? Palin completely ignores her.

    3. Anonymous2:29 PM

      I believe Lynn is being sarcastic.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:15 PM

      I believe Anonymous Mar 31, 2012 03:29 PM is right. Lynne's comments always makes sense and are sometimes sarcasm to point out the obvious.

  38. Anonymous8:23 AM

    What a frumpy-dumpy no-class group of yahoos. Why is Piper carrying Tripp? Hello, any adults around or aware? They look like a bunch of hillbillies. Yee-haw!

  39. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Why did people ask you to post this random video?

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Because it is fun to watch the Palins Unscripted.

    2. Look at your sentence again. It doesn't make any sense. Gryphen was asked to post this particular video. He was not asked to pick a video, any old video, and post it.

      So you see, it's not a "random" video. It's a specific video.

  40. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Yea, Sarah walks like a dude. That outfit is ridiculous. She can't wear something that looks clean. Those shorts look nasty.

  41. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Sorry, but I'm surprised no one mentioned Piper's clothes. It looks like she isn't wearing any pants at all, only a shirt. Either that's a SUPER short dress, or she's wearing SUPER short shorts underneath it.

    For someone who thinks there are pedophiles waiting to attack her daughters everywhere, why would Palin let Piper walk the streets of LA in such a skimpy outfit?

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Summer shorts and a simple top are skimpy? Um, k. It's hot and it's LA. Chill. They're apparently on one on Bristol's breaks from rehearsal.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      And the top? It is too skimpy for a girl her age. Another example of Sarah's fine parenting skills.

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Piper is wearing shorts (visible later in video). I think she looks fine. Consider this is L.A. where almost everyone wears shorts (tacky maybe, but they do).

      On the other hand, either it is a chilly day and Piper is underdressed, or it is a warm day and Bristol is bizarrely over-bundled in long pants and sweatshirt (hoody!).

    4. Anonymous10:15 AM

      "Um, k."

      I don't need to chill, because I couldn't care less about Piper Palin. Just pointing out her obviously inappropriate clothes and situation.

      I also couldn't care less about why they're walking around Beverly Hills. It makes no difference whatsoever and is a complete non sequiter.

    5. Anonymous10:17 AM

      "Um, k." can only resort to things like "Um, k." and non sequiturs. She has nothing else.

    6. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Sorry, but this needed a reality check. I showed my husband the picture of Piper, whom he doesn't know, and just asked "What do you think of this picture, of this girl walking around in Beverly Hills?", with NO mention of her clothes. He looked for a couple seconds and said, verbatim, "Her clothes are too skimpy." There ya go Sarah, a strange middle aged man's assessment of your daughter's picture on a tabloid gossip website. It's a reality check for you too. Of course you won't learn anything from it.

    7. Anonymous4:52 PM

      >>>>Consider this is L.A. where almost everyone wears shorts

      There are beach, parks and a variety of different areas. Also every kind of person, some have green or purple casts to their skin, you can see the most crazy bizarre people. They usually don't have children with them. Keep in perspective Sarah also wants to get money through a PAC, so she is someone some believe could run for high office. She and Piper would fit in better at a park.

      The Palins are not in an area where it works to have Piper look like that. Sorry, people should learn more about pedophiles. They are everywhere but LA they are more known. They can have a particular preferrence. Children are a product to some. Read some books. We are talking a commodity. No responsible parent allows a child to go in an area like they are in and dress like Piper is dressed. I am not saying there are not other parents doing the same. Some people, in LA are more open about selling their children. It is much more common then you think.

    8. Anonymous5:51 PM

      "Um K chill" WTH talks like this??? Uneducated 20 year olds is my guess.

      Bristol, who is Tristan's dad? People around town really want to know. It's the buzz everywhere.

  42. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?

  43. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Why do people say they look angry? There is conversation interspersed. Why do people feel the need to interject personal comments, even when those comments don't even match the video?

    Without her heels, you can tell Sarah is an incredibly petite, short woman.

    I still find it funny how well Sarah can do incognito. When this video was first posted online at that site, not one of those paps recognized Sarah.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Yes, it's amazing how she can hide all that overwhelming beauty and charisma without any of it escaping her "costume". I have heard people say that if you look very closely there is a glow that seems to issue forth from her- if you're lucky to be close enough. I'm pretty sure I saw a halo, too.

