Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's Ann Romney's cake day! Her very, very expensive cake day! Update!

Courtesy of ABC News:

Donald Trump is known for throwing lavish parties, but at the birthday bash he threw for Ann Romney today, it was the birthday cake that stole the show. 

The cake, created by celebrity chef Buddy Valastro, of the TV show “Cake Boss,” is topped with a sugar-coated Romney riding atop a horse standing in a field of green frosting. Romney is an avid horseback rider and often goes riding to soothe the symptoms of her multiple sclerosis. 

The lifelike equestrian cake was showcased at Romney’s 63rd birthday party Tuesday afternoon at Donald and Melania Trump’s New York City home, on the 66th floor of the Trump tower. About 400 people were slated to attend the birthday party-turned-fundraiser, which a Trump spokesman told CBS News is expected to bring in $600,000 for the Romney campaign.

Perhaps we were to harsh in judging Ann Romney. After all nothing says  "I understand the issues facing women today" like sitting astride a hundred thousand dollar thoroughbred while peering down at the American people milling below like ants on a hot city sidewalk.

And how nice of her to deign to rub elbows with the average New York citizen, you know the ones who could afford to attend a posh celebration/fundraiser in the Trump Towers that is.

I think that cake might have cost more than I spend on groceries in an entire month!

Perhaps afterwards Ann Romney can stand on the balcony of Trump Towers and toss down the leftovers to the homeless people gathered below while yelling "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche."

Update: it looks like somebody is on the same wavelength that I am.



  1. hedgewytch4:40 PM

    Horse back riding relieves the symptoms of MS? Is this true? I can see how it is great exercise for some needing to strengthen their back muscles, but for MS sufferer's? She should be riding a Paso Fino, not a thoroughbred.

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I know a thing or two about cake, and this one is a crock of horse shitey green icing. Perhaps the horse and rider are sculpted of fondant - but that ghastly green 'meadow' is the technique I use to iced children's easter cupcakes with. Cake 101. Shame on you Buddy.

    1. lilli5:47 PM

      Cake baker/decorator here too.. nice horse but that cake is UGLY and not professional looking. Are those stumps or horse dumplings?

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      OMG, that is one ugly cake. Are those hunks of fecal matter in that sorry excuse for grass? This is in NYC for god's sake, where some of the most amazing cake decorating to be found, and THAT is what they came up with? Pathetic.

      Trump may be rich, but he's got no class. I'm starting to see the same thing with the Romneys. Rich with no real class, no dignity, no honor. Ann Romney doesn't impress me at all, especially the way she handled the Mom/Rosen feeding frenzy. She could have set an awesome tone, as a potential First Lady (wannabe), and soothed things quickly, rather than fanning them every chance she could. She is graceless and emotionally cheap.

      And then I see Barack and Michelle. Pure class, honor, dignity, grace and humility.


      Obama 2012 Landslide.

    3. Anonymous4:10 AM

      I agree. Used to watch "Ace of Cakes" and the artisans there could have done a much better job. The rider is too big for the horse and the ground area is very amateurishly done. Donald didn't get what he paid for! So much for being a smart businessman!

    4. I agree, the cake is seriously fugly! But all of his cakes are ugly - watch his show! Only Trump could think anything done by Buddy is tasteful. That lurid green, that amateurish piping work! GAG! I've done some minor decorating work with fondant on cakes and I know i could make something better - for probably 10% the cost!!

    5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:50 AM

      I've had a much smaller Buddy V. cake (courtesy of a friend of a friend who worked at Carlo's Bakery) and it was extremely weird looking--very bright colors and poor modeling. Most of it was fondant. I think Buddy is a nice enough guy, but how he ended up with a reality show empire is beyond me. I wonder if they taped the Romney cake creation for the show?

      The host on Food Network's "Sweet Genius" (name escapes me) is based in NYC and makes the most INCREDIBLE cakes I've ever seen. If you google the show, I'm sure it'll lead you to his website. It's a real treat (no pun intended!)

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    How fitting that she's poised between three downed trees - a prelude to the 'deforestation of the American economy' should the Romneys ever set foot in the White House?

    Every day in every way Ann Romney will continue to9 chip away at her fake image of being one with the working mothers of America.



  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    These people disgust me to the core of my being and I do NOT want them in MY White House.

    Why doesn't she just go mud wrestle with Palin? Sure, they'd turn the same color as our BEAUTIFUL First Lady but they'll NEVER have her intelligence, grace, style, nor compassion.


  5. Yes, Marie ANNtoinette does come to mind. Of course Mrs. Romney would intone "Let them eat cake" in perfect Parisian French as she learned in her expensive private school education.

