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Of course I'm popular! Who else gets asked to autograph a baby? |
ABC’s “Good Morning America” appears to have prevailed over NBC’s “Today” show in weekly viewership for the first time in over 16 years.
Preliminary Nielsen ratings show that “GMA” had an average of 5,147,000 total viewers for the week of April 9 — 13,000 more than the “Today” show, which averaged 5,134,000.
“Today” still led “GMA” by more than 250,000 viewers between the ages 25 to 54, the key demographic for advertisers. But by edging out “Today” among total viewers, “GMA” has at least briefly accomplished what has been the top priority of ABC News: to put an end to its rival’s winning streak. “GMA” had not won a week outright since December 1995.
Palin apologists are going to say that during Palin's Tuesday appearance the Today Show won the day, which is true, but as we know that was mostly just because people tuned in to see the train wreck.
The important take away from this is that once again something Palin touches turns to yet another steaming pile of moosepoop.
I am not at all superstitious, and would usually poo poo the idea of a curse, or bad mojo, but I have to admit that Snowdrift Snooki has made me a believer. I have literally NEVER seen such a consistent harbinger of doom in my life.
Her trail of destruction began with John McCain, and from there went to Sharon Angle and Christine O'Donnell, through Herman Cain and Rick Santorum, and even derailed the careers of Tim Tebow and Jeremy Lin. All it seems to take is for Sarah Palin to appear, endorse, or even mention you and your days are numbered.
Hell Matt Lauer's just lucky the Today Show did not spontaneously combust the minute the Wasilla Angel of Death sashayed onto the set.
Thank Odin for small favors.
''The Palin curse continues and even knocks the Today Show off of a 16 year winning streak.''
ReplyDeleteThat's what 'Today' gets for having her poisonous, nasty, mean-spirited, spiteful, acid tongue ass on their show.
I agree with your description of Palin, but you left out her ignorance, grifting, and narcissism out. If you would add those I would completely agree with you.
DeleteIt would then say, "That's what 'Today' gets for having her poisonous, nasty, mean-spirited, spiteful, acid tongue, narcissistic, grifting ass on their show.
It's a little long and a mouthful, but every word is true. Now all we have o do is wait for RAM to reply using the same words on us or another of her counter attack replies. Actually, I'm surprised she came back to work for Palin after taking some time out to marry her girl friend on the East coast.
You left out BALD! She's probably down to her last few strands and soon she won't have those! And as far as those lobster claw hands...that baby was probably hollering because Baldy's hands probably feel like ice and she was probably pinching her with the other claw!
DeleteEven the fools at "Crazies4Palin" can see the hand writing on the wall...she's down to just a handful over there who thinks she going to storm the convention and be "anointed"...LMAO!!!
Good God Gina...STFU...your ramblings are fucking embarrassing. Can we have a little dignity please...Christ in a sidecar...
DeleteYou are the only one embarrassed, so you STFU.
DeleteAgree 100% on the STFU Gina. I don't like SP either but the bald comments are uncalled for. Please stop with the baldy comments and try to sound more sane. Gryphen should ban you from this site if you don't clean it up a bit, but as I recall he referred to you as "our friend," so I don't think that is going to happen. Show some class.
DeleteI second that Anon 7:53. Im going back to pogates.
DeleteAnonymousApr 16, 2012 08:34 PM
DeleteAgree 100% on the STFU Gina. I don't like SP either but the bald comments are uncalled for. Please stop with the baldy comments and try to sound more sane. Gryphen should ban you from this site if you don't clean it up a bit, but as I recall he referred to you as "our friend," so I don't think that is going to happen. Show some class.
What in the Wide Wide World of Sports is wrong with you?? If the woman is BALD what's wrong with pointing that out...she's also an idiot...a terrible mother...a QUITTER...a cheater...a media whore...a grifter...and many other things...why you object to me calling her BALD...makes me think that you might have a slight lack of hair problem yourself...eh?
If so...I apologize for your condition but there is no need to get snippy with me for pointing out the obvious on the BALD One.
And thanks for reminding me that Gryphen called me "our friend"...that must still piss you off...huh!
Agree 100 percent with Gina M's comment. Apparently it has caused the bots to chew on their aluminum foil helmets again. Not too swift with a mouth full of cavities, just sayin!
DeleteBald, Lobster Claw, and doing some kind of human ritual with an innocent child- yep sounds right to me!
Amen! This blog needs to redeem it's class factor...
DeleteOh oh...Looks like GinaM is using the right Troll Bait!
DeleteToday's word, boys and girls, is Bald.
B - A - L - D. Bald. As in possessing no hair on one's dome.
Or does it mean bald! as in Bald Faced Lie, i.e. Trig's Brith Certificate?
So glad to see some sanity amongst the crazy....if you're posting with the same name all over the internet, it's not a bigstretch to figure out who's ruining this blog for the rest of us
DeleteHow's the weather in Oakland?
Love me some GinaM!!! Her Baldy comments crack me up.
DeleteThe "Baldy" comments add nothing to the dialoge...get a fucking clue...some of us want to be taken seriously...
DeleteOh, I love GinaM's posts :) She's both truthful and funny and always manages to bait the trolls! Keep up the good work GinaM!
DeleteWOW....I mean like....WOW! I never realized how much my comments contribute to IM's until last night! Thank you ANONYMOUS *supporters! You have made me feel so welcome here at IM's that I feel obligated to post even MORE comments! I know that you LOVE my avatar and maybe that's why you are so supportive and for that I can only say....THANK YOU!
Delete**GinaM blowing kisses to her *supporters**
*NOTE..."supporters" actually means TROLLS....LOL!!!
