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You know I get a lot of flack from the Palin-bots when I assert that Bristol was more than likely pregnant while she appeared on DWTS, but to my mind it is the ONLY possible explanation.
Here is a recent picture of Bristol showing her at her current weight.
Are we to believe that today she does MORE exercise than she did on DWTS? You heard them say in the tape that "you can't go to the gym and get this. You can't run on a treadmill and get the same exercise you get from dancing."
Yet by the end of Bristol's time on the show she came away looking like this.
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Bristol Palin November 23, 2010. After coming in third on DWTS. |
But here's the thing that REALLY bothers me about this.
The Palin family has done something like this multiple times now, and they seem to ALWAYS get away with it!
From Sarah's fake pregnancy.
To whatever the hell THIS was at the Republican convention in 2008.
To the dancing with the stars debacle.
Sarah Palin and her "golden child" have pulled off these pregnancy scams right under the noses of the American people while almost DARING the media to call them out on it.
But due to the fact that it is a subject which seems to tread in an area of great discomfort, NOBODY has ever seriously confronted either one in an interview about what should seem pretty obvious to just about anybody who has been paying attention, which is that the Palin women either go out of their way to pretend their ARE pregnant, go out of their way to pretend they are MORE pregnant, or go out of their way to pretend they are NOT pregnant!
In fact it almost seems that having a regular pregnancy in the Palin household is against family tradition. (Isn't that right Britta?)
Personally I feel this is part of some bizarre need of Sarah's to manipulate the truth, that she somehow manages to force her family members to imitate, either by example or, more likely, through manipulation and threats.
The first "pregnancy," (Sarah's) was most likely the result of a crisis situation, but what has happened since seems like a systemic expression of some family pathology.
What are your thoughts?
In the photo of DWTS Bristol, wearing the blue dress-- she looks more pregnant than Sarah did when Sarah announced her "pregnancy" in early March, 2008. It's hard to believe that Bristol was practicing and dancing up a storm and gained that much weight. What happened to that baby?
ReplyDeleteThat was the dress that did it for me. From the side she has a pronounced belly, and this was like the 6th week, so she had been doing 6-8 hours a day for about 10 weeks.
DeleteI don't know if Bristol put in all that much effort on her dances. Mark Ballas did all the work. All she did was twirl twirl pose, wiggle wiggle pose. I'd LOVE to know what Mark Ballas really thought of her "dancing."
DeleteOh gods, I would SO love to know what Mark Ballas thought of her. He had to fly to Alaska with her! He had to keep petting and kissing her! It was astonishing how much attention she demanded. He must have felt so used.
DeleteAs for her dancing- I don't watch DWTS, although I watched the Bristol clips. (I watch So You Think You Can Dance.) I thought it was hilarious how often the choreographers required her to yank off some clothes and fall back- and she was too stupid to get it. Plus, when you watch a dance, watch their feet. Mark had excellent footwork. Bristol posed and moved her arms.
brisket didn't move, she was dragged around by mark.
DeletePoor mark. He prolly racked up a huge chiro bill after that.
picking up that cow.
So many people know the family secrets, so much "hush money"!
Ivyfree, do you remember one time she flew back to AK without Mark and pulled a Scientology move on a photog? She whipped out her camera phone like pimpdaddy toad and tried to take the guys pic!
DeleteBitches. All of them Skanks and ho's and no nice! Fuckthem!
My guess is she didn't really do all the practicing that was required [isn't laziness a built-in feature of Palinlife?], did take advantage of all the food that flows through production sets, and generally did what has to be done in order to stay fat. She may also have been pregnant, but that probably ended in a miscarriage or abortion, who knows. Her weight gain is the only interesting feature of her entire "career" on DWTS.
DeleteIs this the same Britta who was employed by Palin in her administration?
ReplyDeleteYes, an 18 year old at the time, I think...now Track's supposed 'married in the snow in front of a mountain" wife with a baby girl whom Sarah the wonderful loving Grandmother, has mentioned exactly one time.
DeleteYes. The Palin administration was Nepotism Central.
DeleteLeave Britta alone.
DeleteIf Britta is smart, she will get away from that family as soon as possible, and take her precious baby girl with her. Hopefully Track will feel the same way. I wish them well.
DeleteBritta is smart enough to know the choice she made. She knows the family and she knows that people will forever be interested in their breeding habits. What happens in Wasilla must be studied. It is not something others want to teach children. The Palins preach one thing and end up pregnant and strange marriages, with or without marriage certificates. Grandmother wants the world to focus on everything she does that comes to marriage and babies or abortions. Trial marriages, too. Britta is left alone for the most part, but Sarah put it out she maybe married a Palin and she had a baby. At least she was sitting on a bed, looking with child. These people are not straight talkers or doers, they want people questioning and studying their weird baby shows.
DeleteHow did the hire of an 18-year-old girl become a reality in the executive office in Alaska? Were there no people in the administration concerned about the impropriety of such a hire? It sounds like the governor’s office was a post high school/party event for Palin. This woman has never grown up. Was there any mention of this by Bailey?
DeleteYeah, wonder if there's any "weddin photos", surely Sarah and Bristol must be so proud!
DeleteI love weddin photos, especially when the groom wears his uniform! So patriotic!
The question is when Bristol gets older will she need therapy for herself because she gave all her kids gave away or will she need therapy for the one she aborted?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you a dick?
Deletehey 6:59, 4:18 has a legitimate question. what's with the juvenile response?
DeleteWell the "Brillows" are now on BC and Adderall so that is why mommydearest #II is thin again!
DeleteMommy dearest I look like shit!
I wonder if they will show the pics of Beefy as her pregnancy continued? (with the 'godchild'?)
emrysaApr 22, 2012 07:59 PM
krusty is the paid troll, paid to post and correct the "false narrative" Bwhaahahahhaaa!!!!
So Krusty infects the blog with Moose turds and shits all over them correcting the False Narrative!
Poor Brisket ( and I mean that) she will keep having baby after baby but none will replace "ruffles' that her mother ripped from her arms. For every baby Sarah rips away from Brisket will cause a deep emotional scar that will result in more pregnancies, which in turn will cause MORE babies to be stolen from her......a strange catch 22 that will end and probably has already ended who Brisket ends up with or ends up doing she will be internally unhappy until she seeks out those stolen babies.
ReplyDeletek, it's comments like these that make us look stupid and just rude.
Delete@ 7:00 pm: don't say "us." you would defend the palins even if they killed puppies on tv. you're fucked.
DeleteThey'll be able to feature everyone except for Bristol!! It's more than OBVIOUS what went on here with her, we're not that stupid. Again Gryphen, you hit the nail on the head!
ReplyDeleteYou ignore compelling evidence to the contrary.
Delete6:59 you would think that up is down if the palins told you so... you have no compelling evidence to the contrary, just some strange need to defend frauds. FRAUDS. get some help.
Deletedepends on what your definition of "compelling" is.