    Oh, and how she has worked! Setting the seating arrangements at the cotillions and tea dances; deciding which car to take to "the club." Making sure that the boys play dates were co-ordinated; and arranging for her dressage horses to be exercised when they travel to one of their other homes/mansions.

    Meanwhile, we peasants try to figure a way to make Krap Dinner look and taste different today. Or maybe, we'll have Ramen Noodles. Campbell's Tomato Soup (no milk though.) Ah, the life of the unentitled.

  6. That looks like three big ol' piles of horse poop on that cake.

    ... hope The Donald didn't pay more than $100 for it.

    1. lilli5:54 PM

      The Cake Boss (TV Show) Buddy made it, I'm sure it was waaay more than $100.

    2. Anonymous3:09 AM

      Judging from the look of the thing, I'm wondering if Buddy is a closet liberal. Can't see a supporter creating such an fugly birthday cake for someone he admires.

  7. hauksdottir4:56 PM

    A meadow full of chopped down trees? Who wants to ride through death and destruction!?!

    Dressage riders typically ride in an "arena ring" with large mirror on one end and plenty of space for making fancy patterns. Footing is very, very important. Nobody sane is going to do figure eights in a meadow filled with trip hazards.

    As an artist and designer, I can state unequivocally that THAT is an ugly cake with an ugly message. However, I'm not sure that a cake featuring her facing a mirror would not also convey a message of total self-centeredness and privilege.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      LOL, that cake represents the scorched earth governing and free market capitalism enjoyed by the elite 1%.

  8. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Someone needs to make a photoshop of Ann Romney as Marie Antoinette- I can't believe it's not out there yet!

  9. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I have MS and have never heard that riding a horse helps it. I wonder how? Does it help the balance issues? Wish I had the availability of her doctors and treatment! I'm sure there are many others with MS that feel the same. She is a lucky woman to be so financially able to have anything she needs.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I'm sorry for your condition. I think we all are going to be doing a little bit of homework to learn more about MS. Isn't that the bright side of all this?

      Is she going to go up to the podium and say that if her husband is elected, she, as first lady, will be the voice of MS to this country and the world the way Sarah was to be for Special Needs? (That was effective eh?)

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Dressage is about balance so yes it could help. And yes she is very lucky to have financial security to have treatment and help.
      MS is not fun and I wish her well, however, she IS a woman of privilege and seemingly can not see that she is. Also, neither she nor Romney can think on their feet or off the cuff. I do not feel that they are very experienced.

    3. Anonymous4:18 AM

      I am sure those horses are counted as a tax deduction for the Romneys yet they paid the help twenty thousand among four people.

  10. There is nothing positive about being associated with Donald Trump - Mrs Romney sure knows how to put her foot in it.

  11. Anonymous5:26 PM

    "... let them eat cake"... indeed!
    Let there be no doubt:
    The Romneys are well matched.


  12. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I hope that horses, very expensive dressage horses-- along with stable costs, the cost of riding gear and clothing, the expenses of dressage competition are all covered by health insurance. Otherwise, Ann seems to have enjoyed a health treatment for her MS that most people could not afford.

    And, nothing says "identification with ordinary people" like a birthday party with Donald Trump.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      You cannot tell me that Mr. OR Mrs. Romney have a clue what lives are like for the middle class or poor.

      They are of a elite status that most of us would like to experience for a day! I know I would love to have the benefit of their doctors. Might be fun too having their hired help!

      I so hope Americans do not elect this family to the White House. I will cast my vote for President Obama and look forward to doing so.

    2. Anonymous4:14 AM

      I guess she showed up with her birth certificate for birther Trump.

      Gaudy cake!

  13. I don't see a thing wrong with politicians having fund raisers. All political parties do this, and of course rich contributors are much appreciated.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      No one is questioning the fundraiser. No one is questioning rich contributors. Don't you even get the point of this post??? Guess not.

  14. Big difference. Marie Antoinette didn't wear magic underwear or get baptized for dead people ... But Ted Nugent DEFINITELY belongs in The Bastille!!

    Veve la President Obama!!

  15. Anonymous5:38 PM

    side note:
    "a hundred thousand dollar thoroughbred"

    A thoroughbred is a "hot blood". Ann Romney favors warm blood horses.

  16. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Sarah and Eric - The Five - April 17, 2012

    Sarah's just dialing it in these days?


  17. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Ann Romney says that their dog liked to ride on top of the car. I guess if one of her children wanted to ride on top, she would have let them.