DeleteYOU are one of THE best with your comments on this blog!! You always make me LOL!!
You must have hit a sore spot (all that haif falling out must get sore at times!) to bring about the Trolls!!
I love what you say, so please, keep on saying it!!
Mary B.
(still having problems with Google Chrome on IM)
AnonymousApr 16, 2012 11:22 PM
DeleteThe "Baldy" comments add nothing to the dialoge...get a fucking clue...some of us want to be taken seriously...
Bwhahaaaahhhhaa so you play with fuck dolls?
Oh yeah that is serious.
Looneytoons...thaaaaat'a all folks!
Honestly, without GinaM's delightfully well-honed 'zinger' commentary here at IM to balance out the Effing Bots I would definitively give up reading here - PEOPLE - IM isn't a THINK TANK or NPR News!
DeleteThere's a time and place for everything - and there's a little bit of everything here, including irreverence and snarky humor, which I need to be able to stomach the GOP/Right Wing/TeaBaggers shenanigans.
There's actually quite a few famed IM commenters here that really make IM uniquely IM, along with Gryph's posts, and without them it would be truly b-o-r-i-n-g as all get out!
I find it curious that when the news cycle slows down a bit - people return to harping on GinaM and bemoaning the need for more "classy", "serious" comments cleansed of any sort of vim and verve, liveliness, and politically incorrect verbiage! Ugh!
Myself, I continue to "live vicariously" through GinaM's (and others,here) funny, scathing comments, comments I am too hung up or dull-witted to post myself (although I AM thinking them, and much WORSE!
Thanks to ALL you commenters not afraid to lampoon the aging Beauty Queen from the Great Land for her wigs, her botox, her empathy fake prego belly, the frozen eyebrows and the Belmont babes - as using the EFF Me look is what gave her the political power she had to gain national prominence - so yeah, lampooning that is spot on!
Sarah Palin and her crew of of viagra addicts think she's still that 18 year old Beauty Queen Runner Up and that all it takes to be politically relevant is to have old men get hard-ons for you.
What's more important re: Sarah Palin - than debunking that myth? Everything about that family needs to be debunked - repeatedly - snark and crassness just makes it more effective - thanks guys!
Traffic bait on a slow news day huh ?
ReplyDeleteBTW dumbass, she appeared on a Tuesday
Does it really matter what day she appeared dumbass? She appeared ....ratings were affected later. Kapeesh?
DeleteBTW DUMBASS, that not the point.
DeleteObviously, you missed it DUMBASS. Let me break it down for ya, DUMBASS, everything Sarah touches turns to shit. Simple. Got it? DUMBASS.
Here, I'll risk a little more of a breakdown and see if you can get it...
She can touch any day of the week, any week of the month, any month of the year, and somehow, some sort of FAIL will attach itself to that thing that Sarah touched/talked up. And there's a LONG pattern/track record.
So, DUMBASS, you've been SCHOOLED.
BTW Dumbass- Add Karen Handel for GA Guv that GriftZilla endorsed to the tune of 100k...How'd that work out? Hmmmm?
DeleteOh hell KRUSTY I thought it was APRIL FOOLS DAY!
DeleteLets not forget that the DAY Palin was on, loyal viewers of the Today Show went on their Facebook page and said they would never watch the show again. Yup, change we can all believe in.
DeleteHow can that mother smile that the child is getting the magic marker torture?
ReplyDeleteWhat stunt can be next?
Breitbart idiot Posts More Evidence Of His Criminal Stupidity
Don't forget the Philadelpia Flyers hockey team. They had her drop the puck on their opening game, then went on to lose that and, IIRC, seven more. It was awful.
ReplyDeleteYep, and as a resident, I can vouch she smells bad, like sweat, mothballs and cheap perfume. We got escorted out of "The Irish Pub" and passed by her while people picketed outside.
DeleteThe poor idiot had a pen in her hand, thinking we were jockeying for an autograph.
Don't mess with Philly Fans!
Yo Anita, Philly in da house! (Let's go Phillies!)
DeleteI refuse to watch NBC Today Show, never again!
ReplyDeleteI LOL'd when I saw this. The curse continues unabated. Earlier, I was listening to Stephanie Miller and a call came in from a woman in Alaska who said, "You shouldn't be talking about Sarah Palin if you don't know her." I immediately thought that one of the trolls from here managed to get through. The woman would not explain why she thought Sarah was so great, but she did think that Palin was "well spoken."
ReplyDeleteHa! Just posted the same thing, Crystal! She sounded like an older woman... Sally Heath? Said she was from Kodiak, but you know how the Palin's roll..
DeleteA day or so after Palin said he would be a great VP, Allen West went all McCarthy with his claim that 50 or so members of congress are communists, planting himself firmly on Mars, and out of any further political future.
Delete"Well spoken"....LMAO. She's a sycophant of the stupid and equally ignorant Palin!
DeleteKrusty is FIFTY years old. She is probably a old Biddie b/c she is glued to her computer night and day!
DeleteWasilla "Angle" of Death should be Wasilla "Angel" of Death.
ReplyDeleteOr Devil of Death or Retard of Death or Dumbass of Death or Grifter of Death or Looser of Death or ... that retard can go by a lot of different names.
Nope. Just Sarah of Death.
DeleteOf we could start our own dog whistle. Being Palined (to Death).
As in, "Hurry, call Lunz I've just been Palined and need an IV PR fix."
Or to snag an idea from a famous mattress store's advertising: "Sarah PAIN"...leave the "L" off for "Loser."
