Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stephen Colbert's take on abstinence only education.

That was brilliant.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    110% O/T
    Sorry but I had to send this to you Gryphen, it deserves a post of its own.
    It will scare the crap out of you. More to read:
    Secret Ceremonies
    No Man Know My History
    One Nation Under Gods

    1. When this, and more of their idiocies, become common knowledge, they'll be even bigger laughingstocks.

      I left a comment at the article: If you have the misfortune to be confronted by a whackadoodle Mormon (excuse the redundancy), just say, "Mountain Meadows." That'll send them off in a flash.

      Remember, the second "m" is silent.

  2. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Bristol has been trying to sell the idea of a TV reality show based on a "Trial Marriage," Bristol and Gino living together before getting married. Now, suddenly something has changed-- Bristol has never lived with Gino (despite the reports of their intimate romance in the tabloids since the end of 2010). In fact, Bristol's mother won't let them even spend the night together. I guess that something happened to that TV show, and Sarah is getting ready to market Bristol as the Abstinence spokesperson for Candies again.

    The states with the highest teen pregnancy rate are the ones where there is no sex education and the focus is on abstinence. It doesn't work. Bristol is probably the best example of how teaching and preaching abstinence really doesn't work.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Isn't there another possibility for Bristol's latest "I am an eternal virgin" story: that Gino has either been unfaithful (or suspected of same), and/or is having second thoughts, getting cold feet, and/or possibly wanting to back out of the relationship? After all, consider the negotiators: do you think Sarah would want the network to give equal pay to both Bristol and Gino? And assuming your answer is 'no', how would THAT inequality of pay affect the so-called 'romance' between Bristol and Gino? There may be more to this story than a mere network rejection.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

      Gino's going nowhere. Once you go whack, there's no going back.

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    it was a classic, I usually forget to look at the words on the side, then I laugh all over again.
    Ms Huffington sure played along with him too!
    a good night in general

  4. If the rest of the Catholic Church was as good at being Catholic as Stephen Colbert, I'd go back to being Catholic again. Not worried that will happen...

  5. A. J. Billings8:17 AM

    Perfectly illustrates what blind idiots some people are about teens, sex, and education.

    For that matter, why not completely segregate the sexes into different schools, so they never see each other?

    VISION is the ultimate gateway to sex, by the way

    To stop any incidental viewing I think that Christian girls should be forced to wear full length Burkas like the Muslim women have to do under the Taliban in Iran, and always have their hair covered too.

    They could also have one way mirrors installed inside their burka so females could see out, but no one could see their eyes, since eyes are gateways too.

    I would also recommend the state police in each state start a special Department of Pregnancy Monitoring so that any females over 10 have gyno inspections, complete with a bar code ID card just like our cars and trucks.

    That way, the Dept of Preg could always know who's having sex, who's expecting, who has a miscarriage, and can follow up with felony convictions as appropriate, unless of course you are a hetero married couple

    Welcome to the Christian Taliban's vision for 'Rill Americuns"

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Why place the burden on the girls only?

      Mandatory vasectomies for all boys at 12 (or younger) that can only be reversed when they show proof of marriage to woman of child-bearing age with intent to create a family.

    2. A. J. Billings1:42 PM

      The burden must be placed mostly on girls because Eve tempted Adam, dontcha know, and also too, there are many references in the bible (all of 'em, any of 'em) that show that women must be quiet, covered, and submissive.

      But the 'rill reason, to quote the sage and erudite Witch of Wasilla is simply

      "Boys will be boys"

  6. Anonymous8:20 AM

    "Abstinence only" doesn't even work in fairy tales. Consider the case of Mary and her son...

  7. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Colbert IS BRILLIANT!!!!

  8. Anonymous8:30 AM

    O/T Oh, this should be good...

    From lavish spending sprees, to shocking sex scandals, have the people running America run amok? Former Gov. Sarah Palin sounds off!

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Will we hear her even mention PIMP DADDY TODD'S SEX TRAFFICKING RING? I expect a very short appearance.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Whoa, there is a hot comment on fox news insider about her topics for tonight.

  9. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Off topic.

    S.J. Komen looking good again! (snark)
    Forced sterilizations, state funded circumcisions, what's not to like?


    Wonkette too trendy and irreverent? Here is where the story started possibly.
    It's a major failure when your charity ends up on this blog.

    The travel summary at wikipedia makes it seem like a place where ALL the right wing board members OF the SJK "Brown Stain the Color Pink" Charity should move. Right now!

    "non-governmental human rights watchdogs, such as IHF, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, as well as United States Department of State and Council of the European Union define Uzbekistan as "an authoritarian state with limited civil rights"[27] and express profound concern about "wide-scale violation of virtually all basic human rights".[28] According to the reports, the most widespread violations are torture, arbitrary arrests, and various restrictions of freedoms: of religion, of speech and press, of free association and assembly.[29] The reports maintain that the violations are most often committed against members of religious organizations, independent journalists, human rights activists and political activists, including members of the banned opposition parties."

  10. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Mitt's big secrets, revealed.

  11. Kids definitely need more than abstinence only education. There are some serious STD's out there, so pregnancy isn't the only worry. My personal opinion is that the best sex education SHOULD come from a child's parents, but too many parents are afraid that if they talk to their kids about sex, then they are going to go out and have sex, or they are just plain chicken. Regardless, teaching our children how to protect themselves, whatever your religious beliefs is too important to screw up. Their health is at stake.

  12. Anonymous9:16 AM

    God broke the mold when he made Colbert and Stewart!

  13. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Note to self: never watch Colbert on tv while treadmill-walking at the gym.


  14. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

    I can't get enough of Colbert and Stwart. Colbert's timing was excellent, but the running comments on the right sidemade my sides achewith la


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