    Neither Mitt nor Ann is going to back down on the dog story. They will cling to their tale with a death grip, because admitting they were WRONG is just so hard for the 1%.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      FYI - WHile you and I keep pets for companionship and for the love of the animals....I sincerely belive that neither of these people care about anything or anyone other then themselves except what the other person can do for them. The perfect arranged marriage between very, very rich for monetary and political gain. Dear little Ann was bred and raised to be a rich man's wife. She must be extatic at the concept of being QUEEN....oops, I mean FIrst Lady.

      SO how does Ted Nugent fit in? Will we see Ann Romney giving speeches with horses being slaughtered in the background ala Nugent's little darling Scarah?

      Oh yeah I forgot, both Ted Nugent and Mitt Romney are draft dodgers! I guess that is a start....and Ted Nugent went n the record at the NRA convention to inspire attendees to take out the President of the UNited States.

      Thanks, Ann & Mitt, but I can do without any of your crappy cake. : )

  18. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Typical of Romney. Paid too much for a 3rd rate cake made by someone who is famous but not talented. The lady down the street from me does a LOT better than that and my kids had the most amazing birthday cakes that also tasted good.

  19. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Stone Coal Liar: Sarah Palin Claims Obama is Bankrupting the Coal Industry

    ...Palin got her talking point from the coal industry. Big Coal is freaking out because late in March the EPA announced a rule that will require new power plants to limit their carbon dioxide emissions. The part Sarah Palin left out is that demand for coal was already declining in the United States because of competition from natural gas.

    The coal industry isn’t being killed. It is being exported. This little fact debunks the myth championed by Sarah Palin and the right that we can drill or mine our way to energy independence. Just because we have coal or oil in this country doesn’t mean that it belongs to the United States. The coal belongs to the coal companies. They are free to sell it on the global market to any nation that is willing to pay.

    In order for Sarah Palin’s drill baby drill energy fantasy to work as public policy, the government would have to nationalize the energy industry, and we know what that would be (SOCIALISM). What this clip showed is that Sarah Palin has expanded her repertoire. She not only bumps and grinds for Big Oil, but she’ll happily throw a lap dance in for the coal industry too.


  20. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Her riding teacher would be really (really) unhappy to see Ann Romney with her reins and hands in that position.

    Donald Trump is rich, but too stupid to realize his cake baker is ignorant about horseback riding.

    That cake is pathetic.

  21. I said this on the other post...but what the heck are those black and brown stumps....POOP??

    Anyway...here is the link to Baldy's phoned in appearance on the "The Five"...she says the same shit she said on Friday...but it sounds even worse listening to her on the phone...at least when she was "LIVE" in studio you didn't have to hear that VOICE...instead you had the distraction of watching her facial tics, grimaces, lip pursing and lobster claw hands in the steeple chase pose!

    Unfortunately it is more than 11 minutes of torture...and to me the most interesting exchange is at the 9:25 mark....

    Greg Gruttwhatever says this to her...

    "America has really been waiting for this question...Uh...when are you doing Red Eye? Let's pick a date"

    The she does that stupid giggle she does...where you know she's sticking her tongue out and rubbing her hands up and down her thighs...pretty much acting like she's in heat! LOL!!

    Baldy's response...

    "What did I...what did I tell you about Red Eye Greg"...I said...you're the one who said it...Man, if she ever comes on Red Eye...her career is OVER...her political potential is OVER...so I've been kind of hesitant man".

    Umm...I hate to tell the old crone...but whatever career she THOUGHT she had...political or otherwise is ALREADY OVER! Maybe she didn't get the memo from Roger or maybe the Toad has been to scared to read it to her! LOL!!

    Here's the link for the brave of EAR!


    1. lilli6:24 PM

      I think Sarah is a legend in her own mind!!

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      I'm not familiar with the term Red-Eye in this context. What does it mean?

    3. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Red Eye..just another stupid show on Fox.

    4. Anonymous6:54 PM

      One of the guys from The Five (Greg) has this show on Fox.

    5. "Brave of EAR!" and "11 minutes of torture." Hahahaha!!! SO true. O 'Mirror of Truth!'

      And I'd really like to hear your take on the Ted Nugent assassination threats. He's Sarah's twin, and, if there is Justice, they should both be in jail. We really don't need another Tucson and the ONE thing Sarah and Ted are good at is incitement.

    6. Dkey... What can anyone say about Ted "shitty pants" Nugent except....EWWW! He and Baldy are a match made in hell! The Toad better watch out! Baldy has to decide between a teeny tiny two toned peni having hubby or a washed up...constantly drunk pedophile....shitty pants wearing draft dodger...decisions...decisions...right Baldy! LOL!!

