Sunday, April 01, 2012

Experts confirm that voice yelling for help on 911 tape is NOT that of George Zimmerman. Update!

There has been an attempt by many on the Right, and Zimmerman supporters, to make the case that Zimmerman was under attack when he shot young Trayvon Martin.

They have also claimed that the voice you hear screaming for help on the 911 tape, was not that of Martin, but instead Zimmerman right before he had to shoot the seventeen year old in self defense.

Two experts in the field of forensic voice identification say that is untrue: 

A leading expert in the field of forensic voice identification sought to answer that question by analyzing the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel. 

His result: It was not George Zimmerman who called for help. 

Tom Owen, forensic consultant for Owen Forensic Services LLC and chair emeritus for the American Board of Recorded Evidence, used voice identification software to rule out Zimmerman. Another expert contacted by the Sentinel, utilizing different techniques, came to the same conclusion. 

Zimmerman claims self-defense in the shooting and told police he was the one screaming for help. But these experts say the evidence tells a different story. 

Owen, a court-qualified expert witness and former chief engineer for the New York Public Library's Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound, is an authority on biometric voice analysis — a computerized process comparing attributes of voices to determine whether they match. 

After the Sentinel contacted Owen, he used software called Easy Voice Biometrics to compare Zimmerman's voice to the 911 call screams. 

"I took all of the screams and put those together, and cut out everything else," Owen says. 

The software compared that audio to Zimmerman's voice. It returned a 48 percent match. Owen said to reach a positive match with audio of this quality, he'd expect higher than 90 percent. 

"As a result of that, you can say with reasonable scientific certainty that it's not Zimmerman," Owen says, stressing that he cannot confirm the voice as Trayvon's, because he didn't have a sample of the teen's voice to compare.

Personally I NEVER believed the voice on that disturbing 911 call was that of George Zimmerman.

To me it clearly sounds like a young man in a state of absolute terror screaming for help right before he is shot dead.

So please can ANYBODY explain why George Zimmerman was not placed under arrest after that shooting, and why he continues to be free to this day?

Update: The funeral director who prepared Trayvon Martin for burial says that there were “no physical signs like there had been a scuffle.” In other words MORE proof that George Zimmerman is a liar, and that the police should be charged with criminal negligence for not doing their jobs!


  1. This is why...

    "Because the Sanford police did not do their job, any competent defense attorney can get George Zimmerman found innocent of wrongdoing."

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Edit: Zimmerman is NOT walking.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Anon 1020 AM There were NO visible injuries on Zimmerman, and the Funeral Director that prepared Trayvons's body said there we no indication that Trayvon was in a fight.

  2. Anonymous7:30 AM

    George Zimmerman was not arrested because the NRA "Stand Your Ground" rules put the burden of proof on the dead person. If he can't prove that he wasn't attacking the person with the gun, the person with the gun must be believed.

    Trayvon being an African-American has NOTHING at all to do with the matter. Trust me, I'm from the NRA.

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Not very easy to prove someone was wrong to shoot you if you're dead. The NRA can kiss my ass.

    2. Anonymous7:51 AM

      You can't be serious. You're being facetious, right? What makes me unsure is your saying you're a member...

      This isn't about that law, excepting that the law has in its deepest, darkest recesses the intention of allowing racists to shoot people of color whenever they feel like it and find themselves protected on this most cynical (and evil) technicality.

      Believe me if the race identities in this sad story were reversed, the black man would be in jail right now.

      You know that, and I know that.

      The NRA is one of the last refuges of American racists. The entire premise of the "right to bear arms" principle, in modern times, is that there are bad "others" just waiting to invade (the automatically, by definition, "good") white people's homes or do violence against them on the street, so they need to be able to protect themselves. It's bullshit, and it's paranoid.

      Racists beware, we are on to you and you are going to have to go even more underground than you already have.

      Barack Obama is going to win the next election, because a diverse multitude of American citizens are going to help him do that. If you want to live in a mostly-white country, move to Iceland or something.

      And if you were being sarcastic, absolutely my apologies. My points still stand, they just are not directed at you personally.