      Oh and yes, she is a VERY small woman. And getting smaller... :)

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Yep, those Paps simply weren't into her anymore; simply not interested in the grisly granny.

      Nothing to see there ~ but Brissy, on the otherhand, was carrying a stow-away. . . and I pray the child survived the spanx abuse.

      P.S.>>> Is she developing normally, Bristol, or did you inflict permanent harm to the unborn child while trying to conceal the pregnancy?

      Ironic how one Palin feigned a pregnancy, while the other feigned not being pregnant.

      Interesting turn of events...

    3. Anita Winecooler8:29 PM

      Yeah, I clearly recall paparazzi and other people who saw this clip in total awe at the uncanny ability Sarah has of doing "incognito". It was all the buzz on C4P "Bristol Palin, Tripp Johnston, Trigg Palin, Piper Palin were all immediately identifiable, but Our Sarah, cool as a cucumber in running shorts, a hat, sunglasses and two blackberrys was TOTALLY not noticed.

      Um, K. sure. She pulled the wool over everyone's eyes!

      "Like she "blends"

  44. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Trig's so cute and aware.

  45. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The only place this outfit is appropriate is the beach.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Here's the evidence from that brief outing:

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Anonymouse 12:00 pm

      Good photos. Looks like they turned the video into photos. Skim through all of them and you'll see some very revealing shots.

    3. fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU, BRISDULL!!!9:35 PM

      Damn, Brisdull!

      "It's Time", indeed!

      Time to tell the truth about all your babies!

  46. Hey Gryph... Isn't this the road trip when the Monkey Queen actually got the nick-name "SWAG HAG" ??? Knowing how the scratching monkey Klan works in places where REAL money is all around, this would be like a spoiled sausage buffet for all scratching monkeys. Bags of SWAG from every studio (or adjoining studio) or private get together or casting gathering, etc. that ANY of the Queens minions could stick their snout into, would be in piggy heaven and carry away tables-full of 'JUNK' to be scrounged thru at a later time!!

    I can hear the clanging of the fake stuff all the way from the rockies and can see in my mind the tilt of the plane, and the strain on the engines trying to get all this trash back to the land fill around Lake Wasilly!!!


    1. Tom Joad2:59 PM

      I thought Ted Nugent had a song with similar title.....SWAG HAG FEVER!!!!

  47. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Was the camera guy jerking off to that?

    When I first saw this video, I thought Bristol looked hugely PMSy. I still think that.

  48. Anonymous8:57 AM

    One thing I've noticed is you can so tell when one of the Palin women is PMSing. Like the average woman, they all bloat up like cows.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Yeah, right.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Sista sarah looks pissed that no one is fawning over her simple arse.

      Poetic justice for a septic rabble-rouser.


  49. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Noticed how she self-consciously used the lad and the hoodie to conceal the bump, which was rather apparent at the end of her DWTS stint.

    And what, no body guards sarah?

    The jig is up.

  50. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I really hope they're paying Trig's nanny well . . . and whatever happened to ole Ivey? Is she somewhere writing a tell-all?

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      She has a man friend. Deep in the cult. No book.

  51. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Off subject just a tad, but it is apparent on TV that Sarah Palin is being referred to less and less and when she is talked about, they are discussing her as a 'has been' in politics. Love it, love it!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:33 PM

      Sam Donaldson said it well.

      "I don't speak ill of the dead"

  52. Anonymous10:20 AM

    LOL. The Palin's so badly want the adoration that can come with fame, but none of the responsibility that comes when you do things to hurt your own reputation.

  53. Anonymous10:26 AM

    "Queen Zero."

  54. Anonymous10:47 AM

    At 0:06 it seems to me that Sarah moves toward Trig, who then starts acting agitated, flapping his arms.

    1. Whoa, you're right!
      As soon as Sarah gets near him, he turns away from her and waves his arms. Just what a young child does when he doesn't want somebody else to take him. Then Sarah acts like she doesn't notice.

      Like others, I was also struck at the complete lack of awareness of or interest in where her child was or what he was doing. Most moms will periodically look back and check on their child. Not her.