    7. Mitt literally begged for his endorsement. EWWW, indeed! And Sarah will probably bypass the pimp and the simp for a Koch Brother. Or two. But, like many lottery winners, she'll still end up with Bristol -- ALA Grey Gardens -- living without electricity on dead Lake Lucille, complete with Raccoons peeing behind her life-sized cover of Runner's World. And swatting obsessively at imaginary enemies.

    8. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Scarah is way too old for Ted, he likes them really young like Piper. Maybe he's angling for a go at the kid, who knows, he sure has banged a pile of kiddies in the past.

  22. emrysa5:49 PM

    "After all nothing says "I understand the issues facing women today" like sitting astride a hundred thousand dollar thoroughbred"

    lol so true, gryphen... I mean, don't we all have thoroughbreds? don't we all pay to board and train thoroughbreds? I mean, it's just so common... I am so glad the republicans have chosen someone who is so-in-touch with the rest of us.

    1. Anonymous10:01 PM

      And here's more of Annie's 'tude: So far - she has at least three horses Barron, Donatello and an Oldenburg mare.

      “Look, I know what it’s like to struggle,” Ann Romney insisted, possibly referring to her battle with multiple sclerosis. “And if maybe I haven’t struggled as much financially as some people have, I can tell you and promise you that I’ve had struggles in my life. And I would love to have people understand that Mitt and I have compassion for people that are struggling and that’s why we’re running. We care about those people that are struggling.”

      Ann Romney said last month that she didn’t think of herself as wealthy even though she is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

      “I don’t even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing,” she told Fox News host Neil Cavuto.

      Apparently Mrs. Romney thinks average non-wealthy Americans just like her typically maintain a stable of dressage horses, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each. Dressage is very competitive horse riding in which the animal’s mane is often braided and the riders wear top hats and long coats. From a 2007 New York Times article:

      Dressage is a sport of seven-figure horses and four-figure saddles. The monthly boarding costs are more than most people’s rent. Asked how many dressage horses she owns, Mrs. Romney laughed. “Mitt doesn’t even know the answer to that,” she said. “I’m not going to tell you!”

    2. Anonymous3:06 AM

      Donatello is a 5 figure dressage horse, here's an ad for him:


      Might not be the same horse but it is a Rhinelander gelding.

    3. Marleycat11:06 AM

      I'd love to give Ann Romney the life I lead with my MS, she'd get to know what real life is all about. FUCK HER!

    4. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

      We have a family friend who owns 1 (one) plain, ordinary, run of the mill horse. His monthly costs for boarding, veterinarian bills, food, grooming, hoof filing, blacksmithing , oral care, stable upkeep, and other essential care runs 1800 dollars. This does not include saddles, bridles, reigns, the hitch and horse trailer, and insurance to get to and from the riding trails and pool.

      And this is a family of five who live in a suburban split level, where the husband has a full time and part time job, the wife works part time, and two of the older kids work and contribute to the bills.
      Their youngest has autism (Asperger
      s Syndrome), and their insurance doesn't cover equestrian therapy. So, basically, they do this for the love of a child, and don't complain nor brag.

      I would like Ann Romney to visit them and tell them how she feels their pain. And a photo of her cake.

  23. Mark In Everett WA5:50 PM

    "I think that cake might have cost more than I spend on groceries in an entire month!" You're estimating low Gryph. Probably more than most people pay for groceries in several months for that hideous tone-deaf cake!

  24. Anonymous5:53 PM

    hmm, $600,000 from 400 people, that's $1,500 from each attendee. There must have been a separate affair for the 1% so they didn't have to mingle with the commoners.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      There were no 'commoners.' Trump and the Romneys have no use for regular folks. Did you see the CNN poll? They asked 14 questions about President Obama and Romney, and the President polled better on every one...some by 25% more. Go Obama!

  25. Anonymous5:56 PM

    The Insult that is @AnnDRomney

    ...The @AnnDRomney fauxrage is not a distraction, but an extraordinary opportunity for all of us since the GOP intends to get all the traction it can out of this – especially if we ignore it, and refuse to fight back.

    The new Ann Romney Average Stay At Home Mom (and by extension they’re a normal family) meme is ridiculous on it’s face, and creates a gigantic spotlight on pretty much every other cause we need to be fighting for. It’s a bigger “gift” to us, than for Ann’s birthday.

    Ann Romney has never been an “ordinary, average, stay-at-home mom.” She never will be.