DeleteWhat compelling evidence. Please be specific. I'm willing to review your evidence...if you have any. No?
If you stare at the clouds long enough you can convince yourself you see faces.
ReplyDeletePeople who follow Palin can see jesus' image on Pringles and toast, yet can't see the Palin's repeated deceptions.
DeleteA mystery of life.
Some people stare at the sky and dream that they can be stars, even though they don't have any talent or personality, and they are so insecure that they have their appearance altered. Some people stare at the clouds and dream about what happened their their children. Some people stare at the sky and wish that they taken a different path in life-- then her mother calls her in for dinner and reminds her of all the wonderful things that have been done for the dreamer, so stop dreaming, get down to work, learn some lines for that show we're trying to sell.
DeleteThere really should be an investigation at the Alaskan state level, Anchorage Police Dept, Secret Service agency, FBI and all media.
ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder if Todd exposed the Secret Service agents who were on Sarah Palin's detail as well as some officers of the Anchorage Police Dept to Todd's prostitution ring so later on in life these agents and officers would owe Todd a favor for not revealing their secrets?
This is stunning information. It goes deeper than just your local neighborhood pimp taking advantage of down and out women.
Is this why the Anchorage Police Dept has been looking in the other direction and not only avoided investigating Todd but assisted in misleading the press and destroying Shailey Tripp's personal property that would of shown the world more evidence against Todd? The property that an Alaskan judge had ordered the Anchorage Police Dept to return to Shailey Tripp.
Where is the outrage from that judge, Judge Washington? The judge's court orders were blatantly ignored by the APD!
Where is the investigation requested by the Alaska governor, Governor Parnell, who used to answer to Sarah Palin? Does he owe Todd some favors too?
What about Sen. Lisa Murkowski? Is she looking into this travesty of Alaska injustice?
Shailey Tripp's Facebook:
"When I saw his picture I was stunned. Todd Palin had introduced me to him and two others as people he worked with. I assumed at the time they must work with Todd. Boy was I wrong. Todd encouraged me to give them a good time, make sure they were taken care of, and suggested to me they may need more than a happy ending. I hope the secret service will investigate other trips these agents have been on and I hope other people will come forward."
I'm not sure...maybe some ALASKAN can look up whether that judge was appointed by Baldy or not?
DeleteMy bullshit-o-meter tells me that godson Tristan is the DWTS baby.
ReplyDeleteWho is godson Tristan and where is he? With whom does he live?
DeleteWho? Are you referencing the "baby" some anonymous person made up to mess with everyone?
DeleteYour bullshit-o-meter is synchronized with mine! It also fits the dumb "T" toe tattoo and The Massey's "It's Complicated" comment.
DeleteGood questions. Her godson Tristan was reported to be with her in Hollywood. No mention of his parents. That was when Bristol was living with the Massey brothers. One of the brothers told the news that it was enlightening to them to take care of kidS (did you catch the plural?). He said they helped with everything except of course breastfeeding as only Bristol could do that. Breastfeeding? Tripp was almost three. Hmmmm.
Oh my. I never put all this together. Hmmmmm...
DeleteGryphen, my thoughts are as follows:
ReplyDeleteFirst, I think you should definitely use one of the photos of Bristol while she was in practice at DWTS- ie NOT wearing three pairs of spanx. And also one of the photos from that "house tour" she did right after DWTS. She is stunningly, overwhelmingly pregnant in that video.
I am sure you can source the original videos but stills of both are on this Flickr image-
The above image is what took me from "I'd bet a dollar she was pregnant on DWTS" to "I'd bet ANYTHING she was pregnant on DWTS".
There is another set of photos which are very relevant- the pictures of Bristol in Haiti with her parents and Franklin Graham. It's over 100 degrees and 100% humidity, yet Bristol is wearing a GIANT scarf, obviously trying to deflect attention from her bulging belly.
I also would love your take on the video E! did of Bristol touring her house in AZ. In the first 90% of it, she is at least 8 months along, looking ready to pop. She has the telltale pregnancy rash on her face and ham-hock arms- it really is crazy to think she went on camera like that. But then during the last part of the video, what looks to be a stand-in cousin plays Bristol. She is not just "thin"- she looks to be a size 0 or 2 at the most. Obviously not Bristol. It doesn't play that Giuliana Rancic (the interviewer) didn't notice, so I'm wondering if she was told Bristol was sick or something and that is why she kept quiet.
There is absolutely NO mistaking Bristol's condition in that E! video- Kristy Patullo might cry "camera angles! Yo yo weight! All teens do that!" but there is only one thing which causes Bristol to look as she did in that video- and that "reason" is likely why the Masseys keep referring to Bristol's childREN, and discuss her breast feeding during the time they lived with her. (Something Tripp would have been too old for at 3 years old)
What is the time frame for when the Masseys lived with Bristol?
Deletelate Aug - mid Sept.
DeleteRe: Haiti
DeleteYet in several of those shots, there's no stomach bulge at all.
Breast feeding? I remember they joked about them not being parents themselves but they never implied there's more than one child of Bristol. Remember, they were in Alaska and did meet Trig. He is a part of the family and is a child.
Delete@ 6:55 pm - because in several of those shots, there is NO STOMACH. above the chest only. duh.
DeleteYour exactly correct!
DeleteAnd to the above about the Massey's...I saw a pic one of the TROLLs posted with a bi-racial child and the caption by Willows, Godchild!
lol! "Bring in the trolls"...
DeleteUmm Krusty...
A RETARD can see she was preggo!
And the Hati shots also, too.
Fuck ,check yourself in to a hospital if you can't see a obvious pregnancy you should be 5150'd by your family!
Are you saying you believe that Bristol's first pregnancy wasn't until after March/April 2008?
ReplyDeleteI don't understand your question?
DeleteBut I have another one. You fail to explain how she was slim in her week 9 costume. (Waltz)
And you fail to explain how her being slim, which she wasn't by the way, would negate the physical evidence captured in the November 23rd picture included above.
DeleteAre you saying she got heavy, got slim in week 9, and then got heavy again?
Damn that is a whole bucket of stupid.
Yea! She looked like a sausuge stuff into spanx with a heavy duty corset action!
DeletePhuck off Krusty!
Remember when she started DWTS and claimed she'd wear the most conservative clothes ever?
ReplyDeleteWell, by and large, she did, including a gorilla suit.
There's no doubting that she either gained a strange amount of weight while exercising/dancing every day, or that she was carrying a baby, who would have been born in the late winter/spring of 2011. Where is this child? And who was its father?
This is not an intrusive question: the Palins force themselves onto our TV screens. Any other contestant would be asked the same questions. And they'd answer.
That man's shirt with the black fishnet stockings was anything but conservative, as was the writhing on the floor that they called a 'dance.'
DeleteOh and the Toad prolly break wood at watching her simulate sex!
DeleteRemember in Joe M's book how toad led a guy into his ROOM with a pic of Baldy and CHILDREN in Lingerie and said... "look at this shit"?