If it is possible to line up Mrs. Todd Palin's support for Kim Jong Un, Mr. Kony in Uganda, most of the heads of Wall Street Investment Banking firms, the Koch Brothers,the crazy killer in Norway, all Religious Right asshat preachers, the Taliban, Somali pirates, Big Oil, Tea Party leaders and everyone in the MLB Central Division, except for my beloved Chicago Cubs,the world would be an infinitely better place. Let's get that ball rolling. RAM? Are you here?
ReplyDeleteNewt isn't doing too well, either. Thanks for the endorsement, Todd and Sarah.
ReplyDeleteHe was attacked by a penguin today.
DeleteAnonymousApr 16, 2012 05:43 PM
DeleteHe was attacked by a penguin today.
Oh Shit! RAM attacked Newt today?? Do you have the video?? LOL!!
LOL!! LOL!!! God you're a fucking idiot. BEEFY, BALDY, WALLOW, DIRTY WIG....GET A NEW SHTICK ALREADY! You. Are. Fucking. Tedious.
How's the weather in Northern California?
Get a grip, Anon.
DeleteAnonymousApr 16, 2012 08:01 PM
Oh Gee...I think I broke the troll....AGAIN! Oh and you forgot...Toad the Pimp with his two toned penis! You're welcome! LOL!!
GinaM does her research very well. And her Wit is quite appropriate. She is spot on with her Posts, so BACKOFF.
DeleteAgree agree agree. Go away, Gina. You make us all who read Grypen's web site and comment here look deranged.
DeleteDude, the subject of this post is Sarah Miss Griftalot Palin. Low brow is setting the bar too high.
DeleteGina does her research well? Since when? All she does is spew a bunch of hate and immature comments one only hears in a middle school locker room. Notice how she only fares well HERE at IM. Nowhere else will have her.
DeletePeople are deranged. Voters don't choose to support someone based on ONE person's recommendation.
DeleteAnonymousApr 16, 2012 08:38 PM
DeleteAgree agree agree. Go away, Gina. You make us all who read Grypen's web site and comment here look deranged.
Umm...stalker troll...did you read my comment or did you just see my name and start foaming at the mouth?
I think you and "deranged" are VERY familiar with each other! LOL!!!
You guys are a fucking embarrassment to the whole anti-Palin movement. Gina M is a fucking idiot...you're ruining us...please stop. I want to see a resolution to Babygate in my lifetime. You are hindering, not helping.
DeleteP.S How's Oakland? What are you and your husband doing for your Birthday on November 1?
You guys are clueless...the internet is forever, you're not careful. Christ in a sidecar...
Oh the tinfoil hat chewers with cavities are riled up by Gina M's new avatar, eh?
DeleteGina M, that's just nasty!
Do it Again ;o) LOL
Gina..enough is enough...you're making the logical people look insane...just stop...you're not clever and you're not funny...you're just a fucking embarrassment. Get a clue.
DeleteMy point is, don't post all over the internet with the same fucking name...took me 10 minutes to figure out who you are. Goddamn..
DeleteWho are YOU, Anon @ 11:32 PM, Sarah Palin's favorite domestic terrorist Robert Stacy McCain? Or perhaps his sidekick Dan Riehl?
DeleteShould Gina expect you wingnuts in her front yard in a few days?
Hmmm, California is one of those "Stand Your Ground" states.
Other than a few hundred or maybe even thousand folks, Palin is so over! Look at the comment numbers on her stories on news sites or at her own supportive websites. Not many. She turned off faithful Today show fans. Me included.
ReplyDeleteAnonymousApr 16, 2012 08:01 PM
DeleteLOL!! LOL!!! God you're a fucking idiot. BEEFY, BALDY, WALLOW, DIRTY WIG....GET A NEW SHTICK ALREADY! You. Are. Fucking. Tedious.
Now only a IDIOTA would not find that funny! Everyone calls RAM a penguin (no offense to real penguins)
But The loony toons in unalaska & seattle
are offended...Boo fucking hoo bitches, go play with your dollies! This is a ADULT Blog!
How is the weather in Unalaska?
WTF are you even talking about? Are you drunk? Adults would like Palin to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law...you are just a pathetic nasty asshole...you're ruining us...please stop.
DeleteReally? Nasty assholes play with blowup fuckdolls like you.
DeleteThat's who ruins us.
Hows the weather in unalaska loonytoon?
We need the Palin; the Political skank, to endorse Mitt.
ReplyDeleteSo glad she supports Allen West!
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney, in his sit-down interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer, addressed the Seamus controversy once more, this time conceding that he wouldn't strap the dog crate to the top of the car because of the political fallout that would ensue. This is the exchange per a transcript released by the network.
ReplyDeleteDIANE SAWYER: As we move away from this primary campaign into the next phase -- again, on Yahoo, we got two questions most often, first about Seamus -- which as you know is out there forever -- would you do it again?
MITT ROMNEY: Certainly not with the attention it's received.
The answer represented a bizarre bowing to the political realities of the Seamus story. But while Romney was unwilling to risk again what has become one of the more perplexingly vexing issues haunting his campaign, his wife defended the family's treatment of its Irish setter, in the following manner:
DIANE SAWYER: You said it was the most wounding thing in the campaign --
ANN ROMNEY: It's crazy.
DIANE SAWYER: -- so far.
ANN ROMNEY: The dog loved it. The dog was, like --
DIANE SAWYER: But the dog got sick, right?