    @AnnDRomney has never, nor will EVER:

    - Be forced to work a regular job with a paycheck, ever.
    - Be forced to TRY to get gainful employment to earn that paycheck.
    - Be forced to work multiple jobs and still be short money to feed her kids.
    - Worry about where hers or her children’s next meal is coming from.
    - Worry about how, or not be able to pay for that next meal.
    - Not be able to afford childcare.
    - Make a choice between food, shelter, or medicine.
    - Have to juggle laundry, housework, cooking, diapers, doctor visits, piano lessons, child transportation, grocery shopping, and/or figure out how to pay for it all. (You know, like NORMAL stay-at-home moms.)
    - Sacrifice ANYTHING for her children or their college education.

    ...What’s more, the fact that Ann is so far removed from how 99% of Americans live, she cannot see her own insulting behavior for making the comment in the first place, never mind understanding the subsequent outrage from MOST of the country over it. It focuses an even brighter spotlight on how out of touch these people have been all of their lives with how most of America survives on a day-to-day basis.

    Hilary Rosen didn’t say anything wrong. And no, it wasn’t a “poor choice of words”, no matter what anyone says. Only rightwing tools willfully misunderstood her, because that’s what they’re PAID to do.

    Most women agree with Rosen (and Ann’s nanny), and I’m sick and tired of the GOP demanding the President apologize for random people speaking the truth when it doesn’t suit the GOPropaganda™.

    What @AnnDRomney should have said, (if she had any grace, class, or empathy DNA in her at all), was, “Hilary Rosen is right. While raising five children as a stay at home mother kept me rather busy, as all moms know, I have been EXTRAORDINARILY BLESSED with having the means to have a comfortable life my husband provided.” And leave it at that by shutting the hell up.

    Instead she whined. ON TWITTER, and ON TELEVISION, (and will continue to do so along with the GOP/Media unless the rest of us shame them all into silence.) The woman with the $2.5 million combo boathouse/equestrian stable with living quarters at her NH home, whined that raising five children was “hard work.” Cry me a damn river. How hard must that have been with the staff the Romneys have on hand at each of their estates? (One of many reasons they don’t want to release their tax returns.)

    Ignoring this gets us NOWHERE. Fighting this helps BURY them, and helps get President Obama a Progressive ARMY to work with during his second term, which is EVERYTHING.

    more...well worth the read


    1. Anonymous4:18 AM

      I agree completely. Neither Mittens nor his wife have a clue about real life and neither of them cares.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

      I agree. We didn't start this fire, but we'd better stoke it and keep it going.

      FWIW, I was never and never will be rich, but if I were, I wouldn't let it spoil me. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I learned from them. Ann doesn't seem to have that quality.

      I wouldn't trade my life for hers.

  26. OT

    Obama supporters should focus on the real danger to POTUS's re-election (not the pampered wife of opponent, whose family may have been wealthier than his), which is that GOP supporters believe ANY anti-Obama message that arrives in their email in-boxes. The media doesn't call Romney out when he lies (which is every day; today he said that John Kerry supplied only 2 years of tax returns [Kerry actually supplied 20 years' worth]).

    The new dangerous meme (to counter the Seamus story) is that Obama ate dogs in Indonesia. I think these tweets are supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, but it doesn't matter. The BASE believes ANY anti-Obama message, regardless how ludicrous (e.g., that Obama threatened Chelsea Clinton's life):

    From @JimGeraghty (NRO):
    1) The fact that Obama ate dogs between 1967-1971 is irrelevant to this campaign, and I'll tell that to every dog owner in America if I must.
    2) Seamus lived to tell the tale. Well, bark it, at least. As for the dogs Obama... "encountered" in Indonesia, well...

    Tweet URLs:

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      WTF....give me a break. Idiot.

  27. emrysa6:06 PM

    seriously... I think someone was getting the last laugh here with these tree stumps. it's not a positive impression of the subject at all.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      3 big lumps of Bull Shit is what I see. Maybe Buddy was trying to tell them something....

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      so what is it with the tree stumps? Oh and the really crappy looking excuse for grass?

  28. Anonymous6:09 PM

    The GOP Give Women an Ideological ‘Up Yours, Girls!’ On Equal Pay Day

    Happy Equal Pay Day! The Republican war on women isn’t contained in the healthcare realm. They also have it out for women in the work place.

    Demonstrating just how Republicans honor Equal Pay Day, the clueless governor with the dirty past, Scott Walker, actually repealed parts of the Equal Pay Act in Wisconsin just days before the national event. Equal Pay Day symbolizes how far into 2012 women must work to earn what men earned in 2011.