The whole family a nest of PEDO's!
PAST COMMENT FROM Huff Post blogger:
ReplyDeleteFirst, she is NOT a star and she has accomplished nothing in life except being Sarah Self-Promotion’s daughter that didn’t practice what Mom preached and got herself pregnant out of wedlock.
Second, if she did work as hard as other dancers/stars she would have lost weight as everyone has when they invest real work in their dances not just stroll around the dance floor. It’s not nerves that make these folks lose weight it’s hard work. I can't believe she is naive enough to make a comment like that.
In summary, most people don’t like her because she is a nobody that is shirt tailing her infamous mother. Sarah obviously persuaded someone to get her involved so Sarah can get more free publicity. Last week the only reason she wasn’t voted off is Sarah’s faithfull followers are keeping her on the show to help promote Sarah, not because the girl can dance.
Yet no comments for the people on the show no one's ever heard of.
DeleteAnonymousApr 22, 2012 06:52 PM
DeleteIf no one's heard of the show, how would they find it?
And why would people comment on people on a show they never heard of?
It's simple if you work hard learning and perfecting your dance you will lose weight, unless you eat a huge meal 4 or 5 times a day.
ReplyDeleteIt has nothing to do with he looking model thin, which I don't believe any of us things she should be, it's simple - with the necessary hard work it takes to excel you would naturally lose weight. If you don't work hard, which her dancing shows, you won't lose weight. Look at all of the past contestants it happens to all who work hard.
Correction, it has happened to EVERY OTHER CONTESTANT EXCEPT FOR BRISTOL! How does one explain that? Every other person lost weight on this show but her....Even Kyle Massey. He started chubby and out of shape, and he lost weight. There was some reason that Bristol was not losing her "middle bulge" during her vigorous workouts. Her legs were thin, her arms weren't that fat, but that middle just kept growing, and growing and growing. That is not laziness, that is knockedupedness!
DeleteHeavy women who appeared on DWTS bragged that after a few weeks of dance workouts, they had gone down two dress sizes. And, if Bristol was stuffing herself with ice cream, cookies, frozen yogurt and pizza four or five times a day, she a very serious eating problem. If Bristol has that serious an eating problem, she'd be as big as a house by now. No, it wasn't over-eating while dancing-- unless Bristol was eating for two.
DeleteReally because she was definitely flat bellied in some outfits in the later weeks of the show. Check out her waltz costume.
DeleteTrolls keep finding excuses for Bristol not losing weight because she was lazy on DTWS. There have not been many recent photos of Bristol and none that show how how very, very thin she is now. Trolls say she should not aspire to be "model thin", however, Bristol is right at "model thin" right now, she's 100 lbs if she is an ounce, and she looks ok at that weight, but how has she gotten this thin if she was not able to lose weight during DWTS. Does Bristol have a "diet secret" that she needs to share? Enquiring minds would like to know.
DeleteOh yes and now she is Thin! She is on SPEED like mommy dearest!
DeleteAdderall is LEGAL speed and I'm sure Baldy got her dr. feelgood aka CJB who certified a fake pregnancy to give her a rx for adderal for her ADHD!
The only good thing is speed kills.
Baldy looks on her last legs.
"It gets harder to get that extra weight off after each successive pregnancy....after two (before age 20) some halfhearted walkaround dancing isn't enough exercise."
ReplyDeleteThey are just confusing everyone to numb the brain. Wasn't DWTS all about working hard, Bristol proving that she could endure, she wouldn't quit, she would compete and earn her win? She drove all alone with Tripp from Alaska to LA in a few days, proving how strong and independent. She practiced and danced like the rest of the team. If she was not pregnant she was still the laziest one on the show. Either way she did not put in the time or the work. She porked up, that is not muscle, it is flab. And those chins! OMG! She just figured she'd have that cut off. There is a constant cloud over the Heath/Palins that is beyond dark and insidious.
ReplyDeleteAs I remember, Bristol whined and cried that she wanted to go home. She was not a dancer, and they couldn't turn her into a dancer. She didn't dance. She wore costumes and strutted around. The whole thing was a joke, gamed by Sarah's fraudulent voting fans.
DeleteSorry you don't drive from Wasilla to La in a FEW days with a toddler!!
DeleteDidn't Sarah try to sell Todd of DWTS b efore Bristol? I remember reading that Bristol early on skipped her rehearsals, etc. Is it possible that she porked up because of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds?
DeleteAfter DWTS, she got her new chin, "lost" some weight, are reappeared with a brand new image.
Perhaps the baby godson that showed up in LA was the baby of her cousin, used to make the series more sellable - babies always make cute. Maybe Tripp was too old.
It might be a diversion to look for a DWTS baby.
You have to move to lose weight, get your heart rate up. Her partner drags her around the floor. In the clips of their practice sessions she doesn't break a sweat compared to Jenifer Gray whose hair is wringing wet. If she wants to win or lose weight she has to work for it , but she won't. I doubt she has ever worked hard for anything.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good point. I don't want to attack her because she wasn't bad on the show considering how hard ballroom is (and she wasn't the worst). Add to that stress and you Gryphen have your answer.
DeleteNo not working hard enough does NOT explain a gain of twenty pounds..
DeleteGryphen is right! Most people when they work out...say with weights or dancing increase Muscle mass therefore upping their metabolic rate.(ie: can eat more without gaining)
DeleteMuscle uses more energy than fat.
So...the ONLY reason Beefy didn't lose weight is because she was eating for two. And massively spanxed and corseted up!
Bri$tol probably was going to gain 50 pounds with this pregnancy ~ if $he hadn't been 'dancing'.
DeleteExactly H&F
DeleteThe exercise would have definitely kept her weight gain down. Muscle weighs far less than fat, and if she is gaining muscle while carrying a fetus, the number of pounds gained would have been lower.
And the idea that as a high school athlete she was more fit, and wouldn't lose because of being used to it, is a joke! If she was a better athlete, she would have been a better dancer, and that was obviously not the case!
She was trying to lose, so she could collect her paycheck, and get the hell out of Dodge, before the pregnancy became apparent. Thanks, Palinbots!
Palin BURRRRRN alert
ReplyDeleteJulia Louis-Dreyfus’s ‘Veep’ Style: Inspired by Michelle Obama
Hey trolly FLOTUS is FLOTUS not a VP?
The canned goods will be hitting the Fridge in 3-2-1
DeleteAnonymousApr 22, 2012 10:00 PM
DeleteHey trolly FLOTUS is FLOTUS not a VP?
Too quick on the trigger, there! READ the article on the LINK before flipping the trolly bird!
The SHOW is called VEEP - Julia Louie Dreyfuss says her style is modeled after FLOTUS.