ANN ROMNEY: Once, he -- we traveled all the time and he -- he ate the turkey on the counter. I mean, he had the runs. But -- he would see that crate and, you know, he would, like, go crazy because he was going with us on vacation. It was to me a kinder thing to bring him along than to leave him in the kennel for t -- in -- in -- in a kennel for two weeks, so.
They still don't get it, do they? If a dog has an intestinal upset, the caring owner leaves it in a calm environment where it can rest and be medicated if necessary. Better a kennel than a roof rack.
DeleteThe dog ran away shortly after their arrival at the lake.
DeleteDogs don't run away for no reason.
Gee, if he was THAT sick, Ann could have let him ride "with the help" in the bust that followed them to cater and clean up? Wouldn't that be "kinder"?
DeleteRIP Seamus
Bo rides inside!
If you can't care for your dog...how do you care for the free world?!
DeleteBo rides inside!
DeleteObama 2012
here's a bumper sticker idea!
Back then Irish setters had sensitive stomachs and would get car sick easily (we had two back in the sixties and seventies).
DeleteIf the reason Seamus was put on the roof was that he would get carsick, that only compounds the cruelty of what Rmoney did to the poor animal.
While I find the term a total antithesis to the reality of sp, I believe you meant to say "angel" of death....
ReplyDeleteNo I meant she comes from a 45 degree "angle" to bring dea...okay fine I made a spelling boo boo.
DeleteNobody's perfekt.
But, then, she's always working an angle, so, perhaps, it was the appropriate spelling!
DeleteI recall when that photo was first published, I was astounded at the mother that would allow her child to remain with the back arched so severly looking as though she might fly away and so, obviously, unhappy with what was happening.
My iphone does my speiling for me too. Usually wrogn.
DeleteActually, if the "kabosh" waves come out at an angle, Gryphen is technically right. She uses the wonk eye to bank shot the angle of death rays.
DeleteShe took an eye off of Russia, and look who won the election!
Epic Fail
Wow. I've not seen a child arching its back in abject fear and total misery since that one picture where Sarah was trying to hand Trig off to Franklin Graham.
ReplyDeleteAnd that one where Sarah made Sally force feed Trig on the tour bus.
Or that one where Sarah carelessly lets her gaudy pointed watch scratch the shit out of poor Trig because she doesn't notice or care that his shirt has ridden so far up his back.
Or the one. . .
Damn. Poor Trig.
Still waiting for his Birth Certificate...
DeleteTomorrow 4/17 is the anniversary of the start of "The Wild Ride".
Show of hands...Who believes Sarah Palin Birthed Trig Palin?
Or the lovely picture on the bus tourbus where Trig was laying in his mother's lay happily drinking a bottle. Sweet.
DeleteThis. This should be our focus. She tried to KILL that baby. She NEVER wanted him, and now his care is someone else's problem. Get with the true agenda people!
DeleteOh the sweet tourbus pic where she was reading the book upside down? That pic?
DeleteI guess she went to the GWB school 4 reading.
Oh, that photo is so sad! It looks like a little Down baby that she is autographing!
ReplyDeleteThat's what DS Trig does when Sarah Palin gets too close to him.
DeleteThat's why you don't see Sarah holding Trig in public.
It would ruin Sarah's image as a grandmother.
Ignorance is bliss in your household it appears.
DeleteDS or not, that little boy is in this world, and he's not getting he care he needs. She tried to kill him on her "wild ride"...that is the most henious crime of all. He needs the appropriate therapy if he's going to thrive...I see no evidence of the appropriate steps to make him function to his full potential.
DeleteCaption Contest!
ReplyDeleteBaby: No, no! The mark of SATAN!!
Well, Gryphen... Just make sure you will never give that Grifter any reason to praise you!
ReplyDeleteShe wouldn't dare!
DeleteWould she?
Scared you for a second. Didn't it?
DeleteWasilla doesn't like Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteAlaskans don't like Sarah Palin.
GOP doesn't like Sarah Palin.
People who worked for Sarah Palin don't like Sarah Palin.
Todd must not like Sarah Palin because he cheated on her.
Bristol must not like Sarah Palin because she couldn't bring herself to vote for Sarah Palin.
Trig doesn't like Grandma Sarah Palin because Sarah Palin has to hire a nanny to take of Trig in public because Trig throws a tantrum with Sarah Palin.
Track doesn't like Sarah Palin because he refuses Sarah Palin to have anything to do with his baby.
Sarah Palin's kids don't like her Sarah Palin because they are always getting in trouble with the law.
People at FOX don't like Sarah Palin because they talk about her.
People who was on John McCain's campaign don't like Sarah Palin.
People in Sarah Palin's inner circle don't like Sarah Palin because they eventually turn on her and talk bad about her.
Now I'm looking at the picture above of Sarah Palin and the baby and it is obvious that baby hates Sarah Palin.
That's it! The name of her newest Reality TeeVee show...?
Delete"Everybody Hates Sarah!" ( With apologies to Ray Romano)
There's a lot of ignorance on the blogs today. Not one thing above is remotely true, but that never stops people from spouting off bullshit. Enjoy hell.
DeleteI'm starting to feel sorry for the family from Alaska.
DeleteLOVE is not the glue that holds the Palin family together, it's the LIES.
Todd's got a reality show!
Delete"Todd Palin, Everybody hates Sarah, Life's a Tripp, my life on the roof and carrying purses"
It is the lies that hold this family together, the ignorant, "Beefy", "Baldy", and similar comments that make it harder for the logical people to be heard. We can win this if we stick together in a dignified way.
DeleteFunny stuff, but the Today show's Facebook was INUNDATED with people swearing they would never watch the show again if Palin was on - apparently they weren't kidding. I stopped watching Oprah when she had a puff Palin interview (with Bristol) and The View when they sympathized with Palin after "blood libel".