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      It is unequivocally the NRA's doing that people like George Zimmerman, with a history of violence, can get a gun in the first place.

      For shame.

      Blood on your hands.

    4. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Trolls are busy today. If race was not an issue, why did Zimmerman mention several times that the guy he was following was black? If race didn't matter, he would have said that he was following a guy who looked suspicious, period. Then, there is that muffled tape which sounds as if Zimmerman is using a racial slur after the "f" word. Despite what the PR person said, it was not a term of endearment. Zimmerman made it about race.

    5. Zimmerman was not arrested because the only other person with absolute firsthand knowledge is dead. Zimmerman was taken in to be questioned, he DID have visible injuries (see my blog, and based off that, I can see the police not wanting to dig into it any further.
      Do I think it's as cut and dry as that? Hell no. But initially I believe that's why they didn't look too far into Zimmerman's story (having a retired military man/magistrate judge as a daddy probably helped).
      Gryphen, thank you SO much for posting this! I cannot wait to add this new information to my blog!

    6. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Well, IF Zimmerman had any wounds, they are either self- inflicted, or the cops helped him to appear injured , I.e. they roughed him up a bit so he WOULD look like he was injured. Tray on did NOT have any other injuries besides the bullet wound. Both the coroner as well as the embalmer said so...

    7. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Just because a guy has a cut on the back of his head - but no bleeding down his shirt front, almost a certainty if his nose had been broken - does not entitle him to claim self-defense without any need for further investigation. I am sure Trayvon Martin was fighting for his own life, and if he had a part in Zimmerman's head injury it is understandable, particularly if Zimmerman had made it clear he had a gun or if he had already threatened Trayvon's life.

      The not-looking-into-it thing on the part of the cops had nothing to do with things looking 100% believable, regarding Zimmerman's story.

      Someone made a call.

      My husband's brother is a cop, and he thought the guys were showing some suspicion of Zimmerman in that tape. Body language, the way they moved him around, etc.

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    George Zimmerman fights for those who can not fight for themselves.
    George Zimmerman is a HERO!

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      You probably think that PIMP DADDY TOAD is a hero also. Since he created jobs in Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Nationwide with his partner Greg West.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Phone records show Trayvon had been speaking to a girl friend for over 400 minutes on the day he was murdered. In fact, Trayvon was speaking to her on the phone at the same time he was being stalked by Zimmerman. She, frightened for Trayvon´s safety, told him to run away.

      Zimmerman is a law enforcement wannabe who lives a life filled with imaginary threats.

      Just like you do, you big pussy.

    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      That's a pretty sick April Fools Joke.

    4. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Oh, those pooooor oppressed white people! Your white entitlement is shining through.

      George Zimmerman is only a “hero” to paranoid, racist, inbred, cousin-humping, rednecks like you! George Zimmerman “fights” for racist assholes who are afraid of unarmed black kids, wearing hoodies, and carrying a bag Skittles! Yeah, THAT was a fair fight! Not! FUCK GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, AND FUCK YOU, TOO!