ReplyDeleteHave we been looking at the wrong sister? Could B Palin have been a smoke screen for Willow so she could be in the shadows. That is a really odd funny (1960s)dress for Willow to be wearing and it really looks pushed out in the front to me
DeleteShe's "glowing"
DeleteI think this is the only side shot of Willow. The dress material actually pulls to the front. the baby is dressed in grey, white and black. Who dresses their baby in those colors. Willow is also in grayish and blacks so they do blend. She always holding the baby north and south or just below her bust line. I do think some one put alot of thought in to these pictures. we all remember how much money was spent on clothes so why did Bristol turn out in that terrible dress unless they wanted us to focus on Bristol and Willow would go unnoticed. In this picture the black line on WP dress merges with the black strip on the babe shoulder which brings you up to the face and maybe not notice the tummy.
AnonymousApr 22, 2012 10:01 PM
+1000 !.!.!.!.!
She's just trying to hold a really heavy baby. Hips out for support. Willow must have developed super strong arms during the campaign. I like her dress.
DeleteBristol was padded at the RNC to prevent breast leakage. She was nursing two babies.
You have to look at this picture of Bristol during her DWTS days. The picture of Bristol standing next to Sherri Shepherd.
ReplyDeleteHow can anybody explain this one away?
Bristol ballooned like she was pregnant.
Um, look at the others from that day. Flat.
DeleteUm, Kristy, you lie.
DeleteGood try trolly! I didn't have to even look at the pic b/c it stood out so clear in my mind!
Um, look at the others from that day. Flat.
DeleteThat day? Show your proof...
Hollywood has been manipulating for effects since the beginning. Also, too, stage performances. Of course, she can appear one way and then another in a brief time. Sarah mastered that back in 2008 and she didn't even have half the experts that covered for Bristol.
ReplyDeleteTakes one to know one.
Delete6:48, you just admitted they are freaks. so why spend so much time trying to defend them? they're frauds.
DeleteLooks like Bristol lost some weight recently. Did Gino pound that weight off of Bristol?
ReplyDeleteSex does burn a lot of calories. Just ask Sarah and her partners.
I can't believe some of the comments on here and how crude they have gotten. Is it really necessary, Gryphen? You are now letting through all kinds of sexually hostile comments. One yesterday was about Sarah's big vajayjay and who would want to fuck her. All of these kinds of comments are classless and rude and sexist. And no I'm not Kristy. I'm a long time IM reader who can't believe how sexually aggressive and explicit some of the comments have gotten. It's terrible. I hate Sarah and what she does. But there is plenty to criticize without this misogynist garbage!!
Delete''''One yesterday was about Sarah's big vajayjay and who would want to fuck her.''''
DeleteHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..I did not see that statement.. but it is true.
DeleteI'm beginning to agree with you. *sigh*
I agree with 6:34. We can be for free speech but when it's derogatory to women in a sexist, crude way, why do we have to support it? C.f. Ashley Judd's new campaign.
DeleteIts called ADERALL... Legal speed what all the "teeny tiny" bobble head starlets take including MsWaSyphilis And like Lindsey Lohan who went to meth, where do you think people living in Wasilly the Meth capital will go?
DeleteYea, that's a big DUH!
Baldy is playing with fire, she should see what happened to Breitfart, yea he didn't have speed in him...that night! WTF did it take SO long?
Bristol, Speed kills. get clue. Sadie used exercise and diet to lose weight. Stop being fucking lazy, you can afford to hire a high paid trainer? Speed kills.Young and old. (Baldy)
The difficulty is Sarah, Bristol, Willow and their sexist, crude, derogatory behavior- which they actively publicize. Sarah can't talk in public without a sexual reference. Bristol can't see a guy without falling on her back. And Willow- well, I've said for a while I think Willow's the gay one who got pregnant exploring her sexual identity.
DeleteI don't recall how many kids Joe Biden has. Or Al Gore. And they won the vice-presidency. Sarah's selling nothing but cheap sex.
I gave up on intelligent discourse on this blog ages ago...now I just read it because it's like a trainwreck..I just can't look away...
Delete@ 6:34..agree..over the top, into the gutter!! Some times I think it may be trolls trying to get away with the foul language and sexist remarks..just saying! Gryphen needs to flush those remarks down the toilet where they belong.
DeleteWould the special make note of Bristol as the only DWTS contestant who actually gained weight, or will they ignore her altogether? Please, someone step up to the plate and ask the questions: why did Bristol gain so much weight while everyone else lost massive amounts of weight and why was Bristol not part of the DWTS tour?
ReplyDeleteInquiring minds want to know.
Not only did she not do the tour, but she is not in the current Las Vegas cast either, but her BFF Kyle is.
DeleteHow did she gain "so much weight?" She clearly was no bigger than when she started. Compare her week 2 and week 8. 3 months is a long time for a pregnancy. Her weight was pretty stable.
DeleteThink of the physical a contestant would undergo.
It was reported on November 9, that she had gained 15 lbs. http://tinyurl.com/7vocj9k
DeleteAnd it was clear to anybody with eyes that she gained even more by the end three weeks later.
But hey, nice try.
I am just asking, is it possible Bristol was on anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds that caused her very noticeable weight gain? Maybe she disappeared so she could get off her meds? She did her re-invention and moved on to LA? No DWTS baby? She can't hide the baby forever... And I think her advanced stage of pregancy - if she were pregnant - would prevent a legal abortion. Thoughts?
DeleteWasn't there a report about what she was eating in the finals? Prime rib and lobster? Maybe to cover the weight gain? Just sayin....
DeleteNo, just that she mentioned her godchild, Tristan, while in LA. Who's Tristan, Where's Tristan? Why does his name start with a "T" she had Tattooed to her toe to remind her of all the men in her life who's names start with the letter "T"? Coincidence?
DeleteI guess anything is possible...but really, how effing cruel of Sarah Palin. If Bristol needed that much medication to function on a show...then don't make her do the show for dog's sake.
DeleteBut I think she was knocked up. They were playing out some weird psychology: hiding something in plain site. This fetus was in the womb but ignored, opposite of Palin's non fetus which was lauded.
She had a T tattooed to her toe to remind her of all the men? Sure it wasn't just to remind her that those things are called "toes"? After all, she did miss a lot of school like her siblings.
DeleteQ: What's long and hard on a Palin?
ReplyDeleteA: The first grade.... second grade.... third grade... fourth...
Q: What does a Palin have in common with a soda machine?
ReplyDeleteA: They both don't work and always take your money
I forgot to mention these gems in my earlier comment-
ReplyDelete"I've done ten hours of gymnastics and tumbling every day since I was really little. I didn't think there was anything I could do to my body that was [more] harsh than training for the Beijing Olympics. But then I did Dancing With The Stars...and I realized even Olympic training is a cakewalk compared to dancing eight hours a day!"
-Shawn Johnson, Olympic GOLD Medalist & DWTS Winner
"Man, you think prepping for speed skating in the Olympics is thrashing your body to the brink of what it can handle. Then this little blond dancer gets ahold of you and it's like, God...I miss those easy days of 'just' speed skating!"
