Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Christian Logic.

I cannot imagine wanting to go to a place that would deny entrance to the best and brightest among us based solely on their skepticism, yet open wide the doors to murderers, thieves, and evil dictators based solely on a death bed conversion.

It is the kind of logic demonstrated by an ego-maniacal despot, determined to surround himself with fawning sycophants, rather than a loving God accepting the very attribute which defines human beings as human.

Or have I missed something?


  1. Anonymous2:51 AM

    What can you expect from people who (used to) believe that you could go to Hell for eating a ham sandwich on Friday?

  2. Anonymous3:17 AM

    I love Bill and Melinda Gates and everything they do in the world. The threat of going to hell isn't much of a threat if you don't believe in hell.

  3. Anonymous3:57 AM

    No, you didn't miss a thing. I agree with your viewpoint, Gryphen, because even mainstream Christian churches seem too ready to condemn and shun those who have even hesitations about religion.

  4. WakeUpAmerica4:26 AM

    No, he's going to hell for STILL not being able to develop software that doesn't crash your PC every single fricking day! I'm just saying. A horse could walk in the numerous open back doors of Microsoft programs. Steve Jobs, on the other hand, will be in heaven. LOL

    1. I don't wish hell on anyone, but your comment is hilarious! Good job!

    2. Anonymous5:11 AM

      It took awhile, but Apple isn't immune to virus either.

      Tell me you or any of us can't live without either of these gentleman's inventions that are critical tools of every day life.

    3. Anonymous9:53 PM

      LOL x 10

    4. Anonymous9:54 PM

      My coffee just went up my nose reading that. :-)

  5. Anonymous5:10 AM

    These self-appointed (and crowd validated) land-locked St. Peter's certainly like to play the right hand of God and call the shots. Must be nice to be so holy and chosen demigods.

  6. Anonymous5:11 AM

    My Windows software doesn't crash everyday. It doesn't even crash every other day. But, Gates is human and the humans who work for him don't anticipate all contingencies as far as the operation of Boolean algebra and the hardware interface. Religion, on the other hand, is a hodgepodge of primitive ideas.

    Science and math are are tools we use to investigate this reality. Religion, on the other hand, is primitive superstition some people cling to because they want their ego to survive beyond the physical. We give the universe meaning. It is inside of us. The meaning of it all doesn't come from some metaphysical god. God, after all, is a human invention.

  7. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Bottom line:

    You can go to heaven if you're a billionaire, but only if you refuse to share your wealth for the betterment of mankind, including the less fortunate. Donations to Reich-Wing groups are mandatory, however.

    Hence, Bill Gates ain't on St Peter's list.

    1. Randall1:00 PM

      In the 16th century the Protestants split from the Catholic Church because the church (among other things) was selling "indulgences" - "tickets to heaven" for the rich.

      Only took the Protestants about 500 years to reach the same level, i.e. doesn't matter what you do - if you're rich enough you're still big in The Church.

      ...and yet - the Bible both are based on says over and over and over NOT to seek riches.

  8. Anonymous6:22 AM

    How nice that you worry about poor, poor Bill Gates!

    While the donations are nice,

    There is far more to the quality of a persons character, and their soul.

    He has donated a pittance compared to what he CAN.

    It's not a slight,

    But there are those who give almost all their extra money to help others and they give their non existent energy [after working and tending to their own lives and families].

    And, I'm sure that there are people Bil Gates CRUSHED on his way to the top.

    You just have no idea what you are talking about.

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      AMEN fellow Patriot brother/sister!

      One should look no further than our rill American leaders Charles and David Koch to see innumerable examples of true Christian charitable works.

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      "You just have no idea what you are talking about."

      You got one thing right, it applies to you. The rest is gibberish.

    3. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Good example! Thanks for making Gryphen's point for him.

    4. Looks like a fellow troll has agreed with you. But you see, the Koch's are donating a lot of money to causes that want to hurt Americans. Nothing they do is in line with what Jesus had done.
      I don't know what part of "doing to the least of my brothers, you do to me", is difficult for you to understand.
      BTW: Lying, Hate, Adultery, Killing, Sodomy, Gluttony ( and yes, the love of money is also gluttony), Blasphemy ( you know that silly little thing about claiming the rights, and attributes of God),etc. are ALL EQUALLY sinful in the Bible. And "any man who does these things, will not inherit God's Kingdom".
      By God's Words alone, You haters aren't exactly "God's Kingdom" material either. So, you may as well cut the crap. I know that the only footsteps that you walk in, are that of Satan, and he is laughing at delight with the hate that you spew.

    5. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Oh man.

      First, I guess I need to tell you that the first reply was NOT supporting me. Thank you for showing how ASTUTE you are.

      Second, I'm no troll. Been a prolific poster here for years now.

      I agree that Palin is scum.

      I intensely disagree with Gryphen s depiction of Christianity.

      True Christianity.

      Loving and following Jesus.


      I thought you wanted a conversation, but you so seem to be the one who surrounded themselves with sycophants.

      The "hate I spew"??? :)


    6. Anonymous3:48 PM

      This blog provided me with much information on the East Coast about Alaska and Sarah Palin. But somehow it's partially gone into an attack blog against not faith in general, but Christianity specifically. I'm progressive. I'm African-American. I'm grad-school educated. I'm not a bumpkin. And I'm a committed Christian. I can't however, maintain my commitment to this blog anymore I guess... as I don't think someone in my faith is wanted or seen as an intelligent and valuable member of community 'round these parts. And that's a shame. Different perspectives aren't a bad thing. Put downs based upon those perspectives don't really help us grow cohesive. And an amen chorus doesn't really help much of anything.