  4. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Even though it is April Fools Day (Hi, Sarah!) I guess that I will have to solve the world problems today (not a joke).
    1. That special prosecutor in Florida should confiscate Zimmerman's cell phone and check it for calls made in the period right after the shooting. My guess is that the first call was to his father, a former Florida magistrate. That might account for some of the kid glove treatment that Zimmerman is getting.
    2. Sarah Palin appearing on NBC looks like a ratings gimmick. Co-host? She can't deliver a scripted comment on Fox for 5 minutes without stumbling. It looks as if Sarah is finally getting her grudge match, going up against Katie Couric. There are a couple of problems. Katie will be on CBS all week; Sarah is only on NBC for one day. Katie gets the last word. Sarah told Breibart that she is going rogue and infiltrating turf for a day: If this is an audition for a real job, I can't imagine why any TV station wants a rogue who goes off script.
    3. Scalia and his broccoli tantrum: If you don't want to eat broccoli, there are lots of other foods out there to eat. In fact, if you want to be as pudgy as Scalia, you are free to make a diet of Twinkies and junk food. However, there are people who cannot afford to buy broccoli or much of anything else. The government provides them with food stamps so they will not starve. If people cannot afford insurance, they should also receive the same generous care that our government can provide. It is the Christian thing to do.
    4. Speaking of it being the Christian thing to do, Christ healed the sick many times. He did not require them to be one of his followers. He also fed the multitudes with loaves and fishes. The Christians should be following the example of their namesake, feeding and healing those who cannot take care of themselves. Who were the other people during that period of history, 2,000 years ago? The Romans. They, too, knew that if people in their empire were starving they would revolt. So, the Romans distributed free bread to those who were issued special tokens. Humans, regardless of their religious beliefs, have always taken care of their own. To do less is less than human.
    5. Sarah Palin is going to co-host The Today Show at NBC? That's the funniest April Fools Joke that I've heard today. Speaking of jokes, what happened to Bristol's Lifetime Reality Show? I thought that it was supposed to air on April 2. I can't wait to see Bristol rehab her house, go to Beauty School, hold down a full time job, take care of Tripp, volunteer at his preschool (he does go to school, doesn't he?), and cook a gourmet dinner. Now that would be an April Fools Joke!

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Sarah told Breibart that she is going rogue and infiltrating turf for a day

      Sarah is replacing James O'Keefe? He was their courageous daring activist. Sarah admits she is now an activist for Breitbart? They need the money, he didn't leave his kids cared for. Wife may have to go on welfare.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    These ALEC "stand your ground laws" are racist because they target a certain demographic, no matter how innocent the victim.

    Guys like Zimmerman have, in effect, a license to kill, and kill they have done and will continue to do.

    Those laws should be struck down.

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Among the many huge corporate contributors to ALEC are Coca-Cola and AT&T. I simply cannot imagine why companies like those would push vigilante-ism on this country.

  6. Anonymous7:43 AM

    All this in a state where a man is going to do two years for killing three bunnies.

    He hasn't been arrested because Florida has some screwed up priorities.

    I would not step a foot in Florida to save my life, as most likely the opposite could happen, with no reason or justification.

    1. Not What You Want to Hear12:04 PM

      There are lots of screwed up things going on with our justice system, but please don't begrudge the very rare times that animal abusers are actually given jail time.

  7. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I think having a father who is a judge helped. That whole family has been everywhere defending him. Add in the racism, the disgusting Stand Your Ground law and you have it. They didn't even think this would become so high profile, and thought they'd get away with it.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      There definitely seems to be something about his father being a judge... Did he make some calls, does he know these cops in Sanford, or the District Attorney?

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I'm sure he did make calls, look at how active the Zimmerman family has been in getting their of the story out. Said and done. No investigation needed, thank you.


    3. Y'know, I'm not sure I believe the racism angle. If we are to believe an expert on hearing the screams, then we should believe the expert who dispelled the "F*cking c**ns" statement.
      Zimmerman also comes from a multiracial family--has hispanics AND blacks.
      I'm not trying to defend him OR what he did--- I'm just trying to keep rumors from getting out of hand.
      Anon 8:53 and 11:39 YES, his father did make some calls. The cops got a phone call from someone higher up the chain and were told to let Zimmerman go. The same thing happened a few years back when he was arrested for resisting arrest and getting into a shoving match with a cop. He was arrested yes, but he was not charged with anything.

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Skittles and hoodie... case closed.

  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I just read that if Zimmerman is not jailed within 170 days, he cannot be charged with the crime. I honestly believe they are trying to wait this one out.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      If they do that outrage won't be the only thing this guy has to deal with.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Is that particular to "stand your ground" laws because, otherwise, there is no statute of limitation on murder? Or is there one in Florida? That would be just another reason for me never to set foot in the state of Florida!

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Watch this clip starting at 5:30- Former Florida prosecutor says Zimmerman was under arrest-normal Florida procedures were not followed after Zimmerman arrived at the Sanford PD in handcuffs- UNDER ARREST according to the former Florida prosecutor.