ReplyDeleteI did something similar. I stopped watching Oprah after her fluffy interview with Sarah and I no longer consider watching the Today Show. The decision was not 100% intentional. I did not say "Oh, I am going to boycott those shows because ..." Instead it was more of a "you know, I've just lost interest in those shows." Something similar happened when Keith Olbermann refused to interview McGinniss. I suddenly felt that KO was not interested in gaining an understanding of the situation. There was some other motivation - one that was not apparent and one that I started to feel odd about. Possibly unjustified but human emotions are an interesting thing.
One of my pet peeves with my husband is that he loves to watch the news and"catch up".
DeleteI, however, am revolted at the stories that the "news" media attempts to cover.
The worst part is that you only get a superficial overview of what that station wants you to know.
I prefer the internet where you feel more in control and can usually find more than one version, and a clearer picture of what truly happened.
Morning shows and talk shows are
Total and Complete Garbage.
Watching George Stephanopolous talking about the Kardashians?!
You advised a President!!
Now, you do this?!?
I was an Olberman fan too until he cancelled on McGinniss. I didn't feel bad when the latest calamity happened to him--karma.
DeleteVP, I had the same reaction.
DeleteYes, it's so sad when formerly dignified people are forced to acknowledge absurd celebrities.
Sarah and the Dud's trail of destruction started with their two oldest children.
ReplyDeleteUm, ok? How ignorant of you.
DeleteAnonymous @09:24.
DeleteHow can you not see that the only thing that binds the Palin family together is their collective lies? It certainly isn't love.
Yep, Bristol and Willow, but with the help of Sarah's first Son, Track.
DeleteHey, Gryphen, the Palin troll called into the Stephanie Miller Show today! She said she was from Kodiak, and told Stephanie she "can't criticize Sarah Palin because she doesn't even know her". Miller told her Palin's a public figure and cracked jokes at this nut case. I almost spewed my coffee!
ReplyDeleteOK, Kodiak, there go all of the editorial columns which criticize politicians. Since Sarah wanted to be elected as one of our leaders, we are good citizens when we learn what we can about her. And, if we don't like what we find, it is our patriotic duty to speak out. Is that Lou Sarah, living up there in Kodiak?
DeleteDon't forget Joe Miller and Newt Gingrich.
ReplyDeleteWhat about Tebow and Jim Lin.
DeleteSarah's endorsement has brought down people in the sporting arena as well.
They both were doing so well until Palin spewed their names through her lips then they lost just like the others did in the political arena.
And Newt was on a roll until Sarah and Todd endorsed him.
NBC was kicking ass until their stunt with Palin. Now they lost a lot of viewers.
Wasilla didn't owe anybody money until Mayor Sarah screwed up the hockey rink and now the town is still in red. Sarah was probably too busy and excited about her house she was getting built for free out of the hockey rink deal.
McCain lost his one chance of becoming president because of the asinine stunt he tried to pull with ignorant Sarah Palin.
Them some mighty big ass dumbo ears Sarah is sporting!
ReplyDeleteIs that a result of Sarah's sexual partners tugging on them like they would a horse to steer its head?
Her curse goes further back than McCain. She left wasilla in debt with many under the bus. The path of destruction is looonng.
ReplyDeleteEwwwww take a look at Sarah's claws! They are nasty and scary looking.
ReplyDeleteSerious! Look at them if you have the nerves.
I would arch my back and holler out till the seas parted to get away from them Angel of Death claws.
They really tell Sarah's age. Time is not Sarah Palin's friend.
No wonder Todd turned to pimping. I wouldn't want them things Sarah has at the end of her arms near my groin either.
This shit is getting beyond ridiculous...can we stay in reality please? There is more than enough evidence to skewer Palin, can we please not grasp at straws?!
DeleteWhoever had the idea to have Palin on should be fired. After all these years of referring to all outlets except Fox "News" as the "lamestream media" makes it all the more worse that NBC asked her.
ReplyDeleteI'm not one to boycott a tv station or show (except for Fox "News", that is), but I definitely don't look at the Today show the same as before and in fact I've started watching the new CBS This Morning and I'm going to stick with it. It really is a solid program and I can't picture them pandering to Sarah Palin's supporters, no matter what the ratings surge they might receive for doing it. It's called integrity and Today threw their's out the window last week when they invited that lying, divisive half-term governor to help host their show. I hope it was worth it to them.
What are those things on top of Sarah Palin's right hand?
ReplyDeleteLooks like chicken feet or something.
There's a few more folks she "helped" who we could add to the list...
ReplyDeleteJoe Miller's senate loss will be written in Alaskan history books.
Karen Handel lost her race then later ended up resigning from Komen.
Newt Gingrich is only covered in the press these days because he was bitten by a penguin.
I hope he needs rabies shots! LOL
DeleteI just hope the penguin's OK :)
DeleteLook at Sarah's hairline at the top of her head, it goes back pretty far.
ReplyDeleteIf you removed her bangs she would have a gigantic forehead. No wonder she wears wigs.
She probably pulls her hair out. It's a disease but can't remember the name. I know other women that do this.
DeleteTrichotillomania is the disorder of pulling out one's hair. This is just one of sarah's diagnoses of mental disorders. She's simply plain crazy through and through her big, bobbled head. Too much empty space up there with a weak, diminished brain with not enough synapses firing.
DeleteAnon 8:07, what are you babbling about?
DeleteShe's actually got nice hair.
