Monday, April 16, 2012

Bill Cosby calls out the Obama critics.

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Courtesy of Politicususa:

When David Gregory asked Mr. Cosby about President Obama he said, “I see Obama as Sisyphus in the first four years, and nobody would speak about the size of the rock, or the elevation of the hill. All you hear people talk about is what he didn’t do. To come from what he has asked to take over and do in the time, to behave as an American, to put up with those, who were, in my estimation, acting very un-American to get rid of those people, it took longer than patience should allow, but he tried to bring us together, even to argue with radio hosts and people who have nothing to do with anything. It’s important that this man has had to fight a similar battle of a black person in America. Hundreds of thousands and millions of people still behind him, but people who are very quietly acting like they have no idea what he inherited. It’s as if he had the surplus, when he moved into office, and this is — this is sad. And it’s sad about them. Because they know that they have misbehaved. They know they’ve taken America and slowed down the progress, and there are statements that are very clear in saying as much. I don’t want this man to succeed. Well, why, said the brown fly?”

Well said by a man who was one of my favorite people as I was growing up.

And it is something that must be repeated over and over.

This President was NOT elected to perform miracles while walking on water and healing race relations in this country single-handedly. He was elected to repair the damage done to this country by George W. Bush, a man who seemed hell bent on pulling a "Thelma and Louise" drive this country right off a cliff to be dashed to pieces on the rocks below.

And this actually seems to be part of a growing trend with Republicans as laid out by the Conceptual Guerilla over at the Daily Kos:  

That's right, Rod. Every Democrat is a communist . . . going all the way back to 1933 when FDR set up New Deal Communism. That would be the same New Deal communism you grew up under. The New Deal Communism that made us the richest, most powerful nation in history. The New Deal Communism that took us to the moon just 36 years after FDR was sworn in. Let me show you the track record of those New Deal Communists.
  • Democrat Communist Truman left 2.5 percent unemployment to Eisenhower. 
  • Republican Patriot Eisenhower left recession and 6.5 percent unemployment to Kennedy. 
  • Communist Johnson left 3.5 percent unemployment to Nixon. 
  • Republican Patriot Ford left recession and 7.5 unemployment to Jimmy Carter. 
  • Communist Carter wasn't able to improve much on the recession he inherited . . . . . . and neither were Republican Patriots Reagan and Bush, who left recession and 7.2 unemployment to Bill Clinton. 
  • Communist Bill Clinton left 4.2 percent unemployment to Dubya . . . 
  • Republican Patriot Dubya left recession and 7.6 percent unemployment to Communist Barack Obama. 
No Republican Patriot ever left office with unemployment under 5 % . . . including Reagan. No New Deal Communist ever left office with higher unemployment than they inherited . . . including Jimmy Carter who left the same unemployment he inherited from Ford.

And yet the expectations for President Obama to somehow wrestle these unemployment numbers down to pre-Dubya percentages in the shortest amount of time possible, and while circumventing constant obstruction from the Republicans, seems to be an almost universal expectation by our media. Just as he is expected to bring gas prices down by sheer force of will, even though we are well aware that the Saudi's virtual blood brother George W. Bush had little control over them during his two terms in office as well.

The people who are the MOST aggressively attacking President Obama are doing so for purely ideological reasons, but the those on the Left who are echoing their talking points and gleefully  joining the dogpile are perhaps the ones who should be the most ashamed of their actions.


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Ann Romney was outraged by Hilary Rosen's attack on mothers. YES OUTRAGED!!! How was it then that it was also "an early birthday present" - "the best birthday present I ever got"???

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Rosen DID NOT attack mothers. Please don't pass that lie around. Rosen was speaking of Ann Romney only. Saying she cannot identify with struggling single mother. Which is true.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Sarcasm is lost on some........Sigh

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I'm glad you provided a text version, as Cosby's verbal offering was really hard to follow.

    Even with him sounding like he's unable to complete a sentence anymore, the takeaway on one point was very clear:

    It is UN AMERICAN to root for the failure of the President and your own freaking country.

    That is SUCH a basic bit of common sense, its hard to believe that anyone can possibly not realize it.

    (Which, of course, casts an even more evil light on such blowhards as Rush Limbaugh, as he cannot claim to have "accidentally" said something so obviously an act of treason.)

    1. Anonymous12:14 AM

      So I'm to conclude that millions of democrats -- includedin millions of black folks -- are un-American, as the rooted for Bush to fail.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I am so disgusted with Dems who have honed in on the Repubs BS against President Obama. These Dems started on President Obama within weeks of his inauguration. I expected it of Repubs, but I did not expect it of Dems.
    I am disgusted with those Dems who have stayed silent as President Obama was called a liar by a GOP congressman, on live television.
    I am disgusted with Dems who have remained silent as President Obama has been disrespected more than any president in US history, because of his race.
    I am disgusted with Dems who are acting like they forgot President Obama inherited a gigantic mess, that would take longer than 4 years to clean up.

    Santorum even almost called him the 'n' word, but he caught himself. Everybody is silent.
    I remember Pelosi and Rangle coming to he defense of Bush , BUT they are silent when President Obama is attacked. I have lost all respect for these Dem politicians. And it they ever came up for reelection in my jurisdiction, I would not vote for them.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Democrats have by and large supported President Obama. The whiners have been the self-proclaimed "progressives" who do not want to stoop to party politics. I'm proud to be a Democrat and I'm proud to support President Obama!

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      "Santorum even almost called him the 'n' word, but he caught himself. Everybody is silent."

      Unbelievable isn't it?