      Former prosecutor says 175 days to charge under Florida law- or he can't be charged.

      I speculate that Zimmerman might have been a undercover or confidential informant, and that was why he was released after he arrived at the PD. Pure speculation- no evidence- but that is what I think happened here.

    4. Anonymous4:27 PM

      So what was he confidentially informing the police about - a male teenager walking back to his home from a convenience store? From what I've read Zimmernan seems like someone who needs psychiatric help for his aggressive behavior and his anger issues. He is not someone any law enforcement agency should team up with.

  10. WakeUpAmerica8:05 AM

    Clearly, Gryphen, it is illegal to walk while being black in Florida. Furthermore, it is legal to kill anyone breaking that law. Why can't you get that?

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Apparently, breathing while black is also frowned upon.

  11. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Karma will catch up to George Zimmerman. I hope he suffers and looks over his shoulder until his dying day, which can't come soon enough.

    1. An European viewpoint8:36 AM

      "Karma" is not enough. This killer belongs to a jail. As long as he stays free, the US police force will be looked upon as a joke from abroad.

      I won't be coming back to visit the US anytime soon. Your society is too violent. Your cops are too brutal, too racist, too corrupt. It may be safe for corporations but for ordinary citizens it's thirld world-like. What a crying shame...

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      So true. I lived in Florida and worked on the water. The enforcement officers I came in contact with were a bunch of hicks on a power trip. I kept my head down, did my job, and didn't draw attention. I've worked on the Great Lakes and in Alaska and have seen the same. The few times when I was threatened, enforcement agencies were of no help- in one situation, their involvement actually increased the problem. I'm a female in a male dominated field, and I can get a pretty good idea of why an officer chose their profession by how he reacts to me. I do believe there are good and honest cops, but after a few incidents where you feel the anger and resentment come your way from someone in authority for no reason other than who you are, it sort of damages the trust. I mostly figured I'd be better off with the criminals.

      Justice is Zimmerman going to jail, gutting that police force, and nailing the city officials that are allowing this continuing cover-up. But, the real problem is much deeper. This is all about racism. The far-right pundits who claim it's not are disrespecting Trayvon and his family, and putting their own racism on display.

  12. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I think this is their answer to getting rid of anyone they deem as undirerable. tHEY Can deal with the illeage immigraintsthis way too. Shoot them ansd kill them and they don't need police or boarder patrol. Just make it leagle to run after anyone and kill them and claim you feared for your life. Bingo , get rid of those who might oppose the politicians, the rich, andthe corp, the NRA Now big ag is saying they need child labor laws done away with. so that well be the labor force, kill the older males, work the kids Most jobs being made are for males not women thirer goal is make baby machines out of women to fuel their need for slave lavor. tHIS SHOULD BE GETTING CLEARER AND CLEARER THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE AFTER.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Who is "they"? It's not that I disagree with all you say but you need to be more specific so that we know who is responsible for this.

  13. Anonymous8:35 AM

    If you who are upset with the Florids law, Stand your ground( AlEC) sponsored, you should take a look at the other laws being proposed and passed by States.I just took a look at the ones in MN.and who proposed them and if they passed.
    This so called secret organization has a very nasty agenda. Beware America, your freedoms are in danger In every State there are members, elected by the people but not being represented by those elected. These represent only the ALEC agenda. meaning,big business.

  14. lostinmn8:40 AM

    1. He's whiter than the kid

    2. He had the law on his side - even though the law is vigilante driven

    3. State of Florida wants this to just go away and bringing him in will only fan the flames.

    4. They figure that the attention span of this murder is about ten days so they are hunkered down under the glare of spotlights knowing something else will come up and the media ambulance chasers will find something else to be outraged about.

    It's the same old story around these parts. No one cares - at least much of white America is sitting around mumbling behind closed doors about that is one less "N" we have to worry about and maybe it's time to declare open season on the rest of them. Seriously - the hate in this country for black people by white rednecks is just as intense as it was when lynching was a night out party.