DeleteAnonymous @ 09:23, I'm sure all of her 'hair' looks real purty sittin' on her dresser. Any of them, all of them
DeleteShe's actually got nice hair, she bought it in Haiti with Graham, and she's keeping it locked up in case Oprah has her on again. She wears wiglets and roadkill to save Sarah PAC money for important things, like blackberry smart phones.
DeleteAnonymousApr 16, 2012 09:23 PM
DeleteShe's actually got nice hair.
Really Krusty? Liar! Even Jessica at the beehive said it was GOING!!!
Fuck off Krusty!
"Nice hair"? It looked like a dry haystack during her bus tour to Iowa last summer. In that tete-a-tete with her C4P adorers a side view picture showed thin strands at the side of her head, and backcombed (ratted) hair piled up on top, with one of those awful/cheap banana clips holding the ends.
DeleteLook at Shealah Craighead's Palin pictures for the ones dated September 2, 2011 at The Machine Shed, Des Moines Iowa.
DOnt forget Joe Miller, Eric Bolling (show cancelled, Glenn Beck (same), Judge Pyro or whatevs (same), Breitbart (life cancelled) etc.
ReplyDeleteWhen "she" only outdrew Katie by 23000 you knew the jig was up. Or they should have. Let's say there are 15000 mouthbreathing paint chip frosted flake paint chip eaters. They tuned in. Then add in the people who went because they were absolutely drawn like they are drawn to the freak sideshow at the State Fair midway. Let's say another 10000. Add in the poor slobbering fools who work for the media who had to watch it and probably Tevo'd it because they were too embarrassed to actually get caught. Another 10000. So there are about 45000 who were there for Palin in one form or another. That means about 20000 regular viewers left the watching for Katie. I know I did. Anyway, once the freak show left town the mouth breathing fools went down to their basement, ingested some Viagra and self abused themselves well into the rest of the week. The media went away and the freak show people went back to GMA. Some of the people who couldn't stand watching or listening to Palin were so disgusted by NBC they didn't come back. It's a process but in general Palin was a modest, one day boost while GMA went for the throat and is quietly taking over.
ReplyDeleteGood news and a big "F" you to NBC. I'm not going back and hope others stay away like me
I'm in my 20's and I have bony hands like Palins, it's from working out and not being fat. I'm not a Sara fan but seriously is the hatred toward her looks necessary?
ReplyDeleteyes because she uses her supposed sexuality to steal money from people who can't help themselves when she flicks her tongue and her other sexually suggestive remarks.
DeleteOh horse puckey.
DeleteAnyone whose hands look like Mrs. Palin's needs to see a doctor. And someone in her 20's whose hands look like that needs to see a doctor immediately. Those hands are just one sign that Sarah Palin (AIP) is not in good health.
Last time I seen hands like Sarah Palin's they were either in a coffin or on their death bed.
DeleteI know old ladies with hands that looks like Sarah Palin's hands and they wear white gloves.
DeleteOh, Anon @ 5:47 PM, you say that hands like that are a result of "not being fat". You should really seek help!
DeleteIt's a fact that bony-knuckled skeletal hands like you and Sarah Palin have is a sign that a person binges and purges.
Those knuckles bump up against the front teeth as the binger reaches all the way down her throat to vomit. The knuckles swell and get huge over time from the trauma.
Then, there's the damage to the teeth from the acid reflux and the forcing of the fingers down the throat. No wonder Sarah Palin made friends with the Menard men, both dentists.
Oh god, lots of us have thin bony hands and we don't binge and purge but your concern is duly noted. Are we really stooping so low now as to judge Sarah's shortcomings by her hands? She's gone and done, but still she keeps this conversation a rolling; guess any argument is better than none?
DeleteJay, you make some excellent points about telltale signs about bulimia. I think you may be on to something...
DeleteDon't forget Rupert Murdoch, he's being sued up the patootie in the UK and soon to be in the US.
ReplyDeleteUK Lady.
My buddy was on Today last week talking about Thomas Kinkade's death, I hope the Palin Curse doesn't affect him!
ReplyDeleteI think the poor kid is stiff and screaming. What’s up with the f@@@ing mother? A normal person doesn’t DO things like that. Can you imagine Obama, Hillary or Biden writing on a child? I can’t. Even Gingrich wouldn’t stoop that low; Santorum, maybe. Mitt, well, yeah, if there was a huge donation involved, but even he would feel queasy.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you supposed to do when a parents asks you ro sign their child?
DeleteYou're supposed to say NO.
DeleteYou politely tell them that you would rather sign something else. That is child abuse.
DeletePolitely say "Have you got a piece of paper?"
DeleteReal People don't sign kids, especially when their body is arched backward, their arms and legs are rigid, and they're obviously distressed.
That's if you're normal.
If you're Sarah Palin, you say "Bring it on!!! Did the camera get my good side? Are my eyes open?" Am I smiling? How's my lipstick? SEE, I'm pro life, I'm signin a baby!"
I think the kid is a Down kid and it doesn't have much control over it's body anyway. Sarah signing a Down, so perfect!
DeleteThe kid is a Tri-G and sadly the mother and Palin think that what the kid wants is not a consideration!! She's a Tri-G i.e only a useful prop for a photo op.
DeleteThat's not so hard to understand!
I agree. The mother obviously is an idiot and so is Sarah Palin. It looks like the baby is smarter than either of them.
DeleteWhen the Today Show book Palin I sent them an email and told them I would never tune in again because of their ratings prank. I think a lot of other people did as well. I went on to their website and people were PISSED! I bet their little trick lost a lot of long time viewers.