    Repeal of the Equal Pay Enforcement Act is explained by Wisconsin Alliance for Women’s Health:


  29. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Mitt Romney Blames Obama For His Refusal To Release His Tax Returns

    t’s all Obama’s fault. Mitt claims that Obama wants to avoid discussing the Bush economy (that is also Obama’s fault, according to Mitt) and so Obama brought up Mitt’s tax returns for no good reason. Never mind that releasing tax returns is long-standing precedent of transparency; itself a tenet of our system of government. Heck, Mitt’s own father released 12 years of tax returns when he ran for President, former President Bush released 17 years and Obama has released over a decade’s worth of returns…

    Mitt doesn’t have to because… Obama!

    Watch here:


    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Mitt makes up a new Obama plot every day! For an active and engaged head of state, President Obama sure seems to have a lot of time to devote to making poor MItt look stupid. memo to Mitt: No, you're doing a fine job all by yourself, and do somethin about that creepy laugh.

  30. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Republicans Protect 4,000 Millionaires but Cut Food Stamps for 46 Million

    ...On Monday Republicans displayed their normal single-minded approach to reduce the nation’s deficit that guarantees hunger for millions of America’s neediest citizens and more wealth for the nation’s richest one percent. As usual, the Republican’s approach to deficit reduction is steeped in their aversion to taxing the wealthy and making Draconian cuts to programs that help tens-of-millions of Americans, and the end result is increasing the nation’s debt as a continuation of eight years of Bush economics.


  31. Anonymous6:22 PM

    As hateful and vile a subject Sarah Palin is, her pathologies have at least brought light characteristics of Narcissists and the disorder. Oh yeah, and DS. But that is such a footnote to Sarah's larger than life needs.

    Ann is not hateful, but at least we'll learn more about MS. I have several friends diagnosed with it. It is a very unpleasant clock to watch, or wait for the other shoe to drop. I would have no idea that horseback riding eases symptoms and is therapeutic. I hope it is. Don't wish for it not to be.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      More power to her with her diesease. I also know people with MS, people who can barely manage regular cheap insurance, let alone the coverage one needs to manage a chronic illness. One might think that Ann Romney would show a bit of compassion for others like her (instead of saying, "of course I have compassion" and then not standing up for health care OR equal pay.) If she had a heart, that is.

    2. Anonymous4:00 AM


    3. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Given the fact that Ann Romney has been able, with the best of the best of medical care, to keep her MS in check, it would have been nice if she had chosen to work with hospitals to help those who haven't had her opportunities. She and her husband are amazingly selfish and their lack of empathy is astounding. I wonder if the Mormon exclusivity has something to do with it.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:55 PM

      I know people with MS, and it's a life altering disease. How Ann manages to ride dressage horses and unzip Mitt is beyond me.
      FWIW, most insurance companies don't cover Equestrian Therapy for kids with Autism, not sure about MS, but there are normal physical therapy regimens for balance and trunk strength.

  32. Anonymous6:36 PM

    NOT a cake decorator here, just a regular Mom and Grandmom, but I have made prettier cakes than that thing.

    As for riding for MS, it may help, animal therapy in any form helps many things. but......I doubt her MS diagnosis, if she truly had MS I doubt she could do competitive dressage.

    1. Anonymous10:49 PM

      Ms can be more or less severe.Diagnoses is not always easy.A lot depends on reported symptoms and MRI images of the brain that show white spots,these spots can also be from migraine headaches or mini-strokes,even stress,or high fevers.So it is not an exact science in someone who is mildly affected.If you know someone with more severe symptoms,its much easier to diagnose someone at that point.I have not seen Mrs Romney show the symptoms I have seen in my DD's best friends mom,for example.She would never have the strength to control a dressage horse,especially properly,as it is a delicate balance of strength,balance,skill,applying pressure with the legs in controlled ways,while keeping a straight line with the reins from the elbow to the bit,perfect control at all times.Most Ms sufferers in their sixties don't even drive a car anymore,let alone ride dressage.Now pleasure riding I could understand more,relaxed and at ease in the fresh air sounds good.And those dressage horses may well not be Thoroughbreds either,they are more likely Andalusian or other larger,more powerful breed that takes more strength and skill.A lifetime ago I had the good fortune of spending a year with an equestrienne who had open heart surgery and needed someone to help care for her horses and train them and teach lessons to children.I would have never been able to ride a horse like her dressage horse otherwise.He was a huge bay Andalusian with Olympic level training.It was a dream come true,but that horse required a level of strength,skill,and athletic ability that is not evident when you observe a dressage horse in action.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

      Thanks for your thoughtful response. I know people with MS, and their symptoms are perplexing and difficult to diagnose. I did notice complaints of weakness, balance and trunk strength along with other symptoms you mentioned.
      I have seen equestrian therapy for kids with Autism in action, the response and connection they have with their horses is amazing to see, it calms them, helps them to focus, and helps them relate more meanigfully to their peers and families.