    The enlightenment of white people and racial diversity and blending has been revealed as the huge lie that it is.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM


      Florida does not realize that they just made it easy for the murderer of everybodies child. This is not just effecting one family. Green, red, black, white people are feeling their child was shot down in this heinous crime. Florida has many, many parents that feel for their son. Not going away like the good old boy system let happen so many times before.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Speaking of the 10 days thing- it isn't just about Treyvon Martin anymore.

      I present: Hoodies and Hajibs.

    3. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Your last sentence it wrong big time.

      You cannot lump all whites anymore that you can lump all blacks or any other group op people, including Southerners.

      Certainly for some racism and gender bigotry is as intense as it was in the 50's or even the 18thC.
      But that is not true of everyone.

      How else would Obama be in the WH?

    4. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Zimmerman did not have the law on his side. Even the legislator who introduced the ALEC-inspired law said recently that the law was not meant to cover what Zimmerman did. He chased down an innocent person and murdered him.

  15. Anonymous8:51 AM

    For starters, his daddy is a retired judge.

  16. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Zimmerman is walking free for the same reason that the toad and his cohorts are not being investigated for a sex for sale operation. That would be a good ol boys cover your ass culture that our former governor was going to clean up. Hows that working out for ya sideshow?

  17. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Whenever I see that photo of young Trayvon Martin I also see my grandson. There is no racial similarity but the cheer and optimism in their facial expressions. I want justice done and I want Zimmerman behind bars - for life.

  18. Anonymous9:45 AM

    There can still be civil suits. Zimmerman would probably feel safer in prison, his freedom is done.

    1. If it is decided that the self-defense law is applicable to Zimmerman, under Florida law he is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action.

      You can read the statute here -

  19. Anonymous9:48 AM

    The State of Florida was trying to do some PR on how they are going after the pill pusher doctors, really cleaning up their legal system.

    The State of Florida is doomed. Jeb Bush and Romney can go down with it.

  20. I always thought the voice was on the tape yelling help was Trayvon Martin's. The eyewitnesses that were closest to the scene said Zimmerman was on top of Martin and spoke about how the police tried to dissuade them from speaking about what they saw. Why would Zimmerman be yelling for help when he had a gun? Trayvon never stood a chance, Zimmerman made up his mind about what he saw despite it being disproven later. His father and brother can lie all they want on TV but the facts speak for themselves in this case. He murdered Trayvon and deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail.

    He could have gotten off with a manslaughter charge but now he's going to be charged with murder and rightly so.

    1. Not What You Want to Hear12:01 PM

      If the evidence really points to flatout deliberate murder...and it's really starting to pile up...then the people who initially refused to charge Zimmerman should face some consequences, too.

  21. Anonymous10:10 AM

    >>>So please can ANYBODY explain why George Zimmerman was not placed under arrest after that shooting, and why he continues to be free to this day? <<<

    First question already answered by the police surveillance video? Looks like he might have been in custody right after the shooting. IANAL, but

    I don't know what else you call it when you ride to the police station in the back seat of a police car with your hands handcuffed behind your back. You are not in custody?- just hands in cuffs, and probably no door handle to get out if you decide to "leave." You are transported inside the police station before you get out of the car. There is probably a parking lot for visitors to use outside the building, but that's not where Zimmerman got out of the police car.

    The second question is a whole different can of worms.

  22. Not What You Want to Hear11:59 AM

    My God. I just listened to the tape for the first time. That panicked scream right before the gunshot...yes, it does sound like the scream of someone who has just seen a gun being pointed at them. I know that's how I would scream if a stranger was pointing a gun at me.

    I suppose it could also be the scream of someone who's getting beat up, but if they were armed and decided to shoot to defend themselves, wouldn't they still be screaming in panic as they fired the gun?

    I am heartsick on behalf of Trayvon Martin's parents. I cannot imagine how they must feel listening to this tape.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Just like you, I am heartsick too for this boy's parents, and I can't even listen to the tape, it just breaks my heart for that boy, and his family.

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Why would anyone need to scream for help when drawing down on and pulling the trigger on an unarmed person?

      They are not the ones in mortal danger?