      I'm disgusted with politics in general and the media but come election day I'll vote for the dems. At least they're not as bat-shit crazy as the republicans.

    3. Anonymous3:06 PM

      AnonymousApr 16, 2012 02:24 PM

      They may not be batchit crazy but they are cowards. And I have lost all respect for them for not standing up for President Obama.

    4. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I support President Obama 100%, always have, always will.

      BUT to hell with those Dems(not all of them of course) in the Senate and House who will not support President Obama. Who do not stand up for him, when he is disrespected.

    5. Anonymous3:13 PM

      AnonymousApr 16, 2012 02:12 PM

      My other post is in answer to you. And I will add. I am a proud Democrat too. But I am not proud of certain Dems in the House and Senate.
      I will also repeat. I am behind President Obama 100%.

  4. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I don't know what we have to argue about as most certainly Obama is a sure thing in November. We could all sit back and not say a thing for the rest of the campaign and he'd still win, especially against Romney. I guess we have to have some outrage in our daily lives or we don't feel proactive?

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      That attitude got us the 2010 debacle. Are you trying for a repeat?

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      I repeat, there is no reason for outrage on behalf of Obama. His record speaks for itself for those that are going to vote for him. We are not going to change the minds of those whose minds are set against him and his agenda. We ended up with 2010 because the Moderates and the Liberals stayed HOME and didn't Vote. Just vote, that's all it takes. Don't remain home in the face of a foregone conclusion, get out there and do that ONE thing that makes the difference. That is all that is required.

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      We ended up with 2010 because the Moderates and the Liberals stayed HOME and didn't Vote.

      You are conceding my point. Now please quit telling people "We could all sit back and not say a thing"—people saying things like that are what cost us 2010.

    4. Anonymous11:05 PM

      You take all this pretty seriously Ted. My life was the same under Bush1, Clinton, Bush2 and Obama. Nothing has changed for me but I encourage everyone to vote for a candidate that they like and respect. Most of our lives tend to be lived much the same regardless of who is in office.

    5. Anonymous8:39 AM

      My life was the same under Bush1, Clinton, Bush2 and Obama. Nothing has changed for me …

      And for someone with an "I'm all right, Jack" attitude, that's really all that matters, isn't it?

  5. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Love this; absolutely love it !! Another sarah palin endeavour wreaks havoc on the recipient


    After 16 YEARS, 'Good Morning America' tops 'Today' in ratings !!!

  6. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Mitt Romney Shows Record Shortfall in Personal Popularity in ABC News/Washington Post Poll

    Mitt Romney has emerged from the Republican primary season with the weakest favorability rating on record for a presumptive presidential nominee in ABC News/Washington Post polls since 1984, trailing a resurgent Barack Obama in personal popularity by 21 percentage points.

    Thirty-five percent of Americans see Romney favorably, while 47 percent have an unfavorable opinion of the former Massachusetts governor. He's the first likely nominee to be underwater -- seen more unfavorably than favorably -- in ABC/Post polls in eight presidential primary seasons over the past 28 years.

    1. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead10:39 AM

      And yet, stunningly, the first, marginally meaningful head-to-head Gallup poll shows a statistical tie with a 6 point Romney lead among independents.

      Not to panic prematurely, but it's starting to smell like 2000 all over again. Romney isnt dumb like Shrub is/was, but he is dangerously inadequate and demonstrably dishonest in the conduct of his campaign so far. It's likely to get far worse before November.

      Let's never forget that re-electing our president is an uphill battle. We all need to do what's necessary to make it happen.

  7. Anonymous5:10 PM

    For working mothers (like mine) to hear Ann Romney whining about how hard she had it, dictating to a staff on how to raise her children, is just terrible.

    And shows that the woman has no regard for truthfulness, and is a complete hypocrite, just like her husband.

    Only really, really stupid women will not see through such complete malarkey.

  8. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

    I give him an "A" for this interview

    He was one of my favorite comedians growing up. You haven't laughed unless you heard his album "To Russel My Brother, With Whom I Have Slept". Truly a comedic genius.

    But I think he deserves an "F" for this statement.

    I guess he fell for the "goon" as a term of endearment" excuse for the word "Coon" on the 911 tapes.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Can you please explain this comment about the coon? I don't want to assume that you are saying what I think you are. I may be mistaken. Please enlighten me before I react to your statement.

  9. The thing that is mind-blowing is that David "Who Me" Gregory sat there, like a stump, and waited for a nudge from Cheeeney's folks in his ear before he could say anything!!! Almost wanted to see if Ron Christie or Sean Hannratty were behind the set on the two-way... These talking piles of slime are all the same.. They don't care what people says or think or feel! Pay me.. I'll go home and shut up.... I have no spine... leave me alone....

  10. Anne In DC11:38 AM

    I agree 100% with Bill Cosby about the un-American disrespect for this president. There is no question that most if not all of the disrespect stems from unadulterated anti-black racism, and it's utterly sickening that these folks would throw millions of Americans under the bus in order to make President Obama fail. I agree totally that it would be a serious mistake for those of us intending to re-elect him to think we can just coast along. In addition to voting to re-elect him, we need to vote the regressive Republicans and their Democratic enablers out of Congress, and vote in people who genuinely care about Americans.

  11. Anonymous4:15 AM

    All you Democrats are nuts. What is there to like about Obama. Up to this moment I thought Bill Cosby was intelligent, boy was I wrong. Obama has put this country into poverty and if that isn’t enough he plans on taking away our American freedoms and no one has a problem with that? Read Obama care and be educated instead of being liberal or conservative get informed of what is ahead for this country you dopes might find yourselves in a better country.


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