  33. Anonymous6:39 PM

    How'd you like Michelle O's comparison of her husband to Jesus? Thoughts? You'd comment on it if it were a republican and you have.

    1. emrysa7:05 PM

      so where did michelle compare her husband to jesus? exact quote please, and I sure hope it contains the word "jesus."

    2. Anita Winecooler7:08 PM

      I'm curious as well. A link or quote would be nice, though I do see some similarities on my own.

      they are both community organizers
      they both show compassion for the less fortunate
      Both were concerned with tax equity, one actually chased a tax collector from his dad's house. The other is trying it with the tax code.

      Please do come back with quotes, links and proof.

  34. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Three cheers for Jon Stewart! Once again great job, but this time the Daily Show really out did themselves with their response to the War on Women. If you missed it. Find it. Share it.

    Remember neithr Ann Romney nor Sarah Palin represent the women of America nor do they represent mothers of the world. And I am very very thankful for that.

  35. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Actually Marie Antoinette had more natural compassion than Ann Romney seems to have. According a biography I read she was the sort of person if she encountered someone in need during one of her palace garden strolls she'd give them whatever she had. Also, poor thing, Marie Antoinette never did say that famous cake quote. There is some dispute as to who did.
    And if Ann Romney needs a real, sincere roll model for someone in her position, she should look seriously at Eleanor Roosevelt, a rich lady who got it right when it came to the citizens of this country.
    M from Md

    1. Anonymous4:29 AM

      I bet, like Barbara Bush, Ann Romney grew up in a household where Eleanor Roosevelt's name was forbidden to be spoken. She was referred to as "that lady" and Franklin Roosevelt as "that man in the White House." In my experience, altruism is an unknown quality to Republicans and they become meaner as they become wealthier.

  36. Roger7:49 PM

    On a lighter note, here's a little something that popped into my mind, as I was sipping morning coffee:

    When Mitt Romney was a kid, his parents would buy him a better class of candy, than the other kids...including:

    10,000 Musketeers

    Excellent & Overabundant (Good & Plenty, for us commoners)

    Bit O Money

    (feel free to add more to the list!)

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      $1,000,000 dollar bar ($100,000 dollar bar)

    2. Anonymous11:36 PM

      Good one...I was trying to think of a way to use the candy "Payday" for this. Some sort of reference to how its a more of a nontaxable DIVIDEND day?

  37. Could that cake be a joke? It is incredibly ugly.

  38. Anonymous9:29 PM

    The trees are just the right height. Or they've been downsized....
    Ben in SF

    1. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

      HA HA HA! Good One!

  39. We haven't returned to discussing Sarah Palin much in this thread, but here's a very funny article about her -- or rather, a statue of her:


    "To commemorate the opening of the Bridgeport Sculpture Garden on April 20th, the sculpture will cook a suckling pig at the opening ceremony."

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Oh god that's funny!!
      Thanks KaJo.

      That will be her face when the FBI comes to arrest her.
      Sarah...Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? bad girl, bad girl.

      Gryphen you are going to have fun with this one.


    2. Anonymous10:17 PM

      KaJo, I can't stop laughing! The guy has smoke coming out of the top of her head. Hilarious! J. Taylor Thomas sure knows how to funnel his emotions creatively.

      Here is a comment left by a very UNHINGED palinbot.

      This crooked moron J. Taylor Wallace is an "artist" like Barack Obama is an honest, law-abiding, patriotic American.
      They're both communists trying to bring down America. The left-wing ghetto and cesspool that is Bridgeport, Conecticut, is the most appropriate setting for Wallace's work. That's the only thing Wallace, Obama and his communist media got right. The media can't even tell the truth about the material Wallace uses for his "sculptures." They claim it's metal when it's obviously horse manure.

      The key thing about the destruction of America by the Democrat (Communist) Party, in conspiracy with the Black Panthers, Black Congressional Caucus, Nation of Islam, La Raza, and all the other Hitlers and Stalins infecting the USA is that generous, tolerant, good-natured Americans will not take this forever. When the point comes that the shackles are about to be placed on them, they will wake up from their timid politeness and fraternization with evil. and they will free themselves and cleanse this nation.



  40. How I feel when I hear the phrase "Cake Day" (usually on Reddit):


    1. Anonymous11:14 PM

      Funny, thanks.