      Why was Trayvon screaming if Zimmerman was only using the gun to keep him from running away till the cops came of to get Trayvon to stop punching him?

      Probably because he was spewing bigoted hate and threatening to blow the kid away for nothing.

      That makes sense assuming they were not in a physical tussle or that the tussle had ended.

      It also makes sense if Zimmerman had him on the ground as witnesses say and was threatening to kill him.

    3. Not What You Want to Hear7:04 AM

      Anon @ 2:19 pm, based on what we're learning about Zimmerman's past, it is also increasingly difficult to believe he was the one screaming for help. This is a person who has been involved in aggressive and physically violent altercations more than once. He also tailored his self-appointed occupation as a neighborhood watch person in a way that someone prone to aggression would, most notably by carrying a loaded gun around with him.

      Even though we still don't know exactly what happened, there is more than enough evidence to charge Zimmerman with murder and let a jury decide whether it's enough to convict him.

      So why on earth is he still free?

  23. Anonymous12:18 PM

    In my world, when a guy with a gun is pursuing another, and there are screams recorded, I usually expect the guy with the gun who is provoking an encounter is causing his victim to scream. I have never NEVER heard of anyone with a gun who runs after someone, then claims he was being attacked and was the one screaming. It makes no sense. Even if Trayvon had tried to wrestle the gun away from him (Which I don't believe happened), Zimmerman would have tried to talk him down, reason with him, explain that he was just there to neighborhood watch. No one heard any negotiation or pleading for reason. It appears to me that Zimmerman had blood on his mind.

    Someone who is bent on vigilante-style pursuit is not afraid. Even if there were a tussle between the two, the guy with the gun wouldn't scream. He'd be pleading for his life. He wouldn't be screaming in terror.

    A young boy, however, who has no weapons and is just thinking about his girlfriend, and suddenly being pursued with a guy with a gun, WOULD scream in terror if he had one pointing right at his chest.

    No one can accuse MSNBC of spinning this, nor accuse bloggers of making judgments before facts. The fact is: Trayvon is dead, and the guy with the gun is not.

  24. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Why is Zimmerman free?
    His daddie is a rich powerful man.
    And Florida's laws do actually make it difficult to arrest and charge him.

    One has to assume that Martin's family's lawyer has demanded access to evidence gathered from an autopsy, and Trayvon's clothing and from Martin's clothing.

    (The clothes worn in the police video cannot be those he wore during the event as they are neither bloody nor wet and dirty, or they are proof that he and the cops are lying and covering up.)

    Once autopsy evidence and other scientific evidence is available, I expect the police will have to move forward.

    But since Zimmerman's daddie is a powerful man the public needs to keep the pressure on.

  25. Anonymous1:10 PM

    GRYPH: o please can ANYBODY explain why George Zimmerman was not placed under arrest after that shooting, and why he continues to be free to this day

    Because it takes time to find out what the hard evidnece is, what is being claimed by the defendnat, etc. There is undoubtedly probably cause. But once he is arrested the clock for a speedy trial starts to tick. You don't want to be putting your case together if you aren't sure of your evidnece (just ask Marcia Clark & Christopher Darden).

    That doesn't answer the question about why certain evidnece wasn't collected by the first police, but there's no help by compounding the first error by a second error. I undestand the prosecutor (federal I think) now on the case is tough.

  26. Anonymous1:13 PM

    PRIOR: "Because the Sanford police did not do their job, any competent defense attorney can get George Zimmerman found innocent of wrongdoing."

    RESPONSE: No one in the history of American jurisprudence has been found innocent by a jury (and rarely by an appellate court). You're probably right that he might be found "not guilty" (although I'm not sure that's as sure a thing as you suggest), but that's different than being found "innocent." (although the results - no jail time, no criminal record - is the same.)

  27. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I have a 16 year old grandson, and Trayvon so reminds me of him in looks. I am also Black.

  28. Anonymous1:31 PM

    It is just heartbreaking to have to RIP to a child. MY heart goes out to Trayvon's parents, and all of his loved ones.