-Apolo Ohno, Olympic GOLD Medalist & DWTS Winner
"There are times in racing . . . when you have been through hundreds of laps. You have lost ten pounds from sweat alone. You are light in the head from this brutal process you are putting your body through. I would never call racing 'easy', it would be insulting to the men and women who put on the helmet and get in the car and risk their life for the pure passion of the drive. But I can say for me, dancing was twice as hard as the hardest race I have ever driven."
-Helio Castroneves, Indy 500 Champ & DWTS Winner
"I thought I was in fairly good shape. I really thought dancing would be just a different kind of physicality than skating. But I was so wrong! It's true what everyone else on the show says, no matter what sport you have excelled in or how many Olympic medals you have, until you train for Dancing With The Stars, you just don't know how physically brutal it is."
Kristi Yamaguchi, Olympic GOLD Medalist & DWTS Winner
"You know, I had two babies in two years. Twice! And I can tell you it is easier to push out a baby than it is to make it through some of those rehearsals!"
Brooke Burke, DWTS Winner & world-renowned fitness expert
So there we have Indy 500 racers, Olympic gymnasts, figure skaters, speed skaters, and fitness experts stating that training for DWTS was by far the most brutally intense physical training they had EVER gone through.
But Bristol Palin writes (er, told miz nancy to write) how training for DWTS was "easy" compared to her one semester of HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL?
No wonder people in Hollywood got over her so quickly. Can you imagine if you'd trained for your given sport for ten years- day in, day out of exhaustive, soul crushing workout- and Bristol "I'm famous 'cause I did sexy times wif Levi" Palin comes along and says one semester of high school basketball was more intense than your Olympic level training? OMG, the closest I've ever come to "sport" is carrying my large book bag at work- and even I want to kick her sorry lying ass!
For Bristol, it probably was easy training. Much of her dancing was walking, not dancing and shaking her things.
DeleteAll of the successful people quoted above are successful because they worked hard. There is no faking your way into an Indy car ride, or into the Olympics.
DeleteBristol on the other hand got knocked up just before the grizzly governor got picked to be the Republican's titillating choice for 2008. Bristol might yet git r dun some how some where some time, but up to now she has accomplished ZIP by herself. Nothing, that is, except to ride the fame and idiocy of her power and money grubbing mother.
She wasn't the worst on dwts either. For having no performance experience, she didn't do that badly. She and Mark rehearsed constantly,esp at the end Most contestants have other gigs during theie dwts stint. Their partners work it out. I stalked the paparazzi sites that filmed the stars and there were times Mark and Bristol were the only ones rehearsing. To say she didn't try is just mean.
DeleteLook at Chaz. Look at Moonwalker (whose name escapes me). Plenty of people have sucked more than Bristol. Ballroom dancing isn't easy.
She did try to catch up and they did rehearsh at times. Seriously she did not try that much, it was mostly bullcrap to make it look like she was in it as if she was a team player.
DeleteBristol Palin celebrated her 20th birthday after bombing on Dancing With The Stars and earning a low score of 18 points.
She was porky in the birthday pictures. Sounded drunk and she got in a car and drove off with several people in the vehicle. Irresponsible dumb fake person that she is. Thinking she is entitled to do what she wants. Knows she can break laws, endanger others and no one will stop her because she is spoiled and foolish.
Chaz is a real genuine decent human being. He did do the work. Bristol had those old clucks and their kin call in like mad, had to cheat to keep her going. Only the brainwashed are fooled by the scams.
Was she pregnant while out in those smokey bars? The night she was looking so wasted and drove off in that car ? Pregnant ?
You can't be serious. She would put a fetus at risk like that?
What about your fetus. Bristol ???
SHAME ON THE SKANK!!! What about your fetus Bristol ? You think you can wild ride or something ? Bring it bitch, when you get to the big house you are gonna lose more than a fetus or a few pounds.
I don't think Bristol was a dancer. Mark did all the work.
DeleteAnonymousApr 22, 2012 07:15 PM
DeleteI couldn't disagree with you more.
"Plenty of people have sucked more than Bristol."
Nice Try.
If you ask me, she didn't deserve to make it through the first show, the only reason she came in third was "Nobody puts baby in the corner" and Sarah's fan club ginned the voting, so much so, they had to change the rules.
Remember That?
It was in all the news!
Excellent. Thank you SO MUCH for compiling these quotes. I have used individual ones but it is more impressive to see them ALL juxtaposed against Barstool's high school basketball quote. Jeez Louisw these Palin's are such isolated hicks!!Bristle sounds ridiculous against these athletes. Olympic athletes!!!!!
DeleteIs it OK if I copy paste and use whenever I see the opportunity??
Comeonpeople- feel free! They are all quotes from magazine and tv interviews, available for fair use in the public domain. Post far & wide! I would have put Bristol's exact quote from her "book" instead of paraphrasing- but I'll be damned if I'm giving this lying opportunist one dime!
DeleteHey I'm back in the news.
ReplyDeleteLike mamma said, any news is good news except when it comes to the family prostitution ring.
family prostitution ring? HUH?
DeleteAnon @06:46 PM, Todd can fill you in.
DeleteHeh! He can?
DeleteI had thought that it was possible that she was just lazy and didn't practice anywhere near as much as the other contestants, which we later found out to be true. The need for all those abstinence-til-marriage speeches doesn't go away just cause you're pretending to be a "star" on a well-known reality show. So Bristol missed a few practices here and there, and of course, there was Tripp, another excuse that Bristol could use when she was not feeling up to practice. It certainly showed in her dancing that she was not practicing as much as the other contestants or else didn't care or take it seriously. Notice how Mark Ballas never once did real lifts with her as he's done with other contestants? Why is that? Fear of injuring her due to dropping her or fear of hurting the baby she was carrying when he might have dropped her?
ReplyDeleteWe all know that Bristol's excuse is bullshit. She hadn't been in high school and playing basketball for a couple years. Even if she had been, she still would have lost weight because she was doing a different type of exercise than she was used to, using different body mechanics and muscles which would have led to weight loss and firming up of her muscles that she had never used in this manner. Take a look at her face in that last pic from immediately after DWTS finished. She's gained weight since starting the show but it's all over her body, not just her face, which is what happens with many pregnant women. She looks pregnant because she was.
There was a reason why the Massey brothers talked about changing diapers and breastfeeding yet Tripp was at least 2.5 yrs old when they were filming their show. We've seen Tripp with a bottle and a pacifier and I've never heard Bristol mention breastfeeding on TV or in any magazine article. I might have missed something when Tripp was born, but I don't believe that she was nursing him when he wasn't with her for a few days at a time when she was on the show. She would have to be pumping her breast milk when he was two years old, Bristol doesn't have the ability to stick with anything for a few months let alone nurse a child for two years and continue the process when he's not with her. We know that her mother wasn't a big proponent of BF'ing, mocking the idea when Michelle Obama spoke out in favor of it so that would be more than enough to get Bristol to quit, if she ever BF to begin with. There was a new baby that the Massey brothers were talking about, not Tripp. They had to know what was going on. We also never heard any explanation as to why Bristol didn't tour with the show after it ended. Was it because she couldn't go on tour due to her very visible pregnancy? Since when does any Palin turn down publicity?? NEVER! Unless there is a good reason as to why she wouldn't want to be seen, as in another very noticeable unwed pregnancy. That's not something her mother's image could handle when she was still considering running for President.