      There are so few places for people like me on the net, Christian, black, nerdy. The church means so much to many African-Americans like me, from the works of Dr. King to the underground railroad stations you can still find in some of the older black church buildings.

      I'm sad that the web just became a little bit smaller for a gal like me.

      But this is Griffin's blog. He's free to do as he pleases with it. And I must accept how he views my faith and where that places me.

      Rather than trying to convince anymore why Christians aren't monolithic and are as entitled to their belief system as any other American, I wish him only well.

    7. Anonymous6:38 PM

      See, G?

      Another intelligent reader gone.

      You have done a lot of good work on your blog.

      Don't let your misplaced hatred of Christian s cause you to lose your focus and your readers.


  9. Anonymous7:22 AM

    We can not make a call on who is going to hell and who is not. ONLY God makes that decision.

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Gryphen, Gate's is a good man, and so are you. You both know deep down in side there is a God. Goodness can only come from God's influence.

    Your obsessive with this topic, proves my point about you.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Goodness can only come from God' s influence? Seriously? Does that mean that evil is also from God, since He created all? So if God influences all men, why are some of them do bent on destroying this country?

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      BINGO. Herein lies the fatal folly of blind faith.

  11. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Well, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ (these are only found in the NEw Testament.) these folks running around saying who is going to hell and who is not DON'T know what they are talking about.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Yet Gryphen continues with these pointless posts.

  12. If goodness comes "only from God's influence" then does evil also come from God's influence? It's the other side of the same god coin.
    Nah - goodness comes from empathy, from sympathy and from compassion. There's no reason to plug God into that.

  13. BS - Goodness comes from empathy, from sympathy and from compassion. Stop writing god into the human equation.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Gryphen doesn't believe in God,

      So he just throws this out there to insult people who believe in God and Jesus.

      He is so open minded like that...

  14. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I'm with you as always on this Gryphen. For the record, though, the plural of 'life' is 'lives', not 'lifes'. Great blog. Keep it up.

  15. Marleycat10:59 AM

    Gryphen, that's why I am SO EFFING GLAD that I'ma goin' ta HELL! I'd much rather be in Hell with all the good folks like you and Bill Gates - than to get stuck with the truly Evil Bible Thumpers and Pimps like Sarah and Todd PALIN. I haven't even gotten a parking ticket and never been to jail - but - Please God - send me ta HELL, I don't want to be around people who hurt other people!

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      This doesn't make any sense.

      Are you happy, Gryphen?

      You've got your reader tripping over themselves to agree with you! Even excited to go to a "hell" that couldn't exist if God doesn't exist,

      wouldn't you agree, Jesse?

      People here are starting to sound as ludicrous as the copies of text people here have done of the CofP.



      You are becoming the SARAH to some of your readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      NOTHING you say is Fallible!

      You are Never wrong!

      Dang, dude, is *That* really what you were going for??

  16. Anonymous11:32 AM

    There are those of us who don't believe as do the 'supposed' christians. In fact, many of us do not believe in god!

    In that light, I would not be worried about the above article as many of us do not believe we are 'going to heaven or hell'! We can experience both right here on earth as we each experience our lives. When we die, I'm sure there is no beyond as the christians teach! Our bodies turn to dust and we go back to nurturing the earth. Each of us is like a pebble on a beach.

    I'm so sick and tired of god and religion being brought into everything in our lives these days. America is fast becoming a 'non christian' nation and the christians have a very difficult time with that statistic!

    Bill Gates is more 'godly' than most christians due to his actions and deeds. He's given back far more than most of us ever could (and not just in money!) and I say thank you!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:52 PM

      Great Comment!

      Here's a link for "the rest of us"

  17. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I may be wrong, but don't think Christians condemn people to hell for not believing in God since Jews, Muslims, etc. obviously do believe in God. No, they're going to hell because they don't believe Jesus Christ, specifically, is the world's Lord and Savior.

    Christians say the only way to God is through Jesus first. Seems to me that Christians break the very first commandment, "thou shalt put no other god before me." I believe Christianity itself, is founded upon breaking the first commandment. Maybe it's their trickster, Satan, deceiving them into doing this. Yes, when Christians die, they may very well meet "Jesus", but he'll have horns, hoofs, a tail and a pitchfork. Dumb suckers.

  18. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Your theory on the first commandment is not right under the idea of God in the Trinity. Father, Son, Holy Ghost as one. Also in the Bible it states that only God shall judge and God will decide whose works are worthy of entrance to heaven. Any man that says another is going to hell has no true understanding of Christianity and should have no true bearing on another person.
    I keep hearing from both sides that the other is not open minded. I believe both sides are correct. Seems like everyone is trying to force beliefs onto other people. If Christians are open minded and truly understanding of their religion they would not condemn the non-christians. At the same time if non-christians are so open minded then they would not openly criticize another mans faith. Being open minded means considering others' beliefs and views, not just blindy accepting them.

  19. Anita Winecooler8:12 PM

    Great Post, as usual. The comment that I agree most with and which reflects my life the most is AnonymousApr 18, 2012 12:32 PM's.

    Why does this type of post offend so many people? Every single time Atheism is alluded to, all hell breaks loose, people get offended, and leave, or threaten to?

    It's part of who you are, there are others who feel the same, and it's your blog.

    Bill Gates is an atheist, a one percenter, and he and his wife choose to do good just for the sake of doing good. To leave the world better than they found it.

    Compare them to The Romney's and ask the same question.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.