  29. Anonymous1:55 PM

    The cops should be charged with accessory to murder - not just with covering up a murder! They tampered with the evidence, and tried to fabricate evidence as in saying that it was the killer who cried for help, not the kid, and in tr ting to say that the woman who heard the shouts proved their contention that it was the killer who called for help.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      They thought they would be able to sweep this incident under the rug, as they have been able to many times before. But they reckoned without the determination and perseverance of loving parents and Americans of all races expressing their outrage at Zimmerman's crime and the complicity of the Sanford PD, as well as State Attorney Wolfinger, in trying to cover this up. Unfortunately, there are those among us who are bending themselves into weird shapes trying to defend Zimmerman's indefensible killing of this kid, and trying to demonize Trayvon. The police officer who tried to convince this woman that she heard Zimmerman crying for help should be especially ashamed of himself, since that statement is not backed up by voice experts. My heart and prayers also go out the Trayvon's family, and I fervently hope they get the justice for their loved one that they deserve.

  30. Zimmerman's case will not be allowed to cause race riots because this is an election year and the anti-Obama extremists want to make trouble for our President. So Zimmerman is going down. He may appeal later, but he's going down.

    Also, God does not like ugly. Zimmerman is as guilty as sin, and if he goes free he will murder again.

    And not to be too gross, but I think it needs to be considered -- that boy's screams were more than terror, he was screaming in pain before the shot that killed him. I believe autopsy or court records will eventually show that Zimmerman kneed the boy in the groin, or kneed him in the spine with all his weight before he murdered him.

  31. I have read conflicting info about Zimmerman's father the "judge". I have read that he was NOT a judge, but rather a retired magistrate from Virginia. A magistrate is like a bailiff, not a judge or lawyer, and with no law degree.

  32. And another thing!! (can't let this go tonight)
    If Zimmerman was just a kindly night watchman protecting his neighborhood, why not just carry mace or even a tazer in case of trouble? But no, he had a loaded pistol? Seriously?

  33. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I believe the photo of Trayvon , is when he is about 12 or 13 years old. This is an inaccurate portrayal of a 17 year old 6'3 , 150 lb. male.

    1. indylindy7:09 AM

      All of the Zimmerman sympathizers keep using this same line over and over despite the fact that Trayvon's family released photos of him over a week ago that were taken a couple of weeks before his death. The photos have been all over the internet and on all of the major tv stations. He looks the same...a couple of years older and taller but still an innocent faced CHILD!!! He had just turned 17 a few weeks before he was killed.

  34. Anita Winecooler8:14 PM

    Someone told the police to let Zimmerman go, someone higher up the chain of command. That's the ONLY reason that video was released. Something looks suspicious to me in that video, it looks like Zimmerman wasn't just "attended to" by "paramedics", but given time to shower and change clothes. He doesn't look like someone who just "tussled" with someone or even defended himself. The cops should have covered his hands and arms with a paper bag to maintain the gun residue evidence, instead they're calmly walking around, as if nothing happened.

    Trayvon was murdered, people of all races have made it abundantly clear they want justice, and this isn't going away anytime soon. The sad thing is, there are way too many "Trayvons", and justice for Trayvon is a start.

    I can't imagine his parents and the hell they're enduring. No one should bury a child, especially one who was senselessly slaughtered and didn't have a chance. And people blame the victim? How can they live with themselves?

  35. Anonymous3:14 PM

    My understanding from what I have read is that the voice testing results produced a 48 per cent match. (Over 90 per cent would constitute a definite positive match). The big question is:Does this mean that there is a 48 per cent chance that the voice was indeed Zimmerman's?

  36. If you think this is not propaganda, then ask yourself why they didn't also try to match the recorded screams to Martin's voice?

    We have eyewitness testimony that the guy pinned to the ground being beaten up was wearing a red jacket or sweater, and that's what Zimmerman was wearing. Martin was wearing a grey hoodie.

    We have the physical evidence of Zimmerman's injuries to corroborate it.

    It is just nuts to believe that Martin was on top of Zimmerman, beating the tar out of him, and screaming for help at the same time.


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