ReplyDeleteAfter the convention $arah is going to have to publicly support Mittens or shut up. Hummmm...wonder what our $arah will do??? Mitt...you're doomed.
ReplyDeleteShe's a party crasher renting mall space. Showing up uninvited (like her family vacation bus) only makes her look desperate still. I guess she doesn't mind looking like the buffoon she is. What a dumb bell.
DeleteLife is Good when you witness Karma in action!
Come to think of it - Shailey should apply for a vendor's license at that same mall and sell "Boys Will Be Boys" right next to Sarah Palins's crapola - if nothing e4lse - think of the national media exposure!
DeleteSpeaking of the curse....with the prostitute scandal and the secret service....now is a good time to flood the media with the Trashy One and the Pimping Toad...Palining it forward.
ReplyDelete+1 !
DeletePalining it Forward!
Someone over at Fox News Insider has posted a comment about the Palins and Prostitution Rings.
DeleteAbout time! Shailey's story is true - Todd is part of a prostitution ring and Shailey was pimped! The unclear part to me is just how "manipulated" Ms. Tripp really was.
DeleteI never questioned her being taken advantage of by BIG, BAD TODD - until I read the book, and realized she continued with the "prostitution out of state" AFTER she was released from jail, and later - seeing she contemplated getting a stripper job - just a little while ago.
Now, some opportunity has come up that she must cash in on "before she gets too old". Well, I suspect that means she's either joining the military, OR it has something to do with some sort of entertainment/hostess thing for men, either eye candy or plaything, or both.
Regardless of that, after all, she's free to do what she wants - that doesn't mean that the Prostitution Ring/Todd story is untrue - just that the "poor innocent me" bit was overblown - to gin up sympathy, donations, book sales, and enlisting emotionally invested supporters who then work to get her book to go mainstream!
None of that matters - but getting the story to go mainstream is still as important as ever - Todd the Pimp Daddy could have conceivably become the 1st Pimp Dude of the US and Sarah PIMP DADDY Palin the POTUS - that is the important lesson voters need to learn - how elections can be dangerously compromised!
If I were Sarah Palin I would put it in writing that upon my death I would want my hands covered in the coffin.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't want those things to be the last thing people see and remember before they close my coffin.
Oh ya, I would want them to make sure my eyes are closed soon as my heart stops ticking. I can imagine her eyes being all wonkie in her death bed and then plastered on the cover of the National Enquirer.
The Palin kids can make a lot of money if they sold that one picture.
OMFG! Lordy. If it was anyone else, I would be horrified but we are talking about Baldy and that would be progressin' jobs and all,
Deleteyes lets see her on the cover the NE!
Sarah Palin has elf ears. Reminds of the ears you can buy in comic books as gag gifts.
ReplyDeleteTrue. But don't they look just like the often examined Trig ear in one of the old photo comparisons? Can't remember if Gryphen did that here or it was another blog. It compared ears of Convention Trig with Ruffles with Book Tour Trig and maybe others. The double horizontal line in her ear looks like one of those boys.
DeleteHave we considered the possibility that Dr.Spock, the Vulcan,is Trig's father? Maybe that's why they can't produce the birth certificate.These people are too weird for words.
If you look at pictures of Bristol when she was on Jay Leno's program, a side view showed the same huge ears. It's all in the family, I guess -- the extended family. That's why I think Trig is the offspring of a Heath/Palin/McCann/Bruce female.
DeleteEastern time here! Release those comments brother...gotta work tomorrow...LOL Love the blog just constructive criticism.....night night.
ReplyDeleteSarah your big ears are not shaped right. I wouldn't wear my hair like that again.
ReplyDeleteHow come your kids, your parents, people who work for you or your husband tells you things like that.
Why do you wait for IM bloggers to tell you?
Delusional. Spell it. Learn it. It's best to become acquainted with what we are.
DeleteGryphen, will you be commenting on Shailey's blog?
ReplyDeleteProbably not, she was a paid distraction.
DeleteWe all fell for it...there's no there there.
$arah Paylin is now like a caged beast, who knows she can't ever get out, but will make every day a living hell for those like Todd, who must care for her, and feed her, and endure her ravings, her emotional abuse, and the lunacy of her mood swings.
ReplyDeleteYou sound mental by talking about things you obviously know nothing about. But these comments would make a great book of fiction.
DeleteCan't wait for her melt down in Florida!
Delete@09:38 PM Palin Trolls are like a recording, saying the same old tired 'you don't know'
GMA had been slowly gaining ground for weeks. But then again, facts never interested you.
ReplyDeleteThe Today show kept having people on like the Duggars, Octomom, etc. that people are sick to death of hearing about. It's not news by any stretch. Then they pulled the Sarah Palin stunt and they plummeted. Everything Sarah touches turns into the opposite of gold. Yep, she killed the Today show lol.
DeleteDear Gina, I know you're jealous of Sarah Palin and all that she has that you probably never will (great family and friends) but please stop behaving like a loon. You're downright embarrassing to Americans and humans in general.
ReplyDeleteYeah, jealous of living with PIMP DADDY and several Bastard kids.
DeleteAre you serious? JEALOUS of 50 year old Grisly Granny? WHAT THE FUCK would anyone be jealous of $arah for?
DeleteHer solid reputation of lying constantly for so long that even she believes the lies that she tells. The SAME DAY she was cited for ethics violations in the Wooten case she appeared on camera and said "I'm glad I was found to have committed no wrongdoing"
And YOU DON'T KNOW GINA, so how do you assume she has no family or friends?
JEALOUS of Palin's brain which is permanently damaged, spouting word salad, lies, deceit, and treasonous nasty comments about the President of the United States?