      Cue Sarah releasing a photo showing her staring at Trig...

  55. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I don't know why anyone would walk around most parts of LA scantily dressed. Not only how it looks to others, they just don't care about that. It is the dirtiest place. I would not allow a child to go downtown in cleaner cities where they could stub a toe and get who knows what. They have no awareness of disease and filth. Decent people would not allow children to be exposed like that. Plus BH and other parts of LA are infested with pedophiles. What this video shows is uncaring and ignorant adults. The last people that are ready for parental responsibilities.

    Who wants to think for a moment that somehow in our country anything like this made it to a political campaign at any level. I can't bare to think of how the world preceives us as a nation.

  56. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Almost every picture of Sarah she is doing something od with her mouth. Is that from her meth days?

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      As in past or present??
      It is also a symptom of several drugs prescribed by psychiatrists

    2. Anita Winecooler8:36 PM

      The same affliction happens to the Fox News viewership. I think it's called "Bile Reflux"

  57. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Wonder if this image was staged to justify Bristy's rapid weight gain while DWTS?

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Yes, they had to show her pigging out. May be not so staged, just go take a break Bristol, staged like that (pig out in public)

      Weren't there several of those? A theme of working so hard (only one not to lose weight) ok, ok she is eating like a herd of elephants. Not lazy, not preggars just eats.

  58. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I think I meant this one

  59. Anonymous11:41 AM

    They fail again.

    I am still laughing over the Unattended


  60. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Piper's walking down the street without her pants on and Sarah doesn't notice.

  61. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Isn't that the exact same outfit she had on in Hawaii when they got photos of her unplanned. Same grim expression as well as the clothes.

  62. Anonymous3:38 PM

    What mother, especially one who knows she will be in the public eye, lets her young daughter go out in what Piper is wearing. She looks like she's trying to attract pedophiles. She does, upon closer examination, seem to have pants on but the color makes them barely visible. Does Sarah want her to hurry up and begin having babies as well?? The other funny thing is that Tripp notices the camera frequently but everyone else acts like they don't . Were they parading up and down the street hoping to be photographed so they could complain? Why not dress better?

  63. ibwilliamsi5:34 PM

    So many thoughts -

    Sarah walks like a man;

    Who is that woman carrying Trig and why isn't he with his mama?

    Why is Piper's ass hanging out?

    Why is Sarah's ass hanging out?

    Could she look MORE like trailer trash?

    Are we at all surprised that JM won't watch Game Change? The man should be horribly ashamed.

  64. Anonymous7:14 PM


    I wouldn't let Piper walk around on the streets wearing that short outfit if she was my daughter.

    It would be okay at the beach or pool side but not walking the street.

    Piper is another Bristol in the making.

  65. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Who are the two non Palins?

    Are they nannies?

    Notice how Sarah does not pay attention to Trig at all!

    Also notice Bristol takes Tripp from Piper after the videographer calls out her name.

  66. Anonymous7:17 PM

    No wonder Sarah Palin was looser Miss Alaska... she walks like a man.

    1. I don't think I'll ever forget this video clip precisely for the walk. I couldn't believe it when I first saw it; she walks as though she learned to walk on a pile of rocks. And her legs are so chunky, don't look much like runner's legs at all. No grace, no style, no elegant carriage, a stride like a clod-hopper.

  67. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

    They crack me up. I don't understand the silence. Beefy's on Dizto With the Stars, begging people to vote for her then saying winning would be like giving the middle finger to the haterez. Why not just smile and keep on walking. They look like a bunch of backwood's folk on their way to a viewing. Wanna be in Hollywood? Then at least look presentable and like you're having fun being there.

    Nice try with the camouflage, there Bristol.

    the only contestant in DWTS history to GAIN Weight.

  68. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Jeezis...The Grizzled One Looks like a greasy bum in dirty shorts,The Beefy One has her bitter bitch face on,The Chubbster-In-Training(Pamper)dressed like she was 18 instead of 9,and poor Tripp doesn't even seem to beling in this nasty family.Is it just me or does Beefy ALWAYS look sour,dour and sad when in her mom's presence?

  69. Wow, you truly do live in your own world. Hahaha The Palin's don't give a shit about you. You're just another d-bag with a blog.


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