  41. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Please realize that Annie's sob story about hippo therapy for her MS is just so much more rich bitch Bullchit. She doesn't own horses to ride them, she owns them to hire others to ride them in competition so she can gloat in the winners circle. Both Liberte and Rafalca (both of whom I'm guessing Anne can't ride due to her condition are generally shown by Jan Ebeling. Annie gets to stand in the "owners' enclosure and watch.

    Read this:

    That USET training grant - remember Mittens Rmoney was the Salt Lake Olympic chairman - in other words, Annie's horseowner partner and he rhorses went to a charity to get money or the trainer and Annie's horsies to take a couple month or more German vacation (it isn't cheap to fly horses overseas - ya know?)
    The billionaires WENT TO A CHARITY to get cash for their hobbyhorsies. Meanwhile, folks who had a horse or two and really loved them, had to give up those animals because they couldn't afford feed, thanks to Mittens and Bain and his not paying his share of taxes.

    And BTW, I'm a horseowner who loves my old horses - I just can't stand rich bitch greedy, hypocritial cheaters, lite Mittens and Annie.

  42. Anonymous3:23 AM

    That cake cost several thousand dollars easily.
    You need to watch some Bravo RH shows to know this. Thousands of $$$.
    American exceptionalism!!!

  43. Anonymous3:47 AM

    A poll conducted after Ann Romney's faux outrage shows Michelle Obama 44% more likeable than cake eating Ann. Michelle trumps Ann at 71%. Money can't buy you love!

    By the way did the Romneys get the runs too? Poor Seamus.

  44. Not to nitpick, but Ann Romney rides Austrian warmbloods. Thoroughbreds are a totally different breed. And as an avid equestrian, it's a little disconcerting to paint dressage or other equestrian pursuits as exclusively a rich person's game. While riding at the level Ann Romney rides at is for the wealthy, many others - myself included - who pursue dressage, jumping or other English-type riding - are not wealthy people. We do it because we love it.

    As to whether dressage can alleviate her MS, I'm thinking it can. Dressage movements are very elegant and balance is important. It's not at all jarring; dressage is often called "ballet for horses." I have a stiff lower back now that I age and nothing loosens my muscles and makes me feel better than a good ride.

    All that said, however, I think the Romneys are both jackasses.

    1. Anonymous5:16 AM

      Thanks for your two cents. It helps us address the perceived elitism of equestrian pursuits.

      I happen to think a shrink wrapped bus used under the guise of a family educational trip but really is testing the waters of a public pleading to run for POTUS financed by a SuperPAC is more of a middle finger to working class Americans than anything to do with horses.

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      I think that someone has already pointed out that Annie doesn't ride the horses, she pays people to do that hard work. Just like Mittens knows NASCAR owners not NASCAR fans. Reeealy, darling....

  45. AKinPA5:29 AM

    I see how the Romney's will appeal to the Anyone-but-Obama voter, but I can't see Ann Romney helping Mr Personality with other voters. There is just something about the 2 of them (that I still haven't been able to identify) that makes me instantly dislike them. It's a combination of the hubris of Bush II, the heartlessness of Cheney, the smugness of Rove, the lying-through-their-teeth of Fox and Palin and... But it's the "..." that's escaping me.

    Maybe it's just the privilege of privilege. (Like their ongoing defense of putting Seamus in a crate on the roof rack and their inability to understand why it was still being brought up the other night. I got the impression they were thinking, "We're privileged. We can do what we want. Why are you peons still asking about this?)

    At any rate, I don't see her helping him with independents. The stay-at-home/Mormon/quiverful moms were never going to vote for Obama anyway.

  46. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Ah yes,Marie ANNtoinette....and we all KNOW what happened to HER,don't we,Mrs.Romney?

  47. Anita Winecooler7:25 PM

    First, the cake- it's a hot mess. The tree stumps look fine, the grass looks like Sarah's roadkill, ironed and painted green. What looks ugly is the figure on the "horse".

    So Sarah "called in" to Fox, while Donald and his beautiful vife, Melanianoma throw a big ole birthday party/fundraiser. I guess he read Sarah Pac's financial forms.

    Dang, Sarah, that's got to STING. You get taken to a pizza shop, and The Romney's rate to actually come in and mingle with the goobersmoochers and eat at the same table!

    Can't blame the guy, he's running a company, for gripes sake, he can't have a hooha around!

  48. Anonymous6:35 AM

    At least the Romney's spend their own money. The same can not be said about the Obamas they are having the time of their life on the Taxpayers dollar! How typical.


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