No one has to KNOW $arah personally to realize she is a grifter, a liar, a horrifically bad speaker, and we all know that she will NEVER be President.
Do you think anyone other than a hard core blind-as-a-bat Palinbot is jealous of Sarah?
Just keeping up with her enemies list has to be a full time exhausting job.
I think you have it wrong there, TrollBot - GinaM has an IQ of at LEAST 100 pts above that of your Mother - Mrs. Pimp Daddy Todd! And as far as an embarrassment to Americans and America - again, Mrs. Pimp Daddy Todd had that particular accomplishment sewn up back in '08 - remember when her skank ass got beat by OBAMA/BIDEN?
DeleteWell, she still holds title to that honor since there isn't anyone more of an embarrassment to this country than Mrs. Pimp Daddy Todd, even though I admit that Ms. Bristol Revirginized Palin and Mr. Pimp Daddy Todd himself are a close 2nd and 3rd in terms of being "embarrassments" due to their avariciousness, promiscuity, low intellect, and ignorance!
Why don't you go back to the Revirginized Fake Abstinent Bristol Blog - where people of your level of intellectual ignorance feel "at home" with your peers?
You don't believe in God, so you don't believe in curses, Gryphen. Even so, maybe you believe in synchronicity.
ReplyDeleteYou've given power to Sarah Palin even as you expose her treachery. Your exposure of her weaknesses may have added to her strength, eh?
You have posted so many teasers, and then given just enough malarkey to keep us suckers coming to read your posts.
Come on troll-baby, you can do better than your naked attempt at sarcasm and satire.
DeleteIt is amazing to read your Troll comments which sound like they were written by a 7th grade kid using dictionary to throw in a big word having NO IDEA what they mean.
For Dog's sake, get a life, get off IM, and go post with your fellow cousin humpers over at C4PEE
I don't usually make troll remarks. In fact, I'm a supporter of Gryphen and occasionally send a little PayPal love his way. Typically I comment on religiously-oriented posts and skip those about Palin, Levi, and Bristol's chin.
DeleteBut remember the series of icebergs that were going to sink the Palin money machine? They never materialized. Gryphen dropped a few hints that Track had serious problems that would emerge in the future. But Track got married, had a beautiful baby, and apparently returned to active duty in the Army.
Then there was all the excitement about Fred's book. What happened to that?
To attention whores, the only bad publicity is no publicity. The Palins probably appreciate Gryphen keeping them in the public eye.
does anyone know when this photo was taken of sarah and piper at a hospital. 2008?
The picture @ http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/famecrawler/2008/09/01-07/palin-piper-sarah.jpg
Deletewas taken in 2007. It was a tour of a new hospital facility.
It's the Palins who aren't interested in facts. That's why Sarah felt free to take her kids out of school at the drop of a hat. While she smiled and let her daughter scream at a teacher exercising her constitutional right to free speech (not that Sarah ever gets that one right, either). It's why Sarah feels free to lie about things like supporting the Bridge to Nowhere.
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing, bot.
And now Sarah-pal Newt Gingrich has been bitten by a penguin,
ReplyDeleteacting on behalf of all of us.
How perfectly illustrative of what a fat grifter NEWT is.
DeleteEndorsed by Tawwwwd and $arah, and now has no chance of anything except playing footsie with Romney to get his campaign debt paid off.
My parents are retired, they watch morning "news" shows. Who the hell else is watching these shows?
ReplyDeleteI've heard sarah mention obama lots of times
ReplyDeleteuh oh!
cue the pics of the babies that ADORE President Obama...
ReplyDeleteThis woman is a pox...
Even little children are tuned into it.
Is anything serious about the Palin's, all of them, any of them, going to be discussed on this blog anymore?? It's turning into a joke talking about chins, bony fingers and bald heads every time a Palin post is put up. I don't direct people here anymore because there is never anything new here, just the same old snarky comments over and over and the same old troll over and over saying "you don't know them". It's getting old and boring.
ReplyDeleteWhy not add something serious about the Palins to the discussion then, instead of complaining?
DeleteThere is no discussion here anymore, just snark and seeing who can out do each other every time a Palin post is up. Why do you think Gryphen allows the stupid troll remarks??
Delete"Why do you think Gryphen allows the stupid troll remarks??" Because he likes to highlight just how stupid the stupid trolls are by allowing us free access to their stupid troll droppings, er. . . . remarks!
DeleteAt one time I was so sick of said droppings I considered not reading here anymore - I hate the Bots that much! However, then I'd miss all the wonderful, insightful; irreverent posts by Gryph, AND the IM commenters, some of whom are so spot on and hilarious I don't dare quit!
SOMEBODY needs to consistently call out the OTHER SIDE, especially the Wicked Wasilla Witch of the North and PIMP DADDY TODD - which IM and IMers do in such creatively funny ways!
I disagree that the discussions about Palin are not "serious", or are not evolving. The topics here are varied and cover much more than the stupid Palins! Because the right wing neo-nazi fundamentalists - aka Sarah Palin, et al, continues to be such a destructive force against America - I appreciate the snark, jokes, and criticism of these characters very much. Anything that trivializes and ridicules these buffoons is so important.
It is a personal choice to read here or not, so, don't agonize or get bitter - don't like it anymore - don't come here!
OMFG! Sarah Palin is the ANTICHRISTESS!
ReplyDeleteNetflix has "Sarah Palin, You Betha!" It's very good and she is very scary!
ReplyDeleteVery good job Gryphen!
Laws of physics - scum floats. BUT that's all it will ever be - scum.