There was no tour. There also wasn't a tour for subsequent seasons.
DeleteThere was no pregnant and was no baby. She's been described as a heavy eater in the past. She herself jokes about it with her cousins. Gino prodes her to start eating more healthily. Maybe she started recently.
"We also never heard any explanation as to why Bristol didn't tour with the show after it ended."
DeleteI think the last DWTS tour was in 2008 but there definitely wasn't a tour after Bristol's season. Mark Ballas went on the road with the theatrical group 'Burn The Floor' which may be the reason for the misunderstanding.
She is lazy. Remember how she said she didn't even rehearse for her appearance on Secret Life of the American Teenager?
DeleteShe just read the line in her car when she accepted the gig - but you could see how much that work paid off in her laughable Yo-Yo Ma cameo.
And look at her shape here, you telling me that this yo-yo waist-line is due to binge eating?
Every season has had a post show tour. The top three couples have toured each season EXCEPT for Season 11, 2010. Ballas for another opportunity with Burn the Floor. The other two couples Grey/Hough, Massey/Schwimmer went on tour.
DeleteKristy 7:12. How on earth do YOU know for certain there was no baby?? You don't even know the Palins. You are always talking like an authority which is very sick given they don't want you talking about them period. You are not privy to ANY inside information and you know it. Cut it out!!
DeleteThanks, Anonymous @ 7:59 & 7:17 for filling in the details about the tour. We don't know if Mark Ballas might have toured with the other two couples if it hadn't been for Bristol's "weight gain" or if it was planned that he wouldn't tour from day one even if he won the event.
DeleteAs for Anonymous @7:12, you give yourself away every time you pretend you know the family and talk about them in this manner. Kristy, you really have to find something better to do with your life than pretend you're a personal friend of the Palin family. That's not something that decent people would be proud to say considering their income that came from Toad's hookers and his abuse of the same.
slightly O/T but wasn't there a Palin recently that was bragging about a relative running the Boston Marathon? Seems there were only two Alaskans that finished notably and none of the is a Palin.
Chuck ran it. Sally might have.
DeleteNot in 1912, I'm talking this year's Marathon, 2012...
DeleteThere are no results for Palin OR Heath I doubt they ran
DeleteI don't believe she was pregnant on DWTS, she wouldn't have gained so much simply from being pregnant. I believe she binged herself constantly. People were saying that she was always eating, even carrying around full bags of chips in her purse. Midnight runs to the ice cream store is what did it. She's a nervous eater, I can tell.
ReplyDeleteI also believe in Pink Unicorns.
DeleteTwo things:
Deletenot a natural performer or dancer mixed with a natural big eater would make her maintain her weight. I saw no weight GAIN. She did lose a little. I think to that x17 site where she and her family were walking down the sidewalk. She was porky and some of that fat was lost throughout the time span. I think to how slim she appeared in later outfits.
Yea, sure, that sounds plausible. What kind of physical reaction does binging on chips and midnight ice cream elicit during the next days' 8-hour dance work out? She'd have been barfing her guts out after eating that crap, if she was working out even half as hard as the other contestants. Sorry, you fail, now go find another more logical excuse why Bristol, who now weighs about 100 lbs soaking wet, was a giant pregnant looking person on DWTS.
DeleteAnd we can tell you're Skankerbelle, the paid troll. Lame doesn't begin to describe you.
DeleteWhen I was her age, I would have been MORTIFIED to be that fat each week on national TV. I cannot help but think that most teenage girls would have felt the same. If anything, it would have been a huge incentive to lose weight--very hard to do while pregnant.
DeleteI know she was eating nervously - for two.
DeleteSo Bristol remained the same weight on dwts. Remember the stress she was under? Maybe she's a stress eater. She did discuss weight throughout the show.
ReplyDeletePlease answer this. Where are all the babies if these pregnancies are true?
Why was her belly flat during week 9?
Why would you bring an innocent girl like Britta, who had a normal pregnancy and remains out of the spotlight, into this? Why is she automatically not normal?
If you really think about things, there's actually very few pregnancies nowadays that are planned.
If you remember, Bristol was pretty heavy in week two of dwts. She left the shoe more toned and slimmer all around.
Sarah and Todd have #1 Trig, Bristol has #2 Tripp and Britta and Track have #3 (I guess Tristan was a girl)
Deletebristol chunked up as the season went on... no one is buying your bullshit, it's all out there for the world to see.
DeletePeople like Bristol and her "abstinence-do as I say not as I do $250,000 Candies speaking tour", are ensuring that there are more and more unplanned pregnancies. Most women plan, most families plan. The less educated segments of our country tend to just breed "willy nilly" because they apparently think that there aren't enough stupid people in this world. By and large, however, the majority of people in the first world plan their pregnancies.
DeleteIf you mean flat when she laid on her back in that leotard getup with the men's white shirt over the top, she still was able to look flat-abdomened when in that position, with the help of major league foundation garments. The camera work was absolutely manipulated in order to emphasize that shot, in the hopes that the rest of the dance would go un-scrutinized. Watch the rest of that tape closely and you'll see that when she is upright there are odd contours going on.
DeleteLike I said, over and over, those costume people should win Emmy's. They fooled so many people with the extra fabric, the distracting lines, and the intense torso binding that went on.
The gorilla suit was just cheeky, and they knew it.
She left the shoe toned? It's so easy to spot you, honey. No, the paparazzi photos of Bristol showed her getting fatter and fatter each week. She left the show fatter. The person who designed the costumes was a genius. Some of the dresses (Miss Piggy Pink one) had a jeweled belt right below Bristol's ample bust, and the dress just flowed from there. The picture with the big blue belly says it all.
DeleteAs for Track and Britta: If that was just a quiet, secret, small, private family wedding, how did that photo end up in People Magazine? Sarah! And when Sarah makes sure to plant a story in a magazine, she has a reason.
*heavy sigh*
"She left the shoe more toned and slimmer all around"
She gnawed through an ugg while in labor???
WTF. If you thinn about it there are very few pregnancies these days that are planned?
DeleteI guess in crazy Hicksvilles or religions were sex is taboo and birth control is taboo and kids are underedumacated.
What you say is truly tragic if that is your experience.
Hi $arah, Brisdull and Willshe......since we know you guys read this blog all the time, I just want to say how entertaining all of you have been since 2008...okay, okay...so maybe in a strange, bizarre and twisted way but still.....
ReplyDeleteBy my calculations here, $carah has at least 3 grandkiddies...possibly a 4th and we all KNOW, they have different daddies, but one mommy...and she is the same one that gave birth to poor little Trig....
What a crazy ass mixed up daughter ya got there $carah! Wow...just WOW!
So my guess on this trainwreck is that brisdull and Levi did the wild thing in one of the tents or even the backseat of his truck or whatever...and out pops Trig! Then...uh-oh...brisdull does the wild thing with another baby daddy...and out pops Tripp.
Then...omg....she does the wild thing AGAIN...and out pops the "godson"...Tristan.....oh my!
Now, we have a little situation with Britta. The fake marriage, the fake pregancy...did she borrow $carah's baby bump?
So, little miss DWTS is with child during the competition and she must've been SO relieved when they stuck that gorilla suit on her...even though it was brief - she probaby exhaled for the FIRST time since hitting the stage...bet she was cursing her moma grizzly grifter ...
Now, the interesting thing about Levi and this child Tripp and his lack of efforts to see him or exercise his right to visitation with his "son" tells me that is because Tripp is NOT his son. Trig is. But not Tripp. And Levi is a lowlife for not telling the truth - aren't you Levi?
Now, how many daddies does it take to make one baby with brisdull?
I think that answer is FOUR. The other babies were testers ...used for other purposes.
Now, let's see how willow does....maybe she can do it with 3 babies or less..or maybe even 2 babies before she plops the "real" one out...
Stay tuned.....
For starters, it's called eating that froyo with all those toppings we witnessed.
ReplyDeleteYea that's a frozen yogurt belly, for sure, especially considering that Bristol was sitting around LA eating frozen yogurt with toppings and doing little else EXCEPT FOR DANCING AND WORKING OUT MINIMUM 8 HOURS PER DAY. Yea, that's a frozen yogurt belly....
DeleteI love how you congratulate Levi but condemn Britta, despite the former being the attention whore. Real nice.
ReplyDeleteLevi admitted that his girlfriend was pregnant when she was only a few months along.
DeleteBritta's was kept secret, and I was attacked for bringing up the possibility when she and Track "got married" suddenly.
Big difference.
And by the way, I never "condemned Britta." I simply mentioned that she was probably pregnant. And she was.
I've never been convinced that Britta was pregnant. I still think Britta and Track were convenient parental units for Bristol baby #3, the one from DWTS.
DeleteNo one ever condemned Britta, where do these people get this stuff? Seriously.
DeleteDude, no offense but if there were a second baby for Bristol, someone in Alaska would have mentioned it casually. Bristol's not a hermit.
ReplyDeleteDude, this would have been third, not second. Don't forget, she was a "hermit" with "mono" during when her mother was "pregnant" with Trig. I beg to differ because the girl is really good at being a hermit, when it serves her gestational purposes.
DeleteIf by second baby, you mean the DWTS baby, and not Tripp, people in Alaska mentioned it publicly. People like Gryphen. And pretty much everyone who watched that heifer "dance".
And just her luck, no matter how badly she performed week after week, her mom's crazy fans kept voting her forward in the competition. She was trying to lose so that her part of the contest would be over before she REALLY started showing.
How would you know what anyone in Alaska mentioned casually, unless you were right beside them?
Dude, you're nuts.
You mean like the Massey brothers that said Brisket was great at being a mother and they couldn't "help" with the nursing of the baby? Who's baby do you think Ol' Brisket was suckling?
DeleteMaybe she was in AZ for this miraculous birth?
DeleteI have a feeling Bristol went on the show TO lose weight and have fun. In late July 2010, she was asking friends on facebook (this was when she friended everyone who requested) for dieting tips.
ReplyDeleteyet she gained about 30 lbs, looked totally different at the end than she did at the beginning. no one who dances 8 hours a day 5 days a week gains that kind of weight, unless...
DeleteKristy!!! You know NOTHING!!!!!
DeleteYeah, my friend went on facebook to look for dieting tips. She wanted the world to know she thought she was fat, so she accepted friend requests from everyone.
DeleteThen she goes on Television and gains weight.
Makes Sense to me.
Did she pick her chin that way too?
idk man, that backbend she did in week 8 (?. it was her paso) wouldn't have worked if she were pregnant. Plus, she was pretty slim that week. I know there's pregnant spanx but NO spanx gets rid of the actual pg bump.
ReplyDeleteAnd lets not forget the smoking gun image when Brissy poses with Sherry Sheppard on The View, after DWTS . . . san the spanx and baby suppressant gear. Hopefully, the child didn't suffer undue harm while the grisly cub got her groove thang on.
ReplyDeleteAnd how ironic is it that both Palin twits feigned pregnancies in 2008 ~ then Brissy feigns NOT being pregnant while perpetrating on DWTS. They're gonna bust the gates of Hell wide open!
I think they get off on flipping the big middle finger to people outside the family, hell, probably to their own extended family who have to keep up with the bullshit scenarios they concoct out of thin air.
ReplyDeleteOh, Sarah found herself to be pregnant but had to keep it from everyone in her family? Her constituents? The Sourdoughs? She was going to terminate the baby due to the amniocentesis that a technician diagnosed? She chose life? Her dad spun a tail of leaking amniotic fluids so she had to spin the tail of how she ignored a strange sensation in her belly but chose to deliver a speech and fly halfway across the country to a backwater hospital with no preemie special needs services? She didn't tell her kids it was DS but Willow observed it like the brain she is? She had the family take a vote to say yes to McCain but the staff or news told them the next day?
They lie, they lie like they breath. It must be exhausting to be so frontier-like while being suburban trash with no imagination, no education and a super-superficial Christian faith with no back-up or walk to validate the creds.
Hey Sarah, next time you have Matt Lauer come over to the house, make sure your fridge is stocked with enough Moose to make your now famous lasagna or whatever the fuck you are going to make-up as your standard fare.
I'm not sure but I do know for sure the whole freaking family lies about anything and everything.
ReplyDeleteEvery other season of DWTS the top three couples have gone on tour following the end of the show. However, season 11, Fall 2010, only two couples went on tour, Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough, and Kyle Massey and Lacey Schwimmer went on tour, and Mark Ballas found alternate employment with a Broadway touring show. Why was it that Mark, Bristol's partner, found himself able to accept this new offer instead of taking Bristol on tour with the other couples? Bristol is reported to have had her plastic surgery in December 2010, could that have been why she chose not to participate in the "victory lap" tour that all of the Top 3 contestants of DWTS have historically participated in, or was there another reason?
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, Mark Ballas received even more national attention during his time with Burn the Floor and Bristol was busy doing something else....
The 'compelling evidence' pro-Bristol troll(s) sure flock here when this subject is broached. This topic gets 'them' agitated. I wonder why that is?
ReplyDeleteIt's one old woman in Rhode Island, whose family is estranged from her. That's it on the troll brigade.
DeleteI have ten years on her so I don't think of her as old. I do think of her as certifiable, however.
DeleteShe is INSANE and thinks she knows everything from being a fan. She doesn't and she needs help.
DeleteBristol Palin needed a lot of help from DWTS staff to hide her weight gain. That kind of help costs money.
ReplyDeleteWeight gain?
DeleteMore like baby bump!
The Boob's boobs in the pic on DWTS in the long black sleeved dress look the same as when on the campaign trail. Much larger than the promo shot in the sleeveless dress taken at the beginning for promotion.
ReplyDeleteWeek 9 was the Paso, and if you watch that tape carefully you see how cleverly they tried to distract the eye with corsets and then fabric that fell directly from the hem just below her abdomen.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many times when you see how much her belly is actually protruding, particularly when you consider the distance from her backside...
Watching so many people lose so much weight on that show is proof you can't get that in a gym, and I really believe that. I've been healing from surgery and have been going through Physical Therapy and have seen people knocking themselves out trying to lose weight, and they lose little because muscle weighs more than fat.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed a lot of former participants in the audience, but I've never seen Bristol return. And I doubt she'll even be mentioned in this 20 20 segment. The photos say it all!
Kelly Osborne is believable, Bristol Palin NOT.
ReplyDeleteSome things you just can't lie yourself out of even if you are an accomplished liar. She is only assuring herself to go down in history as a BIG FAT JOKE. Mommy can't buy her enough surgeries to keep ahead on this big fat story of her dancing failures. No one will remember the excuses, she will be the monstrous whiner of her generation. The sycophants will stay to the bitter end, but who cares? Most of them have arteries hardening just because the fantasies they harbor will run into brick wall after brick wall.
You don't even need to put much thought into this, remember
Kelly Osborne is believable, Bristol Palin NOT.
There is something very wrong with her appearance at the Republican National Convention. Seriously! What the hell is going on there?
As for the rest of it, DWTS pics show a very "heavy" belly. Whatever. Hard to believe she would do that schtick preggers, but then she is a Palin. Either she is a big girl and proud, or she was big time PG and gave her baby a "wild ride" on the dance floor. Geesh. If there was a baby there, I hope it benefited from all that exercise. She obviously did not. :)
Padding to prevent breast leakage is the only reason I can see for her appearance at the RNC.
DeleteIt seems that all of her children have been on a "wild ride".
O/T but take a look at this & the comments:
ReplyDeleteGOP strategist: Palin is ‘ridiculous’ for blaming Obama for Secret Service Scandal
Republican strategist Matthew Dowd lashed out Sunday morning on ABC at those who criticized President Barack Obama for the Secret Service prostitution scandal, especially former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.
In his usual participation on This Week‘s roundtable, Dowd was tired of some blaming Obama for the ongoing scandal.
“The hair trigger reaction all of sudden to any scandal, any hint of anything, all of a sudden Sarah Palin blames it on Barack Obama, he’s not a competent leader, I just think is totally ridiculous,” he said. “The idea that some lower level Secret Service guys perform very badly, and did something very bad, doesn’t really say anything to me about the president. You can blame the president for a lot of things, I think that you can’t blame him for.”
Talking about breast feeding during the Massey brothers failure of a show, she HAD to breast feed the new baby. How would it look if the cameras picked up cans of formula and baby bottles in the background? As it turned out, they had no need to worry since the show turned out to be a dud (like no-talent Bristles)
ReplyDeleteI am glad you mentioned this, as I think the same thing occurred with all of Bristol's children. They couldn't go and buy things that an infant would need, as they supposedly didn't have any infants around yet. This is probably why Bristol "chose" to feed her children breast milk.
DeleteThey couldn't have gone out for newborn diapers, formula, clothing, etc. because those things would not have "fit" the baby's age. I seem to remember that even me again said that all the baby clothing that Bristol received, from Sarah's supporters, after Tripp's "birth" in December 08, could not be used because it was all too small. I think obtaining baby things was a real hassle for them
What sold it to me that she was pregant is that she had a "minder" with her at all times. Why would a 20-year-old need a babysitter. She was supposed to be dancing...why would she need a babysitter?
ReplyDeleteWho thinks this is trim? Who can't find a baby bulge?
Gino has a bridge to sell you in Arizona.
C'mon Gryph, If she was so pregnant as you claim, then, WHERE's the BABY? You mean to infer that that HYPOCRITICAL Christianist Bitch And her NO GOOD Mother Bear with Lipstick would be so cynical as to get an ABORTION, and act like no one would notice?...Yep, You're so right on this one, I just vomited up my breakfast. Thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteWe're all going to talk about you anyway, right Bristol? So you might as well dance!? That was Mama Grizzly's advice wasn't it? When DWTS called for your Dad but Mom suggested you take the space as a negligible public figure?
ReplyDeleteSo, was it worth it Bristol? Ginormica? Gristle? Brisket? Was it worth the stress eating or hiding a pregnancy with eyes wide shut to the masses as you (ahem) danced?
You guys want to be 'left alone' if you are not going to be adored, so why do you keep doing this? Making a spectacle of yourself with bizarre and inexplicable weight fluctuations (bizarre only if we didn't know about your successful abstinence history.)
You and mom sure have a laff on us don't you? Flaunting your 'pregnancies' and driving us wild with speculation.
What an odd way to conduct your life.
DeleteBy the way if you want to see my sister's Willow's next step in life after getting her GED diploma from adult education, follow my new trial family, Tripp, Gino and myself, in our new trial marriage on my new tv reality show Lifes A Tripp.
7.12 LOL LOL LOL!!!!! You almost got me!
DeleteIs this why Bristol didn't go on the DWTS finalist tour with the others? MONO leave?
ReplyDeleteIs this what mono looked like when Bristol had it in high school when she disappeared for a few 9 months?
I think it would be a great scientific study to monitor Bristol's kids in 18 years.
ReplyDeleteThe study would monitor Tripp who lived within Sarah Palin's world versus Bristol's DWTS baby that was given away. Also study the DWTS baby's older siblings that were also given away to find out if the criminal Palin lifestyle resides in their genes or was it nurtured in their environment.
The study would include to see if the babies that were given away to families with parents that do care about their children's welfare and has real family values were able to raise educated kids who do not constantly get into trouble with the law or get pregnant.
It would just blow out minds to find out that high school dropout-GED educated Pimp Tripp walks around with used condoms wrapped in face cloths in his pockets while the other kids grew up with other families went to college and had successful careers instead of trying to get reality tv shows or follow Todd's pimping career.
Of course she wouldn't lose weight. She didn't dance. She posed, and Mark dragged her around, while her mothers bots voted, and voted, one bragged over 800 times. They changed the rules after that ginned up count for Bristol to get 3rd place.
ReplyDeleteShe was lousy.
Hey Bristol did you see "Live! With Kelly" tv show this morning with co-host Jesse Palmer?
ReplyDeleteKelly said people who get chin implants looks like witches.